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[ ! ][ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ B ][ C ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ] [ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ][ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ X ][ Y ][ Z ]
Japanese Bichon [ Bichon Frise ]
1-2 Tweet Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
1-800 Trapper [ Services ]
1-800-DEADFLY [ Commercial ]
1.DEKVZ - 1. Deutscher Edelkatzen Züchterverband (Germany) [ Associations ]
101 Dalmations [ Fictional ]
127th Conference of Japanese Society of Veterinary Science, April 2-4, 1999, Azabu University [ Meetings ]
136th Annual AVMA Meeting, July 10-14, 1999, New Orleans, LA [ Meetings ]
1993 NIH Revitalization Act, Appendix F - Applied Toxicological Reserach & Testing Program [ Alternatives ]
1999 Military Veterinary Medicine Seminar & Current Issues Course [ Meetings ]
1MarketSuite Pet Supplies [ Commercial ]
1rstbase Pets [ Metasites ]
1st International Virtual Conference on Infectious Diseases of Animals (USDA National Animal Diseases Center) [ Meetings ]
1st Virtual Pathology Seminar (PathIT Pathology Online) [ Meetings ]
2000 Dog Names [ Fun ]
21st Century Dog Breeder [ Directories ]
2nd Congreso Nacional de AEVEDI y 1st Jornadas Científicas de Encuentro Internacional Diagnóstico - Tratamiento por Imag [ Meetings ]
2nd FAO Electronic Conference on Veterinary Services [ Meetings ]
2nd International Conference on Transgenic Animals, Beiing, China, October 26-29, 1998 [ Meetings ]
3D Digital Map of Rat Anatomy (UCLA) [ Science ]
3M Animal Care Products [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
3R Foundation [ Foundations ]
3R Foundation [ Alternatives ]
3rd International Conference on Epidemiology and Control of Salmonella in Pork [ Meetings ]
3rd World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences, August 29-September 2, 1999, Bologna, Italy [ Meetings ]
3tres3 La Pagina de Cerdos (Spain) [ Metasites ]
4-H Farm (University of California, Irvine) [ Other ] [ Commercial ] [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ] [ Services ]
4th Asia-Pacific Poultry Health Conference [ Meetings ] [ Metasites ]
5-B Quarter Horse Ranch [ Commercial ]
5T Ranch Senepol Cattle [ Commercial ]
8th Report on Carcinogens (USHHS - NTP) [ Oncology ]
@griculture Online [ News ]
@nimal (Brazil) [ Metasites ]
A Breed Apart [ Dogs ]
A Canine Experience [ Training ]
A Century of Radiology (Pennsylvania State University) [ Imaging ]
A Day in the Life of a Mobile Veterinarian [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
A Dog's Best Friend - Canine Behavior [ Training ]
A Dying Sea (Sacramento Bee) [ Marine ]
A Maiden Effort Havanese & Bolognese [ Breeders ]
A Starz Keeshonden [ Breeders ]
A Year in the Life of Vet School [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
A&D Weighing [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
A&J Ranch [ Services ]
A.A Animal Supply [ Pet Products ]
A.J. Buck & Son Veterinary Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
A.W. McNicoll, DVM (Lima, OH) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
A2LA - American Association for Laboratory Accreditation [ Clinical Pathology ]
AAA - American Angus Association [ Cows ]
AAA Wildlife Control Ltd [ Services ]
AAA- American Association of Anatomists [ Anatomy ]
AAAAI - American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology [ Immunology ]
AAABG - Association for the Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Inc. [ Genetics ]
AAALAC International - Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care [ Comparative Medicine ]
AAAP - American Association of Avian Pathologists [ Birds ]
AAAS - American Academy of Arts and Sciences [ Biology ]
AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science [ Research ]
AABP - American Association of Bovine Practitioners [ Cows ]
AABP Job and Resume Listing Service [ Jobs ]
AABP-L (American Association of Bovine Practitioners Discussion Group) [ Veterinary ]
AACC - American Association of Cereal Chemists [ Nutrition ]
AACC - American Association of Community Colleges [ Academic ]
Aachenbreed Horse Search Engine [ Metasites ]
AADSoft - Online Index to Computer-based Resources in Dental Education [ Medical ]
AAEM - American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine [ Neuroscience ]
AAEP - American Association of Equine Practitioners [ Horses ]
AAEP Forum [ Health ]
AAEV - American Association of Extension Veterinarians [ Academic ]
AAFC - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada [ Canada ]
AAFCO - Association of American Feed Control Officials [ Nutrition ]
AAFHV - American Association of Food Hygiene Veterinarians [ Public Health ]
AAFHV Position Statements on Food Safety [ Food Safety ]
AAFP - American Academy of Family Physicians [ Human ]
AAFP - American Association of Feline Practitioners [ Cats ]
AAHA - American Animal Hospital Association [ Practice Management ]
AAHA Hospital Locator [ US ]
AAHA Pet First Aid Tips and Treatment [ Health ]
AAHA Veterinary Management Institute [ United States ]
AAHC - Australian Animal Health Council [ Australia ]
AAI - American Association of Immunologists [ Immunology ]
AAIE - Association of Applied Insect Ecologists [ Invertebrates ]
AALAS - American Association for Laboratory Animal Science [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Appalachian Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - District 5 [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Kentucky Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Louisiana Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Minnesota Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - National Capital Area Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Orange County Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Research Triangle Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS - Upstate NY Branch [ Comparative Medicine ]
AALAS Laboratory Animal Science Master Calendar [ Meetings ]
Aalborg University Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction [ Biomedical Research ]
AAMC - Association of American Medical Colleges [ Human ]
AAMC Computers in Medical Education Special Interest Group [ Medical Informatics ]
AAMC Medical Informatics Objectives [ Medical Informatics ]
AAMT- American Association for Medical Transcription [ Informatics ]
AAOBPPH - American Association of Owners & Breeders of Peruvian Paso Horses [ Horses ]
AAPHV - American Association of Public Health Veterinarians [ Epidemiology ]
AAPS - American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists [ Pharmacology ]
AARC - Alternative Agricultural Research & Commercialization [ Miscellaneous ]
Aardvark Pet [ Pet Products ]
Aardvark Veterinary Clinic (London) [ UK ]
AASCU - American Association of State Colleges & Universities [ Academic ]
AASP - American Association of Swine Practitioners [ Pigs ]
AASRP - American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners Home Page [ Small Ruminants ]
Aatuk Siberians [ Breeders ]
AAU - Association of American Universities [ Academic ]
AAV - Association of Avian Veterinarians [ Birds ]
AAV - Association of Avian Veterinarians - Australian Committee [ Birds ]
AAVA - American Association of Veterinary Anatomists [ Anatomy ]
AAVC - American Association of Veterinary Clinicians [ Veterinary Student ]
AAVC Internship Matching Program [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
AAVCB - Australian Association of Veterinary Conservation Biologists [ Wildlife ]
AAVDI - Australasian Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging [ Radiology ]
AAVI - American Association of Veterinary Immunologists [ Immunology ]
AAVI - American Academy of Veterinary Informatics [ Informatics ]
AAVLD - American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians [ Pathology ]
AAVMC - American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges [ Academic ]
AAVMC Events Calendar [ Meetings ]
AAVP - American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists [ Parasitology ]
AAVPT - American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics [ Pharmacology ]
AAVSB - American Association of Veterinary State Boards [ Veterinary Boards ]
AAVSB Directory of License Requirements [ Veterinary Boards ]
AAVSB Registry of Approved Continuing Education [ Meetings ]
AAWTS - American Association of Working Trial Societies [ Dogs ]
AAWV - American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians [ Wildlife ]
AAWV Newsletter [ Wildlife ]
AAZK - American Association of Zoo Keepers [ Zoo Animal ]
AAZV - American Association of Zoo Veterinarians [ Zoo Animal ]
AB Technology Embryo Transfer [ Theriogenology ]
ABA - American Beefalo Association [ Cows ]
ABA - Association for Behavior Analysis [ Animal Behavior ]
ABA - Australian Biotechnology Association [ Biotechnology ]
ABA - Ayrshire Breeders Association [ Cows ]
ABANA - Artist-Blacksmith's Assocation of North America [ Horses ]
ABARE - Australian Bureau of Agricultural & Resource Economics [ Australia ]
Abaxis VetScan Blood Chemistry Analyzer [ Clinical Pathology ]
ABB - Associaçao Brasileira de Buiatria [ Cows ]
Abbeyvet Export Ltd (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Abbeywood Publishing [ Publishers ]
Abbott Laboratories [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Abby's Keeper's Page [ Husbandry ]
ABC of Medical Computing [ Publications ]
ABC Veterinary Hospitals (San Diego County, CA) [ California ]
Abell Pest Control, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Aberdeen Bestiary [ Fictional ]
Aberdeen Livestock - Thorpe Auction [ Commercial ]
ABGA - American Boer Goat Association [ Small Ruminants ]
ABHES - Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools [ Academic ]
ABIH - American Board of Industrial Hygiene [ Safety ]
Abilene Equine Care, PC (Abilene, TX) [ Texas ]
Abilene Zoo [ US ]
ABKA - American Boarding Kennels Association [ Practice Management ]
ABL- NCI Basic Research Program [ Divisions ]
ABLE - Association for Biology Laboratory Education [ Biology ]
ABNET (Abalone Mailing List) [ Animal ]
ABNET Abalone Network [ Gastropods ]
Aboistop Anti-Barking Collar [ Training ]
About Birds [ Products ]
About Octopi [ Cephalopods ] Veterinary Medicine [ US ]
AboutWork [ Jobs ]
Abrams Veterinary Consulting [ Consultants ]
ABRAVAS - Associaçao Brasileira de Veterinários de Animais Selvagens [ Wildlife ]
ABRAVAS-L (Brazilian Veterinary Wildlife Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
ABS - Animal Behavior Society [ Animal Behavior ]
ABS Education Page [ Animal Behavior ]
ABS Global, Inc. - American Breeders Service [ Theriogenology ]
ABSA - American Biological Safety Association [ Safety ]
ABSearch Natural Resource Databases [ Literature Search ]
AbSide Guia Veterinaria (Spain) [ International ]
ABSNET (Animal Behaviour Society Newsletter) [ Veterinary ]
Absolute X-Ray Solutions [ Imaging ]
Absorbine Grooming [ Products ]
ABVP - American Board of Veterinary Practitioners [ Small Animal ]
ABVP - American Board of Veterinary Practitioners [ Horses ]
ABVP - American Board of Veterinary Practitioners [ Large Animal ]
ABVT - American Board of Veterinary Toxicology [ Toxicology ]
ABYman's Cathouse [ Metasites ]
AC - Animal Care [ Divisions ]
AC Instrumentation, Inc. [ Physiology ]
ACA - American College of Apothecaries [ Pharmacology ]
Acacia Animal Hospital (Escondido, CA) [ California ]
Acacia Pet Clinic (San Jose, CA) [ California ]
Academia Worldwide Register [ International ]
Academic Physician & Scientist [ Jobs ]
Academic Press [ Publishers ]
Academic Technology Center Image Server (Ohio State University CVM) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Acadia University Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
ACAHF - Australian Companion Animal Health Foundation [ Foundations ]
Accelerated Genetics [ Commercial ]
Access Excellence (Genentech) [ Science ]
Access Technologies [ Surgery ]
ACCP - American College of Clinical Pharmacy [ Pharmacology ]
Accurate Chemical & Scientific Corporation [ Biotechnology ]
Accurate Surgical and Scientific Instruments Corporation [ Surgery ]
AccuVet Laser [ Surgery ]
Ace Animals, Inc [ Comparative Medicine ]
ACES Animal Care Equipment & Services, Inc. [ Animal Control ]
ACFA - Alberta Cattle Feeders' Association [ Cows ]
ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists [ Safety ]
Aciro Dobermans [ Breeders ]
Ackermann Instrumente [ Surgery ]
ACLAD - American Committee on Laboratory Animal Diseases [ Comparative Medicine ]
ACLAM - American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine [ Comparative Medicine ]
ACLAM Adequate Veterinary Care Guidelines [ United States ]
ACLS Simulator [ Simulations ]
ACLS-Net [ Emergency ]
ACM - Association for Computing Machinery [ Informatics ]
ACM SIG CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems [ Computer Aided Learning ]
ACME Ferret Company [ Commercial ]
ACME Pet Chat [ Chats ]
AcmePet [ Metasites ]
ACN - Aquatic Conservation Network [ Fish ]
ACOR - Association of Cancer Online Resources [ Human ]
Acorn Naturalists [ Conservation ]
Acorn Naturalists Animal Sounds Quiz [ Wildlife ]
Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) [ Marine ]
Acoustical Society of America [ Other ]
ACP-ASIM Computers in Medicine [ Medical Informatics ]
AcqWeb's Directory of Publishers and Vendors [ Publishers ]
ACRL - Association of College & Research Libraries [ Library ]
Acronyms for Health Information Resources [ National & International ]
ACS - American Cancer Society [ Foundations ]
ACS - American Cetacean Society [ Marine Mammals ]
ACS - American Cockatiel Society [ Birds ]
ACSH - American Council on Science and Health [ Nutrition ]
ACSMA - American Canine Sports Medicine Association [ Dogs ]
ACT - American College of Theriogenologists [ Theriogenology ]
Acta Anatomica [ Research ]
Acta Cytologica [ Research ]
Acta Medica Veterinaria [ Journals ]
Acta Veterinaria Hungarica [ Journals ]
Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica [ Journals ]
Actinomycetes-Streptomyces Internet Resource Center [ Mycology ]
Action Cat Postcards [ Fun ]
Activists of Delaware Valley Animal Network [ Animal Rights ]
ACUBE - Association of College & University Biology Educators [ Biology ] [ Alternative Medicine ]
ACVA - American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologists [ Anesthesiology ]
ACVCP - American College of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology [ Pharmacology ]
ACVIM - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Oncology ]
ACVIM - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Cardiology ]
ACVIM - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Neuroscience ]
ACVIM - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Small Animal ]
ACVIM - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Large Animal ]
ACVIM - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Horses ]
ACVIM Forum [ Meetings ]
ACVM - American College of Veterinary Microbiologists [ Microbiology ]
ACVO - American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists [ Ophthalmology ]
ACVP - American College of Veterinary Pathologists [ Pathology ]
ACVPM - American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine [ Epidemiology ]
ACVR - American College of Veterinary Radiology [ Radiology ]
ACVS - American College of Veterinary Surgeons [ Surgery ]
ADA - American Dental Association [ Human ]
ADA - American Dietetic Association [ Nutrition ]
ADAA - Animal Drug Availability Act [ United States ]
Adam Pet Clinic (San Jose, CA) [ California ]
Adam's Fox Box [ Fox ]
Adams Associates Parrot Phernalia [ Products ]
Adams Mill Veterinary Hospital (Great Falls, VA) [ Virginia ]
Adaptive Behavior [ Research ]
ADCA - American Dexter Cattle Association [ Cows ]
Addison Wesley Longman [ Publications ]
ADDS - Agricultural Databases for Decision Support (USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service) [ Databases ]
Adequan (Luitpold Pharmaceuticals) [ Commercial Products ]
ADFF - Australian Dairy Farmers' Federation [ Cows ]
ADGA - American Dairy Goat Association [ Small Ruminants ]
ADGPA - American Dairy Goat Products Association [ Small Ruminants ]
Adis International Drug Newsletter [ Research ]
Adlaser Laser Equipment [ Alternative Medicine ]
Adler Stein German Shepherds [ Breeders ]
ADM Canadian Dairy Production [ Commercial ]
ADMS - American Donkey & Mule Society [ Horses ]
ADOA - American Dog Owners Association [ Dogs ]
ADogNet [ Metasites ]
Adolfsbergs Cattery [ Commercial ]
Adopt a Bird For AFA [ Conservation ]
Adopt a Greyhound [ Humane Societies ]
Adopt-A-Greyhound of Central Canada [ Humane Societies ]
Adopt-a-Pet (Animal Welfare League of Virginia) [ Humane Societies ]
Adopt-a-Pet (Western Michigan) [ Humane Societies ]
Adore-a-Pet Products [ Commercial ]
ADSA - American Dairy Science Association [ Cows ]
ADSBS - American Dorper Sheep Breeders' Society [ Small Ruminants ]
Advanced Genetic Analysis Center (University of Minnesota) [ Genetics ]
Advanced Monitors Corp. Vet-Temp Ear Thermometer [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Advanced Technology Corporation VetStar [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Advanced Technology Corporation VetStar [ Lab Animal Management ]
Advanced Tissue Sciences [ Dermatology ]
Advanced Veterinary Life Support [ Emergency ]
Advanced Veterinary Services - Ranch Vision [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Advances in Small Animal Medicine and Surgery [ Journals ]
Advancing Refinement of Laboratory Animal Use (PDF) [ Alternatives ]
Advanstar Communications [ Publishers ]
Advantage (Bayer) [ Commercial Products ]
Advantage Medical Electromyography Equipment [ Physiology ]
Adventure of Fishing & Hunting in Iceland [ Sport ]
Adventures of Quitsie Dog [ Dachshund ]
Adverse Drug Experiences (FDA) [ Pharmacology ]
Advice on Pet Dental Care [ Dentistry ]
Advice on Research & Writing in Computer Science [ Publications ]
AEB - American Egg Board [ Birds ]
AEEVTPLF - Association des établissements francophones d'enseignement supérieur vétérinaire totalement oupartiellement de langue française [ Academic ]
Aequus Veterinary Service (Park City, UT) [ Utah ]
AES - American Elasmobranch Society [ Fish ]
AET - Asociación Española de Toxicología (Spain) [ Toxicology ]
AEVA - Australian Equine Veterinary Association [ Horses ]
AEVEDI - Asociación Española de Veterinarios Especialistas en Diagnóstico por Imagen [ Radiology ]
AFA - American Farriers Association [ Horses ]
AFA - American Federation of Aviculture [ Birds ]
AFA - American Ferret Association [ Ferrets ]
AFDO - Association of Food and Drug Officials [ Nutrition ]
AFDO - Association of Food and Drug Officials [ Pharmacology ]
AFEEE - Association Francophone pour l'Éthologie, l'Écologie et l'Évolution [ Biology ]
Afferent Projections to the Rat Locus Coeruleus [ Science ]
Affinity Bioreagents, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Affordable Software Veterinary Diagnostic Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Afghan Hound Club of America [ Afghan ]
Afghan Hound Database & Information Exchange [ Afghan ]
AFIA - American Feed Industry Association [ Nutrition ]
AFIP - Armed Forces Institute of Pathology [ Pathology ]
AFIP Atlas of Tumor Pathology Electronic Fascicles [ Pathology ]
AFIP Department of Telepathology [ Telemedicine ]
AFMR - American Federation For Medical Research [ Research ]
AFN - Association Française de Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
AFO - Association of Field Ornithologists [ Birds ]
Africam [ Wildlife ]
African Ape Study Sites [ Pongidae ]
African Bird Club [ Birding ]
African Bullfrog Care & Information Sheet [ Frogs & Toads ]
African Clawed Frog Facts [ Frogs & Toads ]
African Lion (SeaWorld-Busch Gardens) [ Felidae ]
African Lion Safari Online [ Felidae ]
African Primates at Home [ Images ]
African Small Mammal Newsletter [ Wildlife ]
African Wildlife Foundation [ Conservation ]
African Wildlife Pictures [ Wildlife ]
African Wildlife Preservation Trust [ Conservation ]
African Wildlife Update [ Wildlife ]
AFRMA - American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association [ Rodents ]
AFRRI - Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute [ Divisions ]
AFS - American Fisheries Society [ Fish ]
AG - Association for Gnotobiotics [ Comparative Medicine ]
Ag Biotechnology Patents and New Technologies [ Biotechnology ]
Ag Biotechnology Patents and New Technologies [ Other ]
Ag Center [ Metasites ]
Ag Innovator [ Agricultural ]
Ag-Tek Veterinary Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
agAccess Farming and Agriculture Books [ Books ]
Against Animal Cruelty in Asia [ Animal Welfare ]
AgBioForum [ Agricultural ]
AgBiotechNet [ Genetics ]
AgCAL - Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, Seminars Calendar [ Meetings ]
AgCast Network [ News ]
Agcentral [ Metasites ]
AgDay Television [ Video ]
AgDB Agriculture-Related Database Directory [ Metasites ]
AGDG (Animal Geneticists Discussion Group) [ Veterinary ]
AgDirect [ Commercial ]
Age D'or Chemicals (Malaysia) [ Distributors ]
AgEBB - Agricultural Electronic Bulletin Board [ Other ]
AGEN Medical and Veterinary Diagnostics [ Immunology ]
Agfa Medical Imaging Systems [ Imaging ]
AGILITY (Dog Agility Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Agility UK [ Sport ]
AgInfo Meat Industry (Australia) [ Beef Cattle ]
AgInfoNet [ News ]
Aging Research Centre [ Physiology ]
AGIS - Agricultural Genome Information System [ Genome ]
AGLAW Legal Issues in Agriculture [ Agricultural ]
Agmart Online Web Page Development [ Www ]
Agnet UK [ Metasites ]
AgNews (Texas A&M University) [ Agricultural ]
AgNIC - Agriculture Network Information Center [ Other ]
AgNIC Animal Science Meetings & Events [ Meetings ]
AgNIC Animal Science Page [ Metasites ]
Agouron Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Agouti Abyssinians [ Abyssinians ]
AGPRO Software, Inc. [ Agricultural ]
AGR - Animal Genetic Resource [ Divisions ]
Agra Placements [ Jobs ]
Agralin (Netherlands) [ Metasites ]
Agraquest Pesticide Company [ Commercial ]
Agrarforschung - Journal of Swiss Agricultural Research [ Agricultural ]
Agri Byte Ostrich Management Software [ Bird ]
Agri-Alternatives [ Agricultural ]
Agri-Alternatives Farm Management Software Discussion Group [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ]
Agri-Data Systems Formulation & Management Software [ Agricultural ]
Agri-Eurodic Database (Finland) [ Literature Search ]
Agri-Info Books, Videos, CD-Roms [ Distributors ]
Agri-InfoLink [ Metasites ]
Agri-Risk Services Horse Insurance [ Pet Insurance ]
Agri-Sales Associates [ Distributors ]
Agri-Tec Odor Control & Waste Management [ Alternative Medicine ]
Agri-ville Online Farm Community [ Metasites ]
Agria Djurförsäkringar (Sweden) [ International ]
AgriBiz [ Metasites ]
AgriBiz Agricultural Mailing Lists [ Animal Mailing Lists ]
Agribusiness, Food Industry & Forest Industry Associations on the Internet (USDA-NAL) [ Agriculture ]
AgriCarta [ Metasites ]
Agricola (COS) [ Literature Search ]
Agricola (NAL) [ Literature Search ]
Agricola Subject Category Codes [ Literature Search ]
AgriCom Network (Canada) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Agricomm [ Metasites ]
Agricultural Biotechnology Center (Hungary) [ International ]
Agricultural Law (Cornell Legal Information Institute) [ United States ]
Agricultural Law Press [ Publishers ]
Agricultural Marketing Act [ United States ]
Agricultural Research Centre (Finland) [ International ]
Agricultural Research Magazine [ Agricultural ]
Agricultural Slide Collection (Texas A&M University) [ General ]
Agricultural, Farm & Rural Resource Guide [ Metasites ]
Agriculture (US Code, Title 7) [ US Code ]
Agriculture 21 (UN-FAO) [ Metasites ]
Agriculture and Human Values [ Agricultural ]
Agriculture Industries, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Agriculture Mailing Lists [ Veterinary ]
Agriculture Web Ring [ Metasites ]
Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society [ Green ]
AgriGator [ Metasites ]
AgriLaunch [ Metasites ]
Agrilink (South Africa) [ Other ]
Agrilink UK [ Metasites ]
AgriNet [ Metasites ]
Agrinet International [ Metasites ]
AgriOne Internet Agricultural Marketing Company [ Commercial ]
AgriOne Internet Pork Catalog [ Commercial ]
Agripedia [ Metasites ]
AgriPlus (Netherlands) [ Metasites ]
AgriSoft Information Management Software [ Agricultural ]
AgriSurfer [ Agricultural ]
Agritour New Zealand [ Commercial ]
AgriWeb (Canada) [ Metasites ]
Agronet (Finland) [ Metasites ]
Agropharm Limited [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
AgroSoft WinPig [ Pig ]
AgroVétoContact (France) [ International ]
AgroWeb Dairy Cattle Genetics [ Genetics ]
Agscape [ Metasites ]
AgSource Cooperative Resources International [ Agricultural ]
AgSpan Newsletter (Purdue University) [ Agricultural ]
AGTOA - American Greyhound Track Operators Association [ Dogs ]
AGVA - Australian Greyhound Veterinary Association [ Dogs ]
Agway Scoop Clumpling Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Agway, Inc. [ Commercial ] [ Agricultural ]
AgWorld [ Metasites ]
AHA - American Heart Association [ Cardiology ]
AHA - American Hereford Association [ Cows ]
AHA - American Hospital Association [ Human ]
AHAA - Andalusian Horse Association of Australasia [ Horses ]
AHC - American Horse Council [ Horses ]
AHDA - Animal Health Distributors Association [ Pharmacology ]
AHEAD - Animal Health_Emerging Animal Diseases [ Epidemiology ]
AHI - Animal Health Institute [ Pharmacology ]
AHIMA - American Health Information Management Association [ Informatics ]
AHIS - Animal Health Information Specialists (UK & Ireland) [ Library ]
AHS - American Heartworm Society [ Parasitology ]
Ahungalla Animal Park (Sri Lanka) [ International ]
AHVMA - American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association [ Alternative Medicine ]
AI in Agriculture and Natural Resources (MichiganState University) [ Artificial Intelligence ]
AIA - Associazione Italiana Allevatori [ Large Animal ]
AIB - American Institute of Baking [ Nutrition ]
AIBS - American Institute of Biological Sciences [ Biology ]
AICE - Meat Processing Industries of Spain [ Cows ]
AIF - Animal Industry Foundation [ Agriculture ]
AIFA - American Feed Industry Association [ Nutrition ]
AIFRB - American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists [ Fish ]
Aigner Briards [ Breeders ]
AIHA - American Industrial Hygiene Association [ Safety ]
AIIP - Association of Independent Information Professionals [ Informatics ]
AIM - Animal Information Management [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
AIMBE - American Institute For Medical and Biological Engineering [ Safety ]
AIPL - Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Air Animal [ Animal Transport ]
Air Animal Pet Moving Services [ Animal Transport ]
Air Control Products Co. Air Moving Equipment [ Construction ]
Air Control, Inc. [ Safety ]
Air Force Chimpanzee Divestiture [ Pongidae ]
Air-Tite Products Co., Inc. Syringes [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Airedale Terrier - A Working Breed [ Airedale Terrier ]
Airedale Web Ring [ Airedale Terrier ]
AIRI - Association of Independent Research Institutes [ Research ]
Airo Clean, Inc. Cleanrooms [ Safety ]
AirSep Corporation Oxygen Concentrator and Generator Manufacturers [ Surgery ]
AJCA - American Jersey Cattle Association [ Cows ]
Akbash Dog Homepage [ Akbash ]
Akbash Dogs International Rescue Service [ Rescue Groups ]
AKC - American Kennel Club [ Dogs ]
AKC Canine Health Foundation [ Foundations ]
AKC Match Regulations [ Shows ]
AKG - Arbeitskreis Grosstierpraxis (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) [ Large Animal ]
Akiba Australian Terriers [ Breeders ]
Akita Inus FAQ [ Akita ]
Akita University School of Medicine Experimental Animal Facility (Japan) [ International ]
Akita Web Ring [ Akita ]
AKITA-L (Akita Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Aklavik Kennels Alaskan Malamutes [ Breeders ]
Akvaforsk Institute of Aquaculture Research (Norway) [ International ]
AKVO - Arbeitskreis-Veterinär-Ophthalmologie [ Ophthalmology ]
ALA - American Library Association [ Library ]
Alabama Cooperative Extension System [ Departments ]
Alabama Department of Agriculture & Industries [ Agriculture ]
Alabama Game & Fish Division [ Fish & Game ]
Alabama Research & Development Tissue Slicer [ Pathology ]
Alabama State Board of Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Boards ]
Alameda East Veterinary Hospital (Denver, CO) [ Colorado ]
Alan M. Fudge, DVM, Dipl. ABVP (Avian Practice) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Alaska Bird Observatory [ Birding ]
Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners [ Veterinary Boards ]
Alaska Department of Fish and Game [ Fish & Game ]
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Virtual Gallery [ Wildlife ]
Alaska Dog Mushers' Association [ Sport ]
Alaska Raptor Rehabilitation Center [ Conservation ]
Alaska Search & Rescue Dogs [ Other ]
Alaska Statutes AS 03.25. Veterinarians [ United States ]
Alaska Zoo [ US ]
Alaska's Iditarod Sled Dog Race [ Sport ]
Alaskan Cloudbuster Catnip Pillows [ Products ]
Albert Heim Foundation for Canine Research [ Foundations ]
Alberta Agriculture Weekly Market Commentary [ Other ]
Alberta Birds of Prey Centre [ Raptors ]
Alberta Cattle Feeders Association [ Beef Cattle ]
Alberta Equine On-Line [ Other ]
Alberta Ostrich Breeders Association [ Ratites ]
Alberta Pig Industry [ Production & Industry ]
Alberta Research Council [ Foundations ]
Alberta Wild Boar [ Breeds ]
Alberta's At-Risk Wildlife [ Endangered Species ]
Alberta's Endangered Species [ Conservation ]
Alberts Equine Dental Supplies [ Dentistry ]
Albuquerque Animal Rescue (Albuquerque, NM) [ Rescue Groups ]
Alcala Pet Care (San Diego, CA) [ Pet Services ]
Alces (Moose Biology & Management Journal) [ Wildlife ]
Alconox Detergents, Cleaning Supplies & Equipment [ Disinfectants ]
Alderbrook Pet Hospital (Santa Rosa, CA) [ California ]
AlerCHEK, Inc. Allergy Diagnostic Tests [ Immunology ]
Alex's OutDoor LinXs [ Hunting ]
Alex's OutDoor LinXs [ Sport ]
ALF - Agricultural Library Forum (USDA-NAL) [ Veterinary ]
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation [ Foundations ]
Ali Baba Harem Cattery [ Commercial ]
ALI Technologies [ Telemedicine ]
ALIS-VET InformaVet [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
ALIVE (Japan) [ Animal Rights ]
ALIVE-L (Australasian Liaison in Interactive Veterinary Education) [ Veterinary ]
Alko Diagnostic Corporation Blood Gases & ISE [ Clinical Pathology ]
All About Axolotls [ Salamanders & Newts ]
All About Barnacles [ Crustacea ]
All About Border Collies [ Border Collie ]
All About Cats [ Pets ]
All About Deer [ Deer ]
All About Dogs [ Training ]
All About Dogs [ Metasites ]
All About Moose [ Moose ]
All About Pets Animal Care (Union City, CA) [ California ]
All Breeds Grooming [ Services ]
All Creatures Animal Caring Society (San Rafael, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
All Creatures Animal Hospital (Amelia, OH) [ Ohio ]
All Creatures Great and Small [ Books ]
All Creatures Veterinary Care (La Quinta, CA) [ California ]
All Creatures Veterinary Clinic (Helena, AL) [ Alabama ]
All For Animals [ Animal Rights ]
All Outdoors [ Sport ]
All Pets Dental [ Dentistry ]
All Pets Dental Clinic (Pembroke Pines, FL) [ Florida ]
All the Virology Servers on the WWW [ Infectious Diseases ]
All Things Ferrety Web Ring [ Metasites ]
All Things Fish [ Metasites ]
All Things Horses Video [ Products ]
All-Care Animal Referral Center (Fountain Valley, CA) [ California ]
All-Glass Aquarium [ Commercial ] [ General Career Resources ]
ALLDOGS-L Mailing List [ Animal ]
Allegro Siberian Huskies [ Breeders ]
Allen Press, Inc. [ Journals ]
Allen Shoen, DVM (GCC Center for Integrative Animal Health) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Allen's Veterinary Wholesale Supply [ Distributors ]
Allentown Caging Equipment Company, Inc. [ Caging ]
Allerderm Laboratories, Inc. [ Dermatology ]
Allergy and Asthma Management Disease Center [ Immunology ]
Allerpet, Inc. Allergey Information Site [ Immunology ]
Allevemete On Line [ Cats ]
AllFlex USA, Inc. Electronic ID [ Animal Identification ] Scrubs and Medical Uniforms [ Apparel ]
Alliance Medical Equipment [ Safety ]
Alligator Home Page [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Alligator Production Review (University of Florida) [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Allpets Clinic (Denver - Boulder, CO) [ Colorado ]
AllPets.Com [ Metasites ]
Almapharm (Germany) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
ALMVFS - Associaçao Latino Americana de Animais Selvagens [ Wildlife ]
Aloha Pet & Bird Hospital (Indian Harbour Beach, FL) [ Florida ]
ALOT Angus Association [ Cows ]
ALOT Angus Association Page O'AgLinks [ Metasites ]
ALOT Herd Health and Veterinary Links [ Health ]
Alouette Animal Hospital (Maple Ridge, British Columbia) [ Canada ]
ALPACA Chronicles (Alpaca Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Alpaca Registry, Inc. [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
AlpacaNet [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
Alpacas - Just the Facts [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
Alpacas Magazine [ Small Ruminants ]
Alpha Beta Technology [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Alpha Psi Veterinary Fraternity, Alpha Chapter (Ohio State University CVM) [ Veterinary Student ]
Alpha Psi Veterinary Fraternity, Pi Chapter (Virginia - Maryland CVM) [ Veterinary Student ]
Alpha Psi Veterinary Fraternity, Sigma Chapter (University of Tennessee CVM) [ Veterinary Student ]
Alpha Source [ Imaging ]
Alpha Veterinary Hospital (Sellersville, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Alpharma Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Alpine Haus Goat - Farm Books [ Commercial ]
ALSA - Alpaca and Llama Show Association [ Small Ruminants ]
alt.agriculture.beef [ Usenet ]
alt.agriculture.misc [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.badgers [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.badgers [ Badger ]
alt.animals.bears [ Ursidae ]
alt.animals.bears [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.dolphins [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.felines [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.felines.diseases [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.felines.lions [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.felines.lynxes [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.felines.snowleopards [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.foxes [ Fox ]
alt.animals.foxes [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.furtrapping [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.horses.breeding [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.horses.icelandic [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.lampreys [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.mules [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.otters [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.ponies [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.raccoons [ Procyonidae ]
alt.animals.racoons [ Usenet ]
alt.animals.whales [ Usenet ]
alt.aquaria [ Usenet ]
alt.aquaria.killies [ Usenet ]
alt.aquaria.marketplace [ Usenet ]
alt.bigfoot [ Usenet ]
alt.bigfoot.research [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.cats [ Usenet ]
alt.chinchilla [ Usenet ]
alt.chinchilla FAQ [ Chinchillas ]
alt.cows.are.nice [ Usenet ]
alt.cows.moo.moo.moo [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.horseback.riding [ Usenet ]
alt.horsecare.basics [ Usenet ]
alt.kill.the.whales [ Usenet ]
alt.lemmings [ Usenet ]
alt.lemmings [ Lemming ] [ Usenet ]
alt.monkey.cute [ Usenet ]
alt.moose.rights [ Usenet ]
alt.mythology.mythic-animals [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.arachnids [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.birds.dutch [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.birds.softbills [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.birds.softbills.crows [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.birds.softbills.starlings [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.ferrets [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.guinea-pigs [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.hamsters [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.hamsters Frequently Asked Questions [ Pets ]
alt.pets.mice [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.parrots.african-grey [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.parrots.jardines [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.prairie-dogs [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.prairie-dogs [ Prairie Dog ]
alt.pets.rabbits [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.rodents [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.skunks [ Skunk ]
alt.pets.skunks [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.sugar-gliders [ Usenet ]
alt.pets.sugar-gliders [ Sugar Glider ] [ Usenet ]
alt.skunks [ Usenet ]
alt.skunks [ Skunk ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.sports.falconry [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
alt.sustainable.agriculture [ Usenet ]
alt.swine.oink.oink.oink [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Fictional ]
alt.wolves [ Wolf ]
alt.wolves [ Usenet ]
AltaGenetics [ Commercial ]
AltaPoint Data Systems Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
AltaVista Careers [ General Career Resources ]
Alternate Solutions Horse & Pet Health Care Products [ Products ]
Alternative & Complementary Veterinary Centers (New York, NY) [ New York ]
Alternative Agriculture News [ Agricultural ]
Alternative Animal Products - The Industry [ Nutrition ]
Alternative Design Caging [ Caging ]
Alternative Medicine [ Alternative Medicine ]
Alternative Medicine for Animals [ Alternative Medicine ]
Alternative Methodologies (Essentials for Animal Research_ A Primer for Research Personnel) [ Alternatives ]
Alternative Therapies for Animals [ Alternative Medicine ]
Alternatives Online [ Alternatives ]
Alternatives to Animal Testing Bibliography [ Literature Search ]
Alternatives to Animal Testing Bibliography (NLM) [ Alternatives ]
Alternatives to the Use of Live Vertebrates in Biomedical Research and Testing [ Alternatives ]
AltVetMed [ Alternative Medicine ]
AltVetMed Book List [ Books ]
Altweb - Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT) [ Alternatives ]
Alzet Osmotic Pumps [ Commercial Products ]
AM Bickford, Inc. Anesthesia Equipment [ Anesthesiology ]
AMA - American Medical Association [ Human ]
AMAA- American Maine Anjou Association [ Cows ]
Amateur Entomologist Butterfly & Moth Collection [ Entomology ]
Amazing Adventures of Bromwyn Bunny [ Fun ]
Amazing Animal Facts [ Humor ]
Amazing Animal Facts [ Fun ]
Amazing Animal Senses [ Fun ]
Amazing Bunny Cam [ Rabbits ]
Amazing Cougar Web Ring [ Felidae ]
Amazing CowCam [ Cows ]
Amazing Ferret-Cam [ Ferrets ]
Amazing Fish Cam [ Fish ]
Amazing Insect Project (Groveland Elementary School) [ Fun ]
Amazing Orcas [ Whales ]
Amazing Prehistoric Dogs [ Fun ]
Amazing Prehistoric Dogs [ Fictional ]
Amazing Reef [ Hobby ] - Veterinary Medicine [ Distributors ]
Amazonia International [ Commercial ]
Amber Computer Solutions, Inc. AutoVet [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Amber Waves Pygmy Goats [ Breeders ]
Ambros Lab (Dartmouth College) [ Nematoda ]
AMDUCA - Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act of 1994 [ United States ]
AMEDDC&S Department of Veterinary Science (Fort Sam Houston, TX) [ United States ]
America's Quarter Horse [ Commercial ]
American Alligator (Busch Gardens) [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
American Alligator (University of Florida) [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
American Alligator (US FWS) [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
American Animal Health, Inc. Autogenous Bacterins [ Biologics ]
American Animal Hospital (Fremont, CA) [ California ]
American Anti-Vivisection Society [ Animal Rights ]
American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
American Bear Association [ Ursidae ]
American Bee Journal [ Invertebrates ]
American Biological Technologies, Inc. Sera [ Biotechnology ]
American Border Collie Network [ Border Collie ]
American Boxer Club [ Boxer ]
American Brussels Griffon Association [ Dogs ]
American Bulldog Association [ Bulldog ]
American Cavy Breeders Association [ Rodents ]
American College of Veterinary Nutrition Dairy Nutrition Module [ Nutrition ]
American Colloid Company Cat Litter [ Cat Litter ]
American Conchologist [ Gastropods ]
American Cowboy Magazine [ Horses ]
American Dog Trainers Network [ Training ]
American Eagle Breeders Co-op [ Products ]
American Equine Classified [ Services ]
American Equinet [ Horses ]
American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association [ Rodents ]
American Fraternal Order of Lizard Lovers [ Lizards ]
American Hairless Terrier [ American Hairless Terrier ]
American Health & Safety [ Safety ]
American Hereford Association Sire Selector [ Beef Cattle ]
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association Directory [ US ]
American Home Products Corporation [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
American Humane Association [ Humane Societies ]
American Humane Education Society [ Animal Welfare ]
American Ingenuity, Inc. Advanced Safety Technology Products [ Commercial ]
American Interactive Healthcare Professionals Survey [ Www ]
American Journal of Pathology [ Research ]
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [ Journals ]
American Kennel Club FAQ [ Directories ]
American King Shepherd Club [ King Shepherd ]
American Kuvasz Association [ Kuvasz ]
American Livestock Magazine [ Agricultural ]
American Livestock Supply Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
American Longevity Colloidal Minerals [ Alternative Medicine ]
American Medical Development Telemedicine Products & Services [ Telemedicine ]
American Medical News [ Research ]
American Miniature Brecknock Hill Cheviot Sheep Breeders Association [ Breeders ]
American Neapolitan Mastiff Association [ Neopolitan Mastiff ]
American Park Network [ Conservation ]
American Pet Association [ Humane Societies ]
American Pit Bull Terrier (Sporting Dog Online) [ American Pit Bull Terrier ]
American Pit Bull Terrier FAQ [ American Pit Bull Terrier ]
American Pitvipers [ Snakes ]
American Pointer Club, Inc. [ Pointer ]
American Pomeranian Club Breed Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
American Psychological Association Monitor [ Research ]
American Qualex Antibodies [ Biotechnology ]
American Radiolabeled Chemicals, Inc. [ Imaging ]
American Red Cross [ Disaster ]
American Rottweiler Club [ Rottweiler ]
American Scientist [ Research ]
American Shetland Sheepdog Association [ Shetland Sheepdog ]
American Society for Microbiology Journals [ Research ]
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [ Humane Societies ]
American Society of Primatology Meetings [ Meetings ]
American Telemedicine Association [ Telemedicine ]
American Tortoise Rescue [ Turtles ]
American Ultraviolet Company [ Microbiology ]
American Ultraviolet Company [ Safety ]
American Vaulting Association [ Sport ]
American Veterinary Hospital (Simi Valley, CA) [ California ]
American Veterinary Laboratories [ Clinical Pathology ]
American Veterinary Supply Corp. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
American West Quality Birdhouses [ Products ]
American Whippet Club [ Whippet ]
Amersham Pharmacia Biotech [ Genetics ]
Ames Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Amgen, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
AMHA - American Miniature Horse Association [ Horses ]
AMHA - American Morgan Horse Association [ Horses ]
AMI - American Meat Institute [ Small Ruminants ]
AMI - American Meat Institute [ Birds ]
AMI - American Meat Institute [ Cows ]
AMI - American Meat Institute [ Pigs ]
AMIA - American Medical Informatics Association [ Informatics ]
AMIA Internet Working Group [ Informatics ]
Amicas Web-Intranet Image Software [ Images & Clipart ]
Amivet, Ltd. (Bucharest, Romania) [ Romania ]
Ammonia Hold Consumer Products [ Cat Litter ]
AMMPA - Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks & Aquariums [ Fish ]
AMMVEPE - Asociación Mexicana de Médicos Veterinarios especialistas en Pequeñas Especies [ Small Animal ]
AMOUR - Alternative Medicine Our Undeniable Right [ Alternative Medicine ]
AMP - Americans for Medical Progress [ Comparative Medicine ]
AMP - Association for Molecular Pathology [ Pathology ]
AMPCO Dental Equipment [ Dentistry ]
Amphibian and Reptile Images [ Amphibian ]
Amphibian Embryology Tutorial (University of Wisconsin) [ Science ]
Amphibian Information Database [ Health ]
Amphibian Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Amphibian Sources (Notes) [ Science ]
AMPHIBIANDECLINE (Amphibian Decline Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Amphibians [ Science ]
Amphibians - Guidelines for Breeding Care and Management (NAS) [ Science ]
AMRC - Association of Medical Research Charities (UK) [ Research ]
AMS - Agricultural Marketing Service [ Ams ]
AMS - Australian Mammal Society [ Wildlife ]
AMS Genetics, Inc. [ Commercial ]
AMSA - American Meat Science Association [ Nutrition ]
AMVQ - Academie de Medecine Veterinaire du Quebec (Canada) [ National & International ]
Amylin Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Anabat File Analysis [ Chiroptera ]
Anaesthesia [ Research ]
Anaesthesia & Understanding the Avian Respiratory System [ Anesthesiology ]
Anaesthesia of Rats [ Anesthesiology ]
Anaesthesia of Rats CD-Rom [ Anesthesiology ]
ANAFI - Italian Holstein-Friesian Association [ Cows ]
Analogic [ Imaging ]
Analtech, Inc. Thin Layer Chromatography [ Biotechnology ]
Anatolian Shepherd Dog Web Ring [ Anatolian Shepherd ]
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs International [ Anatolian Shepherd ]
Anatomia Histologia Embryologia [ Journals ]
Anatomy in Veterinary Medicine (German) [ Anatomy ]
Anatomy of Pain [ Biomedical Research ]
Anatomy Tutorials (University of Newcastle Upon Tyne) [ Human ]
Anawa Biomedical Services & Products [ Biotechnology ]
ANBP - Association of Natural Biocontrol Producers [ Invertebrates ]
Anchorage Animal Hospital (Anchorage, AK) [ Alaska ]
Anders Mad Scientist Page [ Humor ]
Anderson & Hawken Veterinary Surgeons (Hong Kong, China) [ China ]
Anderson Unicom Group, Inc. [ General Supplies ]
Andiescats Siamese & Oriental Connection [ Commercial ]
Andis Animal Grooming Products [ Pet Products ]
Andis Co. Electric Grooming Clippers [ Pet Products ]
Andover Coated Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Andrews University (MI) [ United States ]
Androcles Veterinary Surgical Products [ Surgery ]
Andromeda's Animal Rights Page [ Animal Rights ]
ANEMBE - Asociación de Veterinarios Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de Espana [ Cows ]
ANESCO Veterinary Anesthesia Equipment [ Anesthesiology ]
Anesthesia & Analgesia for Companion and Lab Animals (AWIC QB 95-12) [ Anesthesiology ]
Anesthesia Course for Veterinary Technicians (VetNetwork) [ Anesthesiology ]
AnesthesiaWeb [ Anesthesiology ]
Anesthesiology [ Research ]
Anesthesiology - Breathing Systems (University of Pennsylvania) [ Anesthesiology ]
Anesthetic and Perioperative Techniques in Swine (Charles River Labs) [ Anesthesiology ]
ANEX Laboratory Animal Science Databases (University of Tokushima) [ Genetics ]
Ang Mo Kio & Bukit Panjang Veterinary Clinics (Singapore) [ Singapore ]
Angel Care Veterinary Hospital (Racine, WI) [ Wisconsin ]
Angela's Homepage [ Pets ]
Angelicacoons Cattery [ Commercial ]
Angelical Cat Company Furniture [ Products ]
Angell Memorial Animal Hospital (Boston, MA) [ Massachusetts ]
ANGENMAP (Animal Genome Mapping Discussion Group) [ Veterinary ]
ANGFA - Australia New Guinea Fishes Association [ Fish ]
Angi Laframboise - Family & Pet Portrait Artist [ Commercial ]
Angie's Pugs [ Pug ]
ANGIS - Australian National Genomic Information Service [ Genome ]
Anglers Charters (OH) [ Commercial ]
Anglers Online Pro Shop [ Commercial ]
Angling BC [ Sport ]
Angora Cats in the UK [ Oriental ]
Angora Rabbit Online Technical Manual [ Husbandry ]
Angus [ Cows ]
Angus World [ Cows ]
Anicare Veterinary Group (Worthing, West Sussex) [ UK ]
Anil K. Dhiri, DVM, MBA (PathIT) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Anima [ Journals ]
Animal & Bird Hospital (Lexington, KY) [ Kentucky ]
Animal Activists Handbook [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Acupuncture Academy [ Alternative Medicine ]
Animal Aid [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Aid of Tulsa [ Animal Welfare ]
Animal Alert News [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Alliance of Canada [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Ark (Twin Cities, MN) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Behavior and Welfare Sites [ Animal Behavior ]
Animal Behavior and Welfare Sites [ Animal Welfare ]
Animal Behavior Clinic (Cornell University CVM) [ Services ]
Animal Behavior Labs and Teaching Links [ Animal Behavior ]
Animal Behavior Program (University of Washington) [ Animal Behavior ]
Animal Behavior Society Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Animal Behaviour [ Journals ]
Animal Blood Bank [ Surgery ]
Animal Brands Marketing and Sales Represenation Agency [ Marketing ]
Animal Cancer Research (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 70) [ Oncology ]
Animal Care Center (Duncanville, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Care Center (Morgan Hill, CA) [ California ]
Animal Care Centers of America, Inc. (OH) [ Ohio ]
Animal Care Clinic & Hospital (Huntsville, AL) [ Alabama ]
Animal Care Policy Manual [ United States ]
Animal Care Systems, Inc. [ Caging ]
Animal Careers - Veterinary Technicians (Dog Owner's Guide) [ Veterinary Technology ]
Animal Channel [ Metasites ]
Animal Chiropractic and Holistic Health Forum [ Alternative Medicine ]
Animal Clinic (Galveston, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Clipart (Mining Co.) [ General ]
Animal Cognition [ Journals ]
Animal Connection [ Alternative Medicine ]
Animal Connections (Texas A&M University CVM) [ Radio ]
Animal CPR [ Emergency ]
Animal Crackers [ Pets ]
Animal Crimes Resource [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Cruelty Investigation Unit (UK) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Crusaders [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Defense League (San Antonio, TX) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Defense League of NYC-LI [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Disease Regionalization Import Requests & Supporting Documentation [ Divisions ]
Animal Diseases (Karolinska Institute) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Animal Diseases (Nebraska Extension Publications) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Animal Dissection Videos [ Anatomy ]
Animal Diversity Web [ Taxonomy ]
Animal Diversity Web (University of Michigan) [ Multiple Species ]
Animal Drugs for Minor Uses and for Minor Species [ United States ]
Animal Einsteins (PBS) [ Animal Behavior ]
Animal Emancipation, Inc. [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Emergency Hospital (Watkinsville, GA) [ Georgia ]
Animal Environments Bird Cage Mfg [ Products ]
Animal Exploitation Page [ Anti ]
Animal Facts - African Elephant [ Elephant ]
Animal Feed Science and Technology [ Agricultural ]
Animal Fertility Clinic (Dallas, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Fertility Clinic (Hamilton, MT) [ Montana ]
Animal Forum [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Freedom [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Friends Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal From A to Z [ Fun ]
Animal General Hospital (Port Saint Lucie, FL) [ Florida ]
Animal Genetics [ Journals ]
Animal Healing Center (Yardley, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Animal Health Center (Franklin, TN) [ Tennessee ]
Animal Health Center (Valdosta, GA) [ Georgia ]
Animal Health Company, Ltd. (UK) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Animal Health in Australia [ Epidemiology ]
Animal Health Information (AVMA) [ Health ]
Animal Health Sales, Inc. [ Distributors ]
Animal Health Trust (UK) [ UK ]
Animal Heart Clinic (Portland, OR) [ Oregon ]
Animal Home [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Hospital of Carrboro, Inc. (Carrboro, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Animal Hospital of Hawaii (Honolulu, HI) [ Hawaii ]
Animal Hospital of Rowlett (Rowlett, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Hospital of Seminole (Seminole FL) [ Florida ]
Animal Humane Society of Hennepin County (MN) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Husbandry Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Animal Hut Clipart [ Images ]
Animal Hut Clipart and Animated Gifs [ General ]
Animal Image Bank (Iowa State University) [ Images ]
Animal Importation [ Divisions ]
Animal Information Management Pty. Ltd. [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Animal Instinct [ Commercial ]
Animal Instincts Radio Program (Cornell University CVM) [ Radio ]
Animal Kingdom [ Commercial ]
Animal Kingdom (Wilmington, DE) [ Delaware ]
Animal Law [ United States ]
Animal Law & Family Law Attorney Anne F. Oliva [ Services ]
Animal Learning and Behavior [ Journals ]
Animal Legal Defense Fund [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Legal Defense Fund vs Glickman [ Articles ]
Animal Liberation [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Action Group [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Action Group (University of Wisconsin Oshkosh) [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Collective [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Front FAQ [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Frontline Information Service [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation New South Wales [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation of Texas [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation South Australia [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Tactical Internet Response Network [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Victoria [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Liberation Western Australia [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Links [ Metasites ]
Animal Links (Germany) [ Metasites ]
Animal Lobby [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Lovers Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Animal Lovers' Connection [ Services ]
Animal Makers, Inc. Animatronic Puppets [ Commercial ]
Animal Mania [ Commercial ]
Animal Mania [ Commercial ]
Animal Medic, Inc. Animal Health, Pet and Farm Supplies [ Distributors ]
Animal Medical Center (Lauderhill, FL) [ Florida ]
Animal Medical Center (Lubbock, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Medical Center (New York City, NY) [ New York ]
Animal Medical Centre (Manchester) [ UK ]
Animal Medical Clinic (North Little Rock, AR) [ Arkansas ]
Animal Medical Clinic (Peoria, IL) [ Illinois ]
Animal Medical Hospital - Trylon Vet Care (Hempstead - Forest Hills, NY) [ New York ]
Animal Medical Hospital - Tryon Vet Care (NY) [ New York ]
Animal Models in Biomedical Research - Poultry 1992 (AWIC) [ Poultry ]
Animal Models in Biomedical Research-Swine (USDA-AWIC) [ Science ]
Animal Mouse Pads [ Commercial ]
Animal Network [ Metasites ]
Animal Omnibus [ Metasites ]
Animal Ophthalmology Clinic (Dallas, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Pavilion Museum of the Horse [ Other ]
Animal Peace [ Animal Rights ]
Animal People [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Periodicals [ Miscell ]
Animal Pharm Health and Nutrition News [ News ]
Animal Pharm Reports [ Commercial Services ]
Animal Physiology Study Guide [ Physiology ]
Animal Planet [ Commercial ]
Animal Protective League (Cleveland, OH) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Related Links [ Metasites ]
Animal Reproduction Science [ Journals ]
Animal Rescue Foundation [ Rescue Groups ]
Animal Rescue Kingdom [ Rescue Groups ]
Animal Rescue League of Boston [ Rescue Groups ]
Animal Rescue League of Iowa [ Rescue Groups ]
Animal Research Articles Draw Fire (The Scientist) [ Articles ]
Animal Research Data Base [ Anti ]
Animal Research Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Animal Resource Center (San Antonio, TX) [ Texas ]
Animal Responsibility Cyprus [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights A Brief Introduction [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights A Closer Look [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights and Scientific Antivivisectionism [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Calendar [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Coalition [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights FAQ [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Foundation of Florida [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Law Center (Rutgers University) [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Law Office [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Law Society [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Lobbying Network [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Myths FAQ [ Articles ]
Animal Rights News [ AR ]
Animal Rights Online [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Resource Site [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Rights Web Ring [ Animal Rights ]
Animal Safety Tips (AVMA) [ Health ]
Animal Science (UK) [ Agricultural ]
Animal Science Handbook (University of Florida) [ Husbandry ]
Animal Science Handbook (University of Florida) [ Husbandry ]
Animal Science Information (Texas A&M University) [ Husbandry ]
Animal Science Information (Texas A&M University) [ Poultry ]
Animal Science Information (Texas A&M University) [ Husbandry ]
Animal Science Information (Texas A&M University) [ Husbandry ]
Animal Science Network (Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science-Nutrition and Growth) [ Nutrition ]
Animal Shelter (Winter Garden, FL) [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Site Ring [ Metasites ]
Animal Skull Collection [ Anatomy ]
Animal Skull Collection [ Images ]
Animal Technologies, Inc. Sera, Tissue and Glands [ Biotechnology ]
Animal Tracks (National Wildlife Federation For Kids) [ Fun ]
Animal Trustees of Austin, Inc. [ Humane Societies ]
Animal Tumour Registry (Italy) [ Oncology ]
Animal Ultrasound Services [ Imaging ]
Animal Universe [ General ]
Animal Virus Information System (University of Poona, India) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Animal Waste Management (University of Arizona) [ Husbandry ]
Animal Welfare Information Center (USDA-NAL) [ Literature Search ]
Animal Welfare Information Center Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Animal Welfare Institute [ Animal Welfare ]
Animal Welfare Resource Site [ Animal Welfare ]
Animal Wellness International (Villars en Pons, France) [ France ]
Animal World Online Theme Gifts [ Pet Products ]
Animal WorldWide Website Design [ Www ]
Animal-Assisted-Therapy-Team [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ] [ Animal Rights ]
Animal-Port Houston [ Animal Transport ] [ Images & Clipart ] [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Animalia [ Animal Rights ]
AnimaLife [ AR ]
AnimaLine Animal Rescue (UK) [ Rescue Groups ] [ Animal Welfare ]
Animalprotection site Austria [ Animal Rights ]
Animals & Environment Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
ANIMALS - Computer Simulations of Animal Behavior [ Simulations ]
Animals and the Law, 1990-1996 - A Bibliography [ United States ]
Animals Animals [ Exotic Birds ]
Animals as Inventions_ Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights [ Ethics ]
Animals At Risk Care Sanctuary (Modesto, CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Animals Australia [ Animal Rights ]
Animals Contact Directory [ Animal Rights ]
Animals Exotic & Small Magazine [ Wildlife ]
Animals for Sale Worldwide [ Commercial ]
Animals In Distress (Allentown, PA) [ Humane Societies ]
Animals in Medical Research (ScienceNet) [ Articles ]
Animals in Society Collection (Kansas State University CVM Library) [ Literature Search ]
Animals Unlimited, Inc. [ Ethics ]
Animals' Agenda [ Animal Rights ]
Animals, Meats, and Meat and Dairy Products (US Code, Title 21, Chapter 4) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Animals, Meats, and Meat and Dairy Products (US Code, Title 21, Chapter 4) [ Beef Cattle ]
Animals, Myths & Legends [ Fictional ]
Animals, Pets & Wildlife Magazine Contact List [ Pets ]
Animals-Connections [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ]
AnimalScan Ultrasound Scanning Services (UK) [ Imaging ]
AnimalSource [ Newsletters ]
AnimalWeb [ Metasites ]
AnimalWeb (Spain) [ Metasites ]
Animaniacs Page [ Fictional ]
Animated Cursor Schemes for Windows [ Images & Clipart ]
Animated GIF Archive [ General ]
Animaux sans Logis (Belgium) [ Humane Societies ]
AniMotel (Belgium) [ Services ]
Anjie's Grooming Page [ Services ]
Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Turkey ]
Ann Schneider, DVM (Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Anna Maria Scholey, MA Vet MB MRCVS (Holistic Veterinary Medicine) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Annabesacook Veterinary Clinic (Monmouth, ME) [ Maine ]
Annales de Zootechnie [ Journals ]
Annales des Sciences Naturelles-Zoologie et Biologie Animale [ Research ]
Annals of Biomedical Engineering [ Research ]
Annals of Internal Medicine [ Research ]
Annals of Thoracic Surgery [ Research ]
Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology [ Research ]
Anne's Cat Gallery [ Cats ]
Annelid Image Gallery [ Invertebrates ]
Annenberg Personality Project [ Medical ]
Annual Congress of the Societe Quebecoise pour l'etude Biologique du Comportement, Sherbrooke U., Quebec [ Meetings ]
Annual Review of Public Health [ Research ]
Anomeric, Inc. Microbial Diagnostic Products [ Microbiology ]
ANRSI - Agriculture & Natural Resources Software Inventory (USDA) [ Agricultural ]
ANS - Australian Neuroscience Society [ Neuroscience ]
ANS 105 - Introduction to Companion Animals (North Carolina State University) [ Health ]
ANS 230 - Nutrition and Growth of Domestic Animals (North Carolina State University) [ Nutrition ]
ANS 311 - Principles of Animal Nutrition (Oregon State University) [ Nutrition ]
ANS 580 - Mammalian Endocrinology (North Carolina State University) [ Endocrinology ]
ANSC 495C - Animal Health Management (Purdue University) [ Health ]
AnSci Products, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
ANSI - American National Standards Institute [ Informatics ]
Antartica Online [ Conservation ]
AntCam [ Invertebrates ]
Antec International Ltd. [ Disinfectants ]
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Page [ Health ]
Anterior Segment Dysgenesis Forum [ Ophthalmology ]
Anthrozoology Institute (University of Southampton, England) [ Ethics ]
Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum and Hog-Cholera Virus (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 30) [ Health ]
Antibody Concepts [ Biotechnology ]
Antibody Resource Page [ Immunology ]
Antics - An Ant Thology [ Hymenoptera ]
Antiviral Agents Bulletin [ Research ]
Antonio Carlos Uhr, DMV (Brazil) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
ANUBIS - Animal Chromosome Mapping Tool [ Genome ]
Anuenue Srcubs by Lolehana Maui [ Apparel ]
Anvil Magazine [ Horses ]
AnyWho 800-Directory Veterinary Equipment & Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
ANZCCART - Australian and New Zealand Council for the Care of Animals in Research and Teaching [ Comparative Medicine ]
ANZCCART - New Zealand [ Comparative Medicine ]
ANZSCPB - Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry [ Physiology ]
AO_ASIF - Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen - Association for the Study of Internal Fixation [ Orthopedics ]
AOA - American Ostrich Association [ Birds ]
AOA - Australian Ostrich Association [ Birds ]
AOBA - Alpaca Owners and Breeders Association [ Small Ruminants ]
AONA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Osteosynthesefragen North America [ Orthopedics ]
AOU - American Ornithologists' Union [ Birds ]
AP - Alliance Pastorale (France) [ Small Ruminants ]
APA - Agricultural Publishers Association [ Agriculture ]
APA - American Psychological Association [ Human ]
APA - Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals [ United States ]
APBC - Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors [ Animal Behavior ]
APDT - Association of Pet Dog Trainers [ Animal Behavior ]
APE - Asociación Primatológica Española [ Primates ]
Ape-O-Naut [ Fun ]
APEIS Corporation Animal Identification Systems [ Animal Identification ]
Apes [ Primates ]
APES (Apes & Primates Education & Study Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Apex Scale Systems [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
APHA - American Paint Horse Association [ Horses ]
APHA - American Public Health Association [ Public Health ]
APHIN - Animal Productivity and Health Information Network (University of Prince Edward Island) [ Epidemiology ]
APHIN - Animal Productivity and Health Information Network (University of Prince Edward Island) [ Health ]
APHIN - Animal Productivity and Health Information Network (University of Prince Edward Island) [ Health ]
APHIS - Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service [ Aphis ]
API - Associazione Primatologica Italiana [ Primates ]
APIC - Association of Professionals in Infection Control [ Epidemiology ]
Apiservices Beekeeping Gallery [ Invertebrates ]
APLB - Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement [ Ethics ]
Aplysia Hometank (Cornell University) [ Cephalopods ]
APMA - American Podiatric Medical Association [ Human ]
APO Health [ Distributors ]
Apollo Aquarium (Singapore) [ Commercial ]
Appalachian Mule Riders [ Donkeys & Mules ]
Appenzell Cattle Dog [ Swiss Mountain & Cattle Dog ]
Apple Tree Cove Animal Hospital (Kingston, WA) [ Washington ]
Applicare Medical Imaging [ Imaging ]
Applied Anatomy (Tuskegee University) [ Anatomy ]
Applied Animal Behaviour Science [ Journals ]
Applied Ethology Home Page (University of Saskatchewan) [ Animal Behavior ]
APPLIED-ETHOLOGY (Animal Behavior Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
APPMA - American Pet Products Manufacturers Association [ Pet Industry ]
Approaches to Cost Recovery for Animal Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
APS - American Pain Society [ Neuroscience ]
APS - American Physiological Society [ Physiology ]
APS - American Psychological Society [ Animal Behavior ]
APS - Australian Primatological Society [ Primates ]
APS Public Affairs [ Comparative Medicine ]
APSA - Australasian Pig Science Association [ Pigs ]
APStracts (American Journal of Physiology Abstracts) [ Research ]
APVMA - American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
APVMA - American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
AQHA - American Quarter Horse Association [ Horses ]
AQIS - Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service [ Australia ]
Aqua-Mana Crustacean Growth Feeds [ Nutrition ]
Aqua-Palooza [ Metasites ]
Aquacon [ Commercial ]
Aquaculture - Catfish Farming (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Aquaculture - Salmon & Trout Farming (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Aquaculture - Shrimp Farming (USDA) [ Crustacea ]
Aquaculture Health Page [ Health ]
Aquaculture Magazine [ Fish ]
Aquaculture Outlook (USDA) [ Commercial ]
Aquaculture Production Technology (Israel) [ Commercial ]
Aquaculture-Online [ Aquaculture ]
AquaFind Aquatic Database [ Metasites ]
Aqualex Multimedia Consortium [ Aquaculture ]
AquaLink [ Metasites ]
AquaNIC - Aquaculture Network Information Center [ Metasites ]
Aquaria Central [ Metasites ]
Aquaria FAQ's [ Hobby ]
Aquaria Mailing Lists [ Animal ]
Aquaristik-Laden (Germany) [ Commercial ]
Aquarium Fish Magazine [ Fish ]
Aquarium Global Resource [ Hobby ]
Aquarium Software Developments [ Fish ]
Aquarium Technology, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Aquarium World Market [ Commercial ] Online Magazine [ Fish ]
Aquarius Aquaculture Education, Training & Information [ Aquaculture ]
AquaScience Research Group, Inc. [ Science ] [ Hobby ]
AquaStore [ Commercial ]
AquaThought Foundation [ Marine Mammals ]
Aquatic Animals Mailing Lists [ Animal ]
Aquatic Ape Theory - Sink or Swim [ Science ]
Aquatic Eco-Systems Aquaculture Products [ Commercial ]
Aquatic Ecology Group (Canada) [ Science ]
Aquatic Ecology Page [ Icthyology ]
Aquatic Interiors [ Commercial ]
Aquatic Interiors - Seacave [ Commercial ]
Aquatic Network [ Metasites ]
Aquatic Research Consultants [ Commercial ]
Aquatic Technology [ Commercial ]
AquaWeb Fish Resources [ Metasites ]
AquaWorld Magazine [ Fish ]
Aquazone Desktop Life [ Commercial ]
AR-Jobline [ Animal Rights ]
AR-NEWS - Animal Rights Mailing List [ Animal ] [ Commercial ]
Arabian 1 Forum [ Chats ]
Arabian Horse Breeders Network [ Arabian ]
Arabian Horse Interactive [ Arabian ]
Arabian Horse World Magazine [ Arabian ]
Arabian Marketplace [ Commercial ]
Arabian Wildlife Online [ Wildlife ] [ Commercial ]
ARABIANSites [ Commercial ]
Arabnet Arabian Magazine & Kover Song [ Commercial ]
ARACHNID (Arachnid Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Arachnid Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Arachnida (Biosis) [ Arachnids ]
Arachnida, Spiders of NW-Europe [ Arachnids ]
Arachnodata - Arachnological Information and Coordination Agency [ Arachnids ]
ARACHNOLOGY (Arachnology Mailing List) [ Animal ]
ARAV - Association of Reptilian & Amphibian Veterinarians [ Amphibian ]
ARAV - Association of Reptilian & Amphibian Veterinarians [ Reptiles ]
ARAZPA - Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria [ Zoo Animal ]
ARBA - American Rabbit Breeders Association [ Rabbits ]
ARBA - American Rare Breed Association [ Dogs ]
ARBA - American Rare Breed Association (2) [ Dogs ]
Arbidar Co. Natural Fibers Educational Programs & Research Materials [ Pathology ]
Arboviruses [ Virology ]
Arc Mesa Educators [ Training ]
Arcata Pet Software Image Viewers and Wallpaper Managers [ Images & Clipart ]
Archie McPhee & Company [ Commercial ]
Archives for Biological Software and Databases Around the World [ Biological ]
Archives of American Veterinary Medicine (Iowa State University) [ Literature Search ]
Archives of Veterinary Science (Russia) [ Journals ]
Arctic Animals [ Multiple Species ]
Arctic Circle - Arctic National Wildlife Refuge [ Conservation ]
Arctic Peregrine Falcon (USFW) [ Raptors ]
ARDF - Alternatives Research & Development Foundation [ Alternatives ]
Ardmore Animal Hospital (Ardmore, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Area 3 Promotional Quarter Horse Club [ Quarter Horse ]
ARENA - Applied Research Ethics National Association [ Ethics ]
ARENA - Applied Research Ethics National Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
ArenaWest Outfitters [ Products ]
ARFRA Pet Emergency Network [ Animal Identification ]
Argent Chemical Laboratories, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Arikara Horse Trails (South Africa) [ Services ]
Aristar Shetland Sheepdogs [ Breeders ]
Aristavet Veterinärspezialitäten GmbH [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Aristotle & His Study of Animals [ Science ]
Arizona Akita Innovations [ Akita ]
Arizona Dog Home Page [ Humane Societies ]
Arizona Game and Fish Department [ Fish & Game ]
Arizona Herpetological Association [ Reptiles ]
Arizona Instrument Corporation [ Toxicology ]
Arizona Ranchers Management Guide [ Cows ]
Arizona Reef Aquaria [ Hobby ]
Arizona Sonora Desert [ Wildlife ]
Arizona State University [ United States ]
Arizona State University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Ark Animal Tracks [ Wildlife ]
ARK Online [ AR ]
Arkansas Fly Fishing Home Page [ Sport ]
Arkansas Game & Fish Commission [ Fish & Game ]
Arkansas House of Reptiles [ Commercial ]
Arkansas State University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Arkley Haflinger Stud [ Commercial ]
ARKVMA - Arkansas Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
ARL - Association of Research Libraries [ Library ]
Arm & Hammer [ Dentistry ]
Arma Tool & Dye Company [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Armadillo Online [ Armadillo ]
Armbrook Antiques Veterinarian Shelves [ Construction ]
Armchair Scientist [ Science ]
Armed Forces Institute Department of Veterinary Pathology [ United States ]
Armed Forces Institute Department of Veterinary Pathology [ Government ]
Army Research Lab [ Divisions ]
Army's Definition of a Cow [ Fun ]
Arnolds Veterinary Products Ltd. (UK) [ Distributors ]
ARPAS - American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists [ Agriculture ]
ARS - Agricultural Research Service [ Ars ]
ARSCO - American Rabbit Systems Company, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Art Gallery of Canine Head Studies for Pure-Bred Dog Lovers [ Dogs ]
Art Studio (Fish) [ Commercial ]
Art-Smart Animal Fine Art, Gifts, and Collectibles [ Commercial ]
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology [ Research ]
Arthritis Foundation [ Foundations ]
Arthropod Paleobiology Research Group (University of Manchester) [ Other ]
Arthroscopy for the Small Animal Patient [ Orthopedics ]
Arthroscopy Journal [ Research ]
Articulation Page [ Anatomy ]
Artifical Intelligence Laboratory (MIT) [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Artificial Intelligence Primer [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Artificial Intelligence Resources (Canadian Knowledge Systems Laboratory) [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Artificial Life Games [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Artificial Life Journal [ Publications ]
Artist's Alley Photo Portraits [ Commercial ]
Artistic Products for Pet Lovers [ Commercial ]
ARUP Animal Reference Pathology Laboratory [ Pathology ]
ARUP Laboratories Animal Reference Pathology Laboratory [ Pathology ]
ARVO - Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology [ Ophthalmology ]
ASA - Acoustical Society of America [ Neuroscience ]
ASA - American Simmental Association [ Cows ]
ASA - American Society of Agronomy [ Nutrition ]
ASA - American Society of Andrology [ Theriogenology ]
ASA - American Society of Anesthesiologists [ Human ]
ASA - American Statistical Association [ Epidemiology ]
Asa Zoological Park (Japan) [ International ]
ASAB - Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour [ Animal Behavior ]
ASAB Meeting - Genetic Analysis of Behaviour [ Meetings ]
ASAE - American Association of Association Executives [ Practice Management ]
ASAE - American Society of Agricultural Engineers [ Agriculture ]
Asahikawa Medical College Animal Experiment Facility (Japan) [ International ]
ASAS - Amercian Society of Animal Science [ Agriculture ]
ASAVA - Australian Small Animal Veterinary Association [ Small Animal ]
ASBMB - American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [ Molecular Biology ]
ASC - American Society of Cytopathology [ Clinical Pathology ]
ASC - Association of Systematics Collections [ Biology ]
ASCB - American Society for Cell Biology [ Biology ]
Ascension of Wildlife Rabies - Cause for Public Health Concern or Intervention (CDC) [ Health ]
ASCN - American Society for Clinical Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
ASCP - American Society of Clinical Pathologists [ Clinical Pathology ]
ASHA - American Saddlebred Horse Association [ Horses ]
ASHA - American Shire Horse Association [ Horses ]
ASHI - American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics [ Immunology ]
Ashland University (OH) [ United States ]
ASHRAE - American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers [ Safety ]
Ashtel Laboratories Ltd [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Ashwin Systems International Infrared Thermal Imaging [ Imaging ]
ASI - American Sheep Industry Association [ Small Ruminants ]
Asian Longhorned Beetle Invades Chicago [ Coleoptera ]
ASICI - Asociación Interprofesional del Cerdo Ibérico (Spain) [ Pigs ]
ASIH - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists [ Fish ]
ASIH - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists [ Amphibian ]
ASIH - American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists [ Reptiles ]
ASIH_AFS_AIFRB Guidelines for Use of Fishes in Field Research [ United States ]
ASIH_HL_SSAR Guidelines for Use of Live Amphibians and Reptiles in Field Research [ United States ]
ASIP - American Society for Investigative Pathology [ Pathology ]
ASIS - American Society for Information Science [ Informatics ]
Ask Dr. Universe [ Science ]
Ask Dr. Weil [ Alternative Medicine ]
Ask Mary [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Ask Mr. Unicorn Vet [ Fictional ]
Ask the Vet (Karen Zenker, DVM) [ Newsletters ]
Ask the Veterinarian Radio Show [ Radio ]
Ask Your Veterinarian - Health & Home Magazine (R.G. Elmore, DVM) [ Newsletters ]
Ask Zenia - Arabian Horses from A to Z [ Arabian ]
AskEric's Cow Gallery [ Cows ]
ASLAP - American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners [ Comparative Medicine ]
ASM - American Society for Microbiology [ Microbiology ]
ASM - American Society of Mammalogists [ Wildlife ]
ASM Guidelines for the Capture, Handling, and Care of Mammals (Acrobat PDF) [ United States ]
ASM Mammal Slide Library [ Wildlife ]
ASMC - Association of Sales & Marketing Companies [ Nutrition ]
ASNS - American Society for Nutritional Sciences [ Nutrition ]
Asociación para la Defensa y Prevención de la Crueldad contra los Animales (Spain) [ Humane Societies ]
ASP - American Society for Photobiology [ Radiology ]
ASP - American Society of Parasitologists [ Parasitology ]
ASP - American Society of Primatologists [ Primates ]
ASPB - Alberta Society of Professional Biologists [ Biology ]
ASPC - American Shetland Pony Club [ Horses ]
ASPEN - American Society for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
Aspen Publishers, Inc. [ Publishers ]
Aspen Reflective Safety Collars & Leashes [ Products ]
ASPET - American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics [ Pharmacology ]
ASPH - Association of Schools of Public Health [ Public Health ]
ASQ - American Society for Quality [ Informatics ]
ASR - American Society for Rickettsiology [ Parasitology ]
ASRB - Australian Society for Reproductive Biology [ Theriogenology ]
Assateague Naturalist [ Conservation ]
ASSE - American Society of Safety Engineers [ Safety ]
Assessing, Controlling, and Assuring the Quality of Medical Information on the Internet (JAMA) [ Www ]
Assessment of Stress During Handling and Transport (Temple Grandin) [ Animal Behavior ]
Associated Koi Clubs of America [ Hobby ]
Associated Medical Supply, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Association for Veterinary Informatics Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Association of American University Presses [ Publishers ]
Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems [ Medical Informatics ]
Association of Telemedicine Service Providers [ Telemedicine ]
Assorted Pet Related 800 Numbers [ Products ]
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials [ Safety ]
ASTMH - American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [ Infectious Diseases ]
Astra Pharmaceutical [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Astrobiology Web [ Metasites ]
ASV - American Society for Virology [ Infectious Diseases ]
ASVO - American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology [ Ophthalmology ]
At Home Pet Care (Ingleside, IL) [ Illinois ]
AT Veterinary Systems (UK) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
ATA - Air Transport Association [ Safety ]
ATA - American Telemedicine Association [ Informatics ]
ATA - American Tilapia Association [ Fish ]
ATB - Association for Tropical Biology [ Biology ]
ATCC - American Type Culture Collection [ Microbiology ]
ATCC - American Type Culture Collection Workshop Program [ Meetings ]
ATFGA - American Tennessee Fainting Goat Association [ Small Ruminants ]
ATG Prolapse [ Theriogenology ]
Athens Alliance of Allbreed Canine Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Atheris Laboratories Venom Database [ Toxicology ]
Atheris Laboratories Venoms Database [ Commercial ]
ATL Agricultural Technology Limited [ Commercial ]
ATLA - Alternatives to Laboratory Animals Journal [ Alternatives ]
Atlanta Zoo [ US ]
Atlantic Cat Hospital (Halifax, Nova Scotia) [ Canada ]
Atlantic Dolphin Research Cooperative [ Dolphins ]
Atlantic Salmon Federation [ Conservation ]
Atlantis Tropical [ Commercial ]
Atlas of Drosophila Nervous System [ Genetics ]
Atlas of the Human Body [ Human ]
Atlas of the Mouse Brain (University of Tennessee) [ Science ]
Atlas Publications Crayfish Farming [ Commercial ]
Atrix Laboratories, Inc. Drug Delivery Systems [ Commercial Products ]
Atrophic Rhinitis (Purdue University) [ Health ]
ATS - American Tarantula Society [ Invertebrates ]
ATS Sonic Bird Dog Beeper Collars [ Products ]
ATSDR - Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry [ ATSDR ]
ATSDR Biologic Monitoring and Biomarkers [ Toxicology ]
ATSDR HazDat Database [ Literature Search ]
ATSDR HazDat Database [ Toxicology ]
ATSDR Information Center Bookmarks [ Toxicology ]
ATSDR ToxFAQs [ Toxicology ]
ATSP - Association of Telemedicine Service Providers [ Informatics ]
Attwater's Prairie Chicken - Texas Endangered Grouse [ Conservation ]
Atualidades Ornitológicas (Brazil) [ Birding ]
ATVPHPM - Association of Teachers of Public Health and Preventive Medicine [ Epidemiology ]
Atwood's Pet Resorts & Animal Travel Agency [ Services ]
Auburn University [ United States ]
Auburn University Cary Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
Auburn University College of Agriculture [ Colleges ]
Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Biomedical Communications [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Bioscience Graduate Studies Program [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Cary Veterinary Medical Library [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Computer Group [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Continuing Education & Other Programs [ Meetings ]
Auburn University CVM Continuing Professional Education & Other Programs [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Department of Anatomy & Histology [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Department of Pathobiology [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Department of Physiology & Pharmacology [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Department of Radiology [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Department of Small Animal Surgery & Medicine [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Endocrine Diagnostic Service [ Endocrinology ]
Auburn University CVM Homepages [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Auburn University CVM Homepages [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Institute for Biological Detection Systems [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Large Animal Surgery & Medicine [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Molecular Mechanisms of Infectious Disease Pathogenesis Graduate Fellowships [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Multimedia Systems [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Office of Research & Graduate Studies [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Omega Tau Sigma-Zeta Chapter [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM SCAVMA [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Scott-Ritchey Research Center [ Auburn ]
Auburn University CVM Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center [ Auburn ]
Auburn University Department of Fisheries & Allied Aquacultures [ Aquaculture ]
Auburn University Department of Zoology & Wildlife Sciences [ Academic ]
Auburn University Libraries' VetMed Serials Duplicate Exchange [ Literature Search ]
Auburn University Pre-Veterinary Medical Association [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Auckland Sled Dog Club [ Sport ]
Audubon in New York [ Conservation ]
Audubon in Southern California [ Conservation ]
Augustana College (IL) [ United States ]
Augustana College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
aus.pets [ Usenet ]
Aussie Animal Hospital (Miami, FL) [ Florida ]
Aussie Great Dane Homepage [ Great Dane ]
AUSSIE-L (Australian Shepherds Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Austin Innovations Lighting Products [ Construction ]
Austin Veterinary Hospital (Austin, TX) [ Texas ]
Austin Zoo [ US ]
Australasian College of Tropical Medicine (Australia) [ International ]
Australasian Science [ Research ]
Australia's Animal Holistic Index [ Alternative Medicine ]
Australian A to Z Animal Archive [ Metasites ]
Australian Agricultural Resource Centre [ Metasites ]
Australian American Pitbull Page [ American Pit Bull Terrier ]
Australian Beef [ Beef Cattle ]
Australian Cairns Queensland Rainforest Ecotours [ Services ]
Australian Canine Current Events [ Shows ]
Australian Cat Net Ring [ Metasites ]
Australian Cattle Dog Webring [ Australian Cattle Dog ]
Australian Cattle Dogs in Agility [ Sport ]
Australian Dairy Corporation [ Dairy Cattle ]
Australian Dairy Industry [ Dairy Cattle ]
Australian Dogs Page [ Directories ]
Australian Dressage [ Sport ]
Australian Emu International [ Ratites ]
Australian Farmers' Guide To The Internet [ Books ]
Australian Golden Retriever [ Golden Retriever ]
Australian Herpetological Directory [ Herpetology ]
Australian Herpetological Directory [ Herpetology ]
Australian Hunting Adventures [ Services ]
Australian Institute of Marine Science [ Marine ]
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research [ Agricultural ]
Australian Journal of Zoology [ Research ]
Australian Koala Hospital Association [ Koala ]
Australian Mist Cat Breeders Association [ Australian Mist ]
Australian National University Research School of Biological Sciences (Australia) [ Academic ]
Australian National University Virus Gopher [ Virology ]
Australian Pathology Services (Australia) [ Pathology ]
Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service Dog & Cat Importation [ International ]
Australian Shepherd Club of America [ Australian Shepherd ]
Australian Stock Saddle Co. [ Products ]
Australian Terrier (Finland) [ Australian Terrier ]
Australian Terrier Club of America [ Australian Terrier ]
Australian Terrier Club of Queensland [ Australian Terrier ]
Australian Terrier Club of South Australia [ Australian Terrier ]
Australian Terrier Page [ Australian Terrier ]
Australian Venom and Toxin Database [ Toxicology ]
Australian Veterinary Journal [ Journals ]
Australian Veterinary Practitioner [ Journals ]
Australiana [ Wildlife ]
AusVac Animal Vaccines [ Biologics ]
AusVetPlan - Australian Veterinary Emergency Plan [ International ]
Authentic Bengal Cat Club [ Bengal ]
AuthorBase [ Training ]
Authorities of the Swiss Confederation [ Switzerland ]
Authorware Teaching Tool in Veterinary Epidemiology [ Epidemiology ]
Autodax Website of Salamander Research [ Salamanders & Newts ]
AutoMate Scientific, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Autos For Animals [ Animal Rights ]
Autotoot Autotutorial Program (Phil Tillman, DVM - UC Davis) [ Training ]
Autotutorials on the Web (University of California-Davis) [ Public Health ]
Autumngold Shelties [ Breeders ]
Auxillary to the AVMA [ National & International ]
Auxillary to the AVMA [ Funding ]
AVA - Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists [ Anesthesiology ]
AVA - Australian Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
AVA - Australian Veterinary Association Conferences [ Meetings ]
AVACI - Academy of Veterinary Allergy & Clinical Immunology [ Immunology ]
AVACOS - Australian Veterinary Association Conference Organizing Service [ Meetings ]
AVAFES - Associació Veterinària per a l'Atenció a la Fauna Exòtica i Salvatge [ Wildlife ]
Avalanche Dogs [ Other ]
AVAR - Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights [ Ethics ]
AVAR Alternatives in Education Database [ Alternatives ]
AVCA - American Veterinary Chiropractic Association [ Alternative Medicine ]
AVCPT - Association for Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics [ Pharmacology ]
AVDA - American Veterinary Distributors Association [ Pharmacology ]
AVDC - American Veterinary Dental College [ Dentistry ]
AVDS - Australian Veterinary Dental Society [ Dentistry ]
AVECCT - Academy of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Technicians [ Emergency ]
Avecon Diagnostics, Inc. [ Immunology ]
AVEDILA - Asociación de Diagnóstico Laboratoria (Spain) [ Pathology ]
AVEF - French Association of Equine Practitioners [ Horses ]
AVESS Veterinary Books [ Distributors ]
AVH - Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy [ Alternative Medicine ]
AVI - Association for Veterinary Informatics [ Informatics ]
AVI Special Interest Group (SIG) on Computer AssistedInstruction (CAI) [ Informatics ]
Avi Zechory, DVM (Rochester Hills, MI) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Avian Acres [ Exotic Birds ]
Avian Contractors Birdhouses [ Products ]
Avian Diseases [ Birds ]
Avian Diseases (Notes) [ Health ]
Avian Fashions [ Products ]
Avian Hematology (Clemson University) [ Avian ]
Avian Influenza Biosecurity (Texas A&M University) [ Health ]
Avian Management Services [ Bird ]
Avian Pathology - Journal of the World Veterinary Poultry Association [ Birds ]
Avian Publications [ Publishers ]
Avian Sciences Net (Purdue University) [ Poultry ]
Avian, Inc. Parrot Tower [ Products ]
AvianVet [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Avicultural Advancement Council of Canada [ Exotic Birds ]
Avicultural Society of Puget Sound [ Exotic Birds ]
Avicultural Society of Tucson [ Conservation ]
AVID - American Veterinary Identification Devices [ Animal Identification ]
AviGene Services DNA Sexing [ Services ]
AVIMark Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
AviMate Bird Breeder Software [ Bird ]
AviNet (Spain) [ Poultry ]
Avinet Biology Field Equipment [ Commercial ]
Aviron [ Biotechnology ]
Avitech Exotic Birds [ Exotic Birds ]
AVMA - Alberta Veterinary Medical Association [ National & International ]
AVMA - American Veterinary Medical Association [ National & International ]
AVMA - Animal Welfare [ General ]
AVMA - Careers in Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
AVMA - Pet Loss [ Pet Loss ]
AVMA - Pet Loss Grief Counseling Hotlines [ Pet Loss ]
AVMA - Veterinary Technology Careers [ Veterinary Technology ]
AVMA - What is a Veterinarian [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
AVMA Accredited Veterinary Technician Programs [ Veterinary Technology Programs ]
AVMA Care for Pets [ Health ]
AVMA Dog Bite Prevention Campaign [ Health ]
AVMA Employment Outlook [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
AVMA Panel Report on Euthanasia [ United States ]
AVMA Pet Poison Guide [ Toxicology ]
AVMA Secretariat to SNOMED International [ Standards & Terminology ]
AVMA Specialty Organizations [ aa ]
AVMA US Veterinary Market Statistics [ Economics ]
AVMA Veterinary Feed Directive Coalition [ Food Safety ]
AVMA-ERF - Emergency Response Force [ Emergency ]
AVMA-HOD - House of Delegates [ aa ]
AVMF - American Veterinary Medical Foundation [ Foundations ]
AVP Ltd. (Ireland) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
AVPA - Australian Veterinary Poultry Association [ Birds ]
AVS - Association of Veterinary Students (UK and Eire) [ Veterinary Student ]
AVSAB - American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior [ Animal Behavior ]
AWA - Animal Welfare Act [ United States ]
AWIC - Animal Welfare Information Center [ Divisions ]
AWIC - USDA-NAL Animal Welfare Information Center [ Alternatives ]
AWIC CARE CD-ROM (Compendium of Animal REsources) [ United States ]
AWS - American Warmblood Society [ Horses ]
Axcis Horse Racing Software [ Sport ]
Axolotl Colony (Indiana University) [ Salamanders & Newts ]
Axon Instruments, Inc. [ Neurology ]
Axtell Pharmacy Veterinary Compounding [ Compounding ]
Ayuvet Herbal Veterinary Healthcare [ Alternative Medicine ]
AZA - American Zoo and Aquarium Association [ Zoo Animal ]
AZA Positions [ Jobs ]
Azure Springs Pygmy Goats [ Breeders ]
AZVMA - Arizona Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
AZVT - Association of Zoo Veterinary Technicians [ Zoo Animal ]
B&K Universal Ltd. [ Comparative Medicine ]
B's Baby Birds [ Exotic Birds ]
B-Eye [ Hymenoptera ]
B-line Cat Call Videos [ Products ]
B-Virus Laboratory (Georgia State University) [ Virology ]
B-Virus Laboratory (Georgia State University) [ Health ]
BAARS - Bay Area Amphibian and Reptile Society [ Reptiles ]
BAARS - Bay Area Amphibian and Reptile Society [ Amphibian ]
Baatman Pest Control [ Commercial ]
BAbCO - Berkeley Antibody Company [ Biotechnology ]
BABEL- Glossary of Computer Oriented Abbreviations & Acronyms [ Standards & Terminology ]
BAC to Nature [ Disinfectants ]
Back Fence Cat Club [ Pets ]
BackPocket of Niilo the Gorgeous One [ Dachshund ]
Backyard Birding [ Birding ]
Bacon's Home, Links & PBP FAQ Page [ Pets ]
BACPAC Resources (Roswell Park Cancer Institute) [ Cloning ]
Bacterial Diseases of Rats (Notes) [ Health ]
Bad Bug Book - Foodborne Pathogens and Natural Toxins (FDA-CFSAN) [ Food Safety ]
Bad Dog [ Fun ]
Bad Dog Chronicles [ Fun ]
Bad Dogs & the Women Who Love Them [ Other ]
Bad Kitty [ Fun ]
Baden K-9 [ Breeders ]
Badger (Meles meles) [ Badger ]
Badger Kennel Club [ Training ]
Baeramed Instrumente GmbH Medical Supplies [ Surgery ]
Bagheera [ Endangered Species ]
Baja Anglers On-Line [ Commercial ]
Baker Company Safety Cabinets & Hoods [ Safety ]
Baker Street Animal Hospital (McMinnville, OH) [ Ohio ]
Baldwin Animal Clinic (Baldwin, FL) [ Florida ]
Baleen Whale Information (Busch Gardens) [ Whales ]
Balinese, Javanese, Oriental Longhair Cats [ Oriental ]
Balogh Scientific Books [ Publishers ]
Baltic Journal of Laboratory Animal Science [ Journals ]
Baltimore Bird Club [ Birding ]
Baltimore Horse Country [ Other ]
Baltimore_Washington DC House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Bamfield Marine Station (Canada) [ Marine ]
Banana Slug Home Page (UC - Santa Cruz) [ Gastropods ]
Bandana Sheep Company [ Commercial ]
Bandolier List of Systematic Reviews on Pain Topics [ Biomedical Research ]
BAPEN - British Association for Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
BAPSH - British Association of the PureBred Spanish Horse [ Horses ]
Bar 5 Simmental Stock Farms Ltd. [ Commercial ]
Bar W Management Services [ Commercial ]
Barbary Coast Cats (San Francisco) [ Shows ]
Barber & Lundberg Veterinary Supplies [ Distributors ]
Barber Medical (UK) [ Surgery ]
BARC - Beltsville Agricultural Research Center [ Divisions ]
Bareback Buddy [ Products ]
Barn Owl [ Raptors ] - Veterinary Medical Books [ Distributors ]
Barnlake Dog Training Centre (UK) [ Training ]
Barony College Veterinary Nursing Program (UK) [ International ]
Barry Cooper, BVSc, PhD (Cornell University) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Barry R. Kirshner Wildlife Foundation [ Conservation ]
Baru Basenjis [ Breeders ]
Baruch Institute for Marine Biology & Coastal Research (University of South Carolina) [ Marine ]
Basecamp Virtual Zoo [ Fun ]
Basenji Out of Africa - Into Your Heart [ Basenji ] [ Basenji ]
BASF Corporation [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Basic Neural Processes Tutorials [ Neurology ]
Basic vs. Applied Research [ Articles ]
Basics of MRI (Rochester Institute of Technology) [ Imaging ]
Basking Shark (Cetorhinus maximus) [ Marine ]
Basking Shark Society [ Marine ]
Basking Spot [ Metasites ]
Basking Spot [ Metasites ]
BASS - Bass Anglers Sportsman Society [ Sport ]
Bass Fishing Home Page [ Sport ]
Basset Hound Web Ring [ Basset Hound ]
Basset's Den [ Basset Hound ]
Bat Buddies [ Chiroptera ]
Bat Conservation International [ Chiroptera ]
Bat Project [ Chiroptera ]
Bat Research Laboratory (Purdue University) [ Chiroptera ]
Bath Brunswick Veterinary Associates (Brunswick, ME) [ Maine ]
Bathe 'N Carry [ Products ]
Bats (Birmingham Zoo) [ Chiroptera ]
Bats are Beaut [ Chiroptera ]
BATS Magazine [ Chiroptera ]
Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Batzibelt Pet Seat Belt [ Commercial ]
Bauru Zoo (Brazil) [ International ]
Baxter Black, DVM [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Baxter Healthcare [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bay Area Siberian Husky Rescue Referral [ Rescue Groups ]
Bayer Austria [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bayer Brazil [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bayer Corporation (US) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bayer Equine WellCare Program [ Equine ]
Bayer International [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bayer US Agriculture Division [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Baygard Electric Fence Products [ Containment ]
Baylor College of Medicine SPORE Transgenic Core [ Genetics ]
Bayou Bobs Brazos River Rattlesnake Ranch [ Snakes ]
Bayshore Animal Hospital (San Mateo, CA) [ California ]
Bayside Veterinary Center (Bayside, NY) [ New York ]
BBSRC - Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (UK) [ UK ]
BbT - Bundesverband der BeamtetenTierärzte (Germany) [ Germany ]
BC Spaces for Nature [ Conservation ]
BCAA - British Columbia Cattlemens Association [ Cows ]
BCEPP (Biotechnology Education and Public Policy Network_ListServer) [ Veterinary ]
BCM Search Launcher [ Molecular Biology ]
BCSP - Board of Certified Safety Professionals [ Safety ]
BCVA - Belgian Veterinary Computer Association [ Informatics ]
BCVMA - British Columbia Veterinary Medical Association (Canada) [ National & International ]
BDBC - British Dog Breeders Council [ Dogs ]
BDS - British Driving Society [ Horses ]
BDS XtraVet (UK) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
BEA - Bureau of Economic Analysis [ Divisions ]
Beagle Brigade [ Divisions ]
Beagles Home Page [ Beagle ]
Beagles on the Web [ Beagle ]
Bear Den [ Ursidae ]
Bear Man's Trailside [ Ursidae ]
Bear Paw Kennels [ Breeders ]
Bear Watch [ Ursidae ] [ Ursidae ]
Beast of Bodmin Moor [ Felidae ]
Beattie Book Company [ Distributors ]
Beaufort Small Animal Hospital (Beaufort, SC) [ South Carolina ]
Beauty Without Cruelty India [ Animal Rights ]
Beaver (Castor canadensis) [ Beaver ]
Because You Care (Erie County, PA) [ Humane Societies ]
Beckman Coulter [ Clinical Pathology ]
Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic [ Physiology ]
Becky's Petz Page [ Fictional ] [ Veggies ]
Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems [ Microbiology ]
Becton-Dickinson [ Clinical Pathology ]
Bedson S.A. (Argentina) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bee Pages [ Hymenoptera ]
BEE-L (Discussion of practical beekeeping and bee research) [ Animal ]
Beech House Veterinary Centre (Southampton) [ UK ]
Beef (Nebraska Extension Publications) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef (Purdue University) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Cattle Breeds & Associations (Colorado State University) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Cattle Index (The Small Farm Resource) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Cattle Information (Virginia Cooperative Extension) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Cattle Nutrition Page (University of Missouri) [ Nutrition ]
Beef Cattle Resources (Oklahoma State University) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Gallery [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Gallery [ Cows ]
Beef Home Page [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef New Zealand [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Production Management, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Beef Research & Information (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 62) [ Beef Cattle ]
Beef Today [ Cows ]
Beefalo Homepage [ Beef Cattle ]
Beekeeping - Beekeeper's Home Pages [ Hymenoptera ]
Beekman Publishers, Inc. [ Publishers ]
Bees & Beekeeping (The Small Farm Resource) [ Hymenoptera ]
Befour Veterinary Scales [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Beginner's Guide To Exhibiting at CFA Cat Shows [ Shows ]
Beginner's Guide to Pet Iguanas [ Lizards ]
Behavior Problems in the Geriatric Dog & Cat [ Animal Behavior ]
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers [ Research ]
Behavior, Speciation and Genetics Group (St. Andrews University) [ Animal Behavior ]
Behavioral & Brain Sciences [ Research ]
Behavioral and Brain Sciences [ Research ]
Behavioral Principles of Livestock Handling (Temple Grandin) [ Animal Behavior ]
BehavioRx Pet Behavior Resources [ Training ]
Behavioural Processes [ Research ]
Behlen Manufacturing Company Building Systems & Livestock Equipment [ Construction ]
Behlen Manufacturing Company Building Systems & Livestock Equipment [ Products ]
Behrfoot Rags Cattery [ Commercial ]
Beijing Agricultural University College of Animal Medicine [ China ]
Bel-Art Scienceware [ Clinical Pathology ]
Bel-Rea Institute of Animal Technology (Denver, CO) [ United States ]
Belconnen Animal Hospital (Canberra, Australia) [ Australia ]
Belgian Biosafety Server [ General ]
Belgian Veterinary Page [ International ]
Belgisk blå och vit boskap [ Beef Cattle ]
Belinda's BeeKeepers Spot [ Hymenoptera ]
Belize Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Belize Zoo (Belize) [ International ]
Bell Environmental Services [ Disinfectants ]
Bell Road Animal Medical Center (Montgomery, AL) [ Alabama ]
Bellco Glass, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
Bellebir Birman Cattery [ Commercial ]
Bellefonte Animal Hospital (Russell, KY) [ Kentucky ]
Belleway Veterinary Hospital (Belleville, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Bellingham Animal Hospital (Marysville, WA) [ Washington ]
Beltway Animal Clinic & Hospital (Catonsville, MD) [ Maryland ]
Beluga Whale Information (Busch Gardens) [ Whales ]
Ben H. Comery III, DVM (Vet Dentistry) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Ben's Fish Food [ Commercial ]
Benden Weyr Aviaries [ Exotic Birds ]
BENE - Biodiversity and Ecosystems Network [ Conservation ]
Benefits and Ethics of Animal Research (Scientific American) [ Articles ]
Bengal Cat Web Ring [ Bengal ]
Bengal Chemical, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Bengal Experience [ Bengal ]
Bengal Tiger (SeaWorld _ Busch Gardens) [ Felidae ]
Bengals by Aluren [ Commercial ]
Benicia Veterinary Hospital (Benicia, CA) [ California ]
Benner's Gardens Deer Fencing [ Commercial ]
Bereavement Page [ Pet Loss ]
Bergen Brunswig Medical Corporation [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bergtun Norwegian Forest Cats [ Norwegian Forest ]
Beri's Dinosaur World Magazine [ Dinosaurs ]
Berkeley Animal Personality Project [ Human-Animal Bond ]
Berkeley County Humane Society (West Virginia) [ Humane Societies ]
Berlin Archaeopteryx Fossil Cast [ Other ]
Berlin-Buch GmbH Transgenics [ Genetics ]
Bermuda Biological Station for Research [ Marine ]
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America [ Bernese Mountain Dog ]
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Greater Seattle [ Bernese Mountain Dog ]
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of the Rockies [ Bernese Mountain Dog ]
Bernese Mountain Dogs Home Page [ Bernese Mountain Dog ]
Berosini's Home Page [ Pongidae ]
Best Care Pet Hospital (Omaha, NE) [ Nebraska ]
Best Friend Pet Tags [ Animal Identification ]
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary (Kanab, UT) [ Humane Societies ]
Best Gerbil Links on the Web [ Gerbils ]
Best of Breed Online [ Metasites ]
Best Paw Forward Family Dog Training Center [ Training ]
Bestar International Group Ltd [ Biologics ] [ Directories ]
BET Reproductive Labs, Inc. [ Theriogenology ]
Beth's Little Horse Farm in Texas [ Services ]
Bethel Animal Hospital (Lake Wylie, SC) [ South Carolina ]
Betzer Pharmaceuticals & Co. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
BEVA - British Equine Veterinary Association [ Horses ]
Beverlie Animal Hospital (Mount Vernon, NY) [ New York ]
Beware of Cat [ Pets ]
BEWAS - Bristol Exotic and Wild Animal Society [ Wildlife ]
Beyond Bio 101 [ General Career Resources ]
Beyond Bookmarks_ Schemes for Organizing the Web [ Literature Search ]
BF Skinner Foundation [ Foundations ]
BgVV - Bundesinstitut für gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und Veterinärmedizin (Germany) [ Germany ]
BHRA - British House Rabbit Association [ Rabbits ]
Biacore Biomolecular Binding [ Biotechnology ]
BIBBA - Bee Improvement & Bee Breeders Association [ Invertebrates ]
Bibliography of Crocodilian Biology [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Bibliography of Fossil Vertebrates [ Dinosaurs ]
Bibliography of the Hadrosaurian Dinosaurs (Smithsonian Institution) [ Dinosaurs ]
Bibliomania [ Commercial ]
Bibliomania [ Commercial ]
BIC - Biotechnology Information Center [ Divisions ]
Bichon Frise - Live Stuffed Toy [ Bichon Frise ]
BICHONFRISE-L (Bichon Dog Discussion List) [ Animal ]
BICHONFRISE-L (Bichon Dog Discussion List) [ Bichon Frise ]
Bide-A-Wee Home Association (NY) [ Humane Societies ]
Big Beam Emergency Systems, Inc. Emergency Lights [ Construction ]
Big Bend Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
BIG BLUE (Big Blue Transgenic Mouse Mailing List Archives) [ Animal ]
Big Blue Transgenic Mouse Page [ Genetics ]
Big Cats On Line [ Felidae ]
Big Dave's Cow Page [ Fun ]
Big Dave's Cow Sounds [ Cows ]
Big Picture Book of Viruses (Garry Lab) [ Virology ]
BigBirds Ostrich Connection [ Ratites ] [ Felidae ]
Bigfoot Encounters - California Sightings List [ Fictional ]
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization [ Fictional ]
Bignest Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
Biken - Osaka University Research Institute for Microbial Deseases Animal Quarters (Japan) [ International ]
Bilaney Consultants Scientific Equipment [ Neurology ]
Bilby - Australia's Easter Bunny [ Bilby ]
Bilby Fact Sheet [ Bilby ]
Bill's Wildlife Links [ Metasites ]
Billie and Shadows Siberian Husky Page [ Siberian Husky ]
Billy Bear's Animal Scoop [ Fun ]
Bilong Transgenics [ Genetics ]
Bim Bam Cattery [ Commercial ]
Bimka Virtual Dogfanciers Club (Russia) [ Directories ]
BIMS - Biomedical Information Management Systems (Tuskegee University) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
BIN21 - Biodiversity Information Network [ Conservation ]
BINAS - Biosafety Information Network and Advisory Service [ Divisions ]
BIO - Biotechnology Industry Organization [ Biotechnology ]
Bio 101 [ Genetics ]
Bio Online [ Metasites ]
Bio-Base Marine Biology Resource [ Metasites ]
Bio-Cat Odor and Stain Remover [ Products ]
Bio-Con Labs Filters [ Commercial ]
Bio-Journals Table of Contents [ Literature Search ]
Bio-Reg Regulatory and Clinical Consulting Services [ Consultants ]
Bio-Synthesis, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Bio-Tek Instruments, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
BIOACOUSTICS-L (Animal Communication and Animal Sound Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. [ Commercial Products ]
BIOBIN Regulatory Issues in Biotechnology [ International ]
BioBubble - Colorado Clean Room Company [ Caging ]
BioCam Dissection Charts [ Anatomy ]
BioCatalog (European Bioinformatics Institute) [ Genome ]
BioCentury Now [ Research ]
Biochemical Journal [ Research ]
Biochemical Society [ Biotechnology ]
Biochemical Veterinary Research, Pty. Ltd. (Australia) [ Alternative Medicine ]
BioChemNet [ Metasites ]
BioComputer Research, Inc. [ Imaging ]
Biocon, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Biocontrol Science and Technology [ Research ]
BioDesign International Antibodies [ Biotechnology ]
BIODIDAC - Bank of Digital Resources for Teaching Biology (University of Ottawa) [ General ]
Biodisc Educational Biology CD-Roms [ Biological ]
Biodiversity and Biological Collections [ Taxonomy ]
Bioethics for Beginners [ General ]
Biofind [ Biotechnology ]
BioForma Research & Consulting, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Biogen [ Biotechnology ]
Biogenics Cryopreservation Instruments and Equipment [ Theriogenology ]
Bioglan Laboratories, Ltd. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
BioGuide - PCR [ Molecular Biology ]
Bioguide Culture Collections [ General ]
BioHaven Hosting Services [ Commercial ]
BioImage [ Images ]
BioIndustry Association (UK) [ Biotechnology ]
Bioinfo Animal Pictures Archive [ General ]
Bioinformatics Journal [ Publications ]
Bioinformatics Resources [ Genetics ]
Bioinformatics, Inc. [ Consultants ]
Bioline Publications [ Publishers ]
Biolog, Inc. Microbiology Products [ Microbiology ]
Biological & Chemical Resources [ Metasites ]
Biological Abstracts [ Literature Search ]
Biological Bases of Behaviour [ Animal Behavior ]
Biological Control [ Invertebrates ]
Biological Control - Guide to Natural Enemies in North America (Cornell University) [ Pest Management ]
Biological Control Institute (Auburn University) [ Pest Management ]
Biological Control Virtual Information Center (North Carolina State University) [ Pest Management ]
Biological Diversity in the Great Lakes Ecosystem [ Conservation ]
Biological Journals And Abbreviations [ Literature Search ]
Biological Signals and Receptors [ Research ]
Biological Software Resources [ Biological ]
Biological Web Sites [ Metasites ]
Biologicals Journal [ Journals ] (Germany) [ Metasites ]
Biologist & the WWW Overview [ Www ]
Biologist's Guide [ Metasites ]
Biologists Discover Amazing Things [ Articles ]
Biologists's Control Panel [ Genome ]
Biology - A Community Context [ Science ]
Biology - Raven & Johnson [ Books ]
Biology 100-101 (University of Illinois) [ Science ]
Biology and Care of Guinea Pigs (Notes) [ Health ]
Biology and Care of Hamsters (Notes) [ Health ]
Biology and Epidemiology of Filarial Nematodes [ Parasitology ]
Biology Careers [ General Career Resources ]
Biology Education Review [ Biology ]
Biology Education Software FAQ [ Biological ]
Biology Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Biology of External Parasites on Cattle (University of Florida) [ Parasitology ]
Biology of Microorganisms [ General ]
Biology of Reproduction [ Research ]
Biology of the Mammary Gland (NIH) [ Dermatology ]
Biology Place [ Metasites ]
Biology Project (University ofArizona) [ Metasites ]
Biology Site of Sites [ Metasites ]
Biology Software [ Biological ]
Biomark Electronic Identification [ Animal Identification ]
Biomaterials Home Page (University of British Columbia) [ Physiology ]
Biomed Diagnostics, Inc. [ Microbiology ]
Biomeda Immunochemicals [ Biotechnology ]
Biomedical Design Instruments, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Biomedical Engineering Society Bulletin [ Research ]
Biomedical Journal Title Search [ Literature Search ]
Biomedical Journals and the Internet [ Www ]
Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Laboratory (University of Illinois) [ Imaging ]
BioMedix Project Management for the Pharmaceutical Industry [ Consultants ]
BioMedNet Mouse Knockout & Mutation Database [ Genetics ]
BioMedtrix Veterinary Implants [ Orthopedics ]
BioMerieux Automated Microbiology Systems [ Microbiology ]
Biomethodology of Laboratory Animals (University of Iowa) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Biometrie und Population Genetics [ Other ]
Biomol Research Laboratories, Inc. [ Neurology ]
BioMOO Virtual Biologists (Telnet) [ Chats ]
bionet.announce [ Usenet ]
bionet.biology.deepsea [ Usenet ]
bionet.biology.tropical [ Usenet ]
bionet.biology.vectors [ Usenet ]
bionet.celegans [ Usenet ]
bionet.drosophila [ Usenet ]
bionet.general [ Usenet ]
bionet.immunology [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
bionet.microbiology [ Usenet ]
bionet.molbio.molluscs [ Usenet ]
bionet.neuroscience [ Usenet ]
bionet.organisms.schistosoma [ Usenet ]
bionet.organisms.urodeles [ Usenet ]
bionet.organisms.zebrafish [ Usenet ]
bionet.parasitology [ Usenet ]
bionet.population-bio [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
bionet.sci-resources [ Usenet ] [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ] [ Usenet ] www Archives [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ] [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ] [ Usenet ]
bionet.toxicology [ Usenet ]
bionet.virology [ Usenet ]
bionet.virology Newsgroup Archive [ Infectious Diseases ]
Bionor Diagnostic Systems [ Microbiology ]
BioPharma Biopharmaceutical Database [ Formulary ]
Biophysical Journal [ Research ]
Biophysical Society [ Physiology ]
BioPolicy Drugs (Russia) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Bioptechs, Inc. [ Microscopy ]
Biopure Corporation Blood Subsitute [ Cardiology ]
BioRap [ Science ]
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (USDHHS_PHS_CDC_NIH) [ General ]
BioScan Therapy Products [ Alternative Medicine ]
BioSci [ Newsgroups ]
BIOSCI_bionet Frequently Asked Questions [ Veterinary ]
Biosecurity of Poultry Facilities (Texas A&M University) [ Poultry ]
Biosis [ Metasites ]
Biosis [ Literature Search ]
Biosis Conference Calendar [ Meetings ]
BIOSIS Software Reviews [ Biological ]
BioSites [ Metasites ]
BioSpace [ Metasites ]
BioSupplyNet Biomedical Research Products [ General Supplies ]
bioSURF [ Metasites ]
BioTactics [ Biotechnology ]
BIOTECanada [ Biotechnology ]
BioTech (Indiana University) [ Biotechnology ]
BioTech IgG Immunodiagnostics [ Biotechnology ]
BioTech Instruments, Ltd. (UK) [ Biotechnology ]
BioTech's Life Science Dictionary [ Biotechnology ]
Biotechnology Companies [ Biotechnology ]
Biotechnology in Our Food Chain [ Food Safety ]
Biotechnology Information Institute [ Publishers ]
Biotechnology Permits [ Divisions ]
Biotelemetry Resources [ Physiology ]
BioTherapies, Inc. [ Alternative Medicine ]
Biotrend Chemikalien GmbH [ Biotechnology ]
Biotrin Biomarkers [ Microbiology ]
BioVet Immunologics, SL (Spain) [ Microbiology ]
BioWhittaker, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Bird Banding Laboratory (USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center) [ Birding ]
Bird Barrier Bird Control [ Services ]
Bird Basics Bird Breeder's Database [ Bird ]
Bird Behaviour [ Birds ]
Bird Breeder [ Birds ]
Bird Bytes Pet Bird Directory [ Exotic Birds ]
Bird Cage Page [ Exotic Birds ]
Bird City U.S.A [ Products ]
Bird Collection - Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (UC Berkeley) [ Birding ]
Bird Depot [ Products ]
Bird Dog Foundation [ Sport ]
Bird Fancier Magazine [ Birds ]
Bird HotLine Lost & Found [ Exotic Birds ]
Bird Images [ Birds ]
Bird Images (University of Puget Sound) [ Birds ]
Bird Images - Arcata Pet [ Birds ]
Bird Links to the World [ Metasites ]
Bird Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Bird Medicine (Murdoch University) [ Health ]
Bird On Wild Bird Pages [ Birding ]
Bird Placement Program [ Rescue ]
Bird Related Mailing Lists [ Animal ]
Bird Song Adventures [ Birds ]
Bird Sounds [ Birds ]
Bird Species List [ Other ]
Bird Studies in the Australian National Botanic Gardens [ Birding ]
Bird Times Magazine [ Birds ]
Bird Tutor Digital Speech Training System [ Birds ]
Bird Watchers Marketplace [ Products ]
Bird Web [ Birding ]
Bird-X Bird Control Products [ Services ]
Birdage Nature of Enlightenment [ Birding ]
BirdBreeder Online [ Birds ]
Birdcare Company - Vetafarm Europe Ltd [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
BirdChat [ Chats ]
BirdData Database Software [ Bird ]
Birder HomePage [ Birding ]
Birdhill Products [ Products ]
Birdhouse Nest Box Dimensions [ Birding ]
Birdhouses by Wheezer [ Products ]
Birdinfo Birding Database [ Bird ]
Birding in New England [ Birding ]
Birding Iowa [ Birding ]
Birding on the Web [ Birding ]
BirdLady Babies [ Exotic Birds ]
Birdline North West [ Birding ]
Birdlinks [ Metasites ]
BIRDMED (Bird Medicine and Surgery Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
BirdNet Ornithological Information Source [ Ornithology ]
Birds - Our Environmental Indicators [ Other ]
Birds at Selected Parks (U.S. National Park Service) [ Birding ]
Birds Australia (Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union) [ Conservation ]
Birds N Ways [ Exotic Birds ]
Birds North America [ Birding ]
Birds of a Feather (Southern California) [ Birding ]
Birds of Ft. Collins & Larimer County, CO [ Birding ]
Birds of North America [ Birding ]
Birds of Play, Inc. [ Products ]
Birds of the Continental US and Canada [ Birding ] [ Products ]
BIRDTECH-L (Companion Bird Forum) [ Animal ]
Birdwatching in Bonnyville (Alberta, Canada) [ Birding ]
Birdwatching in Northern Ireland [ Birding ]
Birman Cat Club (UK) [ Birman ]
Birman Cat Web Ring [ Birman ]
Birman Home Page [ Birman ]
Birman Kitten Stages of Development [ Birman ]
Birmans Online [ Commercial ]
Birmingham Race Course [ Sport ]
Birmingham Zoo [ US ]
Bisco International, Inc. Adhesive & Composite Technology [ Dentistry ]
Bishop Museum (Hawaii) [ Museums ]
Bissonnet West Animal Clinic (Houston, TX) [ Texas ]
bit.listserv.biosph-l [ Usenet ]
bit.listserv.biotech [ Usenet ]
bit.listserv.scuba-l [ Usenet ]
Bits for Vets - Software fuer Veterinaermediziner (Germany) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Bittacus [ Exotic Birds ]
Bizarre Animal Holidays [ Fun ]
BizWeb Medical Companies [ General Supplies ]
Black Footed Ferret Information (USFW) [ Other ]
Black Jungle Terrarium Supply [ Commercial ]
Black Jungle Terrarium Supply [ Commercial ]
Black Locust Farm Cashmere Goats [ Breeders ]
Black Paws Search, Rescue & Avalanche Dogs International [ Other ]
Black Russian Terrier [ Black Russian Terrier ]
Black Sheep Veterinary Surgery (Lincolnshire) [ UK ]
Blackloch Standard Smooth Dachshunds [ Breeders ]
Blackstone Aviaries [ Exotic Birds ]
Blackwell Science [ Publishers ]
Blackwell Science Veterinary Science Journals [ Journals ]
Blackwell Stables (MI) [ Services ]
Blair Animal Hospital (Gloucester, Ontario) [ Canada ]
BLAST (NCBI) [ Molecular Biology ]
BLAVA - British Laboratory Animal Veterinary Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
Blazing a Genetic Trail (HHMI) [ Genetics ]
Bles Dairies Genetics [ Commercial ]
Bleustone Sacred Cats of Burma [ Commercial ]
BLM - Bureau of Land Management [ Divisions ]
BLM Wild Horse & Burro Internet Adoption [ Rescue ]
Bloat (Dog Owner's Guide) [ Health ]
BloatNotes (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Blood Cells, Molecules, & Diseases [ Research ]
Blood Horse Interactive [ Sport ]
Blood Morons [ Animal Rights ]
Bloodborne Pathogen Training Module (Oklahoma State University) [ General ]
Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Number_ 1910.1030 [ United States ]
Bloodhound Network [ Bloodhound ]
Bloxham Veterinary Laboratories (UK) [ Clinical Pathology ]
BLS - Bureau of Labor Statistics [ Divisions ]
Blue Blood Farm [ Commercial ]
Blue Book of Building and Construction [ Construction ]
Blue Crab Home Page [ Crustacea ]
Blue Marlin Veterinary Practice Management System [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Blue Marlin VetModel Management Tool [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Blue Ridge Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
Blue Ridge Herpetological Society [ Amphibian ]
Bluebird Box [ Birding ]
Bluebird Information and Study Page [ Birding ]
Bluewater Aquaculture [ Commercial ]
BMDBREEDER-L (Berner Breeders Mailing List) [ Animal ]
BMENet Biomedical Engineering Resources [ Biotechnology ]
BMS - British Mule Society [ Horses ]
BMS - British Mycological Society [ Microbiology ]
BNA - British Neuroscience Association [ Neuroscience ]
Boa Foundation (Netherlands) [ Zoo Animal ] [ Commercial ]
Bob Cohn, DVM (Laurel, MD) [ Maryland ]
Bob Dunn Animal Rentals and Training [ Services ]
Bob Ingersoll's Home Page (Chimpanzees) [ Pongidae ]
Bob Jones University (SC) [ United States ]
Bobkat Llamas [ Breeders ]
Bobolink Bird Observation System [ Bird ]
Boca Raton Animal Shelter [ Humane Societies ]
BOCM PAULS Ltd. [ Nutrition ]
Bodega Marine Laboratory (University of California-Davis) [ Marine ]
Body Shop [ Animal Rights ]
Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Boehringer Ingelheim NOBL Laboratories, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Boehringer Ingelheim NOBL Laboratories, Inc. [ Pathology ]
Bofelli Australian Shepherds [ Breeders ]
Boids [ Other ]
Boids [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Boiron (France) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Boise Zoo [ US ]
BoLA (Bovine Leucocyte Antigen) Nomenclature [ Genetics ]
Bolivar County Animal Shelter Adopt-A-Pet (Cleveland, MS) [ Humane Societies ]
Bomac Laboratories, Ltd. (NZ) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
BONEWORLD (Bone Histomorphometry Discussion Group) [ Veterinary ]
Bonnyville Wetland Society's Annual Birdhouse Building Bonanza [ Birding ]
Bono's CyberCathouse [ Pets ]
Bonobo Sex and Society [ Science ]
Book of Insect Records (University of Florida) [ Entomology ]
Book Stable [ Distributors ]
BookPoint Veterinary Books [ Distributors ]
Books about Veterinary Medicine [ Books ]
Books about Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Books Equine [ Horses ]
Books related to Animal Breeding [ Books ]
Boomer the Crazy Cat [ Pets ]
Border Collie Club of Tasmania [ Border Collie ]
Border Collie Online Stud Book [ Breeders ]
Border Collie Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Borrelia Burgdorferi Molecular Genetics Server [ Infectious Diseases ]
Borror Laboratory of Bioacoustics Sound Recordings Catalog [ Wildlife ]
Borzoi Club of America [ Borzoi ]
Borzoi Information Online [ Borzoi ]
BOS - Balikpapan Orangutan Society [ Primates ]
BOS-USA - US Balikpapan Orangutan Society [ Primates ]
Boss Hog - North Carolina's Pork Revolution [ Production & Industry ]
Boss Ranch [ Commercial ]
Boston Analytical Pharmaceutical Testing Laboratory [ Laboratories ]
Boston Dog Lover's Companion [ Other ]
Boston Museum of Science [ Museums ]
Boston Terrier Network [ Boston Terrier ]
Boston Terrier Rescue & Adoption [ Rescue Groups ]
Boston Terrier Rescue Online [ Rescue Groups ]
Boston University School of Public Health [ United States ]
Boston's World [ Boston Terrier ]
Bostons In Common [ Boston Terrier ]
BostonVet [ Massachusetts ]
Bottke Miniature Herefords [ Commercial ]
Bottlenose Dolphin Information (Busch Gardens) [ Dolphins ]
Boulder Vegetable Rights Association [ Anti ]
Bouvier des Flanders Kennel [ Breeders ] [ Bouvier ]
Bouvweb [ Bouvier ]
BovBase (Roslin Institute - UK) [ Genetics ]
BovGBASE - Bovine Genome Database (Texas A&M University) [ Genome ]
Bovine Digital Skin Lesions (University of Hannover) [ Health ]
Bovine Elite, Inc. [ Theriogenology ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy [ Infectious Diseases ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Argentina Secretariat of Agriculture) [ Health ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (IAO) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (MAFF - UK) [ Health ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (University of Illinois) [ Health ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (USDA) [ Health ]
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy News & Information Service (CAB International) [ Health ]
Bovine Spongiform Enecephalopathy (NIAH - Japan) [ Health ]
Bovine Theriogenology Images (Kansas State University) [ Theriogenology ]
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (University of Glasgow) [ Health ]
Bovines in the Information SuperPasture [ Cows ]
BovMap Database - Bovine Genome Map [ Genome ]
Bow Wow Meow Pet Names [ Other ]
Bow Wow Meow Pet Names [ Pets ]
Bow-Wow Web Ring [ Metasites ]
Bowdon Animal Clinic (Bowdon, GA) [ Georgia ]
Bowie Manufacturing Co. Portable Veterinary X-Ray [ Imaging ]
Bowling Green State University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
BowSite [ Hunting ]
BowWowFits Canine Apparel [ Products ]
Boxer Bit [ Boxer ]
BOXER Mailing List [ Animal ]
Boxer Rescue USA [ Rescue Groups ] [ Animal Rights ]
BPT - Bundesverband Praktischer Tierärzte (Germany) [ National & International ]
BPVS - British Pig Veterinary Society [ Pigs ]
Brady's Oysters [ Commercial ]
Brain Eater (NOVA Online) [ Health ]
Brain Injury [ Research ]
Brain of the Florida Manatee [ Sirenia ]
Brain Research Interactive [ Research ]
Brain, Behavior & Evolution [ Research ]
Brainbooks [ Biomedical Research ]
Braintree Scientific Research Equipment [ Physiology ]
Brakke Consulting, Inc. [ Consultants ]
Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue (Phoenix, AZ) [ Rescue ]
Brandon Research Centre (Canada) [ Beef Cattle ]
Branford Miniature Schnauzers [ Breeders ]
Brangus World [ Commercial ]
Bransby Bunny Animal Housing [ Commercial ]
Branson Ultrasonics Corporation [ Surgery ]
BRARGP - Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program [ Divisions ]
Brassfield Animal Hospial (Greensboro, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Braun Medical & Veterinary Equipment (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
BraveNet - Brazilian Veterinary Network [ International ]
Brazilian Veterinary Legislation [ International ]
Brazilian Virtual Veterinary Hospital [ International ]
Brazilian Zoological Collections [ International ]
Brazoria County SPCA (TX) [ Humane Societies ]
Brazos Valley Animal Shelter (Texas) [ Humane Societies ]
BRD - Biological Resources Division [ Divisions ]
Breed Rescue Organizations FAQs [ Rescue Groups ]
Breeder's Guide [ Directories ]
Breeders Connect [ Breeders ]
Breeders' World [ Commercial ]
Breeders' World [ Breeders ]
Breeders' World [ Breeders ]
BreedersGuide [ Services ]
Breeding Birds of the Platte River Valley of Nebraska [ Waterfowl ]
Breeding League Chamaeleonidae (Germany) [ Lizards ]
Breeding the Angelfish [ Hobby ]
BreedMate Pedigree Software [ Dog ]
Breeds of Poultry (Oklahoma State University) [ Poultry ]
Brenoe Communication Public Relations Agency (Denmark & Scandinavia) [ Consultants ]
BRET - Biomedical Research Education Trust [ Comparative Medicine ]
Brevard Zoo (FL) [ US ]
Brian Donovan's Dog Training Home Page [ Training ]
Briard Home Page [ Briard ]
BridgePath [ General Career Resources ]
Bridging the Gap Between Traditional and Electronic Scholarly Publishing [ Www ]
Brigham & Women's Hospital Decision Systems Group [ Medical Informatics ]
Brigham Young University College of Biology & Agriculture [ Colleges ]
Brigham Young University Zoology Department [ Academic ]
Bright Eyes & Bushy Tails Veterinary Service (Iowa City, IA) [ Iowa ]
Bright Ranch (CA) [ Services ]
Brighton Animal Clinic (Brighton, CO) [ Colorado ]
Brindle Hill's Elite Boston Terriers [ Breeders ]
Bristol-Myers Squibb [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Brite Spot Farm Horseback Trail Riding (FL) [ Services ]
British Amphibians (The Linnean Society of London) [ Science ]
British Anti-Vivisection Association [ Animal Rights ]
British Aquatic Resource Centre [ Hobby ]
British Bats (The Linnean Society of London) [ Chiroptera ]
British Birds (Linnean Society of London) [ Birding ]
British Canine Shopping Centre [ Products ]
British Chelonia Group [ Turtles ]
British Columbia Creature Page [ Marine ]
British Columbia Killer Whale Adoption Program [ Whales ]
British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (Canada) [ Canada ]
British Columbia Veterinarians Act [ International ]
British Columbia's On-Line Fishing Page [ Commercial ]
British Flyball Association [ Sport ]
British Horse & Pony Trading Company [ Services ]
British Journal of Anaesthesia [ Research ]
British Journal of Biomedical Science [ Research ]
British Journal of Surgery [ Research ]
British Lepidoptera (The Linnean Society of London) [ Lepidoptera ]
British Library National Sound Archive [ Wildlife ]
British Marine Life Study Society [ Marine ]
British Medical Journal [ Research ]
British Medical Journal Website Scales Up [ Www ]
British Natural History Museum [ Museums ]
British Poultry Science [ Birds ]
British Reptiles (The Linnean Society of London) [ Herpetology ]
British Rodentia (The Linnean Society of London) [ Other ]
British Shorthair Cattery El Sham [ Commercial ]
British Tersk Society [ Tersk ]
Britmor Miniature Schnauzers [ Breeders ]
Brittany's Bird Dog Page [ Brittany ]
Britton's Wise Computers Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Britz-Heidbrink, Inc. Animal Cages [ Caging ]
Broadway Animal Hospital (Eureka, CA) [ California ]
Broadway Veterinary Clinic (Lexington, KY) [ Kentucky ]
Brock University Department of Biological Sciences (Canada) [ Academic ]
Brockwatch Badger Pages [ Badger ]
Broiler Columns (University of Delaware) [ Poultry ]
Broiler Hatchery (USDA) [ Poultry ]
Broken Arrow Small Animal Hospital (Broken Arrow, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Brokers Realty, Inc. (Colorado Springs, CO) [ Consultants ]
Bronte Road Animal Hospital (Oakville, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Bronx Zoo [ US ]
Brookfield Zoo [ US ]
Brookhaven Mobile Veterinary Clinic (Suffolk County, Long Island, NY) [ New York ]
Brookhill Steeplechase [ Sport ]
Brooks - Cole Biology Resource Center [ Biology ]
Brooks Air Force Base Veterinary Sciences Division [ United States ]
Brookswell Natural Solutions [ Alternative Medicine ]
BRS - Bureau of Rural Sciences (Australia) [ Australia ]
Brucellosis in the Greater Yellowstone Area [ Health ]
Bruel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Solutions [ Construction ]
Brunarski's Borzoi [ Breeders ]
Brunton Canine Training Services [ Training ]
Brussels Griffons [ Brussels Griffon ]
Brymill Cryogenic Systems [ Surgery ]
BSAS - British Society of Animal Science [ Agriculture ]
BSAVA - British Small Animal Veterinary Association [ Small Animal ]
BSAVA Continuing Education Courses [ Meetings ]
BSAVA Publications [ Publishers ]
BSDB - British Society for Developmental Biology [ Genetics ]
BSE Inquiry Page (UK) [ Health ]
BSHI - British Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics [ Immunology ]
BSI - British Society for Immunology [ Immunology ]
BSM Agri Animal Housing Systems [ Commercial ]
BSM Agri Animal Housing Systems [ Commercial ]
BSMT Equine Massage Therapy Program [ Services ]
BSP - British Society for Parasitology [ Parasitology ]
BSS - Biotechnology and Science Services [ Divisions ]
BST - Bovine Growth Hormone (USDA) [ Health ]
BTK - Bundestierärztekammer (Germany) [ National & International ]
Bubbling Well Pet Memorial Park (CA) [ Pet Loss ]
Buck Wilder's Adventures & Books [ Commercial ]
Bucky's Bunny Barn [ Husbandry ]
Buddy Dog Humane Society (Sudbury, MA) [ Humane Societies ]
Budgerigar Clubs and Societies [ Exotic Birds ]
Budgerigars Galore [ Exotic Birds ]
BUDGIES (Discussion forum about Budgies) [ Animal ]
Budongo Forest Project [ Pongidae ]
Buffalo County, WI Dairy Farm Development [ Dairy Cattle ]
Bug Bytes (Louisiana State University) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Bug Bytes Newsletter (Louisiana State University) [ Newsletters ]
Bug Club [ Fun ]
Bugs - Cultural Entomology [ Invertebrates ]
Bugs in the News (University of Kansas) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Bugsy's Animal Network [ Humane Societies ]
Bugwood [ Entomology ]
BUIATRIA-L (Portuguese Veterinary Bovine Medicine List) [ Veterinary ]
Bulgarian Animal Defence League [ Humane Societies ]
Bull Moose Appreciation Society [ Moose ]
Bull Terrier Club [ Bull Terrier ]
Bull Terrier Club of America [ Bull Terrier ]
Bulldog Club of France [ Bulldog ]
Bulldog Picture Archive [ Dogs ]
Bulldog.Org [ Bulldog ]
Bulldogs' Home Page [ Bulldog ]
BULLDOGX-L (Bulldog Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Bulletin of Entomological Research [ Invertebrates ]
Bullmarket French Bulldogs [ Breeders ]
Bullmastiff Home Page [ Bullmastiff ]
Bundeskammer der Tierärzte Österreichs (Austria) [ National & International ]
Buneido Publishing Co., Ltd. (Japan) [ Publishers ]
Bunny Bytes - Outfitters of the Urban Rabbit [ Commercial ]
Bunny Central Rabbitry [ Breeders ]
Bunny Cult [ Fun ]
Bunny Master Rabbitry Management Software [ Rabbit ]
Bunny Thymes [ Rabbits ]
Bureau of Animal Industry (Title 7, Chapter 15) [ US Code ]
Bureau of Dairy Industry (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 16) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Burge Equipment (UK) [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Burgers' Zoo (Netherlands) [ International ]
Burke Museum - Fossil Vertebrates [ Other ]
Burns Veterinary Supply [ Distributors ]
Burns Veterinary Supply Company [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Burton Medical Lighting Company [ Surgery ]
Burton Medical Lighting Products [ Surgery ]
Busch Gardens [ US ]
Bush Veterinary Services, PC (Flora, IN) [ Indiana ]
BushMeat Project [ Pongidae ]
Bushover's Biologicals [ Biotechnology ]
Busy Kitty Devon Rex Cattery [ Commercial ]
Butler University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Butterball Turkeys [ Products ]
Butterflies of Sedona [ Lepidoptera ]
Butterfly Creations [ Commercial ]
Butterfly Fields Dog Kennels [ Breeders ]
Butterfly Garden [ Lepidoptera ]
Butterfly Pictures [ Invertebrates ]
Butterfly WebSite [ Lepidoptera ]
Butterfly World [ Lepidoptera ]
Butterworth-Heinemann [ Publishers ]
Buxco Electronics, Inc. [ Cardiology ]
Buy A Horse [ Services ]
Buyer's Index Listings for Animals & Pets [ Commercial ]
Buying a Horse (AVMA) [ Health ]
Buzbee Bat House Temperature Plot [ Chiroptera ]
BVA - British Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
BVDA - British Veterinary Dental Association [ Dentistry ]
BVET - Swiss Veterinary Service [ Switzerland ]
BVNA - British Veterinary Nursing Association [ Veterinary Technology ]
BVZS (British Veterinary Zoological Society Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
BVZS - British Veterinary Zoological Society [ Wildlife ]
BYD Horsemen's Organizer Software [ Horse ]
C & P Simmentals Ranch [ Commercial ]
C&X Technology X-Ray Sales and Service [ Imaging ]
C. Guy Hancock, DVM, MEd (St. Petersburg Junior College) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
C.L. Davis Foundation for the Advancement of Veterinary and Comparative Pathology [ Pathology ]
C.P. Rags Cattery [ Commercial ]
CAA - Carriage Association of America [ Horses ]
CAAB - Canadian Association of Animal Breeders [ Theriogenology ]
CAAT - Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing [ Ethics ]
CAB Abstracts [ Literature Search ]
CAB International [ Publishers ]
Cabana Systems Pet Observatory [ Commercial ]
Caber Feidh Scottish Deerhounds [ Deerhound ]
CABI - International Mycological Institute [ Mycology ]
Cache Creek Veterinarian (Wilson, WY) [ Wyoming ]
Cadenced Collections Horse Gifts [ Products ]
CADIA - Center for Animal Disease and Information Analysis [ Divisions ]
Caenorhabditis elegans WWW Server (University of Texas) [ Nematoda ]
Caenorhabditis Genetic Center (University of Minnesota) [ Nematoda ]
CAFFEINE - Canada's Agrifood Directory [ Nutrition ]
CAFFEINE - Canada's Agrifood Directory [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ]
Cagle Acres Collies [ Breeders ]
CAGTAG-L (African Gray Parrot Mailing List) [ Animal ]
CAHM - Center for Animal Health Monitoring [ Divisions ]
Cairn Terrier Home Page [ Cairn Terrier ]
Cairngorm Reindeer Herd [ Reindeer ]
Cal Fish [ Sport ]
Cal Poly - Pomona Animal Health Science Program [ United States ]
Cal Poly - Veterinary Science Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Cal Tech Purkinje Park [ Biomedical Research ]
Caladesi Animal Hospital (Dunedin, FL) [ Florida ]
CALAS - Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science [ Comparative Medicine ]
CalBioChem [ Biotechnology ]
CALCARIFER (Phyllomedusine Mailing List) [ Animal ] Pet Calendars [ Commercial ]
CALF - Computer Assisted Learning Facility (UC - Davis) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Calgary Zoo (Canada) [ International ]
Calgon Corporation [ Disinfectants ]
California Agriculture [ Agricultural ]
California Aquaculture Association [ Aquaculture ]
California Avian Laboratory [ Pathology ]
California Avian Laboratory [ Health ]
California Cattleman Magazine [ Cows ]
California Department of Fish and Game [ Fish & Game ]
California Milk Advisory Board [ Dairy Cattle ]
California Poly - Pomona [ United States ]
California Polytechnic State University College of Agriculture [ Colleges ]
California Polytechnic State University Department of Dairy Science [ Dairy Cattle ]
California Raptor Center [ Conservation ]
California Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
California Rescue Dog Association [ Other ]
California Rodeo Salinas [ Sport ]
California State Polytechnic University Equine Research Center [ United States ]
California State University - Fullerton Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
California State University Facility for Animal Care & Treatment [ Raptors ]
California Turtle and Tortoise Club [ Turtles ]
California Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System [ Government ]
California Veterinary Medical Board [ Veterinary Boards ]
California Veterinary Supply [ Distributors ]
California Virtual University [ Continuing Education ]
California Wild Magazine [ Wildlife ]
California Wildlife Hotsheet [ News ]
Call of the Wild [ Wolf ]
Call of the Wild (Algonquin Park, Canada) [ Services ]
Callahorra Sighthounds [ Breeders ]
Caller-Times Interactive Birdwatching [ Birding ]
Calling All Pets [ Radio ]
Caltech Genome Research Laboratory [ Genome ]
Cam Day Consulting (Brisbane, Australia) [ Australia ]
CAMA - Canadian Agri-Marketing Association [ Agriculture ]
Cambridge Aquatic Sciences Journal Information [ Fish ]
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts [ Literature Search ]
Cambridge University Press [ Publishers ]
Cambridge University Veterinary Medicine Library (UK) [ Libraries ]
Camelot Farms Dog Breeding Experts [ Theriogenology ]
Camels - Ships of the Desert [ Camel ]
Camp Cooley Ranch Brangus [ Commercial ]
Camp Gone To The Dogs [ Services ]
Campaign for Food Safety [ Green ]
Campaign for the Abolition of Angling [ Animal Rights ]
Campbell Animal Hospital (Chicago, IL) [ Illinois ]
Campbell Park Animal Hospital (Garland, TX) [ Texas ]
Campbell's Pet Behavior Resources [ Services ]
CampusTours Virtual College Tours [ General Career Resources ]
Can Tox Toxicology Consultants [ Laboratories ]
Can-o-Worms [ Commercial ]
Canaan Dog Club of America [ Canaan Dog ]
Canada Beef Export Federation [ Beef Cattle ]
Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information [ Computer Science ]
Canada's Virtual North [ Commercial ]
Canadian AgriCareers [ Jobs ]
Canadian Animal Network [ Metasites ]
Canadian Association for Physical Anthropology [ Evolution ]
Canadian Biological Server Pages [ Metasites ]
Canadian Center for Swine Improvement [ Breeders ]
Canadian Centre for Biodiversity [ Conservation ]
Canadian Centre for Wolf Research [ Wolf ]
Canadian Dairy Farm Directory [ Dairy Cattle ]
Canadian Dairy Information Database [ Cow ]
Canadian Dairy Research Network [ Dairy Cattle ]
Canadian Egg Marketing Agency [ Poultry ]
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies [ Humane Societies ]
Canadian Herp Links [ Herpetology ]
Canadian Herp Links [ Herpetology ]
Canadian Horsetrader Magazine [ Horses ]
Canadian Journal of Animal Science [ Journals ]
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences [ Fish ]
Canadian Museum of Nature [ Museums ]
Canadian Nature Federation [ Conservation ]
Canadian Peregrine Foundation [ Raptors ]
Canadian Pork International [ Production & Industry ]
Canadian Ratite Home Page [ Ratites ]
Canadian Swine Exporters Association [ Production & Industry ]
Canadian Tennessee Walking Horse [ Tennessee Walking Horse ]
Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency [ Poultry ]
Canadian Wild Bird Company Ltd [ Products ]
Canadian Wilderness Tours [ Services ]
Canadian Wildlife & Wilderness Art Museum [ Wildlife ]
Canadian World Parrot Trust [ Conservation ]
Canbrands International Ltd. Animal Bedding [ Cat Litter ]
Cancer Research [ Research ]
Cancerlit [ Literature Search ]
CancerNet (NCI) [ Oncology ]
Candida albicans Information [ Mycology ]
Candray Pet Care Center (Candia, NH) [ New Hampshire ]
Candy Kitchen Rescue Ranch [ Rescue Groups ]
Canine & Feline Heartworm Disease (AVMA) [ Health ]
Canine and Feline Heartworm Disease (AVMA) [ Health ]
Canine Capers IndestructaBall [ Products ]
Canine Christmas [ Products ]
Canine Colorado [ Directories ]
Canine Connections [ Metasites ]
Canine Cryobank, Inc. [ Theriogenology ]
Canine Diabetes [ Health ]
Canine Diabetes Owner Information [ Endocrinology ]
Canine Distemper (AVMA) [ Health ]
Canine Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus Research Program (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Canine Genetic Resource (AcmePet) [ Genetics ]
Canine Genetics Bulletin Board [ Chats ]
Canine Genetics Glossary [ Genetics ]
Canine Health [ Health ]
Canine Health Naturally [ Dogs ]
Canine Heart Disease (AVMA) [ Health ]
Canine Immunogenetics Page (University of California-Davis SVM) [ Genetics ]
Canine Info [ Metasites ]
Canine Laryngeal Paralysis [ Health ]
Canine Leptospirosis in New Zealand [ Health ]
Canine Longevity Research Project (Michigan State University) [ Health ]
Canine Matchmaker [ Other ]
Canine Medical Information, Part I [ Health ]
Canine Medical Information, Part II [ Health ]
Canine On-Line [ Metasites ]
Canine Osteology - An Interactive Atlas (University of California, Davis) [ Orthopedics ]
Canine Partners for Life [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Canine Parvovirus (AVMA) [ Health ]
Canine Prints by Phyllis Lawicki [ Commercial ]
Canine Sports Medicine Update [ Dogs ]
Canine Sports Productions [ Health ]
Canine Times Corner [ Chats ]
Canine Times Magazine [ Dogs ]
Canine Times Newsletter [ Metasites ]
Canine Times Veterinary Magazine [ Newsletters ]
Canine Transitional Cell Carcinoma [ Health ]
Canine Transitional Cell Carcinoma Resources [ Oncology ]
Canines Veterinary Dentistry for Exotic Animals [ Louisiana ] World of Dog Training [ Training ]
Canny Cavies [ Guinea pigs ]
Canyon Animal Clinic (Canyon Lake, TX) [ Texas ]
Canyon Pet Hospital (Flagstaff, AZ) [ Arizona ]
CAP - College of American Pathologists [ Human ]
Cape Cod Connection Bird Watcher's General Store [ Products ]
Cape Fear Retriever Club [ Labrador Retriever ]
Cape Rose Kennels Toy Poodles [ Breeders ]
Capital Area Humane Society (Central Ohio) [ Humane Societies ]
Capital District Veterinary Surgical Associates (Pattersonville, NY) [ New York ]
Capital Dog Training Club of Washington, DC [ Training ]
Capitola Veterinary Clinic (Capitola, CA) [ California ]
Capitolwatch [ Politics ]
CapMed Systems Personal Health Record [ Medical Records ]
Capri Plaza Pet Clinic (Tarzana, CA) [ California ]
Capsule Report [ Literature Search ]
Capsulenet Online Group Purchasing for Veterinarians [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
CapsuleNet Veterinary Purchasing Managers [ Financial ]
Capt'n Mikes Tackle Towne [ Commercial ]
Captive Bred Excellence Kingsnakes & Milksnakes [ Snakes ]
Captive Bred Excellence Snakes [ Commercial ]
Capture Myopathy [ Health ]
CAPweb (Caribbean Amblyomma Programme) [ Parasites ]
CapWeb - Internet Guide to the US Congress [ Politics ]
Capybara Haven [ Other ]
Capybara Page [ Other ]
Carcinogenic Potency Database Project [ Oncology ]
Card Guard [ Telemedicine ]
Cardigan Welsh Corgi Home Page [ Cardigan Welsh Corgi ]
Cardinal Associates, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Cardinal Birdfeeders and 'Houses Co. [ Products ]
Cardio Control [ Cardiology ]
Cardiology Compass [ Cardiology ]
Cardiophone Veterinary Electrocardiography [ Cardiology ]
Cardiotech Services, Inc. [ Cardiology ]
Cardiovascular Laboratory Interactive Videodisc Program (Auburn University) [ Cardiology ]
CARDS Meat Management Software [ Cow ]
Care & Feeding of Hedgehogs [ Hedgehog ]
Care For The Wild International [ Conservation ]
Care More Animal Hospital (Martinez, GA) [ Georgia ]
Care of the Sow During Farrowing & Lactation (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Care Pet Natural Products [ Alternative Medicine ]
Care-Tech Laboratories [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Career Choices [ General Career Resources ]
Career Opportunities in Veterinary Technology [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Career Options in Veterinary and Animal Health [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Career Resource Center [ General Career Resources ]
CareerBuilder Network [ General Career Resources ]
CareerMosaic [ General Career Resources ]
Careers in Veterinary Medicine (VIN) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
CareerTrack [ General Career Resources ]
CareerWeb [ General Career Resources ]
Carfax Publishing Ltd. [ Publishers ]
Caribbean Conservation-Sea Turtle Survival League [ Conservation ]
Caribbean Creatures [ Commercial ]
Caribbean Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Caries Research [ Research ]
Carin Smith, DVM (Smith Veterinary Services) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Caring for Chimpanzees (Earthwatch) [ Pongidae ]
Caring for Marmosets & Tamarins (Small World Zoological Gardens & Sanctuary) [ Health ]
Caring for Pets with Cancer - An Online Pocketbook (Kevin Hahn, DVM) [ Oncology ]
Carl Roessler's Photo Gallery [ Fish ]
CARL System (Telnet) [ Literature Search ]
Carl Zeiss North America [ Microscopy ]
Carl's House Rabbits [ Pets ]
Carla's Pomeranian Home Page [ Pomeranian ]
Carlisle Veterinary Clinic (Carlisle, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Carnegie Mellon University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Carnegie Science Center [ Museums ]
Carolina Piedmont Retriever Club [ Labrador Retriever ]
Carolina Raptor Center [ Conservation ]
Carriage Hills Animal Hospital (Montgomery, AL) [ Alabama ]
Carrollwood Day School Turtle Watch [ Turtles ]
Carthage Veterinary Service (HogVet) [ Consultants ]
Carting with Your Dog [ Sport ]
Cascoly Screensavers & Clipart Collections [ General ]
Case for Vaccinating Dairy Cattle against Leptospirosis to Prevent Human Infections [ Health ]
Case Katahdin Sheep [ Breeders ]
Case Studies In Small Animal Cardiovascular Medicine (UC-Davis) [ Cardiology ]
Case Veterinary Hospital (Savannah, GA) [ Georgia ]
Case Western Reserve Unviersity Department of Biology [ Academic ]
CashMirror Magazine [ Small Ruminants ]
Casper the Talking Cat [ Pets ]
Casselton Veterinary Service (Casselton, ND) [ North Dakota ]
CAST - Council for Agricultural Science and Technology [ Agriculture ]
Castalia Llamas [ Breeders ]
Castle's Rabbit Pedigree & Color Genetics Program [ Rabbit ]
Castro's Bullmastiffs [ Breeders ]
Cat Alley [ Products ]
Cat Basket [ Metasites ]
Cat Behavior [ Behavior ]
Cat Breed Pictures & Profiles [ Cats ]
Cat Care Clinic (Orange, CA) [ California ]
Cat Claws Inc. [ Products ]
Cat Codes [ Fun ]
Cat Connections [ Metasites ]
Cat Dancer Products, Inc. [ Products ]
Cat Dissections Online (Berkeley High School) [ Science ]
Cat Doctor (Arlington - Beford, MA) [ Massachusetts ]
Cat Faeries [ Products ]
Cat Fanatics [ Products ]
Cat Fanciers' Web Site [ Metasites ]
Cat Fancy Magazine [ Cats ]
Cat Food [ Fun ]
Cat Hospital (Towson, MD) [ Maryland ]
Cat Hospital of Fairfax, Inc. (Fairfax, VA) [ Virginia ]
Cat Humor [ Fun ]
Cat Lovers [ Metasites ]
Cat Lovers' Page [ Pets ]
Cat Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Cat Network (St. Louis, MO) [ Humane Societies ]
Cat Page [ Pets ]
Cat Paintings by Carol Wilson [ Cats ]
Cat Pictures [ Birds ]
Cat Rags [ Fun ]
Cat Scans [ Pets ]
Cat Specialist Group (IUCN) [ Felidae ]
Cat Survival Trust [ Felidae ]
Cat Tales - Endangered Species Conservation Park [ Felidae ]
Cat Tips [ Pets ]
Cat Users' Manual [ Fun ]
Cat Welfare Association (Columbus, OH) [ Rescue Groups ]
Cat Welfare Society (Birmingham, AL) [ Animal Welfare ]
Cat With The Golden Mist - The Birman [ Birman ]
Cat's Eye View [ Health ]
Cat's Eye View (EverClean, Scoop Away, Jonny Cat) [ Cat Litter ]
Cat's Townhouse on the Internet [ Pets ]
Cat's Voice [ Rescue Groups ]
Catahoula Leopard Dogs [ Catahoula Leopard Dog ]
Cataloging Internet Resources [ Literature Search ]
Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of the French Antilles [ Lepidoptera ]
Catbox Cat Cooler [ Pets ]
CatCam [ Cats ]
Catfish Genetics Research Unit (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Catfish Institute [ Aquaculture ]
Catfish Processing (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Catfish.Net [ Sport ]
Catherine's Cocker Spaniels [ Breeders ]
Cathryn's Hedgehogs [ Hedgehog ]
Cathy's Cat Country [ Products ]
Catifornia [ Products ]
Catland - the Art of Louis Wane [ Cats ]
Catmax Climbing Tree [ Products ]
Catnames List [ Pets ]
CatNet Scratching Post [ Products ]
Catoctin Wildlife Preserve & Zoo (MD) [ US ]
CatPeaks [ Products ]
CATRA - Capital Area Therapeutic Riding Association [ Horses ]
Cats & Dogs [ Cats ]
Cats & Dogs [ Dogs ]
Cats & Kittens Magazine [ Cats ]
Cats (Andrew Lloyd Webber) [ Fun ]
Cats (Mining Co.) [ Metasites ]
Cats - Somali Page Meeting Point [ Somali ]
Cats Haven (Indianapolis, IN) [ Humane Societies ]
Cats Homepage [ Pets ]
Cats Protection League (UK) [ Rescue Groups ]
Cats Wild to Mild [ Felidae ]
Cats' House [ Pets ]
Cats, Cats & More Cats [ Products ]
Catsbuzz Central & Bookstore [ Products ]
CatsFive's Yang [ Pets ]
CatStuff - Cat Graphics [ Cats ]
Cattery Row [ Products ]
Cattle & Sheep Outlook (USDA) [ Beef Cattle ]
Cattle Cytogenetic Map (Japan) [ Genetics ]
Cattle Genome Mapping Project (USDA) [ Genetics ]
Cattle Grubs (University of Florida) [ Parasitology ]
Cattle Health (USDA-APHIS) [ Health ]
Cattle Industry's Link to the Future [ Beef Cattle ]
Cattle Linkage Map (Japan) [ Genetics ]
Cattle Pages [ All Breeds ]
Cattle Population & Value (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
Cattle Tail Lice (University of Florida) [ Parasitology ]
Cattlebuyers-Online [ All Breeds ]
Cattlemen on the Hill [ Politics ]
Cattlemen's Day Research Reports (Kansas State University) [ Nutrition ]
CattlePro 2000 [ Cow ]
CattlePro Beef Cattle Record, Management & Performance Analysis [ Cow ]
CattleWeb [ All Breeds ]
Catworld [ Cats ]
Caucasian Mountain Dog Worldwide Network [ Caucasian Mountain Dog ]
Causes of Seizures in Dogs [ Health ]
CAUZ - Consortium of Aquariums Universities & Zoos [ Zoo Animal ]
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel [ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ]
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels in Canada [ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ]
CavalloWeb [ Metasites ]
Cavegat (France) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Cavies Dot Com [ Guinea pigs ]
Cavies Galore [ Guinea pigs ]
CAVL Custom Vaccine Producer [ Biologics ]
CAVO - Canadian Association of Veterinary Ophthalmology [ Ophthalmology ]
Cavy Capitol of California [ Guinea pigs ]
Cavy101 Mailing List [ Rodents ]
CavyLand [ Guinea pigs ]
Cayugafarm Cattery [ Commercial ]
CAZA - Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums [ Zoo Animal ]
CBD - Commerce Business Daily [ Divisions ]
CBER - Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research [ Divisions ]
CBHSNA - Cleveland Bay Horse Society of North America [ Horses ]
CBI - Center for Biological Informatics [ Divisions ]
CBRA - California Biomedical Research Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
CBRA - Colegio Brasileiro de Reproducao Animal (Brazil) [ Theriogenology ]
CBSG - Conservation Breeding Specialist Group [ Wildlife ]
CCA - Canadian Cat Association [ Associations ]
CCA - Canadian Charolais Association [ Cows ]
CCA - Cattle Council of Australia [ Cows ]
CCA - Colorado Cattlemen's Association [ Cows ]
CCAC - Canadian Council on Animal Care [ Comparative Medicine ]
CCAC Guide to the Care and Use of Experimental Animals (Canada) [ United States ]
CCFRA - Campden & Chorleywood Food Research Association (UK) [ Nutrition ]
CCI - Canine Companions for Independence [ Dogs ]
CCI Online Agricultural Journals and Magazines [ Agricultural ]
CDC - Centers for Disease Control [ CDC ]
CDC Technologies Hematology and Biochemistry [ Clinical Pathology ]
CDC Wonder [ Public Health ]
CDC-NIH Biosafety in Microbiological & Biomedical Laboratories [ United States ]
CDC-NIH Guidelines on Biosafety Cabinets [ United States ]
CDCA - Canadian Dexter Cattle Association [ Cows ]
CDER - Center for Drug Evaluation & Research [ Divisions ]
CDFA - California Domestic Ferret Association [ Ferrets ]
CDHIA - California Dairy Herd Improvement Association [ Cows ]
CDMV, Inc. Veterinary Products [ Distributors ]
CEAH - Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health [ Divisions ]
Cecelia J. Soares, DVM, MS (The Other End of the Leash) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Cedar Rivers Laboratories Caging [ Caging ]
Cedar Valley College Veterinary Technology Program (TX) [ United States ]
CEDR - Comprehensive Epidemiologic Data Resource (DOE) [ Imaging ]
CEI - Center for Emerging Issues [ Divisions ]
Celeste's Site for Cairn Terriers [ Cairn Terrier ]
Celia Hammond Animal Trust (UK) [ Humane Societies ]
Cell [ Research ]
Cell and Molecular Biology Online [ Molecular Biology ]
Cell-Sorb Plus Animal Bedding [ Bedding ]
Cellomics, Inc. [ Molecular Biology ]
Cells Alive [ Histology ]
CeltiCurl American Curls Cattery [ Commercial ]
Cenargen-Embrapa (Brazil) [ Biotechnology ]
Centaur Financial Services, Inc. [ Financial ]
Centaur West, Inc. Medical & Laboratory Supplies [ Clinical Pathology ]
Centenary Survey of Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine [ Articles ]
Centennial Park Veterinary Practice (Centennial Park, Australia) [ Australia ]
Centennial Publications (Fishing) [ Fish ]
Centennial Valley Veterinary Hospital (Broomfield, CO) [ Colorado ]
Centennial Veterinary Clinic (Lind Lakes, MN) [ Minnesota ]
Center for Animal Care and Control, Inc. (New York, NY) [ Humane Societies ]
Center for Bioacoustics (Texas A&M University) [ Wildlife ]
Center for Bison Studies (Montana State University-Bozeman) [ Bison ]
Center for Captive Chimpanzee Care [ Conservation ]
Center for Computational Epidemiology (Tuskegee University) [ Epidemiology ]
Center for Conservation Biology [ Conservation ]
Center for Equine Health (UC-Davis) [ Health ]
Center for Marine Conservation [ Conservation ]
Center for Russian Nature Conservation [ Conservation ]
Center for Telemedicine Law [ Telemedicine ]
Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise [ Anti ]
Center for the Human-Animal Bond (Purdue University SVM) [ Ethics ]
Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior [ Animal Behavior ]
Center for Veterinary Critical Care (University of Pennsylvania) [ Emergency ]
Center for Whale Studies [ Whales ]
Center for Wildlife Law (University of New Mexico) [ Wildlife ]
Center of Excellence for Poultry Science (University of Arkansas) [ Poultry ]
Centerline - Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center's Quarterly Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
CenterWatch Clinical Trials Listing Service [ Pharmacology ]
Central Carolina Equine Practice (Chapel Hill, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Central Luzon State University College of Veterinary Science & Medicine [ Phillipines ]
Central Missouri Humane Society (Columbia, MO) [ Humane Societies ]
Central Oregon Llamas [ Breeders ]
Central Park Wildlife Center [ Conservation ]
Central Rockies Schipperke Club [ Schipperke ]
Central Savannah River Area Retriever Club [ Labrador Retriever ]
Central Texas Herp Society [ Reptiles ]
Central Veterinary Export, Inc. [ Distributors ]
Centravet (France) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Oxford University) [ Epidemiology ]
Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock (University of Guelph) [ Genetics ]
Centre for Health Informatics (Aberystwyth, UK) [ Medical Informatics ]
Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease (Oxford University) [ Epidemiology ]
Centre Veterinari de Tona (Tona, Spain) [ Spain ]
Centre Vétérinaire D.M.V. (Ville Saint-Laurent, Québec) [ US ]
Centre Vétérinaire D.M.V. (Ville Saint-Laurent, Québec) [ Canada ]
Centro Interdisciplinare di Bioacustica (Università degli Studi di Pavia) [ Wildlife ]
Centro Veterinario Acacias (Madrid, Spain) [ Spain ]
Centro Veterinario El Olivar (Madrid, Spain) [ Spain ]
CEPH-LIST (Cephalopod Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Cephalopod International Advisory Council [ Cephalopods ]
Cephalopod Page [ Cephalopods ]
CERDOS-L (Spanish Pig Mailing List) [ Animal ]
CERES - California Environmental Resources Evaluation System [ Conservation ]
CERF - Canine Eye Registration Foundation [ Ophthalmology ]
Cesky Terrier Site [ Cesky Terrier ]
CETACEAN (Marine Mammal Sciences Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Cetacean Behavior Laboratory (San Diego State University) [ Science ]
Cetacean Pictures [ Marine Mammals ]
Cetacean Research Technology [ Marine Mammals ]
Cetacean Society International [ Conservation ]
Cetaceans' Signature [ Metasites ]
CFA - Cat Fancier's Association [ Cats ]
CFAST - Commercial Fish & Shellfish Technologies [ Aquaculture ]
CFBA - Canadian Food Brokers Association [ Nutrition ]
CFERR - Commission on Food, Environment, and Renewable Resources (National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges) [ Nutrition ]
CFIA - Canadian Food Inspection Agency [ Canada ]
CFL - Californians For Ferret Legalization [ Ferrets ]
CFMV - Conselho Federal de Medicina Veterinária (Brazil) [ Brazil ]
CFN - Swedish National Board for Laboratory Animals [ Sweden ]
CFSAN - Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition [ Divisions ]
CGD - Cattle Genome Database (Australia) [ Genome ]
CGIAR - Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research [ Agriculture ]
CGIL - Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock (University of Guelph) [ Genetics ]
CGR - Catfish Genetics Research Unit [ Divisions ]
CGS - Canadian Goat Society [ Small Ruminants ]
CGS - Council of Graduate Schools [ Academic ]
CHA - Canadian Haflinger Association [ Horses ]
CHA - Canadian Hereford Association [ Cows ]
Chabot Veterinary Clinic (Hayward, CA) [ California ]
Challenge of Antibiotic Resistance (Scientific American) [ Bacteriology ]
Chameleon Conservation Society [ Lizards ]
Chameleons [ Lizards ]
Champaign County Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Chapman & Hall Journals [ Journals ] [ Animal Rights ]
Charlas sobre Internet en el Colegio de Veterinarios de Baleares [ Articles ]
Charles A. Dana Foundation [ Foundations ]
Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd [ Publishers ]
Charles Darwin - The Descent of Man [ Evolution ]
Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species [ Evolution ]
Charles Darwin - The Voyage of the Beagle [ Evolution ]
Charles Darwin Research Station (Galapagos Is.) [ Conservation ]
Charles E. Wiedmeyer, DVM (University of Illinois) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Charles Press Publications [ Publishers ]
Charles River Laboratories, Inc. [ Comparative Medicine ]
Charles River Labs Online Literature [ Health ]
Charlotte, the Vermont Whale [ Whales ]
Charlottina Borzoi [ Breeders ]
Charms Golden Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Chartreux Cat [ Chartreux ]
Chase Tavern Farm Alpacas [ Breeders ]
CHEA - Council of Higher Education Accreditation [ Academic ]
Checklist of Mississippi Amphibians [ Science ]
Checklist of Mississippi Fishes [ Icthyology ]
Cheeptrills Maine Coon Cats [ Commercial ]
Cheetah Spot [ Felidae ]
Cheetah Survival Page [ Felidae ]
Chehaw Wild Animal Park (Albany, GA) [ Services ]
Cheju National University Department of Veterinary Medicine (S. Korea) [ International ]
ChemFinder [ Toxicology ]
Chemical Abstracts Service [ Literature Search ]
Chemical Immunology [ Research ]
Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology [ Laboratories ]
Chemicon International Antibodies [ Biotechnology ]
Chemilizer Products, Inc. ( [ Commercial Products ]
Chemistry & Industry Magazine [ Research ]
ChemScope Life Science Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
ChemWerth Pharmaceutical Ingredients [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Cherry Hill Horse Books [ Horses ]
Cherrybrook Dog & Cat Supplies [ Commercial ]
Cherrydale Veterinary Clinic (Arlington, VA) [ Virginia ]
Chesapeake Bay Program [ Marine ]
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Relief & Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Chester Zoo (UK) [ International ]
Cheval Publishing Horsebiz Equine Management Software [ Horse ]
Chewtoy Incorpawrated [ Products ]
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo [ US ]
Chia Pet Zoo [ Fun ]
Chiang Mai University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Thailand ]
Chicago Academy of Sciences Nature Museum [ Museums ]
Chicago Field Museum of Natural History [ Museums ]
Chicago House Rabbit Society [ Humane Societies ]
Chicago Lincoln Park Zoo [ US ]
Chick Master Incubator Company [ Products ]
Chickadee Home Pages [ Birding ]
Chicken Coop [ Poultry ]
Chicken Genome Mapping (Roslin Institute - UK) [ Poultry ]
Chicken Genome Mapping (Roslin Institute - UK) [ Genome ]
Chicken Lady's Home Page [ Poultry ]
Chicken Page [ Poultry ]
Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover's Soul [ Books ]
Chickens (Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club) [ Poultry ]
ChickGBASE - Chicken Genome Database (Roslin Institute) [ Genome ]
ChickMap - Chicken Genome Mapping Project (Roslin Institute) [ Genome ]
Chihuahua Home Page [ Chihuahua ]
Chihuahua Kingdom [ Chihuahua ]
Children's Hospital Informatics Program [ Medical Informatics ] [ Usenet ]
CHIME - Centre for Health Informatics & Multiprofessional Education (UK) [ Medical Informatics ]
Chimpanzee (Busch Gardens) [ Pongidae ]
Chimpanzee and Great Ape Language Resources on the Internet (Anthropology Department, Brown University) [ Pongidae ]
Chimpanzee and Human Communication Institute (Central Washington University) [ Pongidae ]
Chimpanzee Reproductive Success [ Pongidae ]
Chimpanzees by Eric Johansen [ Pongidae ]
Chimpanzees in Research - Strategies For Their Ethical Care, Management, and Use [ Pongidae ]
Chimpanzees in Research Strategies For Their Ethical Care, Management, and Use (NAS) [ Science ]
ChimpanZoo [ Pongidae ]
Chimps Inc. Sanctuary [ Pongidae ]
ChimpWorld [ Pongidae ]
ChimpWorld [ Artificial Intelligence ]
CHIN - Biological Scientific-Practical Center (Russia) [ International ]
Chinchilla Page [ Chinchillas ]
Chinchillas as Pets [ Chinchillas ]
Chincoteague Pony [ Chincoteague Pony ]
Chinese Crested Home Page [ Chinese Crested Dog ]
Chinese Shar Pei by Carmen V [ Breeders ]
Chinese Shar-Pei Club of Ameica [ Chinese Shar Pei ]
Chinese Shar-Pei Dogs [ Chinese Shar Pei ]
Chinmom's Cadfael & CA Chins Page [ Chinchillas ]
ChinNet [ Chinchillas ]
Chinooks Worldwide Inc. [ Chinook ]
Chipmunk Place [ Chipmunk ]
Chironomid Home Page [ Diptera ]
Chiroptera [ Chiroptera ]
Chonbuk National University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
Chonnam National University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
Chonnam National University Department of Veterinary Anatomy (South Korea) [ International ]
CHORUS - Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology [ Imaging ]
Chow Chow Club [ Chow Chow ] [ Chow Chow ]
CHR - Canadians for Health Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Chris Hickey & Associates Showjumping [ Sport ]
Chris Zink, DVM, PhD (Canine Sports Productions) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Christchurch Polytechnic Veterinary Nursing Program (NZ) [ International ]
Christina Chambreau, DVM (Holistic Veterinary Care) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Chromatics Oriental & Siamese [ Commercial ]
Chronicle of Higher Education_ Academe This Week [ News ]
Chronimed Glucose Monitor [ Endocrinology ]
Chronology of Significant Historical Developments in the Biological Sciences [ Science ]
Chrysalis DNX Transgenic Services [ Comparative Medicine ]
Chuck Holliday's Web Page (Lafayette College Department of Biology) [ Crustacea ]
Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Veterinary Science [ Thailand ]
Chungbuk National University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
Chungnam National University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
Chupacabras [ Fictional ]
Churchill Downs [ Sport ]
CI E Plast Disposables [ Surgery ]
Cichlid Home Page [ Hobby ]
Cichlid Research Home Page [ Hobby ]
CIDEFA - Conférence internationale des doyens et directeurs d'établissements d'enseignement supérieur d'expressionfrançaise des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation [ Agriculture ]
CIDtech Research Inc. [ Immunology ]
CIES - Council for International Exchange of Scholars [ Foundations ]
CIFST - Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology [ Nutrition ]
CIIT Activities Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Cinahl Information Systems [ Literature Search ]
Cincinnati Zoo [ US ]
Cine-Med [ Simulations ]
Cinzia Gandini, DVM & Emilio Levati DVM (CyberVet Vet House) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
CIRAD - Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement [ International ]
Circle City Obedience Association [ Training ]
Circle J Ranches Ltd. [ Commercial ]
CircusWeb [ Circus ]
Citeline Internet Research Software [ Medical ]
CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species [ International ]
Citizens For Animals (Fairview, NC) [ Animal Welfare ]
City Farmer's Urban Agriculture Notes [ Agricultural ]
CKC - Canadian Kennel Club [ Dogs ]
CKC - Continental Kennel Club [ Dogs ]
CLA - Country Landowners Association [ Agriculture ]
Clara K. Fenger, DVM, PhD, DACVIM [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Clarabell The Christmas Cow [ Fun ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
Clark Cages, Inc. [ Caging ]
Clark Consulting International, Inc. [ Marketing ]
CLAS - Clinical Ligand Assay Society [ Immunology ]
Class Insecta - Spencer Entomology Museum [ Entomology ]
Class Pet Exchange [ Fun ]
Class Reptilia (Animal Diversity Web) [ Herpetology ]
Classic Angler [ Commercial ]
Classic Angler Catalog [ Commercial ]
Classic Medical Supply, Inc. Ultrasound Systems [ Imaging ]
Classic Saluki Magazine [ Dogs ]
Claude Cat [ Pets ]
Claw, Antler & Hide Company [ Commercial ]
CLEAR - Clearinghouse on Environmental Advocacy and Reserach [ Conservation ]
CLEAR - Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation [ Legal ]
Clementine et Abel Home Page [ Pets ]
Clemson University Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries & Wildlife [ Aquaculture ]
Clemson University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Clemson University Extension Animal & Veterinary Science Publications [ Extension ]
Clemson University Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Clemson University School of Animal, Biomedical & Biological Sciences [ United States ]
Clermont County Humane Society (Batavia, OH) [ Humane Societies ]
Cleveland Freenet BYTE Animal Clinic (Telnet) [ Chats ]
Cleveland Heights Animal Hospital (Lakeland, FL) [ Florida ]
Cleveland Museum of Natural History [ Museums ]
Clicker Training for Dogs [ Training ] [ Marketing ]
ClinDev Contract Research Organization [ Laboratories ]
Clinical Journal of Pain [ Research ]
Clinical Pathology Profiles Software for Windows [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Clinical Pharmacology Online [ Commercial Services ]
Clinical Significance of Laboratory Tests (Human) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Clinical Techniques in Small Animal Practice [ Journals ]
Clinicas Veterinarias (Colombia) [ Colombia ]
CliniPharm [ Pharmacology ]
Clinique Vétérinaire (Ancienne-Lorette, Québec) [ Canada ]
CliniTox [ Toxicology ]
Cliniweb International [ Literature Search ]
Clinton Animal Hospital (Clinton, MD) [ Maryland ]
CLIVE - Computer-aided Learning In Veterinary Education [ Informatics ]
Clone-CT - Canine Fertility Center [ Theriogenology ]
Cloning (University of Pennsylvania) [ Cloning ]
Cloning of Dolly [ Sheep ]
Clontech Laboratories, Inc. [ Genetics ]
Cloud 9 Cat Paradise [ Products ]
Club Français du Bullmastiff et du Mastiff [ Bullmastiff ]
Club Pet International [ Services ]
Club Zoologico (Malaysian Veterinary Students) [ Veterinary Student ]
Clumber Spaniel [ Clumber Spaniel ]
Clumber Spaniel Club of America [ Clumber Spaniel ]
Clínica Veterinária (Brazil) [ Journals ]
Clínica Veterinária Cambuí (Brazil) [ Brazil ]
CM - Comparative Medicine [ Divisions ]
CMCatz Blue and Seal Point Birmans [ Commercial ]
CME Unlimited Continuing Medical Education [ Meetings ]
CMV - Colegios Medicos Veterinarios (Costa Rica) [ National & International ]
CNITV - Centre National d'Informations Toxicologiques Veterinaires [ Toxicology ]
CNTC - Canadian Network of Toxicology Centres [ Toxicology ]
CNVSPA - Conférence Nationale des Vétérinaires Spécialisés en Petits Animaux (France) [ Small Animal ]
Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade [ Animal Rights ]
Coalition to End Primate Experimentation [ Animal Rights ]
Coast Resource Management Stable Bedding [ Products ]
Coastal Ecosystems Research Foundation [ Conservation ]
Coastal Pet Products [ Pet Products ]
Cobbs Ford Pet Health Center (Prattville, AL) [ Alabama ]
Cobequid Life Sciences Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Cobequid Life Sciences Inc. [ Commercial ]
Cobra Information Site [ Snakes ]
Coburn Co. Livestock Supplies & Milking Equipment [ Commercial ]
Cockatiel Health & Disease Articles (National Cockatiel Society) [ Health ]
Cocker Spaniel Rescue of New England (Greenfield, NH) [ Rescue Groups ]
Cockroach Control Manual [ Pest Management ]
Codan Suffolks [ Breeders ]
Code of Federal Regulations (NARA GPR Access) [ US Code ]
Codex Alimentarius Commission [ Miscellaneous ]
Cody Hill Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
Coedwig Cardigan Welsh Corgis [ Breeders ]
Coelacanth - The Fish Out Of Time [ Icthyology ]
COGR - Council On Governmental Relations [ Academic ]
Cohasset Birdhouses Gift Shop [ Products ]
Colby College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Colby Community College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Cold Noses Pet Boutique [ Commercial ]
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory [ United States ]
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press [ Publishers ]
Cole-Palmer [ General Supplies ]
Colección Entomológica (Universidad de Guadalajara) [ Entomology ]
Colgate-Palmolive [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Collaborative Laboratories, Inc. [ Laboratories ]
Collections Collies (Sweden) [ Breeders ]
Collective Terms for Animals [ Taxonomy ]
College Connection Financial Aid Scholarships [ Funding ]
College of Charleston Department of Biology [ Academic ]
College of Ocean & Fishery Sciences (University of Washington) [ Marine ]
College of West Anglia Animal Care Program (UK) [ International ]
College Pharmacy [ Compounding ]
College Xpress [ General Career Resources ]
Collie Web Ring [ Collie ]
Collies - Back to the Future [ Collie ]
CollieWorld [ Collie ]
Color and Pattern Variations of Corn Snakes [ Snakes ]
Color Dilution Alopecia [ Health ]
Color Me Fun! [ Commercial ]
Colorado Board of Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Boards ]
Colorado Division of Wildlife [ Fish & Game ]
Colorado Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
Colorado Horse Information Network [ Other ]
Colorado Horse Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Colorado Mountain College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Colorado Natural Heritage Program (Colorado State University) [ University ]
Colorado Serum Company [ Biologics ]
Colorado State University College of Agricultural Sciences [ Colleges ]
Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences [ USA ]
Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Animal Reproduction & Biotechnology Laboratory [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Center for Veterinary Epidemiology & Animal Disease Surveillance Systems [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Computer Services [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Continuing Education [ Meetings ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Continuing Education [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Critical Care and Emergency Medicine [ Emergency ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Critical Care and Emergency Medicine [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Cell & Molecular Biology [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Clinical Sciences [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Environmental Health [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Microbiology [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Pathology [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Physiology [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Department of Radiological Health Sciences [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Electron Microscopy-Imaging Center [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Multimedia Instructional Development [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Program in Molecular, Cellular & Integrative Neurosciences [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Medicine [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University CVMBS Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Colorado State ]
Colorado State University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Colorado State University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Columbia Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Columbia University Complete Home Medical Guide [ Medical ]
Columbia University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Columbia University Department of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Columbia University Equestrian Team [ Sport ]
Columbia University Institute of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
Columbia University Presbyterian Medical Center Pain Service [ Biomedical Research ]
Columbia University School of Public Health [ United States ]
Columbia Veterinary Associates (Columbia, MD) [ Maryland ]
Columbia-Presbyterian Cancer Center Transgenic Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
Columbus Area Fish Enthusiasts [ Hobby ]
Columbus Instruments [ Animal Behavior ]
Columbus State Community College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Columbus Zoo (OH) [ US ]
Combe Inc. Sulfodene & Scratchex [ Dermatology ]
Comed Bird and Pigeon Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Commercial Rabbit Industries [ Husbandry ]
Committee to Abolish Sports Hunting [ Animal Rights ]
Common Birds of the Australian National Botanic Gardens [ Birding ]
Common Disorders and Care of Pet Hedgehogs [ Hedgehog ]
Common Freshwater Fish Diseases [ Health ]
Common Sensing, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Common Shrew (Linnean Society of London) [ Shrew ]
Commonsense Guide to Feeding Your Dog & Cat (CVMA) [ Nutrition ]
Community Animal Welfare Society (Salt Lake City, UT) [ Humane Societies ]
Community College of Philadelphia Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Community Health Internet Sites [ Public Health ]
Community of Science Transgenic Animals and Gene Targeting PI Database [ Genetics ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
comp.simulation [ Usenet ]
Companion Animal Hospital (Athens, GA) [ Georgia ]
Companion Animal Rescue Effort (CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Companion Animal Surgery [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Companion Animal Surgery (Singapore) [ Singapore ]
Companion Paws Mobile Veterinary Service (Northern Virginia) [ Virginia ]
Companion Pet Retreat (Encinitas & Mission Viejo, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Companion Rabbits Frequently Asked Questions [ Husbandry ]
Company of Animals Behaviour Centre [ Training ]
Comparative Anatomy Chart [ Anatomy ]
Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates (University of Alberta) [ Anatomy ]
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology [ Journals ]
Comparative Genome Organization of Vertebrates [ Genome ]
Comparative Immunology, Microbiology & Infectious Diseases [ Journals ]
Comparative Mammalian Brain Collections [ Biomedical Research ]
COMPAS MSDS Documents [ Safety ]
COMPASS - COMParative Adjuvant Selection System [ Immunology ]
Compendium of Animal Rabies Control (AVMA) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Compendium of Veterinary Products [ Formulary ]
Compendium of Veterinary Products [ Books ]
Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian [ Journals ]
Complementary - Alternative Veterinary Treatment for Pets (UK) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Complete Canadian Health Guide on Zoonoses [ Zoonoses ]
Complete Clinic Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Complete Guide to Cows [ Cows ]
Complete Hamster Site [ Hamsters ]
Complete List of Dog-Related Email Lists [ Animal ]
Complete Saint Bernard Dog [ Saint Bernard ]
Completely Ostrich [ Birds ]
Complexity On-line [ Computer Science ]
Compliance Policy Guides [ Divisions ]
Comprehensive Protocol Collection [ Molecular Biology ]
Compu-Trust Vetware [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Compulsive Behavior in Dogs [ Training ]
CompuPed Pedigree Software [ All Species ]
CompuPed Pedigree Software [ Rodent ]
CompuPets - Canada's Show Dog Site [ Shows ]
Computational Molecular Biology (NIH) [ Molecular Biology ]
Computer Aided Surgery [ Publications ]
Computer Graphics Alternatives to Animal Subject Use in Medical Education (Purdue University) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Computer Science Scholarly Societies [ Informatics ]
Computer-assisted Management Program for Antibiotics & other Infective Agents [ Medical ]
Computer-Based Patient Record An Essential Technology for Health Care (NAS) [ Medical Records ]
Computerized Patient Records and Practice Guidelines Reference [ Medical Records ]
Computers and Biomedical Research [ Publications ]
Computers and the Quality of Care - A Clinician's Perspective (NEJM) [ Www ]
ComputerTalk [ Medical ]
ComputerWare (UK) [ Medical ]
CompuVet (Long Island, NY) [ New York ]
CompuVet Information Systems [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
CompuVet Veterinary Software Suite [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
COMTOX - Computers in Toxicology [ Toxicology ]
Comtrad Industries [ Products ]
Concepts International Equipment [ Safety ]
Conchologists of America [ Gastropods ]
Condee Farm (FL) [ Services ]
Congaree Pharmacy Custom Veterinary Medicines [ Compounding ]
Congress Audio Cassettes From QED Recording Services [ Meetings ]
Congress.Org [ Politics ]
Congressional Affairs Reports [ Divisions ]
Congressional Quarterly Votewatch [ Politics ]
Conklin Poultry Feed [ Poultry ]
Connect Computers Veterinary Centres (UK) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Connecticut Cat Rescue Web [ Rescue Groups ]
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection [ Fish & Game ]
Connecticut Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
Connectionist Models of Mental Disorder [ Computer Science ]
Conquest Performance Horses [ Commercial ]
Conservation & Management of the Carnivore Community of Tropical Dry Forests in Mexico [ Conservation ]
Conservation Biology [ Research ]
Conservation Genetics and Speciation Research Group (University of Natal) [ Conservation ]
Conservation Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Consolidated Meat Group (Australia) [ Commercial ]
ConstructionNet [ Construction ]
CONSULTANT- A Computer-Assisted Diagnosis Program (Cornell University) [ Databases ]
Contact Canada - Biotechnology [ Biotechnology ]
Contact Canada - Canadian Pharmaceutical [ Directories ]
Contact Canada - Diagnostic [ Clinical Pathology ]
Contact Canada Canadian Aquaculture [ Aquaculture ]
Contech Electronic Animal Training Aides [ Services ]
Contech Electronics Animal Control Products [ Containment ]
Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science [ Journals ]
Contributions to Oncology [ Research ]
Controlling Rats and Mice in Swine Facilities [ Husbandry ]
Controlling Wildlife Damage (USDA-APHIS) [ Management ]
CONURE (Discussion forum about Conure Parrots) [ Animal ]
Conures - You Just Gotta Luv 'Em [ Exotic Birds ]
CONVINCE - Consortium of North American Veterinary Interactive New Concept Education [ Informatics ]
Cool Cat Icons [ Cats ]
Cool Dog Site of the Day [ Metasites ]
Cool Science for Curious Kids (HHMI) [ Science ]
Cool Spots Creatures [ Fun ]
Coolhog Swine Cooling System [ Commercial ] [ Products ] [ Commercial ]
Coonhound Central [ Coonhound ]
Coonyham Maine Coons [ Commercial ]
Cooper Mill Biological & Chemical Control [ Commercial ]
Cooperative Extension Sites [ Extension ]
Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (University of Georgia) [ University ]
Copenhagen Bird Ringing Centre [ Birding ]
Coppell Veterinary Hospital (Coppell, TX) [ Texas ]
Copper Beech Farms Miniature Horses [ Commercial ]
Copper Lee Goldens Kennel [ Breeders ]
Coppertone Labradors [ Breeders ]
Copy (2) of Armbrook Antiques Veterinarian Shelves [ Construction ]
Copy of Armbrook Antiques Veterinarian Shelves [ Construction ]
Coral Reef Fishes [ Marine ]
Coral World International Marine Parks [ Commercial ]
CORGI-L (Corgi Dog Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Corhampton Kennels Labradors [ Breeders ]
Cornell Lab of Ornithology Library of Natural Sounds [ Birds ]
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology [ Ornithology ]
Cornell Manual of Laboratory, X-Ray & Special Procedures [ Medical ]
Cornell Research Foundation, Inc. [ Foundations ]
Cornell University (NY) [ United States ]
Cornell University Center For Research Animal Resources [ United States ]
Cornell University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences [ Colleges ]
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Cornell ]
Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Cornell University CVM Department of Pathology [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Department of Pharmacology [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Diagnostic Lab [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Cornell University CVM Equine Research Park [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Feline Health Center [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM ImageLab Gallery [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Quality Milk Promotion Services [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM SCAVMA [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Vet Student Organization Directory [ Cornell ]
Cornell University CVM Veterinary Medicine Newsletter [ Cornell ]
Cornell University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Cornell University Department of Natural Resources [ Science ]
Cornell University Equine Research Park [ United States ]
Cornell University Feline Health Center [ United States ]
Cornell University James A. Baker Institute for Animal Health [ United States ]
Cornell University Mann Library [ Libraries ]
Cornell University Office of Sponsored Programs [ IACUC ]
Cornell University Poisonous Plants Page [ Toxicology ]
Cornerpost Veterinarians [ US ]
Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital (Cary, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Cornish Rex Cattery Kallibuncher [ Commercial ]
Corucia Park [ Lizards ]
Corvid Advocacy [ Birding ]
Cosmetic Index [ Research ]
Cosmetic Ingredient Review [ Toxicology ]
Cosmic Ancestry [ Evolution ]
Costa Rica Birds [ Birding ]
Costa Rica Mammals [ Multiple Species ]
Cotton Hills Himalayans [ Commercial ]
Coulbourn Instruments [ Physiology ]
Coulston Foundation Kills Chimps (Last Chance for Animals) [ Animal Rights ]
Council of Docked Breeds [ Animal Rights ]
Council Veterinary Hospital (Bethany, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Country Cat Clinic (Peacedale, RI) [ Rhode Island ]
Country Fox Birdhouses [ Products ]
Country Garden & Smallholding Magazine [ Birds ]
Country Hospital for Animals (Sheridan, WY) [ Wyoming ]
Countryrun Great Danes [ Breeders ]
Countryrun Morgans [ Commercial ]
Countryside Mobile Veterinary Services (Kingsville, MD) [ Maryland ]
Countryside Veterinary Clinic (Loose Creek, MO) [ Missouri ]
CountrySoft Pty Ltd - Agricultural Computer SoftwareSpecialists [ Agricultural ]
Countrystars American Cocker Spaniels [ Breeders ]
Courteous Canines Obedience Training [ Training ]
Covance [ Laboratories ]
Covance Research Products [ Comparative Medicine ]
COVB - Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Baleares (Spain) [ National & International ]
COVB - Collegi Oficial de Veterinaris de Barcelona (Spain) [ National & International ]
COVECA - Veterinaris de Catalunya (Spain) [ National & International ]
Cover Ventilation Design Handbook on Animal Research Facilities Using Static Microisolators [ Comparative Medicine ]
COVM - Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Malaga (Spain) [ National & International ]
COVS - Colegio de Veterinarios de Sevilla (Spain) [ National & International ]
COVT - Collegi Oficial de Veterinaris de Tarragona (Spain) [ National & International ]
COW - Cattle Offerings WorldWide [ All Breeds ]
Cow ClipArt Collection - Big Dave's [ Cows ]
Cow Cost Management Software [ Cow ]
Cow Culling Decision Support System (University of Arizona) [ Husbandry ]
Cow Image Collection - Big Dave's [ Cows ]
Cow Jokes [ Fun ]
Cow Liberation Army Fraction [ Animal Rights ]
Cow Liberation Front [ Animal Rights ]
Cow Sense Herd Management Software [ Cow ]
Cow Shed [ Fun ]
Cow Site [ Fun ]
Cow Tipping the VRML Way [ Fun ]
Cow's Eye Dissection [ Health ]
COW's T-Shirts [ Products ]
Cow-Boy [ Other ] [ Fun ]
Cowboy Mall [ Products ]
Cowboy Poetry [ Other ] [ Services ]
Cows Caught in the Web [ Metasites ]
Cowtoons & Other Strange Ideas [ Fun ]
Coyote Bay Instruments [ Physiology ]
Coyote Creek Riparian Station [ Conservation ]
Coyote Springs Co. Tasha's Herbs [ Alternative Medicine ]
Cozy Corners Bird Farm [ Exotic Birds ]
CP Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
CPC - Canadian Pork Council [ Pigs ]
CPIF - California Poultry Industry Federation [ Birds ]
CPRI - Computer-based Patient Record Institute [ Informatics ]
CPS - Caspian Pony Society (UK) [ Horses ]
CPSC - Consumer Product Safety Commission [ Other ]
CQuick Technologies Media Management Software [ Images & Clipart ]
CrabLab (University of Washington) [ Crustacea ]
Craighead Environmental Research Institute [ Conservation ]
Crane Page [ Birding ]
Crawford Animal Cremation Equipment [ Crematories ]
Crayfish Bibliography [ Crustacea ]
CRC Press [ Publishers ]
CRDH - Center for Devices & Radiological Health [ Divisions ]
Creative Bird Accessories [ Products ]
Creative Creations Company [ Commercial ]
Creative Plastic Research Filters [ Commercial ]
Creature Comforts Nursing Supplies [ Commercial ]
Creatures Animal Images [ General ]
Creditview Animal Hospital (Mississauga, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Creep Feeding Lambs (NebGuide) [ Nutrition ]
Creos International X-ray Imaging [ Imaging ]
Crestwood Farm [ Commercial ]
CRGAM - Competitive Research Grants & Awards Management [ Divisions ]
Crimson Lane Farm [ Commercial ]
CRIS - Current Research Information System [ Divisions ]
CRISP Database (Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects) [ Divisions ]
Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Health Information on the Internet [ Www ]
Critiques of Animal Rights [ Anti ]
Critter Chat All Animal Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Critter Connection [ Metasites ]
Critter Control [ Services ]
Critter Lover's Farm Potbellied Pigs [ Pets ]
Critters USA [ Pets ]
CRMV-RJ - Conselho Regional de Medicina Veterinária do Rio de Janeiro [ Brazil ]
CRMV-SP - Conselho Regional de Medicina Veterinária de Sao Paulo [ Brazil ]
CRN - Council for Responsible Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
Crocker's Ostrich Page [ Ratites ]
Crocodile Corner [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crocodile Specialist Group [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crocodile Systematics [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crocodilian Sites on the WWW [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crocodilian, Tuatara, and Turtle Species of the World [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crocodilians Natural History & Conservation [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crocodilians on the Net [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Crossroads Animal Hospital (Racine, WI) [ Wisconsin ]
Crow Canyon Veterinary Clinic (San Ramon, CA) [ California ]
Crowing Alarm Clock Software [ Bird ]
CRS - Congressional Research Service [ Divisions ]
CRT Petition to Halt Xenotransplantation [ Animal Rights ]
Cruciate Ligament Surgery [ Health ]
Crufts Dog Show (UK) [ Shows ]
CRUST-L (Crustacean Discussion Group) [ Animal ]
CRWAD - Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases [ Meetings ]
Cryobiology [ Research ]
Cryptosporidium - Coccidial Research (Kansas State University) [ Parasitology ]
Cryptozoology [ Fictional ]
Crystal Crest & Starlite Shelties [ Breeders ]
CS - Crustacean Society [ Invertebrates ]
CSA - Canadian Simmental Association [ Cows ]
CSAS - Canadian Society of Animal Science [ Agriculture ]
CSBA - Canadian Swine Breeders Association [ Pigs ]
CSIRO - Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation (Australia) [ Australia ]
CSIRO Division of Animal Health [ Australia ]
CSIRO Division of Food Science & Technology [ Australia ]
CSL Pharmaceuticals [ Biologics ]
CSPI - Center for Science in the Public Interest [ Public Health ]
CSR - Center for Scientific Review [ Divisions ]
CSREES - Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service [ Csrees ]
CSSA - Crop Science Society of America [ Nutrition ]
CSZ - Canadian Society of Zoologists [ Biology ]
CTA - Center for Technology Assessment [ Public Health ]
CTDE - Communications, Technology & Distance Education [ Divisions ]
CTDNews [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
CTFA - Cosmetic, Toiletry, & Fragrance Association [ Toxicology ]
CTI Courseware Databases [ Biological ]
CUH2A Architects [ Construction ]
CUI - Cats United International (Sweden) [ Associations ]
Cultural Entomology Digest [ Invertebrates ]
Cuniculture Journal of Rabbit Breeders [ Rabbits ]
CURE - Connecticut United for Research Excellence [ Comparative Medicine ]
Current Good Manufacturing Practices [ United States ]
Currumbin Sanctuary (Australia) [ Conservation ]
Custom Monoclonals International [ Biotechnology ]
Custom Painting and Portraits by Kathy Burdine [ Commercial ]
Custom Specialties Police & Schutzhund Products [ Products ]
Custom Word Pet Sympathy Cards [ Marketing ]
Customeffects Animal Themes [ Wildlife ]
CVA - Commonwealth Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
CVB - Center for Veterinary Biologics [ Divisions ]
CVB- Colegio de Veterinarios de Burgos (Spain) [ National & International ]
CVBA - Colegio de Veterinarios de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Spain) [ National & International ]
CVM - Center for Veterinary Medicine [ Divisions ]
CVM - Christian Veterinary Mission [ Miscellaneous ]
CVMA - California Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
CVMA - Canadian Veterinary Medical Association [ National & International ]
CVMA - Colorado Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
CVMC - Christian Veterinary Missions of Canada [ Miscellaneous ]
CVO - College of Veterinarians of Ontario (Canada) [ National & International ]
CWA - California Women for Agriculture [ Agriculture ]
CWA - Cat Writers' Association [ Associations ]
CWF - Canadian Wildlife Federation [ Wildlife ]
Cyanamid [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
CyanoSite - Cyanobacterial Research (Purdue University) [ Bacteriology ]
Cyber Aussie Adoption Centre [ Rescue ]
Cyber Cat Clinic [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Cyber Horse Handicapping [ Sport ]
Cyber Zoomobile Zoo Links [ Metasites ]
Cyber-Pet [ Metasites ]
Cyber-Pet K-9 WebBoard [ Chats ]
CyberAnatomy101 [ Human ]
CyberCervus International Diversified Livestock [ Metasites ]
CyberChicken [ Poultry ]
CyberEd - Biology Multimedia Courseware [ Biological ]
CyberFair Virtual Science Fair [ Science ]
CyberFoal 2000 Orphan Foals, Nurse Mares & Colostrum [ Health ]
CyberHealth [ Alternative Medicine ]
Cyberhorse (Australia) [ Metasites ]
CyberHorse Web Page Design [ Services ]
Cyberhound Basset Hound Home Page [ Basset Hound ]
CyberMedical [ Www ]
Cyberounds [ Continuing Education ]
CyberPanda [ Ursidae ]
CyberPup [ Products ]
CyberScience [ Biological ]
Cyberspace Law Institute [ Politics ]
Cyberspace Telemedical Office [ Telemedicine ]
CyberStacks [ Literature Search ]
Cybersteed [ Metasites ]
CyberStockyard, Inc. [ All Breeds ]
Cygene DNA Diagnsotics [ Genetics ]
Cyprus Agricultural Research Institute [ International ]
Cyrillic Pedigree Software [ Rodent ]
Cystinuria in Newfoundland Dogs [ Health ]
Cytogen [ Oncology ]
Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics [ Research ]
Cytotoxicology Laboratory (Uppsala, Sweden) [ Toxicology ]
CytRx Corporation [ Immunology ]
Código Profesional Veterinario (Spain) [ International ]
D&D Greyhounds [ Breeders ]
D. Formenti's Anthropology Links [ Other ]
D. Formenti's Biology Links [ Metasites ]
D. Formenti's Primatology Links [ Metasites ]
D. Glen Esplin, DVM, PhD (ARUP Animal Reference Pathology Laboratory) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dachshund Club of America [ Dachshund ]
Dachshund Delights Badger Burrow [ Breeders ]
Dachshund DelRanchoRey [ Breeders ]
Dachshund Memorial Page [ Dachshund ]
Dachshund Network [ Dachshund ]
Dachshund Poster [ Dogs ]
Dachshund Underground Railroad [ Dachshund ]
DACHSHUND-L (Dachshund Mailing List) [ Animal ]
DACHSHUND-L (Dachshund Mailing List) [ Dachshund ]
Dachshunds on the Worldwide Web [ Dachshund ]
DACO Blade Sharpening [ Pet Services ]
Dade Chemistry Systems [ Clinical Pathology ]
Dahlina's Boxere (Norway) [ Breeders ]
Daily Cow [ Fun ]
DAINet - German Agricultural Directory [ Metasites ]
DAINET Veterinärwissenschaften _ Veterinary Science [ International ]
Dairy (Nebraska Extension Publications) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy - National Animal Health Monitoring System (USDA) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Cattle Body Condition Scoring Chart (University of Pennsylvania) [ Husbandry ]
Dairy Cattle Information (Virginia Cooperative Extension) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Cattle Insect Management (NebGuide) [ Health ]
Dairy Cattle Publications (Oklahoma State University) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Council of California [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Council of Florida [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Council of Wisconsin [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Cow Health and Metabolic Disease Relative to Nutritional Factors (NebGuide) [ Nutrition ]
Dairy Debate Software Stack (Mac) [ Cow ]
Dairy Division [ Divisions ]
Dairy Export Incentive Program (USDA-FAS) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Farm In Jrnvirke (Sweden) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Farmer [ Cows ]
Dairy Farmers of America - Mountain Region Council [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Farmers of Ontario [ Commercial ]
Dairy Farming (Northern Ireland) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Farming Images [ Cows ]
Dairy Goat Production Review (University of Florida) [ Goats ]
Dairy Health Denmark [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy InfoTech Software [ Cow ]
Dairy Management Column (University of Delaware Extension) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Page (Purdue University) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Process Engineering Centre (Australia) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Products Annual Summary (USDA) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Programs Publications [ Cows ]
Dairy Reports (USDA) - Dairy [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Research & Promotion (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 76) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Dairy Software (University of Maryland) [ Cow ]
Dairy Today [ Cows ]
DAIRY-L (Dairy Cow Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
Dairy-MAP Survey (Pennsylvania State University) [ Dairy Cattle ] Global Dairy Sire Genetic Evaluations [ Commercial ] [ Goats ]
Dairying Research Corporation (New Zealand) [ Dairy Cattle ] [ Dairy Cattle ]
DairyNet [ Veterinary ] [ Dairy Cattle ]
DairyNz (New Zealand) [ Dairy Cattle ]
DairyPage - Australian Dairy Farming Online [ Dairy Cattle ]
Daisy Lane Vet Clinic (Indianapolis, IN) [ Indiana ]
Daiwa Tackle Department [ Commercial ]
Daken Electric Fencing (Australia) [ Containment ]
DAKO Corporation [ Immunology ]
Dakota Aqua Trapping Systems [ Commercial ]
Dakota Farming Connection [ Other ]
DAL-L (Dalmation Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Dale City Animal Hospital (Woodbridge, VA) [ Virginia ]
Dale's Dachsies [ Breeders ]
Dales Pharmaceuticals Contract Manufacturing & Packing Services [ Commercial Services ]
Dalex Computer Systems Animal Feed Software [ Agricultural ]
Dalhousie University Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Dalland Value Added Pork Inc. [ Breeders ]
Dallas - Ft. Worth Sheltie Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Dallas Dog & Disc Club [ Sport ]
Dallas Verterinary Surgical Center (Dallas, TX) [ Texas ]
Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center (Dallas, TX) [ Texas ]
Dallas Zoo [ US ]
Dalmatian Club of America [ Dalmation ]
Dalmatian Links [ Dalmation ] [ Dalmation ]
Dalmatiner Verein Dutschland [ Breeders ]
Dan's Pet Page [ Metasites ]
Dancin Peruvians [ Commercial ]
Dancing Turkey [ Fun ]
Dandy's Orandas [ Commercial ]
Dane World [ Great Dane ]
Danger Mouse [ Fun ]
Daniel Drug [ Compounding ]
Daniel M. Mulcahy, PhD, DVM (USGS Wildlife Veterinary Medicine) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Daniel Shapiro's Zoonosis Web Page [ Zoonoses ]
Daniels Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Danika's Animal Rights Page [ Animal Rights ]
Danish Agricultural & Veterinary Research Council [ Denmark ]
Danish Basset Club [ Basset Hound ]
Danish Cattle [ All Breeds ]
Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (Denmark) [ International ]
Danish Jersey Cattle Society [ Dairy Cattle ]
Danish Meat Research Institute [ Beef Cattle ]
Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library (Denmark) [ Libraries ]
Danish Veterinary Laboratory (Denmark) [ Government ]
Dann's Dinosaur Reconstructions [ Dinosaurs ]
Danner Studios Wildlife Art and Sculpture [ Commercial ]
Dansire Danish Cattle [ Commercial ]
Dare Products, Inc. Electric Fencing [ Containment ]
Dark-rumped Petrels [ Conservation ]
Darlene's Farm [ Commercial ]
Darnell Casters [ Construction ]
Darwin and Evolution Overview [ Evolution ]
Darwin's Disciples [ Evolution ]
Darwinian Notions [ Commercial ]
Das Hippodrom [ Metasites ]
Data Administrator Newsletter [ Publications ]
Data Critical Corporation Wireless Telemedicine Solutions [ Telemedicine ]
Data Critical Wireless Telemedicine [ Physiology ]
Data Grinders - Java Applets for the Analysis of Behavior [ Data Acquisition ]
Data Grinders - Java Applets for the Analysis of Behavior [ Animal Behavior ]
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Journal [ Publications ]
Data Products - Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry (USDA) [ Cow ]
Data Sciences International [ Physiology ]
Data Zoo (UCSD) [ Marine ]
Databases on the Internet (Periodical Indexes and Bibliographies) [ Literature Search ]
Databasics Information Systems Ltd PracticeMaster Software (UK) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
DataChem FloTem Blood Warming Solution [ Surgery ]
DataEdge Pharmaceutical Drug Development Decision-Making [ Consultants ]
Dataq Instruments, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Datum Filing Systems, Inc. [ Commercial Products ]
David and Lucile Packard Foundation [ Foundations ]
David Metcalfe Bloodstock [ Commercial ]
DAVID Online Atlas of Human Anatomy [ Human ]
David Roen, DVM (Clarkston, WA Veterinary Clinic) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
David Spiegel, VMD (PetPsych Cyberoffice) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
David the Dogman [ Training ]
David W. Ramey, DVM (Dominion Saddlery - Ask the Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
David's Dolphin Watch [ Marine Mammals ]
Davie County Large Animal Hospital (Mocksville, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Davinci Biomedical Research Products [ Physiology ]
Davis Veterinary Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Davis World Wide Emu Page [ Ratites ]
DAVMS - Denver Area Veternary Medical Society [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Dawn Custom Cattle Feeders [ Commercial ]
Dawn Williams (Pet-Vet, Etc. Page) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Days End Farm Horse Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
DBS - Donkey Breed Society [ Horses ]
DCRT - Division of Computer Research and Technology [ Divisions ]
DCVMA - District of Columbia Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
DDD - Danish Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
De Virtuele Dierenspeciaalzaak - Animal Plaza [ News ]
de.rec.tiere.pferde [ Usenet ]
DEA - Drug Enforcement Administration [ Divisions ]
Deadly Radiation Hazards USA Database [ Imaging ]
Deaf Dog Education Action Fund [ Other ]
Deafness in Dogs & Cats [ Neurology ]
Deakin University School of Aquatic Science & Natural Resources Management [ Aquaculture ]
Death in Animals [ Pet Loss ]
Debbie's Critter Sitter [ Services ]
Debbye Turner, DVM (Today's Pet Online) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Deborah Blum (Monkey Wars author) Internet Roundtable Society [ Science ]
Debrecen University of Agricultural Sciences (Hungary) [ Colleges ]
Decatur Veterinary Clinic (Indianapolis, IN) [ Indiana ]
Deceitful Monkey [ Fun ]
Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force - Southwestern U.S. Working Group [ Science ]
Deep Pharma (India) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Deep Sea Harvesters, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Deep-Sea World [ Marine ]
Deer Farmer Magazine [ Deer ]
Deer Farmer Magazine [ Wildlife ]
Deer Industry Association of Australia [ Deer ]
Deer-Off [ Commercial ]
Deer-Outahere [ Commercial ] [ Deer ]
Deerhound [ Deerhound ]
DEERMAIL - Deer Mailing List [ Animal ]
DEERMAIL - Deer Mailing List [ Deer ]
DeerNet [ Deer ]
DEET [ Commercial ]
Defend (Schering-Plough) [ Commercial Products ]
Defenders of Wildlife [ Conservation ]
Defiant Breeders Bengals [ Commercial ]
Definitive History of the Somali Cat [ Somali ]
Degenerative Myelopathy of German Shepherd Dogs (University of Flordia) [ Health ]
Degenerative Myelopathy Page [ Neurology ]
DeGrasso's Bernese Mountain Dogs [ Breeders ]
Degu Homepage [ Other ]
Degus Homepage [ Other ]
Deja Vu Kennels Labrador & Golden Retrievers [ Breeders ]
DeJarnette Research Systems [ Imaging ]
Dekomed HealthCare Washing & Thermal Disinfection [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Del Mar Thoroughbred Club [ Sport ]
Del Rancho Rey Dachshunds [ Breeders ]
Delasco Dermatologic Supplies [ Dermatology ]
Delaware Birding Locations [ Birding ]
Delaware Humane Association [ Humane Societies ]
Delaware Valley Pomeranian Club [ Pomeranian ]
Delfino's Arabian Horses [ Commercial ]
Delmarva Laboratories, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel [ Squirrel ]
Delphi Enterprises Agribusiness Software [ Agricultural ]
Delta Marsh Field Station (University of Manitoba) [ Conservation ]
Delta Society [ Animal Welfare ]
Delta Society Australia [ Ethics ]
Delta Verlag GmbH (Germany) [ Publishers ]
Delta Wetlands Project [ Management ]
Delta-Verlag Berlin (Germany) [ Formulary ]
Deluxecats [ Commercial ]
Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders [ Research ]
Dendrobatid Frog Page [ Frogs & Toads ]
Denison University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Denline Protective Apparel [ Apparel ]
Dennis Kunkel's Microscopy [ Invertebrates ]
Dentalaire Products International [ Dentistry ]
Denver Dumb Friends League (CO) [ Humane Societies ]
Denver Zoo [ US ]
Denvic SC Veterinary Bedding (UK) [ Pet Products ]
Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry (Ireland) [ UK ]
Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries & Wildlife (Clemson University) [ University ]
Department of Fisheries & Oceans (Canada) [ Marine ]
Department of Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences (Virginia Tech) [ University ]
Department of Health (UK) [ UK ]
Department of Herpetology (California Academy of Sciences) [ Herpetology ]
Department of Herpetology (California Academy of Sciences) [ Herpetology ]
Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences (Texas A&M University) [ University ]
Department of Wildlife Ecology (University of Maine) [ University ]
Department of Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology (University of California-Davis) [ University ]
Deprenyl Animal Health, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Der Tierfreund [ International ]
Derby Lane Greyhound Race Track (FL) [ Sport ]
Dermapet [ Dermatology ]
Derwent Veterinary Drug File [ Formulary ]
Derwent Veterinary Drug File [ Books ]
DesAcc DICOM Medical Imaging Software [ Images & Clipart ]
Desert Fishes Council [ Conservation ]
Desert Serpents Reptiles [ Commercial ]
Desert Tortoise (USFW) [ Turtles ]
Desert View Animal Hospital (Phoenix,AZ) [ Arizona ]
DesertRose Manchester Terriers [ Breeders ]
Designer Pet Beds [ Commercial ]
DeskTop Medical Imaging Software [ Images & Clipart ]
Destron-Fearing Electronic ID [ Animal Identification ]
Detroit Zoo [ US ]
Deutsch Drahthaar [ Deutsch Drahthaar ]
Deutscher Club für Nordische Hunde [ Other ]
Development Technologies International, Inc. [ Immunology ]
Developmental Biology [ Research ]
Developmental Biology Journal [ Research ]
Developmental Neuroscience [ Research ]
Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank (University of Iowa) [ Biotechnology ]
Devon Wildlife Trust [ Conservation ]
Dex-O-Tex Flooring (Crossfield Product Coroporation) [ Construction ]
Dexter Cattle Breed Society [ Beef Cattle ]
DFRC - Dairy Forage Research Center [ Divisions ]
DG VI - European Commission Agriculture [ International ]
DGfM - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Mykologie [ Microbiology ]
DHI-Provo Dairy Software [ Cow ]
DHMHD - Dysmorphic Human-Mouse Homology Database [ Genetics ]
DI - Dyralæknafélag Islands (Iceland) [ National & International ]
DIA - Drug Information Association [ Pharmacology ]
DIAA - Deer Industry Association of Australia [ Wildlife ]
Diagnosis & Treatment of Separation Related Disorders [ Health ]
Diagnostic Chemicals Ltd. (Canada) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Diagnostic Imaging Interactive Companion [ Imaging ]
Diagnostic Imaging Systems [ Imaging ]
Diagnostic Instrument Group [ Surgery ]
Diagnostic Products Corporation [ Immunology ]
Diagnostic Veterinary Systems (Canada) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Diagnostix Plus, Inc. Nuclear Medicine Equipment & Systems [ Imaging ]
Dialog Corporation [ Literature Search ]
Diamond Farm Book Publications [ Publishers ]
Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund [ Conservation ]
Diana K. Hews Lizard Lab [ Lizards ]
Dianova Antibodies & Reagents [ Biotechnology ]
Diaz de Santos [ Literature Search ]
DickEBird Birdwatching Newsletter [ Birds ]
Dickinson Cattle Company, Inc [ Commercial ]
DICOM - Digital Imaging & Communications in Medicine [ Standards & Terminology ]
Diddi Icelandic Horses [ Commercial ]
Die Koppel - Pferde im Internet (Germany) [ Metasites ]
Dierenkliniek Hoeksewaard (Beijerland, NL) [ Netherlands ]
Diergeneeskundig Centrum (Doorn, NL) [ Netherlands ]
Different Types of Vets for Chihuahuas [ Alternative Medicine ]
DIGEF - Donkey Society (Germany) [ Horses ]
Diggy Dog Beds [ Products ]
Digipac Microcomputer Software [ Biological ]
Digital Anatomist (University of Washington) [ Human ]
Digital Atlas of Mouse Embryology [ Genetics ]
Digital Dog [ Metasites ]
Digital Frog International [ Alternatives ]
Digital Frog International Biology Software [ Simulations ]
Digital Images of Fish [ Fish ]
Digital Sea [ Fish ]
Digital Zoo [ Wildlife ]
Digital Zoo Index of Animals [ Zoo Animal ]
Dinamation International Corporation [ Dinosaurs ]
Ding Darling Wildlife Society [ Conservation ]
Dingo Farm Australia [ Rescue Groups ]
Dino Russ's Lair [ Dinosaurs ]
Dino-mania [ Dinosaurs ]
DinoDig (Fort Worth Museum of Science and History) [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur Eggs [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur Eggs (National Geographic) [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur Illustrations [ Paleontology ]
Dinosaur Images [ Paleontology ]
Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur Page [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur Pages [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur State Park [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur Volcano-Greenhouse Extinction Theory [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaur-Bird Linkage [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosauria [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosauria On-Line [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosauria_ Truth is Stranger than Fiction [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaurs and Birds [ Dinosaurs ]
Dinosaurs at Bishop Museum (Hawaii) [ Dinosaurs ]
Directory of Brazilian Zoos [ International ]
Directory of Graduate Programs in Primatology and Primate Research (LPN) [ United States ]
Directory of Regional Primate Research Centers [ Science ]
Directory of SPF Macaque Breeding and Research Programs [ Science ]
Directory of Veterinary and Comparative Pathology Training Programs [ United States ]
Dirigo Maine Coon Cats [ Commercial ]
Disabled Pet Adoption Network [ Humane Societies ]
Disaster Resource Guide [ Disaster ]
Discount Medical Equipment [ Classifieds ] [ Distributors ]
Discovering Dinosaurs [ Dinosaurs ]
Discus Brief [ Hobby ]
Discus Channel Information Page [ Chats ]
Disease Information, Selected Prevention and Control Areas (CDC-NCID) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Disease Status and Information [ Divisions ]
Diseases of Aging Sprague-Dawley Rats (AFIP-POLA) [ Health ]
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms [ Journals ]
Diseases of Fish (AFIP - POLA) [ Health ]
Diseases of Gerbils (Notes) [ Health ]
Diseases of Guinea Pigs (AFIP-POLA) [ Health ]
Diseases of Guinea Pigs (Notes) [ Health ]
Diseases of Hamsters (AFIP-POLA) [ Health ]
Diseases of Hamsters (Notes) [ Health ]
Diseases of Non-Human Primates (AFIP-POLA) [ Health ]
Diseases of Poultry (AFIP-POLA) [ Poultry ]
Diseases of Rabbits (Notes) [ Health ]
Dismal Swamp Shrew (USFW) [ Shrew ]
Disney Channel Amazing Animals [ Commercial ] [ Fictional ]
Dispomed Anesthesia Systems [ Anesthesiology ]
Dissection Reviews [ Anatomy ]
Diversified Enterprises VersaBot [ Neurology ]
Diversified Livestock Forum [ Deer ]
Diversified Veterinary Management (DVM) [ Consultants ]
Division of Law Enforcement [ Divisions ]
Division of Quarantine [ Divisions ]
Dixiedolls Ragdolls [ Commercial ]
DJ's Poetry Page (Darrel Schweitzer, DVM) [ Poetry ]
DLC Pty Ltd Veterinary Equipment (Australia) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
DLM Enterprises - Medical, Pharmaceutical & Veterinary Photographic Art Prints [ Images ]
DLM Enterprises Veterinary Photographic Art Prints [ Commercial ]
DLO-NL - Netherlands Organization for Agricultural Research (Netherlands) [ International ]
DMI - Dairy Management Inc. [ Cows ]
DMS Laboratories, Inc. - RapidVet Blood Typing [ Clinical Pathology ]
DNA Patent Database [ Genome ]
DNA Vaccine Web [ Infectious Diseases ]
DNV - Den Norske Veterinærforening (Norway) [ National & International ]
Do Black Cats Cause Bad Luck [ Fun ]
Do It Yourself Pest Control [ Commercial ]
Doberman Pinscher CD-Rom [ Breeders ]
Doberman Pinscher Club of Houston [ Doberman ]
Doberman Rescue of North Texas [ Rescue Groups ]
Doberman Web Ring [ Doberman ]
Dobermann Rescue Ltd. (UK) [ Rescue Groups ]
Doberworld [ Doberman ]
Dobots Page [ Doberman ]
Dochlaggie Pomeranians [ Breeders ]
Docktor Pet [ Commercial ]
DocsWeb Pharmaceutical Connections [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
DoctorNET Online Medical Clip Art [ Images ]
Document Delivery Suppliers [ Literature Search ]
DocWare, Inc. [ Medical ]
Dodgen Industries Mobile Vet Clinic [ Vehicles ]
Does Your Dog Have Heartworm (Rutgers University) [ Health ]
Dog & Cat Book Catalog [ Cats ]
Dog & Cat Book Catalog [ Dogs ]
Dog & Kennel Magazine [ Dogs ]
Dog Abdomen Series (Murdoch University) [ Anatomy ]
Dog Agility Page [ Sport ]
Dog Agility Web Ring [ Sport ]
Dog Bibliography (USDA) [ Other ]
Dog Bone Club [ Directories ]
Dog Breed Information Center [ Directories ]
Dog Breed Information Center (2) [ Directories ]
Dog Breed Registration Statistics (AVMA) [ Directories ]
Dog Breeders [ Directories ]
Dog Central Index of Famous Dogs [ Other ]
Dog Day Afternoon Basset Hound Page [ Basset Hound ]
Dog Diaper [ Products ]
Dog Fanciers' Acronym List [ Directories ]
Dog Genome Project (UC-Berkeley) [ Genome ]
Dog Gone Cat Feeder [ Products ]
Dog Hause [ Dogs ]
Dog House (Spain) [ Metasites ]
Dog House Border Collie Supplies [ Breeders ]
Dog House Bulletin Board [ Chats ]
Dog Humor [ Fun ]
Dog Link Search Engine [ Metasites ]
Dog Logic [ Health ]
Dog Lovers Bookshop [ Dogs ]
Dog Lovers Pedigree Service [ Directories ]
Dog Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Dog Management (Notes) [ Other ]
Dog News Online [ Metasites ]
Dog Obedience & Training Page [ Training ]
Dog Owner's Guide [ Metasites ]
Dog Pictures Bulletinboard [ Dogs ]
Dog [ Training ]
Dog Discussion Group [ Chats ]
Dog Room [ Pets ]
Dog Sense Training Video [ Training ]
Dog Side Show by the Seashore [ Fun ]
Dog Spay Slideshow (Ocean Beach Veterinary Clinic) [ Dogs ]
Dog Sports Magazine [ Dogs ]
Dog Stamps [ Other ]
Dog World Magazine [ Metasites ]
Dog Zone Breeder's Exchange [ Directories ]
Dog's World - Purebred Breeders of Québec [ Directories ]
Dog, Disc & Wind CD-Rom [ Products ]
Dog-Cat Clinic & Veterinary Hospital Anivet (Turku, Finland) [ Finland ]
Dog-Inn (Denmark) [ Directories ]
Dog-o-Gram [ Other ]
Dog-Owner Connection [ Training ]
Dog-Play [ Sport ] [ Directories ] Travel with Dogs [ Services ]
Doggie Connection [ Health ]
Doggie Diamonds Dog Lover Products [ Products ]
Doggie Door to Canine Behavior [ Training ]
Doggie Ring [ Metasites ]
Doggie Talk [ Animal ]
DoggieBagz [ Products ]
Doggone Kennels English Pointers [ Breeders ]
Doggy Information on the Web [ Metasites ]
Doggy Paws [ Metasites ]
Doggy Paws Rescue-Retrieval Page [ Rescue Groups ]
DogHeaven [ Pet Loss ]
DogLogic [ Great Dane ]
Dogmandu [ Humane Societies ]
DogMap - Dog Genome Mapping [ Genome ]
DogNet [ Directories ]
DogPack [ Directories ]
DogPatch [ Metasites ]
Dogpatch Conference [ Chats ]
Dogs & Cats - The Killing Rate [ Humane Societies ]
Dogs (Mining Company) [ Metasites ]
DOGS - Database Of Genome Sizes [ Genome ]
Dogs Against Drugs [ Other ]
Dogs Connections [ Metasites ]
Dogs Downunder [ Directories ]
Dogs in Canada [ Directories ]
Dogs in Canada Needing Homes [ Rescue Groups ]
Dogs International Marketplace [ Directories ]
Dogs Today [ Dogs ]
Dogs UK [ Metasites ]
Dogs Walk Against Cancer [ Other ]
Dogs' Center of Hungary [ Other ]
DogSaver Screen Saver [ Products ]
Dogstar Kennels [ Breeders ]
Dogstop [ Metasites ]
Dogstop Dog News and Breeder Information [ Directories ]
Dogstuff [ Sport ] [ Products ]
DogWare T-Shirts [ Products ]
DogWatch Containment & Training Products [ Training ]
DogWatch, Inc. [ Containment ]
Dogwood Veterinary Hospital (Newnan, GA) [ Georgia ]
Dolphin Alliance [ Animal Rights ]
Dolphin Circle [ Dolphins ]
Dolphin Pictures [ Marine Mammals ]
Dolphin Research Team (University of Houston-Clear Lake) [ Dolphins ]
Dolphin Shirt Company [ Commercial ]
Dolphin Society [ Dolphins ]
Dolphin Study Group - Tropical Marine Science Initiative National University of Singapore [ Dolphins ]
Dolphin WWW FAQ [ Dolphins ]
Dolphins - The Oracles of the Sea [ Dolphins ]
DOM_BIRD (Discussion forum about Domesticated Birds) [ Animal ]
Domain Feeds [ Commercial ]
Dome Imaging Systems [ Imaging ]
Domestic Animal Endocrinology [ Journals ]
Domestic Animal Health Programs (USDA APHIS) [ Health ]
Dominick Moth & Butterfly Collection (University of South Carolina) [ Lepidoptera ]
Dominion Veterinary Laboratories Ltd. (Canada) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Dominion Veterinary Laboratories, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Domino Chow Chows [ Breeders ]
Don McGee, Equine Appraiser [ Services ]
Don's Duck Pond [ Waterfowl ]
Donaldson International Livestock Limited [ Breeders ]
Donkey Page [ Donkeys & Mules ]
Donkey Sanctuary [ Rescue Groups ]
Donna K. Fernandez DVM, CAC, CAAp (HorseAid) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Doody Publishing [ Distributors ]
Dopharma International Veterinary Pharmaceuticals _ Chemicals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Doral Publishing Dog Books [ Dogs ]
Doris Day Animal League [ Animal Rights ]
Doron Neri Veterinary Clinic (Israel) [ Israel ]
Dorwest Herbs Veterinary Medicines & Supplements [ Alternative Medicine ]
Dot Pharmacy Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
DotFarming [ Metasites ]
DotPets Pet Products [ Pet Products ]
Dotters Dalmatian A to Z Resources [ Dalmation ]
Dotters Dalmatian Adoption Wishbook [ Rescue Groups ]
Doty Veterinary Software VetMaster [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Double D Corriente Ranch [ Commercial ]
Double Take Akitas [ Breeders ]
Double-D Ranch Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
Doug Bridge Studios Web Page Design [ Www ]
Doug's Tarantula Page [ Arachnids ]
Douglas R. Mader, DVM (Reptile Medicine and Surgery Book) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dover Saddlery [ Products ]
Dover Veterinary Hospital (Dover, NH) [ New Hampshire ]
DPIE Chief Veterinary Officer (Australia) [ Australia ]
Dr Joel Wallach (American Longevity Colloidal Minerals) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Allen Hahn [ AAVI ]
Dr. Anne Guitton (Animal Wellness International) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Antonio Horta (Portugal) [ Portugal ]
Dr. Barb Deeb's Guide to Guinea Pig Care [ Health ]
Dr. Bernhard Hofschulte (History of Veterinary Medicine in Germany) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Blair Gustafson (Country Internet Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Bob English (Brisbane, Australia) [ Australia ]
Dr. Caroline Prymak (Small Animal Surgery) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Caroline Prymak (UK) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Clelio Costa Carreira (Campinas, Brazil) [ Brazil ]
Dr. Cookie Pet Behavior [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Dr. David Grant (Simcoe, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Dr. Dolittle [ Fictional ]
Dr. Duane Steward [ AAVI ]
Dr. Edgar Nunes (Brazil) [ Brazil ]
Dr. Enrico Palma (Italy) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Goodpet [ Alternative Medicine ]
Dr. Herbert Müller (Austria) [ Austria ]
Dr. John Internet Dog Naming Service [ Other ]
Dr. John Wilson (Internet Dog Naming Service) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Ken Boschert [ AAVI ]
Dr. Kenaf's Amazing Cat Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Dr. Lachinger (Wien-Maure, Austria) [ Austria ]
Dr. P's Dog Training [ Training ]
Dr. Pez [ Hobby ]
Dr. Reinhard Goy (Gusborn, Germany) [ Germany ]
Dr. Richard Talbot [ AAVI ]
Dr. Roen's Weekly Veterinary Column [ Newsletters ]
Dr. Rudolf Winkelmayer (Austria) [ Austria ]
Dr. Ryszard Milczarek (Poland) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Sandi (K-9's Corner) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dr. Seward's Gila Monster Web [ Lizards ]
Dr. Shipp's Laboratories [ Dentistry ]
Dr. Stout's Wilderness Home [ Commercial ]
Dr. Temple Grandin Animal Welfare, Housing, and Transportation [ Animal Behavior ]
Dr. Tibor F. Dipold (Shoalhaven Veterinary Clinic - Australia) [ Australia ]
Dr. Vadim A. Weinberg Private Practice (St. Petersburg, Russia) [ Russia ]
Dragonflies [ Odanata ]
Dragonflies and Damselflies [ Odanata ]
Dragonlyn Mini Dachshunds [ Breeders ]
DragonRidge Net-Refuge of the Rhino [ Rhinoceros ]
Dragoon Scottish Terriers [ Breeders ]
Draminski Electronics in Agriculture (Poland) [ Theriogenology ]
Draught Animal News [ Newsletters ]
DRE Refurbished and Used Anesthesia & Medical Equipment [ Anesthesiology ]
DreamCats Cat Breeder Directory [ Metasites ]
Dreampower Animal Rescue Foundation [ Rescue Groups ]
Dressage [ Sport ]
Dressage Extensions [ Products ]
Dri-Dek Corporation [ Construction ]
Driftwood Kennel Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Driving In Color [ Paint ]
DRMS Dairy Records Management Systems [ Cow ]
Drosophila Genetic Resources (Japan) [ Genetics ]
DROVET - Drogueria Veterinaria [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Info Center [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Drs. Foster & Smith Pet Products [ Pet Products ]
Drug Detection Dogs [ Other ]
Drug InfoNet [ Pharmacology ]
Drug Topics [ Journals ] [ Compounding ]
Drummond Scientific Company [ Clinical Pathology ]
Dryer Lint Pets [ Fictional ]
DSHI Systems Medical Call Center Solutions [ Medical ]
DTI - Department of Trade & Industry (UK) [ UK ]
DTN AgDayta [ Commercial ]
Dualle Products Odor Control and Sanitation [ Commercial ]
Duane Steward, DVM (MIT) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Dublin Core Metadata [ Standards & Terminology ]
Duck Hunt [ Fun ]
Ducks Unlimited of Mexico [ Conservation ]
Duckweed Clearinghouse [ Aquaculture ]
Dudley Zoo (UK) [ International ]
Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center Transgenic Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
Duke University Division of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Duke University Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Duke's Dog Fashions [ Products ]
DUMC - Health Informatics Standards Coding Systems [ Standards & Terminology ]
DuMond Conservancy [ Conservation ]
Dun Horse Online [ Other ]
Duncan Island Ranch Polish Arabians [ Commercial ]
Duncan Ranch [ Commercial ]
Duncraft Bird Feeders [ Products ]
Dungeness Crab [ Crustacea ]
Dunlops Veterinary Supplies (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
DuPage River Animal Hospital (Naperville, IL) [ Illinois ]
DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Duprasi FAQ [ Gerbils ]
Durham Animal Hospital (Durham, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Durvet Animal Health Products [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Dust Mites [ Arachnids ]
Dutch Butterfly Pages [ Lepidoptera ]
Dutch Girl Paints [ Commercial ]
Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management & Fisheries [ Netherlands ]
Dutch Veterinary Information Systems [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
DVG - Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft [ National & International ]
DVG - Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (Germany) [ Specialists ]
Dvine Dog Co. Aromatherapy [ Products ]
DVM Communications [ Telemedicine ]
DVM Manager Veterinary Practice Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
DVM NewsMagazine [ News ]
DVM Newsmagazine Meetings CE Index [ Meetings ]
DVM Pharmaceuticals [ Dermatology ]
DVM Veterinary Marketing [ Marketing ]
DVM_CHAT (Veterinary & Student Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
DVMA - Delaware Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
DVMSearch [ US ]
DVMSearch Veterinary Employment Search [ Jobs ]
DxMONITOR Animal Health Report [ Newsletters ]
DynaMed Medical Information System [ Medical ]
Dynamic Imaging Ltd. [ Imaging ]
E & D Plastics, Inc. [ Construction ]
E & L Insurance Group (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
E - Environmental Magazine [ AR ]
E-Answers [ Metasites ]
E-Journal [ Research ]
E-Source Buyers Guide [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
E-Vet [ Online Services ]
E-Vet Veterinary Products (Denmark) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
E. Coli Reference Center (Pennsylvania State University) [ Bacteriology ]
EAAP - European Association for Animal Production [ Large Animal ]
EAD - Environmental Analysis and Documentation [ Divisions ]
Eagle Enterprise Industrial Chemicals [ Disinfectants ]
Eagle Page [ Raptors ]
Eagle Rock Pet Care Veterinary Hospital (West Orange, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Eagle Stock Images Wildlife Photo Gallery [ Wildlife ]
Eagle's Agriculture & Animal Health Job Openings [ Jobs ]
Eagles of Whidbey Island [ Birds ]
Ear Notching [ Husbandry ]
Earesistible Cattery [ Commercial ]
Earl Walls Associates Architectural and Engineering Firm [ Construction ]
EARSS - European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (email [ Epidemiology ]
Earth Dog [ Conservation ]
Earth Sanctuaries Ltd. [ Conservation ]
EarthCare [ Animal Rights ]
Earthkind [ Animal Welfare ]
Earthtrust Wildlife Conservation Worldwide [ Conservation ]
EarthWatch Institute [ Foundations ]
Earthwatch Institute Center for Field Research [ Conservation ]
Earthworm Dissection [ Annelida ]
East African Primate Research Sites [ Science ]
East Lake Animal Clinic (Watsonville, CA) [ California ]
East Texas Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
Eastern Kentucky Ostriches [ Ratites ]
Eastern Kentucky University [ United States ]
Eastern Ontario EquineWeb [ Other ]
Eastern Screech Owl Page [ Raptors ]
Eastern Slopes Grizzly Bear Project [ Ursidae ]
Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank [ Surgery ]
Eastman Kodak Co. X-Ray Film and Processors [ Imaging ]
EastSide Dog & Cat Hospital (Chesterland, OH) [ Ohio ]
Easy Care Inc. [ Products ]
Easy Vet Database Information [ Literature Search ]
Easymage 3D Image Software [ Images & Clipart ] [ Poultry ]
EAVDI - European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging [ Radiology ]
EAZA - European Association of Zoos and Aquaria [ Zoo Animal ]
Ebola Links [ Health ]
Ebola Virus Hemorrhagic Fever (CDC) [ Health ]
Ebola Virus Recommended Reading List [ Health ]
EBRA - European Biomedical Research Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
EBSCO Publishing [ Publishers ]
EBVS - European Board of Veterinary Specialization [ aa ]
EC Veterinary Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
ECACC - European Collection of Cell Cultures [ Clinical Pathology ]
ECFXPERT - Computer Model for the Investigation of Tick Populations (University of Glasgow) [ Arachnids ]
Echidna and I [ Monotremata ]
ECHO - European Commission Host Organisation [ Europe ]
Echo View Dalmations [ Breeders ]
Echocardiography and Doppler Echocardiography (University of Tennessee CVM) [ Imaging ]
ECLAM - European College of Laboratory Animal Medicine [ Comparative Medicine ]
ECO Newsletter [ Eco ]
Eco-Vet Natural Veterinary Medicines [ Alternative Medicine ]
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Alfort [ France ]
Ecole Nationale Veterinaire de Nantes [ France ]
ECOLOG-L (Ecology Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Ecologia E-Tip [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Ecology WWW Page [ Metasites ]
Ecomuseum [ Multiple Species ]
Ecotarium (New England Science Center) [ Museums ]
ECOUGAR (Eastern Cougar Mailing List) [ Animal ]
EcoVolunteer [ Conservation ]
ECS - Economic & Community Systems [ Divisions ]
ECVA - European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia [ Anesthesiology ]
ECVAM - European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods [ Alternatives ]
ECVAM - European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods [ Comparative Medicine ]
ECVDI - European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging [ Radiology ]
ECVIM-CA - European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals [ Small Animal ]
ECVO - European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists [ Ophthalmology ]
ECVP - European College of Veterinary Pathologists [ Pathology ]
Ed Lonnon's Endangered Species [ Endangered Species ]
EDA - Economic Development Administration [ Divisions ]
Eddies Sharpening [ Services ]
Edge [ Science ]
EdgeWise Sharpening [ Pet Services ]
Edinburgh Lean Growth Experiment in Pigs [ Husbandry ]
Edinburgh Mouse Atlas Standard Anatomical Nomenclature Database [ Genetics ]
Edinburgh Zoo (Scotland) [ International ]
EDIS (University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) [ Databases ]
EDIS (University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences) [ Other ]
EDIS (University of Florida) [ Pest Management ]
EdiVet (Spain) [ International ]
Edmund R. Dorosz, DVM (Our Pets) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Edstrom Industries, Inc. [ Caging ]
Edu-Tech Info for Veterinary Medicine [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Education and Training in the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NAS-ILAR) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Edward A. Leonard, DVM (Wayland, MA) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Ee Lynn's Endangered Species Page [ Metasites ]
EE-Link - Environmental Education Link [ Metasites ]
EEVL - Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library [ Practice Management ]
Effects of Drugs on Laboratory Values [ Pharmacology ]
EFG Feed Formulation Software [ Agricultural ]
EFITA - European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture [ Informatics ]
EG&G Wallac [ Clinical Pathology ]
Egg Nutrition Center [ Poultry ]
Egg Products (USDA) [ Poultry ]
Egg Products Inspection (US Code, Title 21, Chapter 15) [ US Code ]
Egg Research and Consumer Information (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 60) [ US Code ]
Eggs & Things [ Ratites ]
Eggs-otic Easter [ Fun ]
Eheim Gmbh & Co [ Commercial ]
Ehime University School of Medicine Laboratory Animal Center (Japan) [ International ]
EHIS - Environmental Health Information Service [ Toxicology ]
Ehrlichiosis (Oklahoma State University CVM) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Ehrlichiosis - A Silent and Deadly Killer [ Health ]
Ehrlichiosis - A Silent and Deadly Killer [ Infectious Diseases ]
Eickemeyer Medical Technology (Germany) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
EIINET - Emerging Infections Information Network (Yale University) [ Epidemiology ]
EIIP - Emergency Information Infrastructure Partnership Virtual Forum [ Disaster ]
Einstein's Online Pet Rescue Group [ Rescue Groups ]
El Rincon Pet Hospital (Albuquerque, NM) [ New Mexico ]
El Rosario Ecuadorian Shrimp [ Commercial ]
Elanco Animal Health [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Elantec Medical [ Surgery ]
ElectroBraid Fence [ Containment ]
Electron Micrographs of Animal Viruses (Queen's University of Belfast) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Electron Microscopy Yellow Pages [ Histology ]
Electronic Journal of Biotechnology [ Research ]
Electronic Journal of Orthopaedics [ Research ]
Electronic Journals - Veterinary Related_ Alphabetically Listed (University of Minnesota CVM) [ Journals ]
Electronic Media & Applications Conference (WUSTL_OPRR_AALAS) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Electronic Medical Record Survey of North American Veterinary Colleges [ Medical Records ]
Electronic Merchant Systems, Inc. Credit Card Processing [ Financial ]
Electronic Pet Containment Fencing [ Containment ]
Electronic Resources on Lepidoptera [ Lepidoptera ]
Electronic Resources on Ornithology [ Ornithology ]
Electronic Syllabi (Tuskegee University SVM) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Electronic Transactions on Artificial Intelligence [ Publications ]
Elementary Science Program Homepage [ Science ]
Elephant Consultance [ Elephant ]
Elephant Information Repository [ Elephant ]
Elephant Manager's Association [ Elephant ]
Elephant Net Malaysian Elephant Tracking Project [ Elephant ]
Elephant Seals of the Falklands [ Pinnipeds ]
Eli Lilly & Company [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Elite Equines, Ltd. [ Services ]
Elite Genetics [ Theriogenology ]
Elizabeth Salmon - Equine Consultant [ Commercial ]
Elk Breeders Home Page [ Elk ]
Elkhorn Ranch (Montana) [ Services ]
Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs Newsletters [ Pigs ]
Ellegard Gottingen Minipigs (Denmark) [ Breeds ]
Ellman Radiosurgery [ Surgery ]
Ellwood Park Animal Hospital (Abbotsford, British Columbia) [ Canada ]
Elm Hill Breeding Labs [ Comparative Medicine ]
Elmbrook Humane Society (WI) [ Humane Societies ]
Elsevier Science [ Publishers ]
Elsevier ScienceDirect [ Journals ]
Elsevier Technical Tips Online [ Genetics ]
Elvessa's Tonkinese [ Commercial ]
EMA - Elephant Manager's Association [ Zoo Animal ]
EMBBS Pediatric ACLS Megacode Simulator [ Simulations ]
Ember Heart Arabians & Pinto Saddlebreds [ Commercial ]
EMBnet - European Molecular Biology Network [ Molecular Biology ]
EMBO - European Molecular Biology Association [ Molecular Biology ]
EMBRAPA - Brazilian Agricultural Research Enterprise [ Commercial ]
eMedicine - Emergency Medicine [ Emergency ]
Emerge Vision Infrared Imaging [ Imaging ]
Emergence of Intelligence (William H. Calvin) [ Evolution ]
Emergency Animal Hospital & Referral Center (San Diego, CA) [ California ]
Emergency Management Gold [ Disaster ]
Emergency Programs [ Divisions ]
Emergency Vets TV Program [ Video ]
Emerging Infectious Diseases (CDC) [ Newsletters ]
Emerson Animal Hospital (Emerson, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Emerson Animal Hospital (Waco, TX) [ Texas ]
Emory University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Emory University Division of Animal Resources [ United States ]
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health [ United States ]
Emory University Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Emperor Valley Zoo (Trinidad) [ International ]
EMPRES - Emergency Prevention System (UN-FAO) [ Epidemiology ]
EMRBA - Eastern Maine Rabbit Breeders Association [ Rabbits ]
EMS & Veterinary Medicine [ Emergency ]
EMS - Environmental Mutagen Society [ Toxicology ]
EMSL Collaboratory [ Telemedicine ]
ENA - European Neuroscience Association [ Neuroscience ]
Encina Veterinary Hospital (Walnut Creek, CA) [ California ]
Encore Group New and Used Medical Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Encyberpedia - Animals [ Fun ]
Encyclopedia Mythica [ Fictional ]
Encyclopedia of the Mouse Genome (Jackson Laboratory) [ Genetics ]
EncycloPetia [ Commercial ]
Endangered and Threatened Amphibians [ Science ]
Endangered and Threatened Arachnids [ Arachnids ]
Endangered and Threatened Crustaceans [ Crustacea ]
Endangered and Threatened Fish [ Conservation ]
Endangered and Threatened Insects [ Insects ]
Endangered and Threatened Molluscs [ Bivalves ]
Endangered and Threatened Reptiles [ Herpetology ]
Endangered Animals of the World [ Endangered Species ]
Endangered Species (EE-Link) [ Endangered Species ]
Endangered Species Images [ Wildlife ]
Endangered Species Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Endangered Species Program [ Divisions ]
Endangered Wildlife Trust [ Conservation ] [ Endangered Species ]
EndNote [ Bibliographic ]
Endocrine Diagnostic Service (Auburn University CVM) [ Endocrinology ]
Endocrine Technologies, Inc. [ Endocrinology ]
Endocrinology and Animal Research (Endocrine Society) [ Endocrinology ]
Endogen [ Immunology ]
Endoscopy Support Services, Inc. [ Surgery ]
Energizer Bunny [ Fun ]
eNetDigest - Government on the Web [ Metasites ]
ENFIC - European Network of Feed Information Centers [ Nutrition ]
Engineering Animation, Inc. 3D Software [ Simulations ]
Engineering Central [ Practice Management ]
Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society [ Medical Informatics ]
Engler Engineering Scalers & Polishers [ Dentistry ]
Englern Engineering Company [ Anesthesiology ]
English Angora Resource [ Breeds ]
English Cocker Spaniel Club Breed Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
English Pointers [ Pointer ]
English Setters On The World Wide Web [ English Setter ]
English Shepherd - An American Breed [ English Shepherd ]
English Shepherd Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
ENS - European Neurological Society [ Neuroscience ]
ENT Referrals (Southampton) [ UK ]
Entamoeba Homepage [ Parasitology ]
Ente Nazionale della Cinofilia Italiana [ Directories ]
Enteral Nutrition for Dogs and Cats [ Nutrition ]
Entering CytoLink [ Clinical Pathology ]
Enterprise PM Non-Toxic Rat Control [ Pest Management ]
Entlebuch Cattle Dog [ Swiss Mountain & Cattle Dog ]
ENTOMO-L (Entomology Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Entomologia - Spanish Speaking Entomology Mailing List [ Animal ]
Entomology for Beginners [ Entomology ]
Entomology Image Gallery (Iowa State University) [ Invertebrates ]
Entomology Index of Internet Resources [ Metasites ]
Entomology Information (Texas A&M University) [ Entomology ]
Entomology on WWW [ Metasites ]
Envenomations (Australia) [ Toxicology ]
Enviro$en$e [ Public Health ]
EnviroLink [ Animal Rights ]
Environment Australia Online [ Conservation ]
Environmental Effects on Tick Activity (University of Glasgow) [ Arachnids ]
Environmental Enhancement for Caged Rhesus Macaques [ Behavior ]
Environmental Enrichment & Psychological Well-being Articles (Laboratory Primate Newsletter) [ Behavior ]
Environmental Enrichment for Nonhuman Primates [ Behavior ]
Environmental Enrichment for Nonhuman Primates 1987-1992 (USDA-AWIC) [ Behavior ]
Environmental Enrichment in Captive Marmosets and Tamarins [ Behavior ]
Environmental Organization WebDirectory [ Metasites ]
Environmental Studies Department (University of Oregon) [ University ]
Envirosense Consortium [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Envirovet Aquatic Animal Health (University of Illinois) [ Health ]
Envirovet Intensive Educational Programs in Wildlife and Ecosystem Health [ Toxicology ]
Envirovet Intensive Educational Programs in Wildlife and Ecosystem Health [ Meetings ]
Envirovet Veterinary Locums Worldwide [ Jobs ]
Enzyme Replacement in a Canine Model of Hurler Syndrome (University of Tennessee) [ Health ]
Enzyme Technology Consultancy [ Biotechnology ]
EON Environmental Odor Neutralizer [ Disinfectants ]
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency [ Epa ]
EPA Amphibian Information [ Science ]
EPA Federal Register Environmental Information [ Divisions ]
Epic Kennels English Springer & Clumber Spaniels [ Breeders ]
EpiVetNet [ Epidemiology ]
EPIZOO Veterinary Public Health and Animal Disease Control Computer Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
EPIZOO Veterinary Public Health and Animal Disease Control Computer Software [ Epidemiology ]
EPO - Epidemiology Program Office [ Divisions ]
Epona's Royal Rodents [ Pets ]
Eppendorf [ Clinical Pathology ]
EPS - Eriskay Pony Society (UK) [ Horses ]
EPS - Exmoor Pony Society (UK) [ Horses ]
Eqnet Equestrian Chat [ Chats ]
EQPSYRESEARCH - (Equine Behavior Research Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Equestrian Classifieds [ Services ]
Equestrian Info [ Metasites ]
Equestrian Web Ring [ Metasites ]
EquestRing [ Metasites ]
Equestris [ Metasites ]
Equi-Block [ Commercial Products ]
Equi-Light Phototherapy [ Imaging ]
Equi-Site [ Metasites ]
Equibase Company [ Sport ]
EquiChat [ Chats ]
Equijournal [ Metasites ]
Equilite Botanical Animal Catalogue [ Products ]
EquiMaster [ Metasites ]
Equimax Horse Wormer (Virbac) [ Commercial Products ]
EquiMax Job Service [ Services ]
Equine Artists [ Horses ]
Equine Behavior Forum [ Animal Behavior ]
Equine Canada Magazine [ Horses ]
Equine Coat Colors [ Genetics ]
Equine Color Genetics [ Books ]
Equine Connection - National AAEP Locator Service [ US ]
Equine Dentistry (Kansas State University) [ Dentistry ]
Equine Directory [ Metasites ]
Equine Disease Modelling (University of Glasgow) [ Health ]
Equine Education Online (Australia) [ Distributors ]
Equine Employment Online [ Services ]
Equine Endocrinology Bulletin Board [ Chats ]
Equine Euthanasia (AVMA) [ Health ]
Equine Exercise Physiology (Cal Poly-Pomona) [ Health ]
Equine Express Horse Transportation [ Services ]
Equine Health (USDA-APHIS) [ Health ]
Equine Images [ Horses ]
Equine Infectious Anemia (USDA) [ Health ]
Equine Info [ Metasites ]
Equine Insurance Specialists [ Services ]
Equine Lameness [ Books ]
Equine Marketer [ Services ]
Equine Morbillivirus (FAO) [ Health ]
Equine Nutrition BBS [ Chats ]
Equine Online [ Metasites ]
Equine Oz [ News ]
Equine Placement Network [ Rescue ]
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (Clara K. Fenger, DVM, PhD, DACVIM) [ Parasitology ]
Equine Recurrent Uveitis [ Health ]
Equine Related Bits & Pieces (Australia) [ Other ]
Equine Reproduction Sources Database [ Theriogenology ]
Equine Reproductive Services (Yorkshire) [ UK ]
Equine Rescue League (Leesburg, VA) [ Rescue ]
Equine Research Centre (Canada) [ International ]
Equine Strangles Information Page [ Infectious Diseases ]
Equine Tetanus Information Page [ Infectious Diseases ]
Equine Times [ News ]
Equine Veterinary Hospital Site (Liphook) [ UK ]
Equine Veterinary Network [ US ]
Equine Veterinary Network Calendar of Meetings & Events [ Meetings ]
Equine World [ Metasites ]
Equine-L FAQ [ Other ]
Equine-L Web Ring [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ]
Equinet - Horses on the Internet [ Products ]
Equinews [ News ]
Equinology [ Continuing Education ]
Equinoxe Angling Adventures (BC, Canada) [ Commercial ]
EquiResource [ Services ]
EquiSearch [ Metasites ]
EquiSearch Realtime Chat Area [ Chats ]
Equiservices Publishing [ Publishers ]
Equissage Equine Massage School [ Alternative Medicine ]
Equitation Station [ Sport ]
Equitronics Diagnostic Imaging & Therapy Equipment [ Imaging ]
Equivac (CSL) [ Commercial Products ]
Equiview Marketing [ Commercial ]
EquiWorld.Net [ Metasites ]
EquiWorld.Net EquiChat [ Chats ]
Equizotic Horse Bulletin Board [ Chats ]
ERA - Electronic Research Administration [ Divisions ]
Erasmus University Institute of Laboratory Animal Welfare (Netherlands) [ International ]
ERGATT - European Research Group for Alternatives in Toxicity Testing [ Toxicology ]
ERGATT - European Research Group for Alternatives in Toxicity Testing [ Alternatives ]
Eria Medical Equipment (Belgium) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Eric Lewis, DVM (Veternet - Ask The Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Ericson Veterinary Hospital (Blue Springs, MO) [ Missouri ]
EriDom Great Dane Kennel [ Breeders ]
Erik Johnson, DVM (KoiVet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Erin Miller's Pet Page [ Metasites ]
Errol the Cyber Katt [ Fictional ]
Errol the Cyber Katt [ Fun ]
ES - Endocrine Society [ Endocrinology ]
ESA - Economic & Statistics Administration [ Divisions ]
ESA - Entomological Society of America [ Invertebrates ]
ESC Medical Light Systems Inc. [ Dermatology ]
Escondido Humane Society (CA) [ Humane Societies ]
ESCPB - European Society for Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry [ Physiology ]
Eselfreunde Deutschland (Germany) [ Donkeys & Mules ]
eSeSIX Computer GmbH (Germany) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
ESF - European Science Foundation [ Foundations ]
ESFM - European Society of Feline Medicine [ Cats ]
ESLAV - European Society Of Laboratory Animal Veterinarians [ Comparative Medicine ]
ESPN Horse Racing [ Sport ]
Essential Drugs Monitor [ Newsletters ]
ESTIV - European Society of Toxicology In Vitro [ Toxicology ]
Estonian Agricultural University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Estonia ]
Estonian Agricultural University Library (Estonia) [ Libraries ]
Estonian Agricultural University Veterinary Research Center (Estonia) [ International ]
ESVC - European Society of Veterinary Cardiology [ Cardiology ]
ESVCE - European Society for Veterinary Clinical Ethology [ Animal Behavior ]
ESVOT - European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology [ Orthopedics ]
ESVP - European Society of Veterinary Pathology [ Pathology ]
ETC - Environmental Tectonics Corporation [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Ethical Science Education Coalition [ Animal Rights ]
Ethics and Animals [ General ]
Ethics and the Computerization of Medicine [ Medical Records ]
Ethics in Science [ General ]
Ethics of Using Transgenic Animals (References) [ General ]
Ethics Update - The Moral Status of Animals [ General ]
Ethics Updates - Moral Status of Animals [ Ethics ]
Ethics Updates Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
ETHOLOGY (General Behavior Mailing List) [ Animal ]
EthoVet - Dog and Cat Behavior [ Animal Behavior ]
Etica and Animali - Advancing the Great Ape Project [ Conservation ]
EU - European Union [ Europe ]
EUCALB - European Union Concerted Action on Lyme borreliosis [ Microbiology ]
EUCIB Mouse Backcross Database (MBx) [ Genetics ]
EUDRA - European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products [ Europe ]
EUFMD - European Commission for the Control of Foot & Mouth Disease [ Europe ]
Eufuria Persian Cattery [ Commercial ]
EUPREN - European Primate Resources Network [ Primates ]
Eureka Science Corporation [ Genetics ]
Eureka Veterinary Service, P.A. (Eureka, KS) [ Kansas ]
EurekAlert [ News ]
Euro-Diagnostica Immunological Diagnostic Kits and Research Reagents [ Immunology ]
EuroBirdNet (Switzerland) [ Birding ]
Europeae Unionis Lex European Union Law [ International ]
European Animals - Veterinary Surgeons in Europe [ International ]
European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for Experimental and other Scientific Purposes [ International ]
European Database on Medical Ethics [ General ]
European Federation for Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
European Fish Ageing Network [ Science ]
European Health Telematics Observatory [ Telemedicine ]
European Hedgehogs [ Hedgehog ]
European Journal for Veterinary Pathology [ Journals ]
European Journal of Anaesthesiology [ Research ]
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases [ Research ]
European Journal of Companion Animal Practice [ Journals ]
European Journal of Immunogenetics [ Research ]
European Journal of Information Systems [ Publications ]
European Snake Society [ Reptiles ]
European Surgical Research [ Research ]
Eurosquid [ Cephalopods ]
EuroSurveillance [ Epidemiology ]
Eurosurveillance Weekly [ Newsletters ]
EUROTOX (Association of European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology) [ Toxicology ]
EuroWeb [ Distributors ]
Evaluating Egg Production Hens (University of Minnesota) [ Poultry ]
Evaluating Health-related Web Sites [ Www ]
Evaluation of Deer Management Options [ Deer ]
Evans Software Services Breeder Software [ Rodent ]
Evans Software Services Breeder Software [ Rabbit ]
EVDS - European Veterinary Dental Society [ Dentistry ]
Evelyn Gallardo, Children's Writer & Wildlife Photographer [ Wildlife ]
Everglades Day Safari [ Services ]
Evergreen Veterinary Service (Evergreen, CO) [ Colorado ]
Everlasting Stone Products [ Pet Loss ]
Every Dog Has Its Day Care [ Services ]
Everything Alaska Wildlife Images [ Wildlife ]
Evesham Veterinary Clinic (Marlton, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Evidence Based Medicine (McMaster University) [ Epidemiology ]
Evidence-Based Medicine [ Research ]
EVLG - European Veterinary Libraries Group [ Library ]
Evolution - Theory and History (UC Museum of Palenotology) [ Other ]
Evolution and Behavior [ Evolution ]
Evolution of Lake Malawi Cichlid Fishes [ Genetics ]
Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Consortium [ Dinosaurs ]
Evolutionary Ecology Research [ Research ]
EVZS - Edinburgh Veterinary Zoological Society (Scotland) [ Veterinary Student ]
EW Wright Microelectrode Holders [ Neurology ]
Ewe Byte Sheep Management System [ Small Ruminant ]
EWS - Earthwave Society [ Conservation ]
Excite Lifestyle Pets [ Metasites ]
Exercise for Dogs (USDA) [ Other ]
EXFIX_L (External Fixation Device Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
EXNET - Iowa State University (telnet - login=guest) [ Other ]
Exopol Autogenous Vaccines [ Biologics ]
Exotic Adoptions Animal Shippers [ Animal Transport ]
Exotic Animal Drug Compendium [ Books ]
Exotic Animal Network [ Exotic ]
Exotic DVM Magazine [ Journals ]
Exotic Feline Rescue Center (Centerpoint, IN) [ Rescue Groups ]
Exotic Market Review [ Commercial ]
Exotic Pet and Bird Clinic [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Exotic Pet and Bird Clinic (Kirkland, WA) [ Washington ]
Exotic Pet Enterprises [ Commercial ]
Exotic Tropicals [ Commercial ]
Exotic Veterinary Seminars [ Meetings ]
EXOTIC-L (Exotic Birds Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Exotica Zoological Research & Breeding Center [ Felidae ] [ Pets ]
ExoticsVet [ Exotic ]
ExPASy BioHunt [ Databases ]
Experimental & Clinical Immunogenetics [ Research ]
Experimental and Applied Acarology [ Research ]
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology [ Research ]
Experimental Animals (Japan) [ Journals ]
Experimental Biology Online [ Research ]
Experimental Cell Research [ Research ]
Experimental Eye Research [ Research ]
Experimental Medicine Internet Resources [ Comparative Medicine ]
Experimental Nephrology [ Research ]
Experimental Parasitology [ Research ]
Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc. [ Pathology ]
Expert Systems in Medicine [ Expert Systems ]
Exploits Valley SPCA (Canada) [ Humane Societies ]
Exploration of the Bone System (Berkeley High School) [ Science ]
Exploratorium [ Science ] [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Express-News Pet Talk [ Miscell ]
Extension Food Safety Education [ Food Safety ]
EXtension TOXicology NETwork [ Toxicology ]
External Parasite Control (Purdue University) [ Health ]
External Parasites of Dairy Goats (University of Florida) [ Parasitology ]
External Parasites of Dairy Goats (University of Florida) [ Goats ]
Eyetrap Kennels American Pit Bull Terriers [ Breeders ]
EZ Walk Dog Leash [ Products ]
F-D-C Medical Reports [ Newsletters ]
FA - Ferrets Anonymous [ Ferrets ]
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration [ Divisions ]
FABA - Finnish Animal Breeding Association [ Theriogenology ]
Fabulous Kakapo [ Exotic Birds ]
Fachgruppe Kleintierkrankheiten - Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (Germany) [ Small Animal ]
FACS - Federation of Asian Chemical Societies [ Nutrition ]
Facts Online Hot Technology Companies [ Biotechnology ]
Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias do Pará [ Brazil ]
FAEIS - Food and Agricultural Education Information System [ Other ]
FAEIS - Food and Agricultural Education Information System [ Nutrition ]
FAER - Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research [ Foundations ]
Fair Winds Farm [ Commercial ]
Fairbanks Junior Dog Mushers [ Sport ]
Fairfield Animal Hospital (Fairfield, IA) [ Iowa ]
Fairview Veterinary Hospital (Fairview, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Fairytales Yorkshire Terriers [ Breeders ]
Faith Vet Service (Faith, SD) [ South Dakota ]
Faithful Friend Memorial Co. [ Pet Loss ]
FAL - Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Braunschweig Völkenrode (Germany) [ Germany ]
Falcon - Front for Animal Liberation and Conservation [ Animal Rights ]
Falcon Environmental Services [ Raptors ]
Falcon Lake Kennels Golden Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Falconry and Game Hawking [ Raptors ]
Falconry Equipment [ Raptors ]
Falconry Information Homepage [ Raptors ]
Falcor Akitas [ Breeders ]
Families, 4-H & Nutrition [ Divisions ]
Family Animal Behavior Consultant [ Services ]
Family Farms Around the World [ Other ]
Family Partners Book Barn Horse Books [ Horses ]
Family Partners Welsh Ponies & Cobs [ Commercial ]
Family Veterinary Practice (Bartlett, TN) [ Tennessee ]
FANCIERS (Cat Fanciers Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Fanconi Disease Management Protocol [ Health ]
Fantahausen Dobermanns & Rottweilers [ Breeders ]
Fantasia and Barb Horse [ Barb Horse ]
Fantastic Typing CyberMonkey [ Fun ]
Fantasy Farm Dog Bows and Grooming Bands [ Products ]
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization [ Divisions ]
FAO Animal Health Service [ Divisions ]
FAO Animal Production & Health Division [ Divisions ]
FAO Veterinary Service Group [ Divisions ]
FAPRI - Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (Iowa State University) [ Food Safety ]
FAQ About Himalayan Cats & Kittens [ Himalayan ]
Far-Vet Supply Company [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
FARAD - Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank [ Pharmacology ]
Farbom Produtos Químicos (Brazil). [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Farchemia S.r.l [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
FARID - Functional Anatomy of the Rat (Interactive Dissection) [ Rats ]
Farm & Country [ Agricultural ]
Farm Aid [ Other ]
Farm Animal Reform Movement [ Animal Rights ]
Farm Credit Services Mainstreet USA [ Commercial ]
Farm Journal Today [ Agricultural ]
Farm Occupational Safety Information [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Farm Online Trading Post [ Commercial ]
Farm Sanctuary [ Animal Rights ]
Farm Times [ Agricultural ]
Farm Works [ Agricultural ]
Farm.Co.Us [ Morgan Horse ]
Farmer's Guide to the Internet [ Metasites ]
Farmer's Guide to the Internet [ Books ]
Farmers Online [ Animal ]
Farmers Weekly Interactive [ Agricultural ]
Farming the Sydney Rock Oyster [ Commercial ]
Farmland Industries, Inc. [ Commercial ]
FarmNET [ Metasites ]
Farmore Farms Welsh Ponies [ Commercial ]
Farmplan [ Agricultural ]
Farms Around the World Project [ Other ]
Farmsoft International Agricultural Software Catalogue [ Agricultural ]
Farmwide Online (Australia) [ Metasites ]
FarmWorld [ Commercial ]
Farnam Companies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Farol N. Tomson, DVM (University of Florida) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Farrier & Hoofcare Resource Center [ Health ]
FAS - Federation of American Scientists [ Epidemiology ]
FAS - Foreign Agricultural Service [ Miscellaneous ]
Fascinating Pet Stories ( [ Newsletters ]
FASEB - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology [ Physiology ]
FASEB Journal [ Research ]
FASEB Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
FASEB Principles for the Use of Animals in Research and Education [ United States ]
FASS - Federation of Animal Science Societies [ Agriculture ]
Fast Friends - Greyhound Pets of America [ Rescue Groups ]
FASTA Protein Sequence Database (University of Virginia) [ Genetics ]
FASTRK Kennel Siberian Huskies [ Breeders ]
FastWeb Financial Aid Search [ Funding ]
Fat Cat Toys [ Products ]
FATFREE (Vegetarian Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Father's Cattery [ Commercial ]
Fatro Pharmaceutical [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Fauna Australis CD-ROM [ Commercial ]
Faunmap (Illinois State Museum) [ Other ]
FAUNMAP-L (Faunmap Discussion List) [ Animal ]
FAVA - Federation of Asia Veterinarians [ National & International ]
Fawn Run Dura-Whelp [ Products ]
FB - American Farm Bureau Federation [ Agriculture ]
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation [ Divisions ]
FBR - Foundation for Biomedical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
FBRL - Fanciers Breeder Referral List [ Associations ]
FBS Systems Agricultural Software [ Agricultural ]
FCCV - Feline Control Council of Victoria (Australia) [ Associations ]
FCR-L (Flat Coated Retrievers Mailing List) [ Animal ]
FCRDC - Frederick Cancer Research & Development Center [ Divisions ]
FDA - US Food and Drug Administration [ FDA ]
FDA Adverse Drug Experiences [ United States ]
FDA Center For Devices and Radiological Health [ Imaging ]
FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrtition [ Food Safety ]
FDA Compliance Policy Guides [ United States ]
FDA Freedom of Information Summaries [ United States ]
FDA Guidance on Testing for Carcinogencity of Pharmaceuticals [ United States ]
FDA Kids Home Page [ Science ]
FDA Publications (MedMarket) [ United States ]
FDA Veterinarian Magazine [ Newsletters ]
FDA-CFSAN Interstate Certified Shellfish Shippers List [ United States ]
FDA-CFSAN Interstate Milk Shippers List [ United States ]
FDC Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
FDLI - Food & Drug Law Institute [ Pharmacology ]
FDLI - Food & Drug Law Institute [ Nutrition ]
FDPR - Fish Diseases and Parasites Research Unit [ Divisions ]
Feather Farm [ Exotic Birds ]
Feather Friendzy [ Exotic Birds ]
Feather Junction Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
Feather Perfect [ Exotic Birds ]
Feathered Kids 'N Stuff [ Exotic Birds ]
FeatherSite - The Poultry Page [ Poultry ]
FECAVA - Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations [ Small Animal ]
FECIC - Federacio Catalana Industries de la Carn [ Cows ]
Federal Association Against Vivisection [ Animal Rights ]
Federal Bio-Technology Transfer Directory [ Biotechnology ]
Federal Dairy Institute (Austria) [ Austria ]
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act [ United States ]
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (Title 21, Chapter 9) [ US Code ]
Federal Register [ United States ]
Federal Register Endangered Species Information (EPA) [ Wildlife ]
Federal Telemedicine Gateway [ Telemedicine ]
Federal Telephone Directories [ Metasites ]
Federal Web Locator [ Metasites ]
Federally Funded Primate Research [ Science ]
FEDESA - European Federation of Animal Health [ Pharmacology ]
FEDESA Dossier 9 - Antibiotics, Health & the Environment [ Bacteriology ]
FEDIX Opportunity Alert [ Veterinary ]
Fedra Laboratorios Medicamentos [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
FedStats [ Metasites ]
Fedstats [ Literature Search ]
FedWorld Information Network [ Divisions ]
Feedback Research Services [ Telemedicine ]
Feeder's Digest [ Commercial ]
Feeding High Moisture Corn (NebGuide) [ Nutrition ]
Feedlot Lameness (NebGuide) [ Health ]
Feedstuffs [ Agricultural ]
FELASA - Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations [ Comparative Medicine ]
FELASA Recommendations for Health Monitoring of Breeding Colonies & Experimental Units of Cats, Dogs, & Pigs (PDF) [ International ]
FELASA Recommendations for Health Monitoring of Mouse, Rat, Hamster, Gerbil, Guinea Pig & Rabbit Experimental Units (PDF) [ International ]
Feline Advisory Bureau (UK) [ Health ]
Feline Breed Registration Statistics (AVMA) [ Associations ]
Feline Chronic Renal Failure Information Center [ Urinary ]
Feline Conservation Center [ Felidae ]
Feline Diabetes Homepage [ Endocrinology ]
Feline Epilepsy [ Health ]
Feline Fun [ Fun ]
Feline Health Center (Cornell University) [ Health ]
Feline Hip Dysplasia Awareness [ Health ]
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (Alice M. Wolf, DVM) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Feline Infectious Peritonitis FAQ [ Health ]
Feline Info [ Metasites ]
Feline Information Page [ Metasites ]
Feline Leukemia Support Site [ Oncology ]
Feline Leukemia Virus FAQ [ Health ]
Feline Panleukopenia (AVMA) [ Health ]
Feline Pine Cat Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Feline Reactions to Bearded Men [ Fun ]
Feline Refuge (Mt. Pleasant, SC) [ Humane Societies ]
Feline Respiratory Diseases (AVMA) [ Health ]
Feline Sarcoma Study Homepage [ Oncology ]
Feline Veterinary Medicine (Cat Fanciers) [ Health ]
Feline-L CATionary [ Pets ]
Felix the Cat [ Fictional ]
Felix the Cat [ Fun ]
Fellowship Program (UC-Davis Center for Medical Informatics) [ Educational Opportunities ]
FELVMED (Feline Leukemia Support Forum) [ Animal ]
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency [ Other ]
Feminists for Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
Fenix Research Group Quality Porcelain Products [ Commercial ]
Feral Cat Coalition (San Diego, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Feral Pigs (AGRICOLA citations) [ Breeds ]
Ferdinand Enke Verlag [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Ferner's Bulldogs [ Breeders ]
FERRET (Ferret Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Ferret Calendar [ Commercial ]
Ferret Central [ Metasites ]
Ferret Clinic [ Health ]
Ferret FAQ [ Health ]
Ferret Haven [ Rescue ]
Ferret Home Rescue and Adoption Shelter [ Rescue ]
Ferret Japan [ Other ]
Ferret Net [ Metasites ]
Ferret Pad [ Health ]
Ferret Pathology Home Page (AFIP) [ Pathology ]
Ferret Pathology Home Page (AFIP) [ Health ]
Ferret Photo Gallery [ Ferrets ]
Ferret Pictures [ Ferrets ]
Ferret Reflections [ Commercial ]
Ferret Store [ Commercial ]
Ferret Wise Rescue_Rehabilitation Shelter [ Rescue ]
Ferrets as Laboratory Animals Bibliography (USDA - AWIC) [ Science ]
Ferris State University (MI) [ United States ]
Fetal Pig Dissection Guide [ Anatomy ]
Fetal Pig Dissection on the WWW [ Science ]
Fetal Pig Dissection on the WWW [ Anatomy ]
FFA - Future Farmers of America [ Agriculture ]
FI - Food Institute [ Nutrition ]
FIAF - Federazione Felina Italiana (Italy) [ Associations ]
Field and Stream Online [ Wildlife ]
Field Spaniel Homepage & FAQ [ Field Spaniel ]
Field Trial Magazine [ Dogs ]
Fielddog.Com [ Sport ]
Fierce Creatures [ Commercial ]
Fight BAC! [ Food Safety ]
Figment Farm [ Metasites ]
FilGenNet - Filarial Genome Network [ Genome ]
Filhos do Vento Lusitano Horses [ Commercial ]
Filoviruses [ Infectious Diseases ]
FinAid - Financial Aid Information Page [ Funding ]
Financial Sources for Aquaculture (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Finch and Canary World Magazine [ Birds ]
FINCH-LOVERS (Finch Mailing List) [ Animal ]
FinchWorld [ Exotic Birds ]
Find-A-Pet ID Tags [ Animal Identification ]
FindLaw Internet Legal Resources [ Metasites ]
Fine Science Tools [ Surgery ]
FinLAS - Finnish Laboratory Animal Scientists [ Comparative Medicine ]
Finnish Index of Laboratory Animals [ Comparative Medicine ]
FINS - Fish Information Service [ Metasites ]
Fiona's Shark Mania [ Marine ]
First Aid for Dogs (Waltham) [ Health ]
First Aid For Pets [ Services ]
First Aid For Pets [ Commercial ]
First Aid for Pets Videos [ Commercial ]
First Aid Online [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
First Call Medical Cardiac Monitoring [ Cardiology ]
First Canadian Study of Alternative Veterinary Medicine (University of Guelph) [ Alternative Medicine ]
First German Freshwater Page [ Metasites ]
First Internet Medical Bookstore [ Distributors ]
Firstline [ Journals ]
Firts Dutch Tatra Page [ Tatra ]
FISCO Farm and Home Stores Flood Relief Center [ Disaster ]
Fish and Shellfish Immunology [ Fish ]
Fish and Wildlife Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Congressional Information [ United States ]
Fish and Wildlife Reference Service [ Divisions ]
Fish Animations [ Fish ]
Fish Club & Society WebRing [ Fish ]
Fish Diseases & Parasites Research Unit (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Fish Farming (USDA) [ Aquaculture ]
Fish Link Central [ Metasites ]
Fish Link Central Aquarium Resources [ Hobby ]
Fish Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Fish Man Aquarium Service [ Commercial ]
Fish Net Zebrafish Research Database (University of Oregon) [ Science ]
Fish of the Month [ Hobby ]
Fish Picture Archive [ Fish ]
Fish Pictures [ Fish ]
Fish Pictures (National Marine Fisheries Service) [ Fish ]
FISH-ECOLOGY (Fish Ecology Discussion List) [ Animal ]
FISH-JUNIOR (Fish Discussion List for Kids) [ Animal ]
Fisher Scientific [ General Supplies ]
Fisheries [ Divisions ]
Fisheries Research Services (Scotland) [ Marine ]
Fisheries Western Australian [ Metasites ]
Fisherman's Heaven [ Sport ]
Fishery Management Information (Texas A&M University) [ Aquaculture ]
Fisheye View Cam [ Fish ]
Fishfinder Search Engine [ Sport ]
Fishing & Hunting News Online [ Wildlife ]
Fishing & Hunting News Online [ Fish ]
FISHING (Fishing Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Fishing Denmark [ Sport ]
Fishing Fool's World [ Sport ]
Fishing for Information [ Aquaculture ]
Fishing Hot-Spots Along the World Wide Web [ Sport ]
Fishing in Northern Ireland [ Sport ]
Fishing Nebraska [ Sport ]
Fishing Network [ Sport ]
Fishing News Books [ Commercial ]
Fishing Secrets Revealed [ Commercial ]
Fishlink [ Aquaculture ]
FishScope - Zebrafish Developmental Biology Movies [ Fish ]
FishVet, Inc. [ Expert Systems ]
FishWeb [ Hobby ]
FishyBiz [ Marine ]
Fiskejournalen [ Fish ]
Fistulated Cows at UC Davis [ Health ]
Fitzgerald Industries International Antibodies & Antigens [ Biotechnology ] [ Usenet ]
fj.rec.pets [ Usenet ]
fj.rec.pets.aqua [ Usenet ]
Flad & Associates Architects [ Construction ]
Flags by Claudia (Animals) [ Commercial ]
Flat-Coated Retrievers [ Flat-Coated Retriever ]
Flavine International, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
FLC - Ferret Lovers' Club of Texas [ Ferrets ]
FLD Chemical Distributors (UK) [ Distributors ]
Flea News [ Invertebrates ]
Fleabusters [ Commercial Products ]
Fleas [ Pest Management ]
Fleas, Ticks & Your Pet FAQ [ Health ]
Flenniken Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
Fletcher Allen Health Care [ Telemedicine ]
Flex Medical (Japan) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Flexi USA Retractable Leashes [ Products ]
Flexrake [ Pet Products ]
Flightlines (Newsletter of the Australian Bird & Bat Banding Scheme) [ Wildlife ]
Flightlines (Newsletter of the Australian Bird and Bat Banding Scheme) [ Birds ]
Flights of Fancy [ Commercial ]
Flock & Family Guardian Network [ Other ]
Flockman Poultry Software [ Bird ]
Florence Kennels Siberian Huskies [ Breeders ]
Florida Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Florida Entomologist [ Invertebrates ]
Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission [ Fish & Game ]
Florida Museum of Natrual History Department of Ichthyology [ Icthyology ]
Florida Museum of Natural History [ Museums ]
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Collection [ Icthyology ]
Florida State University Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
Florida Veterinary Connection [ US ] [ Other ]
Flowers Mill Veterinary Hospital (Langhorne, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Fluffy Net [ Pets ]
Fluffy Net [ Pets ]
Fly & the Elephant Dog Videos [ Training ]
Fly Fishing Shop [ Commercial ]
Fly Fishing Steelhead Guide [ Sport ]
Fly Lab (Calliphora erythrocephala) [ Diptera ]
Flyball Australia [ Sport ]
Flyball Home Page [ Sport ]
Flybase - Database of the Drosophila Genome [ Genome ]
FlyBase Drosophila Genome Database [ Genetics ]
Flyer's Specialty Pets [ Commercial ]
FLYFISH (Flyfishing Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Flyfish's Homepage [ Sport ] [ Sport ]
Flying Colors Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
Flying Dog Press [ Dogs ]
Flying F Arabians [ Commercial ]
Flying Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Flying Pig Sightings [ Fun ]
FlyView Drosophila Image Database [ Invertebrates ]
FMC BioProducts [ Genetics ]
FMI - Food Marketing Institute [ Nutrition ]
FMLA - Family and Medical Leave Act [ United States ]
FNAWS - Foundation for North American Wild Sheep [ Small Ruminants ]
FNIC - Food and Nutrition Information Center [ Divisions ]
FNLM - Friends of the National Library of Medicine [ Library ]
FNS - Food & Nutrition Service [ Miscellaneous ]
Foalert Foaling Monitoring System [ Theriogenology ]
FOI Services, Inc. FDA Information [ Consultants ]
FOIA - Freedom of Information Act [ United States ]
Folia Primatologica [ Primates ]
Folia Veterinaria [ Journals ]
Fon's Bug World [ Invertebrates ]
FONZ - Friends of the National Zoo [ Zoo Animal ]
Food and Drug Modernization Act [ United States ]
Food Animal Club (Ohio State University) [ Large Animal ]
Food Animal Well-Being Conference Proceedings (USDA - Purdue University) [ Books ]
Food Irradiation Today [ Food Safety ]
Food Safe Program (UC-Davis) [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety & Hygiene (US Army Department of Veterinary Science) [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety & Nutrition Information [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety and Quality National Database (USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service) [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety CAI (University of Illinois) [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety CAI (University of Illinois) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Food Safety Consortium [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety Information Retrieval System (North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service) [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety Institute [ Safety ]
Food Safety Project (Iowa State University Extension) [ Food Safety ]
Food Safety Web [ Food Safety ]
Food Security Act [ United States ]
Food Technology Information (Texas A&M University) [ Husbandry ]
FoodNet - CDC Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network [ Food Safety ]
FoodTalk Electronic Newsletter [ Food Safety ]
Foot and Mouth Disease Monthly Report - NIAH (Japan) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Foot Care Direct [ Medical ]
Foot Rot (NebGuide) [ Health ]
Foothill College Veterinary Technology (CA) [ United States ]
For Animal Lovers Only Personalized Pet Products [ Commercial ]
For the Love of Crows [ Birding ]
For the Love of Rats [ Rats ]
Forage Information System [ Nutrition ]
Forage Species Selection Tool (Cornell University) [ Nutrition ]
Forages (Pennsylvania State University) [ Nutrition ]
Forefronts Newsletter (Cornell University) [ Publications ]
Forensic Entomology [ Entomology ]
Forensic Lab [ Divisions ]
Forest Entomology Textbook Challenge for the 21st Century [ Entomology ]
Forest Log Ltd Integrated Tracking Systems [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Forest of the Black Lemur (Earthwatch) [ Conservation ]
Forest Park Zoo (Springfield, MA) [ US ]
Forest Ranch Equestrian Center Location Service [ Services ]
Forestbrook Animal Hospital (Gastonia, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Forget Me Not Keepsakes [ Commercial ]
Forma Scientific Controlled Environments Laboratory Equipment [ Clinical Pathology ]
Forma Scientific Safety Cabinets [ Safety ]
Forms [ Divisions ]
Forschungsinstitut für die Biologie landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere (Germany) [ International ]
Forschungsinstitut für die Biologie landwirtschaftlicher Nutztiere (Switzerland) [ International ]
Forskerakademiet (Denmark) [ International ]
Fort Dodge Animal Health [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Fort Lewis College (CO) [ United States ]
Fort Valley State University College of Agriculture, Home Economics & Allied Programs [ Colleges ]
Fort Valley State University Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo [ Meetings ]
Forum on Wildlife Telemetry (USGS) [ Management ]
FORUM VETERINARII (German Veterinary Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
Fossil Hominids [ Evolution ]
Fossil Rim Wildlife Center [ Services ]
Foundation Dutch Parrot Refuge [ Exotic Birds ]
Foundation for Food Irradiation Education [ Food Safety ]
Foundation for Pet Provided Therapy [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Foundation Livestock Holstein Exporters [ Commercial ]
Four Flags Over Aspen Pet Care Products [ Pet Products ]
Four Paws Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Fourunner Dalmatians [ Breeders ]
Foutch Virtual Zoo [ Zoo Animal ]
Fowl Play [ Products ]
Fox Chase Cancer Center [ United States ]
Fox Creek Kennels Chesapeake Bay Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Fox Gallery [ Wildlife ]
Fox Ridge Farm [ Services ]
Fox Run Images [ Wildlife ]
Fox Terrier Internet Club [ Fox Terrier ]
Fox Thoroughbred Breeding Farm [ Commercial ]
Foxykats Somalis [ Commercial ]
FP Net - AAFP Computer Clearinghouse [ Medical Informatics ]
FPPAC - Further Poultry Processors Association of Canada [ Birds ]
FPS - Florida Panther Society [ Wildlife ]
FQHBA - Foundation Quarter Horse Breeders Association [ Horses ]
FRA - French Rabbit Association [ Rabbits ]
Fractal Heart Art - Critters [ Fictional ]
Fradama Medical Electronics Soft Laser [ Alternative Medicine ]
FRAME - Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments [ Ethics ]
Fran-Vet-Web (Spain) [ International ]
Francis Marion University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Francis's DogHouse Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Frank & Kate's Herpetological Page [ Herpetology ]
Frank Potter's Science Gems [ Science ]
Frank the Ant [ Hymenoptera ]
Frankford Pet Hospital (Carrollton, TX) [ Texas ]
Franklin Dental Supply Inc. [ Dentistry ]
Franklin Institute Science Museum [ Museums ]
Fraser Island Short-necked Turtle (University of Canberra) [ Turtles ]
Fraunhofer Institute of Toxicology and Aerosol Research (Germany) [ International ]
FRCC - Foot of the Rockies Cat Club [ Associations ]
Fred Stevens, DVM, MS (VetSoft) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Freddie Street Cats [ Metasites ]
Frederick County Humane Society (Maryland) [ Humane Societies ]
Free Horse Clipart [ Horses ]
Free Moose Photos [ Wildlife ]
Free Pet and Animal Games [ General ]
Free Rein Internet Publishing [ Www ]
Free Rein Publishing [ Www ]
Free Republic [ Politics ]
Free University of Berlin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Germany ]
Free Wildlife & Nature Photography Library [ Wildlife ]
Freeman Arabians [ Commercial ]
Freezedry Specialities, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Freie Universität Berlin Veterinärmedizinische Bibliothek (Germany) [ Libraries ]
Frein Universitat Berlin Institut für Veterinär-Anatomie (Germany) [ International ]
French Veterinary Literature (University of Montreal) [ Literature Search ]
French Veterinary Schools [ France ]
FrenchBulldog Dot Org [ French Bulldog ]
Fresno Chaffee Zoo [ US ]
Fridley Veterinary Clinic (Fridley, MN) [ Minnesota ]
Fried's Cat Shelter (Michigan City, IN) [ Humane Societies ]
Friends For Life (Sacramento, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Friends of Animals Foundation (CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Friends of Pets (Ohio) [ Humane Societies ]
Friends of the Asian Elephant [ Conservation ]
Friends of the Environment Foundation [ Conservation ]
Friends of the Sea Otter [ Conservation ]
Friends of the Wolf [ Wolf ]
Friendship Hospital for Animals (Washington, DC) [ District of Columbia ]
Frog Dissection Kit - Osaka University (in Japanese) [ Anatomy ]
Frog Dissection Kit - Osaka University (in Japanese) [ Frogs & Toads ]
Frog Page [ Frogs & Toads ]
Froggy Page [ Frogs & Toads ]
Frogland [ Frogs & Toads ]
FrogLog Newsletter of the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force [ Frogs & Toads ]
Frogs of the Arabuko-Sokoke Forest (Kenya) [ Frogs & Toads ]
From Eggs to Toads [ Frogs & Toads ]
Frontiers in Bioscience Gene Knockout Database [ Genome ]
FrontLine (Merial) [ Commercial Products ]
FRST- Foundation for Research Science and Technology (New Zealand) [ Foundations ]
FS - Forest Service [ Miscellaneous ]
FSA - Farm Service Agency [ Miscellaneous ]
FSIS - Food Safety & Inspection Service [ Miscellaneous ]
Ft. Wayne Children's Zoo (IN) [ US ]
Fuertes Bird Images (Cornell University) [ Birds ]
Fugleskue Birdwatch [ Birding ]
Fuhrman Diversified Inc. Fieldcam [ Animal Behavior ]
Fuji Hunt Photographic Chemicals [ Imaging ]
Fuller Laboratories Infectious Disease Reagents [ Microbiology ]
Fumonisin Toxicity in Horses [ Health ]
Fund for Animals [ Animal Welfare ]
Fundamentals of Microbiology 101 (Washington State University) [ General ]
Funding Group, Inc. [ Financial ]
Fungal Genetics Stock Center (University of Kansas) [ Mycology ]
Fungal Genome Resource (University of Georgia) [ Mycology ]
Funny Animal Comics [ Fictional ]
Funny Bunny Trail [ Fun ]
Fur Free Friday [ Animal Rights ]
Fur Online [ Commercial ]
Furby the Interactive Pet [ Commercial ]
Furman University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Furman University Lepidoptera Collection [ Lepidoptera ]
Furry Friends Pet Assisted Therapy Services [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Fuzzy Faces [ Products ]
Fuzzy Faces [ Commercial ]
FVA - Finnish Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
FVMA - Florida Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Gabriel Foundation Parrot Foundation [ Rescue Groups ]
Gaggle Educational Program [ Fun ]
Gakusosha Publishers (Japan) [ Publishers ]
Galapagos Islands Wildlife Refuge [ Conservation ]
Galapagos Whale Watching [ Whales ]
Galaxy - Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Galaxy Manufacturing Medical & Dental Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Galebreaker Products [ Products ]
Galveston NMFS Laboratory [ Turtles ]
Galway Aqua Consulting Ltd. [ Commercial ]
Game Bird & Waterfowl Pages [ Waterfowl ]
GAO - General Accounting Office [ Other ]
GAO Reports (Gopher) [ Other ]
GAP - Government Accountability Project [ Politics ]
Garden City Animal Hospital (Garden City, GA) [ Georgia ]
Garden State Horse Sales Company [ Services ]
Garfield Online [ Fun ]
Garfield Online [ Fictional ]
Gargolyle Thai Ridgeback [ Breeders ]
Garrett's Arabians [ Commercial ]
Garth Veterinary Group Pig Specialists (UK) [ UK ]
Gary Beilby, BVMS BSc (Digital Multimedia Artist & Animator) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Gary Norsworthy, DVM (Express-News Ask the Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
GasNet - Global Anesthesiology Server Network [ Anesthesiology ]
Gateway Computers [ Fun ]
Gateway to Antarctica [ Multiple Species ]
Gator Hole [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Gatteria Cat Illustrations [ Cats ]
GC Hanford Manufacturing Company [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
GCC Center for Integrative Animal Health [ Alternative Medicine ]
GCCF - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (UK) [ Associations ]
GCFA - Greater Chicago Ferret Association [ Ferrets ]
GCG Gene & Protein Analysis Software [ Rodent ]
GCVEF - Gulf Coast Veterinary Education Foundation [ Foundations ]
GDCTA - Georgia Dressage & Combined Training Association [ Horses ]
GE 3D Medical Reconstruction [ Human ]
GE Medical Systems [ Imaging ]
GEARS - Carl Hayden Bee Research Center [ Divisions ]
GECAF - Groupe Vétérinaire d'étude du Comportement des Animaux Familiers (France) [ Animal Behavior ]
Geckogirl [ Lizards ]
Gemini Biopages [ Biotechnology ]
Gempler's [ General Supplies ]
Gemstone Enterprises Fine Art Gallery [ Commercial ]
GenBank (NCBI) [ Genome ]
Gene Catalog of Ovine Genes of Interest in Endocrinology & Reproduction [ Genetics ]
Gene Check Veterinary Diagnostics [ Genetics ]
Gene Combis [ Research ]
Gene Map of the Human Genome (Science) [ Genome ]
Gene School [ Genetics ]
Gene Therapy [ Research ]
GeneClinics Medical Genetics Knowledge Base [ Genetics ]
GeneLetter [ Newsletters ]
Genentech, Inc. [ Genetics ]
General and Comparative Endocrinology Journal [ Research ]
General Cat Care [ Health ]
General Ecology, Inc. Water Filters & Purifiers [ Construction ]
General Fish Information (Notes) [ Health ]
General Notes on Guinea Pigs [ Guinea pigs ]
Generic Decision Support Systems for Livestock Disease Control (University of Glasgow) [ Health ]
Genes and Development [ Research ]
Genes and Disease (NCBI) [ Genetics ]
Genes Diffusion [ Theriogenology ]
Genesis Neural Simulation [ Simulations ]
Genesis Neural Simulator [ Simulations ]
Genethon Human Genome Research Center (France) [ Genome ]
Genetic and Physical Maps of the Mouse Genome (Whitehead Institute_MIT) [ Genetics ]
Genetic Engineering and Cloning [ Cloning ]
Genetic Engineering News [ News ]
Genetic Engineering of Viruses and Viral Vectors (NAS) [ Virology ]
Genetic ID Genetic Analysis for the Food Industry [ Food Safety ]
Genetic Identification Services [ Genetics ]
Genetic Improvement Services [ Commercial ]
Genetic Models, Inc. [ Comparative Medicine ]
Genetical Research [ Research ]
Genetics and Neurogenetics Databases [ Rodent ]
Genetics and Neurogenetics Databases [ Genetics ]
Genetics and the Origin of Species (NAS) [ Genetics ]
Genetics Glossary [ Genetics ]
Genetics Institute, Inc. [ Immunology ]
Genetics Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Genetics Online [ Research ]
Genetics, Selection, Evolution [ Research ]
Genetipork USA [ Breeders ]
Genia Veterinary Instruments [ Surgery ]
Genome Cytogenetics Journal [ Research ]
Genome Map of the Rat (MIT) [ Genetics ]
Genome Mapping Links (Roslin Institute) [ Genome ]
Genome Research [ Research ]
Genome Systems, Inc. [ Genetics ]
Genomics - A Global Resource [ Genome ]
Genomics Lexicon [ Genome ]
Genomics Online [ Research ]
Genomyx Corporation [ Genetics ]
Genosys Biotechnologies, Inc. [ Genetics ]
GenPharm International, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
GENTALK (Genetic engineering and education Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
GenTest Veterinary Genetic Services (Australia) [ Genetics ]
Gentle Giant Shire Horses [ Commercial ]
Gentle Leader Head Collar [ Products ]
George M. Peavy, DVM (Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services [ United States ]
Georgetown University Division of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
Georgetown University Office of the Dean of Research and Graduate Education [ IACUC ]
Georgia Beekeepers Association Newsletter [ Hymenoptera ]
Georgia Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Georgia Equine Rescue League, Ltd. [ Rescue Groups ]
Georgia Southern University Office of Research Services and Sponsored Programs [ IACUC ]
Georgia Tech Center Biomedical Imaging & Visualization [ Imaging ]
Georgia Tech Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee [ IACUC ]
Georgia Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories [ Government ]
Georgina Veterinary Clinic (Sutton West, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Geothermal Aquaculture Research Foundation [ Aquaculture ]
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Welfare of Animals Grants Program [ Foundations ]
Gerbil and Jird Ring [ Gerbils ]
Gerbil Information Page [ Gerbils ]
Gerbil Links [ Gerbils ]
GERBILS (Gerbil Discussion List) [ Animal ]
GERBILS (Gerbil Discussion List) [ Rodents ]
Gerbils Color Palette [ Gerbils ]
GERC - Groupe Vétérinaire d'étude et de Recherche en Comportement (Belgium) [ Animal Behavior ]
Gerhard Vytlacil - Der Internet-vet (Tieresianum, Vienna, Austria) [ Austria ]
German Collection of Human and Animal Cell Cultures [ General ]
German Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
German Longhaired Pointer Homepage [ Pointer ]
German Primate Center (Germany) [ International ]
German Shepherd Dog Club of Canada [ German Shepherd ]
German Shepherd Dog Club of Victoria (Australia) [ German Shepherd ]
German Shepherd Dog Puppies and Children [ German Shepherd ]
German Shepherd Dog Ring [ German Shepherd ]
German Shepherd Web Ring [ German Shepherd ]
German Shorthaired Pointer Club of De Luz Mountain Empire [ Pointer ]
German Shorthaired Pointer News [ Pointer ]
German Shorthaired Pointer Page [ Pointer ]
German Shorthaired Pointer Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
German Wirehaired Pointers [ Pointer ]
Geschichte der Veterinärmedizin (History of Veterinary Medicine - Germany) [ History ]
Gesellschaft f. Med.Informatik, Biometrie u. Epidemiologie [ Medical Informatics ]
Get A Gripp Dog Leash [ Products ]
GetARef for Windows [ Bibliographic ]
Getinge Skärhamn AB [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Getting Your Goat [ Goats ]
GG&B Technology Quick Slide Stainer [ Pathology ]
GGA - Global Gecko Association [ Reptiles ]
GGTM - Gesellschaft für Ganzheitliche Tiermediizin [ Alternative Medicine ]
GHC - Gates Hafen Cochrane Architects [ Construction ]
GHRESCUE-L (Greyhound Rescue Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Giant Panda Facts [ Ursidae ]
Giant Schnauzer Club of America [ Giant Schnauzer ]
Giant Stride Farm Cashmere Goats [ Breeders ]
Giant Tortoises [ Turtles ]
Giants of Our World Web Ring [ Other ]
Gibralter Cat Coin Jewelry [ Products ]
Gigante de los Pirineos [ Great Pyrenees ]
GII - Global Information Infrastructure [ Divisions ]
Gila Veterinary Clinic (Yuma, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Gilbert Flytraps and Emergency Lighting [ Construction ]
Gilead Sciences, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Giles Scientific Clinical Microbiology [ Microbiology ]
Gilson, Inc. Pipettes & Tips [ Clinical Pathology ]
GIPSA - Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration [ Divisions ]
Giraffe - Camelopardalis [ Giraffe ]
Girton Manufacturing Company, Inc. [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Givskud Zoo (Denmark) [ International ]
GLA-Ag Digital Thermometers [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Glacier Ice Samoyeds [ Breeders ]
Gladys Porter Zoo (Brownsville, TX) [ US ]
Glasgow ZooPark (Scotland) [ International ]
Glass Horse (University of Georgia) [ Anatomy ]
GlaxoWellcome [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Glazed Honey Ham Co. [ Commercial ]
Glen Hunter Guide Service [ Services ]
Glen Osprey Farm Romanov & Icelandic Sheep [ Breeders ]
Glen Osprey Farm Salers & Highland Cattle [ Commercial ]
Glencroft Old English Sheepdogs [ Breeders ]
Glendale Animal Hospital (Glendale, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Glenn's Jackson Llamas [ Breeders ]
Glenroy's Equestrian Gifts [ Products ]
GLFA - Great Lakes Ferret Association [ Ferrets ]
Glider Information Network [ Sugar Glider ]
GliderNet [ Sugar Glider ]
GLIN - Global Legal Information Network [ Divisions ]
Glo-Marr-Kenic, Inc. [ Dermatology ]
Global Action in Interest of Animals [ Animal Rights ]
Global Anid [ Animal Identification ]
Global Biodiversity [ Eco ]
Global Communications for Conservation, Inc. [ Conservation ]
Global Health Key Resources [ Public Health ]
Global Network Academy [ Continuing Education ]
Global Neurologic Web Sites [ Biomedical Research ]
Global Telemedix [ Telemedicine ]
Global Wonders American Bald Eagle Support Kit [ Raptors ]
Global Zoo Directory [ Metasites ]
Globe Marketing Agriculture Resources [ Metasites ]
Globepharm and Surrey Diagnostics (UK) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Globetrotting Border Terriers [ Border Terrier ]
Glooscap Veterinary Clinic (Greenwich, Nova Scotia) [ Canada ]
Glossary of Dog Terms [ Directories ]
Glossary of Microbiology [ General ]
Glossary of Nomenclatural Terms in Zoology [ Literature Search ]
Glossy Black Cockatoo [ Exotic Birds ]
GLP Monitoring Authority (UK) [ UK ]
GMA - Grocery Manufacturers of America [ Nutrition ]
GNOTOBIOS (Gnotobiotics Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Goat Farmer [ Small Ruminants ]
Goat Kingdom [ Goats ]
Goat Magazine [ Small Ruminants ]
Goat Resources (Oklahoma State University) [ Goats ]
Goat World [ Small Ruminants ]
GoaTalk [ Chat Groups ]
Goats (Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club) [ Goats ]
Goats - Poisonous Plants (AWIC) [ Goats ]
Goatwisdom [ Goats ]
GOB Ornithology and Nature Conservation in the Balearic Islands [ Birding ]
Godzilla [ Fictional ]
Gold Eagle Farms [ Breeders ]
Gold Standard Multimedia [ Publishers ]
Gold-Rush Kennels [ Breeders ]
Golden Dox [ Breeders ]
Golden Endings - Golden Retriever Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Golden Gate English Springer Spaniel Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Golden Gate Raptor Observatory [ Raptors ]
Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Program [ Conservation ]
Golden Memories Studio, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Golden Retriever Club of America [ Golden Retriever ]
Golden Retriever Club of Central New York [ Golden Retriever ]
Golden Retriever Clubs (Canada) [ Golden Retriever ]
Golden Retriever Rescue of Atlanta [ Rescue Groups ]
Golden Retriever Rescue, Education and Training (GRREAT) [ Rescue Groups ]
Golden Retrievers in Cyberspace [ Golden Retriever ]
Golden Valley Veterinary Hospital (Bristol) [ UK ]
Golgi Atlas of the Postnatal Mouse Brain [ Science ]
Gone Batty [ Chiroptera ]
Gone To The Dogs [ Products ]
Good Dog! Magazine [ Dogs ]
Good Sun Designs Animal Patterns [ Commercial ]
Good Thunder Veterinary Services (New Carlisle, OH) [ Ohio ]
Goodaire USA Ultraviolet Air Purification Systems [ Safety ]
Goodwin Animal Hospital (Montgomery, AL) [ Alabama ]
Goose Creek Pointing Labradors [ Breeders ]
Gordon Doig, DVM (University of Western Ontario) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Gordon Highlanders [ Gordon Setter ]
Gordon Research Conferences [ Meetings ]
Gordon Setter Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Gordon Setters [ Gordon Setter ]
Gorilla Foundation [ Conservation ]
Gorilla Haven [ Conservation ]
Gorilla Help Site [ Pongidae ]
Gorilla Home Page [ Pongidae ]
Gorilla Information (Busch Gardens) [ Pongidae ]
Gorilla Pictures [ Primates ]
Gorilla Simulation [ Pongidae ]
Gorilla Simulation [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Gorillas Online [ Pongidae ]
GovBot - Database of Government Web Sites [ Metasites ]
Government Documents in the News [ Metasites ]
Government Servers [ Metasites ]
Governors State University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
GPM - Gesellschaft für Pferdemedizin (Germany) [ Horses ]
GPO - Government Printing Office (Gopher) [ Other ]
GPO Gate [ Literature Search ] [ United States ]
Graduate Program in Comparative and Experimental Medicine (University of Tennessee) [ United States ]
Graham Carriage Works [ Products ]
Graham Veterinary Client Reminder Database [ Marketing ]
Graham's Databases - KeepTrack [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Grain Processing for Feedlot Cattle (NebGuide) [ Nutrition ]
Grainger, Inc. [ General Supplies ]
Grams American Corporation Suture [ Surgery ]
Grand Arabian Farms [ Commercial ]
Grand Canyon German Shepherd Dog Club [ German Shepherd ]
Grand Laboratories, Inc. [ Biologics ]
Grand Rapids Public Museum [ Museums ]
Grandad's Animal Alphabet Book [ Fun ]
Grandfather Mountain (Linville, NC) [ Services ]
GrantForms Electronic Grant Forms Filler for NIH SBIR & NIH PHS398 [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Granville Veterinary Service (Granville, NY) [ New York ]
Graphic Scientific ELISA Systems [ Toxicology ]
Graphic Witness Visual Arts & Social Commentary [ Animal Rights ]
GraphPad [ Statistics ] [ Nutrition ]
Gray Wolf Publishing Photo Gallery [ Wildlife ]
Gray-Banded Kingsnake [ Snakes ]
Grayson Equine Medical Research Database [ Literature Search ]
Great American Duck Races [ Fun ]
Great Ape Project [ Conservation ]
Great Barrier Reef Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Great Dane Reporter [ Dogs ]
Great Dane Rescue Links [ Rescue Groups ]
Great Dane Web Ring [ Great Dane ]
Great Falls Animal Hospital (Great Falls, VA) [ Virginia ]
Great Gull Island [ Birding ]
Great Lakes Fishery Commission [ Conservation ]
Great Lakes Livestock [ Breeders ]
Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP) - Birding [ Birding ]
Great Outdoors Hunting, Fishing & Camping Directory [ Services ]
Great Plains Veterinary Educational Center (GPVEC) [ United States ]
Great Pyrenees Club of America [ Great Pyrenees ]
Great Pyrenees Connection [ Great Pyrenees ]
Great Pyrenees Dog Show Statistics [ Great Pyrenees ]
Great Pyrenees Web Ring [ Great Pyrenees ]
Great Smokies VetScience [ Clinical Pathology ]
Great Southeastern Exotic Bird Fair [ Exotic Birds ] [ Great Dane ]
Greater Annapolis Veterinary Hospital (Annapolis, MD) [ Maryland ]
Greater Bilby or Rabbit-eared Bandicoot (Macrotis lagotis) [ Bilby ]
Greater City Aquarium Society [ Hobby ]
Greater Manchester Bird Page [ Birding ]
Greater Phoenix Dog Training Academy [ Training ]
Greater Seattle Aquarium Society [ Hobby ]
Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America [ Swiss Mountain & Cattle Dog ]
Greek Animal Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Greek's Veterinary Center (Greece) [ International ]
Greenbriar Animal Hospital (Fairfax, VA) [ Virginia ]
Greendale Laboratories (UK) [ Clinical Pathology ]
GreenLinks [ Green ]
Greenpeace International [ Environmental ]
Greenpeace USA [ Green ]
GreenTracks to Wild Destinations [ Services ]
Greenwood Productions Veterinary Web Sites & Publishing [ Publishers ]
Greg's Bay Area Bird Page [ Birding ]
Greg's Hawk Hill Page [ Raptors ]
Gregory A. Campbell, DVM, PhD, ACVP (Oklahoma State University) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Gretna Animal Hospital (Gretna, LA) [ Louisiana ]
Grevys Zebra [ Zebra ]
Greyhound Companions (St. Louis, MO) [ Humane Societies ]
Greyhound Emergency Medical Assistance [ Rescue Groups ]
Greyhound Friends [ Rescue Groups ]
Greyhound Rescue Group [ Rescue Groups ]
Greyhounds Anonymous [ Humane Societies ]
Greylag Geese [ Waterfowl ]
Grice Marine Biological Laboratory (College of Charleston) [ Marine ]
Griffin - Washington State University Online Catalog [ Literature Search ]
Griffonpoint Wirehaired Pointing Griffons [ Breeders ]
Grizzly Discovery Center [ Ursidae ]
Gros Morne National Park (Canada) [ Conservation ]
Groundhogs at HogHaven [ Groundhog ]
Groundhogs Photos (HogHaven) [ Wildlife ]
Grovet Veterinaire Producten [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Growth & Structure of Meat Animals (University of Guelph) [ Beef Cattle ]
Growth and Structure of Meat Animals (University of Guelph Department of Animal and Poultry Science) [ Anatomy ]
Growth Stages of the Cowry Shell [ Gastropods ]
GrungyApe Orangutan & Primate Information Center [ Conservation ]
Grup Tecnic Veterinari (Spain) [ Spain ]
Grupo CS (Mexico) [ Distributors ]
Grupo Proquimsa de Occidente SA [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
GSA - General Services Administration [ Other ]
GSF Research Center Institute of Mammalian Genetics (Germany) [ International ]
GSFS - Golden State Ferret Society [ Ferrets ]
GTEMA - Grupo de Trabajo Especializado en Métodos Alternativos (Spain) [ Comparative Medicine ]
GTEMA - Grupo de Trabajo Especializado en Métodos Alternativos (Spain) [ Alternatives ]
GuangDong Laboratory Animal Monitoring Institute (China) [ International ]
Guardian Pet Safe-T-Belt [ Commercial ]
Guardians - A Group Exposing Vivisection [ Animal Rights ]
Guidance Documents [ Divisions ]
Guide Dog Foundation For The Blind [ Dogs ]
Guide Dogs for the Blind [ Other ]
Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals [ Books ]
Guide to Careers in Agriculture and Agri-Food [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Guide to Genetic Diseases in Dogs (AVAR) [ Genetics ]
Guide to Medical Informatics, the Internet and Telemedicine [ Publications ]
Guide to the Care, Feeding, & Evaluation of Infant Monkeys [ Health ]
Guide to the Technical Literature on Police and Military Working Dogs [ Dogs ]
Guidelines for Acquisition, Care, & Breeding of Primates (IPS) [ Health ]
Guidelines for Searching Databases for Research and Teaching Using Animals (Emory University) [ Literature Search ]
Guidelines for Searching Databases for Research and Teaching Using Animals (Emory University) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Guidelines for Searching Databases for Research and Teaching Using Animals (Emory University) [ Alternatives ]
Guidelines for Specification of Animals & Husbandry Methods (Laboratory Animals - PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals [ International ]
Guideposts - Animals [ Fun ]
Guiding Eyes for the Blind [ Other ]
Guilford-Jamestown Veterinary Hospital (Greensboro, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Guinea Pig Care Information (Veterinary Associates Stonefield) [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pig Compendium [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pig Gallery [ Rodents ]
Guinea Pig Gopher [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pig Hutch [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pig Models & Uses in Research (Notes) [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pig Publications [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pig Vet Finder [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pigs Frequently Asked Questions [ Guinea pigs ]
Guinea Pigs on the Net [ Guinea pigs ]
Gulf Breeze Zoo (FL) [ US ]
Gulf Coast Angler's Association [ Sport ]
Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists (Houston, TX) [ Texas ]
Gulf of Maine Fisheries Project [ Conservation ]
Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratories, Inc. [ Comparative Medicine ]
Gulf Specimen Marine Laboratories, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Gulfstream Park [ Sport ]
Gulmag International Veterinary Instruments [ Surgery ]
Gunbarrel Veterinary Clinic (Boulder, CO) [ Colorado ]
GUNDOG-L (Gun Dog Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Gunston Animal Hospital (Lorton, VA) [ Virginia ]
Guttural Pouch [ Anatomy ]
GUVZS - Glasgow University of Veterinary Zoological Society (Scotland) [ Veterinary Student ]
GV-SOLAS - Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde (Society of Laboratory Animal Science) [ Comparative Medicine ]
GVS - Goat Veterinary Society [ Small Ruminants ]
Gwathmey Research Biotechnology [ Laboratories ]
Gypsy Moth Integrated Pest Management (Virginia Tech) [ Pest Management ]
Gypsy Moth Modelling Programs (USDA Forest Service) [ Pest Management ]
Gyungsang National University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
Göteborgs Ornitologiska Förening (Sweden) [ Birding ]
H&D Budgerigar & Cage Bird Society [ Exotic Birds ]
H.U.B. International Pet Products [ Products ]
HA - Holstein Association USA [ Cows ]
HABAC - Human-Animal Bond Association of Canada [ Ethics ]
HACCP - International Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Alliance [ Nutrition ]
Hacienda de la Vega Peruvian Paso Horses [ Commercial ]
Hadrosaurus Foulkii [ Dinosaurs ]
Haematologica - Journal of Hematology [ Research ]
Hagen Avicultural Research Institute [ Avian ]
Hai-Feng Fish Food [ Commercial ]
Haikara Akitas [ Breeders ]
Hairball [ Fun ]
Half Fast Farms Half Thoroughbred Sporthorses [ Commercial ]
Halikatin Cattery [ Commercial ]
Hallowell Engineering and Manufacturing Corporation [ Anesthesiology ]
Halocarbon Fluorochemicals [ Anesthesiology ]
Halwendan English Springer Spaniels [ Breeders ]
Hampster Dance [ Hamster Dance.url ]
Hamster Page [ Hamsters ]
Hamster Society [ Rodents ]
Hamster-Helper Page [ Hamsters ]
Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution (Massey University) [ Evolution ]
Handbook of Zoonoses, Section A Bacterial, Rickettsial, Viral, Chlamydial, and Mycotic [ Books ]
Handbook of Zoonoses, Section B Viral Zoonoses [ Books ]
Handicapper's Daily Racing Form [ Sport ]
Hands On Children's Museum Ocean Odyssey Hotlist [ Metasites ]
Hannover Zoo (Germany) [ International ]
Hansen Immunology Veterinary Diagnostic Lab [ Immunology ]
Hantaviruses [ Health ]
Hanvey Specialty Engineering Grooming Equipment [ Pet Products ]
Happy Bird Chat [ Chats ]
Happy Bird Corporation Water Stations [ Products ]
Happy Capy [ Other ]
Happy Hippo Homepage [ Hippopotamus ]
Harbor Aquatics Reef Aquariums [ Commercial ]
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution [ Marine ]
Harcourt Brace & Co. Veterinary Book Titles [ Publishers ]
Hardin MD - Neurology & Neurosciences [ Biomedical Research ]
Hardin MD - Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
Hardin Meta Directory - Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Hardin Meta Directory Microbiology and Infectious Diseases [ General ]
Harford Reptile Breeding Center [ Commercial ]
Harlan Bioproducts for Science [ Biotechnology ]
Harlan Isotec Flexible Film Isolators [ Caging ]
Harlan Sprague Dawley, Inc. [ Comparative Medicine ]
Harmony Animal Hospital (Jupiter, FL) [ Florida ]
Harness Horse Youth Foundation [ Sport ]
Harness-Net [ Sport ]
Harper Avenue Animal Hospital (Detroit, MI) [ Michigan ]
Harper Veterinary Hospital (Agana, Guam) [ Guam ]
Harpia Zoo Conservation News in America [ Zoo Animal ]
Harrier Information [ Harrier ]
Harrison Veterinary Equipment (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Harrod Veterinary Clinic (Lima, OH) [ Ohio ]
Harry and Creature [ Pets ]
Harry W. Werner, VMD (Equijournal.Com) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Harvard Apparatus, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Harvard Brain [ Research ]
Harvard Skin Disease Research Center Transgenic Models of Skin Disease Core [ Genetics ]
Harvard University Animal Research Facility [ United States ]
Harvard University Center For Clinical Computing [ Medical Informatics ]
Harvard University Department of Organismic & Evolutionary Biology [ Academic ]
Harvard University Primate Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory [ Biomedical Research ]
Harvard University Primate Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory [ Science ]
Harvard University School of Public Health [ United States ]
Harvey Oaks Animal Hospital (Omaha, NE) [ Nebraska ]
Hastings Park Racecourse [ Sport ]
Hatching & Brooding Small Numbers of Chicks (University of Minnesota) [ Poultry ]
HauteDog Sweaters [ Products ]
Haven Animal Shelter Friends for Life (Raeford, NC) [ Humane Societies ]
Haven Books Animal Rights [ AR ]
Haven of the Ozarks Animal Sanctuary (Shell Knob, MO) [ Rescue Groups ]
Hawaii Animal Quarantine Station [ Animal Health ]
Hawaii Biological Survey [ Multiple Species ]
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Hawaii Mega-Cor, Inc. Veterinary Supplies [ Distributors ]
Hawaii Veterinary Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Hawaii's Endangered Species [ Endangered Species ]
HawaiiSun Pets 'n People [ Metasites ]
Hawk Cliff Foundation [ Conservation ]
Hawkesbury Herpetology Research Group (University of Western Sydney) [ Herpetology ]
Hawkesbury Herpetology Research Group (University of Western Sydney) [ Herpetology ]
HawkWatch International [ Conservation ]
Hay.Net [ Metasites ]
Haying FAQ [ Nutrition ]
Hayward Animal Shelter (California) [ Humane Societies ]
Haywood Road Animal Hospital (Greenville, SC) [ South Carolina ]
Haywrap [ Nutrition ]
Haz-Map Occupational Infections [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Symposium [ Food Safety ]
HazardNet [ Disaster ]
HazelEyes' World of Dolphins [ Dolphins ]
HazMat on the Web [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Hazmat Safety [ USDT ]
HazMat Transport News [ Newsletters ]
HBB - Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics & Physiology Research Unit [ Divisions ]
HCS - Histochemical Society [ Pathology ]
HCVMA - Harris County Veterinary Medical Association (TX) [ US State & Local VMAs ]
HDW Enterprises, Inc. [ Commercial ]
He@lth Information on the Internet [ Publications ]
Headford & Corrib Anglers Association [ Sport ] [ Jobs ]
Heading South - Bewick's Swan Migration [ Waterfowl ]
Healdsburg Animal Shelter (CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Healesville Sanctuary (Australia) [ International ]
Healing Forest [ Pet Loss ]
Healing Herbs for Pets [ Alternative Medicine ]
Health & Safety Related Internet Resources [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Health and Medical Informatics Digest [ Publications ]
Health Care Connection - Veterinary Medicine [ US ]
Health Care on the Internet [ Publications ]
Health Data Management [ Publications ]
Health InfoCom Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Health Informatics & Educatonal Technology Links [ Training ]
Health Informatics Journal [ Publications ]
Health Informatics Research Training Program (Univeristy of Missouri) [ Educational Opportunities ]
Health Informatics World Wide [ Medical Informatics ]
Health Information On-Line (FDA) [ Medical Informatics ]
Health Internet Training Seminar [ Internet ]
Health Law Resource [ Medical ]
Health Level 7 [ Standards & Terminology ]
Health Management for Your Horse (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Health Sciences Bookstore (University of California-Davis) [ Distributors ]
Health Sciences Libraries Consortium CBL Software Database [ Medical ]
Health-Minder Personal Pet Health Record Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Healthand Medical Informatics Digest [ Publications ]
Healthcare Informatics Online [ Publications ]
Healthcare Informatics Standards (Duke University) [ Standards & Terminology ]
Healthcare Informatics Telecom Network [ Telemedicine ]
Healthcare Reality Check [ Alternative Medicine ]
HealthCareerWeb [ General Career Resources ]
Healthworks Online [ Literature Search ]
Healthy Dog Magazine [ Dogs ]
Healthy Dogs Online [ Metasites ]
Healthy Hedgehogs [ Hedgehog ]
Healthy Pets Healthy People (LGVMA) [ Zoonoses ]
Healthy Pets Healthy People (LGVMA) [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Healthy Pets Pet Insurance (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
Hearing Dogs for Deaf People [ Other ]
Heart [ Research ]
Heart Bandits - American Eskimo Dog Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Heart Disease Updates [ Cardiology ]
Heart Surgery Forum [ Medical ]
Heart-Bar Deer Farms [ Services ]
Heartland Horseman [ Horses ]
Heartland Humane Society (Corvallis, OR) [ Humane Societies ]
HeartLand Veterinary Hospital (Paducah, KY) [ Kentucky ]
Heather's Wild World of Animals [ Pets ]
Heatherk's Gecko Page [ Lizards ]
Heatwatch Estrus Detection System [ Products ]
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Koret School of Veterinary Medicine [ Israel ]
Hedge Maze [ Hedgehog ]
Hedge Wheel Web Ring [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehog [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehog FAQ Page [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehog Hollow [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehog Homepage [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehog Review [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehogs [ Hedgehog ]
Hedgehogs (Linnean Society of London) [ Hedgehog ]
Hedrick Exotic Animal Farm and Bed & Breakfast Inn [ Services ]
Heffernan Ranch Registered BeefMasters [ Commercial ]
Heidi, Holly & Other Dogs [ Products ]
Heifer Project International [ Foundations ]
Heiniger Shearing & Clipping Equipment [ Commercial ]
Heiniger Shearing and Clipping Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Heinz Mielke's East USA-Impressionen eines Tierarztes aus East Germany [ Newsletters ]
Heit Veterinary Services, Inc. [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Helen Woodward Animal Center (Rancho Santa Fe, CA) [ California ]
Helicobacter Foundation [ Infectious Diseases ]
Helicobacter hepaticus, a Recently Recognized Bacterial Pathogen, Associated with Chronic Hepatitis and Hepatocellular Neoplasia in Laboratory Mice (CDC) [ Health ]
Helicobacter Infection in Laboratory Mice - History, Significance, Detection & Management (Charles River) [ Health ]
Helmac Clothing Products [ Apparel ]
Helminthologia [ Journals ]
Helminthological Abstracts [ Literature Search ]
Helminthological Abstracts (CAB International) [ Commercial ]
Help Save King [ Conservation ]
Help Save the Elephants [ Elephant ]
Help Save the Tiger [ Felidae ] [ Animal Rights ]
Helton Plaza Veterinary Hospital (Florence, AL) [ Alabama ]
Helton Porfiriio da Silva (StarVet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
HemoPet [ Surgery ]
HemoStat Laboratories [ Microbiology ]
Henry Schein, Inc. [ Distributors ]
Henry Schein, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Henry Vilas Zoo (WI) [ US ]
Henry's Used Cars (Rhodesian Ridgebacks) [ Rhodesian Ridgebacks ]
HENSA - Higher Education National Software Archive [ Biological ]
Henston Online (UK) [ International ]
Henston Publications [ Journals ]
Hepatology [ Research ]
Herbs for Horses [ Products ]
Herbs for Horses from Selected Bioproducts [ Alternative Medicine ]
Herd Health & Production Management in Dairy Practice [ Commercial ]
Herd-Book of the Belgian Blue [ Beef Cattle ]
Hereford Herd Book Society [ Beef Cattle ]
Heritage 10 Animal Hospital (Victoria, TX) [ Texas ]
Heritage Collection Gazebo Bird Feeder [ Products ]
Hermanus, Heart of the Whale Coast [ Commercial ]
Herp Hot Links [ Metasites ]
Herp Hot Links [ Metasites ]
Herp Hut [ Herpetology ]
Herp Hut [ Herpetology ]
Herp Image Gallery [ Amphibian ]
Herp Image Gallery [ Reptiles ]
HERP Index (Human Exposure_Rodent Potency) [ Oncology ]
Herp Internet Resources FAQ [ Herpetology ]
Herp Internet Resources FAQ [ Herpetology ]
Herp Mall [ Commercial ]
Herp Mall [ Commercial ]
Herp Photo Collection [ Reptiles ]
Herp Photo Collection [ Amphibian ]
Herp Pictures [ Reptiles ]
Herp Web Database [ Herpetology ]
Herp Web Database [ Herpetology ]
Herper's Bizarre [ Salamanders & Newts ]
Herpetological Review [ Journals ]
Herpetology Pictures (University of Illinois) [ Reptiles ]
Herpetology Pictures (University of Illinois) [ Amphibian ] [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ]
HerpetoPage de Julie [ Herpetology ]
HerpetoPage de Julie [ Herpetology ]
HerpLink [ Metasites ]
HerpLink [ Metasites ]
HerpMed Medical Herpetology, Snakebite and Wilderness Medicine [ Health ]
Herps [ Metasites ]
HerpScope [ Herpetology ]
HerpScope [ Herpetology ]
Herptiles [ Commercial ]
Herren's Rat Terriers [ Rat Terrier ]
Herrin Software Development Faunix Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
HeSCA - Health Sciences Communications Association [ Informatics ]
Heska Corporation [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
HESP Technology Srl (Italy) [ Immunology ]
Hespeler Animal Hospital (Cambridge, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Heste Journalen (Denmark) [ Horses ]
Hex Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
HGM Publications [ Publishers ]
HHMI - Howard Hughes Medical Institute [ Foundations ]
HHPPC - Happy Household Pet Cat Club [ Associations ]
Hi-Craft Pet Products [ Commercial ]
High Desert Labrador Retriever Club of California [ Labrador Retriever ]
High Desert Museum (Oregon) [ Museums ]
High Mark Farms [ Commercial ]
High North Alliance [ Conservation ]
High Plains Journal [ Agricultural ]
HighWire Press [ Journals ]
Hiirisivu _ Mouse Page [ Mice ]
Hill Country Aviaries [ Exotic Birds ]
Hill House Hammond PetCare Plus (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
Hill's Atlas of Veterinary Clinical Anatomy [ Anatomy ]
Hill's Herp House [ Herpetology ]
Hill's Herp House [ Herpetology ]
Hill's VetOne Users Forum [ Newsgroups ]
Hillcrest Animal Hospital (Hudson, WI) [ Wisconsin ]
Hillsborough Animal Health Foundation [ Foundations ]
Hilltop Farm, Inc. [ Services ]
HIMSS - Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society [ Informatics ]
Hine's Emerald Dragonfly [ Odanata ]
Hip Dysplasia [ Orthopedics ]
Hippopotamus Fact Sheet (SeaWorld _ Busch Gardens) [ Hippopotamus ]
Hippopotamus Teeth [ Hippopotamus ]
Hirosaki University Institute for Animal Experiment (Japan) [ International ]
Histo-Line Laboratories (Italy) [ Biotechnology ]
Histology (Smith College) [ Histology ]
Histology Imagebase (Murdoch University) [ Histology ]
Histology on the WWW [ Histology ]
Histopathology [ Research ]
History of Leptospira tarassovi in New Zealand [ Health ]
History of the American Paint Horse [ Paint ]
History of the Saint Bernard Dog [ Saint Bernard ]
HistoVet Surgical Pathology (Canada) [ Pathology ]
HistVet (Japan) [ Clinical Pathology ]
HITI - Health Information Technology Institute [ Medical Informatics ]
HL - Herpetologist's League [ Amphibian ]
HL - Herpetologist's League [ Reptiles ]
HL-7 Health Informatics Standards (Duke University) [ Standards & Terminology ]
HLS Veterinary Biological Products and Laboratory Equipment [ Clinical Pathology ]
HMATRIX-L (Discussion of Electronic Health Resources) [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ]
HMS Beagle [ News ]
HMSBeagle [ Research ]
Hoard's Dairyman [ Cows ]
Hobby Horse Clothing Company [ Products ]
Hoechst AG [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Hoechst Roussel Vet [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Hoechst Roussel Vet (South Africa) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Hoflin Publishing [ Dogs ]
Hog Cholera (USDA APHIS) [ Health ]
HOGA Agility [ Sport ]
Hogle Zoo (Utah) [ US ]
Hogs Today [ Pigs ]
Hokkaido National Agricultural Experiment Station (Japan) [ International ]
Hokkaido University Center for Experimental Plants & Animals (Japan) [ International ]
Hokkaido University Department of Veterinary Medicine (Japan) [ International ]
Hokkaido University Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine [ Japan ]
Hokkaido University Laboratory of Animal Experiment (Japan) [ International ]
Hole-In-Hand Butterfly Farm [ Commercial ]
Holistic Horse [ Alternative Medicine ]
Holistic Horse Practitioner & Product Directory [ Alternative Medicine ]
Holistic Medicine for Dogs and Cats [ Alternative Medicine ]
Holistic Pet Care Center [ Alternative Medicine ]
Holistic Remedies For the Arthritic-Dysplastic Dog [ Health ]
Holistic Veterinary Medicine [ Alternative Medicine ]
Holistic Veterinary Resources [ Alternative Medicine ]
Holisticat [ Products ]
HOLISTICAT (Feliine Holistic Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
HOLISTIVETJA (Japanese Holistic Veterinary Medicine List) [ Veterinary ]
Holland Farm & Hatchery [ Commercial ]
Holland Genetics [ Genetics ]
Hollydogs Greyhound Adoption (Hollywood, FL) [ Humane Societies ]
Holstein Canada [ Dairy Cattle ]
Holy Church of Moo [ Fun ]
Home Health Exam [ Health ]
Home of Rest for Horses (UK) [ Rescue ]
Home of the Cat Goddess [ Pets ]
Home of the Lying Cow [ Fun ]
Home Office Animals, Byelaws & Coroners Unit (UK) [ UK ]
Home Paramount Pest Control Company [ Commercial ]
Home Processing of Poultry (University of Minnesota) [ Poultry ]
Home Remedies For Dogs & Cats [ Books ]
Home Veterinary Care (Caledonia, NY) [ New York ]
Home Veterinary Care (KY-OH) [ Ohio ]
Home Veterinary Care (KY-OH) [ Kentucky ]
Home-Alone Dog [ Products ]
Homefarm [ Agricultural ]
HomeFarm Calendar of Ag Events [ Meetings ]
Homeless Cat Network [ Animal Welfare ]
Homeless Pet Placement League (Houston, TX) [ Humane Societies ]
Homeopathhic Physicians Teaching Group (UK) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Homeopathy Home [ Alternative Medicine ]
Homeopatia [ Alternative Medicine ]
Homerun Chinese Shar-Pei [ Breeders ]
HomeVet Bulletin Board [ Chat Groups ]
HomeVet Natural Health Center (Weston, CT) [ Connecticut ]
Hominid Paleo-ethology [ Evolution ]
Homosassa Springs State Wildlife Park [ Sirenia ]
Honey Hill Highlands [ Commercial ]
Honey Research, Promotion & Consumer Information (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 77) [ Hymenoptera ]
Honeybees (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 11) [ Hymenoptera ]
Honeymoon in Africa [ Wildlife ]
Honeysuckle White Turkey [ Products ]
Hong Kong Dolphinwatch [ Dolphins ]
Hong Kong Racing Journal [ Sport ]
Hong Kong SPCA (China) [ Humane Societies ]
Honolulu Community College Dinosaur Exhibit [ Dinosaurs ]
Hoof Beat [ Husbandry ]
Hoof Prints [ Commercial ]
Hoof Prints Home Page [ Horses ]
Hoof Prints Newsletter (Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine) [ Newsletters ]
HOOF-it Hoof Repair [ Products ]
Hoofbeat [ Sport ]
Hoofer Riding Club [ Services ]
HoofMag Magnetic Hoof Care [ Products ]
Hoopoe Page [ Birding ]
Hooterville Pets SafeHaus (Bothell, WA) [ Humane Societies ]
Hooved Animal Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Hopkins Marine Station (Stanford University) [ Marine ]
Hoppenstedt Animal Hospital (Kingston, NY) [ New York ]
Horizon Technology [ Theriogenology ]
Hormone Research [ Research ]
Horned Lizard Conservation Society - Texas Chapter [ Reptiles ]
Hornocker Wildlife Institute (University of Idaho) [ Conservation ]
Horse & Mule Trail Guide USA [ Sport ]
Horse Authority [ Metasites ]
Horse Chat [ Chats ]
Horse Country - Sandhills Electronic Magazine [ Other ]
Horse Exchange [ Services ]
Horse Farm Management [ Husbandry ]
Horse Forum [ Metasites ]
Horse Forum Chat Page [ Chats ]
Horse Head Image Series (Murdoch University) [ Horses ]
Horse Head Series (Murdoch University) [ Anatomy ]
Horse Health Care Articles [ Health ]
Horse Health Care Articles - Jim Hamilton, DVM [ Horses ]
Horse Health USA [ Products ]
Horse Illustrated [ Journals ]
Horse Images (Aberdeen Riding Club) [ Horses ]
Horse Information (Virginia Cooperative Extension) [ Husbandry ]
Horse Information Center Books, Videos, and Software [ Distributors ]
Horse Links for All Breeds [ Metasites ]
Horse Luvers Ring [ Metasites ]
Horse Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Horse Mall [ Products ]
Horse News [ News ]
Horse Online [ Horses ]
Horse Pages [ Services ]
Horse Plaza Chat System [ Chats ]
Horse Plaza Virtual Mall [ Products ]
Horse Power Projects Inc. (Freedom, CA) [ Animal Welfare ]
Horse Previews Magazine [ Horses ]
Horse Protection Act [ United States ]
Horse Racing World in Japan [ Sport ]
Horse Resources (Oklahoma State University) [ Metasites ]
Horse Sense Herbs [ Products ]
Horse Source [ Services ]
Horse Source Online [ Metasites ]
Horse Weight Detachable Bag [ Products ]
Horse-Country [ Metasites ] [ Services ]
Horseballs [ Products ]
HorseBarn [ Services ]
HorseBiz - Equine Management Software [ Horse ]
Horsebreakers Unlimited Quarterhorses [ Commercial ] [ Metasites ] Horse Promotion [ Services ]
HorseFun [ Fun ] [ Services ]
Horseman's Notebook Index [ Health ]
Horsemart [ Services ]
HorseNet [ Metasites ]
HorseNet Vetbarn [ Health ]
Horsepower Graphics Web Publishing [ Services ]
Horses (Mining Co.) [ Metasites ]
Horses - Nick's Photo Album [ Horses ]
Horsesales, Inc. [ Services ] [ Products ]
Horseshoeing Schools [ Services ] Equestrian Information Center [ Sport ]
Horsestop (Finland) [ Other ]
Horsetrak Horse Management Software [ Horse ]
HorseWeb [ Metasites ] (Germany) [ Metasites ]
HorseWorldData [ Metasites ]
HorseWorldWide [ Metasites ]
Horst Company Kennel Runs, Cages, and Accessories [ Caging ]
Hospital Biomedical Engineering [ Medical Informatics ]
Hospital Centro Policlinico Veterinario (Malaga, Spain) [ Spain ]
Hospital Veterinario Taco (Canary Is., Spain) [ Spain ]
HOSPITAL-WEBMASTER Mailing List [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ]
HOST- HealthCare Open Systems & Trials [ Medical Records ]
Hot Pursuit Jack Russell Terriers [ Breeders ]
Hot Weather Livestock Stress (NebGuide) [ Health ]
Hot-Shot Livestock Handling Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
HotMolecBase Biological Factors Database [ Molecular Biology ]
HotSpot for Birds [ Metasites ]
HotSpot for Pets Reptile Products [ Commercial ]
Hotsy Pressure Washers [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Hound Dog Press [ Bloodhound ]
HoundQuarters Kennel Building System [ Construction ]
Hounds Online [ Hunting ]
House Calls Veterinary Service (Sacramento, CA) [ California ]
House Finch Conjunctivitis [ Health ]
House Finch Disease Survey (Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology) [ Health ]
House of Hoytt [ Breeders ]
House of Leo [ Commercial ]
House of Mews Feline Adoption Agency (Memphis, TN) [ Rescue Groups ]
House of Mouse [ Pets ]
House Rabbit Resource Network [ Rescue ]
House Rabbit Society FAQ's [ Husbandry ]
House Rabbit Society National Veterinary Conference [ Meetings ]
House Rabbit Society Veterinary Recommendations [ Exotic ]
Housecall or Mobile Veterinary Practices for Small Animals (University of Tennessee, Knoxville) [ Practice Management ]
Housing, Husbandry & Welfare of Quail, Pheasants, Finches, Ostriches, Doves, and Parrots 1_80-12_93 (AWIC) [ Health ]
Housing, Husbandry & Welfare of Swine (USDA AWIC QB 95-06) [ Husbandry ]
Housing, Husbandry and Welfare of Rabbits (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
Housing, Husbandry, & Welfare of Horses (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
Housing, Husbandry, & Welfare of Sheep & Goats (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Poultry 1991-1994 (AWIC) [ Poultry ]
Houston Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Houston Museum of Natural Science [ Museums ]
Houston Zoo [ US ]
How Humans Evolved [ Evolution ]
How the Internet is Transforming Medicine (GHN) [ Internet ]
How to Find a Good Rabbit Vet (HRS) [ Health ]
How to Find Health Information on the Internet [ Publications ]
How to Interpret the New Animal Model for Dairy Sire Evaluation (NebGuide) [ Dairy Cattle ]
How To Love Your Dog [ Other ]
How to Manage Feather Picking [ Health ]
How to Start Your Own Pet Sitting Business [ Services ]
How to Take Great Pictures at the Zoo (New York Institute of Photography) [ Zoo Animal ]
How to Toilet-Train Your Cat [ Pets ]
How to Use a Clinical Decision Analysis [ Training ]
How We Cook Hawgs in Mississippi [ Fun ]
Howard County Bird Club [ Exotic Birds ]
Howard Voren's Breeders Q & A [ Exotic Birds ]
Howell Book House [ Publishers ]
Howell Ferry Animal Hospital (Duluth, GA) [ Georgia ]
Howtek Imaging [ Imaging ]
HPSC Healthcare Professional Financing [ Financial ]
HRC Feed Yards [ Commercial ]
HRS - House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
HSO - Histology Society of Ohio [ Pathology ]
HSTAT - NLM Health Services Technology Assessment Text [ Literature Search ]
HSUS - Animal Research Issues Section [ Comparative Medicine ]
HTI Bio Products, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Huber Animal Hospital (Miami, FL) [ Florida ]
Hum-Molgen Events in Bioscience and Medicine [ Meetings ]
Human Anatomy [ Human ]
Human and Animal Bitewounds - Overview and Management [ Zoonoses ]
Human and Experimental Toxicology [ Research ]
Human Genome Project (Sanger Centre) [ Genome ]
Human Genome Project Information (USDOE) [ Genome ]
Human-Animal Ethics and the Vegetarian [ Veggies ]
Human-Animal Relationship [ Ethics ]
Human-Mouse Homology Relationships (NCBI) [ Genetics ]
Humane Farming Association [ Animal Rights ]
Humane Innovations and Alternatives [ AR ]
Humane Innovations and Alternatives Journal [ Alternatives ]
Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter (Title 7, Chapter 48) [ US Code ]
Humane Services of Metro Atlanta [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society and Animal Welfare Ring [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Boulder Valley (Colorado) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Clifton, CO [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Fairfax County (Virginia) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Henderson County (KY) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Missouri [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Ottawa Carleton (Canada) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Ottawa-Carleton [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Ramsey County (Minnesota) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County (New York) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Santa Clara Valley (California) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Southeast Missouri (Cape Girardeau, MO) [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of the Ozarks [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of the United States [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Tucson [ Humane Societies ]
Humane Society of Utah [ Humane Societies ]
Humanitas Organization for Animal and Natureprotection [ Animal Rights ]
Humans and Other Animals [ Human-Animal Bond ]
HUMMER (Hummer Watcher Club Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Hummingbirds! [ Birding ]
Hunt Rhode Island [ Hunting ]
Hunt Saboteurs Association [ Animal Rights ]
Hunter-Jumper Network [ Sport ]
Hunterdan Hall Cattery [ Commercial ]
HunterNet [ Hunting ]
HUNTING (Hunting Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Hunting Information Systems [ Hunting ]
Hunting Library [ Hunting ]
Hunting Nebraska [ Hunting ]
Hunting Net [ Hunting ]
Hunting Page [ Hunting ]
Huntingdon Life Sciences [ Laboratories ]
Huntsman Marine Science Centre (Canada) [ Marine ]
Husbandry and Breeding of the Koala at Duisburg Zoo [ Koala ]
Hussein N. Castelli, DVM [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Hutton & Brinkler Veterinary Surgeons (North Yorkshire) [ UK ]
Huîtres Favier Earl Oysters [ Commercial ]
Hvanneyri Agricultural College (Iceland) [ Colleges ]
Hvanneyri Agricultural College Library (Iceland) [ Libraries ]
HVMA - Hawaii Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Hy-Vac Specific Pathogen Free Poultry Biologics [ Products ]
Hyacinth Macaws [ Exotic Birds ]
Hybaid Molecular Biology [ Molecular Biology ]
HydroSurge Animal Bathing Systems [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Hyena Pages [ Hyena ]
Hymed Group Woundcare [ Dermatology ]
Hymedix International, Inc. [ Dermatology ]
Hymenoptera - Cynipoidea Page [ Hymenoptera ]
HyperCLDB - Hypertext Cell Line Data Base [ Immunology ]
HyperDrug Ltd. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis [ Health ]
Hyperlinked Horseman [ Metasites ]
Hyrax Info [ Hydracoidea ]
Hytelnet for Windows [ Literature Search ]
HästVeterinären-Torget (Sweden) [ Sweden ]
I Can Be an Animal Doctor - Veterinarian Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
I Can Be an Animal Doctor - Veterinarian Software [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
I Want To Be A Veterinarian, A Career Explorer [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
I.D.ology [ Animal Identification ]
IAA - International Alpaca Association [ Small Ruminants ]
IAAS - International Association of Agricultural Students [ Agriculture ]
IABBBRL - Insect Attractants, Behavior & Basic Biology Research Laboratory [ Divisions ]
IAC - International Academy of Cytology [ Clinical Pathology ]
IACP - International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists [ Pharmacology ]
IACR-Rothamsted Department of Entomology & Nematology (UK) [ Entomology ]
IACUC TALK (Institutional Care & Use Committee Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
IACUC's - Celebrating 10 Years of Experience [ Comparative Medicine ] - Institutional Animal Care & Use Committees [ Comparative Medicine ] - Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees Page [ Comparative Medicine ]
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency [ Divisions ]
IAEP - International Association of Equine Practitioners [ Horses ]
IAFIS - International Association of Food Industry Suppliers [ Nutrition ]
IAFWA - International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies [ Fish ]
IAFWA - International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies [ Wildlife ]
IAHA - International Arabian Horse Association [ Horses ]
IAMFES - International Association of Milk, Food & Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. [ Public Health ]
Ian Billinghurst, BVSc (Give Your Dog a Bone) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Ian York, DVM, PhD (University of Massachussetts Medical School) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Ianni Butterfly Enterprises [ Commercial ]
IAP - International Academy of Pathology [ Pathology ]
IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer [ Divisions ]
IAS - International Aviculturists Society [ Birds ]
IASP - International Association for the Study of Pain [ Neuroscience ]
IAT - Institute of Animal Technology [ Comparative Medicine ]
IATA - International Air Transport Association [ Animal Transport ]
IAVH - International Association of Veterinary Homeopathy [ Alternative Medicine ]
IAVI - Italian Academy of Veterinary Informatics [ Informatics ]
IAVM - Illinois Academy of Veterinary Medicine [ US State & Local VMAs ]
IB - Institute of Biology [ Biology ]
IBC Conference Database [ Meetings ]
IBMS - Institute of Biomedical Science (UK) [ Research ]
IBS - International Biometric Society [ Informatics ]
ICAAE - International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environments [ Fish ]
Icarus Mobile Veterinary Service (Wesley Chapel, FL) [ Florida ]
ICASL - International Center for the Advancement of Scientific Literacy [ Research ]
ICC - Internet Cat Club [ Associations ]
ICCVAM - Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternartive Methods [ Alternatives ]
ICD-9-CM [ Standards & Terminology ]
ICE Corporation Veterinary Medicine Electronics [ Theriogenology ]
Iceland Skin Industries Ltd. [ Commercial ]
Icelandic Fisheries Laboratories [ Marine ]
Icelandic Horses Online [ Icelandic ]
ICGEB - International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology [ Divisions ]
Ich Page (University of Georgia) [ Health ]
Ichnology -The Study of Plant and Animal Traces [ Other ]
Ichthyology Resources [ Icthyology ]
Ichthyology Web Resources [ Icthyology ]
ICLAS & FELASA Joint Meeting, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May 26-28, 1999 [ Meetings ]
ICLAS - International Council for Laboratory Animal Science [ Comparative Medicine ]
ICLAS - International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (WHO) [ Comparative Medicine ]
ICN Biomedicals, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
ICQ Horse and Pony Lovers [ Chats ]
ICRIN - Injury Control Resource Information Network [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
ICTV - International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses [ Virology ]
ICTVdB Virus Database [ Virology ]
ICZN - International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature [ Biology ]
ID Technology Advanced Graphics Dog Tags [ Animal Identification ]
Idaho Department of Fish and Game [ Fish & Game ]
Idaho Fish 'n' Hunt [ Sport ]
Idaho Fish 'n' Hunt [ Hunting ]
Idaho FlyFishing Resource [ Sport ]
Idaho Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Idaho State University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Idaho Wilderness [ Conservation ]
Ideal Obstetrical Instruments [ Theriogenology ]
IDEXX Informatics [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
IDEXX Laboratories [ Clinical Pathology ]
IDFA - International Dairy Foods Association [ Nutrition ]
IDHSNA - Irish Draught Horse Society of North America [ Horses ]
Iditarod [ Sport ]
IDSA - Infectious Diseases Society of America [ Infectious Diseases ]
IEEE - Instituteof Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. [ Informatics ]
IEEE Computer Society [ Informatics ]
IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology [ Publications ]
IEEE Standards [ Standards & Terminology ]
IES - Investigative & Enforcement Services [ Divisions ]
IETS - International Embryo Transfer Society [ Theriogenology ]
IFAA - International Federation of Associations of Anatomists [ Anatomy ]
IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development [ Divisions ]
IFAJ - International Federation of Agricultural Journalists [ Agriculture ]
IFER - International Foundation for Ethical Research [ Ethics ]
IFFB - International Federation of Ferret Breeders [ Ferrets ]
IFIC - International Food Information Council [ Nutrition ]
IFIC - International Food Information Council Foundation [ Nutrition ]
IFLA - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions [ Library ]
IFPA - International Federation of Placental Associations [ Theriogenology ]
IFS - International Foundation for Science [ Research ]
IFST- Institute of Food Science & Technology [ Nutrition ]
IFT - Institute of Food Technologists [ Nutrition ]
IFTS - International Federation of Teratology Societies [ Toxicology ]
IGHA - International Generic Horse Assocation - HorseAid [ Horses ]
IGITB Mailing Liste (German Veterinary Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
Iguana Care [ Lizards ]
Iguana Channel [ Chats ]
Iguana Parenting Project [ Lizards ]
Iguanacam [ Reptiles ]
Iguanas (Wellsboro Veterinary Hospital) [ Lizards ]
IHC - Internet Healthcare Coalition [ Informatics ]
IHPO - International Health Program Office [ Divisions ]
IICAB - Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics [ Pharmacology ]
IITC, Inc. Life Science Instruments [ Physiology ]
IIVS - Institute for In Vitro Sciences [ Alternatives ]
IIVTG - Industrial In Vitro Toxicology Group [ Toxicology ]
IK Chughtai & Brothers Surgical Instruments [ Surgery ]
Iki Island Veterinary Clinic (Iki Island, Japan) [ Japan ]
ILAM - Institute for Laboratory Animal Management [ Comparative Medicine ]
ILAR - Institute for Laboratory Animal Research [ ILAR ]
ILAR - Institute for Laboratory Animal Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
ILAR Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals [ United States ]
ILAR Journal [ Journals ]
ILAR Laboratory Code Registry [ Comparative Medicine ]
ILAR Principles and Guidelines for the Use of Animals in Precollege Education [ United States ]
ILAR Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates [ United States ]
ILINK to HTML Translator (University of Georgia) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Illinois and Chicago Net-Birding [ Birding ]
Illinois Cooperative Extension Service (telnet - login = guest) [ Other ]
Illinois Department of Agriculture Animal Disease Laboratories [ Government ]
Illinois Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Illinois Fishing Page [ Sport ]
Illinois Horse Online [ Other ]
Illinois Natural History Survey [ Conservation ]
Illinois Natural History Survey Wildlife Ecology Software [ Wildlife ]
Illinois State Museum [ Museums ]
Illinois Veterinary Bulletin [ Newsletters ]
Illustrated Regional Anesthestics and Pain [ Anesthesiology ]
ILSI - International Life Sciences Institute [ Divisions ]
Image Engine Project (University of Pittsburgh) [ Medical Records ]
Image Guided Surgery (MIT) [ Computer Graphics ]
Image Lab (Cornell University Veterinary School) [ Images ]
Images for Veterinary Anaesthesia [ Images ]
Images for Veterinary Anaesthesia [ Anesthesiology ]
Images from the History of Medicine (NLM) [ Images ]
Imamichi Institute for Animal Reproduction (Japan) [ International ]
IMAX Whales [ Commercial ]
IMC-Agrico Feed Ingredients [ Commercial ]
Imex Veterinary Intramedullary & External Skeletal Fixation Devices [ Orthopedics ]
IMGT - ImmunoGenetics Database [ Immunology ]
IMIA - International Medical Informatics Association [ Informatics ]
IMIA Medical Informatics Newsletter [ Publications ]
IML - Iguanas Mailing List [ Animal ]
IMMA - International Marine Mammal Association [ Marine Mammals ]
ImmGen, Inc. [ Genetics ]
ImmPheron, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Immune System-Dr. Jean Dodds [ Immunology ]
Immunetics Immuno Diagnostic Kits [ Immunology ]
Immunex Corporation [ Immunology ]
Immunise [ Biologics ]
Immuno-Biological Laboratories Antibodies (Japan) [ Biotechnology ]
Immunodeficient Rodents - A Guide to Their Immunobiology, Husbandry, and Use (NAS-ILAR) [ Husbandry ]
ImmunoDiagnostics, Inc. [ Immunology ] [ Biologics ]
Immunogenetics of Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV) Infection in Cattle (University of Illinois) [ Virology ]
Immunogenetics of Bovine Leukemia Virus in Cattle (University of Illinois) [ Health ]
Immunohistochemistry Home Page [ Immunology ]
Immunology Today [ Research ]
Immunos Diagnostic Kits - Antibodies [ Biotechnology ]
ImmunoVision [ Immunology ]
Impeckable Aviaries [ Exotic Birds ]
Imperimed Perimet [ Commercial Products ]
Import Permit Unit [ Divisions ]
Importance of Performing a Necropsy [ Health ]
Important Laboratory Animal Resources - Selection Criteria and Funding Mechanisms for Their Preservation (ILAR) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Importing a Pet Bird (USDA APHIS) [ Exotic Birds ]
Impressions of Nature [ Wildlife ]
Impromed, Inc. Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
IMS Health Marketing [ Consultants ]
IMSEnet - Instructional Materials in Science Education [ Computer Aided Learning ]
In Defense of Animals [ Animal Rights ]
In Light Of Nature [ Wildlife ]
In Memory Of Pets [ Pet Loss ]
In Practice Meeting Calendar (UK) [ Meetings ]
In the Doghouse - All Things Canine [ Metasites ]
INABIS '98 - Internet World Congress on Biomedical Sciences at McMaster University, Canada [ Meetings ]
INABIS - Internet Association for Biomedical Sciences [ Internet ]
Inbred C57 Black Mice - Microphthalmia & Ocular Infections (Jackson Lab) [ Health ]
Incad Inc., Infobases for Pharmaceutical and FDA Regulatory Information [ Metasites ]
Incyte Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Independent Voice Ferret News Service [ News ]
Index Morganagus [ Literature Search ]
Index of Famous Cats [ Pets ]
Index of Famous Critters [ Pets ]
Index Veterinarius [ Literature Search ]
IndiaInk Cattery Bengals [ Commercial ]
Indian Hills Animal Clinics (Wichita, KS) [ Kansas ]
Indian Wildlife [ Multiple Species ]
Indiana Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Indiana Board of Animal Health [ Animal Health ]
Indiana Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Indiana Plants Poisonous to Livestock and Pets [ Toxicology ]
Indiana State University [ United States ]
Indiana University Biology Archives [ Biological ]
Indiana University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Indiana University Press State Bird Books [ Birds ]
Indiana-Purdue University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Indonesian Tropical Rainforest [ Conservation ]
Indooroopilly Veterinary Clinic (Queensland, Australia) [ Australia ]
Infarmation [ Metasites ]
Infection Update [ Infectious Diseases ]
Infectious Disease Control (North Carolina State University CVM) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Infectious Disease News [ News ]
Infectious Diseases of Mice and Rats (AFIP-POLA) [ Health ]
Infectious Diseases of Mice and Rats (NAS-ILAR) [ Rodents ]
Infectious Diseases of Mice and Rats Companion Guide (NAS-ILAR) [ Rodents ]
Infinite Page of Fish Pictures [ Fish ]
Infinite Wildlife Resources, Inc. [ Services ]
info.nsf.grants [ Usenet ]
InfoBiotech Canada [ Biotechnology ]
InfoDog Show Information [ Shows ]
InfoEd International [ Informatics ]
Infolink Pharmaceutical Manufacturer Information [ Directories ]
Informagen, Inc. Biotechnology Information Resource [ Biotechnology ]
Informatics & Medical Computing News [ Publications ]
Informatics and Medical Computing News (GASNet) [ Publications ]
Informatics Fellowships (AVMF) [ Educational Opportunities ]
Informatics Institute [ Medical Informatics ]
Information epidemics, economics, and immunity on the internet [ Epidemiology ]
Information for Pre-Veterinary Medical Students [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Information on Animal Alternatives Database [ Alternatives ]
Information on Ostriches (NDSU) [ Ratites ]
Information Resources for Adjuvants and Antibody Production (AWIC) [ Alternatives ]
Information Resources for Adjuvants and Antibody Production (AWIC) [ Immunology ]
Information Resources for Amphibians Used in Biomedical Research (AWIC) [ Science ]
Information Resources for Reptiles Used in Biomedical Research (AWIC) [ Health ]
Information Retrieval in Digital Libraries [ Literature Search ]
Information Systems & Insect Studies Lab (Virginia Tech) [ Entomology ]
Information Today, Inc. [ Publications ]
Informational Dog-Related Web Sites [ Metasites ]
Informatique et Santé [ Publications ]
Infoseek - Pet Lovers [ Chats ]
Infotrieve [ Literature Search ]
InfoVet Journal [ Journals ]
Ingleside Animal Hospital (Phoenix, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Injection Routes and Volumes (University of Bergen) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Injoy Lure Coursing Equipment [ Products ]
Inland Seafarm Oysters [ Commercial ]
Innerworld.Com Virtual Horse Ranch [ Services ]
Inno-Vet (CA) [ Products ]
Innovative Animal Products Fracture Fixation Devices [ Orthopedics ]
Innovative Research of America [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Inoculum Fungus Newsletter [ Research ]
Inotech Biosystems [ Biotechnology ]
Inroads Interactive Multimedia Exotic Pets [ Commercial ]
INS - Immigration & Naturalization Service [ Divisions ]
Insect and Insect-related Software for PCs (University of Florida) [ Invertebrates ]
Insect Behaviour Group (Erindale College) [ Entomology ]
Insect Biotech Canada, Inc. [ Entomology ]
Insect Collection (Ohio State University) [ Entomology ]
Insect Drawings (University of Illinois) [ Invertebrates ]
Insect Investigations, Ltd. [ Commercial ]
Insect Lore [ Commercial ]
Insect Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Insect Management Guide (University of Florida) [ Pest Management ]
Insect Molecular Systematics Laboratory (Univeristy of California - Berkeley) [ Entomology ]
Insect Pests (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 7) [ Pest Management ]
Insect WebSite [ Metasites ]
Insect-o-Cutor [ Commercial ]
Insect-World [ Metasites ]
Insecticides & Environmental Pesticide Control (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 6) [ Pest Management ]
Insects & Pests (Nebraska Extension Publications) [ Pest Management ]
Insects & that Gunk on your Car [ Commercial ]
Insects (Educator's Toolkit) [ Fun ]
Insects on WWW [ Metasites ]
Inspection and Compliance [ Divisions ]
Instech Laboratories, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Institut für Anatomie, Physiologie und Hygiene der Haustiere (Germany) [ International ]
Institut für Kleintierforschung (Germany) [ International ]
Institut für Tierernährung und Futtermittelkunde (Germany) [ International ]
Institut für Tierwissenschaften (Germany) [ International ]
Institut für Tierzucht und Tierverhalten (Germany) [ International ]
Institut für Viruskrankheiten und Immunprophylaxe (Switzerland) [ International ]
Institut für Zoo- und Wildtierforschung (Berlin, Germany) [ International ]
Institute for Animal Health (UK) [ International ]
Institute for Animal Hygiene and Animal Welfare (Hannover, Germany) [ International ]
Institute for Animal Science and Health ID-DLO (Netherlands) [ International ]
Institute for Applied Biosciences e.V. (Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany) [ International ]
Institute for Biological Detection Systems (Auburn University) [ Neurology ]
Institute for Biotechnology Information [ Commercial Services ]
Institute for Food & Agricultural Research & Technology (Spain) [ International ]
Institute for Genetic Disease Control in Animals [ Genetics ]
Institute for Genomic Research [ United States ]
Institute for In Vitro Sciences [ United States ]
Institute for Small Animal Research Department of Poultry Breeding (Hungary) [ Poultry ]
Institute of Arctic Biology (University of Alaska Fairbanks) [ University ]
Institute of Cetacean Research (Japan) [ Science ]
Institute of Food Science & Technology (UK) [ International ]
Institute of Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation (Italy) [ Legal ]
Institute of Marine Biology (Crete) [ Marine ]
Institute of Marine Biology of Crete [ Marine ]
Institute of Marine Science (University of Alaska) [ Marine ]
Institute of Media Diseases - Veterinary Department [ Humor ]
Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science - Royal Adelaide Hospital (Australia) [ International ]
Institute of Validation Technology [ Consultants ]
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook [ Comparative Medicine ]
Institutional Biosafety Committee Database [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (Argentina) [ International ]
Instructors Reconsider Dissection's Role In Biology Classes [ Dissection ]
Instrument Technology Custom Scopes [ Imaging ]
Instrument Technology, Inc. Endoscopes [ Surgery ]
Integrated Control of Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases [ Parasitology ]
Integrated Control of Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases (University of Utrecht) [ Parasitology ]
Integrated Endoscopy [ Surgery ]
Integrated Microscopy Resource (University of Wisconsin) [ Histology ]
Integrated Pest Management Research Unit (USDA) [ Pest Management ]
Integrated Pest Management Reviews [ Research ]
InteliHealth - USP Drug Database [ Formulary ]
Intelligent Systems Report [ Publications ]
Inter-Research Science Journals [ Fish ]
Interactive Bunny Book [ Fun ]
Interactive Fly [ Genetics ]
Interactive Frog Dissection (University of Virginia) [ Frogs & Toads ]
Interactive Guide to Massachusetts Snakes [ Snakes ]
Interactive Medicine, Inc. [ Telemedicine ]
Interactive Multimedia Laboratory (Iowa State University) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Interactive Patient Simulation (Marshall University) [ Simulations ]
Interactive Respiratory Physiology (Johns Hopkins) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Interactive Technology Group [ Continuing Education ]
Interactive Technology Group Courseware Publications [ Training ]
Interactive Veterinary Courseware (Iowa State University) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
InterBirdNet Magazine (UK) [ Birding ]
Interceptor (Novartis) [ Commercial Products ]
Interchem, Ltd. (Ireland) [ Distributors ]
Intercoastal Med-Pet Ltd. [ Pet Insurance ]
Interdisciplinary Study Of Nonhuman Primates Gains Ground (The Scientiest) [ Behavior ]
Interfarma [ Distributors ]
Intergroom Conference [ Meetings ]
Interior Least Tern (Endangered Species) [ Conservation ]
InterMED Conferences (Italy) [ Meetings ]
Intermed Exportation (France) [ Distributors ]
Intermedic A Journal on Internet and Medicine [ Publications ]
InterMedic Medical Web Site Services [ Medical ]
Internal Parasites of Rabbits (Notes) [ Health ]
International Aquaculture WebRing [ Aquaculture ]
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology [ Research ]
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health [ Research ]
International Bee Research Association [ Hymenoptera ]
International Bengal Cat Society [ Bengal ]
International Bergamasco Sheepdog Association [ Bergmasco Sheepdog ]
International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling [ International ]
International Cooperative Veterinary Library [ Libraries ]
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (Denmark) [ Marine ]
International Crane Foundation [ Conservation ]
International Directory of Rat Standards [ Rats ]
International Directory of Veterinary Student Societies [ Veterinary Student ]
International Directory of Veterinary Student Societies [ International ]
International Doberman Reference Center [ Doberman ]
International Embryo Transfer Society Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
International Family Urn Supply [ Pet Loss ]
International Federation of Butterfly Enthusiasts [ Lepidoptera ]
International Friends of the Clumber Spaniel [ Clumber Spaniel ]
International Fund for Animal Welfare [ Conservation ]
International Index of Laboratory Animals [ Comparative Medicine ]
International Journal of Experimental Pathology [ Research ]
International Journal of Medical Informatics [ Publications ]
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding [ Research ]
International Journal of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies [ Journals ]
International Livestock Congress [ Meetings ]
International Livestock Research Institute [ International ]
International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya) [ International ]
International Marine Mammal Association [ Conservation ]
International Marine Mammal Project [ Conservation ]
International Marinelife Alliance [ Conservation ]
International Marmot Network [ Marmot ]
International Medical Resources Surgical Instruments and Accessories [ Surgery ]
International Muskie Home Page [ Sport ]
International Organizations - NGO Web Sites [ National & International ]
International Photo Gallery Project [ Wildlife ]
International Primate Protection League [ Conservation ]
International Primate Sanctuary of Panama [ Conservation ]
International Primate Sanctuary of Panama [ Callithricidae (Marmosets & Tamarins) ]
International Rhino Foundation [ Conservation ]
International Rodent Numbering Commission [ Health ]
International Rx Specialty Company [ Distributors ]
International Society for Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
International Society for Endangered Cats [ Felidae ]
International Society for Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
International Sociobiology Institute [ Evolution ]
International Sugar Glider Association [ Sugar Glider ]
International Telemedicine Center [ Telemedicine ]
International Vegetarian Union [ Veggies ]
International Venomous Snake Society [ Reptiles ]
International Wildlife [ Wildlife ]
International Wildlife Coalition [ Conservation ]
International Wildlife Coalition - Brazil [ Conservation ]
International Wolf Center [ Wolf ]
Internet & Health Information - Changing Face of Information [ Www ]
Internet Apiculture & Beekeeping Archive [ Hymenoptera ]
Internet as a Source for Current Patient Information [ Internet ]
Internet Autopsy Database (Johns Hopkins University) [ Human ]
Internet Autopsy Database Image Links [ Human ]
Internet Biologists [ Science ]
Internet Disaster Information Network [ Disaster ]
Internet Easter Egg Hunt [ Fun ]
Internet efter emne (Danish Veterinary and Agricultural Library) [ Literature Search ]
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy [ General ]
Internet for Cats [ Pets ]
Internet for Pets Email Reminder Message Service [ Marketing ]
Internet Grateful Med - National Library of Medicine [ Literature Search ]
Internet Guide to the US Government [ Metasites ]
Internet Hay Exchange [ Nutrition ]
Internet Horse Classifieds [ Services ]
Internet Law Library [ United States ]
Internet Law Library - Legal Treatment of Animals [ Animal Rights ]
Internet Library for Librarians [ Literature Search ]
Internet Medical Journal [ Research ]
Internet Medical Products Guide [ General Supplies ]
Internet Medical Terminology Resources [ Standards & Terminology ]
Internet Neuroscience Resources [ Biomedical Research ]
Internet Pet Supplies [ Caging ]
Internet Photochemistry and Photobiology [ Imaging ]
Internet Resources for Conchologists [ Gastropods ]
Internet Resources for Research on Bacterial Pathogenesis [ Bacteriology ]
Internet Resources in Agriculture (USDA - NAL) [ Metasites ]
Internet Resources Pathology and Laboratory Medicine [ Pathology ]
Internet Vet Column Archives [ Newsletters ]
Internet Vets [ US ]
Internet Virtual Reality Sites [ Simulations ]
Internetcats Online Store [ Products ] [ Pet Products ] Pet Supplies [ Commercial ]
Interpaks - International Program for Agricultural Knowledge Systems (University of Illinois) [ Agricultural ]
InterPet Laboratories [ Alternative Medicine ]
Interpharm [ Formulary ]
Interpharma - Swiss Pharmaceutical Research Companies [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Interspecies Telepathic Communication [ Animal Behavior ]
InterStat [ Epidemiology ]
Interuniversitaeres Forschungsinstitut fuer Agrarbiotechnologie (Austria) [ International ]
Intervet Akzo Nobel [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
InterVet Magazine [ Newsletters ]
Intervet, SA [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Intervirology [ Research ]
IntraFish Fish Farming Industry News [ Fish ]
IntraVet Veterinary Practice Management Systems [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Introduction to Applied Toxicology (Edinburgh Centre for Toxicology) [ Toxicology ]
Introduction to Clinical Multimedia and the Internet [ Training ]
Introduction to Cyberspace for Medical Professionals [ Internet ]
Introduction to Heteromyid Rodents [ Other ]
Introduction To Molecular Virology (University of Wisconsin) [ Virology ]
Introductory Biology (University of Southern Mississippi) [ Science ]
Introductory Statistics Concepts, Models, and Applications by David Stockburger [ Epidemiology ]
Invasion & Metastasis [ Research ]
Invertebrate Paleontology Collection (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) [ Other ]
Invertebrate Paleontology Images [ Invertebrates ]
Investigational Drugs Quarterly [ Research ]
Inveterbrate Taxonomy Journal [ Invertebrates ]
Invisible Fence Company, Inc. [ Containment ]
InVitro International [ Alternatives ]
InVitro International [ Biotechnology ]
Invitroderm - Alternatives to Skin Irritation Testing in Animals [ Alternatives ]
Invitrogen [ Genetics ]
INVITTOX Online - Data Bank of In Vitro Techniques in Toxicology [ Alternatives ]
IOBFS - International Organization of Biological Field Stations [ Biology ]
Iona Miniature Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Iowa City High Wolf Study [ Wolf ]
Iowa Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Iowa Farmer Today Online [ Agricultural ]
Iowa State Fair [ Fun ]
Iowa State University [ United States ]
Iowa State University College of Agriculture [ Colleges ]
Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Biomedical Engineering [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Department of Microbiology, Immunology, & Preventive Medicine [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Department of Veterinary Anatomy [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Department of Veterinary Pathology [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Department of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Iowa State University CVM Food Safety Consortium [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Image Bank [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Interactive Multimedia Laboratory [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Laboratory Animal Resources [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM News & Events [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM News and Events [ Meetings ]
Iowa State University CVM Omega Tau Sigma [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Research Programs [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Veterinarian Newsletter [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Veterinary Medical Library [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Iowa State ]
Iowa State University Department of Animal Ecology [ Academic ]
Iowa State University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Iowa State University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Iowa State University Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
Iowa State University Press [ Publishers ]
Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Iowa State University Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
IPL Science Fair Project Resource Guide [ Science ]
IPMR - Integrated Pest Management Research Unit [ Divisions ]
IPPA - Indiana Pork Producers Association [ Pigs ]
IPS - International Primatological Society [ Primates ]
IRI - Industrial Research Institute [ Research ]
IRI- Industrial Research Institute [ Nutrition ]
Irish Birdwatching Page [ Birding ]
Irish Dairy Board [ Dairy Cattle ]
Irish Setter Club Of Canada [ Irish Setter ]
Irish Setter Club of New England [ Irish Setter ]
Irish Terrier - Red Devil Dare Devil [ Irish Terrier ]
Irish Veterinary Journal [ Journals ]
Irish Water Spaniel Page [ Irish Water Spaniel ]
Irish Wolfhound Club of Canada [ Irish Wolfhound ]
IRMA - Information Resources Management Association [ Informatics ]
IRPA - International Radiation Protection Association [ Radiology ]
IRS - Internal Revenue Service [ Divisions ]
Irwin Foundation [ Foundations ]
Irwin Foundation [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
IS - International Services [ Divisions ]
IS Robotics [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Isabel the Cat Behaviorist [ Behavior ]
ISAE - International Society for Applied Ethology [ Animal Behavior ]
ISAG - International Society for Animal Genetics [ Genetics ]
ISAZ - International Society for Anthrozoology [ Ethics ]
ISB - Information Systems for Biotechnology (Virginia Tech) [ Biotechnology ]
ISCAS - International Society for Computer Aided Surgery [ Surgery ]
ISD - International Society of Differentiation [ Theriogenology ]
ISDB - International Society of Developmental Biologists [ Genetics ]
ISDRA - International Sled Dog Racing Association [ Dogs ]
ISG Technologies Imaging [ Imaging ]
Ishasha River Chimpanzee Study Site [ Pongidae ]
ISI - Institute for Scientific Information [ Literature Search ]
ISI Focus On Veterinary Science & Medicine [ Literature Search ]
ISID - International Society for Infectious Diseases [ Infectious Diseases ]
ISIS - International Species Information System [ Taxonomy ]
ISIS - International Species Information System [ Science ]
Island Gems Rabbitry [ Breeders ]
Island Nature Trust [ Conservation ]
Island Peruvians [ Commercial ]
Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre (Saltspring Island, British Columbia) [ Canada ]
Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre Photo Gallery [ Wildlife ]
ISO - International Organization for Standardization [ Standards & Terminology ]
ISO - International Organization for Standardization [ Informatics ]
ISO 194 - Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices - Animal Welfare Requirements [ International ]
ISO Easy [ Standards & Terminology ]
ISO-TC 215 on Health Informatics [ Standards & Terminology ]
ISPE - International Scientific Products Exchange [ Directories ]
Ispec, Inc. New & Refurbished Medical Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Israel Canaan Dog Club of Amercia [ Canaan Dog ]
Israel Veterinary Services (Buenos Aires, Argentina) [ Argentina ]
Israeli Society for the Abolition of Vivisection [ Animal Rights ]
ISRVMA - Israel Veterinary Medicine Association [ National & International ]
IST - International Society on Toxinology [ Toxicology ]
Istanbul Animal Hospital (Istanbul, Turkey) [ Turkey ]
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte (Italy) [ International ]
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise (Italy) [ International ]
ISVMA - Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
ISVP - International Society of Veterinary Perinatology [ Theriogenology ]
It's a Knockout [ Genetics ]
ITA - International Trade Administration [ Divisions ]
Italian Greyhound Club of America [ Italian Greyhound ]
Italian Spinone [ Spinone ]
Italian Veterinary Conferences (Medicina Viva) [ Meetings ]
ITALKVET - Mailing List di Medicina Veterinaria in Lingua Italiana [ Veterinary ]
ItalVetRing [ International ]
ItchBase - Sweet Itch in Horses [ Health ]
Itikat Persians & Himalayans [ Commercial ]
ITIS - Integrated Taxonomic Information System [ Taxonomy ]
ITLA - International Texas Longhorn Association [ Cows ]
Itty Bitty Blackboard [ Science ]
IUCN - World Conservation Union [ Conservation ]
IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry [ Pharmacology ]
IUTOX - International Union of Toxicology [ Toxicology ]
IVA - Irish Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
IVAS - International Veterinary Acupuncture Society [ Alternative Medicine ]
IVBWG - International Veterinary Biosafety Working Group [ Safety ]
IVC - International VTEC-STEC Club [ Microbiology ]
IVCVM - International Virtual Conferences in Veterinary Medicine - Diseases of Psittacine Birds [ Meetings ]
IVCVM - International Virtual Conferences in Veterinary Medicine_- Diseases of Psittacine Birds [ Health ]
IVMA - Idaho Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
IVMA - Indiana Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
IVNTA - International Veterinary Nurses and Technicians Assoc. [ Veterinary Technology ]
Ivomec (Merial) [ Commercial Products ]
Ivory Haven - Laura The Elephants House on The Web [ Elephant ]
IVRA - International Veterinary Radiology Association [ Radiology ]
IVSA - International Veterinary Students Association [ Veterinary Student ]
IVU - Irish Veterinary Union [ National & International ]
IWC - International Whaling Commission [ Marine Mammals ]
IWRC - International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council [ Wildlife ]
IWRC Jobline [ Jobs ]
Izo Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (Italy) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
IZoo - Internet Zoological Society [ Zoo Animal ]
IZS - Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Abruzzo e del Molise [ Epidemiology ]
J-MAC System Imaging Software [ Imaging ]
J-PAC Custom Packaging [ Commercial Services ]
J. Story-Scientia Books [ Publishers ]
J.A. Majors Book Distributor [ Distributors ]
J.A. Webster, Inc. [ Distributors ]
J.B. Supply, Ltd. [ Surgery ]
J.M. Global Trades Ferret News and Products [ Commercial ]
JabberwocKEES International Keeshond Magazine [ Dogs ]
Jack Deloney Art Gallery [ Commercial ]
Jack Onofrio Dog Shows, L.L.C. [ Shows ]
Jack Russell Terrier Club [ Jack Russell Terrier ]
Jackson Hole Veterinary Rendezvous [ Meetings ]
Jackson Laboratory [ United States ]
Jackson Laboratory - Courses and Conferences [ Meetings ]
Jackson Laboratory BioInformatics Electronic Bulletin Board System [ Veterinary ]
Jackson Laboratory Gopher Server [ Genetics ]
Jackson Laboratory Induced Mutant Resouce [ Genetics ]
Jackson Laboratory Mailing List Archives (FTP) [ Veterinary ]
Jackson Laboratory Pathology Program [ Pathology ]
Jackson Zoo [ US ]
Jacobsen's Cockers [ Breeders ]
Jadeye Korats [ Commercial ] Software for Neuroscientists [ Data Acquisition ]
Jaffe Animal Clinic (Boca Raton, FL) [ Florida ]
Jake's Dog House [ Products ]
JALAM - Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Medicine [ Comparative Medicine ]
JALAS - Japanese Association for Laboratory Animal Science [ Comparative Medicine ]
James A. (Andy) Straley, DVM (Kingsport, TN) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
James Cook University Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science (Australia) [ International ]
James Cook University Department of Public Health & Tropical Medicine (Australia) [ International ]
James H. Sokolowski, DVM (PetSource) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
James Herriot [ Books ]
James Herriot Page [ Books ]
James Herriot's Yorkshire Video [ Video ]
James K. Olson, DVM, ABVP (Cat Specialist) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
James O. Noxon, DVM (Iowa State University) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
James Tan Veterinary Hospital (Singapore) [ Singapore ]
Jan Bergeron, VMD (AltVetMed) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jan Brett - Hedgehogs [ Commercial ]
Jan Gunnar Furuly's Salmon Fishing Pages [ Sport ]
Jan Mylemans, DVM (Dylville Pugs) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jane & Jing [ Exotic Birds ]
Jane Goodall Center for Excellence in Environmental Studies (WesConn) [ Conservation ]
Jane Goodall Institute [ Conservation ]
Jane Goodall Research Center [ Conservation ]
Jantar Borzoi [ Breeders ]
Japan Animal Genome Database [ Genome ]
Japan SLC [ Comparative Medicine ]
Japanese Anti-Vivisection Association [ Animal Rights ]
Japanese Dairy Cattle Improvement Program [ Dairy Cattle ]
Japanese Dormouse [ Other ]
Japanese Veterinary Schools (English) [ Japan ]
Japanese Veterinary Schools (Japanese) [ Japan ]
JaSaHa Shih Tzus [ Breeders ]
Jason's Snake and Reptiles [ Snakes ]
Java Horse Chat [ Chats ]
Java-based Molecular Biology Work Bench [ Molecular Biology ]
JAVMA News [ News ]
JAWS - Just Aquaria Web Site [ Hobby ]
Jay International Stainless Steel Equipment (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Jazzpurr Cat Care Society (Canada) [ Humane Societies ]
JBVP-Forum (Japan) [ Online Services ]
JCVMA - Jefferson County Veterinary Medical Association (AL) [ US State & Local VMAs ]
JD Enterprises Cat Toys [ Products ]
Jean's Pampered Pets Pintabians [ Commercial ]
Jeff Parke, DVM, MS (VetPlus-L) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jeff's Exotic Fish [ Commercial ]
Jeffers Vet Supply [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Jeil Vet. Chem. Co. (South Korea) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Jennie's Pre-Veterinary Page [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Jerald Sulky Horse Carts [ Products ]
Jerry's Junkyard [ Multiple Species ]
Jersey Canada [ Dairy Cattle ]
Jersey Devil [ Fictional ]
Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust [ Conservation ]
Jersey Zoo (UK) [ International ]
Jerusalem Biblical Zoo (Israel) [ International ]
JES - Japanese Ethological Society [ Animal Behavior ]
JES Exotics Sanctuary [ Felidae ]
Jesse K. Designs Wearable Art [ Commercial ]
Jessica Jahiel - Holistic Horsemanship [ Services ]
Jesus was a Vegetarian [ Veggies ]
Jewett Refrigerator Co., Inc. [ Coolers and Freezers ]
Jews for Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
JHITA - Joint Healthcare Information Technology Alliance [ Informatics ]
JHU Computational Modeling [ Simulations ]
JIFSAN - Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
Jim & Darr Housen's Dog Training Center [ Services ]
Jim Hamilton, DVM (Horse Health Care Articles) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jim Hopper, DVM (Pet Care) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jim Humphries, DVM (Dr. Jim's Virtual Veterinary Clinic) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jim Powlesland's Animal Rights Page [ Animal Rights ]
Jim Self Home Page (UC-Davis) [ Computer Programming ]
Jim Watson, DVM (Agricultural Missions Foundation) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jimmy's Sea Otter Page [ Otter ]
JimSaNik Pointing Dogs [ Breeders ]
Jindo Country [ Jindo ]
JKL Pet Grooming School [ Services ]
Joaquin Ranz Vallejo (www.wacas,wacas,wacas) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Job and Resume Links [ Jobs ]
JobHunt [ Jobs ] [ Jobs ]
Joe Morlan's California Birding Pages [ Birding ]
Joel Dehasse, DMV (Dog & Cat Behavior) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
John Ball Zoo (Grand Rapids, MI) [ US ]
John Hoare Veterinary Surgeon (Bristol) [ UK ]
John J. Dascanio, VMD (Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
John M. Gay, DVM (Washington State University) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
John M. Gay, DVM (Washington State University) [ Epidemiology ]
John P. Combs, DVM (Veterinary Consultations) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
John P. Rapp, D.V.M., Ph.D. (Medical College of Ohio) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
John Pearce - MSU 99 (The Cat House) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
John Thompson & Sons Animal Feed Compounder [ Commercial ]
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publishers [ Publishers ]
John's Ferret Page [ Pets ]
Johne's Information Center (University of Wisconsin) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Johns Creek Veterinary Clinic (Duluth, GA) [ Georgia ]
Johns Hopkins University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health [ United States ]
Johnson & Johnson [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Johnson Associates Veterinary Billing Accounts Receivable [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Johnson Emu, Inc. [ Ratites ]
Johnson Pet Dor [ Commercial ]
Johnson Veterinary Services (Marietta, GA) [ Georgia ]
Join Hands [ Comparative Medicine ]
Joint Institute for Marine Observations [ Marine ]
Jon Heit, DVM (Heit Veterinary Services) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jon Steel, DVM, MRCVS (The Natural Veterinarian) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Jonsha Rottweilers [ Breeders ]
Jordan University of Science & Technology Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine [ Jordan ]
Jordemm Long-Haired Dachshunds [ Breeders ]
Jorgensen Laboratories, Inc. [ Surgery ]
Josey Western Store [ Products ]
José Reinaldo Berin (Veteri@rio Berin) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry [ Agricultural ]
Journal of Agricultural and Food Information [ Agricultural ]
Journal of Agricultural Science [ Agricultural ]
Journal of Anatomy [ Research ]
Journal of Animal Physiology and Nutrition [ Research ]
Journal of Animal Science [ Journals ]
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science [ AR ]
Journal of Applied Expert Systems [ Publications ]
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research [ Publications ]
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery [ Journals ]
Journal of Biological Chemistry [ Research ]
Journal of Biomedical Science [ Research ]
Journal of Clinical Investigation [ Research ]
Journal of Comparative Psychology [ Research ]
Journal of Computer and System Sciences [ Publications ]
Journal of Contemporary Neurology [ Research ]
Journal of End User Computing [ Publications ]
Journal of Endocrinology [ Research ]
Journal of Equine Science (Japan) [ Journals ]
Journal of Equine Veterinary Science [ Journals ]
Journal of Ethology (Japan) [ Journals ]
Journal of Experimental Animal Science [ Journals ]
Journal of Experimental Biology [ Research ]
Journal of Experimental Medicine [ Journals ]
Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Behavior Processes [ Research ]
Journal of Extension [ Agricultural ]
Journal of Fish Biology [ Fish ]
Journal of Helminthology [ Journals ]
Journal of Histochemistry & Cytochemistry [ Research ]
Journal of Immunology [ Research ]
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology [ Research ]
Journal of Informatics in Primary Care [ Publications ]
Journal of Insect Conservation [ Research ]
Journal of Invertebrate Pathology [ Journals ]
Journal of Investigative Surgery [ Research ]
Journal of Lipid Research [ Research ]
Journal of Marine Biotechnology [ Fish ]
Journal of Materials Science Materials in Medicine [ Research ]
Journal of Medical Microbiology [ Research ]
Journal of Medical Primatology [ Primates ]
Journal of Molecular Biology [ Research ]
Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility [ Research ]
Journal of Neurogenetics [ Research ]
Journal of Neuroscience [ Research ]
Journal of NeuroVirology [ Research ]
Journal of Nutraceuticals, Functional and Medical Foods [ Research ]
Journal of Nutrition [ Journals ]
Journal of Orthopaedic Science [ Research ]
Journal of Pain and Symptom Management [ Research ]
Journal of Parasitology [ Journals ]
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics [ Research ]
Journal of Public Health Medicine [ Research ]
Journal of Small Animal Practice [ Journals ]
Journal of Spirochetal and Tick-borne Diseases [ Research ]
Journal of Surgical Research [ Research ]
Journal of the ACM [ Publications ]
Journal of the American Medical Association [ Research ]
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior [ Research ]
Journal of the Finnish Veterinary Association [ Journals ]
Journal of the National Cancer Institute [ Research ]
Journal of Toxicological Sciences (Japan) [ Research ]
Journal of Vascular Research [ Research ]
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Allergy & Clinical Immunology [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Anaesthesia [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Dentistry [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Medical Education [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Medical Science (Japan) [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Medicine [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Medicine (Japan) [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics [ Journals ]
Journal of Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound [ Journals ]
Journal of Wildlife Management [ Wildlife ]
Journal Veterniarni Medicina (VET MED-CZECH) [ Journals ]
Journalink [ Literature Search ]
Journals of Interest in Artificial Life [ Publications ]
Journey into the World of Cladistics [ Taxonomy ]
Journey North (Univeristy of Michigan) [ Multiple Species ]
Journey of New Hope (Post Vaccination Sarcoma) [ Health ]
Joy of Mutts [ Mixed Breed ]
JSES - Japanese Society of Equine Science [ Horses ]
JSLA - Japanese Society of Laboratory Animals [ Comparative Medicine ]
JSLAE - Japanese Society for Laboratory Animal and Enviroment [ Comparative Medicine ]
JSLAS - Japanese Society for Laboratory Animal and Environment [ Comparative Medicine ]
JST - Japanese Society of Toxicology [ Toxicology ]
JSVC - Japanese Society of Veterinary Cardiology [ Cardiology ]
JSVS - Japanese Society of Veterinary Science [ National & International ]
JSZS - Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science [ Agriculture ]
Judi Lovell Switch Co. Horse Hair Products [ Products ]
Judicial Watch [ Politics ]
Juggernaut's Irish Setters [ Breeders ]
Julia's Dreamdolls [ Commercial ]
Julia's Kangaroo Page [ Kangaroo ]
Jumbles Animal Gallery [ Wildlife ]
Jumping Spiders of America North of Mexico (University of Arizona) [ Arachnids ]
Jung Tao School Veterinary Page [ Alternative Medicine ]
Junnie's CatTracker [ Commercial ]
Jurassic Park Interdisciplinary Activities Page [ Other ]
Just Another Medical Geography Page [ Epidemiology ]
Just Pets [ Metasites ]
Just Pigs On-Line Magazine [ Pigs ]
Just Rite Cleaning Products 1-2-3 Odor Free [ Commercial ]
Justice For Dogs Charity [ Animal Welfare ]
K-9 Carts [ Neurology ]
K-9 Concepts, Inc. [ Training ]
K-9 Connection Australian Pure Bred Dogs [ Directories ]
K-9 Health & Fitness School [ Training ]
K-9 Ring [ Metasites ]
K-9 World of Dogs [ Training ]
K9 Cart Company [ Products ]
K9 Connection [ Metasites ]
K9 Haven - SF Bay Area Small Breed Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
K9 Nation dot Net - Dog Breeders Classifieds [ Directories ]
K9 Nation Web Ring [ Metasites ]
K9 Net UK [ Directories ]
K9Web [ Directories ]
Kaehler's Mill Farm Galloway Cattle [ Commercial ]
Kaehler's Mill Farm Targhee Sheep [ Breeders ]
Kagawa Medical University Experimental Animal Center [ International ]
Kagoshima University Department of Veterinary Medicine (Japan) [ International ]
Kagoshima University Faculty of Agriculture [ Japan ]
Kagoshima University Institute of Laboratory Animal Science (Japan) [ International ]
KAHPA - Korea Animal Health Products Association [ Pharmacology ]
Kailua Catnip Company [ Products ]
Kajon Danes [ Breeders ]
Kalakaua Marine Education Center (University of Hawaii at Hilo) [ Marine ]
Kalgoorlie & Districts German Shepherd Club (Australia) [ German Shepherd ]
Kallas Honey Farm [ Commercial ]
Kamchatka - Grizzlies of the Russian Far East [ Ursidae ]
KamelotKoons Maine Coon Cats [ Commercial ]
Kanazawa University Institute for Experimental Animals (Japan) [ International ]
Kane Manufacturing Company [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Kangal Dog [ Kangal Dog ]
Kangaroo Game Preserve [ Kangaroo ]
Kangaroo Island Connection (Australia) [ Services ]
Kangwon National University Department of Veterinary Medicine (South Korea) [ International ]
Kansas Board of Veterinary Examiners [ Veterinary Boards ]
Kansas City Pet Adoption League [ Humane Societies ]
Kansas City Zoo [ US ]
Kansas City Zoo (Australia) [ International ]
Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks [ Fish & Game ]
Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Kansas State University CVM Center for Veterinary Practice Management [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Continuing Education Programs [ Meetings ]
Kansas State University CVM Continuing Education Programs [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Department of Anatomy & Physiology [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Department of Diagnostic Medicine & Pathobiology [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Instructional Technology Center [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Multimedia Development Lab [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Rabies Laboratory [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Veterinary Medical Library [ Kansas State ]
Kansas State University CVM Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences & Industry [ Animal Science ]
Kansas State University Diagnostic Services [ University ]
Kansas State University Practice Management Center Job Book [ Jobs ]
Kaplan [ General Career Resources ]
Kaplan's Turkey on the Web [ Fun ]
Karalee Karana Veterinary Surgery (Queensland, Australia) [ Australia ]
Karen Pryor's Clicker Training [ Training ]
Karen Zenker, DVM, Coppell, TX (Ask The Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Karger company and distributor [ Research ]
Karl Storz Endoscopes [ Surgery ]
Karner Blue Butterfly [ Lepidoptera ]
Karolinska Institute Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
Karolinska Institute Transgenic Animal Facility [ Genetics ]
Kasetsart University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Thailand ]
Kaszmir Stud & Racing Stables [ Commercial ]
Kat Enterprises Pet Lovers Boutique [ Commercial ]
Kathy's Kreations [ Commercial ]
Katki - Institute for Small Animal Research (Hungary) [ International ]
KATKI Working Group on Rabbit Gene Mapping (Hungary) [ Genetics ]
KATKI Working Group on Rabbit Gene Mapping (Hungary) [ Genome ]
KatKraft Cat Houses [ Products ]
Katsation [ Commercial ]
Katwala Australian Cattle Dogs [ Breeders ]
Kay Nyne Clothes Collection [ Products ]
Kay's Pet Supplies [ Commercial ]
Kaytee Avian Research Center [ Conservation ]
KD Cage Co & Supplies [ Commercial ]
Kebec's American Cocker Spaniels [ Breeders ]
Keeshond Home Page [ Keeshond ]
Keeta's Closet [ Products ]
Keiko (Classroom Connect) [ Whales ]
Keirsey Temperament Sorter [ Medical ]
Kelly Scientific Resources VCampus [ Continuing Education ]
Kelly's Cat Archive [ Cats ]
Kelperland Veterinary Centre Avian & Exotic Referrals (Berkshire) [ UK ]
Keltic Shelties [ Breeders ]
Kemp's Koops Old English Game Bantam Chicken [ Poultry ]
Kenai Peninsula Eagle Press [ Wildlife ]
Kendall Bioresearch Services [ Entomology ]
KenMargot's Cat Castle [ Commercial ]
Kennedy Institute of Ethics [ Ethics ]
Kennel Club (UK) [ Directories ]
Kennel Vet [ Pet Products ]
Kennel Vet Pet Discussions [ Chat Groups ]
Kennels LeFox French Bulldogs [ Breeders ]
Kenosha County (WI) Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Kensington Veterinary Hospital (San Diego, CA) [ California ]
Kent Laboratories Immunodiagnostics [ Biotechnology ]
Kent Ornithological Society (UK) [ Birding ]
Kent Scientific Corporation [ Physiology ]
Kent State University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Kentfield Racing Whippets [ Breeders ]
Kentlands Veterinary Hospital (Gaithersburg, MD) [ Maryland ]
Kentucky Breeding Bird Atlas Database [ Birding ]
Kentucky Horse Park & International Museum of the Horse [ Services ]
Kentucky Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Kenyon College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Keri-Rose Boer Goats Inc. [ Breeders ]
Kerncrest Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Ketchum Manufacturing, Inc. Livestock Records & Identification [ Animal Identification ]
Kevin Hahn, DVM (Caring for Pets with Cancer) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Kewalo Marine Laboratory (University of Hawaii) [ Marine ]
Keystone Symposia [ Meetings ]
Khon Kaen University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Thailand ]
Kids & Dogs Page [ Fun ]
Kids World 2000 - Zoos and Aquariums [ Fun ]
Kids World 2000 - Zoos and Aquariums [ Fun ]
KidZoo [ Fun ]
Killarney Cat Hospital (Calgary, Alberta) [ Canada ]
Killer Whale Information (Busch Gardens) [ Whales ]
Kim's Mostly Cats [ Pets ]
Kimberly-Clark Health Care Products [ Surgery ]
Kimron Veterinary Institute (Israel) [ International ]
KinetiClass - Pharmacokinetic Teaching Lab (Virgnina-Maryland CVM) [ Pharmacology ]
King Crayon [ Exotic Birds ]
Kingsbury Animal Hospital (St. Louis, MO) [ Missouri ]
Kinnic Creek Kennels Border Collies [ Breeders ]
Kip Madsen, DVM (Animal Clinic, Desert Hot Springs, CA) [ Hospitals & Practices ]
Kirkwood Animal Hospital (Kirkwood, MO) [ Missouri ]
Kitasato Institute Companion Animal Laboratory (Japan) [ International ]
Kitasato University School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences [ Japan ]
Kitsato Institute Companion Animal Laboratory (Japan) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Kitten Rescue (West Hills, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Kittiara's Persian Page [ Commercial ]
KittiCat.Com Feline Rescue Web Site [ Rescue Groups ]
Kitty Cat-A-Logue [ Products ]
Kitty City [ Fun ]
Kitty Klips Cat Containment System [ Products ]
Kitty Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Kitty Litter Page [ Cat Litter ]
Kitty Love (Scottsdale, AZ) [ Humane Societies ]
Kitty Tease [ Products ]
Kitty Village (Atlanta, GA) [ Humane Societies ]
Kitty-up Cattery [ Commercial ]
KittyCam [ Cats ]
KITTYCORNER (Reviews & Discussions of Products for Cats) [ Animal ] [ Fun ]
KitznKatz Bengals [ Commercial ]
Kiwi Conservation Club (New Zealand) [ Conservation ]
KKOE - Austrian Cat Fanciers [ Associations ]
KLA - Kansas Livestock Association [ Cows ]
Klee Kai National Kennel Club and Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Kliban Cats [ Cats ]
Klinika za male Zivali (Ljubljana, Slovenia) [ Slovenia ]
KLV - Royal Society for Agricultural Sciences (Netherlands) [ Agriculture ]
KMedic Orthopedic Surgical Instruments [ Orthopedics ]
Knektskogens Kennel (Sweden) [ Breeders ]
KNF Corporation Nylon Film [ Surgery ]
Knight Equestrian Books [ Distributors ]
KNMvD - Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
Knoll Deutschland GmbH [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Know Bull Staffords [ Breeders ]
Knowledge and Information Systems An International Journal [ Publications ]
Knox Veterinary Clinic (Knoxville, IL) [ Illinois ]
Knoxville Zoo [ US ]
Knutsford Ornithological Society (UK) [ Birding ]
Koala Freedom Movement [ Koala ]
Kobuk Guide - Outfitters [ Services ]
Koch Beef Company [ Commercial ]
Kodo's Fuzzy Ferret Friends Web Ring [ Metasites ] [ Metasites ] [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Komodo Dragon [ Lizards ]
Komodo Dragons [ Lizards ]
Komodo Dragons - Living Jurassic Dinosaurs [ Lizards ]
KomVet (Austria) [ Journals ]
Kong Pet Toys [ Commercial ]
Konkuk University's Department of Veterinary Medicine (S. Korea) [ International ]
Koop Human and Mouse Genome Project Research (University of Victoria) [ Genetics ]
Kootenai River White Sturgeon (USFW) [ Conservation ]
Korean Entomologist [ Entomology ]
Korkeakoski Angling Centre (Finland) [ Commercial ]
Korona - Polish Arabian Breeder's Society [ Horses ]
KPC Systems Beef Cattle Software [ Cow ]
Kragie BioMedWorks [ Consultants ]
Kratts' Creatures [ Science ]
Krazy Kat [ Fun ]
Krazy Kat [ Fictional ]
Krefelder Zoo (Germany) [ International ]
Krib Aquaria & Tropical Fish [ Hobby ]
Krichke Training Center [ Commercial ]
Krieger Publishing [ Publishers ]
Krieger Publishing Co. [ Publishers ]
Kris the Cow [ Fun ]
Kritter Kages [ Commercial ]
Kritters in the Mailbox [ Commercial ]
Kronen Osteo Bone Clones [ Orthopedics ]
Kronen Osteo Bone Clones [ Anatomy ]
Kruuse Veterinary Articles [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Kryo Kinetics Associates Horse Identification [ Animal Identification ]
Kulacrosse's (Equine) Clip Art Stable [ Horses ]
Kumamoto University School of Medicine Lab Animal Department (Japan) [ International ]
Kutya [ Dogs ]
Kuvasz Information [ Kuvasz ]
Kuvasz Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
KV Vet Supply [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
KVMA - Kansas Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
KVMA - Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Ky-Lin Chows [ Breeders ]
Kyiv Zoological Garden (Ukraine) [ International ]
Kyjen Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Kyler Laird's Animal Rescue Resources [ Rescue Groups ]
Kyoto University Institute of Laboratory Animals (Japan) [ International ]
Kyoto University Primate Research Institute (Japan) [ International ]
Kyoto University Theoretical Biophysics Laboratory (Japan) [ Taxonomy ]
Kyungbuk University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
KZV-Link (German Rabbit Clubs' Home Pages) [ Pets ]
König Biotech [ Immunology ]
L's Chinese Shar-Pei [ Breeders ]
L. Ann Allain B.Sc., DVM (Modes Gaston Designs) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
L.A. Paw Pet Fashions [ Products ]
L.A. Rags Cattery [ Commercial ]
La Boit Mobile Units [ Vehicles ]
La Buvette Drinking Bowls (France) [ Commercial ]
La Dépêche Vétérinaire [ Journals ]
La Gavotte Poney Club (Switzerland) [ Services ]
La Page du Golden Retriever [ Golden Retriever ]
LA Paw - Custom Pet Collars and Leashes [ Commercial ]
La Posh Pet Furnishings, Accessories, and Gifts [ Commercial ]
La Selva Expeditions [ Services ]
La Virreyna Boxers [ Breeders ]
Lab Animal Magazine [ News ]
Lab Products, Inc. [ Caging ]
Lab Rescue (Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Club) [ Rescue Groups ]
Lab Rescue - Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac [ Rescue Groups ]
Lab Safety Supply [ Safety ]
Lab-Depot [ Clinical Pathology ]
LABCAT Software Home Page [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Labconco Corporation [ Safety ]
Labconco Corporation Laboratory Equipment [ Clinical Pathology ]
LabConsumer (The Scientist) [ Newsletters ]
LabFocus Laboratory Information Network [ Clinical Pathology ]
Labinternet Online [ Newsletters ]
LabMed - Labrador-L Emergency Medical Assistance [ Rescue Groups ]
Laboratorios Calier (Spain) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Laboratorios Hipra, SA [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Laboratorios Salvat (Spain) [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Laboratory Animal Anaesthesia [ Books ]
Laboratory Animal Japan Registration Codes (University of Tokushima) [ Genetics ]
Laboratory Animal Management - Dogs (NAS-ILAR) [ Other ]
Laboratory Animal Science [ Journals ]
Laboratory Animal Science Acronyms [ Comparative Medicine ]
Laboratory Animal World Registration Codes (University of Tokushima) [ Genetics ]
Laboratory Animals [ Journals ]
Laboratory Chemical Safety Summaries [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Laboratory for Calicivirus Studies (Oregon State University) [ Health ]
Laboratory for Calicivirus Studies (Oregon State University) [ Virology ]
Laboratory [ Clinical Pathology ]
Laboratory Primate Newsletter [ Primates ] [ Clinical Pathology ]
Labrador Retriever Club of Southern California [ Labrador Retriever ]
Labrador Retriever Rescue Contacts [ Rescue Groups ]
Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. [ Rescue Groups ]
Labradors of Bainbridge [ Breeders ]
Labrimac Pillverizer [ Commercial Products ]
LabTrader Scientific Equipment Cooperative [ Clinical Pathology ]
LabX [ Clinical Pathology ]
Labyrinth - Orientation to Genome Databases [ Genome ]
Labyrinth Dalmations [ Breeders ]
Lacombe Research Centre (Canada) [ International ]
LacShen Shih Tzus [ Breeders ]
Lactic Acid Bacteria [ Bacteriology ]
Lady Godiva Cattery [ Commercial ]
Lakai German Pinschers [ Breeders ]
Lake Erie Water Snake [ Snakes ]
Lake Jackson Veterinary Clinic (Lake Jackson, TX) [ Texas ]
Lake Taneycomo Trout Fishing [ Sport ]
Lake Tapps Veterinary Hospital (Bonney Lake, WA) [ Washington ]
Lake View Animal Hospital (Portage, MI) [ Michigan ]
Lakeside Veterinary Center (Laurel, MD) [ Maryland ]
LAMA - Laboratory Animal Management Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
LAMA Lines [ Newsletters ]
LAMA Review [ Journals ]
LAMAHERD Software [ Small Ruminant ]
LamaLogic Camelid Herd Management Software [ Small Ruminant ]
Lambing Frequently Asked Questions [ Sheep ]
Lambriar Animal HealthCare, LLC [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Laminitis Page [ Orthopedics ]
Lampire Biological Laboratories, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Lampman's Agriculture Page [ Metasites ]
LAMS - Laboratory Animal Management System [ Rodent ]
Lanarkshire Badger Group [ Badger ]
Lancaster Analytical Laboratories [ Safety ]
Lancaster University Department of Biological Sciences (UK) [ Academic ]
Land Crabs of the Seychelles Islands [ Crustacea ]
Land Iguanas [ Lizards ]
Land, Livestock & Environment [ Husbandry ]
Landauer, Inc. Radiation Dosimetry [ Imaging ]
Lane List of Named Mutations and Polymorphic Loci [ Genetics ]
Lange Dryers [ Caging ]
Lange Evolution Apparel [ Apparel ]
Lanpher Associates, Inc. Design & Consulting Engineers [ Construction ]
LantbruksNet Sverige AB [ Products ]
LanVet (Spain) [ International ] [ Surgery ]
Large Animal Radiology (University of Pennsylvania) [ Imaging ]
Largo Veterinary Hospital (Largo, FL) [ Florida ]
Larry's Poultry Supplies [ Products ]
Las Condes Veterinary Clinic (Santiago, Chile) [ Chile ]
LASA - Laboratory Animal Science Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
Lassie Dog Training System [ Training ]
Last Chance for Animals [ Animal Rights ]
Last Holly Dolly Stables [ Commercial ]
Last of da Tigerz [ Felidae ]
Last Word Science Questions and Answers (New Scientist) [ Science ]
LATA - Laboratory Animal Training Association [ Continuing Education ]
Latex Allergy Help [ Surgery ]
Latham Foundation [ Human-Animal Bond ]
Latham Foundation [ Animal Welfare ]
Latvia University of Agriculture Veterinârmedicìnas fakultâte [ Latvia ]
Laund-UR-Mutt [ Services ]
Laurendell Bouviers [ Breeders ]
Law No. 105 - Law Concerning the Protection and Control of Animals (Japan) [ International ]
Law Student Animal Rights Alliance [ Animal Rights ]
Law, Technology & Change [ Telemedicine ]
Lawhorns Kennel Dachshunds [ Breeders ]
LAWTE - Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange [ Comparative Medicine ]
Laxbro Laboratory Aids for Research [ Microbiology ]
Lazy B Llamas [ Breeders ]
Lazy B Paint Ranch [ Commercial ]
LBHA - Loomis Basin Horsemen's Association [ Horses ]
LCA Research Crime Campaign [ Animal Rights ]
LCDC - Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines (Canada) [ International ]
LCI - Livestock Conservation Institute [ Large Animal ]
LCI Educational Fund for Animal Agriculture [ Foundations ]
LDB - Genetic Location Database (University of Southampton) [ Genome ]
LDB - Genetic Location Database (University of Southampton) [ Genetics ]
Leadbeater's Possum Page [ Opossum ]
Leader Dogs for the Blind [ Other ]
Leader Dole [ Pets ]
League for Animal Welfare (Batavia, OH) [ Humane Societies ]
Leapin' Lizards [ Lizards ]
Learn CPR - CPR Information & Training Resource [ Emergency ]
Learning and Memory [ Research ]
Leatherite-Nylorite Harnesses [ Commercial ]
Lebanon Veterinary Clinic (Lebanon, IN) [ Indiana ]
LeBordo Persian Cattery [ Commercial ]
Lee Laboratories Immunologic Reagents & Services [ Biotechnology ]
Leeches USA [ Commercial ]
Leeches, USA [ Surgery ]
Leeds Veterinary Laboratories (UK) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Leerburg German Shepherd Kennels [ Breeders ]
Leerburg Video & Kennels [ Training ]
Lega Italiana Protezioni Uccelli [ Conservation ]
Legacy Arabians Farm [ Commercial ]
Legacy by Mail Dog Training Tools & Publications [ Training ]
Legacy Ranch Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
Legal Beegle [ Animal Rights ]
Legend of Nessie [ Fictional ]
Legendary Leathers [ Products ]
Legg-Perthe's Disease [ Health ]
LEGI-SLATE Web Service [ Metasites ]
Lehman House of Russian Blues [ Russian Blue ]
Leica Microscopy [ Microscopy ]
Leiden University Department of Lab Animal Issues (Netherlands) [ International ]
Leinco Technologies [ Biotechnology ]
Leiter's Park Ave Pharmacy and Compounding Center [ Compounding ]
Lemmings - Biological Information [ Lemming ]
Lemur Gallery [ Primates ]
Lemurcon [ Lemuridae ]
LEMURCON (Lemur Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Leningrad Zoo (Russia) [ International ]
Lennox Laboratory Supplies, Ltd. [ Clinical Pathology ]
Lennoxville Dairy & Swine Research & Development Centre (Canada) [ Production & Industry ]
Lenscape [ Commercial ]
Leo the Lion's Great Domain [ Felidae ]
LEOLIST (Leonberger Dog Breed) [ Animal ]
LeoNet - Leonberger's Around the World [ Leonberger ]
Leopard Son [ Felidae ]
Lepidoptera of the Maltese Islands [ Lepidoptera ]
LEPS-L - (Lepidoptera Listserver) [ Animal ]
Leptospira Home Page (University of Belgrade) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Leptospirosis Eradication in Grower Pigs in New Zealand [ Health ]
LES - Lorquin Entomological Society [ Invertebrates ]
Les Cahiers Antispécistes [ Animal Rights ]
Les Editions du Point Veterinaire (France) [ Journals ]
Les Furets du Quebec [ Health ]
Les Gorilles [ Pongidae ]
Lewinski's Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
Lewis Associates Medical Strategies [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Lexi-Comp Clinical Information [ Medical ]
Lexicon Genetics, Inc. [ Genetics ]
LGL Animal Care Products [ Caging ]
LGVMA - Lesbian & Gay Veterinary Medical Association [ Miscellaneous ]
Lhasa Apso Reporter [ Lhasa Apso ]
Liberation Collective [ Animal Rights ]
Libertyville Saddle Shop [ Products ]
Librarian's Yellow Pages [ Publishers ]
Librarianship and Virtual Reality [ Www ]
Library of Congress [ LOC ]
Library of Congress Research and Reference [ Literature Search ]
Library of Holistic Veterinary & Optimum Pet Nutrition [ Books ]
Licensing and Policy Development [ Divisions ]
LIFE - League of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts [ Ferrets ]
Life Cycle Eimeria (Technical University of Dresden) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Life Technologies - Gibco BRL [ Microbiology ]
Life, the Universe and Everything [ Metasites ]
LifeArt Medical Clip Art [ Images ]
LifeLearn, Inc. [ Continuing Education ]
Lightning Strike Pet-Loss Support Page [ Pet Loss ]
LII State Statutes [ United States ]
Lily Pad [ Frogs & Toads ]
Limestone Zoological Park and Exotic Wildlife Refuge (Harvest, AL) [ US ]
Lincoln Marine Science Centre (Flinders University) [ Marine ]
Lincoln Univeristy Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences (NZ) [ International ]
Lincs Aromatics [ Alternative Medicine ]
Linda Tellington-Jones Ttouch [ Animal Behavior ]
Lindale Veterinary Clinics (Lindale, TX) [ Texas ]
Lindsay Wildlife Museum [ Conservation ]
Lindsay`s and Megan`s Zoo, Animals of the World [ Fun ]
Link Farm Aquarium & Fish Stuff [ Metasites ]
Linking to PubMed [ Literature Search ]
Links to Coding Systems [ Standards & Terminology ]
Linscott's Directory of Immunological and Biological Reagents [ Biotechnology ]
Lion-tailed Macaque (Macaca silenus) [ Cercopithecidae (OW) ]
Lipa Dog Toilet [ Products ]
Lipizzan Breeding Farm [ Commercial ]
Lirambenda Riding Club & Animal Farm [ Services ]
Lisaviolet's Cathouse [ Pets ]
Liscoonvarna Maine Coon Cats [ Commercial ]
List of Bacterial Names with Standing in Nomenclature [ Bacteriology ]
List of National and International Rat and Mouse Clubs [ Rodents ]
List of State Veterinarians [ US ]
Lithuanian Institute of Veterinary Studies (Lithuania) [ International ]
Lithuanian Veterinary Academy [ Lithuania ]
Litter Saver Company [ Cat Litter ]
Litterature Greeting Cards for Cats & Dogs [ Commercial ]
Litterbox Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
LitterMaid Self Cleaning Litter Box [ Cat Litter ]
Litterpan Alley - Roscoe's Web Page [ Pets ]
Little Bit Farm Hunter & Welsh Ponies [ Commercial ]
Little Bits Riding Club for the Disabled [ Other ]
Little Filly's Stall [ Sport ]
Little Grayback Farm [ Waterfowl ]
Little Rock Zoo [ US ]
Little Scientists [ Science ]
Little Shelter Animal Rescue (NY) [ Rescue Groups ]
Littmann Stethescopes [ Cardiology ]
Live Oak Veterinary Park (McGregor, TX) [ Texas ]
Live, Love & Laugh with Golden Retrievers [ Golden Retriever ]
Livestock [ Cows ]
Livestock & Seed Division [ Divisions ]
Livestock Auctions USA [ All Breeds ]
Livestock Behaviour, Facility Design and Humane Slaughter [ Humane Societies ]
Livestock Guardian Dogs [ Other ]
Livestock Industry Information Network (Japan) [ Poultry ]
Livestock Industry Information Network (Japan) [ Beef Cattle ]
Livestock Industry Information Network (Japan) [ Production & Industry ]
Livestock Inventories (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
Livestock Library (Kanasas State University) [ Husbandry ]
Livestock Nutrient Management (University of Pennsylvania) [ Nutrition ]
Livestock Production Science [ Journals ]
Livestock Research for Rural Development Journal [ Journals ]
Livestock Systems (Iowa State University) [ Husbandry ]
Livestock Weekly [ Cows ]
Livestock World [ Commercial ]
Livestock, Dairy & Poultry (Cornell University) [ Sheep ]
Livestock, Dairy & Poultry (Cornell University) [ Poultry ]
Livestock, Dairy and Poultry (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
LivestockPlus Online [ Cows ]
Living Free Animal Sanctuary (Mountain Center, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Living Links (Emory University) [ Pongidae ]
Living Links (Yerkes) [ Evolution ]
Living Primate Species [ Science ]
Living Sound Recordings [ Birds ]
Living With Blind Dogs [ Products ]
LIVMA - Long Island Veterinary Medical Association (NY) [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Lizard Factory [ Commercial ]
Lizards [ Lizards ]
Llacoho Farms Katahdin Sheep [ Breeders ]
Llama Associations (LlamaWeb) [ Small Ruminants ]
Llama Owners of Washington State [ Breeders ]
Llama Rose Farm [ Breeders ]
Llamapaedia [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
Llamas In Indiana [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
LlamaWeb [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
Lloyd, Inc. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
LMIC - Livestock Information Marketing Center [ Divisions ]
LMS Laboratory Equipment Engineers (UK) [ Microbiology ]
LMU München Institut für Tieranatomie I (Germany) [ International ]
LNC Pet Supply [ Pet Products ]
LNR Farms Peruvian Pasos [ Commercial ]
Lobo in Action Demo Service Dog [ Other ]
Lobster Health Research Centre (Atlantic Veterinary College) [ Crustacea ]
Locus Technology [ Rodent ]
Lodzkiego Zoo (Poland) [ International ]
Login Brothers Book Company [ Distributors ]
London Animal Action [ Animal Rights ]
London Animal Rights Newsletter [ Animal Rights ]
Lone Juniper Ranch Alpacas [ Breeders ]
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary [ Koala ]
Lone Star Feedyard [ Commercial ]
Lone Star Veterinary Hospital (Oceanside, CA) [ California ]
Long Beach Animal Hospital (Long Beach, CA) [ California ]
Long Beach Casting Club [ Sport ]
Long Island Equine Medical Center (Long Island, NY) [ New York ]
Long Island Zoos & Aquariums [ Aquaria ]
Long Island Zoos and Aquariums [ US ]
LongShadow Cattery Persians [ Commercial ]
Longview Farms Emu Products [ Ratites ]
Look Out for the Cows [ Fun ]
Lori Feldman, DVM (EMS and Veterinary Medicine) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Lories & Lorikeets FAQs [ Birding ]
Lory Mobili Vet Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Los Alamos National Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Los Alamos National Laboratory Life Sciences Animal Resource [ United States ]
Los Angeles SPCA [ Humane Societies ]
Los Angeles Zoo [ US ]
Los Gatos Dog & Cat Hospital (Los Gatos, CA) [ California ]
Lost Creek Thoroughbred Farm [ Commercial ]
Lost Dogs' Home (Melbourne, Australia) [ Rescue Groups ]
Lost River Sucker and Shortnose Sucker (USFW) [ Conservation ]
Louie the Iguana [ Lizards ]
Louise Bauck, DVM, MVSc (Tips from the Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Louise Bauck, DVM, MVSc (Tips from the Vet) [ Health ]
Louise Bauck, DVM, MVSc (Tips from the Vet) [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Louisiana Birds [ Birding ]
Louisiana College [ United States ]
Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry [ Agriculture ]
Louisiana Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Louisiana Downs [ Sport ]
Louisiana Fishing & Hunting [ Sport ]
Louisiana State University [ United States ]
Louisiana State University College of Agriculture [ Colleges ]
Louisiana State University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Louisiana State University Department of Dairy Science [ Dairy Cattle ]
Louisiana State University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Louisiana State University Department of Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Continuing Education [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Epidemiology & Community Health [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Cell Biology [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Veterinary Microbiology & Parasitology [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Veterinary Pathology [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Veterinary Physiology, Pharmacology & Toxicology [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Department of Veterinary Science [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University SVM Veterinary Medicine Library [ Louisiana State ]
Louisiana State University Veterinary Medicine Library [ Libraries ]
Louisiana Swamp Tours, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Louisville Zoo [ US ]
Lovable Companions Ocherese [ Ocherese ]
Lovable, Cuddable, Small, Gross Rodents [ Rats ]
Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute [ United States ]
Loving Hands Animal Clinic (Alpharetta, GA) [ Georgia ]
Lowell Ackerman, DVM (Pet Zone) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of British Columbia [ Other ]
Lowline Online (Australian Lowline Cattle) [ Cows ]
Lowry Computer Products [ Informatics ]
Loxo GMBH Immunobiology & Biochemistry Products & Systems [ Biotechnology ]
LPA - Legislative and Public Affairs [ Divisions ]
LPN-L - (Laboratory Primate Newsletter) [ Veterinary ]
LPSI - Livestock & Poultry Science Institute [ Divisions ]
LS - Lepidopterists' Society [ Invertebrates ]
LTE Scientific (UK) [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Lubberline Labradors [ Breeders ]
Lucie the Gerbil [ Pets ]
Lucky - the Cat with 13 claws [ Pets ]
Lucky Duck Endangered Species [ Endangered Species ]
Lucky Penny Nature Products [ Products ]
Lucky Pet Art Gallery [ Commercial ]
Lucky T Beefmaster Farm [ Commercial ]
Lucky Three Ranch Mule Breeding, Training & Promotion [ Commercial ]
Lucy the Jack Russell Terrier [ Jack Russell Terrier ]
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Institut für Tieranatomie [ International ]
Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
LunarCoons Cattery [ Commercial ]
Lupine Leads & Collars [ Products ]
Lure Coursing [ Sport ]
Lusitano Horse [ Lusitano ]
Luwex Hoofpads [ Products ]
Luzza International Livestock Corporation [ All Breeds ]
LVMA - Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
LW's Fishing Site [ Sport ]
Lycos Animal Images [ General ]
Lyme Disease [ Infectious Diseases ]
Lyme Disease General Information & FAQs [ Health ]
Lyme Disease Network [ Infectious Diseases ]
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus - An Unrecognized Teratogenic Pathogen (CDC) [ Health ]
Lyppard Veterinary Wholesaler (Australia) [ Distributors ]
Lyppard's Classified Advertisements [ Classifieds ]
Lyric Shar-Pei [ Breeders ]
M & B Breeding and Research Centre Ltd. [ Comparative Medicine ]
M & M Aquaculture Products [ Commercial ]
M-R-Dx VetDiagnoster Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
M-R-Dx Veterinary Pharmacologist Software [ Formulary ]
M-R-Dx Veterinary Scientific Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
M-R-Dx Veterinary Weight Clinic Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
M-Tech International Poultry Software [ Bird ]
M. Hayden Sears, DVM (Duncan Island Ranch_ Polish Arabians) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
M.D. Computing [ Publications ]
MAABRE - Mid-Continent Association for Agriculture, Biomedical Research and Education [ Comparative Medicine ]
Maastricht University Department of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Mabtech Monoclonal Antibody Technology [ Biotechnology ]
Mac To Basics (Australia) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
MacAlister Elliott & Partners Fisheries Consultants [ Commercial ]
Macaw Landing Foundation [ Exotic Birds ]
MACAWS (Discussion forum about Macaws) [ Animal ]
MacBeth Labradors [ Breeders ]
MacBride Raptor Project Forum [ Animal ]
Macbride Raptor Project Forums [ Raptors ]
Macdonald Drosophila Lab (Stanford University) [ Genetics ]
MacFarlane Pheasant Farm [ Products ]
Mad About Marmosets (University of Tennessee) [ Callithricidae (Marmosets & Tamarins) ]
Mad Cow Disease (New Scientist) [ Health ]
Mad Cow Panic Goes Beyond Europe (Nando) [ Health ]
Mad Cows & Englishmen [ Health ]
Mad Scientist Network (Washington University) [ Science ]
Madame Alto's Cat House [ Pets ]
Madson Group Pet Grooming [ Pet Services ]
Maelstrom Norwegian Forest Cats (UK) [ Commercial ]
MAF - Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Animal Welfare & Ethics (NZ) [ New Zealand ]
MaFF - Massachusetts Ferret Friends [ Ferrets ]
MAFF - Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (UK) [ UK ]
MAFF - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Japan) [ Japan ]
Mafordent Dental Equipment [ Dentistry ]
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Embryos [ Images ]
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Embryos [ Theriogenology ]
Magneto Biomagnetic Dog Collar [ Products ]
MagneTouch Biomagnetic Products [ Alternative Medicine ]
Magnevu Imaging Technology [ Imaging ]
Magnus Uganders Specimen Fishing Page [ Sport ]
Mahale Wildlife Conservation Society [ Conservation ]
Mahidol University Faculty of Veterinary Science [ Thailand ]
Mailing List for Extension Veterinarians [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Main Street Veterinary Hospital (Norman, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Maine Birding Home Page [ Birding ]
Maine Coon Breeders & Fanciers Association [ Maine Coon ]
Maine Coon Cat FAQ [ Maine Coon ]
Maine Coon Cattery of Fancymaine [ Commercial ]
Maine Department of Agriculture [ Agriculture ]
Maine Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
Maine Reason Cattery [ Commercial ]
Mainely Felids [ Conservation ]
MaineMystique Maine Coons [ Commercial ]
Mainland Pest Control [ Commercial ]
Mainstream & Egle Consulting Multimedia [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Majors Books and Multimedia [ Distributors ]
Make Peace with Animals (New Hope, PA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Make Your Pet a Star [ Services ]
Makerere University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Uganda ]
Makor K-9 Training Center [ Training ]
Malacology Collection (Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia) [ Gastropods ]
Malancha Farm Llamas & Alpacas [ Breeders ]
Malaria Database (WHO) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Malaria Foundation International [ Parasitology ]
Malaysia Department of Veterinary Services (Malaysia) [ International ]
Malaysia Department of Wildlife and National Parks [ Conservation ]
Malaysia State Department of Veterinary Services [ Malayasia ]
Malaysia Veterinary Research Institute [ International ]
Malaysian Elephant Satellite Tracking Project [ Elephant ]
Malinut Home Page [ Malinois ]
Mall on the Net - Pets [ Commercial ]
Mall's Arabian Horses [ Commercial ]
Mallinckrodt [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Mammal Collection (Los Angeles Natural History Museum) [ Multiple Species ]
Mammal Collection - Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (UC Berkeley) [ Multiple Species ]
Mammal Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Mammal Photographs [ Wildlife ]
Mammal Society [ Conservation ]
Mammal Species of the World [ Taxonomy ]
MAMMAL-L (Mammology Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Mammalian Genetics Unit - Harwell, UK [ International ]
Mammalian Homology and Comparative Maps (Jackson Labs) [ Genome ]
Mammalian Models for Biomedical Research (NIH - NCRR) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Mammals of Southwestern North Dakota [ Multiple Species ]
Mammals of Tasmania [ Multiple Species ]
Mammary Transgene Database (Baylor College of Medicine) [ Genetics ]
Mammoth Saga (Swedish Museum of Natural History) [ Other ]
Man's Best Friend Software [ Dog ]
Managed Veterinary Associates [ Financial ]
Management & Nutrition of the Newly Weaned Pig (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Management Assistance Team [ Divisions ]
Management of the Foaling Mare (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Management of the Pregnant Mare (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Managing Pig Health and the Treatment of Disease [ Books ]
Managing Sows & Gilts for Efficient Reproduction (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Manatee Information (Busch Gardens) [ Sirenia ]
Manatee Junction [ Sirenia ]
Manatee Sponsorship Kit [ Sirenia ]
Manatee.Net [ Sirenia ]
Manatees of Florida [ Sirenia ]
Manchester Metropolitan University Department of Biological Sciences (UK) [ Academic ]
Mandylian Standard Schnauzers [ Breeders ]
Manipulating the Mouse Embryo (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) [ Rodents ]
Manitoba Animal Rights Coalition [ Animal Rights ]
Manitoba Egg Producers [ Poultry ]
Manitoba Ostrich Skills Training Program [ Meetings ]
Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences [ Conservation ]
Manta Ray Pictures & Videos [ Fish ]
Mantella Page [ Frogs & Toads ]
Manufacturing Net [ Construction ]
Manure Management System (Agriculture Canada) [ Husbandry ]
Manx Breed FAQ [ Manx ]
Manx Nature Conservation Trust [ Conservation ]
Map Manager Software [ Rodent ]
Maple Lawn Farm Cotswold Sheep [ Breeders ]
Maple Woods Community College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Mapleton Veterinary Clinic (Polk, OH) [ Ohio ]
Mar Vista Animal Medical Center (Los Angeles, CA) [ California ]
Mar-Rae's Bichons Frises [ Breeders ]
Marbach Road Animal Hospital (San Antonio, TX) [ Texas ]
Marble Hill Veterinary Clinic (Marble Hill, GA) [ Georgia ]
MARC - Meat Animal Research Center [ Divisions ]
March Arabians [ Commercial ]
Marcolab Produtos Veterinários [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Marcus Oldham College Horse Business Management [ Services ]
Mare & Foal Sanctuary (UK) [ Rescue Groups ]
Mare Parturition (Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM) [ Health ]
Mare Uterine Cytology (Virgnina-Maryland Regional CVM) [ Health ]
Marin Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Marine and Freshwater Research Journal [ Fish ]
Marine Biological Laboratory (Wood's Hole) [ United States ]
Marine Biological Sciences Database (California Polytechnic State University) [ Marine ]
Marine Environmental Research Institute [ Conservation ]
Marine Laboratory (Florida State University) [ Marine ]
Marine Mammal Biology, Husbandry and Medicine (Notes) [ Health ]
Marine Mammal Center [ Conservation ]
Marine Mammal Mortalities Linked to Environmental Conditions [ Health ]
Marine Mammal Protection Act [ United States ]
Marine Mammal Sounds (Cornell University) [ Marine Mammals ]
Marine Mammal Stranding Center [ Rescue ]
Marine Multimedia [ Commercial ]
Marine Resources Development Foundation [ Conservation ]
Marine Science Institute (Redwood City, CA) [ Science ]
Marine Species Index [ Marine ]
Marine Taxonomic Guide for the Big Bend Area of Florida [ Marine ]
Marine World Theme Park [ Commercial ]
Marino Del Rio Cane Corso [ Breeders ]
Mark Kittleson, DVM, PhD, DACVIM (VIN) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Mark Silverio, DVM (Vet Talk) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Mark Varner's Professional Home Page [ Dairy Cattle ]
Mark Vinsel Gallery [ Fish ]
Marmaduke [ Fun ]
Marmaduke [ Fictional ]
MARMAM (Marine Mammals Research and Conservation Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
Marmot Burrow [ Marmot ]
Marquest Smooth Fox Terriers [ Breeders ]
Marquette Medical Systems Patient Monitoring [ Surgery ]
Marquette University Animal Care Program [ United States ]
Marshall Pet Products [ Breeders ]
Marsupial Museum [ Multiple Species ]
Martenssons Arabian Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Martin Avenue Pharmacy, Inc. [ Compounding ]
Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute Benthos Research Group [ Conservation ]
Martin's Mazes [ Rats ]
Martindale's Anesthesiology & Surgery Center [ Surgery ]
Martindale's Anesthesiology & Surgery Center [ Anesthesiology ]
Martindale's Virtual Pharmacy Center [ Pharmacology ]
Martindales's Calculators Online Center [ Databases ]
Marty's Hog Hunting Home Page [ Hunting ]
Marvelous Marcus Plank Road Pages [ Jack Russell Terrier ]
Marwell Zoo (UK) [ International ]
Mary C. Wakeman, DVM (Breeder Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Mary Jo's Frisbee Dog Page [ Sport ]
Mary's Tack & Feed [ Products ]
Maryland Aquaculture Association [ Aquaculture ]
Maryland Black Bear Population [ Ursidae ]
Maryland Department of Agriculture [ Agriculture ]
Maryland Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Maryland Ornithological Society [ Birding ]
Maryland Plastics [ Caging ]
Maryland Saddlery [ Products ]
Maryland Small-Ruminant Page [ Metasites ]
Maryland State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners [ Veterinary Boards ]
Masalles Commercial Incubators [ Products ]
Mason's Animal Feeds [ Commercial ]
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Boards ]
Massachusetts Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Environmental Law Enforcement [ Fish & Game ]
Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife [ Fish & Game ]
Massachusetts House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Massachusetts Society for the Preventio of Cruelty to Animals [ Humane Societies ]
Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Springfield Animal Shelter [ Humane Societies ]
Massey Services Pest Prevention [ Commercial ]
Massey Univeristy Physiology & Anatomy Department (New Zealand) [ International ]
Massey University Faculty of Veterinary Science [ New Zealand ]
Masson Veterinary Hospital (San Bruno, CA) [ California ]
Master of Science in Animals and Public Policy (Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine) [ United States ]
Mastiff [ Mastiff ]
Mastiff Stud Dog Register and Articles [ Mastiff ]
Mastitis Informational Resources [ Infectious Diseases ]
Mastitis of Dairy Cows (Université de Liège) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Match Fishing [ Sport ]
Mateflex-Mele Corporation Floor Tiles [ Construction ]
Maternal Control of Development in Drosophila melanogaster (International Institute of Genetics & Biophysics) [ Genetics ]
Mathematical Biology Newsletter [ Publications ]
MatheMedics Thorask Medical Expert System Software [ Medical ]
Matrix Multimedia [ Informatics ]
Maudoc Birding [ Birding ]
Maumee Valley Save-A-Pet (Toledo, OH) [ Rescue Groups ]
MAVERL - Medical & Veterinary Entomology Research Laboratory [ Divisions ]
MAVMA - Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Maxforce [ Commercial ]
Maxfund Animal Adoption Center (Denver, CO) [ Humane Societies ]
Maxim Medical Medical Communications Agency [ Consultants ]
Mayfly Central (Purdue University) [ Ephemeroptera ]
Mayville State University (ND) [ United States ]
Mazon Creek Fossils (Illinois State Museum) [ Dinosaurs ]
MBDA - Minority Business Development Agency [ Divisions ]
MBL International Corporation Antibodies [ Biotechnology ]
MBT AgriMall [ Commercial ]
MCA - Medicines Control Agency (UK) [ UK ]
McAllister Technical Services Avian Veterinary Medicine Products [ Surgery ]
McDuffee Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
McGill University Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences (Canada) [ Colleges ]
McGraw-Hill Plants, Animals & the Environment [ Books ]
McGregor Veterinary Clinic (Bunbury, Australia) [ Australia ]
McKee Project - Homeless Animals in Central America [ Humane Societies ]
McKenzie Oregon Flyfishing [ Sport ]
McMaster University Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
McMinnville Veterinary Hospital (McMinnville, OR) [ Oregon ]
McSpotlight [ Green ]
MDGA - Miniature Dairy Goat Association [ Small Ruminants ]
MDM X-Ray & Medical Products [ Imaging ]
MDS Matrx Veterinary Equipment [ Anesthesiology ]
MDSS - Medical Device Safety Service [ Safety ]
MDVMA - Maryland Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Meadows Animal Hospital (Champaign, IL) [ Illinois ]
Meat & Poultry [ Agricultural ]
Meat & Poultry Online [ Beef Cattle ]
Meat & Poultry Online [ Birds ]
Meat and Livestock Australia Ltd. Fresh Australian Range Lamb [ Sheep ]
Meat Industry Research Institute of New Zealand [ Nutrition ]
Meat Inspection (Title 21, Chapter 12) [ US Code ]
Meat Science Department (Texas A&M University) [ Beef Cattle ]
Meat Science Department (Texas A&M University) [ Production & Industry ] [ Veggies ]
MEBA - Michigan Elk Breeders Association [ Wildlife ]
Meca Veterinary Pharmaceuticals Vet Board (German Veterinary Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
MED Associates Behavioral Testing Software [ Data Acquisition ]
MED Associates Research Equipment [ Animal Behavior ]
Med-A-Pet Veterinary Clinic (Brewster, NY) [ New York ]
med-PICS Collaboration for Critical Appraisal of Medical Information on the Internet [ Www ]
Med-Vet International [ Surgery ]
Med-Vet International Discount Medical Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Medata Pregnancy Detection Kit [ Theriogenology ] [ Distributors ]
Medco Instruments [ Surgery ]
Medelex, Inc. Imaging Products [ Imaging ]
Medi+Pet First Aid for Pets [ Commercial ]
Medi-Dart [ Commercial Products ]
Media Cybernetics Image Analysis Software [ Images & Clipart ]
Media Hound [ Training ]
Median School Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
MediaVets Web Sites & Multimedia [ Www ]
MediBoss Image Management System [ Imaging ]
Medical & Veterinary Entomology [ Journals ]
Medical Access Online [ Www ]
Medical Algorithms Project [ Medical ]
Medical and Veterinary Applications of Low-Frequency Electrical and Magnetic Measurements (University of Bristol) [ Orthopedics ]
Medical Antiques [ General ]
Medical Book Mall [ Books ]
Medical CD-ROM Shop [ Medical ]
Medical Clip Art [ Images ]
Medical College of Georgia Telemedicine Center [ Telemedicine ]
Medical College of Wisconsin Center for the Study of Bioethics [ General ]
Medical Computing Today [ Www ]
Medical Core Metadata Project (OHSU) [ Standards & Terminology ]
Medical Design Company [ Www ]
Medical Design Online [ Images ]
Medical Education Page [ Medical ]
Medical EquipNet [ Classifieds ]
Medical Genetics (Colorado State University) [ Genetics ]
Medical ID Systems Inc. [ Imaging ]
Medical Illumination International [ Construction ]
Medical Illumination International [ Surgery ]
Medical Illustration & Communications Department (Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine) [ Images ]
Medical Informatics and Medicine [ Medical Informatics ]
Medical Informatics Cultural Literacy Project (Duke University) [ Medical Informatics ]
Medical Institute of Minnesota Veterinary Technician Program [ United States ]
Medical Journal Finder [ Literature Search ]
Medical Microbiology & Immunology [ Research ]
Medical Mnemonics [ Medical ]
Medical Multimedia Systems Simulations [ Simulations ]
Medical Oncology [ Research ]
Medical Products Agency (Sweden) [ Sweden ]
Medical Records Institute [ Medical Records ]
Medical University of Southern Africa Faculty of Veterinary Sciences [ South Africa ]
Medical Visualization WWW Resources (MSU Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Lab) [ Imaging ]
Medical-AdMart [ General Veterinary Directories ] [ Meetings ]
Medicbid [ Classifieds ]
Medicinal and Poisonous Plant Databases [ Toxicology ]
Medicinal Veterinary Plants in Sub Saharan Africa [ Pharmacology ]
Medicine and the Internet [ Internet ]
Medicine on the Net [ Informatics ]
MediClip Veterinary Anatomy [ Anatomy ]
Medico Used Medical Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Medicopartner (Germany) [ Financial ]
MediMedia International Group [ Publishers ]
MediMend [ Orthopedics ]
MedInfoTech News [ Publications ]
Meditative Cat [ Pets ]
Meditative Cat Pictures [ Cats ]
Mediterranean Monk Seal [ Pinnipeds ]
Medivet (Vineland, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover Institut für Versuchstierkunde und Zentrales Tierlaboratorium (Germany) [ International ]
Medline - National Library of Medicine [ Literature Search ]
Medline List of Serials Indexed for Online Users [ Literature Search ]
MedMark Neurology-Neuroscience [ Biomedical Research ]
MedMarket Virtual Industrial Park [ General Supplies ]
MEDNET World Congress on the Internet in Medicine [ Medical Informatics ]
MedPlanet Medical Equipment Sales [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Medquest Medsong Medical Notes [ Medical ]
MedRx, Inc. Video Scopes [ Surgery ]
MedSafe Veterinary Safety Program [ Consultants ]
Medslides [ Images ]
MedWatch - FDA Medical Products Reporting Program [ Pharmacology ]
MedWeb - Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Medweb Distributed Telemedicine [ Informatics ]
Medweb Inc. [ Telemedicine ]
MedWeb Primatology [ Metasites ]
MedWeb Records for Keyword Veterinary_Medicine [ US ]
MedWeb Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
MedWeb Terminology [ Standards & Terminology ]
MEDWEBMASTERS-L (Medical Internet Webmasters Discussion Group) [ Mailing Lists - Newsgroups ]
MedWord Medical Transcription [ Medical Records ]
Meerkat [ Meerkat ]
Meerkats [ Meerkat ]
MeetingsNet [ Meetings ]
Mega Horse Links [ Metasites ]
Melaka Zoo (Malaysia) [ International ]
Melanchete Labradors [ Breeders ]
Melbourne Zoo (Australia) [ International ]
Melissa Kaplan's Herp Care [ Health ]
Melissa Kaplan's Herp Care [ Health ]
Meme Central [ Medical ]
Memorable Images Pet Photo Memorial Tiles [ Commercial ]
Memorial University of Newfoundland Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
Memorial-610 Hospital for Animals (Houston, TX) [ Texas ]
Memphis Zoo [ US ]
MendelWeb [ Genetics ]
Mephitis mephitis_ the Striped Skunk [ Skunk ]
Mercer Veterinary Clinic for the Homeless (Davis, CA) [ California ]
Merck & Co., Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Merck KGaA [ Biotechnology ]
Merck Veterinary Manual [ Books ]
Mercy Crusade (Thousand Oaks, CA) [ Animal Welfare ]
Mercy Rescue Net [ Rescue Groups ]
Merge Technologies Inc. [ Images & Clipart ]
Merial Deutschland [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Meridian KSI Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Knowledge Centre [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Merindalee Abyssinians [ Commercial ]
Merkel Veterinary Clinic (Merkel, TX) [ Texas ]
Mermidon Birmans [ Commercial ]
Merrimack Animal Hospital (Merrimack, NH) [ New Hampshire ]
Merrimack River Feline Rescue Society [ Rescue Groups ]
Merry Pawpins Ragdolls [ Commercial ]
Mesa Veterinary Hospital (Mesa, AZ) [ Arizona ]
MESC - Midcontinent Ecological Science Center [ Divisions ]
Meshlacon Australian Shepherds [ Breeders ]
Mesker Park Zoo (IN) [ US ]
Meta Solutions, Inc. [ Telemedicine ]
Meta-Index for U.S. Legal Research [ Metasites ]
MetaCase Consulting [ Medical ]
Metairie Small Animal Hospital (Metarie, LA) [ Louisiana ]
Methodology for Optimization of Laboratory Hood Containment Volumes I and II [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Methods in Behavioral Research [ Books ]
Metris System Engineering [ Animal Behavior ]
Metro Shelving Systems [ Construction ]
Metropolitan Domestic Cat (Australia) [ Behavior ]
Metropolitan Veterinary Hospital (Birmingham, AL) [ Alabama ]
Metrovision Veterinary Electrophysiology [ Physiology ]
Metzer Farms Duck & Goose Hatchery [ Waterfowl ]
Metzger Animal Hospital (State College, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
MEVMA - Maine Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Mewsicats Cattery [ Commercial ]
Mexican Wolf Management Facility at Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (USFW) [ Wolf ]
Meyer Instruments, Inc. [ Microscopy ]
Meyerland Animal Clinic (Houston, TX) [ Texas ]
MFTBHA - Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Association [ Horses ]
MGD - Microbial Germplasm Database [ General ]
MHR Viandes - French Meat Industry [ Beef Cattle ]
MI-Net Marine Institute's Navigatable Education Topics for K-12 [ Marine ]
MIAIMS - Missouri Integrated Advanced Information Management System [ Medical Informatics ]
MIAIMS Infosphere Newsletters [ Publications ]
Miami (OH) University Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Miami House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Mice and Men_ Making the Most of Our Similarities (ORNL) [ Genetics ]
Michael L. Katz, DVM, PhD (Amherst, MA) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Michael T. Collins, DVM, PhD (University of Wisconsin) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Michelle Brownstein, DVM (Pets and Vets) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Michelle Merrill's Home Page [ Pongidae ]
Michigan Animal Rescue League [ Rescue Groups ]
Michigan Birding [ Birding ]
Michigan Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Michigan Fungus Collection (MICH) [ Mycology ]
Michigan Greyhound Connection (Dearborn, MI) [ Rescue Groups ]
Michigan Lepidoptera Survey [ Lepidoptera ]
Michigan State University Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Michigan State University College of Agriculture & Natural Resources [ Colleges ]
Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Agricultural Experiment Station [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Alumni Affairs [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Anesthesia Section [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Clinical Internships & Residency Programs [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Clinical Pathology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Contact Information [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Michigan State University CVM Contact Information [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Continuing Education Program [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Cooperative Extension Service [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Anatomy [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Microbiology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Pathology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Physiology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Equine Performance Program [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Equine Pulmonary Laboratory [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Food Safety & Toxicology Center [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Graduate Education Programs [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Information Systems [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Institute for Environmental Toxicology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM International Programs [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Laboratory for Comparative Orthopaedic Research [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Laboratory of Molecular Medicine [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM McPhail Dressage Chair in Equine Sports Medicine [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Multidepartmental Graduate Programs [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Office of Publications & Media Relations [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Omega Tau Sigma-Omicron Chapter [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Pharmacy [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Population Medicine Center [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Preservation & Research Education [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Preveterinary Program [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Preveterinary Scholars Enrichment Program [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Professional Program [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Pulmonary Laboratory [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM University Research Containment Facility [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Veterinary Medical Center Library [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Veterinary Technology [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University CVM Vetward Bound Program [ Michigan State ]
Michigan State University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Michigan State University Pre-Veterinary Medical Association [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Michigan State University Veterinary Medical Center Library [ Libraries ]
Michigan State University Zoology Department [ Academic ]
Michigan United Conservation Clubs [ Conservation ]
Michon Shelties [ Breeders ]
Micke Grove Zoo (Lodi, CA) [ US ]
Micro Chemical Beef Cattle Management Software [ Cow ]
Micro Shells [ Gastropods ]
MicroAngela's SEM Image Gallery [ Invertebrates ]
MicroAngela's SEM Image Gallery [ Pathology ]
Microbe Zoo (Michigan State University) [ Fun ]
Microbial Insights, Inc. [ Microbiology ]
Microbiology Jump Station [ General ]
Microinjection Workshop [ Genetics ]
MicroMedical Industries Cardiac Monitors [ Cardiology ]
Micron Separations, Inc. [ Microbiology ]
MicroPet Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Microsoft Belief Network Tools [ Medical ]
Microvascular Research Journal [ Research ]
MicroWorld Resources and News [ Histology ]
Mid Hudson Animal Hospital (Hyde Park, NY) [ New York ]
Mid-Atlantic English Springer Spaniel Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Mid-Atlantic Hound Association [ Other ]
Mid-Atlantic Koi Club [ Hobby ]
MIDAS - Medical Informatics and Decision Science Consortium [ Medical Informatics ]
Middle East Regional Veterinary Information System Project [ Epidemiology ]
Middletown Veterinary Hospital (Walkill, NY) [ New York ]
Midknight Borzoi [ Breeders ]
Midland Bandages, Ltd. (Ireland) [ Surgery ]
MidMark Medical Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Midshire Veterinary and Dental Computer Systems [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Midvinternattens Kennel Akitas [ Breeders ]
MidWest Avian Research Expo [ Meetings ]
Midwest Custom Products Animal Handling Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Midwest SportHorse Journal [ Sport ]
Midwest Zoological Research [ Nutrition ]
Midwest Zoological Research [ Nutrition ]
Migration (Why Files) [ Lepidoptera ]
Mikayla Emu Farm [ Ratites ]
Mike Freeman, DVM (Pecan Creek Ranch, MT) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Mike Richards, DVM (VetInfo) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Mike's Fish Tank [ Metasites ]
Mike's Herpetocultural Home Page [ Herpetology ]
Mike's Herpetocultural Home Page [ Herpetology ]
Mike's Really Lame Bug Homepage [ Fun ]
Mike's Yet Another Fox Page [ Fox ]
Milford, MA Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Milk - Where's Your Mustache [ Dairy Cattle ]
Milk Science (Zaragoza University) [ Dairy Cattle ]
Milka-Ware Dairy Systems (Australia) [ Commercial ]
Mill Mountain Zoo (Roanoke, VA) [ US ]
Miller Veterinary Supply [ Distributors ]
Millhopper Veterinary Medical Center (Gainesville, FL) [ Florida ]
Millipore [ Microbiology ]
MillPledge Human and Veterinary Healthcare [ Distributors ]
MillPledge Human and Veterinary Healthcare [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Millstone Miniature Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Milton Keynes Wildlife Hospital (Buckinghamshire) [ UK ]
Milwaukee County Zoo [ US ]
Milwaukee Public Museum [ Museums ]
Mind-Brain Resources [ Biomedical Research ]
Minetto Litter Filters [ Cat Litter ]
Mini-Mitter, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Miniature Australian Shepherds [ Australian Shepherd ]
Miniature Donkeys [ Donkeys & Mules ]
Miniature Schnauzer Club of Canada [ Miniature Schnauzer ]
Minimum Price Homeopathic Books [ Distributors ]
Mining Company - Agriculture [ Metasites ]
Mining Company - Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
Mining Company - Ecology [ Metasites ]
Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Affairs (Turkey) [ Turkey ]
Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Department of Veterinary Services & Animal Health (Israel) [ Israel ]
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food Veterinary Medicines Directorate (UK) [ UK ]
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Development & Marketing (Kenya) [ Kenya ]
Minnesota Aquarium Society [ Hobby ]
Minnesota Birding Network [ Birding ]
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Minnesota New Country School Frog Project [ Frogs & Toads ]
Minnesota Ornithologists' Union [ Birding ]
Minnow Bear Computers Thoroughbred Horse Racing Software [ Horse ]
Minor Use Animal Drug Program (NRSP-7) [ United States ]
Minor Use Animal Drug Program (USDA-FDA) [ Pharmacology ]
Miracle Coat [ Commercial ]
Miracle Coat Pet Care Products [ Dermatology ] [ Usenet ]
Mischief - Prairie Dog [ Prairie Dog ]
MISMR - Michigan Society for Medical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Misonix Inc. Hoods & Ultrasonic Cleaners [ Safety ]
Misonix Inc. Hoods & Ultrasonic Cleaners [ Surgery ]
Missing and Found Animal Pages (USDA - APHIS) [ Humane Societies ]
Missing Animals [ Services ]
Missing Link Handicapping Sofware [ Sport ]
Missing Pet Connection [ Rescue Groups ]
Mission Viejo Animal Hospital (Mission Viejo, CA) [ California ]
Mississippi Animal Rescue League [ Rescue Groups ]
Mississippi Board of Animal Health Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks [ Fish & Game ]
Mississippi Mammals - Checklist [ Multiple Species ]
Mississippi Outdoors [ Hunting ]
Mississippi Sportsman [ Hunting ]
Mississippi State University [ United States ]
Mississippi State University _ Hinds Community College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Mississippi State University Bookstore [ Books ]
Mississippi State University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences [ Colleges ]
Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Mississippi State ]
Mississippi State University CVM Administration [ Mississippi State ]
Mississippi State University CVM Analytical Support & Food Safety Laboratory [ Mississippi State ]
Mississippi State University CVM Aquatic Veterinary Medicine [ Mississippi State ]
Mississippi State University CVM Computer Services [ Mississippi State ]
Mississippi State University CVM Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Mississippi State University CVM Problem Based Learning [ Mississippi State ]
Mississippi State University CVM Research [ Mississippi State ]
Missouri Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratories [ Government ]
Missouri Department of Conservation [ Fish & Game ]
Missouri Division of Animal Health [ Animal Health ]
Missouri Fly Fishing Page [ Sport ]
Missouri Foxtrotter Horses Online [ Commercial ]
Missouri House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Missouri Mule Team [ Donkeys & Mules ]
Missouri Veterinary Educational Service [ Distributors ]
Missouri Veterinary Medical Board [ Veterinary Boards ]
Missouri-Creek Studio Wild Life Art [ Commercial ]
Mister Cow [ Fun ]
Misty & Pickles' Page for Cats [ Pets ]
Misty Future of Rwanda's Mountain Gorillas [ Pongidae ]
MIT Biology Hypertextbook [ Biology ]
MIT Clinical Decision Making Group [ Medical Informatics ]
MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences [ Animal Behavior ]
MIT Press Computer Science & AI Books [ Publications ]
Mithril American Staffordshire Terriers [ Breeders ]
Mitra [ Imaging ]
Mitretek Systems BioEvent Maps [ Epidemiology ]
Miyazaki Medical College Animal Center (Japan) [ International ]
MJS Racing Stable [ Sport ]
MLA-Style Citations of Electronic Resources [ Literature Search ]
MLANET - Medical Library Association [ Library ]
MMDBJ - Mouse Microsatellite Data Base of Japan [ Genetics ]
MMGA - Midwest Murray Grey Association [ Cows ]
MMI Akitas and Kennel [ Breeders ]
MMM- Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry (Finland) [ Finland ]
MMWR - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report [ Newsletters ] [ Production & Industry ]
Mobile Medical Computing Forum [ Medical Informatics ]
Mobile Veterinary Clinic (Charlotte, NC) [ North Carolina ]
MoBiTec Molecular Biology Technology [ Biotechnology ]
MOCAT- Catalog of US Government Publications [ Literature Search ]
Model Animal Control Ordinance (Pet Action League) [ United States ]
Model Horse Gallery [ Horses ]
Modern Cat [ Cats ]
Modern Ferret [ Ferrets ]
Modern Medicine [ Research ]
Mokomakin Dachsionary [ Dachshund ]
Moldy Corn Poisoning in Horses - Equine Leukoencephalomalacia (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Molecular Biology Gateway to the WWW [ Molecular Biology ]
Molecular Biology Resource (UC-San Diego) [ Molecular Biology ]
Molecular Dynamics [ Genetics ]
Molecular Genetics of Insects - Oogenesis & Female-sterility Mutants (International Institute of Genetics & Biophysics) [ Genetics ]
Molecular Genetics of Nematodes (International Institute of Genetics & Biophysics) [ Genetics ]
Molecular Histology, Inc. [ Pathology ]
Molecular Magnetism & Levitation (The Frog That Learned to Fly) [ Fun ]
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Journal [ Research ]
Molecular Probes [ Physiology ]
Moles (Delaware Cooperative Extension) [ Mole ]
Moles (Linnean Society of London) [ Mole ]
Molly Moo'd Cow [ Fun ]
Monash University Animal Ethics Page [ Ethics ]
Monash University Animal Services (Australia) [ International ]
Monash University Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Mondo dei Gatti [ Pets ]
Mongolian Gerbils as Pets [ Pets ]
Monitor Garage [ Lizards ]
Monitoring Program [ Divisions ]
Monkey Maddness [ Pets ]
Monkey Room Debacle [ Health ]
Monkey Sanctuary (Cornwall, UK) [ Conservation ]
Monkeys Assist People with Disabilities (WRPRC) [ Pets ]
Monmouth County SPCA (New Jersey) [ Humane Societies ]
Monoclonal Connection Hybridoma Data Bank [ Immunology ]
Monographs in Allergy [ Research ]
Monographs in Virology [ Research ]
Monotreme Home Page [ Monotremata ]
Monsanto [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Monster Board [ Jobs ]
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks [ Fish & Game ]
Montana Guide Service [ Services ]
Montana Natural Heritage Program [ Endangered Species ]
Montana Press Animal Care Books [ Books ]
Montana State University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Montana State University Northern Agricultural Education & Learning Resources [ Departments ]
Montana State University Veterinary Molecular Biology Laboratory [ United States ]
Montana State University-Bozeman Department of Animal & Range Sciences [ Animal Science ]
Montana Zoo [ US ]
Monte Vista Veterinary Hospital (Concord, CA) [ California ]
Monterey Bay Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Montgomery County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [ Humane Societies ]
Montgomery Retriever Club [ Labrador Retriever ]
Montgomery Zoo (AL) [ US ]
Moo Markets [ Commercial ] [ Metasites ]
MooMilk [ Dairy Cattle ]
Moorabbin Veterinary Hospital (Melbourne, Australia) [ Australia ]
Moose Calling with Mark Braaten [ Commercial ]
Moose Page [ Moose ]
Moose Photos [ Wildlife ]
Moose Pix Page [ Wildlife ]
Moose Tracking [ Moose ]
Morab Breeders Consortium [ Morab ]
Morab Horse Official Reference Center [ Morab ]
Moregate Exports Animal Sera & Proteins [ Biotechnology ]
MORGANLIST (Morgan Horse Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Morris Animal Foundation [ Nutrition ]
Morris the Cat [ Pets ]
Mortar & Pestle Pharmacy [ Compounding ]
Morton Buildings [ Construction ]
Mosby Periodical Search [ Journals ]
Mosby's GenRx [ Formulary ]
Mosby-Year Book, Inc. [ Publishers ]
Moscow Veterinary Academy [ Russia ]
Moscow Zoo (Russia) [ International ]
Mosey World (Hamster) [ Pets ]
Mosinee Veterinary Clinic (Mosinee, WI) [ Wisconsin ]
Mosman Veterinary Clinic (Sydney, Australia) [ Australia ]
Mosquito Genomics (Colorado State University) [ Genetics ]
Mote Marine Laboratory (FL) [ Science ]
Moth Research (University of Massachusetts) [ Lepidoptera ]
Moths of the United States [ Lepidoptera ]
MOTIVE - Missouri Technology Infrastructure for Veterinary Education [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Moulton Chinchilla Ranch [ Comparative Medicine ]
Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory (Maine) [ Marine ]
Mount Graham Red Squirrel [ Squirrel ]
Mount Ida College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Mount Pleasant Animal Hospital (Singapore) [ Singapore ]
Mount Sinai School of Medicine Transgenic Mouse Core Facilities [ Genetics ]
Mountain Aire Veterinary Hospital (Lebec, CA) [ California ]
Mountain Gorilla & Rainforest Direct Aid [ Conservation ]
Mountain Lion Catnip Toys & Gifts [ Products ]
Mountain Shadow Veterinary Hospital (Schuylkill Haven, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Mountain Shadows Pet Hospital (Colorado Springs, CO) [ Colorado ]
Mountainmist Persian Cattery [ Commercial ]
Mounted Games [ Sport ]
Mouse and Rat Research Home Page [ Genetics ]
Mouse Atlas and Gene Expression Database Project [ Genetics ]
Mouse Chromosomal Anomaly Data (MGU Harwell) [ Genetics ]
Mouse Colony FileMaker Pro Databases [ Rodent ]
Mouse Cytogenetic Map Image [ Genetics ]
Mouse Genome Informatics (Jackson Laboratory) [ Genetics ]
Mouse House [ Commercial ]
Mouse Inbred Strains (Jackson Labs) [ Genetics ]
Mouse Linkage Map [ Genetics ]
Mouse Nomenclature Guidelines & Locus Symbol Registry (Jackson Labs) [ Genetics ]
Mouse Nomenclature Rules and Guidelines (Jackson Labs) [ Genetics ]
MouseCam [ Rodents ]
MouseUp HyperCard Transgenic Mouse Database (Mac) [ Rodent ]
Moving Toward International Standards in Primary Care Information - Clinical Vocabulary [ Standards & Terminology ]
Mozilla Museum [ Fictional ]
MPA 326 Veterinary Parasitology (University of East London) [ Parasitology ]
MPN - Missing Pet Network [ Divisions ]
MPPS - Mammary Gland Physiology and Pathology Society [ Cows ]
MPR - Marketing and Regulatory Programs [ Divisions ]
Mr Horse World Equestrian Site [ Metasites ]
Mr. Bun [ Fun ]
Mr. Cat Dude [ Cats ]
Mr. Christal's Grooming Products [ Commercial ]
Mr. Monkey's Home Page [ Fun ]
MRC - Medical Research Council (UK) [ UK ]
MRC - Medical Research Council Collaborative Centre (UK) [ Foundations ]
MRC Mouse Genome Centre [ Genetics ]
MSA - Mycological Society of America [ Microbiology ]
MSCVMA - Memphis-Shelby County Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
MSDN - Microbial Strain Data Network [ General ]
MSDS's on the Internet [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
MSMR - Massachusetts Society for Medical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
MSRS Catalog of Primary Antibodies [ Biotechnology ]
Mt. Bruce National Wildlife Centre (NZ) [ Conservation ]
Mt. Pilots Chameleon Rainforest [ Lizards ]
Mucho Bravo Havanese [ Breeders ]
Muirlands Animal & Avian Hopsital (Mission Viejo, CA) [ California ]
Mule Team (University of Missouri) [ Veterinary Student ]
Multilingual Dictionary of the Horse [ Other ]
Multimedia Development Lab (Kansas State University) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Multimedia Medical Reference Library [ Images ]
Multivet International [ Containment ]
MUMPS Programming Home Page [ Computer Programming ]
MunchRanch East Exotic Animal Farm & Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
MunchRanch Online [ Commercial ]
Mundi-Prensa Libros [ Publishers ]
Murdoch University Office of Continuing Veterinary Education [ Continuing Education ]
Murdoch University School of Veterinary Studies [ Australia ]
Murine Helicobacters (NCI) [ Health ]
Murray McMurray Hatchery [ Poultry ]
Murray the Hedgehog [ Hedgehog ]
Murrayhill Veterinary Hospital (Portland, OR) [ Oregon ]
Museum of Human Disease [ Human ]
Museum of Non-Primate Art [ Cats ]
Museum of Questionable Medical Devices [ Public Health ]
Mushing Magazine [ Dogs ]
Mussel Culture in Brazil [ Bivalves ]
Mute Swan [ Waterfowl ]
MUVSA - Massey University Veterinary Student Association (New Zealand) [ Veterinary Student ]
MVMA - Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
MVSA - Murdoch Veterinary Students Association (Australia) [ Veterinary Student ]
MWI Veterinary Supply Co. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
MWVA - Mid West Veterinary Association (UK) [ National & International ]
My Best Friend Sweatshirts & T-Shirts [ Products ]
My Boss [ Humor ]
My Dog Is Getting A Facelift [ Fun ]
My Exotic Pets [ Lizards ]
My T Wave Cattery [ Commercial ]
MycDB Integrated Mycobacterial Database [ Bacteriology ]
Mycobacteriosis (Tuberculosis) in Swine (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Mycologists Online [ Mycology ]
Mycoplasma Experience Limited [ Microbiology ]
MycoWeb (Oregon State University) [ Mycology ]
MyHorseStable Horse Tack [ Products ]
Myomorpha Pet Rats & Mice [ Pets ]
Myriad Ultrasound Systems Ltd. [ Imaging ]
Myrmecology (The Science about Ants) [ Hymenoptera ]
Mystic Appaloosas [ Commercial ]
Mystic Marinelife Aquarium's Department of Research and Veterinary Services Externship [ United States ]
Mystic Marinelife Aquarium's Department of Research and Veterinary Services Externship [ Science ]
Mystic Wind Farms Alaskan Malamutes [ Breeders ]
Måneskinn's Norwegische Waldkatzen Norwegian Forest Cats (Germany) [ Commercial ]
N.I.M.B.Y. Animal Repellant Spray [ Commercial ]
N.J. Phillips Instruments (Australia) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
NAAB - National Association of Animal Breeders [ Theriogenology ]
NABC - National Agricultural Biotechnology Council [ Ethics ]
NABR - National Association for Biomedical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
NACAD - North American Control Animal Database [ Pathology ]
NACo - National Association of Counties [ State ]
NADC - National Animal Disease Center [ Divisions ]
NAEBA - North American Elk Breeders Association [ Wildlife ]
NAERG - North American Emergency Response Guidebook [ Public Health ]
NAERIC - North American Equine Ranching Information Council [ Horses ]
NAFA Flyball Dog Racing [ Sport ]
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement [ United States ]
Nagasaki University Laboratory Animal Center for Biomedical Research (Japan) [ International ]
NAGRP - National Animal Genome Research Program [ Divisions ]
NAHEE - National Association for Humane & Environmental Education - NAHEE [ Humane Societies ]
NAHIS - National Animal Health Information System (Australia) [ Epidemiology ]
NAHMS - National Animal Health Monitoring System [ Divisions ]
NAIA - National Animal Interest Alliance [ Ethics ]
Naked Dancing Llama [ Fun ]
Naked Mole Rat Land [ Other ]
NAL - National Agricultural Library [ Divisions ]
Nalge Nunc International Labware [ Caging ]
NAMA - National Agri-Marketing Association [ Agriculture ]
NAMA - North American Mycological Association [ Microbiology ]
Name Fitz Placemat [ Commercial ]
NAML - National Association of Marine Laboratories [ Fish ]
Nancy Scanlan, DVM (WebDoctor) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
NANFA - North American Native Fishes Association [ Fish ]
Nanotechnology [ Computer Science ]
Nanotechnology Bookmarks [ Computer Science ]
NanoTechnology Magazine [ Publications ]
Nanotechnology WWW Resources (Advanced Research Systems) [ Computer Science ]
Nanoworld - University of Queensland Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis [ Pathology ]
Nanoworld Image Gallery [ Invertebrates ]
Nantucket Hospital-Shelter-Wildlife Rehabilitation (Nantucket, MA) [ Massachusetts ]
NAPA - National Alternative Pet Association [ Wildlife ]
NAPCC - National Animal Poison Control Center [ Toxicology ]
NAPIS - National Agricultural Pest Information System [ Divisions ]
Napolean Veterinary Clinic (Napolean, OH) [ Ohio ]
Napotnik Mastiffs [ Breeders ]
NAPPS - National Association of Professional Pet Sitters [ Pet Industry ]
NARA - National Archives and Records Administration [ Other ]
Narnia Pet Behavior & Consulting [ Services ]
NARRC- National Advisory Research Resources Council [ Divisions ]
NAS - National Audubon Society [ Birds ]
NAS _ NRC - National Academy of Sciences _ National Research Council [ NAS ]
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration [ Other ]
NASA Space Life Sciences Data Archive [ Science ]
NASA Space Station Biological Research Program Insect Lab [ Genetics ]
Nasco [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
NASCO Xenopus Bulletin [ Commercial ]
NASD - National Ag Safety Database [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
NASDA - National Association of State Departments of Agriculture [ Agriculture ]
Nashville Humane Association [ Humane Societies ]
Nashville Zoo and Wildlife Park at Grassmere [ US ]
NASS - National Agricultural Statistics Service [ Miscellaneous ]
NASSA - North American Shetland Sheepbreeders Association [ Small Ruminants ]
Nassau Veterinary Clinic (Nassau, NY) [ New York ]
NASULGC - National Association of State Universities & Land-Grant Colleges [ Academic ]
Nasuti Nicola Ostrich Farm [ Ratites ]
Nat George's Pet Ornamental Bantam Page [ Poultry ]
National 4-H Council [ Agriculture ]
National 4H Headquarters [ Divisions ]
National Academy Press [ Publishers ]
National Agricultural and Veterinary Biotechnology Centre (Ireland) [ International ]
National Agricultural Library (Norway) [ Libraries ]
National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS) [ Pest Management ]
National Alliance of Burmese Breeders [ Burmese ]
National Alternative Livestock Association [ Conservation ]
National Animal Control Association [ Humane Societies ]
National Anti-Hunt Campaign [ Animal Rights ]
National Anti-Vivisection Society [ Animal Rights ]
National Aquarium in Baltimore [ Aquaria ]
National Audubon Society Guides [ Conservation ]
National Avian Research Center (United Arab Emirates) [ Conservation ]
National Aviary in Pittsburgh [ Conservation ]
National Awards Program for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food & Agricultural Sciences [ Divisions ]
National Band & Tag Company [ Animal Identification ]
National Beef Database (USDA-CSREES) [ Beef Cattle ]
National Bioethics Advisory Commission [ General ]
National Bioethics Institute (Iowa State University) [ Ethics ]
National Biological Control Institute (USDA) [ Pest Management ]
National Biological Labs Anatomical Models [ Orthopedics ]
National Biological Labs Anatomical Models [ Anatomy ]
National Biotech Register [ Biotechnology ]
National Canine Defence League (UK) [ Humane Societies ]
National Capital Air Canines [ Sport ]
National Center for Agricultural Law Research & Information [ Metasites ]
National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
National Center for Missing Pets [ Animal Identification ]
National Centre for Biotechnology Education (University of Reading) [ Biotechnology ]
National Cesky Terrier Club [ Cesky Terrier ]
National Chung Hsing University Institute of Veterinary Medicine [ Taiwan ]
National Chung-Hsing University Department of Veterinary Medicine (Taiwan) [ International ]
National Chung-Hsing University Institute of Veterinary Microbiology (Taiwan) [ International ]
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information [ Pharmacology ]
National Consumer Complaint Center for Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices, Radiation-emitting Electronic Products, [ Commercial Services ]
National Consumer Complaint Center for Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, Medical Devices,Radiation-emitting Electronic Products, Veterinary Drugs and Feeds [ Pharmacology ]
National Cowboy Hall of Fame [ Other ]
National Dairy Database (USDA CSREES) [ Dairy Cattle ]
National Dairy Quality Assurance Project (USDA CSREES) [ Dairy Cattle ]
National Fancy Rat Society [ Rodents ]
National Fisheries Institute [ Marine ]
National Food Safety Database [ Food Safety ]
National Food Safety Database Educator and Trainer Menu [ Food Safety ]
National Geographic Videos [ Commercial ]
National Gerbil Society (UK) [ Rodents ]
National Goat Database (USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service) [ Goats ]
National Goat Handbook (University of Maryland) [ Goats ]
National Hamster Council [ Rodents ]
National Institute of Genetics Mouse Genetic Resources (Japan) [ Genetics ]
National Institute of Genetics Stock Research Center (Japan) [ Genetics ]
National Integrated Pest Management Network (North Carolina State University) [ Pest Management ]
National Journal Cloakroom [ Politics ]
National K-9 School for Dog Trainers [ Training ]
National Laboratory Animal Breeding and Research Center (Taiwan) [ Genetics ]
National Laboratory for the Study of Rural Telemedicine (University of Iowa) [ Telemedicine ]
National Library of Medicine Newsline [ Literature Search ]
National Microscope Exchange [ Microscopy ]
National Network of Libraries of Medicine Veterinary Medicine Resource Sampler [ Literature Search ]
National Parkinson Foundation, Inc. [ Foundations ]
National Parks and Conservation Association [ Conservation ]
National Partnership for Reinventing Government [ Other ]
National Pest Control Association [ Pest Management ]
National Pest Management Materials Database (Purdue University) [ Pest Management ]
National Pet Cages [ Caging ]
National Pet Protection Network [ Animal Identification ]
National Pet Registry [ Animal Identification ]
National PetCare Centers [ Corporate Practice ]
National Pig Information Database (USDA-CSREES) [ Production & Industry ]
National Poultry Database (USDA-CSREES) [ Poultry ]
National Poultry Improvement Plan (USDA-APHIS) [ Poultry ]
National Reference Center for BioEthics Literature [ General ]
National Resource Center for Cephalopods [ Cephalopods ]
National Sheep Database (USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service) [ Sheep ]
National Specialty Services Pharmaceutical & Medical Supplies [ Distributors ]
National Sporting Library [ Libraries ]
National Substance Abuse Web Index [ Pharmacology ]
National Symposium on Medical & Public Health Response to Bioterrorism [ Meetings ]
National Taiwan University Department of Veterinary Medicine (Taiwan) [ International ]
National Telecommunications & Information Administration [ Telemedicine ]
National Trust (UK) [ Conservation ]
National Turtle and Tortoise Society [ Reptiles ]
National University of Hanoi Zoological Museum [ Museums ]
National University of Singapore Medical Informatics Programme [ Medical Informatics ]
National Veterinary and Food Research Institute (Finland) [ International ]
National Veterinary Assay Laboratory (Japan) [ Government ]
National Veterinary Diagnostic Services [ Clinical Pathology ]
National Veterinary Institute (Sweden) [ International ]
National Watchable Wildlife Program [ Conservation ]
National Western Stock Show, Rodeo and Horse Show [ Meetings ]
National Wildlife [ Wildlife ]
National Wildlife Federation [ Conservation ]
National Wildlife Health Center Publications [ Research ]
National Wildlife Health Center Publications [ Health ]
National Wildlife Productions [ Wildlife ]
National Wildlife Refuge System [ Divisions ]
National Zoo [ US ]
National Zoo Animal Photos [ Zoo Animal ]
Native Fish Society [ Conservation ]
Natural Brand Catnip [ Products ]
Natural Encounters, Inc. [ Conservation ]
Natural Gait News [ Horses ]
Natural Hazards Center (University of Colorado) [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Natural History Book Service [ Distributors ]
Natural History Museum (Berne, Switzerland) [ Museums ]
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County [ Museums ]
Natural History of Genes (University of Utah) [ Genetics ]
Natural History of Genes (Utah Museum of Natural History) [ Genetics ]
Natural History of Northern Arizona [ Conservation ]
Natural History-Herpetology Booklist (Herpmed) [ Books ]
Natural Holistic Pet Care [ Alternative Medicine ]
Natural Holistic Pet Care (Miami, FL) [ Florida ]
Natural Immunity [ Research ]
Natural Paws News [ Alternative Medicine ]
Natural Perspective [ Taxonomy ]
Natural Rearing [ Alternative Medicine ]
Natural Resource Directory [ Alternative Medicine ]
Natural Resource Management Database (Stephen F. Austin State University) [ Management ]
Natural Scratch For Natural Cats [ Products ]
Natural Sleep Pet Waterbed [ Commercial ]
Natural Therapy Centre for Animals (Australia) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Natural Veterinary Pharmaceuticals [ Alternative Medicine ]
Naturalia [ Conservation ]
Naturally Reared Breeders Network [ Metasites ]
NaturalScience Magazine [ Wildlife ]
Nature [ Research ]
Nature and Wildlife Images by Bob Atkins [ Wildlife ]
Nature Biotechnology Directory [ Biotechnology ]
Nature by Design - Lab Coats, Scrub Shirts, T-Shirts [ Apparel ]
Nature Close to Home - Signs, Seasons, and Stories [ Conservation ]
Nature Conservancy [ Conservation ]
Nature Conservancy of Hawaii [ Conservation ]
Nature Discovery [ Commercial ]
Nature Genetics [ Research ]
Nature Note Cards [ Wildlife ]
Nature of Foaling Video [ Products ]
Nature of Wellness [ Animal Rights ]
Nature's Pet Marketplace [ Alternative Medicine ]
Nature's Way Live Food [ Commercial ]
Nature-Wildlife Images [ Wildlife ]
Naturenet [ Metasites ]
Natureworks Bengals [ Commercial ]
NatureWorld [ Wildlife ]
Natureworld (Australia) [ Services ]
NAUSICAA National Sea Center (France) [ Aquaria ]
NauticalNet [ Sport ]
Nautilus Veterinary Clinic (San Diego, CA) [ California ]
Naval Health Research Center [ Divisions ]
Naval Health Research Center Toxicology Detachment [ Toxicology ]
Naval Medical Research Center [ Divisions ]
Naval Research Laboratory [ Divisions ]
NAVCA - North American Veterinary College Administrators [ Academic ]
NaviCyte's Guide to the Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Universe [ Directories ]
Navigating to Knowledge (JAMA) [ Www ]
NAVTA - North American Veterinary Technician Association [ Veterinary Technology ]
NBA - National Bison Association [ Cows ]
NBAF Pets Magazine Subscriptions [ Pets ]
NBC - National Broiler Council [ Birds ]
NBC Pet Vet TV Series [ Video ]
NBCI - National Biological Control Institute [ Divisions ]
NBEC - National Board Examination Committee for Veterinary Medicine [ Legal ]
NBIF - National Biotechnology Information Facility [ Biotechnology ]
NC State College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Administrative & Instructional Computing [ Computer Aided Learning ]
NCAHF - National Council Against Health Fraud, Inc. [ Public Health ]
NCAHF Task Force on Veterinary Pseudoscience [ Public Health ]
NCAUR - National Center for Agircultural Utilization Research [ Divisions ]
NCBA - National Cattlemen's Beef Association [ Cows ]
NCBI - National Center for Biotechnology Information [ Divisions ]
NCBI Taxonomy [ Taxonomy ]
NCCC - National Cell Culture Center [ Divisions ]
NCCDPHP - National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ Divisions ]
NCEH - National Center for Environmental Health [ Divisions ]
NCGR - National Center for Genome Resources [ Genome ]
NCHA - National Cutting Horse Association [ Horses ]
NCHS - National Center for Health Statistics [ Divisions ]
NCHSTP - National Center for HIV, STD & TB Prevention [ Divisions ]
NCI - National Cancer Institute [ Divisions ]
NCI Frederick Cancer Research & Development Center [ Divisions ]
NCI Veterinary & Tumor Pathology Section [ Government ]
NCI Veterinary & Tumor Pathology Section [ Divisions ]
NCID - National Center for Infectious Diseases [ Divisions ]
NCIE - National Center for Import and Export [ Divisions ]
NCIPC - National Center for Injury Prevention & Control [ Divisions ]
NCO - US National Coordination Office for Computing, Information & Communications [ Internet ]
NCOPP - National Committees on Potbellied Pigs [ Pigs ]
NCPGA - National Contract Poultry Growers Association [ Birds ]
NCRP - National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements [ Radiology ]
NCRR - National Center for Research Resources [ Divisions ]
NCRR Research Resources Reporter [ Newsletters ]
NCS - National Cockatiel Society [ Birds ]
NCSL - National Conference of State Legislatures [ State ]
NCTR - National Center for Toxicological Research [ Divisions ]
NCURA - National Council of University Research Administrators [ Academic ]
NCVMA - North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
NDDF - National Drug Data File [ Formulary ]
NDGA - Nigerian Dwarf Goat Association [ Small Ruminants ]
NDHIA - National Dairy Herd Improvement Association [ Cows ]
NDMA - Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association [ Pharmacology ]
Neal Mauldin, DVM (Radiation9) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Neapolitan Mastiff Home Page [ Neopolitan Mastiff ]
NebGuide Sheep Index (University of Nebraska) [ Sheep ]
Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group [ Animal Behavior ]
Nebraska Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Extension Newsletters [ Newsletters ]
Nebraska Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Nebraska Publications Catalog [ Publishers ]
Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System [ Government ]
NEDA - New England Dressage Association [ Horses ]
Needi Safety Supply Corporation [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Needlenose Web Page - Greyhound Pets of America [ Greyhound ]
Negara Zoo (Malaysia) [ International ]
NEI - National Eye Institute [ Divisions ]
Neighborhood Animal Hospital (San Dimas, CA) [ California ]
Neighborhood Pet Clinic Veterinary Office Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ] [ Animal Rights ]
Nelco Laboratories Allergen Extracts [ Immunology ]
Nellcor Puritan Bennett Monitoring Equipment [ Surgery ]
NEMA - National Emergency Management Association [ Public Health ]
Nemasket Veterinary Clinc (Summerville, SC) [ South Carolina ]
Nematode Drug Resistance (University of Glasgow) [ Parasites ]
NEN Life Science Products [ Molecular Biology ]
Neogen Corporation [ Microbiology ]
Neonatal Foal Care (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
NeoPaws Safety Pet Apparel [ Pet Products ]
Neopolis Zoo [ Fun ]
NEPA - National Environmental Policy Act [ United States ]
Neponset Valley Humane Society (Massachusetts) [ Humane Societies ]
Neptune's Web [ Marine ]
NERC Centre for Population Biology (UK) [ Other ]
NERL - National Exposure Research Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Nessie on the Net [ Fictional ]
NETA - National Equine Adjunctive Therapy Association [ Alternative Medicine ]
NetfoPets [ US ]
Netherlands Centre Alternatives to Animal Use [ Alternatives ]
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research [ Marine ]
NetPet Magazine [ Metasites ]
NetPets [ Humane Societies ]
Netting the Evidence [ Epidemiology ]
NetVet - Mosby's Veterinary Guide to the Internet [ Books ]
Network Pest Control Systems [ Services ]
Neural Development in the Early Vertebrate Embryo [ Biomedical Research ]
Neuro Simulations [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Neuroanatomy & Neuropathology on the Internet [ Biomedical Research ]
Neuroanatomy & Neuropathology Software [ Biological ]
Neuroanatomy & Neuropathology Softwares [ Medical ]
Neurobiology of Disease [ Research ]
Neurobiology of Disease Journal [ Rodents ]
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory Journal [ Research ]
Neuroendocrinology [ Research ]
Neuroethology - Neural Basis for Animal Behavior [ Animal Behavior ]
Neurogenetics (UT Memphis) [ Genetics ]
NeuroImmunoModulation [ Research ]
Neuroland [ Biomedical Research ]
Neuromuscular Physiology Home Page (University of California-San Diego) [ Biomedical Research ]
NeurOn - Neurolab Online [ Biomedical Research ]
NeuroNet [ Biomedical Research ]
Neuropsychobiology [ Research ]
Neuropsychology [ Research ]
Neuropsychology Central [ Biomedical Research ]
Neuroscience Education [ Biomedical Research ]
Neuroscience For Kids [ Science ]
Neuroscience Laboratory Index (University of Pennsylvania) [ Neurology ]
Neuroscience-Net [ Research ]
NeuroscienceNow [ Biomedical Research ]
Neurosciences (Mining Co.) [ Biomedical Research ]
Neurosciences on the Internet [ Biomedical Research ]
NeuroSciNet List of Neuro Labs [ Biomedical Research ]
NeuroSoft Inc. [ Neurology ] [ Biomedical Research ]
Neurotrophic Factors [ Biomedical Research ]
Neurotrophism [ Research ]
Nevr-Rust Livestock Products [ Products ]
New Agriculturist [ Agricultural ]
New Berlin Animal Hospital, Ltd. (New Berlin, WI) [ Wisconsin ]
New Eastern PTE, Ltd. Chemical Products [ Distributors ]
New England Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
New England Biolabs, Inc. [ Genetics ]
New England Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
New England Journal of Medicine [ Research ]
New England Old English Sheepdog Rescue, Inc. [ Rescue Groups ]
New England Reptile Distributors, Inc. [ Commercial ]
New England Reptile Distributors, Inc. [ Commercial ]
New England Saint Bernard Club [ Saint Bernard ]
New England Tack Closet [ Products ]
New Farm Carriage Supplies [ Products ]
New Gene Map of the Human Genome (NCBI) [ Genome ]
New Hampshire Doberman Rescue League [ Rescue Groups ]
New Hampshire Equine Humane Association [ Humane Societies ]
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department [ Fish & Game ]
New Hampshire Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [ Humane Societies ]
New Hope Animal Hospital (Gastonia, NC) [ North Carolina ]
New Insights into the Pathogenesis of Mastitis (University of Ghent) [ Health ]
New Jersey Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
New Jersey Certified Animal Control Officers [ Humane Societies ]
New Jersey Division of Fish, Game and Wildlife [ Fish & Game ]
New Jersey Horse Council [ Other ]
New Mexico Fly Fishing [ Sport ]
New Mexico Game and Fish Department [ Fish & Game ]
New Mexico State University College of Agriculture & Home Economics [ Colleges ]
New Mexico Wildlife Association [ Conservation ]
New Orleans Audubon Zoo [ US ]
New Rainbow Bridge [ Pet Loss ]
New Scientist Cloning Page [ Cloning ]
New Species in Vietnam (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis & Megamuntiacus vuquangesis) [ Multiple Species ]
New York State Board for Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Boards ]
New York State Dairy Statistics Database System [ Dairy Cattle ]
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation [ Fish & Game ]
New York State House Rabbit Society [ Humane Societies ]
New York Turtle and Tortoise Society [ Reptiles ]
New York University Cancer CenterTransgenic Mouse Research Facility [ Genetics ]
New York Veterinary Hospital (New York, NY) [ New York ]
New York Worms [ Commercial ]
New Yorkers for Companion Animals [ Rescue Groups ]
New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society [ Animal Rights ]
New Zealand Beekeeping [ Hymenoptera ]
New Zealand Pastoral Agriculture Research Institute [ International ]
New Zoos Guide & Resources (Scientific American) [ News ]
Newberry College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Newf Friends Web Ring [ Newfoundland ]
Newfoundland Club of Seattle [ Newfoundland ]
Newfoundland Insectarium [ Entomology ]
Newfoundland Rescue Links and Information [ Rescue Groups ]
Newman Veterinary Medical Services (Seattle, WA) [ Washington ] [ Metasites ]
Newport Dog Shows [ Shows ]
NewScientist Planet Science [ Research ]
Newsfile [ Newsletters ]
NewsLetter Access [ Literature Search ]
Newsletter of Systematic Ichthyology [ Fish ]
NewsPage - Agricultural Biotechnology [ News ]
NewsPage - Animal Research & Animal Rights [ News ]
NewsPage - Biotechnology Companies [ News ]
NewsPage - Genetics [ News ]
NewsPage - Healthcare IT [ News ]
NewsPage - Infectious Diseases & Immunology [ News ]
NewsPage - Medical Devices & Equipment [ News ]
NewsPage - Nutrition [ News ]
NewsPage - Pharmaceuticals [ News ]
NewsPage - Veterinary Science [ News ]
Newton BBS - Argonne National Laboratory (telnet - login=new) [ Chats ]
Newton Veterinary Hospital (Newton, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Nexus Books [ Distributors ]
nf.birds [ Usenet ]
NFBG - National Federation of Badger Groups [ Wildlife ]
NFI - National Fisheries Institute [ Fish ]
NFID - National Foundation for Infectious Diseases [ Infectious Diseases ]
NFO - National Farmers Organization [ Agriculture ]
NFPA - National Food Processors Association [ Nutrition ]
NFU - National Farmers Union [ Agriculture ]
NGA - National Governors' Association [ State ]
NGRP - National Genetics Resource Program [ Divisions ]
NGS - National Geographic Society [ Wildlife ]
NGS - National Gerbil Society [ Rodents ]
Nguoi Rung - Vietnamese Forest People [ Evolution ]
NHEERL - National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory [ Divisions ]
NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute [ Divisions ]
NHLA - New Hampshire Llama Association [ Small Ruminants ]
NHLBI - National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute [ Divisions ]
NHRCTD - Naval Health Research Center Toxicology Detachment [ Toxicology ]
NI - Nutraceutical Institute [ Nutrition ]
NIAAA - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse & Alcoholism [ Divisions ]
Niagara Parks Butterfly Conservatory [ Lepidoptera ]
NIAH - National Institute of Animal Health (Japan) [ Japan ]
NIAI - National Institute of Animal Industry (Japan) [ Japan ]
NIAI Animal Genome Database (Japan) [ Genome ]
NIAID - National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases [ Divisions ]
NIBB - National Institute for Basic Biology (Japan) [ Japan ]
NIBSC - National Institute for Biological Standards & Control (UK) [ UK ]
NICEATM - NTP Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods [ Alternatives ]
Nich Marketers Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
NICHHD - National Institute of Child Health & Human Development [ Divisions ]
Nicholls State University (LA) [ United States ]
Nickers & Neighs Horse Gifts [ Products ]
Nicolas Copernicus University Institute of Biology and Environment Protection (Poland) [ Academic ]
NICVBP - National Institute for Control of Veterinary Bioproducts and Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmacology ]
NIDA - National Institute on Drug Abuse [ Divisions ]
NIDCD - National Institute on Deafness & Other Communication Disorders [ Divisions ]
NIDDK - National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases [ Divisions ]
NIEHS - Alternatives Systems Group [ Alternatives ]
NIEHS - National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences [ Divisions ]
NIEHS - SBIR Alternative Developments Contract Proposals [ Alternatives ]
NIEHS Kids Page [ Science ]
NIEHS Laboratory of Computational Biology & Risk Assessment [ Epidemiology ]
NIEHS Laboratory of Environmental Carcinogenesis & Mutagenesis [ Toxicology ]
NIG Mammalian Genetics Laboratory (Japan) [ Japan ]
NIGMS - National Institute of General Medical Sciences [ Divisions ]
NIH - National Institutes of Health [ NIH ]
NIH Animal Genetic Resource [ Genetics ]
NIH Directory of Gene Knockout Mice [ Genetics ]
NIH Employment and Research Opportunities [ Jobs ]
NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant DNA Molecules [ United States ]
NIH Image Software [ Images & Clipart ]
NIH Mouse Club [ Genetics ]
NIH Nonhuman Primate Management Plan [ Science ]
NIH Priority Setting for Mouse Genomics and Genetic Resources [ Genetics ]
NIH Symposium on Pathology of Genetically-Engineered Mice (Feb 24-25, 1999) [ Meetings ]
NIH-OPRR Animal Welfare Education Workshops [ Meetings ]
NIHD - National Institute of Health and Nutrition (Japan) [ Japan ]
Nihon University Department of Veterinary Medicine (Japan) [ International ]
NIHS - National Institute of Health Sciences (Japan) [ Japan ]
NII - National Information Infrastructure [ Divisions ]
NIID - National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan) [ Japan ]
Niles Animal Hospital (Niles, IL) [ Illinois ]
Nilsson Bros. Livestock Exchange [ All Breeds ]
NIMH - National Institute of Mental Health [ Divisions ]
NINDS - National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke [ Divisions ]
NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health [ Divisions ]
NIP - National Immunization Program [ Divisions ]
NIPMN - National Integrated Pest Management Network [ Divisions ]
Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University Department of Clinical Pathology (Japan) [ International ]
Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University Department of Veterinary Anatomy (Japan) [ International ]
Nirmanakaya Birman Cattery [ Commercial ]
NISC - National Information Services Corporation [ Literature Search ]
NISC Biblioline [ Literature Search ]
NISO - National Information Standards Organization [ Standards & Terminology ]
NIST - National Institute of Standards & Technology [ Divisions ]
Nisus Pest Control [ Commercial ]
Nixalite Architectural Bird Control [ Products ]
Njord Cattery Norwegian Forest Cats [ Commercial ]
NLEC - National Livestock Ethics Council [ Ethics ]
NLFA - National Lamb Feeders Association [ Small Ruminants ]
NLM - Medical Subject Headings [ Standards & Terminology ]
NLM - MeSH Tree Structures [ Standards & Terminology ]
NLM - National Library of Medicine [ Literature Search ]
NLM - National Library of Medicine [ Divisions ]
NLM DIRLINE Database [ Literature Search ]
NLM Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications [ Databases ]
NLM MEDLARS (telnet) [ Literature Search ]
NLM Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program [ Toxicology ]
NLPA - National Livestock Producers Association [ Cows ]
NMA - National Meat Association [ Cows ]
NMA Financial Management (UK) [ Financial ]
NMC - National Mastitis Council [ Cows ]
NMDA - National Miniature Donkey Association [ Horses ]
NMFS - National Marine Fisheries Service [ Divisions ]
NMHCC BioTechnology Conferences [ Meetings ]
NMPF - National Milk Producers Federation [ Cows ]
NMR Microimaging of Normal Rat Spinal Cord [ Imaging ]
NMVMA - New Mexico Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
NNQ, Inc. [ Ophthalmology ]
No Ants My Doggy Food Dish [ Products ]
No Compromise [ Animal Rights ]
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [ Divisions ]
NOAA Online Data & Information Systems [ Marine ]
NOAH - AVMA Network of Animal Health [ Online Services ]
Noah's Arc (Dandridge, TN) [ Rescue Groups ]
Noah's Ark Animal Foundation (Fairfield, IA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Noah's Ark Animal Placement and Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Noah's Ark Rehabilitation Center (Locust Grove, GA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Noah's Arkive - International Veterinary Pathology Slide Bank [ Pathology ]
Noah's Exotic Animal Menagerie [ Rescue Groups ]
Noah's Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ]
Nobel Foundation [ Foundations ]
Noble Craft Dental Laboratory Inc. [ Dentistry ]
Noble Foundation [ Foundations ]
Noble View Farm Llamas [ Breeders ]
NODC - National Oceanographic Data Center [ Divisions ]
Noel's Very Birdy Web Site [ Birding ]
Noldus Information Technology [ Animal Behavior ]
Non-Stick Looney Page [ Fictional ]
Nonhuman Primate Genetics Typing Lab (Trinity University) [ Genetics ]
Nonhuman Primate Genetics Typing Lab (Trinity University) [ Genetics ]
Nonin Veterinary Pulse Oximeters [ Anesthesiology ]
Nonindigenous Aquatic Species (USGS) [ Science ]
NONMEM UsersNet Archive [ Statistics ]
Nor'east Saltwater Online [ Fish ]
Norcal Miniature Horse Club [ Commercial ]
Nordic Club for Pet Chinchillas [ Rodents ]
Nordic Star Kennels Standard American Eskimos [ Breeders ]
Norfelds's Magnetic Therapy Products [ Alternative Medicine ]
Norfolk Terrier Journal [ Norfolk Terrier ]
NORINA Database (Audiovisual Alternatives to Laboratory Animals in Teaching) [ Alternatives ]
Normal Bacterial Flora of Animals (University of Wisconsin Department of Bacteriology) [ Bacteriology ]
Norman Roskin, DVM (Veterinary Practice Services) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Norris Canyon Veterinary Medical Center (San Ramon, CA) [ California ]
Norsk Skogkatt Society [ Norwegian Forest ]
North American Bear Center [ Ursidae ]
North American Birds of Prey [ Raptors ]
North American Border Collie Rescue Network [ Rescue Groups ]
North American Breeding Bird Survey [ Birding ]
North American Butterfly Association [ Lepidoptera ]
North American Compendiums [ Publishers ]
North American Drager [ Anesthesiology ]
North American Hunting Retriever Association [ Other ]
North American Journal of Fisheries Management [ Fish ]
North American Limousin Foundation [ Beef Cattle ]
North American Snakebite Emergency_ First-Aid Information [ Snakes ]
North American Vegetarian Society [ Veggies ]
North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association [ Sport ]
North American Veterinary Conference, January 9-13, 1999, Orlando, FL [ Meetings ]
North American Wolf Association [ Conservation ]
North Atlantic Fisheries College [ Aquaculture ]
North Balwyn Veterinary Hospital (North Balwyn, Australia) [ Australia ]
North Carolina Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
North Carolina Department of Agriculture Veterinary Division [ Animal Health ]
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
North Carolina Regulations for Interstate Movement of Animals [ Animal Health ]
North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences [ Museums ]
North Carolina State University [ United States ]
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
North Carolina State University CVM Calendar & Events [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University CVM Faculty & Research [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University CVM Information [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University CVM Veterinary Medical Library [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University CVM Veterinary Public Health Information on Zoonosis [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ North Carolina State ]
North Carolina State University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
North Carolina State University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
North Carolina State University Department of Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
North Carolina State University Extension Swine Husbandry [ Husbandry ]
North Carolina State University Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
North Carolina State University Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
North Carolina Veterinary Services [ Animal Health ]
North Carolina Zoo [ US ]
North Cascade Veterinary Hospital (Sedro-Woolley, WA) [ Washington ]
North Clwyd Animal Rescue (North Wales, UK) [ Rescue Groups ]
North Coast Marines [ Commercial ]
North Dakota Game and Fish Department [ Fish & Game ]
North Dakota State University [ United States ]
North Dakota State University Department of Veterinary and Microbiological Sciences [ United States ]
North Dakota State University Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
North Dakota Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
North Georgia Trout Online [ Sport ]
North of the River Veterinary Hospital (Bakersfield, CA) [ California ]
North Rocks Veterinary Hospital (Sydney, Australia) [ Australia ]
North Shore Animal League (Port Washington, NY) [ Humane Societies ]
North Texas Rabbit Sanctuary [ Rescue ]
North Texas Weimaraner Club - Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
North Valley Equine Veterinary Service (Davis, CA) [ California ]
North West Swan Study (UK) [ Conservation ]
Northampton County, PA SPCA [ Humane Societies ]
Northdale Animal Hospital (London, Ontario) [ Canada ]
Northeast Cat & Dog Hospital (Grand Rapids, MI) [ Michigan ]
Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) [ Marine ]
Northeast Region Standing Committee on Woodland Caribou [ Caribou ]
Northern Aquaculture [ Fish ]
Northern Bioidentification Service Ltd. [ Services ]
Northern California Terrier Association [ Other ]
Northern Cavy Fanciers [ Rodents ]
Northern Copperbelly Water Snake [ Snakes ]
Northern Flight Performance Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Northern Prairie Science Center (USGS) [ Birding ]
Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Biological Resources [ Science ]
Northern Virginia Equine Podiatry Center (Marshall, VA) [ Virginia ]
Northwaters Wilderness Program [ Services ]
Northwest Birds Birding Breaks (UK) [ Birding ]
Northwest Equine Reproduction Laboratory [ Theriogenology ]
Northwest Fisheries Science Center (NOAA) [ Marine ]
Northwest Gamebirds Coturnix Quail [ Products ]
Northwest Marine Technology Fish Tags [ Commercial ]
Northwest Mosquito & Vector Control Association [ Pest Management ]
Northwest Rhodesian Ridgeback Club [ Rhodesian Ridgebacks ]
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park [ Services ]
Northwest Valley Veterinary Hospital & Canine Semen Bank (Glendale, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Northwest Valley Veterinary Hospital & Canine Semen Bank (Glendale, AZ) [ Theriogenology ]
Northwest Veterinaries (Greshan, OR) [ Oregon ]
Northwoods Falconry [ Products ]
Norwegian Animal Welfare Act, 1974 (in Norwegian) [ International ]
Norwegian Cattle Cooperative [ All Breeds ]
Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine [ Norway ]
Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences [ International ]
Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine Department of Sheep and Goat Research [ International ]
Norwegian College of Veterinary Medicine Library (Norway) [ Libraries ]
Norwegian Flyshop [ Sport ]
Norwegian Forest Cat [ Norwegian Forest ]
Norwegian Forest Cat Fanciers Association [ Norwegian Forest ]
Norwegian Forest Cat FAQ [ Norwegian Forest ]
Norwegian Forest Cat Web Ring [ Norwegian Forest ]
Norwegian Horse Page [ Sport ]
Norwegian Lundehund [ Lundehund ]
Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives [ Alternatives ]
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science Division of Pathology [ International ]
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science Laboratory Animal Unit [ International ]
Norwegian School of Veterinary Science Section of Anatomy [ International ]
Norwich Terrier (AKC) [ Norwich Terrier ]
NOS - National Ocean Service [ Divisions ]
Nosorb Urinalysis Cat Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Nosorb Urinalysis Cat Litter [ Clinical Pathology ]
Nostrum Health Care Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Not In My Backyard [ Fictional ]
Not Just Cows [ Metasites ]
Not Just Cows [ Metasites ]
Not Tonight Deer [ Commercial ]
Notes on Echocardiography [ Imaging ]
NOVA Information Systems, Inc. Bank Card Processing [ Financial ]
NOVA Online Animal Hospital [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Nova Scotia Agricultural College (Canada) [ Colleges ]
Nova Scotia Bird Society [ Conservation ]
Nova Scotia Dairy Commission [ Dairy Cattle ]
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever [ Toller ]
Nova Scotia's Bald Eagles [ Raptors ]
NOVAGate - Nordic Gateway to Information in Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences [ Literature Search ]
Novagen [ Genetics ]
Novalek Reearch & Development [ Pet Products ]
Novalek Research & Development [ Commercial ]
Novartis [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Novartis Animal Health [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Novartis Animal Health Canada, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Novartis Australia [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Novartis Germany [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Novel Morbillivirus Pneumonia of Horses & its Transmission to Humans [ Health ]
Novey Animal Hospital (Tallahassee, FL) [ Florida ]
Novice Molecular Biologist [ Molecular Biology ]
Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
NPA - National Primate Association [ Primates ]
NPGA - National Pygmy Goat Association [ Small Ruminants ]
NPLC - National Pedigreed Livestock Council [ Cows ]
NPPC - National Pork Producers Council [ Pigs ]
NPPC - Pork Industry Calendar [ Meetings ]
NPS - National Park Service [ Divisions ]
NPS - National Pony Society (UK) [ Horses ]
NRA - National Registration Authority for Agricultural & Veterinary Chemicals (Australia) [ Australia ]
NRC - National Research Council (Canada) [ Canada ]
NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission [ Other ]
NRCHA - National Reined Cow Horse Association [ Horses ]
NRCS - Natural Resource Conservation Service [ Miscellaneous ]
NRE - Natural Resources and Environment [ Divisions ]
NRI - National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program [ Divisions ]
NS - Nutrition Society (UK) [ Nutrition ]
NSA - National Shellfisheries Association [ Invertebrates ]
NSC - National Safety Council [ Safety ]
NSF - National Science Foundation [ Other ]
NSF Center for Biological Timing (University of Virginia) [ Biomedical Research ]
NSH - National Society for Histotechnology [ Pathology ]
NSIF - National Swine Improvement Federation [ Pigs ]
NSSN - National Resource for Global Standards [ Standards & Terminology ]
NSTA - National Science Teachers Association [ Biology ]
NSTC - National Science and Technology Council [ Divisions ]
NSVMA - Napa-Solano County Veterinary Medical Association (CA) [ US State & Local VMAs ]
NSW Agriculture [ Other ]
NSWCAA - Nova Scotia Wildlife Carvers and Artists Association [ Wildlife ]
NTF - National Turkey Federation [ Birds ]
NTIA - National Telecommunications & Information Administration [ Divisions ]
NTIS - National Technical Information Service [ Divisions ]
NTM Consulting Services, Inc. - Sirius Software [ Lab Animal Management ]
NTP - National Toxicology Program [ Divisions ]
Nu-Art Graphics Dressage Apparel & Specialties [ Products ]
Nuaire, Inc. Safety Cabinets & Hoods [ Safety ]
Nuclear Associates Radiology Instruments & Accessories [ Imaging ]
Nucleic Acids Research [ Research ]
Nuez Kennels Xoloitzcuintle [ Breeders ]
Nuffcats Cattery [ Commercial ]
Nuflor (Schering-Plough) [ Commercial Products ]
Nunnie's Fish Page [ Hobby ]
Nusa Lestari Foundation [ Conservation ]
NuSoft Technologies Veterinarians Office System 97 Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Nutramax Laboratories, Inc. [ Orthopedics ]
Nutrient Requirements of Breeding Beef Cattle (NebGuide) [ Nutrition ]
Nutrient Requirements of Swine (NAS) [ Nutrition ]
Nutritech, Inc. - Consulting Ruminant Nutritionist [ Safety ]
Nutrition in the Goat [ Goats ]
Nutritional Aspects of Herp Husbandry [ Nutrition ]
Nutritional Aspects of Herp Husbandry [ Nutrition ]
Nutritional Management for Horses [ Nutrition ]
NVMA - Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
NVSL - National Veterinary Services Laboratory [ Divisions ]
NVVTA - North Valley Veterinary Technician Association [ Veterinary Technology ]
NWHC - National Wildlife Health Center [ Divisions ]
NWPS - Northwest Wildlife Preservation Society [ Wildlife ]
NWRA - National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association [ Wildlife ]
NWRC - National Wildlife Research Center [ Divisions ]
NWS - National Weather Service [ Divisions ]
NWTF - National Wild Turkey Federation [ Conservation ]
Nycomed Amersham Imaging [ Imaging ]
NYCVMA - New York City Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
Nye Labs Online [ Science ]
NYSMHS - New York State Morgan Horse Society [ Horses ]
NZVA - New Zealand Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
O'Bobtor Hounds Borzoi [ Breeders ]
O'Bryan Angus Sales Service [ Commercial ]
OAHA - Ontario Appaloosa Horse Association [ Horses ]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Computational Biosciences [ Genetics ]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review [ Research ]
Oakhill Center for Rare and Endangered Species (Oklahoma City, OK) [ Conservation ]
Oakland Veterinary Hospital (Oakland, CA) [ California ]
Oakland Zoo [ US ]
Oaks Veterinary Hospitals (Gainesville, FL) [ Florida ]
Oakwood Veterinary Hospital (Woodbridge, CA) [ California ]
OAM - Office of Alternative Medicine [ Divisions ]
Oasis Pet Supplies [ Commercial ]
Oatland Island (Savannah, GA) [ Services ]
OAVT - Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians [ Veterinary Technology ]
OBFS - Organization of Biological Field Stations [ Biology ]
Obi-Wan Salukis [ Breeders ]
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine [ Japan ]
OBRA - Oregon Biomedical Research Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
Ocala Veterinary Hospital (Ocala, FL) [ Florida ]
OCC-ENV-MED-L (Occupational and Environmental Medicine Internet Mail List) [ Veterinary ]
Occupational and Environmental Medicine Resources [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Occupational Asthma [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Occupational Health & Safety in the Care & Use of Research Animals [ United States ]
Occupational Health & Safety in the Care & Use of Research Animals (NRC-ILAR, 1997) [ Books ]
Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals (NAS-ILAR) [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Occupational Health Research Resource Center [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Ocean Beach Veterinary Clinic (Longview, WA) [ Washington ]
Ocean County Veterinary Hospital (NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Ocean Explorations [ Commercial ]
Ocean Mammal Institute [ Conservation ]
Ocean State Sasquatch Society [ Fictional ]
Ocean View Veterinary Hospital (Pacific Grove, CA) [ California ]
Ocean Voice International [ Conservation ]
Oceanic Research Group [ Conservation ]
Oceans of Kansas Paleontology [ Other ]
Oceanwatch [ Conservation ]
Ocicats of Europe [ Ocicat ]
Ocular Pathology Cases (Michigan State University CVM) [ Ophthalmology ]
OD - Office of the Director [ Divisions ]
Odonata (Dragonflies and Damselflies) of Cape Cod [ Odanata ]
Odyssey of the Ducks [ Fun ]
OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development [ Divisions ]
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals [ United States ]
OER - Office of Extramural Research Award Data [ Divisions ]
Of Mice and Men (HHMI's Blazing a Genetic Trail) [ Genetics ]
OFA - Oregon Ferret Association [ Ferrets ]
OFA - Orthopedic Foundation for Animals [ Orthopedics ]
OFA Thyroid Certification [ Health ]
OFF - Online Feline Fanciers [ Associations ]
Office International des Epizooties Publications [ Newsletters ]
Office of Biological & Environmental Research [ Divisions ]
Office of Migratory Bird Management Bird Monitoring (USFWS) [ Birding ]
Official Cow-Tipping Homepage [ Fun ]
Official Iditarod Web Site [ Sport ]
Official Mad Cow Disease Home Page [ Health ]
Official Pacific Northwest Slug Page [ Gastropods ]
Official Punxsutawney Phil Groundhog Day [ Groundhog ]
OFM - Office of Financial Management [ Divisions ]
OGVH - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Veterinärmedizinische Homöopathie (Austria) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Ohio Agricultural Research & Development Center [ Departments ]
Ohio Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
Ohio State University Aquatic Ecology Laboratory [ Science ]
Ohio State University College of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Ohio State University College of Medicine & Public Health [ United States ]
Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Ohio State University CVM Administration [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Alpha Psi Veterinary Fraternity-Alpha Chapter [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Alumni [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Continuing Education [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Department of Veterinary Biosciences [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Development [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Ohio State University CVM Food Animal Club [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Food Animal Health Research Program [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM History [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Laboratory Animal Resources [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Veterinary Extension [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Veterinary Hospital [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Veterinary Hospital Nutrition Support Service [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Veterinary Medicine Library [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University CVM Veterinary Technology Services [ Ohio State ]
Ohio State University Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine [ United States ]
Ohio State University Students for Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
Ohio State University University Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital Nutrition Support Service [ Nutrition ]
Ohio State University Veterinary Medicine Library [ Libraries ]
Ohio Veterinary Medical Board [ Veterinary Boards ]
Ohmeda Anesthesia and Critical Care Products [ Anesthesiology ]
OHTA - Ontario Horse Trials Association [ Horses ]
OIE - Office International des Epizooties [ Divisions ]
OIG - Office of Inspector General [ Divisions ]
OinkerNet [ Guinea pigs ]
Oita Medical University Center for Laboratory Animal Research (Japan) [ International ]
OJVR - Online Journal of Veterinary Research [ Journals ]
Okanagan University College Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners [ Veterinary Boards ]
Oklahoma City Zoo [ US ]
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture [ Agriculture ]
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation [ Fish & Game ]
Oklahoma State University College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources [ Colleges ]
Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Computer Aided Instruction Applications [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Computer Services [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Department of Anatomy, Pathology & Pharmacology [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Department of Infectious Diseases & Physiology [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Omega Tau Sigma-Iota Chapter [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Research [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM SCAVMA [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University CVM Veterinary Medicine Library [ Oklahoma State ]
Oklahoma State University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Oklahoma State University Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
Oklahoma State University Zoology Department [ Academic ]
Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
Old Dominion Animal Health Center (McLean, VA) [ Virginia ]
Old Dominion University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Old English Sheepdog Web Page [ Old English Sheepdog ]
Old English Sheepdogs [ Old English Sheepdog ]
Old Farmer's Almanac [ News ]
Old Gray Mare Farm [ Commercial ]
Old Hand Pigeon Supplies [ Products ]
Old River Veterinary Hospital (Tracy, CA) [ California ]
Old Time Outfitting Service Trail Rides [ Services ]
Old Waterloo Equine Clinic (Warrenton, VA) [ Virginia ]
Old Wives' Dog Tales [ Fun ]
Olde Town Cat House Gifts [ Products ]
Olethreutinae of Plum Brook NASA Station (Lepidoptera - Tortricidae) [ Lepidoptera ]
Olney Sandy Spring Veterinary Hospital (Sandy Spring, MD) [ Maryland ]
Olympic Game Farm (Sequim, WA) [ Services ]
Olympic Televeterinary Medicine [ Telemedicine ]
Olympic Vet [ Books ]
Olympus Cove Veterinary Clinic (Salt Lake City, UT) [ Utah ]
Olympus Optical Co., Ltd. [ Microscopy ]
OMAFRA - Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Canada) [ Canada ]
Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo [ US ]
OMB - Office of Management and Budget [ Divisions ]
OMB Circular No. A-21 (Cost Principles for Educational Institutions) [ United States ]
Ombundja Wildlife Lodge - Namibia [ Services ]
OMNI Advisory Group for Evaluation Criteria [ Www ]
OMSI Rat Cam [ Rats ]
OMV - Ordem dos Médicos Veterinários (Portugal) [ National & International ]
On Being a Scientist Responsible Conduct in Research, Second Edition (NAS) [ General ]
On Buying a New Iguana [ Lizards ]
On the Importance of Cats [ Pets ]
On-Line Distribution Inc. Saving Pet Light [ Commercial ]
On-Line Journal of Computer Controlled Systems [ Publications ]
OnchoNET - Onchocerciasis Information Repository [ Parasitology ]
Oncogene [ Research ]
Oncogene Research Products [ Oncology ]
Oncolink - Oncology Resources (University of Pennsylvania) [ Oncology ]
Oncolink - Veterinary Oncology [ Oncology ]
Oncology [ Research ]
Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute (South Africa) [ International ]
One Fish Two Fish [ Hobby ]
One Good Cow [ Foundations ]
One Struggle [ Animal Rights ]
Online Animal Catalog [ Metasites ]
Online Book of Parrots [ Exotic Birds ]
Online Career Center [ General Career Resources ]
Online Chicago Region Stables Directory [ Services ]
Online Directory of Medical Software (HealthCare Computing Publications) [ Medical ]
Online Horsetrader [ Services ]
OnLine Insect Database (University of Delaware) [ Entomology ]
Online Laparoscopic Technical Manual [ Surgery ]
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Animals (University of Sydney) [ Genetics ]
Online Pet Adoptions [ Humane Societies ]
OnLine Surgery - Plastic Surgery Network [ Surgery ]
Online Zoologists - Protected Marine Species [ Conservation ]
Only Dog (Spain) [ Directories ]
ONR - Office of Naval Research [ Divisions ]
Ontario Agricultural Training Institute (Canada) [ International ]
Ontario Birding [ Birding ]
Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation [ Dairy Cattle ]
Ontario Milk Producer Magazine [ Cows ]
Ontario Pork [ Production & Industry ]
Ontario Swine Improvement Inc. [ Breeders ]
Onyvax, Ltd. [ Oncology ]
OPD - Organizational and Professional Development [ Divisions ]
Open Journal Project [ Www ]
Open Your Heart (Belle Mead, NJ) [ Rescue Groups ]
Operation Kindness No Kill Animal Shelter (Carrollton, TX) [ Humane Societies ]
Ophidiophile Farms [ Commercial ]
Ophthalmic Research [ Research ]
Opossum Page [ Opossum ]
OPPC - Ohio Pork Producers Council [ Pigs ]
OPPTS - Office of Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances [ Divisions ]
OPRR - Office for Protection from Research Risks [ Divisions ]
OPRR Humane Care & Use of Laboratory Animals Tutorial [ Comparative Medicine ]
OPRR Laboratory Animal Welfare [ Comparative Medicine ]
OPRR List of Institutions with Animal Assurance Statements [ Comparative Medicine ]
OPRR PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Tutorial [ United States ]
Optech International Ltd. Imaging Systems [ Imaging ]
Optics for Birding Home Page [ Birding ]
Oquirrh Productions' Virtual Hunting Software [ Wildlife ]
ORA - Office of Regulatory Affairs [ Divisions ]
Oradell Animal Hospital (Oradell, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Oral Pathology [ Human ]
Orang Utan Page [ Pongidae ]
Orange County, CA House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Orangutan Foundation International [ Conservation ]
Orangutan Genetics [ Pongidae ]
Orangutan Research & Conservation Program [ Conservation ]
Orascoptic Research, Inc. Magnifying Telescopes [ Surgery ]
Orbital Sinus Blood Sampling in Rats as Performed by Different Animal Technicians (Laboratory Animals-PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Orca Adoption Program (Whale Museum) [ Whales ]
Orca Foundation [ Conservation ]
Orca Photos [ Marine Mammals ]
Orchard Veterinary Group (Glastonbury) [ UK ]
Orchid Springs Animal Hospital (Winter Haven, FL) [ Florida ]
ORD - Office of Rare Diseases [ Divisions ]
ORD - Office of Research and Development [ Divisions ]
ORDA - Office of Recombinant DNA Activities [ Divisions ]
Order Chiroptera [ Chiroptera ]
Order Crocodylia (Animal Diversity Web) [ Alligators & Crocodiles ]
Ordine dei Medici Veterinari - Bari (Italy) [ Italy ]
Ordine dei Medici Veterinari - Cuneo (Italy) [ Italy ]
Ordine dei Medici Veterinari - Firenze e Prato (Italy) [ Italy ]
Ordine dei Medici Veterinari - Lecce (Italy) [ Italy ]
Ordine dei Medici Veterinari - Mantova (Italy) [ Italy ]
Ordine dei Medici Veterinari - Verona (Italy) [ Italy ]
Oread [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Oregon Birders On Line [ Birding ]
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife [ Fish & Game ]
Oregon Equine - Friedman Veterinary Service (Lake Oswego, OR) [ Oregon ]
Oregon Health Sciences University Division of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Oregon Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Oregon Miniature Horses [ Commercial ]
Oregon Pest Control Association [ Pest Management ]
Oregon Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Oregon State University [ United States ]
Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences [ Colleges ]
Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Oregon State University CVM Admissions [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Computer Services [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Extended & Continuing Education [ Meetings ]
Oregon State University CVM Extended Education [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Oregon State University CVM Faculty-Staff Directory [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Laboratory for Calicivirus Studies [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Library [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Library [ Libraries ]
Oregon State University CVM News [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Research [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Oregon State ]
Oregon State University Department of Animal Sciences [ Animal Science ]
Oregon State University Pre-Veterinary Society [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Oregon State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Oregon Trout [ Sport ]
Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board [ Veterinary Boards ]
Oregon Zoo [ US ]
Organelle Genome Megasequencing Program [ Genome ]
Organización para la Conservación, Estudio y Análisis de la Naturaleza [ Conservation ]
Oriental Bird Club [ Birding ]
Origen Veterinary Vaccine & Diagnostic Company [ Biologics ]
Original Bug Shirt Company [ Commercial ]
Original Cat Web Ring [ Metasites ]
Orkin Ag Pest Control [ Commercial ]
Orkin Pest Control Company [ Commercial ]
ORL - Journal for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology [ Research ]
Orlando Humane Society_SPCA Of Central Florida [ Humane Societies ]
Ornithological Council Guidelines to the Use of Wild Birds in Research [ United States ]
ORNL Mutant Mouse Database [ Genetics ]
Orphan Medical, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society [ Conservation ]
Orpheus BBS [ Animal Rights ]
ORS - Office of Research Services [ Divisions ]
Ortho-Bean Pet Bed [ Commercial ]
OS - Orthopterists' Society [ Invertebrates ]
Osada, Inc. Surgery and Dental Equipment [ Dentistry ]
Osaka Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Osaka University Animal Care Guideline (in Japanese) [ IACUC ]
Osaka University Genome Information Research Center (Japan) [ International ]
Osaka University Guideline for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (in Japanese) [ IACUC ]
Osaka University Institute of Experimental Animal Sciences (Japan) [ International ]
Osaka University Research Institute for Microbial Deseases Department of Laboratory Science Experimentation (Japan) [ International ]
Oscar E. Olson Biochemistry Laboratories (South Dakota State University) [ Toxicology ]
OSERA - Ohio Scientific Education & Research Association [ Comparative Medicine ]
OSH.NET - Occupational Safety and Health Net [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Administration [ Divisions ]
OSHA Act of 1970, amended on November 5, 1990 [ United States ]
OSHA Carcinogens [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
OSHA Medical Surveillance - Formaldehyde [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
OSHA Occupational Noise Exposure [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
OSHA Regulations - Title 29 CFR [ United States ]
Oskar Stunzner BVSc (Pregnancy Testing in Cattle) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
OsteoMetrics, Inc. [ Orthopedics ]
OSTP - Office of Science and Technology Policy [ Divisions ]
Ostrich Book (Oklahoma State University CVM) [ Ratites ]
Ostrich Farmer Software [ Bird ]
Ostrich Veterinarians on the Web [ Avian ]
Ostriches On Line [ Ratites ]
OTA - Office of Technology Assessment (Gopher) [ Other ]
Other Centers [ Divisions ]
Otitis Externa [ Special Senses ]
Otomys sloggetti Tissue Bank Database (University of Natal) [ Other ]
OTP - Office of Technology Policy [ Divisions ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Eta Chapter (University of Georgia) [ Veterinary Student ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Iota Chapter (Oklahoma State University) [ Veterinary Student ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Nu Chapter (Texas A&M University) [ Veterinary Student ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Omicron Chapter (Michigan State University) [ Veterinary Student ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Pi Chapter (Tuskegee University) [ Veterinary Student ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Theta Chapter (University of Illinois) [ Veterinary Student ]
OTS - Omega Tau Sigma Veterinary Fraternity, Zeta Chapter (Auburn University) [ Veterinary Student ]
Otterhound Home Page [ Otterhound ]
Otternet [ Otter ]
Our Cat Page [ Fun ]
Our Dogs [ Dogs ]
Our Environment [ Eco ]
Our Fuzzy Friends [ Pets ]
Our Fuzzy Friends [ Pets ]
Our Living Oceans Annual Report [ Marine ]
Oury Guye et Fils Surgical Instruments (France) [ Surgery ]
Outback Illinois Emu Ranch [ Ratites ]
Outbreak [ Infectious Diseases ]
Outbreak [ Health ]
Outdoor Central [ Sport ]
Outdoor Education Home Page [ Hunting ]
Outdoors Network [ Sport ]
Ovid Online [ Literature Search ]
OVMA - Ohio Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
OVMA - Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
OVMA - Ontario Veterinary Medical Association (Canada) [ National & International ]
Owens Foundation for Wildlife Conservation [ Conservation ]
Owings Mills Animal & Bird Hospital (Owings Mills, MD) [ Maryland ]
Oxford Bioresearch [ Molecular Biology ]
Oxford Molecular [ Molecular Biology ]
Oxford University Pain Research [ Biomedical Research ]
Oxford University Press [ Publishers ]
Oxyfresh [ Alternative Medicine ]
Oxyfresh Pet Care Products [ Commercial ]
Oxytec Veterinary Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers [ Orthopedics ]
Ozzieweb-Vet (Australia) [ International ]
P&G International Program for Animal Alternatives [ Alternatives ]
P&G International Program for Animal Alternatives [ Foundations ]
PA-L (Professional Acupuncture List) [ Veterinary ]
Pace Scientific, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Pachy's Page - Feline Neurological Disease [ Health ]
Pacific Crest Cockatiel Resource [ Exotic Birds ]
Pacific Fishery Biologists [ Marine ]
Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (NOAA) [ Marine ]
Pacific Northwest Bat Call Library [ Wildlife ]
Pacific Primate Sanctuary (Maui, Hawaii) [ Conservation ]
Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information Service for Education [ Aquaculture ]
Pacific Rivers Council [ Conservation ]
Pacific Salmon Alliance [ Conservation ]
Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission [ Marine ]
Pack Goat [ Goats ]
Packers & Stockyards (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 9) [ Beef Cattle ]
Packers and Stockyards Act [ United States ]
Packers and Stockyards Programs [ United States ]
Packers and Stockyards Regulations [ United States ]
Page at Pooh Corner [ Fictional ]
PAHO - Pan American Health Organization [ Divisions ]
Paignton Zoo (UK) [ International ]
Pain Forum [ Research ]
Pain Internet [ Biomedical Research ]
Pain Management and Humane Endpoints Main [ Biomedical Research ]
Pain Management Links [ Biomedical Research ]
Pain Net [ Biomedical Research ]
Pain Online [ Biomedical Research ]
Pain Research & Management [ Research ]
Pain Reviews [ Research ]
Pain Terminology [ Biomedical Research ] [ Biomedical Research ]
PainLink [ Biomedical Research ]
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences [ Journals ]
Palantir Cats [ Commercial ]
Palco Labs Pulse Oximeters [ Surgery ]
Paleomod - R Hammond's Paleo Models [ Paleontology ]
PaleoNet Pages [ Other ]
Paleontological Society [ Other ]
Pall Gelman Sciences [ Clinical Pathology ]
Palliser Animal Health Laboratories [ Biotechnology ]
Palm Beach County Poultry Fanciers Association [ Poultry ]
Palm Beach Equine Clinic (Palm Beach, FL) [ Florida ]
Palmetto Animal Hospital (Conway, SC) [ South Carolina ]
PalmLab Veterinary Diagnostics [ Clinical Pathology ]
PALS - Pets Are Loving Support [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Pampas Poultry Rhea Farming [ Ratites ]
Pan Africa News [ Primates ]
Pan-American Rabbit Science Newsletter [ Rabbits ]
Pan-American Rabbit Science Site [ Science ]
Panaewa Zoo (Hilo, HI) [ US ]
Pangea [ Veggies ]
Panhandle Veterinary Diagnostic Lab (NE) [ Government ]
Panorama Pharmacy Compounding Prescriptions [ Compounding ]
Pantanal [ Multiple Species ]
PanVera Corporation Biological Reagents [ Biotechnology ]
PaperChase [ Literature Search ]
Paperchip Laboratory Animal Bedding [ Bedding ]
Paragon Veterinary Medical Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Paramedical e Pokler PKL (Italy) [ Clinical Pathology ]
ParasiteCD (CAB International) [ Commercial ]
Parasites and Parasitological Resources (Ohio State University) [ Parasitology ]
Parasites in Horses (AVMA) [ Health ]
Parasites of Sheep (Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development) [ Parasitology ]
Parasitological URL's [ Parasitology ]
Parasitology [ Journals ]
Parasitology (University of Pennsylvania) [ Parasitology ]
Parasitology Identification Tutorial (Michigan State University CVM) [ Parasitology ]
Parasitology Images Server (University of Iowa) [ Parasitology ]
Parasitology Pages (Queensland University of Technology - Australia) [ Parasitology ]
Pardog [ Pardog ]
Parke-Davis [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Parker Pedigree Service [ Directories ]
ParkerVision Wireless Technologies [ Telemedicine ]
Parkside Veterinary Centre (Surrey) [ UK ]
Parkway Pet Hospital (La Mesa, CA) [ California ]
Parmak Electric Fencers [ Containment ]
Parque das Aves Foz Tropicana [ Services ]
Parque Zoologico de Leon (Mexico) [ International ]
Parque Zoológico de León (Spain) [ International ]
Parrot Passions African Grey Parrots [ Exotic Birds ]
Parrot Preservation Society [ Exotic Birds ]
Parrot Society of Australia Inc. [ Exotic Birds ]
Parrots Of The World [ Exotic Birds ] [ Exotic Birds ]
Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference [ Internet ]
Partrade Equestrian Products [ Products ]
Parus World [ Birding ]
PAS - Plant and Animal Systems [ Divisions ]
Pasos on the Web [ Peruvian Pasos ]
Pass The Cows [ Fun ]
Passion for Parrots [ Exotic Birds ]
Pasteur Institute (France) [ International ]
Pasture FAQ [ Nutrition ]
Pat's Pet Page [ Humane Societies ]
Patchetts Equestrian Centre (UK) [ Products ]
Patchwork Therapeutic Riding Center [ Services ]
Patellar Luxation (OFA) [ Orthopedics ]
Patellar Luxation in Small Breed Dogs [ Health ]
Patentskon Horseshoe [ Products ]
PATHIT - Pathology Online [ Pathology ]
PathMax [ Pathology ]
Pathobiology [ Research ]
Pathobiology Images (University of Guelph) [ Pathology ]
Pathology Informatics Exchange [ Medical Informatics ]
Pathology of Genetically-altered Mice [ Genetics ]
PathoMetrix Experimental Pathology Services [ Laboratories ]
Pathophysiology of the Digestive System (Colorado State University) [ Gastroenterology ]
Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System (Colorado State University) [ Endocrinology ]
Pathsearch [ Pathology ]
PathWeb (University of Connecticut) [ Human ]
Patient Medical Records, Inc. [ Medical Records ]
Patrick J. Mathews (AusVet - Ireland) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Patrick Peay, DVM (Shannon, MS) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Patsy Ann (Official Greeter of Juneau, Alaska) [ Other ]
Patton's Arabians [ Commercial ]
Patuxent Environmental Science Center Migratory Bird Research [ Birding ]
Paul Pion, DVM, DACVIM (VIN) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Paul Schmitz, DVM (RadioVet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Paula Kislack, DVM ( Ask The Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Paulson's Rabbit World [ Husbandry ]
Pavlov's Cat Scratch Feeder [ Products ]
Paw Creek Animal Hospital (Charlotte, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Paw Prints On The Heart Web Ring [ Metasites ]
Paw Prints Post [ Miscell ]
Paw's Prints [ Products ]
Pawprints & Purrs [ Pets ]
Paws Across America [ Training ]
Paws to Remember Cards [ Marketing ]
PAWS Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Paws with a Cause, Inc. [ Other ]
PawsAcrossAmerica [ Other ]
PawSafe Animal Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Pawtographs [ Commercial ]
PBCVS - Palm Beach County Veterinary Society [ US State & Local VMAs ]
PC FISHelp Fishing Technology Expert Program [ Commercial ]
PCAST - President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology [ Divisions ]
PCQHA - Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Association [ Horses ]
PCR Jump Station [ Molecular Biology ]
PDA Medical [ Medical ] [ Usenet ]
PE AgGen DNA Testing Services [ Genetics ]
Peace of Mind Veterinary Relief Service (Dayton, OH) [ Ohio ]
Peace Parks Foundation (South Africa) [ Conservation ]
Peachtree Corners Animal Clinic (Norcross, GA) [ Georgia ]
PECK - Poultry Exchange Computer Konnexion [ Poultry ]
Pediatric Pain Research Resources [ Biomedical Research ]
Pedigree Ask The Vet [ Chat Groups ]
Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools [ Molecular Biology ]
Peindre au Vif Belgian Shepherds [ Breeders ]
Pek A Products [ Products ]
Pelagic Shark Research Foundation [ Marine ]
Pelican Lagoon Research Centre (Australia) [ Marine ]
Pelicans & Other Creatures Gallery [ Birds ]
PellCom Online Livestock Marketplace [ All Breeds ]
Pembina Valley Veterinary Clinic Health Products (Canada) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Pembroke Animal Hospital (Pembroke, Ontario) [ Canada ]
PEMED - Production Engineering - Medical Equipment Division [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Penguins (Busch Gardens) [ Penguins ]
Peninsula Australian Shepherd Association [ Australian Shepherd ]
Peninsula Humane Society (San Mateo, CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Peninsula Laboratories, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Penn State Veterinary Extension [ Newsletters ]
Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory System [ Government ]
Pennsylvania Animal Diagnostic Laboratory System [ Pennsylvania ]
Pennsylvania DHIA Data for Dairy Decisisons [ Cow ]
Pennsylvania Elk Herd [ Elk ]
Pennsylvania Ferret Rescue Association [ Rescue ]
Pennsylvania State University Department of Dairy & Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Pennsylvania State University Department of Dairy & Animal Science [ Dairy Cattle ]
Pennsylvania State University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Pennsylvania State University Department of Veterinary Science [ United States ]
Pennsylvania State University Laboratory Animal Resources Program [ United States ]
Pennsylvania State University Pre-Veterinary Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Penny Pyrbred [ Great Pyrenees ]
PenPages [ Metasites ]
PenPages (telnet - login=2 letter state abbreviation) [ Other ]
People Against Chimpanzee Experiments [ Animal Rights ]
People Eating Tasty Animals [ Anti ]
People for the Ethical Treatment of Plants [ Anti ]
People for the Ethical Treatment of Software [ Simulations ]
Pepperberg Home Page [ Exotic Birds ]
PeproTech EC [ Biotechnology ]
Peregrine Falcon Home Page (University of Calgary) [ Raptors ]
Peregrine Falcon Information Centre (McGill University) [ Raptors ]
Peregrine Fund [ Raptors ]
Perfect Paws Dog and Cat Behavior and Training Center [ Services ]
Perfection Plus Kennels [ Breeders ]
Performance Index [ Sport ]
Performing Animal Welfare Society (Galt, CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Perisphere Industries Binocular Surgical Loupes [ Surgery ]
Perkin-Elmer [ Biotechnology ]
Peromyscus Genetic Stock Center (University of South Carolina) [ Science ]
Perq Report [ Literature Search ]
Perrigo Company [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Persian Breeders Web Ring [ Persian ]
Persian Cat Rescue (Mill Valley, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Persian Web Ring [ Persian ]
Persians of Feline D'vine [ Commercial ]
Personalized Dog and Cat Collars [ Commercial ]
Perth Zoo (Australia) [ International ]
Pest CABWeb [ Pest Management ]
Pest Control Operators of California [ Pest Management ]
Pest Management Research Centre (Canada) [ Pest Management ]
Pesticide Action Network North America [ Green ]
Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (USDA) [ Pest Management ]
Pesticide Information & Training Office (University of Arizona) [ Pest Management ]
Pesticide Monitoring Improvements (US Code, Title 21, Chapter 19) [ Husbandry ]
Pesticide Safety Around Animals (University of Florida) [ Pharmacology ]
PestLaw Online [ Pest Management ]
Pestop Do-It-Yourself Pest Control [ Commercial ]
PestWeb [ Pest Management ]
Pet 2000 Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Pet Access League Society (Calgary, Canada) [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Pet Action League (Central Florida) [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Adoption Fund (Canoga Park, CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Adoption Network [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Advisor CD-ROM [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Pet Assure [ Marketing ]
Pet Backgrounds [ General ]
Pet Behavior & Training [ Services ]
Pet Bereavement (King's Medical Information Services) [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Bird (Up At Six Aviaries) [ Metasites ]
Pet Bird FAQs [ Exotic Birds ]
Pet Bird Page [ Exotic Birds ]
Pet Bird Report [ Birds ]
Pet Birds (MEL) [ Exotic Birds ]
Pet Buddies [ Commercial ]
Pet Bunny Homepage [ Husbandry ]
Pet Care Associates (Dallas, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Pet Care Automation [ Commercial ]
Pet Care Home Automation [ Pet Products ]
Pet Care Pharmacy [ Compounding ]
Pet Care Plus - Hill House Hammond (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
Pet Catalogs 800 Numbers [ Commercial ]
Pet Channel [ Metasites ]
Pet Connection (Blount County, TN) [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Connection Cat and Dog Rescue (Avonmore, PA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Pet Connection, Inc. (Avonmore, PA) [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Corner (Susan M. Crowe, DVM) [ Newsletters ]
Pet Crests Family Coat of Arms for Breeds [ Commercial ]
Pet Doctors National Veterinary Centres (Sussex) [ UK ]
Pet Dogs Magazine [ Dogs ]
Pet Doors USA, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Pet Expo Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ]
Pet Expressions Pet Gifts [ Commercial ]
Pet Find Registration [ Animal Identification ]
Pet Finder USA [ Metasites ]
Pet First Aid Guide [ Health ]
Pet Galaxy [ Commercial ]
Pet Groomers Lounge [ Services ]
Pet Grooming School [ Services ]
Pet Grooming School [ Pet Services ]
Pet Guard - Woolwich Insurance Services [ Pet Insurance ]
Pet Guardian Angels of America [ Animal Identification ]
Pet Health Council [ Animal Welfare ]
Pet Health News Releases (Kansas State University) [ Newsletters ]
Pet Humor Graphics [ Images ]
Pet I.D. Tags [ Animal Identification ]
Pet Lifeline [ Rescue Groups ]
Pet Links [ Metasites ]
Pet Loss [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Loss - Help in Healing the Hurt [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Loss Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Pet Loss Support (Japan) [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Loss Support Page [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Lover's Forum (Japan) [ Metasites ]
Pet Lover's Gallery [ General ]
Pet Magic [ Commercial ]
Pet Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Pet Memorial Plate [ Commercial ]
Pet Memories Online [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Menders Animal Hospital (Boulder, CO) [ Colorado ]
Pet Mobile [ Neurology ]
Pet Net [ Metasites ]
Pet of the Day [ Metasites ]
Pet Ownership & Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease [ Human-Animal Bond ]
Pet Page [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Palace [ Metasites ]
Pet Pantry Pet Supply & Gift Store [ Commercial ]
Pet Place Television Show [ Humane Societies ]
Pet Plan Insurance [ Pet Insurance ]
Pet Portraits by Angi Laframboise [ Commercial ]
Pet Portraits by Cindy Telley [ Commercial ]
Pet Pouch [ Commercial ]
Pet Product News Calendar of Events [ Meetings ]
Pet Products Web Ring [ Pet Products ]
Pet Products Web Ring [ Commercial ]
Pet Projects Pet Bathing System [ Commercial ]
Pet Protect Pet Healthcare Insurance (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
Pet Radio Network [ Radio ]
Pet Rest Gardens Pet Cemetary [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Ring [ Metasites ]
Pet Royale Dog and Cat Fragrance [ Commercial ]
Pet Screen Door [ Commercial ]
Pet Silk Shampoo [ Commercial ]
Pet Sitters Yellow Pages [ Pet Services ]
Pet Sitting by Pat [ Services ]
Pet Supply Depot [ Pet Products ]
Pet Supply Mail Order Catalogs [ Commercial ]
Pet Sympathy Cards for Pet Care Professionals [ Marketing ]
Pet Tales [ Metasites ]
Pet Talk, America [ Radio ]
Pet Terms - A Standardized Nomenclature For Companion Animal Practice (OJVR) [ Standards & Terminology ]
Pet Therapy Association of Northern Alberta [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Pet Times [ Metasites ]
Pet Trust (Guelph, Ontario, Canada) [ Foundations ]
Pet Urns of Vermont [ Pet Loss ]
Pet Vet Net (Argentina) [ International ]
Pet Zone [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Pet'escue Network [ Health ]
Pet's Best Friend Professional In-Home Pet Sitting [ Services ]
Pet's Health [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Pet's Rest Cemetary [ Pet Loss ] [ Pet Products ]
Pet-It-Back [ Animal Identification ]
Pet-Pak First Aid for Pets [ Pet Products ]
Pet-related Companies Directory [ Pet Products ]
Pet-Zone [ Health ]
PETA Online [ Animal Rights ] [ Humane Societies ]
Petagrees Holistic Health for Pets [ Alternative Medicine ]
Petaluma Wildlife and Natural Science Museum [ Museums ]
Petbunny Rabbits Home Pages [ Pets ]
Petcare Information and Advisory Service (Australia) [ Animal Welfare ]
PetCat.Com [ Metasites ]
Petcetera Alternative Pet Products [ Alternative Medicine ]
PetCom Pre-Paid Phone Card [ Commercial ]
PetDir [ Metasites ]
Peter Brown, BVMS, MRCVS, PhD (University of Bristol) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Peter Kubler, Veterinary Surgeon (Adelaide, Australia) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Peterson Online Birds [ Birding ]
Peterson's Guide [ General Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Pre-Veterinary Medicine (2 year U.S. Colleges) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Pre-Veterinary Medicine (2 year U.S. Colleges) [ Pre-Veterinary Programs ]
Peterson's Guide - Pre-Veterinary Medicine (4 year U.S. Colleges) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Pre-Veterinary Medicine (4 year U.S. Colleges) [ Pre-Veterinary Programs ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Medicine (U.S. Professional Programs) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Medicine (U.S. Professional Programs) [ North America ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Sciences (2 year U.S. Colleges) [ Departments & Institutes ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Sciences (2 year U.S. Colleges) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Sciences (4 year U.S. Colleges) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Sciences (4 year U.S. Colleges) [ Departments & Institutes ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Sciences (U.S. Graduate Programs) [ United States ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Sciences (U.S. Graduate Programs) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Technology (2 year U.S. Colleges) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Technology (2 year U.S. Colleges) [ United States ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Technology (4 year U.S. Colleges) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Peterson's Guide - Veterinary Technology (4 year US Colleges) [ Veterinary Technology Programs ] [ Commercial ] [ Services ]
PetGuardian International Pet Registry [ Animal Identification ]
PetLabels.Com [ Commercial ]
Petland [ Health ]
Petlife International Limited (UK) [ Pet Products ]
PetLine Lost & Found Service [ Humane Societies ] [ Pet Loss ]
PetMarket Discount Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ] [ Distributors ] [ Pet Loss ]
PetNet (Australia) [ Metasites ]
PetNet - Australia [ Metasites ]
PetNet Pet Protect (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
PetNet Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ]
PetNet, A Network of Animal Shelters [ Humane Societies ] (Pfizer Animal Health) [ Health ]
Petopian [ Research ]
Petoria's Secret Dog Fashions [ Products ]
PetPourri Personalized Pet Photo Mats [ Commercial ]
PetPro Pet & Animal Gifts [ Commercial ]
PetPsych Cyberoffice [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
PetQuarters [ Pet Products ]
PetRats 3.0 [ Pets ]
Petroglyph Animal Hospital (Albuquerque, NM) [ New Mexico ]
Petropolis Pet Center (Chesterfield, MO) [ Missouri ]
Pets & Stuff Classifieds [ Commercial ]
Pets 4 You [ Metasites ]
Pets 4 You Breeder Directory [ Services ]
Pets Are Wonderful Support [ Animal Welfare ]
Pets In Need (Redwood City, CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Pets in the Aquarium [ Hobby ]
Pets in the Nets (Russia) [ Metasites ]
Pets in the White House [ Fun ]
Pets Need Dental Care, Too [ Dentistry ]
Pets Online [ Metasites ]
Pets Scoop (West Columbia, SC) [ Humane Societies ]
Pets Screen Savers [ Commercial ]
Pets Warehouse [ Pet Products ]
Pets West [ Commercial ]
Pets World [ Metasites ]
Pets-R-Permitted Pet Travel Directory [ Commercial ]
PETS-Washington DC Inc. [ Animal Welfare ] [ Metasites ]
PetSafe Training Systems [ Training ]
PetSage Pet Health Care Products [ Alternative Medicine ] [ Pet Services ] Pet Services [ Pet Services ]
PetsForum Group, Inc. [ Metasites ]
PetsForum Group, Inc. [ Pet Products ]
Petshealth Insurance [ Pet Insurance ]
PetShelter Network [ Humane Societies ]
PetShop (Italy) [ Commercial ]
PETsMART Veterinary Services [ Corporate Practice ]
PetSmith ID Tags [ Animal Identification ]
PetSource [ Health ]
PetStation [ Metasites ]
PetStation Herp Hacienda [ Herpetology ]
PetStation Herp Hacienda [ Herpetology ] [ Services ]
PetVetNet [ US ]
PetView OnLine [ Metasites ]
PetVille (Orlando, FL) [ Services ] Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ]
PetWhere Shelter Management Software [ Dog ]
PetWise Health Insurance [ Pet Insurance ]
Petz Online [ Fictional ]
Petz Town [ Fictional ]
PferdeNet (Germany) [ Metasites ]
Pferdesport Equestrian [ Sport ]
PFHA - Paso Fino Horse Association [ Horses ]
PFI - Pet Food Institute [ Nutrition ]
Pfizer Animal Health [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Pfizer Turkey [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
PGFVS - Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science (Australia) [ Continuing Education ]
PGInfo.Net [ Animal Rights ]
Phantom Kennels Pointers [ Breeders ]
Phar Lap [ Sport ]
PharmaCal [ Disinfectants ]
Pharmaceutical Online [ Pharmacology ]
Pharmaceutical Processing Online [ Commercial Services ]
Pharmachem Online [ Pharmacology ]
Pharmacia & Upjohn [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Pharmacia & Upjohn Animal Health [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Resources [ Pharmacology ]
Pharmacological Research Journal [ Research ]
Pharmacology [ Research ]
Pharmacology (Mining Co.) [ Pharmacology ]
Pharmacology Glossary [ Pharmacology ]
Pharmacy Week [ Research ]
PharmaScience [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Pharmasoft [ Medical ]
PharmInfoNet [ Directories ]
PharmInfoNet DrugDB [ Formulary ]
PharmInfoNet IndustryWatch [ Commercial Services ]
Pharmingen Biotechnology Products [ Molecular Biology ]
PharmTrade Information Service [ Commercial Services ]
PharmWeb [ Pharmacology ]
Pharmx, Inc. Animal Health Technology Division [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
PharSight Drug Development [ Commercial Services ]
PHBA - Palomino Horse Breeders of America [ Horses ]
PhenomSoft, Inc. Software Creations [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Pheochromocytoma in Dogs (University of Tennessee) [ Health ]
Philadelphia Zoo [ US ]
Philips Medical Systems International [ Imaging ]
Phillip Clauer's Poultry Homepage [ Poultry ]
Phillip E. Cochran, DVM (Portland Community College) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
PhillyPAWS [ Animal Welfare ]
Phinda Game Reserve (South Africa) [ Services ]
Phoenix Equipment Co. [ Products ]
Phoenix Zoo [ US ]
Photobiology Online (University of Kansas) [ Imaging ]
Photos of Birds in Flight [ Birds ]
PHPPO - Public Health Practice Program Office [ Divisions ]
PhRMA - Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America [ Pharmacology ]
PHS Policy on Humane Care & Use of Laboratory Animals [ United States ]
PHS Veterinary Category [ Divisions ]
PHS-(PL 99-158) Health Research Extension Act - 1985 [ United States ]
PHYLIP Phylogeny Software [ Taxonomy ]
Phylogenetic Systematics of Odonata [ Odanata ]
Phylogeny of Life [ Other ]
Phylogeny of Life (UC-Berkeley Museum of Paleontology) [ Taxonomy ]
Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine [ Animal Rights ]
Physician's Record Company [ Commercial Products ]
Physics of Fly Casting [ Sport ]
Physiologic Society [ Physiology ]
Physiological Reviews [ Research ]
Physiologist Journal [ Research ]
Physiology of Bird Migration [ Birding ]
Physiology Online [ Research ]
Physiome Sciences, Inc. [ Simulations ]
Physix, Inc. - Compendia and PocketChart, EMR's and Charting Compliance [ Medical Records ]
Pib Cat Page [ Pets ]
PIC - Pig Improvement Company (UK) [ Commercial ]
PIC - Poultry Industry Council (Canada) [ Birds ]
PIC - Primate Information Center [ Literature Search ]
PIC - Primate Information Center [ Science ]
Picker International Medical Diagnostic Imaging [ Imaging ]
Picornavirus (Institute for Animal Health) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Pictorial Guide to the Living Primates [ Commercial ]
PictureQuest [ Commercial ]
Pictures (Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club) [ General ]
Pictures from Lapland [ Wildlife ]
PictureTel Corporation [ Telemedicine ]
Pie Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound Devices [ Imaging ]
Pierian Spring Software [ Biological ]
Pietrain ReHal [ Breeds ]
Pig and Poultry Production Institute (Australia) [ Production & Industry ]
Pig Art [ Pigs ]
Pig Cytogenetic Map Image [ Genetics ]
Pig Farming [ Pigs ]
Pig Genome Mapping (Roslin Institute - UK) [ Genetics ]
Pig Genome Newsletter [ Pigs ]
Pig Images [ Pigs ]
Pig Journal [ Journals ]
Pig Linkage Map [ Genetics ]
Pig Lovers Web Ring [ Pets ]
Pig Page (Australia) [ Production & Industry ]
Pig-nosed Turtle (University of Canberra) [ Turtles ]
PiGBASE [ Genetics ]
PiGBASE - Pig Genome Database (Roslin Institute) [ Genome ]
PigCHAMP - Swine Data Management Records Service [ Pig ]
PIGLET - Personalized Intelligent Generation of Little Explanatory Texts [ Medical Records ]
PiGMaP - EC Pig Gene Mapping Project (Roslin Institute) [ Genome ]
Pigmy Rattlesnake [ Snakes ]
PigPals [ Pets ]
Pigs & Pearls and Udder Things [ Products ]
Pigs & Pearls and Udder Things [ Commercial ]
Pigs - General (Notes) [ Health ]
Pigs - Models of Human Disease (Notes) [ Science ]
Pigs A Sanctuary [ Rescue Groups ]
Pigs UK [ Production & Industry ]
PigVision [ Husbandry ]
PigWin Pig Production Management Software [ Pig ]
PIJAC - Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council [ Pet Industry ]
Pilgrim Sales [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Pima Medical Institute Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Pin-X (Effcon) [ Commercial Products ]
Pine Ridge Alpacas [ Breeders ]
Pinehurst Farms Holsteins [ Commercial ]
Pinellas Animal Foundation [ Foundations ]
Pintail Point (MD) [ Commercial ]
Pipestone Veterinary Supply [ Theriogenology ]
Piping Plover Guardian Program [ Conservation ]
Piscataqua Animal Hospital (Kittery, ME) [ Maine ]
Pisces Tropica Exporters (Singapore) [ Commercial ]
Pitsco's Ask an Expert Science-Technology [ Science ]
Pittsboro Veterinary Clinic (Pittsboro, IN) [ Indiana ]
Pittsburgh Herpetological Society [ Amphibian ]
Pittsburgh Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
Pittsburgh Zoo [ US ]
Pixel's Place [ Reptiles ]
PJ Noyes Company Precision Food Pellets [ Animal Behavior ]
PJB Publications Ltd. [ Journals ]
Placer County SPCA (CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Placerville Veterinary Clinic (Placerville, CA) [ California ]
Planet Ag Science Fair Projects [ Other ]
Planet ARK [ Environmental ]
Planet of the Apes [ Fun ]
Planet Pet Animal Health Books [ Books ]
Planet Pets [ Commercial ]
Planet Urine Stain & Odor Remover [ Commercial ]
Plankton Net [ Crustacea ]
Plano Veterinary Group (Plano, TX) [ Texas ]
Plant & Insect Parasitic Nematodes (University of Nebraska) [ Parasites ]
Plant Genome Data and Information Center [ Genome ]
Plant, Animal & Insect Pests (The Small Farm Resource) [ Pest Management ]
Plants Toxic to Animals (University of Illinois) [ Toxicology ]
Plants Toxic to Cats [ Health ]
Plas-Labs [ Caging ]
Platypus in the Tropics Tour (Australia) [ Services ]
Pleasant View Llama Farm [ Breeders ]
PLTRYNWS (Poultry Health, Production and Management News List) [ Veterinary ]
Plum Creek Regional Animal Medical Center (Crete, IL) [ Illinois ]
Plume-Following Behavior in the Blue Crab [ Crustacea ]
Plume-Following Behavior in the Blue Crab [ Simulations ]
Plymouth Redbelly Turtle (USFW) [ Turtles ]
PMX Technologies PorciMetrix Swine Management Information System [ Pig ]
Pocket Pet Press [ Rats ]
Pocono Rabbit Farm & Laboratory [ Commercial ]
Pocono Rabbit Farm & Laboratory [ Biotechnology ]
POICEPHALUS (Discussion forum about Poicephalus Parrots) [ Animal ]
Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (Tacoma, WA) [ US ]
Pointer Associates of New England [ Pointer ]
Poisonous Plants (University of Georgia CVM) [ Toxicology ]
Poisons Information Database (National University of Singapore) [ Toxicology ]
Poland National Veterinary Research Institute [ International ]
Polar Bear and the Walrus [ Ursidae ]
Polar Dance [ Commercial ]
Police Dog Home Page [ Other ]
Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Genetics & Animal Breeding [ International ]
Polish Lowland Sheepdog [ Polish Lowland Sheepdog ]
Polk County SPCA (FL) [ Humane Societies ]
PoloNet [ Sport ]
Polydex Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Polymune (Veterinary Dynamics) [ Commercial Products ]
Polysem Gloves & Apparel [ Apparel ]
Polysem Veterinary Gloves [ Surgery ]
Pomeranian Dogs [ Pomeranian ]
Pond Doc [ Health ]
Pond Dynamics & Aquaculture Collaborative Research Support (Oregon State University) [ Aquaculture ]
Pony-Express Global Equestrian Marketplace [ Services ]
Pooch Palace Gifts & Collectibles [ Products ]
PoochNet [ Metasites ]
Poodle Club of America [ Poodle ]
Poodle Page [ Poodle ]
Poozleanimus Catalog for Birds [ Products ]
Porcine Somatotropin - pST (Iowa State University) [ Husbandry ]
Pork Magazine [ Pigs ]
Pork Page (Purdue University) [ Metasites ]
Pork Producer [ Pigs ]
Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 79) [ Production & Industry ]
PorkNet (University of Illinois) [ Metasites ]
PorkNet.Com [ Commercial ]
PORKS - Producer Oriented Record Keeping System [ Pig ]
Porpoise - Florida Saltwater Mammal [ Porpoises ]
Port Hueneme Veterinary Service (Port Hueneme, CA) [ California ]
Portable Dictionary of the Mouse Genome [ Genetics ]
Porter Ranches Simmental (Canada) [ Commercial ]
Portland Community College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Portola Veterinary Hospital (Portola, CA) [ California ]
Portuguese Water Dog [ Portuguese Water Dog ]
Posilac (Monsanto) [ Commercial Products ]
Post Academisch Onderwijs Diergeneeskunde (Continuing Education in Veterinary Medicine) [ International ]
Potbelly Pigs Online [ Pets ]
Potomac Horse Center [ Sport ]
Potomac Valley Standard Schnauzer Club [ Schnauzer ]
Poultry and Poultry Products Inspection [ Poultry ]
Poultry Connection [ Poultry ]
Poultry Division [ Divisions ]
Poultry Genome Newsletter [ Birds ]
Poultry Health Laboratories [ Biologics ]
Poultry Housing Systems (Iowa State University) [ Poultry ]
Poultry in Australia [ Poultry ]
Poultry Information Exchange [ Poultry ]
Poultry Ring [ Poultry ]
Poultry Science Information (Texas A&M University) [ Poultry ]
Poultry Science Journal [ Birds ]
Poultry Slaughter (USDA) [ Poultry ]
Poultry, Production and Value (Cornell University) [ Poultry ]
Pound Rescue of Athens Ohio [ Rescue Groups ]
Powell Boulevard Veterinary Clinic & Dental Center (Portland, OR) [ Oregon ]
Powerful Symbols (Powersource Art & Education Center) [ Wildlife ]
Powerhouse Paintbrush Miniature Horses [ Commercial ]
PowerVet Veterinary Office Automation Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Poznan Zoo (Poland) [ International ]
PPD - Policy and Program Development [ Divisions ]
PPQ - Plant Protection and Quarantine [ Divisions ]
PR - Poultry Research Unit [ Divisions ]
PRA Today - Current Research in Progressive Retinal Atrophy [ Ophthalmology ]
Practice Coach, Inc. [ Consultants ]
Practice Management Books (Veterinary Medicine Publishing) [ Books ]
Practice Plus Marketing Products & Services [ Marketing ]
PracticePlus Marketing Solutions [ Consultants ]
Prairie Dog Hunt Pro [ Commercial ]
Prairie Dogs Tips for Veterinarians [ Wildlife ]
Prairie Falcon (Northern Flint Hills Audubon Society Newsletter) [ Conservation ]
Prairie Hog Report [ Pigs ]
Prairie Point Llamas [ Breeders ]
Prairie State Hog Semen Supply [ Commercial ]
Prairie Swine Centre (Canada) [ Production & Industry ]
Praying Mantis Central [ Mantodea ]
PRCA - Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association [ Horses ]
Pre-Vet Links (University of Auburn) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Pre-Veterinary Education and Preparation (AAVMC) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Precious the Cat [ Pets ]
Precision Beef Alliance [ Commercial ]
Precision Credit Corporation [ Financial ]
Precision Digital Image Resources [ Imaging ]
Precision Digital Images [ Imaging ]
Precision Pet Products [ Pet Products ]
Precision Weighing Balances [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Predator Defense Institute [ Animal Rights ]
Preempt for Chickens (MS BioScience) [ Commercial Products ]
Preferred Equine Marketing, Inc. [ Services ]
Preferred PetHealth Plus [ Pet Insurance ]
Pregnancy Testing in Cattle (Dr Oskar Stunzner B.V.Sc.) [ Books ]
Prehistoric Treasures [ Other ]
Premate Canine Reproduction Diagnostic Kit [ Theriogenology ]
Premier Health Care Ltd. [ Alternative Medicine ]
Prentice Hall [ Publishers ]
Prentice Hall Engineering & Computer Science Journals [ Publications ]
Preparation of Avertin Anesthetic for Mice [ Anesthesiology ]
Presa Canario on the Web [ Presa Canario ]
Prescription Pet Program (Children's Hospital of Denver) [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Prescription Specialites Compounding Pharmacy [ Compounding ]
Pressland's Great Book of Tin Toys [ Books ]
Pretoria Zoo (South Africa) [ International ]
Prevention of B Virus Infection - Safety Program for Macaque Monkey Handlers [ Health ]
Prevention of Small-Animal Poisonings (ASPCA-NAPCC) [ Toxicology ]
Preventive Veterinary Medicine [ Journals ]
PREX On-Line Information Service Biomedical Databases [ Literature Search ]
PRIDE - Panhandle Research Integration for Discovery Education [ Biology ]
PRIM&R - Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Primadome [ Commercial ]
Primarily Primates [ Conservation ]
Primary Care Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Primate Articles [ Health ]
Primate Care Site [ Pets ]
Primate Classification [ Science ]
Primate Conservation in Vietnam [ Conservation ]
Primate Conservation Resources [ Conservation ]
Primate Cytogenetics Network [ Genome ]
Primate Cytogenetics Network [ Genetics ]
Primate Diseases 1 (Notes) [ Health ]
Primate Diseases 2 (Notes) [ Health ]
Primate Enrichment Forum [ Behavior ]
Primate Gallery Archive [ Primates ]
Primate Handedness & Brain Lateralization Research (Indiana University) [ Science ]
Primate Images [ Primates ]
Primate Info Net (Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center) [ Metasites ]
Primate Info Net Meetings Calendar [ Meetings ]
Primate Jobs (WRPRC) [ Jobs ]
Primate Jobs (WRPRC) [ Science ]
Primate Newsletters [ Primates ]
Primate of the Week [ Images ]
Primate Phylogeny [ Science ]
Primate Taxonomy and Behavior [ Science ]
Primate Zoonotic Diseases (Notes) [ Health ]
PRIMATE-SCIENCE (Primatology Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Primates as Pets (WRPRC) [ Pets ]
Primatologie (France) [ Primates ]
Primatology and Brain Evolution [ Science ]
Primer on Molecular Genetics (US-DOE) [ Genetics ]
Primprau's Korats [ Commercial ]
Primrose Trout Farm (Canada) [ Commercial ]
Principia Cybernetica [ Computer Science ]
Principles of Animal Nutrition (Vincennes University) [ Nutrition ]
Principles of Surgery (University of Pennsylvania) [ Surgery ]
Prionics [ Biologics ]
PrismaSystems Corporation Analyzers [ Clinical Pathology ]
Private Ownership of Primates Information Database [ Pets ]
Pro Dog Networks [ Directories ]
Pro Farmer Online [ Agricultural ]
Pro Rodeo Hall of Fame & Museum of the American Cowboy [ Other ]
Pro-Squirrel Web Ring [ Squirrel ]
ProAnd Associates Marketing & Management (NZ) [ Commercial ]
Problem Knowledge Coupler Overview [ Expert Systems ]
Problem Knowledge Couplers [ Expert Systems ]
Proceedings - 1st Iberian Congress on Animal Reproduction [ Books ]
Proceedings - Computers in University Biology Education [ Publications ]
Proceedings - Frontiers in Laboratory Animal Science [ Books ]
Proceedings - International Congress on the Health Effects of Hazardous Waste (ATSDR) [ Books ]
Proceedings of Conference on Urban Animal Management in Australia [ Management ]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences [ Research ]
Procopla - Programa de Gestión de Unidades de Producción y-o Experimentación Animal [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Procopla - Programa de Gestión de Unidades de Producción y-o Experimentación Animal (Spain) [ Lab Animal Management ]
Procter & Gamble Animal Research and Product Safety [ Alternatives ]
Proctor & Gamble [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
ProcureNet [ Clinical Pathology ]
ProCyte Corporation [ Dermatology ]
Producing and Marketing Hogs Under Contract (Purdue University) [ Production & Industry ]
Products Group Medical Ultrasound & Air Abrasion Equipment [ Imaging ]
Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil. Heinz Mielke [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
ProFarmer Online [ News ]
Profeeder Livestock Feed Systems [ Products ]
Professional Aquaculture Services [ Commercial ]
Professional Coach Conversions [ Vehicles ]
Professional Compounding Centers of America, Inc. [ Compounding ]
Professional Compounding Pharmacy [ Compounding ]
Professional Education Programme for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People (Murdoch University) [ Extension ]
Professional Embryo Transfer Supply, Inc. [ Theriogenology ]
Professional Handicappers Association [ Sport ]
Professional Management Midwest, Inc. [ Consultants ]
Professor Hunt's Dog Page [ Directories ]
Professor's Thoroughbred Racing Page [ Sport ]
Proffitt's Classified Horse Ads [ Services ]
Profiles in Science (NLM) [ Science ]
Progeny Pedigree Drawing Software [ Rodent ]
Program (Novartis) [ Commercial Products ]
Progress in Eradicating Brucellosis (USDA APHIS) [ Health ]
Progress in Experimental Tumor Research [ Research ]
Progress in Preventing PDD, Polyomavirus and PBFD Virus [ Health ]
Progressive Animal Welfare Society (Washington) [ Animal Welfare ]
Progressive Canine Training & Behavioral Services [ Training ]
Progressive Farmer [ Agricultural ]
Progressive Retinal Atrophy [ Health ]
Progressive Veterinary Software, Inc. FoxVet [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Project BREED (Breed Rescue Efforts and Education) [ Rescue Groups ]
Project Equus (CO) [ Rescue ]
Project FeederWatch [ Birding ]
Project NatureConnect [ Conservation ]
Project Purr [ Rescue Groups ]
Project VetMedia (Free University of Berlin) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Project Vote Smart [ Politics ]
Project Wildlife [ Rescue ]
ProMED (Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases) [ Veterinary ]
ProMega [ Molecular Biology ]
Promo Tees and Designs [ Commercial ]
ProSciTech Microscopy Supplies & Accessories [ Microscopy ]
Prostatitis Home Page [ Medical ]
Protected Areas Virtual Library [ Conservation ]
Protection of Horses (US Code, Title 15, Chapter 44) [ US Code ]
Protectors of Animals, Inc. (South Glastonbury, CT) [ Humane Societies ]
Protest.Net [ Animal Rights ]
Protesters Animal Information Network [ Animal Rights ]
Proticall Insectiside [ Commercial Products ]
Protozoological Abstracts [ Literature Search ]
Prous Science [ News ]
Proventricular Dilitation Disease [ Health ]
ProVet [ Distributors ]
Providence Veterinary Hospital (Chester, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Przewalski Horse [ Przewalski ]
PSA - Poultry Science Association [ Birds ]
PSBR - Pennsylvania Society for Biomedical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Pseudorabies (Aujeszky's Disease) (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Pseudorabies Virus (USDA APHIS) [ Health ]
PSGB - Primate Society of Great Britain [ Primates ]
PSI - Pet Sitters International [ Pet Industry ]
PSIC - Primate Supply Information Clearinghouse [ Primates ]
Psittacine Beak & Feather Disease (Murdoch University) [ Health ]
Psittacosis (Chlamydia Psittaci Infections) in Pet Birds [ Infectious Diseases ]
Psychic Chicken Network [ Fun ]
Psychobiology [ Research ]
Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates (NAS) [ Science ]
Psychological Well-Being of Nonhuman Primates (NAS-ILAR) [ Behavior ]
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review [ Research ]
Psychonomic Society Publications [ Publishers ]
Psychophysiology [ Research ]
PSYeta - Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [ Animal Rights ]
PtHA - Pinto Horse Association of America [ Horses ]
PTO - Patent and Trademark Office [ Divisions ]
Public Aquariums in Japan [ Aquaria ]
Public E-Print Archive Stevan Harnad on Interactive Publication [ Www ]
Public Health Informatics Fellowship Program (CDC) [ Educational Opportunities ]
Public Health Journal [ Research ]
Public Health Laboratory Service (UK) [ Public Health ]
Public Health Resources on the Internet [ Public Health ]
Publicly Accessible Aquaria Mailing Lists [ Animal ]
Publishers' Catalogues Home Page [ Publishers ]
PubMed Journal Database Browser [ Literature Search ]
Pug Central [ Pug ]
Pug Dog Home Page [ Pug ]
Pug Park [ Pug ]
Puget Sound Siberian Husky Club [ Siberian Husky ]
Pugs.Com [ Pug ]
Puli World [ Puli ]
PUMA Biological Genome Data [ Genome ]
Pumpkin Hill Veterinary Clinic (Byron, NY) [ New York ]
Punjab Agricultural University College of Veterinary Science [ India ]
Puppy Parkas [ Products ]
Puppy Search [ Directories ]
Puppyworks Educational Dog Events [ Training ]
Purcell Agricultural Commodity Market Report (Virginia Tech) [ News ]
Purdue Dogs [ Directories ]
Purdue Pork Page Publications [ Health ]
Purdue University Advance Imaging Group Videodisk Development and Use [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ Purdue ]
Purdue University Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Purdue University Department of Animal Sciences [ Animal Science ]
Purdue University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Purdue University Office of Ag Research Programs [ Departments ]
Purdue University Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Center for Paralysis Research [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Center for the Human-Animal Bond [ United States ]
Purdue University SVM Center for the Human-Animal Bond [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Computer Network [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Continuing Education [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Core Laboratory for Image Analysis & Multidimensional Applications) [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Cytometry Laboratories [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Department of Basic Medical Sciences [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Department of Veterinary Pathobiology [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Educational Development Laboratory [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Electron Microscopy Laboratory [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Purdue University SVM International Programs [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Medical Illustration & Communications Department [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Veterinary Medical Library [ Purdue ]
Purdue University SVM Veterinary Medical Library [ Publishers ]
Purdue University SVM VMDB - Veterinary Medical Database [ Purdue ]
Purdue University Veterinary Technology Curriculum [ United States ]
Pure n Natural Air and Water Systems [ Safety ]
Pure-Bred Puppy Net [ Directories ]
PurePet Grooming Products [ Commercial ]
Purple Martin House [ Other ]
Purple Martin Site [ Birding ]
Purrfect Pals Cat Shelter [ Humane Societies ]
Purrfecto Gifts [ Products ]
Purrinlot Persian Cattery [ Commercial ]
PVMA - Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
PVS - Pig Veterinary Society [ Pigs ]
PWHC - Pacific Wild Horse Club [ Horses ]
PWRC - Patuxent Wildlife Research Center [ Divisions ]
Pyrenean Journal [ Great Pyrenees ]
Pyronix HP Steam Autoclave Indicators [ Washers and Autoclaves ]
Python & Boa Husbandry [ Snakes ]
Python Page [ Snakes ] [ Snakes ]
Q-Pet Online Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ]
Qosina Corporation Medical Supplies [ Surgery ]
QuackWatch [ Alternative Medicine ]
Quacky Alpacky Ranch and Studios [ Breeders ]
Quailco Game Bird Farm [ Products ]
QUAKER-PARAKEETS (Discussion forum about Quaker Parakeets) [ Animal ]
Quality Bird Corporation [ Exotic Birds ]
Quantitative Genetics Resources [ Genetics ]
Quarter Bushel Angora Rabbits [ Breeders ]
Quarter Horse World [ Quarter Horse ]
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Section B [ Research ]
Quebec Alliance of Students for Animal Rights [ Animal Rights ]
Queen's University Fish Ecology Lab [ Science ]
Queen's University of Belfast Veterinary Sciences Division (UK) [ International ]
Queen's University Ontario Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
Queensland Univeristy of Technology Parasitology Page [ Parasites ]
Quioccasin Veterinary Hospital (Richmond, VA) [ Virginia ]
R&D Online [ Research ]
R&D Systems Cytokines [ Molecular Biology ]
R&M Ostrich Farms [ Ratites ]
R-Zu-2-U Animal Terms For Baby, Male, Female & Group Animals [ Taxonomy ]
R.E.S.C.U.E (Maricopa County AZ) [ Rescue Groups ]
R.G. Elmore, DVM (Ask Your Veterinarian - Health & Home Magazine) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
R.J. Ramirez, DVM (Maroa, IL) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
R.S. Dow Neurological Sciences Institute [ Biomedical Research ]
Ra Medical Services Anesthetic Products [ Anesthesiology ]
Rabbit Calicivirus News [ Health ]
Rabbit FAQ's [ Health ]
Rabbit Gallery [ Rabbits ]
Rabbit Habit [ Rescue ]
Rabbit Husbandry [ Husbandry ]
Rabbit Information Service [ Health ]
Rabbit Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Rabbit News and Research Quarterly [ Rabbits ]
Rabbit Production Guide (University of Florida) [ Husbandry ]
Rabbit Tank Rabbitry [ Breeders ]
Rabbit Web [ Metasites ]
Rabbit Web Magazine [ Rabbits ]
Rabbit Web Ring [ Metasites ]
Rabbits - Models and Research Applications [ Science ]
Rabies (Pasteur Institute) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Rabies Resources for Ferret Lovers [ Health ]
Rabies.Com [ Infectious Diseases ]
Racal Health & Safety, Inc. [ Safety ]
Racecall Picture Gallery [ Horses ]
RaceTechTalk [ Sport ]
Rachel Carson Council [ Environmental ]
Rachel Carson Homestead [ Environmental ]
Rachel Carson Wildlife Refuge [ Conservation ]
RADATA-Interactive JPL Radiation Effects Database [ Imaging ]
Radiation and Life (Uranium Information Centre) [ Imaging ]
Radiation Biology Journal [ Research ]
Radiation Concepts, Inc. X-Ray Accessories [ Imaging ]
Radiation Research [ Research ]
Radio Fence Underground Pet Fencing [ Containment ]
RadioCat Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hypothyroidism (Baltimore, MD) [ Maryland ]
RadioCat Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hypothyroidism (Hartford, CT) [ Connecticut ]
RadioCat Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hypothyroidism (Roswell, GA) [ Georgia ]
RadioCat Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hypothyroidism (Springfield, VA) [ Virginia ]
RadioCat Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hypothyroidism (West Chester, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
RadioCat Centers for the Treatment of Feline Hypothyroidism (Wheeling, IL) [ Illinois ]
Radiographic Contrast & Detail [ Imaging ]
Radiographic Digital Imaging [ Imaging ]
Radiology Case Studies (University of Pennsylvania) [ Imaging ]
Radwaste Magazine [ Research ] [ Imaging ]
Raemonesk9 College for Dog Training [ Training ]
RAFI - Rural Advancement Foundation International [ Foundations ]
Rafter L Murray Grey Cattle [ Commercial ]
Ragamour Cattery [ Commercial ]
RagaMuffin Associated Group [ Ragamuffin ]
Ragdoll Cat Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Ragdoll Connection Network [ Ragdoll ]
Ragdolls by Julia [ Ragdoll ]
RagtymDolls Ragdoll Cattery [ Commercial ]
Rainbow Bridge Tribute Pages [ Pet Loss ]
Rainbow Bridge Web Ring [ Pet Loss ]
Rainbow Feathers [ Services ]
Rainbow Pet & Aquarium Centre (Singapore) [ Commercial ]
Raintree Bearded Collies [ Breeders ]
Raising Buffalo (The Small Farm Resource) [ Buffalo ]
Raising Chickens (The Small Farm Resource) [ Poultry ]
Raising Dairy Replacement Heifers from Birth to Breeding [ Dairy Cattle ]
Raising Ducks (University of Minnesota) [ Poultry ]
Raising Emu (The Small Farm Resource) [ Ratites ]
Raising Geese (University of Minnesota) [ Poultry ]
Raising Goats (The Small Farm Resource) [ Goats ]
Raising Sheep (The Small Farm Resource) [ Sheep ]
Raising Your Dog with the Monks of New Skete [ Training ]
Ralph Maughan's Wolf Report [ Wolf ]
Ranch & Rural Living Magazine [ Cows ]
RanchersNet [ Services ]
Rancho Borrego Montana [ Commercial ]
Rancho de las Piedras Peruvians [ Commercial ]
Rancho El Mistico [ Commercial ]
Rancho Santa Margarita Veterinary Hospital (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA) [ California ]
Random Chick-en [ Poultry ]
Ranger's Realtime Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Raper-Züllig Equestrian Photography & Translations [ Services ]
Raptor Conservation Web Site [ Conservation ]
Raptor Rehabilitation Project (University of Missouri) [ Conservation ]
Raptor Repertoire [ Conservation ]
Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. [ Conservation ]
RareGems Kennels Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen [ Breeders ]
Rat and Mouse FAQ's [ Rats ]
Rat City [ Rats ]
Rat Database (University of Tokushima) [ Genetics ]
Rat Dissection - FARID [ Dissection ]
Rat Hole [ Rats ]
Rat Pathology References (NCI) [ Health ]
Rat Pictures [ Rodents ]
Rat Radiation Hybrid Framework [ Genome ]
Rat Site [ Rats ]
Rat vs. Snake, the definitive poll [ Snakes ]
Rat World [ Rats ]
Rat's Nest [ Rats ]
RAT-TALK (Research Animal Discussion List Archives) [ Rodents ]
RAT-TALK (Research Animal Topics) [ Veterinary ]
Rating Health Information on the Internet (JAMA) [ Www ]
Rational Empirical Antimicrobial Therapy in Small Animals (Duncan C. Ferguson, VMD) [ Pharmacology ]
Ratite DataSync Ratite Record Management System [ Bird ]
Ratite-Rap [ Ratites ]
RatMap - Rat Genome Database [ Genetics ]
RATS Mailing List (Rat Fanciers) [ Animal ]
Rats! [ Rats ]
Raven's Pet Portraits [ Commercial ]
Ray's Virology Home Page [ Virology ]
Razz Pe' Tazz Pet Fashions [ Products ]
RCVS - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (UK) [ National & International ]
RD Productions Website Design [ Www ]
RDC Corporation [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
RDP Livestock Services (Netherlands) [ Consultants ]
RDS - Research Defense Society [ Comparative Medicine ]
Real Academy of Veterinary Sciences (Spain) [ Continuing Education ]
Real Science [ General Career Resources ]
Real Science - Veterinarian [ Veterinary Career Resources ] [ Metasites ]
REBASE - Restriction Enzyme Database [ Molecular Biology ]
Rebel Cows - A Victim's Story [ Fun ]
Rebramble Irish Setters [ Breeders ]
rec.animals.wildlife [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.freshwater.cichlids [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.freshwater.goldfish [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.freshwater.misc [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.marine.misc [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.marine.reefs [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.marketplace [ Usenet ]
rec.aquaria.misc [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
rec.birds [ Usenet ]
rec.birds Frequently Asked Questions [ Birding ]
rec.birds Optics for Birding FAQ [ Birding ]
rec.equestrian [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
rec.hunting [ Usenet ]
rec.hunting [ Hunting ]
rec.hunting.dogs [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] FAQ [ Health ]
rec.pets [ Usenet ]
rec.pets Grief & Pet Loss FAQ [ Pet Loss ]
rec.pets.birds [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.birds.pigeons [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.cats [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.cats.anecdotes [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.cats.announce [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.cats.misc [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.cats.rescue [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.dogs [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.dogs FAQs [ Health ]
rec.pets.dogs.activities [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.dogs.behavior [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.dogs.breeds [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.dogs.misc [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.dogs.rescue [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.herp [ Usenet ]
rec.pets.rabbits [ Usenet ]
rec.scuba [ Usenet ]
Recognition and Alleviation of Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals (NAS-ILAR) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Recognizing & Maintaining the Healthy Horse (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Recombinant Capital Clinical Trials Database [ Biotechnology ]
Recombinant DNA Technology Course (University of Minnesota) [ Genetics ]
Recommendations for Euthanasia of Experimental Animals - Part 1 (PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Recommendations for Euthanasia of Experimental Animals - Part 2 (PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Recommendations for the Care of Amphibians in Academic Institutions [ Health ]
Recommendations for the Care of Reptiles in Academic Institutions [ Health ]
Recreational Fisheries Information Network (RecFIN) [ Sport ] [ General Career Resources ]
Red Panda Pages [ Ursidae ]
Red Point & Tortie Point Siamese Cat Club [ Siamese ]
Red Rat Snake (Busch Gardens) [ Snakes ]
Red River Design Gallery and Gifts [ Commercial ]
Red Velvet Collies [ Breeders ]
Red Wolf Reintroduction - Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge [ Wolf ]
Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Bibliography (North Carolina State University) [ Birding ]
Redek's Dog Related Links [ Metasites ]
Redlands (OK) Community College Laboratory Animal Technology Program [ United States ]
Redmark Surgical Cradles [ Surgery ]
Redwood Veterinary Hospital (Salt Lake City, UT) [ Utah ]
Reed College (OR) [ United States ]
Reed College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Reef Addiction [ Hobby ]
Reef Ball Artificial Reefs [ Commercial ]
Reef Fanatic [ Commercial ]
Reef Science International [ Commercial ]
Reef Traders' Outpost [ Hobby ]
Rees Scientific Environmental Control Monitoring Systems [ Construction ]
References about the Quality of Medical Information [ Www ]
References for Animal Pain, Stress & Capture Myopathy [ Health ]
Referral Center for Animal Models of Human Genetic Disease (University of Pennsylvania) [ Genetics ]
Refinement of Blood Sampling from the Sublingual Vein of Rats (Laboratory Animals - PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Refinement of Mouse Husbandry (Laboratory Animals-PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Refinements in Rabbit Husbandry (Laboratory Animals-PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Regalwise White German Shepherd Dogs [ Breeders ]
Regional Veterinary Referral Center (Springfield, VA) [ Virginia ]
Registry of Comparative Pathology (AFIP) [ Pathology ]
Regulation of Animal Reserach in European Countries (EBRA) [ International ]
Regulations (1986) on Animal Research given under the Animal Welfare Act (in Norwegian) [ International ]
Regulatory Affairs Information (RAINFO) [ Politics ]
Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia (FDA - CFSAN) [ Health ]
Regulatory Forum [ Politics ]
Regulatory Guidance [ Divisions ]
Reid Park Zoo (Tucson, AZ) [ US ]
Reintroduction of the Wolf into the Southwest U.S. [ Wolf ]
Reiter Revue international [ Horses ]
Remington Park Race Track [ Sport ]
Remote Veterinary Consultants [ Imaging ]
Remote Veterinary Consultants [ Telemedicine ]
Removal of Blood from Laboratory Mammals and Birds (Laboratory Animals-PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Remuda Ranch [ Commercial ]
RENI - Registry Nomenclature Information System [ Pathology ]
Renton West Veterinary Clinic (Renton, WA) [ Washington ]
Replacement Parts Industries, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Report and Recommendations of the Panel to Assess the NIH Investment in Research on Gene Therapy [ Genetics ]
Reproduction of Dairy Cattle - Normal Postpartum Physiology (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Reproduction of Dairy Cattle - Postpartum Disorders (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Reproduction, Fertility and Development Journal [ Research ]
Reproduction, Nutrition, Development [ Journals ]
Reproductive Biology (University of Illinois) [ Theriogenology ]
ReptiCare Services [ Health ]
Reptile & Amphibian Magazine Online [ Amphibian ]
Reptile & Amphibian Magazine Online [ Reptiles ]
Reptile & Amphibian Veterinary Books [ Books ]
Reptile Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Reptile Medicine & Surgery (Douglas R. Mader, DVM) [ Books ]
Reptile-Associated Salmonellosis [ Health ]
Reptiles [ Herpetology ]
Reptiles On-Line Cold-Blooded Events [ Meetings ]
Reptiles Online [ Metasites ] [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Reptilia Resource [ Commercial ]
Reptilian Authority [ Metasites ]
Reptilian Online [ Reptiles ]
Republican Valley Animal Center (Alma, NE) [ Nebraska ]
RepVet (San Diego, CA) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
ReQuest Ltd. Computer Consulting [ Agricultural ]
Rescue A Shar-Pei (Illinois_Indiana) [ Rescue Groups ]
Rescue Critters Training Mannikins [ Cardiology ]
Research Biochemicals International [ Biotechnology ]
Research Diagnostics, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Research Evaluation (Office of Naval Research) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Research Genetics, Inc. [ Biotechnology ]
Research in Veterinary Science [ Journals ]
Research Information Systems [ Bibliographic ]
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals (FBN-Germany) [ International ]
Research Involving Non-Human Animals [ Articles ]
Research With Animals in Psychology [ Animal Behavior ] [ General Career Resources ]
Resistant Pest Management Newsletter [ Invertebrates ]
Resource List for Pesticide Alternatives [ Pest Management ]
Resources Development and Wildlife (University of Alberta) [ Conservation ]
Respect for Animals [ Animal Rights ]
Respiratory Infections In Domestic Poultry Flocks (NebGuide) [ Poultry ]
Respond Systems Electromagnetic Field Therapy [ Alternative Medicine ]
ResQPet Emergency Preparedness Supplies for Pets [ Emergency ]
Review of Cattle Leptospirosis in New Zealand [ Health ]
Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology [ Journals ]
Review of Medical and Veterinary Mycology [ Journals ]
Review of Pasteurella pneumotropica (Charles River) [ Health ]
Review of Vision in Dogs [ Ophthalmology ]
Reviled & Revered - Toads, Turtles, Snakes [ Herpetology ]
Reviled & Revered - Toads, Turtles, Snakes [ Herpetology ]
Revival Animal Health, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Reznick Ferret Page [ Pets ]
RGNC - International Rat Genetic Nomenclature Committee [ Genetics ]
Rhabdoviruses (Leicester Univesity) [ Virology ]
RHCG - Research for Health Charities Group [ Comparative Medicine ]
Rhea Grande [ Ratites ]
Rhino and Elephant Foundation [ Conservation ]
Rhinos and Tigers and Bears -- Oh My! [ Fun ]
Rhode Island Herpetological Association [ Reptiles ]
Rhode Island Sea Grant [ Marine ]
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the United States [ Rhodesian Ridgebacks ]
Rhodesian Ridgebacks [ Rhodesian Ridgebacks ]
Rhône-Poulenc [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Rice University Animal Care Committee [ IACUC ]
Rich Ford, DVM (The PetVet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Richard Holden, DVM (Neighborhood Pet Clinic Veterinary Office Software) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Richard Kienle, DVM, DACVIM (VIN) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Richard S. Trynda DVM, MEd [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Richmond Birdwing Butterfly [ Lepidoptera ]
Richmond SPCA (VA) [ Humane Societies ] (Richmond, VA) [ Virginia ]
Richter-Pharma [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Rid-Max Fly Trap [ Pet Products ]
Ridding Your Home of Fleas (University of Kentucky) [ Pest Management ]
RideAble [ Services ]
RidgeRX Veterinary Compounding [ Compounding ]
Ridgetown College Veterinary Technology Program (Ontario) [ United States ]
Ridgetown College Veterinary Technology Program (Ontario, Canada) [ International ]
Right Lead Instructional Books [ Products ]
Rimadyl (Pfizer) [ Commercial Products ]
Ring of the Wolf [ Wolf ]
RING!OnLine - Michigan's Zoo Zone [ US ]
Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey [ Circus ]
RingWorld - Animals and Pets [ Metasites ]
Rio Grande Silvery Minnow (USFW) [ Conservation ]
RIRDC Equine Research & Development Program (Australia) [ Sport ]
RIRDC Equine Research and Development Program (Australia) [ International ]
Rise & Fall of the Tuna Industry in San Diego [ Commercial ]
RITA - Registry of Industrial Toxicologic Animal-data [ Toxicology ]
Ritzman Pharmacies [ Compounding ]
Rivenburgh Miniature Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Rivendell Kennels English Setters [ Breeders ]
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden (SC) [ US ]
Rivercity Pet Products, Inc. [ Alternative Medicine ]
Riverglen Feline Conservation Park [ Felidae ]
Rivergroves Great Pyrenees [ Breeders ]
Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research & Preservation [ Rescue ]
Riverside Pet Hospital (Rutland, VT) [ Vermont ]
RIVMA - Rhode Island Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
RMA - Risk Management Agency [ Miscellaneous ]
RMCA - Rat and Mouse Club of America [ Rodents ]
RMCA Veterinarian Recommendations for Rats and Mice [ Rats ]
RMEF - Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation [ Wildlife ]
RMR Boer Goat Stud [ Breeders ]
RNA World (IMB Jena) [ Genetics ]
Roach Valley Veterinary Centre (Surrey) [ UK ]
Roadkill 98 [ Fun ]
RoadRunner [ Fictional ]
Roadrunner Information (Ephesus Elementary School) [ Birding ]
Roadside America Pet Cemetery [ Pet Loss ]
Roar Newsletter (Oakland Zoo) [ Zoo Animal ]
Roaring Brook Pet Care Center (Canton, CT) [ Connecticut ]
Roaring Mouse Entertainment [ Commercial ]
Rob Foster's Musculoskeletal Pathology Notes [ Orthopedics ]
Rob Miller, MRCVS, BVM&S, BSc, PhD (M-R-Dx Software) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
ROBA - Reindeer Owners and Breeders Association [ Wildlife ]
Robert E. Armstrong, DVM (Armstrongs at Home) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Robert McDowell's Herbal Treatments [ Commercial ]
Robert N. Oglesby, DVM (The Horseman's Advisor) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation [ Foundations ]
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Research Office [ IACUC ]
Robin Scott, MS, DVM (AvianVet - ReptileVet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Robinson Ranch Donkeys [ Commercial ]
Robot Zoo [ Fictional ]
Robovet [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Roboz Surgical Instruments [ Surgery ]
Roche [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Rochester Institute of Technology Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Rochester Midland Corporation [ Disinfectants ]
Rock N Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Rockefeller University Laboratory Animal Research Center [ United States ]
Rockin R Ranch [ Commercial ]
Rockland Immunochemicals [ Biotechnology ]
Rocky Montain Herpetoculture [ Commercial ]
Rocky Mountain Animal Defense [ Animal Rights ]
Rocky Mountain Flyfishing Center [ Sport ]
Rocky Mountain Hatchery & Game Birds [ Exotic Birds ]
Rocky Mountain Instrumental Laboratories [ Endocrinology ]
Rocky Mountain Raptor Program [ Raptors ]
Rocky Point Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Rodent Carcinogenesis and Safety Assessment (NCI) [ Oncology ]
Rodent Zone [ Other ]
Rodent's Ring [ Pets ]
RODENT-RESEARCH (Rodent Research Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Rodentia Book Shop [ Rats ]
Rodents (NAS-ILAR) [ Rodents ]
Roger Marshall, BVSc, PhD, MACVSc (InfoBrok) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Roger Williams Park Zoo (Providence, RI) [ US ]
RoKiu Animal Farm [ Pets ]
Role of Chromium in Animal Nutrition (NAS) [ Nutrition ]
Roll Call [ Politics ]
Rolling Hills Refuge Wildlife Conservation Center [ Conservation ]
Ron Grothaus, DVM ( [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Ronald D. Smith, DVM, PhD (University of Illinois) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Rooker Training Stable [ Commercial ]
Room 13 Whale Web [ Whales ]
Rooney & Minnie [ Dachshund ]
RORI-2 (University of Georgia CVM) [ Expert Systems ]
Rose City Veterinary Hospital (Portland, OR) [ Oregon ]
Rose Croft Cairn Terriers [ Breeders ]
Rose Lake Wildlife Disease Lab (MI) [ Wildlife ]
Roseland Animal Hospital (South Bend, IN) [ Indiana ]
Rosewood Arabians [ Commercial ]
Rosgen Ltd Animal DNA Analysis [ Genetics ]
Roslagens Veterinärpraktik (Sweden) [ Sweden ]
Roslin Institute (UK) [ International ]
RosMel Pony Farm [ Commercial ]
Ross Group, Inc. Database Consulting [ Informatics ]
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine [ St. Kitts ]
Roswell Humane Society (Roswell, NM) [ Humane Societies ]
Rotam Group [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Rotavirus Online [ Infectious Diseases ]
Rottasivu _ Ratty Page [ Rats ]
RottClub UK [ Rottweiler ]
Rottweiler Rescue of Mid-Michigan [ Rescue Groups ]
Rottweilers Needing Homes [ Rescue Groups ]
Rouge River Bird Observatory [ Birding ]
Rover Enclosures Canada [ Products ]
Rowett Research Institute (Scotland) [ International ]
Rowley Memorial Animal Hospital (Springfield, MA) [ Massachusetts ]
Roxane Laboratories [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Roy Rogers & Dale Evans [ Fun ]
Roy Veterinary Hospital (Roy, UT) [ Utah ]
Royal British Columbia Museum [ Museums ]
Royal Chinese Shar-Pei [ Breeders ]
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Wellcome Library (UK) [ Libraries ]
Royal Herbal Products [ Alternative Medicine ]
Royal Legend Arabians [ Commercial ]
Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd [ Publishers ]
Royal Thai Embassy Office of Agricultural Affairs [ Thailand ]
Royal Tyrrell Museum [ Other ]
Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University Department of Animal Science & Animal Health (Denmark) [ International ]
Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University Department of Dairy & Food Science (Denmark) [ Animal Science ]
Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University, Dina Project (Denmark) [ Libraries ]
Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University [ Denmark ]
Royal Veterinary College [ United Kingdom ]
Royal Veterinary College Library (UK) [ Libraries ]
Royce Art Marine and Wildlife Art [ Commercial ]
RPOA - Responsible Pet Owners Association [ Pet Industry ]
RPS Cardiff Radiation Protection Service [ Imaging ]
RSM - Royal Society of Medicine (UK) [ National & International ]
RSNA - Radiological Society of North America [ Radiology ]
RSPB - Royal Society for the Protection of Birds [ Conservation ]
RSS Surgical & Diagnostics [ Microscopy ]
RT1 Haplotypes of Some Rat Inbred Strains (IEXAS) [ Genetics ]
Rubaiyat Afghans [ Breeders ]
Rubbermaid, Inc. [ General Supplies ]
Rudduck's Pet Care Products (Australia) [ Pet Products ]
Rudelhaus Publishing - Wolf Hybrids [ Wolf ]
Running Bear Mastiffs [ Breeders ]
Running Horse World Wide Web Page [ Sport ]
Rural Development [ Miscellaneous ]
Rural Development Administration Library (South Korea) [ Libraries ]
Rusch Medical Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Rusch Medical Supplies [ Anesthesiology ]
Rush's Animal House [ Metasites ]
Russian Blue Cat (la page de Magali) [ Russian Blue ]
Russian Blue Web Ring [ Russian Blue ]
Russian Dwarf Hamster - Phodopus Sungorus (Notes) [ Hamsters ]
Russian Journal of Herpetology [ Reptiles ]
Russian Journal of Herpetology [ Amphibian ]
Rutgers University Behavioral and Neural Sciences [ Biomedical Research ]
Rutgers University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Rutgers University Laboratory Animal Services [ United States ]
Ruth's Sugar Glider Page [ Sugar Glider ]
RxList Internet Drug Index [ Formulary ]
S-Lord Nelson's Cattery [ Commercial ]
S-Wonder's Norwegian Forest Cats [ Commercial ]
S. Karger AG [ Publishers ]
S.E. Michigan Birding [ Birding ]
S.P. Cramer & Associates Fisheries Consultants [ Commercial ]
SAAESD - Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors [ Agriculture ]
Sabine Miniatures [ Services ]
Sable Systems International Data Acquisition [ Physiology ]
Sachem Animal Hospital (Holbrook, Long Island, NY) [ New York ]
Sacor Veterinary Ophthalmic Products [ Ophthalmology ]
Sacramento Veterinary Hospital (Alexandria, VA) [ Virginia ]
Sacramento Zoo [ US ]
Saddle Club [ Chats ]
Saddlebred Art Gallery [ Horses ]
Saddlebred Images Gallery [ Horses ]
Saddlebrook Appaloosas [ Commercial ]
SaddleRight Orthopedic Competition Saddle Pads [ Products ]
Saf-T-Pak, Inc. Infectious Substance Packaging [ Microbiology ]
Safari Animal Care Centers (League City, TX) [ Texas ]
Safari Outfitters [ Commercial ]
Safari West Wildlife Preserve [ Conservation ]
Safe Haven for Cats (Redwood City, CA) [ Rescue Groups ]
Safe-Capture International Inc. [ Animal Control ]
Safehatch Incubators & Brooders [ Products ]
SafePath Laboratories [ Immunology ]
Safeskin Corp. Surgical Gloves [ Surgery ]
Safety & Health Statistics (BLS) [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Saga University Medical School Animal Center (Japan) [ International ]
Sagustu Flooring [ Construction ]
Sahabat Satwa, Friends of Ragunan Zoo (Jakarta) [ International ]
Saint Bernard Artwork [ Dogs ]
Saint Bernard Club of America [ Saint Bernard ]
Saint Bernard Ring [ Saint Bernard ]
Saint John's University (MN) [ United States ]
Saint Louis University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
SAINT_BERNARD-L (St. Bernard Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Salivaria [ Protozoa ]
Sallie Mae - Student Loan Marketing Association [ Funding ]
Salmon [ Marine ]
SALMON (Salmon Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Salmon Creek Veterinary Clinic (Vancouver, WA) [ Washington ]
Salmon Page [ Sport ]
Salticidae - Jumping Spiders [ Arachnids ]
Saltwater Aquarium Guide [ Hobby ]
Saltwater Fishing Home Page [ Sport ]
Saltwater Specialists [ Commercial ]
Salty Society [ Commercial ]
Salvi Chemical Industries [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Sam Ridgway, DVM (Dolphin Doctor) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Sam Ridgway, DVM (Dolphin Doctor) [ Dolphins ]
Samabel Australian Terriers [ Breeders ]
SAMFANS (Samoyed Mailing List) [ Animal ]
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration [ USHHS ]
Samlong Chemical Co. (China) [ Distributors ]
Samoyed [ Samoyed ]
Samoyed Home Page [ Samoyed ]
Sample Alternatives Search (Emory University) [ Alternatives ]
Sampson McGregor Devon Stock Farm [ Commercial ]
Samson the Elk (Estes Park) [ Elk ]
San Antonio Ferret Rescue [ Rescue ]
San Antonio Zoo [ US ]
San Antonio's Feathered Friends [ Exotic Birds ]
San Diego Animal Advocates [ Animal Rights ]
San Diego Earth Times [ Eco ]
San Diego House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
San Diego Instruments [ Animal Behavior ]
San Diego State University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
San Diego State University School of Public Health [ United States ]
San Diego Zoo [ US ]
San Francisco House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
San Francisco Liberation Radio [ Animal Rights ]
San Francisco SPCA [ Humane Societies ]
San Francisco Zoo [ US ]
San Francisco Zoological Society [ Zoo Animal ]
San Luis Obispo Animal Requesting Friends (California) [ Humane Societies ]
San Mateo Animal Hospital (San Mateo, CA) [ California ]
Sanctuaries & Reserves Division (NOAA-OCRM) [ Conservation ]
Sanctuary for Animals (Westtown, NY) [ Humane Societies ]
Sanders Cattle Company [ Commercial ]
Sandra A. Priest, DVM (Four Winds Holistic Animal Services) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Sandy River Flytier [ Commercial ]
Sanford Blum, DVM (Chicago Sun-Times) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Sanford Blum, DVM (Chicago Sun-Times) [ Newsletters ]
Sangre de Cristo Animal Hospital (Santa Fe, NM) [ New Mexico ]
Sanochemia Group [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Sanofi Veterinaria [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Santa Ana Zoo [ US ]
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History [ Museums ]
Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network [ Conservation ]
Santa Cruz Biotechnology [ Biotechnology ]
Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group [ Raptors ]
Santa Fe Morgan Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Saphenous Vein Puncture for Blood Sampling of the Mouse, Rat, Hamster, Gerbil, Guinea Pig, Ferret & Mink (Laboratory Animals - PDF) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Saphire Metathesaurus Terms [ Literature Search ]
SAR-DOGS - Search and Rescue Dogs Archives [ Animal ]
Sarah's Rodeo Page [ Other ]
Sarah's Vet Page [ US ]
Saraland Veterinary Clinic (Saraland, AL) [ Alabama ]
Sarcoma Sleuth [ Health ]
Sardross Cattery British Shorthairs [ Commercial ]
Saroko Cattery [ Commercial ]
SARR - Student Alliance for Responsible Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Sarsia - Nordic Journal of Marine Biology [ Research ]
Sarstedt International [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
SAS - Society for Amateur Scientists [ Research ]
SAS - Society of American Silversmiths [ Horses ]
SASAS - South African Society of Animal Science [ Agriculture ]
Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science & Technology Animal Health Technology Program [ International ]
Satellite Tracking Wood Storks [ Birding ]
SAU2000 Pluss Dataprogram for Saueholdere [ Commercial ]
Sauesia [ Sheep ]
SAVA Wildlife Group (South African Veterinary Association) [ Wildlife ]
Save a Sato (Puerto Rico) [ Humane Societies ]
Save Our Critters Society (Seattle, WA) [ Humane Societies ]
Save Our Precious Rottweilers [ Rottweiler ]
Save the Chimps [ Pongidae ]
Save the Manatee Club [ Conservation ]
Save the Rhino International [ Conservation ]
Save The Sea Turtles [ Turtles ]
Save the Siberian Tigers [ Felidae ]
Save-A-Turtle [ Turtles ]
Saving Berries for the Bears [ Ursidae ]
Saving China's Monkeys (EarthWatch) [ Conservation ]
SAVMA - Student American Veterinary Medical Association (Login Required) [ Veterinary Student ]
SAVMA Symposium, March 18-20, 1999 (Washington State University) [ Meetings ]
Sawbones Orthopedic, Bone, Skeletons, Sawbones, Anatomy, Specimens Teaching Models [ Orthopedics ]
Sawbones Orthopedic, Bone, Skeletons, Sawbones, Anatomy, Specimens Teaching Models [ Anatomy ]
SBA - US Small Business Administration [ Other ]
SBCCOM - US Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command [ Toxicology ]
SBIR - Small Business Innovation Research [ Divisions ]
SBN - Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology [ Neuroscience ]
SCAMIT - Southern California Association of Marine Invertebrate Taxonomists [ Crustacea ]
Scanbur [ Comparative Medicine ]
Scand-LAS - The Scandinavian Federation for Laboratory Animal Science [ Comparative Medicine ]
Scarborough Fair Great Danes [ Breeders ]
Scarbrough Pharmacy [ Alternative Medicine ]
Scary Multiplying Bunny Webpage [ Fun ]
SCAW - Scientists Center for Animal Welfare [ Comparative Medicine ]
SCB - Society for Conservation Biology [ Conservation ]
Schafer Veterinary Consultants [ Consultants ]
Schapendoes [ Schapendoes ]
Schaus Swallowtail Butterfly [ Lepidoptera ]
Schering-Plough Animal Health [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Schiller AG Electrocardiographs & Patient Monitors [ Cardiology ]
Schipperke Pages [ Schipperke ]
Schleicher & Schuell, Inc. [ Genetics ]
Schloss Matzen Kennels [ Breeders ]
Schnauzer Home Page [ Schnauzer ]
Schnauzer Space [ Schnauzer ]
Schnauzer Ware [ Products ]
Schnee Bar Great Pyrenees [ Breeders ]
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography [ Literature Search ]
Scholarly Societies Project - Biology [ Biology ]
Scholarly Societies Project - Health Sciences [ Human ]
Scholarship Resource Network [ Funding ]
Schott Fibre Optics (UK) Limited [ Surgery ]
Schrodinger's Cat [ Fun ]
Schueler & Company Medical Equipment [ Surgery ]
Schueler International Medical Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Schulte Designs Hand Painted Greeting Cards and Journals [ Commercial ]
Schults Bird Farm [ Services ]
Schutzengel German Shepherd Dogs [ Breeders ] [ German Shepherd ]
sci.agriculture [ Usenet ]
sci.agriculture.beekeeping [ Usenet ]
sci.agriculture.poultry [ Usenet ]
sci.agriculture.ratites [ Usenet ]
sci.answers [ Usenet ]
sci.anthropology.paleo [ Usenet ]
sci.aquaria [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Lepidoptera ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] Home Page [ Evolution ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
sci.engr.biomed [ Usenet ]
sci.environment [ Usenet ]
sci.image.processing [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] FAQ [ Medical Informatics ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
sci.research [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
sci.research.postdoc [ Usenet ]
sci.techniques.microscopy [ Usenet ]
sci.virtual-worlds [ Usenet ]
sci.virtual-worlds.apps [ Usenet ]
SciCentral [ Metasites ]
Science [ Research ]
Science & Technology Division [ Divisions ]
Science 4 Kids (USDA-ARS) [ Science ]
Science Advisory Board Online [ Science ]
Science and Engineering Indicators (NSF) [ Science ]
Science and Ethics - Bioethics, Genethics, and Veterinary Ethics [ General ]
Science and the Environment News Articles [ Eco ]
Science Center [ Science ]
Science Education Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Science Fair Page [ Science ]
Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies [ Science ]
Science Insight [ News ]
Science Jokes Archive [ Humor ]
Science Jokes Archive [ Science ]
Science Junction (NC State University) [ Science ]
Science NetLinks [ Science ]
Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health [ Www ]
Science Photo Library [ Commercial ]
Science Pioneers, Inc. [ Science ]
Science Professional Network [ General Career Resources ]
Science Service [ Science ]
Science Standards [ Science ]
Science U [ Science ]
Science World British Columbia [ Science ]
Science-Nature Images - Smithsonian Institution [ General ]
Science.komm Medical Journals [ Research ]
Science.komm Publisher List [ Publishers ]
Science.komm Veterinary Science Journals [ Journals ] [ Science ]
ScienceNet [ Science ]
SciencePosters.Org [ Science ]
Scientific Abstracts from the American College of Veterinary Anesthesiologist's Annual Meetings [ Newsletters ]
Scientific American [ Research ]
Scientific American Ask the Experts [ Science ]
Scientific American Frontiers - Animal Einsteins [ Science ]
Scientific Computing & Automation Magazine [ Research ]
Scientific Fishery Systems, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Scientific Method (sci.skeptic FAQ) [ Science ]
Scientific Services [ Divisions ]
Scientific Supply Source, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
Scion Corporation [ Images ]
SciQuest [ General Supplies ]
SciTech Software for Science [ Biological ]
SCIVAC - Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia [ Small Animal ]
SCIVAC - Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia - Congresses, Courses, Seminars - Italy [ Meetings ]
SCIVAC Forum (Italy) [ Online Services ]
SciWeb [ Metasites ]
Scorpion du jour (Smithsonian Institution) [ Arachnids ]
Scorpion Photos [ Invertebrates ]
Scott Creek Miniature Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Scott's Reef Aquarium Home Page [ Hobby ]
Scottie Obsession [ Scottish Terrier ]
Scottish Agricultural College (UK) [ Colleges ]
Scottish Agricultural College Veterinary Services (UK) [ International ]
Scottish Deerhound Club of America [ Deerhound ]
Scottish Terrier Club of America [ Scottish Terrier ]
Scottish Terrier Home Page [ Scottish Terrier ]
Scout Dogs & their Handlers [ Other ]
Scout Report for Science & Engineering [ Newsletters ]
Scrapie Flock Certification Program [ Divisions ]
Scrapie Information (USDA) [ Health ]
Scratching the 'Net Web Sites for Cats [ Products ]
Scratching the 'Net Web Sites for Cats [ Cats ]
Scratching the Surface of Canine Skin Disease (Good Dog Magazine) [ Health ]
Scrip World Pharmaceutical News [ Commercial Services ]
Scripps Birch Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
SCS Ltd. Tick & Insect Repellant [ Pet Products ]
SDB - Society for Developmental Biology [ Genetics ]
SDPS - Sicilian Donkey Preservation Society [ Horses ]
SE Lab Group, Inc. Systems Engineering [ Caging ]
Sea Cow Encounter - Dugong [ Sirenia ]
Sea Lion (Busch Gardens) [ Pinnipeds ]
Sea Otter (Busch Gardens) [ Otter ]
Sea Turtle Research Program (Texas A&M University) [ Turtles ]
Sea Turtle Restoration Project [ Turtles ]
Sea Turtle Survival League - Turtle Satellite Tracking Program [ Turtles ]
Sea Urchin Harvesters Association - California [ Echinodermata ]
Sea World - Busch Gardens Animal Information [ Metasites ]
Sea-Monkey Worship Page [ Crustacea ]
Search Engines in Toxicology [ Toxicology ]
Search for the Great Apes Video [ Commercial ]
Search Marine Species Index [ Crustacea ]
Searchable Dictionary of Marine Life [ Marine ]
Searching the Journal Literature for Animal Welfare Information (Johns Hopkins University) [ Literature Search ]
SearchPet [ Metasites ]
SearchPet [ Metasites ]
Searle [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Sears Termite and Pest Control [ Commercial ]
Seaside Animal Care (Calabash, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Seattle Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Seattle Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Seattle Veterinary Associates (Seattle, WA) [ Washington ]
Seattle Woodland Park Zoo [ US ]
SeaWeb [ Marine ]
SeaWorld Animal Bytes [ Fun ]
SeaWorld-Busch Gardens Animal Information Database [ Metasites ]
SEB - Society for Experimental Biology [ Biology ]
Sebakwe Black Rhino Trust [ Conservation ]
SECAL - L - Sociedad Española de Ciencias del Animal de Laboratorio [ Veterinary ]
SECAL - Sociedad Española de Ciencias del Animal de Laboratorio [ Comparative Medicine ]
Second Chance Pet Adoptions (North Carolina) [ Humane Societies ]
Second Nature Software [ Images & Clipart ]
Sedgwick County Zoo (KS) [ US ]
See Horse [ Other ]
Seiler Instrument & Mfg. Co. Inc. [ Microscopy ]
Seizures in Dogs [ Health ]
Seizures in Dogs (Ohio State University) [ Neurology ]
SEL - Systematic Entomology Laboratory [ Divisions ]
Selborne Biological Services Ltd [ Biotechnology ]
Seleccion Batalle S.A. [ Breeders ]
Select Breeders Service, Inc. [ Services ]
Select Sires, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Selecting a Proper Pet (AVMA) [ Health ]
Selection & Use of Disinfectants in Disease Prevention (Purdue University) [ Husbandry ]
Selection Index Theory & Best Linear Unbiased Prediction [ Genetics ] Bull Semen [ All Breeds ]
Semex Alliance (Canada) [ Commercial ]
Seminar Finder [ Meetings ]
Seminars in Cancer Biology [ Research ]
Seminars in Cell and Development Biology [ Research ]
Seminars in Immunology [ Research ]
Seminars in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery (Small Animal) [ Journals ]
Seminars in Virology [ Research ]
Send A Virtual Gift Horse [ Fun ]
SENEGAL (Discussion forum about Senegal Parrots) [ Animal ]
Senior Dogs Project [ Health ]
Sentinel (Novartis) [ Commercial Products ]
Sentricon [ Commercial ]
Seoul National University Agriculture & Life Science Research Information Center (South Korea) [ International ]
Seoul National University College of Veterinary Medicine [ South Korea ]
SEQNET [ Molecular Biology ]
Sequoia Park Zoo (Eureka, CA) [ US ]
Sequus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
SERD - Science & Education Resources Development [ Divisions ]
Serena Medical Electronics Co., Inc. [ Cardiology ]
Serendipity Stables [ Commercial ]
Sergeant's Pet Central [ Pet Products ]
Serotec Immunological Products [ Immunology ]
Set Net Fishing in Alaska [ Sport ]
SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry [ Toxicology ]
Seussville [ Fictional ]
SEV - Sociedad Española de Virologia [ Microbiology ]
Seven Hills Pet Clinic (Cincinnati, OH) [ Ohio ]
Sevilleta Long-Term Ecological Research Project (University of New Mexico) [ Conservation ]
SFC - Society for Cryobiology [ Biology ]
SFF - Société Française de Félinotechnie [ Cats ]
SFF - Société Française de Félinotechnie (France) [ Cats ]
SFFS - Swiss Fancy Ferret Society [ Ferrets ]
SFGH Gross Specimen Photo Archive [ Human ]
SFN - Society for NeuroScience [ Neuroscience ]
SFS - Swedish Ferret Society [ Ferrets ]
SFT - Society for Theriogenology [ Theriogenology ]
SFTA - Société Française de Toxicologie Analytique [ Toxicology ]
SGM - Society for General Microbiology [ Microbiology ]
SGV - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Versuchstierkunde (Swiss Laboratory Animal Science Association) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Shaded Tails Himalayans [ Commercial ]
Shadow Hill Shelties [ Breeders ]
Shadowood Bull Terriers [ Breeders ]
Shady Pines Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
Shagbark Ridge Llamas [ Breeders ]
Shaineh Cattery [ Commercial ]
Shakopee Veterinary Clinic (Shakopee, MN) [ Minnesota ]
Shalom Farm Arabians Inc. [ Commercial ]
Shaman Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Shamrock Kennels Irish Setters [ Breeders ]
Share Specialty Chemicals [ Disinfectants ]
Sharing Laboratory Resources - Genetically Altered Mice (NAS) [ Genetics ]
Shark Foundation [ Conservation ]
Shark Page - Masterpiece of Evolution [ Marine ]
Shark Research - Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea [ Marine ]
Shark Trust [ Conservation ]
SHARK-L (Shark Discussion List) [ Animal ]
SharkPod Electrical Shark Repellent [ Commercial ]
Sharks (Busch Gardens) [ Marine ]
Sharks and Rays Anatomy References [ Marine ]
Sharks of Hawaii [ Marine ]
Shawnee Mission Labrador Retriever Club [ Labrador Retriever ]
Shea Park - Safe Haven for Endangered Animals Exotic Animal Sanctuary [ Conservation ]
Sheep 'O Australian Sheep Industry [ Metasites ]
Sheep (Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club) [ Sheep ]
Sheep Alberta [ Sheep ]
Sheep Barn Canada [ Sheep ]
Sheep Brain Atlas (MIT) [ Sheep ]
Sheep Brain Dissection Guide [ Sheep ]
Sheep Brain Dissection Guide (University of Scranton) [ Biomedical Research ]
Sheep Home Page [ Sheep ]
Sheep Information (Virginia Cooperative Extension) [ Sheep ]
Sheep Resources (Oklahoma State University) [ Sheep ]
SHEEP-L (Sheep Mailing List) [ Animal ]
SheepBASE Sheep Genome Database [ Genome ]
SheepBASE Sheep Genome Mapping Project [ Genetics ]
Sheffield Academic Press [ Publishers ]
Sheila's Marine Mammal Page [ Metasites ]
Shellfish Growing Area Classification Program [ Bivalves ]
Sheltie International Magazine [ Dogs ]
Sheltie Pacesetter [ Dogs ]
Sheltie Page [ Shetland Sheepdog ]
Shenandoah Manufacturing Co. Animal Crematories [ Crematories ]
Shenandoah Manufacturing Co. Poultry Equipment [ Products ]
Shepherd Specialty Papers [ Bedding ]
Shepherd Veterinary Clinic (Kihei, HI) [ Hawaii ]
Shepherd's Dogge [ Dogs ]
Shepherd's Journal [ Small Ruminants ]
Shepherd's of Leybourne [ Breeders ]
Sherlock Bones - Tracer of Missing Pets [ Rescue Groups ]
Sherpa's Pet Trading Company [ Commercial ]
Shetland Isles Wildlife Pages [ Multiple Species ]
Shetland Ponies [ Shetland Pony ]
Shetland Sheepdog Home Page [ Shetland Sheepdog ]
Shibas USA [ Shiba ]
Shiga University of Medical Science Institute for Experimental Animals (Japan) [ International ]
SHIGEN - Shared Information of Genetic Resources (Japan) [ Genetics ]
Shih Tzu Reporter [ Dogs ]
Shih Tzu's by Jensen [ Breeders ]
Shih-tzu Tempelhund (Sweden) [ Shih Tzu ]
Shiloh Creek Farm, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Shimane Medical University Institute for Experimental Animals (Japan) [ International ]
Shipping Your Kitten - Costs & Considerations [ Products ]
Shirrin Rescue Centre (UK) [ Rescue Groups ]
Shoal Creek Animal Clinic (Athens, GA) [ Georgia ]
Shoof International Animal Equipment Company [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Shore Holsteins International [ Commercial ]
Shotwell & Carr, Inc. [ Consultants ]
Should Original Medical Research Go Straight to the Net (ACP) [ Www ]
Show Dog Magazine [ Dogs ]
Show Dogs Online [ Dogs ]
Show Ring Ag Chat [ Chats ]
Show Style Products [ Products ]
ShowBunny [ Breeders ]
Showbunny Gallery [ Rabbits ]
ShowDogs Online [ Directories ]
Showhorse Showplace [ Commercial ]
ShowMe Cats Sacred Cat of Burma [ Commercial ]
SHPS - Spotted Horse & Pony Society (UK) [ Horses ]
Shrew (ist's) Site [ Shrew ]
SHREW TALK (Shrew Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Shrimp Council (NFI) [ Crustacea ]
ShuffleBrain [ Biomedical Research ]
Shut-Eye for Pinkeye (American Animal Health, Inc.) [ Commercial Products ]
SI - Smithsonian Institution [ Other ]
SI Units [ Standards & Terminology ]
Siberian Husky Club of America [ Siberian Husky ]
Siberian Husky Club of Great Britain [ Siberian Husky ]
SibInfoBase [ Commercial ]
Sibley_Monroe World List of Bird Names [ Services ]
SICB - Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology [ Biology ]
Sick Dog Page [ Health ]
SIDI - Italian Association of Equine Practitioners [ Horses ]
Sidwell Friends Biology Page [ Science ]
Sierra Club [ Environmental ]
SIGA Informatique 2000 Inc. [ Agricultural ]
SIGART AI Resources [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Sigma Chemical Company [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society [ Research ]
Signals Online Magazine of Biotechnology Industry Analysis [ Research ]
Signature Wood Products Bird Houses & Feeders [ Products ]
Significance of GD-7 Antibody Titers in Rats (Charles River) [ Health ]
Silberbauer [ Alternative Medicine ]
Silent Secret of Snakes [ Snakes ]
Silesia Companies Live Animal Trade & Transport [ Animal Transport ]
Silkie Cats [ Commercial ]
Silvandersson Glue Traps [ Commercial ]
Silver Creek Feeders, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Silver Kennel White German Shepherds [ Breeders ]
Silver Lake Animal Rescue League (MI) [ Rescue Groups ]
Silver Lake's Maine Coon Cats [ Commercial ]
Silver Pine Kennels Shelties [ Breeders ]
Silver Star Rattery [ Commercial ]
SilverPlatter_ Veterinary Science [ Literature Search ]
SIM - Society for Industrial Microbiology [ Microbiology ]
SIM - Society for the Internet in Medicine [ Informatics ]
Simian Society of America [ Conservation ]
Simmental in America [ Beef Cattle ]
Simmons & Associates Veterinary Practice Brokers [ Financial ]
Simon Fraser University Department of Biological Sciences (Canada) [ Academic ]
SIMR - Seriously Ill For Medical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Simulation of Animal Learning Using an Inductive Memory [ Simulations ]
Simuliidae - Black Flies (University of Alberta) [ Diptera ]
SIMV - Syndicat de l'Industrie du Médicament Vétérinaire et Réactif [ Pharmacology ]
Sinai's Mammary Gland Transgene DataBase [ Genetics ]
SINDAN - Sindicato Nacional das Indústrias de Produtos Para Saúde Animal [ Pharmacology ]
Singapore Tarantula Page [ Arachnids ]
Singapore Zoological Adventure [ International ]
Singing Cats, Dogs and Pigs Site [ Other ]
SIP - Society of Invertebrate Pathology [ Invertebrates ]
Sir Lancelot's Senegal Parrot Page [ Exotic Birds ]
Sisters Veterinary Clinic (Sisters, OR) [ Oregon ]
Sisvet (Brazil) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
SitStay GoOut Store [ Products ]
SIVB - Society for In Vitro Biology [ Biology ]
SIVELP - Sindacato Italiano Veterinari Liberi Professionisti [ Library ]
Skaer Veterinary Clinic (Wichita, KS) [ Kansas ]
Skylocke Farms Dobermans [ Breeders ]
Skytron Surgical Products [ Surgery ]
Skyway Animal Hospital (St. Petersburg, FL) [ Florida ]
Slack Inc. [ Publishers ]
Sleep in Mammals [ Multiple Species ]
SleePee-Time Beds [ Products ]
Slide Database for Bacteriology (University of Arizona) [ General ] [ Snakes ]
Sloth Page [ Sloth ]
Slovakian Beekeeping [ Hymenoptera ]
Slovenska Veterinarska Zveza (Slovenia) [ Publishers ]
Slovensky veterinarsky casopis [ Journals ]
Slowcoach Tortoise Home Page [ Turtles ]
Slugline [ Gastropods ]
SLV - National Food Administration (Sweden) [ Sweden ]
Small Animal Executive Veterinary Program (University of Illinois) [ United States ]
Small Farm Program [ Divisions ]
Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program (University of California-Davis) [ Health ]
Small Ruminant Research [ Journals ]
Smart Exporters Cattle Feeds [ Commercial ]
SmartPractice, Inc. [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
SMB - Society for Mathematical Biology [ Biology ]
SMDM - Society for Medical Decision Making [ Informatics ]
Smith Veterinary Career Guides [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Smith Veterinary Services [ Publishers ]
SmithKline Beecham [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Smithsonian Institution National Museum of National History [ Museums ]
Smithsonian NMNH Dinosaur Homepage [ Dinosaurs ]
SMLDOG-L (Smalldog Listserv) [ Animal ]
SMM - Society of Marine Mammalogists [ Marine Mammals ]
Smokey Bear [ Fictional ]
Smokey the Bear [ Fictional ]
Smooth Walker Rubber Horseshoes [ Products ]
Småfesidene - Sjukdommer hos Sau og Geit (Norway) [ Sheep ]
SNACC - Society for NeuroAnesthesia and Critical Care [ Anesthesiology ]
Snake Lovers [ Snakes ]
Snake Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Snake Man [ Snakes ]
Snake Quiz [ Snakes ]
Snakes of North America [ Snakes ]
Sneakers Software, Inc. DVMax Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
SNGTV - Société Nationale des Groupements Techniques Vétérinaires (France) [ National & International ]
Sniffy the Virtual Rat [ Simulations ]
Snipe Hunter's Association of America [ Fun ]
SNM - Society of Nuclear Medicine [ Radiology ]
SNOMED International [ Standards & Terminology ]
Snoopy's Dog House [ Fun ]
Snoopy's Dog House [ Fictional ]
SnoToz Maine Coon Cats [ Commercial ]
Snyder Manufacturing Company [ Caging ]
soc.culture.scientists [ Usenet ]
Sociedade Uniao Internacional Protetora dos Animais (Brazil) [ Humane Societies ]
Sociedade Unipo Internacional Protetora dos Animais (Brazil) [ Humane Societies ]
Society and Animals [ AR ]
Society for Animal Protective Legislation [ Animal Welfare ]
Society for Conservation Biology (University of Texas Austin) [ Conservation ]
Society for Neuroscience Brain Briefings [ Newsletters ]
Society for Neuroscience Policies on the Use Of Animals and Human Subjects in Neuroscience Research [ United States ]
Society for Species Management & Survival [ Animal Rights ]
Society for Species Management & Survival [ Conservation ]
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology [ Other ]
Society, Religion & Technology Project (Church of Scotland) [ Cloning ]
SOCINSCT (Social Insect Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Socks (White House) [ Pets ]
Soco Gardens Zoo (Maggie Valley, NC) [ US ]
Soft Coated Wheaten Club of America [ Wheaten Terrier ] [ Birding ]
Softpaws Nail Caps [ Dermatology ]
SoftQuest Visual Veterinary Solutions [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
SoftShell ClipArt [ General ]
Sojourner Farms Seasonals Pants for Dogs [ Products ]
Sokoine University of Agriculture Department of Veterinary Anatomy and Cell Biology (Tanzania) [ International ]
Sokol Lab - Harvard University [ Frogs & Toads ]
Solvay Company [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Somali & Abysinnian Breed Rescue & Education [ Rescue Groups ]
Somat Data Acquisition Systems & Data Analysis [ Data Acquisition ]
Some Facts about Psittacosis [ Health ]
Somerset Saddlery [ Products ]
Something's Fishy [ Hobby ]
Somewhat Amusing World of Frogs [ Frogs & Toads ]
Sonera TeleMedicine (Finland) [ Telemedicine ]
Songs of Brazilian Birds [ Birds ]
Sonic Technology Electronic Pest Control [ Pest Management ]
Sonnenschein Giant Schnauzers [ Breeders ]
Sonny Days Bird Toys [ Products ]
Sonoma State University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Sonometrics Corporation [ Cardiology ]
Sonoran Arthropod Studies Institute [ Entomology ]
Sonoran Sea Aquarium Foundation [ Aquaria ]
SOP - Society of Protozoologists [ Parasitology ]
SOPs.Com [ Publishers ]
SOS Rhino [ Conservation ]
SOT - Society of Toxicology [ Toxicology ]
Soul Mate Equine Video Productions [ Services ]
Sounds of the World's Animals [ Wildlife ]
Source Menagerie [ Products ]
Sources of Information About Alternatives (University of California - Santa Barbara) [ Alternatives ]
Sources of Support for Research on Alternatives to Animal Use in Research and Testing (University of Iowa) [ Alternatives ]
South African White Shark Research Institute [ Marine ]
South American Ornate Horned Frog (Busch Gardens) [ Frogs & Toads ]
South Australian Research and Development Institute [ International ]
South Bay Veterinary Specialists (San Jose, CA) [ California ]
South Carolina Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners [ Veterinary Boards ]
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
South Carolina Ducks Unlimited [ Conservation ]
South Central Australia Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science [ International ]
South Central Australia Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science (Australia) [ Government ]
South Dakota Animal Disease and Research Laboratory [ Government ]
South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks [ Fish & Game ]
South Dakota State University [ United States ]
South Dakota State University College of Agriculture & Biological Sciences [ Colleges ]
South Dakota State University Veterinary Science Department [ United States ]
South Florida Birding Connection [ Birding ]
South Florida Environmental Reader [ Conservation ]
South Florida Ferret Club and Rescue, Inc. [ Rescue ]
South Florida Marine Institute (Dade County Community College) [ Science ]
South Of England Hamster Club [ Rodents ]
South Plains Obedience Training Club of Lubbock [ Training ]
South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Inc. [ Rescue ]
South Salem Veterinary Clinic (Salem, OR) [ Oregon ]
Southampton Animal Control (East Quogue, NY) [ Humane Societies ]
SouthCare Animal Clinic (Spokane, WA) [ Washington ]
Southeast Area Veterinary Medical Center (Denver, CO) [ Colorado ]
Southeast Dairy Foods Research Center [ Dairy Cattle ]
Southeast Missouri State University [ United States ]
Southeast Vetlab, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (University of Georgia) [ University ]
Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study Graduate Program [ United States ]
Southeastern Guide Dogs [ Other ]
Southeastern Pennsylvania House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Southeastern Raptor Rehabilitation Center (Auburn University) [ Conservation ]
Southeastern Retriever Field Trial Council [ Labrador Retriever ]
Southern Animal Rescue Association (Seguin, TX) [ Rescue Groups ]
Southern Aquarium Service [ Commercial ]
Southern Arizona Koi Association [ Hobby ]
Southern California Marine Institute [ Science ]
Southern Pines Equine Associates (Southern Pines, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Southern Research Institute [ Laboratories ]
SouthernCurl American Curls [ American Curl ]
Southlake Animal Hospital (Birmingham, AL) [ Alabama ]
SouthPaws Veterinary Referral Center (Springfield, VA) [ Virginia ]
Southwest Baptist University (MO) [ United States ]
Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research [ United States ]
Southwest Rodents [ Commercial ]
Southwest Rodents [ Commercial ]
Southwest Texas State University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Southwest Veterinary Diagnostics, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
Southwestern Adventist College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Southwestern Herpetologists Society [ Reptiles ]
Southwick's Zoo (Mendon, MA) [ US ]
Southwind Kennels [ Breeders ]
SOVERGS - Sociedade de Medicina Veterinária do Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) [ National & International ]
SP Elwood Orthopaedic Referral Service (Lincolnshire) [ UK ]
Space Face Shield [ Safety ]
SPAFAS, Inc. [ Products ] [ Commercial ]
Spanish Horses Classifieds [ Services ]
Sparky the Fire Dog [ Fun ]
Spay Today, Inc. (Brookhaven, NY) [ New York ]
SPCA (Pinellas County, FL) [ Humane Societies ]
SPCA of Anne Arundel County (Maryland) [ Humane Societies ]
SPCA of South Africa [ Humane Societies ]
SPCA of Texas [ Humane Societies ]
Special Equestrian Riding Therapy [ Services ]
Specialist Science Books [ Distributors ]
Speciality Chemicals International Magazine [ Commercial Services ]
Specialized Veterinary Imaging [ Imaging ]
Specialty Media [ Genetics ]
Specialty Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Species 2000 [ Taxonomy ]
Species Information Network [ Taxonomy ]
Species Survival Plans (AZA) [ Endangered Species ]
Specificity in Neural Processing [ Biomedical Research ]
Spectra-Medics Pty Ltd Laser Therapy [ Alternative Medicine ]
Spectrum Multimedia Imaging System [ Images & Clipart ]
Speed Club (Hong Kong) [ Sport ]
Speedy Pet Tags [ Animal Identification ]
SpeedyVet (Australia) [ International ]
Sperm Whale Project [ Whales ]
Spermatological Images (Murdoch University) [ Theriogenology ]
Spermatology Home Page (Murdoch University) [ Theriogenology ]
Sphynx and Rex Association (SARA) [ Cornish Rex ]
Sphynx and Rex Association (SARA) [ Sphynx ]
Sphynx Cats by Barebods Cattery [ Commercial ]
Spiders [ Arachnids ]
SPIE - International Society for Optical Engineering [ Ophthalmology ]
Spike & Friends Collection - Ain't No Creek Ranch, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Spinal Cord [ Research ]
Spinone Club of America [ Spinone ]
Spirit Essence [ Alternative Medicine ]
SPIROC-L (Spirochete Research Discussion Group) [ Veterinary ]
Spittin' Image Dog Breed Pins [ Products ]
SPM - Society of Prospective Medicine [ Informatics ]
SPMV - Sociedade Paulista de Medicina Veterinária (Brazil) [ National & International ]
Spoiled Rotten Potbellied Pigs [ Pets ]
Spongiform Encephalopathies Symposium (Maryland Cooperative Extension) [ Health ]
Spook's Photography Page [ Wildlife ]
Sport Horse Medicine [ Services ]
Sporting Dog Online [ American Pit Bull Terrier ]
Sports Medicine Program (Auburn University) [ Sports Medicine ]
Sports Outdoors [ Sport ]
Sports Outdoors [ Hunting ]
Sportsman's Web [ Hunting ]
Spring Creek Collection of All Things Trout [ Commercial ]
Springer Bike Leash [ Products ]
Springer Farms Registered Polypay Sheep [ Breeders ]
Springer-Verlag [ Publishers ]
Springer-Verlag Journals [ Journals ]
Springhaven Kennels Newfoundlands [ Breeders ]
Sprinkle Road Veterinary Center (Kalamazoo, MI) [ Michigan ]
SPSS Scientific Software [ Statistics ]
SPVS - Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons [ Practice Management ]
SQAB - Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior [ Animal Behavior ]
Squawk Exotic Bird Auction [ Services ]
Squeak Online Magazine [ Rats ]
Squidpage [ Cephalopods ]
Squirrel Fishing [ Fun ]
Squirrel Monkey Breeding and Research Resource (University of South Alabama) [ Cebidae (NW) ]
Squirrel Monkey Site [ Cebidae (NW) ]
Squirrel Page [ Squirrel ]
Squirrel Place [ Squirrel ]
Squirrel Web Ring [ Squirrel ]
Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation [ Squirrel ]
Squirrel's Nest [ Squirrel ]
Squirrels Feeding, Nutrition & Care [ Squirrel ]
SRA - Society of Research Administrators [ Academic ]
SRA International Scientific & Regulatory Consulting [ Consultants ]
SRI International [ Laboratories ]
SSAR - Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles [ Amphibian ]
SSAR - Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles [ Reptiles ]
SSAVA - Swiss Small Animal Veterinary Association [ Small Animal ]
SSIEM - Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism [ Genetics ]
SSR - Society for the Study of Reproduction [ Theriogenology ]
SSR Surgical Instruments [ Surgery ]
St Andrews Vet Clinic (Campbelltown, Australia) [ Australia ]
St. Clair College Veterinary Technician Program (Canada) [ International ]
St. David's Farm and Equine Practice (Exeter) [ UK ]
St. Francis Wildlife Association [ Conservation ]
St. Francis Xavier University Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
St. Johns County Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
St. Lawrence Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
St. Lawrence College Veterinary Technician Program (Canada) [ International ]
St. Louis Animal Page [ Directories ]
St. Louis University Deparatment of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
St. Louis University School of Public Health [ United States ]
St. Louis Zoo [ US ]
St. Maarten Zoo (Caribbean) [ International ]
St. Petersburg Junior College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Staatliches Museum for Naturkunde Stuttgart [ Museums ]
Stable Companion [ Horses ]
Stable Mates Marketplace [ Products ]
Stacey's International Cat Names [ Fun ]
Staff Bull Experience [ Staffordshire Bull Terrier ]
Staffordshire Bull Terriertory [ Staffordshire Bull Terrier ]
Stag Beetles [ Coleoptera ]
Stagecoach West Horse & Rider Products [ Products ]
STAGES - Swine Testing & Genetic Evaluation System (Purdue University) [ Genetics ]
Stallion Station [ Services ]
StallionAlley [ Services ]
Standard Schnauzer Club of America [ Schnauzer ]
Standard Schnauzer Club Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Standardized Nomenclature for Transgenic Animals (ILAR) [ Genetics ]
Standards Relating to the Care and Management of Experimental Animals (Osaka University) [ International ]
Stanford Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Stanford University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Stanford University Department of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
Stanley Park Ecology Society (Vancouver, BC) [ Conservation ]
Starfish Dissection Tutorial [ Crustacea ]
Stark County Veterinary Emergency Clinic (Canton, OH) [ Ohio ]
STARVET - A Alternativa em Homepage de Medicina Veterinária (Brazil) [ International ]
Stat-USA [ Divisions ]
State And Local Emergency Management Data User's Group [ Metasites ]
State and Local Government on the Net [ Metasites ]
State Legislative and Regulatory Information [ State ]
State Partners _ Land Grant Universities [ Divisions ]
State Statutes [ United States ]
Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter [ Publications ]
Statistical Methods in Medical Research [ Research ]
Statistical Tools on the World Wide Web [ Epidemiology ]
Statistics & Math Internet Resources [ Statistics ]
StatLib [ Epidemiology ]
StatSpin Centrifuges [ Clinical Pathology ]
Status & Reproductive Capacity of the Asian Elephant in European Zoos & Circuses [ Elephant ]
StatVet [ Emergency ]
Stautzenberger College (OH) [ United States ]
Steel Silhouettes [ Commercial ]
Steele Supply Co. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Stefanie Schwartz, DVM (Dr. Cookie - Pet Behavior Consultant) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Steinway Court Veterinarian (Long Island City, NY) [ New York ]
Stellarhart Ragdoll Cattery [ Commercial ]
Steller's Eider (USFW) [ Birding ]
Stephan GmbH Veterinary Anesthesia Equipment [ Anesthesiology ]
Stephen W. Cooke, BVSc, MRCVS (Veterinary Advisory Group) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Stephenson's Sales and Service [ Services ]
Stereoscopic Dinosaurs [ Dinosaurs ]
Stereotypical Behaviors Database [ Animal Behavior ]
Stericycle Medical Waste Management [ Safety ]
Steritech Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene [ Safety ]
Sterling Technology Colostrum [ Theriogenology ]
Steve's Ant Farm [ Invertebrates ]
Steven K. Marks, DVM (Armstrong Veterinary Clinic) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Steven Melman, VMD (Dermapet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Stewart Wright's Paleontological Page [ Other ]
Stewart's Lodge Trout Fishing [ Commercial ]
STI Corporation Breakaway Stirrup [ Products ]
Sticky Tongue Farms [ Commercial ]
Sticky Tongue Farms [ Commercial ]
Stille Surgical instruments & Operating Tables [ Surgery ]
Stirling Veterinary Services (Stirling, Ontario) [ Canada ]
STN International [ Literature Search ]
Stockguard Laboratories (NZ) Limited [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Stockholm Bird Association [ Exotic Birds ]
Stockholm Marine Research Centre [ Marine ]
Stockholms Katthem [ Associations ]
Stoelting Research Instruments [ Physiology ]
Stokes Medical Arts Pharmacy [ Compounding ]
STOP - Safe Tables Our Priority [ Public Health ]
Stop Animal Rights Madness Web Ring [ Anti ]
Storey Books [ Pets ]
Storm Photographic [ Wildlife ]
Stormont Laboratories Blood-Typing [ Clinical Pathology ]
Storz Instrument Co. [ Surgery ]
Stowe Veterinary Group (Suffolk) [ UK ]
STP - Society of Toxicologic Pathologists [ Toxicology ] [ Animal Rights ]
Strange Critters of the Deep [ Fun ]
Strange Foreign Objects in Dog Feces [ Fun ]
Strange Science - The Rocky Road to Modern Paleontology and Biology [ Other ]
Stratech Scientific Ltd. [ Biotechnology ]
Strays Halfway House (Schaumburg, IL) [ Humane Societies ]
Street Cats Rescue Society of Alberta (Canada) [ Rescue Groups ]
Strepsiptera [ Strepsiptera ]
Streptococcus suis Disease in Pigs (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Stringapurrs Abyssinians [ Commercial ]
Striped Legless Lizard - Delma impar (University of Canberra) [ Lizards ]
Stroud Video Productions Bovine Reproduction [ Theriogenology ]
Stryker Endoscopy [ Surgery ]
Stubbs Island Whale Wataching (Telegraph Cove, B.C.) [ Commercial ]
Student Advisor (Veterinary Medicine Publishing) [ Practice Management ]
Student Financial Aid FAQs [ General Career Resources ]
Student Organization for Animal Rights (University of Minnesota) [ Animal Rights ]
Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (MIT) [ Animal Rights ]
STUDVET Equine Stud Operations Management Software [ Horse ]
Stuffed Animal World [ Commercial ]
Stupid Pet Photos [ General ]
Stutzman Environmental Products [ Cat Litter ]
STVM - Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine [ Infectious Diseases ]
Su's Dog Sites [ Metasites ]
Sub-project 5-G7 ENABLE - Global Information Society for Health [ Standards & Terminology ]
SUBIS - Current Awareness in Biomedicine from Sheffield [ Literature Search ]
Suburban Surgical Company Caging & Equipment [ Caging ]
Successful Farming [ Agricultural ]
Sue Pounds, DVM (Pets, Vets, You and Dr. Sue) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Suffolk County NY SPCA [ Humane Societies ]
Sukee Kennels German Shepherd Dogs & KitKor Maine Coon Cats [ Breeders ]
Summer Boxers [ Breeders ]
Sumner Veterinary Hospital (Sumner, WA) [ Washington ]
Sun King Farms [ Commercial ]
Sun Valley Emus [ Ratites ]
Sun Valley Pigeon Page [ Pigeons & Doves ]
Sun Wellness Healthy Dogs [ Products ]
Sun-North Systems Ltd. Natural Ventilation System [ Products ]
Sun-North Systems Ltd. Natural Ventilation System [ Products ]
Sunbeam Corporation [ General Supplies ]
Suncoast Bulldog Friends [ Rescue Groups ]
Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary [ Conservation ]
Suncurl Cattery [ Commercial ]
Sundown Aviary [ Exotic Birds ]
SUNET Animal Pictures [ General ]
Sunlite Sales Pet Carriers [ Commercial ]
Sunnyland Racing Arabians [ Commercial ]
Sunnyside Farm [ Great Dane ]
Sunrise Acres Golden Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Sunset Ranch West Beefmasters [ Commercial ]
Sunsong Wirehaired Dachshunds [ Breeders ]
SUNY Albany Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
SUNY Delhi Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
SUNY Plattsburgh Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
SUNY-Stony Brook Transgenic Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
Suomen Hippos (Finland) [ Other ]
SuperPuppy Press Dog Training [ Products ]
Superstar Irish Wolfhounds [ Breeders ]
SuperValue Herbal Pharmacy [ Alternative Medicine ]
Supplemental Pastures for Sheep (NebGuide) [ Nutrition ]
Supreme Aquarium (Singapore) [ Commercial ]
Supreme Cat Show (UK) [ Shows ]
SurfStat [ Epidemiology ]
Surgical Instrument Atlas (Cornell University) [ Surgery ]
Surrey Bee Keepers Association [ Hymenoptera ]
Surrey Docks Farm [ Fun ]
Survey of Internet Clinical Medicine Applications [ Www ]
Susan Gayle Wynn, DVM (AtlVetMed) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Susano & Atalanta's Batpage [ Chiroptera ]
Sutter Instrument Company [ Genetics ]
Suturing Techniques [ Surgery ]
SVA - Spanish Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
SVA - Swiss Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
SVECCS - Student Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society [ Veterinary Student ]
Svensk Avel [ All Breeds ]
SVEPM - Society For Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine [ Epidemiology ]
Sverdrup Corporation [ Construction ]
Sveriges Herpetologiska Riksförening [ Snakes ]
SVF - Swedish Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
SVKB - Schweizerischer Verband für Künstliche Besamung (Switzerland) [ Theriogenology ]
SVME - Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics [ Ethics ]
SVS Birdlife (Switzerland) [ Birding ]
SVVMA - Sacramento Valley Veterinary Medical Association (CA) [ US State & Local VMAs ]
SVZIE - Student Veterinary Zoological Information Exchange [ Veterinary Student ]
Swallow Lane Farm Jacob Sheep [ Breeders ]
Swedish Animal Protection Act [ International ]
Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments [ Alternatives ]
Swedish Guinea Pig Club [ Rodents ]
Swedish Hamster Club [ Rodents ]
Swedish Horseracing Pictures [ Horses ]
Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control [ International ]
Swedish Lake Monster [ Fictional ]
Swedish Mouse Club [ Rodents ]
Swedish Smooth Fox Terrier Club [ Fox Terrier ]
Swedish Society Against Painful Experiments on Animals [ Animal Rights ]
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Library (Sweden) [ Libraries ]
Sweet's Group Building Product Database [ Construction ]
SweetheartRags Ragamuffin Cats [ Commercial ]
SweetPeaCats Cattery [ Commercial ]
SwetsNet Electronic Serials [ Literature Search ]
Swheatscoop Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Swift Instruments [ Microscopy ]
SWIMS - Studying Whales In Middle Schools [ Whales ]
Swine (Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club) [ Husbandry ]
Swine (Nebraska Extension Publications) [ Husbandry ]
Swine Enthusiast [ Metasites ]
Swine Genome Map (USDA) [ Genetics ]
Swine Health (USDA-APHIS) [ Health ]
Swine Health and Production Journal [ Journals ]
Swine Health Protection (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 69) [ Health ]
Swine Information (Virginia Cooperative Extension) [ Husbandry ]
Swine Nutrition Guide (Kansas State University) [ Nutrition ]
Swine Nutrition Guide (Kansas State University) [ Nutrition ]
Swine Production Networks in Minnesota_ Resources for Decision Making [ Production & Industry ]
Swine Resources (Oklahoma State University) [ Metasites ]
SWINE-L (Swine Production Discussion List Archives) [ Veterinary ]
SWINE-L FAQ [ Health ]
Swine.Net [ Metasites ]
SwineOnline [ Fun ]
Swiss Canine Breeds [ Other ]
Swiss Farmers Union [ Other ]
Swiss Genetics Ltd [ Commercial ]
Swiss National Science Foundation [ Foundations ]
Swiss Society for Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Swiss Wildlife Information Service [ University ]
Syarikat Ginting, DVM (Bali Vet on the Net) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Sydd's Internet Zoo [ Fun ]
Sylvic Serpents [ Commercial ]
Symposium on Veterinary Medical Education - A Changing Future [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Synapse Portail Vétérinaire [ International ]
Synapse Publishing Heart Sounds [ Other ]
Synbiotics [ Biologics ]
Synbiotics Corporation [ Immunology ]
Synechion Surgical Adhesion Prevention [ Surgery ]
Synstrat Group Practice Management (Australia) [ Consultants ]
Syntari Siberians [ Breeders ]
Synthetic Tubular Sock Impression Products [ Orthopedics ]
Syracuse University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Syracuse University Department of Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
Syrvet, Inc. SuperVet Veterinary Instruments [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
System Fencing, Stalls & Equipment [ Containment ]
Systematic Biology [ Research ]
Systematics Agenda 2000 [ Taxonomy ]
Systems for the Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases in Pigs [ Health ]
SysWare Laboratory Information System [ Clinical Pathology ]
Sönke's Killer Sheep [ Fun ]
T-Bones Dog Diapers [ Products ]
T-Cats Club (Japan) [ Pets ]
T.J. Ahern, BVSc, Equine Veterinarian (Perth, Australia) [ Australia ]
TA - Technology Administration [ Divisions ]
TAA - Texas Angus Association [ Cows ]
TAAHP - Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Professions [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Tab Band Identification System [ Animal Identification ]
Tabby Town [ Commercial ]
Table of Standard Genetic Code [ Genome ]
Tack In The Box [ Products ]
Taco Bell Dog [ Chihuahua ]
Taconic [ Comparative Medicine ]
Tadpfrog's Home Page [ Health ]
Tadpfrog's Home Page [ Health ]
Tadpfrog's Pet Health Care Site [ Health ]
Tags Pet Supplies & Veterinary Services [ Pet Products ]
Taikesh Tibetan Terriers [ Breeders ]
Taille-Sabots Bichof Portable Chutes [ Vehicles ]
Tailor Made Genetics [ Genetics ] Bookstore [ Dogs ]
Tailwind Paint Farm [ Commercial ]
Taiwan Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry [ Journals ]
Take the Lucy Test [ Evolution ]
Takern Fieldstation (Sweden) [ Birding ]
Talk City PetMania [ Chats ]
talk.environment [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
Talk.Origins Archive [ Evolution ]
talk.politics.animals [ Usenet ]
Talking Dogs Message Board [ Chats ]
Talking Turkey [ Poultry ]
Tame Beast [ Metasites ]
Tamil Nadu Veterinary & Animal Science University [ India ]
Tamråttans vänner (Friends of Fancy Rats) [ Rodents ]
Tanglewood Pet Hospital (Austin, TX) [ Texas ]
Tanks Alot Aquarium Service [ Commercial ]
Tapir Gallery [ Tapir ]
Tapir Gallery_ Medical Management of Captive Tapirs [ Tapir ]
TAPIR TALK (Tapir Gallery Mailing List) [ Tapir ]
TAPIR TALK (Tapir Gallery Mailing List) [ Animal ]
TapirNet [ Tapir ]
Tarahaus Shih Tzu [ Breeders ]
Tare, Inc. Scales & Balances [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Target Antimicrobial Guide Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Target Express Animal Collectibles [ Commercial ]
Targeted Mutagenesis in Mice_ A Video Guide [ Genetics ]
Taron Birmans [ Commercial ]
Tarrant County Purebred Cat Rescue - Dallas_Ft. Worth Texas [ Rescue Groups ]
Tartrus Brahmans [ Commercial ]
TARVT - Texas Association of Registered Veterinary Technicians [ Veterinary Technology ]
Tarzan of the Apes - Edgar Rice Burroughs [ Fun ]
Tasc Software Developers [ Cow ]
Tasty Insect Recipes (Iowa State University) [ Fun ]
Tattersalls European Bloodstock Auctioneers [ Services ]
Tattoo-a-Pet Pet Protection & Recovery Network [ Animal Identification ]
Tavi Border Collie Rescue (NY) [ Rescue Groups ]
Taxonomic Hierarchy Project (Edinburgh University) [ Taxonomy ]
TBA - Texas Bison Association [ Cows ]
TBASE - Transgenic_Targeted Mutation Database [ Genetics ]
TCFA - Texas Cattle Feeders Association [ Cows ]
TDHIA - Texas Dairy Herd Improvement Association [ Cows ]
Teaching Materials in Laboratory Animal Science (Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science & Alternatives) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Teaching Veterinary Epidemiology (Ken Geter, Colorado State University) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Teaming With Wildlife [ Conservation ]
Technical Dynamics Medical Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Technosphere [ Fictional ]
TechnoVet Informática e Consultoria Ltda. [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Ted Nugent's United Sportsmen of America [ Hunting ]
Teflon Dermal Stent for the Correction of Subcutaneous Emphysema [ Health ]
Tegu Page [ Lizards ]
Teine Borzoi [ Breeders ]
Teiu Home Page [ Lizards ]
TEKTRAN - USDA-ARS Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System [ Literature Search ]
Telecheck Electronic Check Acceptance [ Financial ]
Telehealth Funding Guide [ Telemedicine ]
Telehealth Magazine [ Publications ]
Telemark Complete Guide to Dogs CD-ROM [ Products ]
Telematics Library Automation Systems [ Literature Search ]
Telemedicine & Health Care Informatics Legal Issues [ Telemedicine ]
Telemedicine & the Law [ Telemedicine ]
Telemedicine Information Exchange [ Telemedicine ]
Telemedicine Journal [ Publications ]
Telemedicine Primer [ Telemedicine ]
Telemedicine Today [ Publications ]
Telemedicine via the Internet [ Telemedicine ]
Telemedlaw [ Telemedicine ]
Telinga Microphones [ Birds ]
Telmedicine TeleJournal [ Publications ]
Telstar Innovations, Inc. [ Alternative Medicine ]
Temp-Alert Temperature Sensor [ Products ]
Template Atlas of the Primate Brain (University of Washington) [ Science ]
Template Atlas of the Primate Brain (University of Washington) [ Biomedical Research ]
Temple of the Minx [ Pets ]
Temple of the Sacred Cat of Burma [ Birman ]
Tenax Extruded Plastic Fences, Nets and Grids [ Containment ]
Tenda Horse Products [ Products ]
Tender Shepherd Farm Alpacas [ Breeders ]
Tennessee Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation [ Fish & Game ]
Tennessee Walking Horse History & Gait [ Tennessee Walking Horse ]
Tenterfield Terriers [ Tenterfield Terrier ]
Tenuki Siamese & Sphynx [ Commercial ]
Teppo's Turtle Page [ Turtles ]
Teratology [ Research ]
Terminix [ Commercial ]
Terra [ Conservation ]
Terra, Inc. [ Laboratories ]
TerraQuest Virtual Expeditions [ Conservation ]
Terrestrial Mammals of the Arctic [ Multiple Species ]
Terry C. Gerros, DVM, MS (Vet Rap) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Tetra Aquarium Products [ Commercial ]
Tetragon Chemie Ltd. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
TEVRO - Tennessee Equine Veterinary Research Organization [ Horses ]
Texanda Kennels Welsh Corgis [ Breeders ]
Texas A&M Extension Service Veterinary Medical Information [ Newsletters ]
Texas A&M University [ United States ]
Texas A&M University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences [ Colleges ]
Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Texas A&M University CVM Cardiology Service [ Cardiology ]
Texas A&M University CVM Cardiology Service [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Computing Support [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Department of Veterinary Anatomy & Public Health [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Department of Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Departmentof Biomedical Science [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Departmentof Pathobiology [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Departmentof Small Animal Medicine & Surgery [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM DNA-RNA Automated Nucleotide Core Facility [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Extension [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Faculty of Toxicology [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Flow Cytometry Core Facility [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Histology Laboratory [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM History [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM HOOF Project [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Image Acquisition and Analysis Core Facility [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM International Food Safety Program [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Media Resources [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Medical Sciences Library [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Office of Instructional Design [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Omega Tau Sigma-Nu Chapter [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Pet Parade [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Photo Album [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM SCAVMA [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Transgenic-Gene Targeting Core Facility [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Veterinary Continuing Education [ Meetings ]
Texas A&M University CVM Veterinary Continuing Education [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Veterinary Knowledge Engineering Laboratory [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Texas A&M ]
Texas A&M University Department of Agricultural Engineering [ Departments ]
Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
Texas A&M University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Texas A&M University Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
Texas A&M University Department of Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
Texas A&M University Department of Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences [ Science ]
Texas A&M University Medical Sciences Library [ Libraries ]
Texas A&M University Pre-Vet Society [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Texas Barbeque [ Commercial ]
Texas Beef Producers [ Commercial ]
Texas Bird Records Committee [ Birding ]
Texas Department of Health Zoonosis Control Division [ Zoonoses ]
Texas Gulf Coast Birding & Naturalist Web [ Birding ]
Texas Imported Fire Ants Research and Management [ Pest Management ]
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network [ Rescue ]
Texas Medical Informatics, Inc. [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Texas Memorial Museum [ Museums ]
Texas Memorial Museum - Ichthyology [ Icthyology ]
Texas Ornithological Society [ Birding ]
Texas Parks and Wildlife [ Hunting ]
Texas Pet Bird Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Texas State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners [ Veterinary Boards ]
Texas Tech University Department of Animal Science & Food Technology [ Animal Science ]
Texas Tech University Museum Natural Science Research Lab [ Museums ]
Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ Texas A&M ]
Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
Texas Zoo [ US ]
Texas' Best Beef Recipes and Cooking Tips [ Commercial ]
TexasVet.Net [ US ]
TexVetMed - Texas Veterinarians Mailing List [ Veterinary ]
TFH Books & Nylabone Site [ Distributors ]
TGS Electronics Pty Ltd Electronic Therapy Equipment (Australia) [ Imaging ]
Thai Medical Informatics Society [ Medical Informatics ]
Thais Entomology [ Entomology ]
That Pet Place [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Thayer Birding Software [ Bird ]
The 5 Minute Veterinary Consult Canine and Feline on CD-ROM [ Consultants ]
The Adventures of Dr. Jenny [ Video ]
The Ascent of Mind (William H. Calvin) [ Evolution ]
The Aviary [ Metasites ]
The Barn Paso Fino Tack [ Products ]
The Cat (USDA) [ Science ]
The Cat Doctor (Newhall, CA) [ California ]
The Computer for the 21st Century [ Computer Science ]
The DNA Files [ Genetics ]
The Gable [ Procyonidae ]
The Horse [ Metasites ]
The Horse Interactive [ Metasites ]
The Horseman's Advisor [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
The Large Macaws - Their Care, Breeding & Conservation [ Birds ]
The Lipizzan [ Lippizan ]
The MEATing Place [ Poultry ]
The MEATing Place [ Beef Cattle ]
The Microbiology Network [ General ]
The Mouse in Science_ Cancer Research [ Mice ]
The Mouse in Science_ Monoclonal Antibodies [ Mice ]
The Mouse in Science_ Vaccines [ Mice ]
The Mouse in Science_ Why Mice [ Mice ]
The Owl Pages - Owls [ Raptors ]
The Pet Arthropod Page [ Arthropods ]
The Poop [ Metasites ]
The Pre-Veterinary Advisor [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
The Scientist [ Research ]
The Small Flock for Poultry Meat (University of Minnesota) [ Poultry ]
The Tree of Life (University of Arizona) [ Taxonomy ]
The Vet at Blue Ridge (Watkinsville, GA) [ Georgia ]
The Veterinarian - Oil Painting (Perez - National Library of Medicine) [ Images ]
The Veterinarian's Little Handbook of Iguanas [ Books ]
The Veterinary Journal [ Journals ]
The Veterinary Technician [ United States ]
The Whole Hock (South Africa) [ Metasites ]
The Wild Ones [ Conservation ]
The Zoo [ Fun ] [ Food Safety ]
THEOS Software Corporation [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Theraflow Canine Oral Hygiene Machine [ Dentistry ]
Therapet - Animal Assisted Therapy [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) [ Australia ]
Therapeutic Products Programme (Canada) [ Canada ]
Therapy Dogs International [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Theraquine [ Orthopedics ]
Theratechnologies, Inc. [ Genetics ]
Theriogenology [ Journals ]
Therion Corporation Animal DNA Testing Laboratory [ Genetics ]
Thermal-Chem Epoxy Floors [ Construction ]
ThermoCare Heating Products [ Surgery ]
Thierry Demonceau, DVM (France) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Thinking Critically About Information on the Web [ Www ]
Thomas - Legislative Information on the Internet [ United States ]
Thomas Farm Dressage & Jumper Horses [ Services ]
Thomas Laboratories [ Alternative Medicine ]
Thomas Regional Directory [ General Supplies ]
Thomas Scientific [ General Supplies ]
Thompsons's Pig Farm [ Fun ]
Thor Laser Therapy Systems [ Alternative Medicine ]
Thornell Odorcides [ Disinfectants ]
Thoroughbred Dogs (Poland) [ Directories ]
Thoroughbred Memories [ Horses ]
Thoroughbred Pedigree Query [ Thoroughbred ]
Thoroughbred Racing Catalog [ Commercial ]
Thoroughbred Sports Network [ Sport ]
Thoroughbred Times [ Thoroughbred ]
Thorovision Handicapping Software [ Sport ]
Those Majestic Macaws [ Exotic Birds ]
Threads - Dogs Magazine [ Chats ]
Threatened Species Network [ Conservation ]
Three Chimney's Farm [ Thoroughbred ]
Three Dimensional Rendering of Dog Heart (University of Illinois) [ Dogs ]
Three Rs - The Way Forward (Environmental Health Perspectives) [ Alternatives ]
Three Rs of Animal Testing Alternatives [ Alternatives ]
Thruston Adoption Agency for Virtual Petz [ Fictional ]
Thumper's World of Animal Care & Control [ Humane Societies ]
Thunder Valley Rottweilers [ Breeders ]
Thurso College Veterinary Nursing Program (UK) [ International ]
TI Construction, Inc. [ Construction ]
TIA - Telecommunications Industry Association [ Informatics ]
Tibetan Mastiffs [ Tibetan Mastiff ]
Tibetan Spaniel Club of America [ Tibetan Spaniel ]
Tibetan Spaniels [ Tibetan Spaniel ]
Tibetan Terrier [ Tibetan Terrier ]
TICA - The International Cat Association [ Associations ]
Tick Paralysis in Domestic Animals in Australia [ Parasitology ]
Tick Research Laboratory (University of Rhode Island) [ Arachnids ]
Tidy Cat [ Cat Litter ]
TIEL-L (Pet Bird Cockatiel Discussion List) [ Animal ]
Tierarztpraxis Lamprechtshausen (Lamprechtshausen, Austria) [ Austria ]
Tierklinik Simmering (Vienna, Austria) [ Austria ]
Tiermedizin in Deutschland (German Veterinary Information) [ International ]
Tierschutz bei Tierversuchen (Germany) [ International ]
Tierschutzgesetz (German) [ International ]
Tierstämme im Zentralen Tierlaboratorium (University of Hannover) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Tierversuche und Alternativmethoden (Swiss) [ International ]
Tierärztliche Abrechnungsstelle (Germany) [ Financial ]
Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover [ Germany ]
Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Anatomisches Institut (Germany) [ International ]
Tierärztliches Institut (Germany) [ International ]
Tiger Information Center [ Felidae ]
Tiger Missing Link [ Felidae ]
TigerLady's Jungle [ Felidae ]
Tigers of the Mist Boxers [ Breeders ]
TIGR Mouse Gene Index [ Genome ]
Tilapia Aquaculture International [ Commercial ]
Tilapia Genome Project [ Genetics ]
Tilburg Terrarium Society (Netherlands) [ Reptiles ]
Tilfs Turts & Torts [ Turtles ]
Tilly's Tale - Welsh Mountain Pony [ Welsh Pony ]
Tim Harris - Livestock Transport Consultant [ Animal Transport ]
Tim the SockMonkey [ Fun ]
Timber Creek Veterinary Hospital (Canyon, TX) [ Texas ]
Timber Wolf Information Network [ Wolf ]
Timberline Golden Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Timberlyne Animal Clinic (Chapel Hill, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Timberwind Cattery [ Commercial ]
Tiny Bubbles Expeditions [ Commercial ]
Tiny Giants Boa and Python Discussion [ Chats ]
Tiny Giants Snake Breeder [ Snakes ]
TiPS Electronic ICD-9 Lookup System [ Standards & Terminology ]
TipTopVet Global Distributors [ Distributors ]
TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute (Netherlands) [ International ]
TNT Black and Tans [ Breeders ]
Toa Payoh Vets (Singapore) [ Singapore ]
Toads Dome [ Frogs & Toads ]
Toca Labrador Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Today's Federal Register [ United States ]
Today's Pet Online (Debbye Turner, DVM) [ Video ]
Todd's Pekingese Pages [ Pekingese ]
Togglethis Interactive Characters [ Fictional ]
Tokyo Insitute of Technology Research Center for Experimental Biology (Japan) [ International ]
Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology Department of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnical Science (Japan) [ International ]
Tom Allen, DVM (Horse Dentistry) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Tom Crutchfield's Reptile Enterprises, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Tom Lonsdale, BVetMed, MRCVS (Raw Meaty Bones) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Tomball Veterinary Clinic (Tomball, TX) [ Texas ]
Tomorrrow's Professor List [ Animal ]
Toms River Veterinary Hospital (Toms River, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
Tongue River Farm Icelandic Sheep [ Breeders ]
Tonquin Valley Amethyst Lakes Pack Trips [ Services ]
Tony Rath Photography [ Commercial ]
Too Tall Persians [ Commercial ]
Top 10 Signs You've Gone to a Bad Veterinarian (Humor) [ Humor ]
Top Dog Kennel Management Software [ Dog ]
Top Drawe Personalized Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Top of the Ridge Connemaras [ Commercial ]
Top Ten Cat Secrets [ Products ]
Top Ten Dog Secrets [ Other ]
TOP Working Dogs [ Breeders ]
Top100 Horse Sites [ Metasites ]
Topaz Technologies, Inc. [ Lab Animal Management ]
TOPAZ Tracks [ Comparative Medicine ]
Topeka Auction & Marketing, Inc. [ All Breeds ]
Topeka Zoo [ US ]
TOPS Kennels Police Dog Training [ Training ]
Toronto Vegetarian Association [ Veggies ]
Toronto Zoo (Canada) [ International ]
Tortoise Land [ Turtles ]
Tortoise Photo Gallery [ Reptiles ]
Tortoise Trust [ Turtles ]
Tosoft Dinosaur Database [ Dinosaurs ]
Total Re-call [ Marketing ]
Total Yellowstone Page Wolf Report [ Wolf ]
Totally Ferret Nutrition [ Nutrition ]
Totallypets Pet Supplies [ Commercial ]
Tottori University Faculty of Agriculture [ Japan ]
Towards Quality Management of Medical Information on the Internet [ Standards & Terminology ]
Towy Vale Hamstery [ Hamsters ]
Toxicologic Pathology [ Research ]
Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology Journal [ Research ]
Toxicology and Pathology Services, Inc. [ Laboratories ]
ToxNet - Toxicology Data Network [ Literature Search ]
ToxNet Web Search [ Toxicology ]
Toxoplasma gondii in Two Ratites (University of Tennessee) [ Health ]
Toys for Birds [ Products ]
TPF - The Piedra Foundation [ Foundations ]
TPT Inc. Veterinary Emblems [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Track-5 Stock Photography [ Commercial ]
Tracking Page [ Sport ]
Tradeline, Inc. FM Datacom [ Construction ]
Trademark Medical [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Traffic - Wildlife Trade Monitoring Programme [ Conservation ]
Tragedy of the Dodo [ Other ]
Trail Blazer Magazine [ Horses ]
TrailHound's Dog Box [ Sport ]
TrailMaster Infrared Trail Monitors [ Commercial ]
Train Your Bird to Talk [ Birds ]
Train Your Bird to Talk Software [ Bird ]
Training in Animal Care and Handling (UCCAA) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Trakehner Horses [ Trakehner ]
TRAM Electronic Agency Forms [ Metasites ]
TRAM Federal Regulations [ United States ]
Trans Ova Genetics [ Theriogenology ]
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society [ Fish ]
Transgene Gene Therapy [ Genetics ]
Transgenic Bagel [ Genetics ]
Transgenic Model Studies (NIEHS) [ Genetics ]
Transgenic Techniques in Mice Video Guide (Cold Spring Harbor) [ Genetics ]
Transgenic-List Archives [ Veterinary ]
Transonic Systems, Inc. [ Physiology ]
Transplant Immunology [ Research ]
Transplant Pathology Internet Services [ Human ]
Transport & Handling of Livestock & Poultry (USDA) [ Husbandry ]
Transportation, Sale, and Handling of Certain Animals (Title 7, Chapter 54) [ US Code ]
Transweb Transplantation and Donation [ Immunology ]
Traumatic Brain Injury Resource Guide [ Biomedical Research ]
Travelers' Tips on Bringing Food, Plant, & Animal Products into the US [ United States ]
Traveling With Your Pet_International Import Requirements [ Health ]
Treaschwig Veterinary Clinic (Spring, TX) [ Texas ]
Treasured Ferrets [ Breeders ]
Treating for Internal Parasites of Cattle (Purdue University) [ Health ]
Treating Founder Without Horseshoes [ Health ]
Tree Breeze Farm Llamas [ Breeders ]
Trendy Magic - Mysterious Rabbit [ Fun ]
Trendy's House of Herpetology [ Herpetology ]
Trendy's House of Herpetology [ Herpetology ]
Trevecca Nazarene University (TN) [ United States ]
Trevor Keough's Aquaculture Page [ Aquaculture ]
Tri Lake & Jade Bay Animal Hospitals (British Columbia) [ Canada ]
Tri-County Animal Protective League (OH) [ Humane Societies ]
Tri-County Collie Rescue (MI) [ Rescue Groups ]
Tri-Tronics [ Training ]
Tri-Valley Animal Rescue (California) [ Rescue Groups ]
Trianglia Pharma Biotech [ Directories ]
Trichinella Page (Columbia University) [ Parasitology ]
Tricia's Water Dragon Page [ Lizards ]
Tricky Treat Dog Ball Chewing Toy [ Products ]
Trident Pet Supplies (I Love My Pet) [ Commercial ]
TriFL - Triangle Ferret Lovers [ Ferrets ]
Trillium Morgan Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Trilogy Manchester Terriers [ Breeders ]
Trinity College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Trinity School of Natural Health Sciences Veterinary Homeopathy (UK) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Tripesca Aquaculture Fishmeal [ Commercial ]
Triple C Farms Simmentals [ Commercial ]
Triple Dental Equipment [ Dentistry ]
Triton Amphibian Images [ Amphibian ]
Trojan Horse of Animal Protectionism [ Anti ]
Troll2 Lures [ Commercial ]
Tropica Aquarium Plants (Denmark) [ Commercial ]
Tropical Animal Health and Production [ Journals ]
Tropical Animal Health and Production Journal [ Journals ]
Tropical Beef Centre (CSIRO) [ Beef Cattle ]
Tropical Fish Page [ Hobby ]
Tropical Rainforest Animals [ Multiple Species ]
Trotting Park Jewelry [ Products ]
Trout Farming & Trout Diseases [ Aquaculture ]
Trout Unlimited Canada [ Conservation ]
Trout Unlimited of California [ Conservation ]
Troutlodge, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Troy Biologicals, Inc. [ Microbiology ]
Trufocus Corporation X-Ray Technology [ Imaging ]
Trumpeter Swan Sentinel Society [ Conservation ]
TS - Teratology Society [ Theriogenology ]
TSBR - Texas Society of Biomedical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Tsukuba Primate Center (National Institute of Infectious Diseases-Japan) [ International ]
Tsukuba Primate Center - NIID (Japan) [ International ]
Tsukuba Primate Center News [ Primates ]
Tsutomu Miki Kurosawa, DVM, PhD (IEXAS, Japan) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Tucson Animal Assisted Psychotherapy Associates, Inc. [ Animal-Assisted Therapy ]
Tucson Herpetological Society [ Reptiles ]
Tucson Koi Society [ Hobby ]
Tuffoot [ Products ]
Tufts Animal Expo 2000 [ Meetings ]
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine [ Tufts ]
Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Tufts University SVM Admissions [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Biotechnology & Veterinary Medicine [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Biotechnology Corporation [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Catnip Newsletter [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Center for Animals and Public Policy [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Anatomy & Cellular Biology [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Biochemistry [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Comparative Medicine [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Environmental Studies [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Medicine [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Molecular Biology & Microbiology [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Pathology [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Physiology [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Department of Surgery [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Ethics & Values [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Faculty Index [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Tufts University SVM Faculty Index [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Foster Hospital for Small Animals Newsletter [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM International Veterinary Medicine [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Large Animal Hospital Newsletter [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM News & Announcements [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
Tufts University SVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Webster Veterinary Library [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Wildlife Clinic Newsletter [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Wildlife Medicine [ Tufts ]
Tufts University SVM Your Dog Newsletter [ Tufts ]
Tufts University Webster Veterinary Library [ Libraries ]
Tufts Veterinary CAPP Periodicals and Newsletters [ General ]
Tufts Veterinary Center for Animals & Public Policy Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Tulane Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine [ United States ]
Tumor Biology [ Research ]
Tumor Pathology (NCI) [ Health ]
Tumor Pathology (NCI) [ Pathology ]
Tumor Targeting [ Research ]
Tuna Page [ Marine ]
Turkey Vulture Society [ Scavengers ]
Turkish Angoras Pinardan [ Commercial ]
Turnbaugh Design Mousery [ Commercial ]
Turner Designs Fluorometers, Luminometers, and Oil-In-Water Monitors from Turner Designs [ Clinical Pathology ]
Turpentine Creek Exotic Wildlife Refuge [ Felidae ]
Turtle Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Turtle Pages [ Turtles ]
Turtle Photo Collection [ Reptiles ]
Turtle Plastics Floor Tiles [ Construction ]
Turtle Plastics Flooring [ Caging ]
Turtle Trax - Marine Turtles [ Turtles ]
Turtles of the World [ Turtles ]
Tuskegee University College of Agricultural, Environmental, & Natural Sciences [ Colleges ]
Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Tuskegee University SVM Biomedical Information Management Systems [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Center for Biomedical Research [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Center for Computational Epidemiology [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Center for the Integrated Study of Food Animals & Plant Systems [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Continuing Education [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Current Events & Announcements [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Department of Anatomy & Histology [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Department of Large Animal Medicine & Surgery [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Department of Pathobiology [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Department of Physiology & Pharmacology [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Department of Small Animal Medicine & Surgery [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Electronic Syllabi [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM Faculty & Staff Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Tuskegee University SVM SCAVMA [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University SVM T.S. Williams Veterinary Medical Library [ Tuskegee ]
Tuskegee University T.S. Williams Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
Tusker Trail and Safari Co. [ Services ]
Tutorial Gateway (Carleton University) [ Training ]
TVMA - Texas Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
TVMA - Thai Veterinary Medical Association [ National & International ]
TW Medical Veterinary Supply [ Distributors ] [ Usenet ]
Tweed Salmon Fishing (Scotland) [ Sport ]
TWEETERS (Northwest Birders Mail List) [ Animal ]
Tweets [ Exotic Birds ]
Twenty Science Attitudes [ Science ]
Twilight's Animal Rights Haven [ Animal Rights ]
Twin Cities Miniature Schnauzer Club [ Miniature Schnauzer ]
Twin City Veterinary Clinic (Port Neches, TX) [ Texas ]
Twin Star Racing Stable [ Sport ]
Two Dog Press [ Dogs ]
Two Sisters Cattery [ Commercial ]
TWO-W Livestock Equipment [ Products ]
TwoSteppin' Kennels [ Breeders ]
Twyla's Friends (Kingwood, TX) [ Humane Societies ]
Tyber Katz Dolls [ Products ]
Tyny Goat Ranch Pygmy & Nigerian Dwarf Goats [ Breeders ]
Tyreel Thoroughbred Stud [ Commercial ]
Tyson Foods [ Products ]
TZA - Twycross Zoo Association [ Zoo Animal ]
U Auckland Bioengineering [ Simulations ]
U Oxford Cardiology [ Simulations ]
U.S. Depository Ready Reference Sources [ Literature Search ]
U.S. National Parasite Collection [ Parasitology ]
U.S. Pet Products Pet-Eze Pet Doors [ Commercial ]
U.S. Pharmacist [ Research ]
U.S. Surgical [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
UAB School of Public Health [ United States ]
UBA - Uniao Brasileira de Avicultura (Brazil) [ Birds ]
UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Amphibian & Reptile Collection [ Herpetology ]
UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology Amphibian and Reptile Collection [ Herpetology ]
UC Berkeley School of Public Health [ United States ]
UC San Francisco Neuroscience and Physiology [ Biomedical Research ]
UC-Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology [ Museums ]
UC-Davis Center for Avian Biology [ Ornithology ]
UC-San Diego Anthropology Department [ Evolution ]
UC-Santa Cruz Anthropology Program [ Evolution ] [ Usenet ]
UCCC Transgenic Mouse Core Laboratory [ Genetics ]
UCLA School of Public Health [ United States ]
UCLA Telemedicine Information System [ Telemedicine ]
UDV - United Dairyfarmers of Victoria [ Cows ]
UEP - United Egg Producers [ Birds ]
UFAW - Universities Federation for Animal Welfare [ Comparative Medicine ]
UGA_CVM (University of Georgia Veterinary List) [ Veterinary ]
UK Rabbit WWW Page [ Metasites ]
UK Racing Directory [ Sport ]
UK Research Councils [ UK ]
uk.politics.animals [ Usenet ]
uk.rec.birdwatching [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ] [ Usenet ]
UKERF - University of Kentucky Equine Research Foundation [ Horses ]
UKHorses Network [ Services ]
UKLSC - UK Life Sciences Committee [ Biology ]
Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine (Ukraine) [ International ]
Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Library (Ukraine) [ Libraries ]
Ulladulla Veterinary Hospital (Ulladulla, Australia) [ Australia ]
Ultimate Rags Cattery [ Commercial ]
Ultra Bio-Logics, Inc. [ Alternative Medicine ]
Ultra Tek Therapeutic Horseshoes [ Products ]
UltraPet Dog Training [ Training ]
Ultrasonic Kennel Silencer [ Products ]
Umatilla Animal Hospital (Umatilla, FL) [ Florida ]
UMIN - University Medical Information Network (Japan) [ Human ]
UMLS - Unified Medical Language System (NLM) [ Standards & Terminology ]
UN - United Nations [ United Nations ]
Uncle Sam [ Metasites ]
Uncommonly Used Laboratory Animals (Notes) [ Comparative Medicine ]
UnCoverWeb [ Literature Search ]
Under a Rock [ Reptiles ]
Under a Rock [ Amphibian ]
Underhill Chinchillas [ Commercial ]
Undersea Explorer (Great Barrier Reef-Australia) [ Commercial ]
Underwater Pictures [ Fish ]
Underwater World Singapore [ Aquaria ]
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme [ Divisions ]
Unicorner Farm Miniature Horses [ Commercial ]
Uniformed Services University Laboratory Animal Medicine Residency Program [ United States ]
Union of Canine Organizations of Russia [ Directories ]
Union of Concerned Scientists [ Environmental ]
United Animal Nations [ Animal Rights ]
United Doberman Club [ Doberman ]
United Nations Environment Programme [ Conservation ]
United Poultry Concerns [ Animal Rights ]
United States K-9 Academy [ Training ]
United States Rottweiler Club [ Rottweiler ]
Univeristy of Aberdeen Zoology Department (UK) [ Academic ]
Univeristy of Berne Institute for Veterinary Bacteriology (Switzerland) [ International ]
Univeristy of Berne Institute for Veterinary Pharmacology (Switzerland) [ International ]
Univeristy of Kuiopio National Laboratory Animal Center (Finland) [ International ]
Universal Medical Systems Diagnostic Ultrasound [ Imaging ]
Universe of Ferrets Web Ring [ Metasites ]
Universidad Antonio Nariño Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria [ Colombia ]
Universidad Austral de Chile Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias [ Chile ]
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes Centro Agropecuario [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit Escuela Superior de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas Faultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Central de Venezuela Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias [ Venezuela ]
Universidad Centroccidental Decanato de Ciecnias Veterinarias [ Venezuela ]
Universidad Complutense de Madrid Facultad de Veterinaria [ Spain ]
Universidad de Antioquia Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia [ Colombia ]
Universidad de Buenos Aires Departamento de Ciencias Biolgicas (Argentina) [ Academic ]
Universidad de Buenos Aires Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias [ Argentina ]
Universidad de Buenos Aires Veterinarias Biblioteca (Argentina) [ Libraries ]
Universidad de Caldas Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria [ Colombia ]
Universidad de Chile Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias [ Chile ]
Universidad de Concepcion Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria [ Chile ]
Universidad de Cordoba Facultad de Veterinaria [ Spain ]
Universidad de Guadalajara División de Ciencias Veterinarias (Mexico) [ International ]
Universidad de León Facultad de Veterinaria [ Spain ]
Universidad de Madrid Biblioteca Veterinaria (Spain) [ Libraries ]
Universidad de Murcia Facultad de Veterinaria [ Spain ]
Universidad de Zaragoza Facultad de Veterinaria [ Spain ]
Universidad del Bajío Escuela de Agronomía y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad del Zulia Facultad de Veterinaria [ Venezuela ]
Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Mayor de la República Facultad de Veterinaria [ Uruguay ]
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidad Nacional de Heredia Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria [ Costa Rica ]
Universidad Nacional de La Plata Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias [ Argentina ]
Universidad Veracruzana Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia [ Mexico ]
Universidade de Sao Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia [ Brazil ]
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina Curso de Medicina Veterinária [ Brazil ]
Universidade Federal da Bahia Escola de Medicina Veterinária [ Brazil ]
Universidade Federal de Minas Escola de Veterinaria [ Brazil ]
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias [ Brazil ]
Universidade Federal de Viçosa Escola de Medicina Veterinária [ Brazil ]
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Curso de Medicina Veterinária [ Brazil ]
Universidade para o Desenvolvimento do Estado e da Regiao do Pantanal Curso de Medicina Veterinária [ Brazil ]
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Biblioteca (Portugal) [ Libraries ]
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária [ Portugal ]
Universita di Pavia Department of Biology (Italy) [ Academic ]
Universitaet Giessen Fachbereich Veterinärmedizin [ Germany ]
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Facultat de Veterinària [ Spain ]
Universitat de Barcelona Biblioteca de Veterinària (Spain) [ Libraries ]
Universitat Rostock Faculty of Agricultural Science (Germany) [ Colleges ]
Universite de Liege Bibliothéque (Belgium) [ Libraries ]
Universite de Moncton Département de Biologie (Canada) [ Academic ]
Universiteit Utrecht Bibliotheek Diergeneeskunde (Netherlands) [ Libraries ]
Universiteit Utrecht Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Netherlands ]
Universiti Putra Malaysia Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science [ Malaysia ]
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare [ Animal Welfare ] [ General Career Resources ]
University at Albany School of Public Health [ United States ]
University College Dublin Department of Agricultural & Food Engineering (Ireland) [ Departments ]
University College Dublin Department of Veterinary Anatomy (Ireland) [ International ]
University College Dublin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Ireland ]
University Departmental and Sponsored Research Offices [ IACUC ]
University of Aberdeen Department of Agriculture (UK) [ Departments ]
University of Adelaide S.A. Centre for Veterinary Studies (Australia) [ International ]
University of Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Sweden ]
University of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine - Iasi [ Romania ]
University of Akron Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Alabama [ United States ]
University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Alabama at Birmingham Section of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Alabama at Birmingham Transgenic Animal - ES Cell Resource [ Genetics ]
University of Alabama-Birmingham Department of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
University of Alaska Fairbanks [ United States ]
University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Arctic Biology Veterinary Services [ United States ]
University of Alberta [ International ]
University of Alberta Department of Agricultural Food & Nutritional Science (Canada) [ Departments ]
University of Alberta Department of Biological Sciences (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Alberta Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry & Home Economics (Canada) [ Colleges ]
University of Arizona College of Agriculture [ Colleges ]
University of Arizona Department of Microbiology and Veterinary Science [ United States ]
University of Arizona Graduate Program in Public Health [ United States ]
University of Arizona Laboratory Animal Class Notes [ Comparative Medicine ]
University of Arizona University Animal Care [ United States ]
University of Arkansas College of Agriculture, Food & Life Sciences [ Colleges ]
University of Arkansas Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
University of Arkansas Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
University of Arkansas Office of Research and Sponsored Programs [ IACUC ]
University of Athens Laboratory of Health Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Barcelona Hominid Paleoethology (Spain) [ Evolution ]
University of Basel Biozentrum (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Bergen Zoological Institute (Norway) [ Academic ]
University of Berne Clinic for Food Animals and Horse (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Berne Clinic for Small Animals (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Berne Institute of Animal Breeding (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Berne Institute of Animal Pathology (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Berne Institute of Parasitology (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Berne Institute of Veterinary Anatomy (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Berne Institute of Veterinary Virology (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Birmingham Department of Biomedical Science and Biomedical Ethics (UK) [ International ]
University of Brasilia Primate Center (Brazil) [ International ]
University of Bristol School of Biological Sciences (UK) [ Academic ]
University of Bristol Veterinary Image Archive [ Pathology ]
University of Bristol Veterinary Pathology Unit (UK) [ University ]
University of Bristol Veterinary Pathology Unit (UK) [ International ]
University of Bristol Veterinary Science Library (UK) [ Libraries ]
University of British Columbia Department of Animal Science (Canada) [ Animal Science ]
University of British Columbia Fisheries Center [ Marine ]
University of British Columbia Zoology Department (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Calgary Animal Care (Canada) [ International ]
University of California - San Diego Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of California - Santa Barbara Neuroscience Research Institute [ Biomedical Research ]
University of California - Santa Cruz Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of California-Davis Animal Use and Care Administrative Advisory Committee [ IACUC ]
University of California-Davis Center for Animal Alternatives [ United States ]
University of California-Davis Center for Animal Alternatives [ Alternatives ]
University of California-Davis Center for Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of California-Davis College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of California-Davis Horse Genetics Page [ Genetics ]
University of California-Davis Horse Genetics Page [ Genetics ]
University of California-Davis Loren D. Carlson Health Sciences Library [ Libraries ]
University of California-Davis School of Veterinary Medicine [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program [ United States ]
University of California-Davis SVM Animal Resources Service [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Center for Animal Alternatives [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Center for Companion Animal Health [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Center for Vector-Borne Disease Research [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Computer Assisted Learning Facility [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Continuing Education [ Meetings ]
University of California-Davis SVM Dairy Food Safety Laboratory [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Department of Anatomy, Physiology & Cell Biology [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Department of Molecular Biosciences [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Department of Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Department of Population Health & Reproduction [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Department of Surgical & Radiological Sciences [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Faculty [ Veterinary College Directories ]
University of California-Davis SVM Faculty [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Graduate Group in Comparative Pathology [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Health System Center for Medical Informatics [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM International Laboratory of Molecular Biology forTropical Disease [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM International Programs [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Raptor Center [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Support Program [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Veterinary Genetics Laboratory [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Veterinary Medicine Central Services [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Veterinary Medicine Extension [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis SVM Veterinary Medicine Teaching & Research Center [ California-Davis ]
University of California-Davis Transgenic Mouse Program [ Genetics ]
University of California-Davis Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center [ United States ]
University of California-Irviine Biomedical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of California-Irvine Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of California-Irvine Transgenic Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
University of California-Riverside Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
University of California-San Diego Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Veterinary Diagnostic Services [ Genetics ]
University of California-San Francisco Committee on Animal Research [ IACUC ]
University of California-Santa Barbara Office of Research Animal Care Council [ IACUC ]
University of Cambridge Department of Physiology (UK) [ International ]
University of Cambridge Veterinary School [ United Kingdom ]
University of Canterbury Zoology Department (New Zealand) [ Academic ]
University of Cariboo Animal Health Technology Program (Canada) [ International ]
University of Central Arkansas Office of Sponsored Programs [ IACUC ]
University of Central Florida Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Veterinary Cancer Control Program [ United States ]
University of Cincinnati Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
University of Colorado Health Science Center Transgenic Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Colorado Office of Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of Connecticut Biotechnology CenterTransgenic Animal Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Connecticut Fish Biology [ Science ]
University of Connecticut Health Center Animal Care and Use Program [ United States ]
University of Connecticut Health Center Animal Care Committee [ IACUC ]
University of Connecticut Pathobiology Department [ United States ]
University of Connecticut PreVet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Copenhagen Zoological Museum [ Museums ]
University of Dayton Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Edinburgh [ International ]
University of Edinburgh Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine (UK) [ International ]
University of Edinburgh Department of Preclinical Veterinary Sciences (UK) [ International ]
University of Edinburgh Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies [ United Kingdom ]
University of Evansville (IN) [ United States ]
University of Florida [ United States ]
University of Florida Animal Resources Program [ United States ]
University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine [ Florida ]
University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Florida CVM Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Department of Pathobiology [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Department of Physiological Sciences [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Equine Neonatal Intensive Care Center [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Health Science Center Library [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Heartwater Research Project [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Instructional Materials [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Island Whirl Equine Colic Research Laboratory [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Manatee Research Group [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Multimedia Information Page [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Neurology Service [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Plasmodium Falciparum Research Project [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Veterinary Graduate Student Association [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital [ Florida ]
University of Florida CVM Wildlife & Zoological Medicine Services [ Florida ]
University of Florida Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
University of Florida Health Science Center Library [ Libraries ]
University of Florida IACUC [ IACUC ]
University of Florida Institute of Food & Agricultural Sciences [ Colleges ]
University of Florida Neurology Service [ Neurology ]
University of Florida Office of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Florida Poultry Science Department [ Poultry ]
University of Florida Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Georgia [ United States ]
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit [ Science ]
University of Georgia CVM Continuing Education [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Anatomy & Radiology [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Avian Medicine [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Large Animal Medicine [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Medical Microbiology [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Physiology & Pharmacology [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Small Animal Medicine & Surgery [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Department of Veterinary Pathology [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Division of Animal Care & Use [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM International Veterinary Pathology Slide Bank [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Science Library [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia CVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories [ Georgia ]
University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
University of Georgia Division of Animal Care and Use [ United States ]
University of Georgia Division of Animal Care and Use [ United States ]
University of Georgia Science Library [ Libraries ]
University of Georgia Veterinary Anatomy & Radiology [ Anatomy ]
University of Georgia Veterinary Anatomy and Radiology [ Imaging ]
University of Ghent Department of Medical Imaging of Domestic Animals (Belgium) [ International ]
University of Ghent Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Belgium ]
University of Glasgow Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ United Kingdom ]
University of Guelph [ International ]
University of Guelph Department of Animal & Poultry Science (Canada) [ Animal Science ]
University of Guelph Department of Animal and Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
University of Guelph Ontario Agricultural College (Canada) [ Colleges ]
University of Guelph Ontario Veterinary College [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Administration [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Admissions [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Bulletin Board [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Department of Biomedical Sciences [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Department of Clinical Studies [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Department of Pathobiology [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Department of Population Medicine [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Field Services [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC General Announcements [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Information Technology Services [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC International Programs [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Laboratory Services [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Laboratory Services (Canada) [ University ]
University of Guelph OVC Large Animal Clinic [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Learning Technologies [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC McLaughlin Library [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC McLaughlin Library (Canada) [ Libraries ]
University of Guelph OVC Media Centre [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Pathobiology Image Bank [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Small Animal Clinic [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Veterinary Professional Development [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph OVC Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Guelph ]
University of Guelph Zoology Department (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Guelph, Ontario Veterinary College [ Canada ]
University of Hannover Veterinary School Library (Germany) [ Libraries ]
University of Hawaii Department of Animal Sciences [ Animal Science ]
University of Hawaii School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of Helsinki Faculty of Agriculture & Forestry (Finland) [ Colleges ]
University of Helsinki Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Finland ]
University of Helsinki Veterinary Medicine Library (Finland) [ Libraries ]
University of Iceland Institute for Experimental Pathology [ International ]
University of Idaho Animal Care and Use Committee [ IACUC ]
University of Idaho Caine Veterinary Teaching Center [ United States ]
University of Idaho Department of Animal & Veterinary Science [ Animal Science ]
University of Idaho Department of Animal & Veterinary Science [ United States ]
University of Illinois Biotechnology Center Transgenic Animal Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Illinois Center for Microscopy & Imaging [ General ]
University of Illinois College of Agriculture [ Colleges ]
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Illinois CVM Cancer Care Clinic [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Center for Microscopy & Imaging [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Clinical Pathology [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Community Practice Unit [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Computing Services [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Continuing Education-Public Service [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Department of Veterinary Biosciences [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Department of Veterinary Pathobiology [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
University of Illinois CVM International Registry of Reproductive Pathology [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Laboratories of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Laboratories of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine [ University ]
University of Illinois CVM News & Events [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM News and Events [ Meetings ]
University of Illinois CVM Office of Laboratory Animal Resources [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Omega Tau Sigma - Theta Chapter [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Pet Columns [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Reproductive Biology [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Research Office [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Small Animal Surgery & Dentistry Services [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Veterinary Medicine Library [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois CVM Wildlife Medical Clinic [ Illinois ]
University of Illinois EPR Research Center [ Imaging ]
University of Illinois Joint JD - DVM Program [ United States ]
University of Illinois Laboratory of Immunogenetics [ Immunology ]
University of Illinois Office of Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of Illinois Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Illinois Veterinary Medicine Library [ Libraries ]
University of Illinois-Chicago School of Biomedical & Health Information Sciences Virtual Reality in Medicine Laboratory [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Illinois-Chicago School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of Iowa [ United States ]
University of Iowa Animal Care Unit [ United States ]
University of Iowa Animal Use Educational Course [ Comparative Medicine ]
University of Iowa Transgenic Animal Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Kansas Natural History Museum [ Museums ]
University of Kansas Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
University of Kentucky Department of Animal Sciences [ Animal Science ]
University of Kentucky Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
University of Kentucky Department of Veterinary Science [ United States ]
University of Kentucky Livestock Disease Diagnostic Center [ University ]
University of Kentucky Office of the University Veterinarian [ United States ]
University of Kentucky Transgenic Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Kuopio Department of Applied Zoology and Veterinary Medicine (Finland) [ International ]
University of Kuopio National Laboratory Animal Center (Finland) [ International ]
University of Leipzig Institute of Veterinary Anatomy (Germany) [ International ]
University of Leon Department of Cellular Biology & Anatomy (Spain) [ International ]
University of Liege Tropical Veterinary Institute (Belgium) [ International ]
University of Liverpool Centre for Comparative Infectious Diseases (UK) [ International ]
University of Liverpool CTI Centre for Biology (UK) [ Academic ]
University of Liverpool Department of Veterinary Preclinical Science (UK) [ International ]
University of Liverpool Division of Equine Studies (UK) [ International ]
University of Liverpool Faculty of Veterinary Science [ United Kingdom ]
University of Maine Department of Animal, Veterinary and Aquatic Sciences [ United States ]
University of Manchester School of Biological Sciences (UK) [ Academic ]
University of Manitoba [ International ]
University of Manitoba Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences (Canada) [ Colleges ]
University of Maryland at Baltimore Transgenic & Knockout Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Maryland College of Agriculture & Natural Resources [ Colleges ]
University of Massachusetts Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Massachusetts Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
University of Massachusetts Medical Informatics Group [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Massachusetts School of Public Health and Health Sciences [ United States ]
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey Biomedical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Vivarium [ United States ]
University of Melbourne Faculty of Veterinary Science [ Australia ]
University of Melbourne Veterinary Science Library (Australia) [ Libraries ]
University of Miami Division of Comparative Pathology [ United States ]
University of Miami Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Michigan Applied Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Michigan Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Michigan School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of Michigan Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
University of Michigan Transgenic Animal Model Core [ Genetics ]
University of Michigan Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine [ United States ]
University of Milano Institute of Legal Medicine and Veterinary Legislation (Italy) [ International ]
University of Minnesota [ United States ]
University of Minnesota Avian Research Center [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics [ General ]
University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Minnesota CVM Department of Clinical & Population Sciences [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Department of Veterinary Diagnostic Medicine [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Department of Veterinary Pathobiology [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Newsletters [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Outreach [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Raptor Center [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospitals [ Minnesota ]
University of Minnesota Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
University of Minnesota Department of Food Science & Nutrition [ Departments ]
University of Minnesota Food Animal Biotechnology Center [ United States ]
University of Minnesota Health Computer Sciences [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Minnesota Raptor Center [ Conservation ]
University of Minnesota Research Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of Minnesota School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
University of Mississippi IACUC [ IACUC ]
University of Missouri [ United States ]
University of Missouri Office of Research Regulatory and Safety-Related Issues [ IACUC ]
University of Missouri - Rolla Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
University of Missouri Animal Care and Use Committee [ IACUC ]
University of Missouri College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources [ Colleges ]
University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Missouri CVM Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Department of Veterinary Pathobiology [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Extension Continuing Education [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Historical Review [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Laboratory Animal Medicine Program [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Research [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Research Animal Diagnostic & Investigative Laboratory [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri CVM Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ Missouri ]
University of Missouri Department of Entomology [ Entomology ]
University of Missouri Extension Continuing Education [ Meetings ]
University of Missouri Health Informatics Training Program [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Missouri Office of Laboratory Animal Medicine [ United States ]
University of Missouri Pre-Veterinary Medicine Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Missouri Research Animal Diagnostic and Investigative Laboratory (MU RADIL) [ University ]
University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory [ University ]
University of Missouri-Kansas City Laboratory Animal Center [ United States ]
University of Miyazaki Department of Veterinary Science (Japan) [ International ]
University of Miyazaki Laboratory Animal Center (Japan) [ International ]
University of Montana Department of Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of Montana IACUC [ IACUC ]
University of Montreal Bibliotheque de Medecine Veterinaire (Canada) [ Libraries ]
University of Montreal Diagnostic Laboratory (Canada) [ University ]
University of Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Canada ]
University of Montreal Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Bibliotheque de Medecine Veterinaire [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Biomedecine Veterinaire [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Centre de Recherche en Reproduction Animale [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Diagnostic Laboratory [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Groupe de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses du Porc [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Pathologie et Microbiologie [ Montreal ]
University of Montreal FVM Sciences Cliniques [ Montreal ]
University of Munich Fakultät für Brauwesen, Lebensmitteltechnologie und Milchwirtschaft (Germany) [ Dairy Cattle ]
University of Munich Tieranatomie II (Germany) [ International ]
University of Nebraska Department of Animal Science [ Animal Science ]
University of Nebraska Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences [ United States ]
University of Nebraska Lincoln Pre-Veterinary Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Nebraska Medical Center Animal Care and Use Program [ United States ]
University of Nevada, Reno School of Veterinary Medicine [ United States ]
University of New England Livestock Industries Institute (Australia) [ Animal Science ]
University of New Hampshire College of Life Science & Agriculture [ Colleges ]
University of New Hampshire Zoology Department [ Academic ]
University of New Mexico Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of New Orleans [ United States ]
University of New South Wales Biological Resources Centre (Australia) [ International ]
University of New South Wales Paediatric Pain Interest Group [ Biomedical Research ]
University of Newcastle Neural Systems Group [ Biomedical Research ]
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of North Carolina School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Division of Medical Computing & Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Northern British Columbia Policy and Procedures on Animal Care [ IACUC ]
University of Northern Iowa Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Oklahoma Biological Station [ Science ]
University of Oklahoma Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Pennsylvania Center for Animal Health and Productivity [ United States ]
University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics [ General ]
University of Pennsylvania Center for Veterinary Critical Care [ United States ]
University of Pennsylvania Center for Veterinary Critical Care [ Biomedical Research ]
University of Pennsylvania Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Pennsylvania IHGT Transgenic Core [ Genetics ]
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Animal Health & Productivity [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Animal Transgenesis & Germ Cell Research [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Aquatic Animal Medicine & Pathology [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Equine Sports Medicine & Imaging [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Infectious Disease Research & Food Safety [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Medical Genetics [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for the Interaction of Animals & Society [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Center for Veterinary Critical Care [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Computer-Aided Learning Pilot Project [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Computer-Aided Learning Project [ Computer Aided Learning ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Department of Animal Biology [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Department of Clinical Studies - New Bolton Center [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Department of Clinical Studies - Philadelphia [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Department of Pathobiology [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM George D. Widener Hospital for Large Animals - New Bolton Center [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM International Programs [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Large Animal Radiology [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Mari Lowe Center for Comparative Oncology Research [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Office of Admissions [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania SVM Veterinary Hospital [ Pennsylvania ]
University of Pennsylvania University Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science [ South Africa ]
University of Pretoria Veterinary Science Library (South Africa) [ Libraries ]
University of Prince Edward Is. Animal Welfare Unit (Canada) [ IACUC ]
University of Prince Edward Island Atlantic Veterinary College [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Admissions [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Animal Welfare Unit [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC APHIN - Animal Productivity & Health Information Network [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Atlantic Fish Health, Inc. [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Department of Anatomy & Physiology [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Department of Health Management [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Diagnostic Services [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Diagnostic Services (Canada) [ University ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Faculty & Staff Directory [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Fish Health [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Graduate Training [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Lobster Health Research Centre [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island AVC Newsletter [ UPEI ]
University of Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Veterinary College [ Canada ]
University of Queensland Department of Entomology (Australia) [ Entomology ]
University of Queensland Department of Parasitology [ Parasites ]
University of Queensland Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science [ Australia ]
University of Queensland SVS Department of Pathobiology (Australia) [ International ]
University of Reading Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit [ International ]
University of Reading Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit (UK) [ International ]
University of Regina Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Rhode Island [ United States ]
University of Rhode Island Department of Fisheries, Animal & Veterinary Science [ Science ]
University of Rhode Island Department of Fisheries, Animal & Veterinary Science [ United States ]
University of Rochester Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Rochester Pre-Veterinary Society [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Rotterdam Department of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Saskatchewan College of Agriculture (Canada) [ Colleges ]
University of Saskatchewan Department of Animal & Poultry Science (Canada) [ Animal Science ]
University of Saskatchewan Department of Animal and Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
University of Saskatchewan Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Saskatchewan Subject Guides for Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine [ Literature Search ]
University of Saskatchewan Veterinary Medicine Library [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan Veterinary Medicine Library (Canada) [ Libraries ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Admissions [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Companion Animal Health Fund [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Course Curriculum [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Department of Veterinary Microbiology [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Equine Health Research Fund [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Faculty [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Horse Health Lines Newsletter [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan WCVM Western Canadian Veterinary Students' Association [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine [ Saskatchewan ]
University of Saskatchewan Western College of Veterinary Medicine [ Canada ]
University of Scranton Office of Research Services [ IACUC ]
University of South Alabama [ United States ]
University of South Alabama Primate Research Laboratory [ United States ]
University of South Carolina School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of South Carolina Transgenic Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
University of South Florida College of Public Health [ United States ]
University of South Florida Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Southern Maine Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Stirling Institute of Aquaculture (Scotland) [ Aquaculture ]
University of Strathclyde & University of Glasgow Veterinary Informatics and Epidemiology Unit [ Epidemiology ]
University of Sydney Department of Animal Science (Australia) [ Animal Science ]
University of Sydney Department of Medical Entomology [ Entomology ]
University of Sydney Faculty of Veterinary Science [ Australia ]
University of Sydney Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science (Australia) [ International ]
University of Tasmania School of Aquaculture [ Aquaculture ]
University of Tasmania Zoology Department (Australia) [ Academic ]
University of Tennessee Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine Library [ Libraries ]
University of Tennessee Agriculture-Veterinary Medicine Library [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources [ Colleges ]
University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Admissions [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Alpha Psi Fraternity-Sigma Chapter [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Avian, Exotic Animal & Zoological Medicine [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Continuing Education Meetings [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Continuing Education Meetings [ Meetings ]
University of Tennessee CVM Diagnostic Imaging & Therapy [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Diagnostic Services [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Faculty, Student & Staff Directories [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Faculty, Student & Staff Directories [ Veterinary College Directories ]
University of Tennessee CVM History [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Large Animal Clinical Sciences [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Medical Oncology Services [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM News & Events [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Office of Laboratory Animal Care [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Public Service [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Research [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM SCAVMA [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM SlideShow [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Small Animal Clinic [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee CVM Veterinary Medical Communications [ Tennessee ]
University of Tennessee Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology [ Entomology ]
University of Tennessee Diagnostic Services [ University ]
University of Tennessee-Knoxville Office of Laboratory Animal Care [ United States ]
University of Texas - MD Anderson Cancer Center Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery [ United States ]
University of Texas at Austin Animal Resources Center [ United States ]
University of Texas at Austin College of Natural Sciences [ Academic ]
University of Texas at Austin Pre-Veterinary Association [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Pain Research Group [ Biomedical Research ]
University of Texas Medical Branch Medical Mycology Research Center [ Mycology ]
University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health [ United States ]
University of the Phillipines at Los Banos College of Veterinary Medicine [ Phillipines ]
University of the West Indies School of Veterinary Medicine [ West Indies ]
University of Tokushima School of Medicine Institute for Animal Experimentation (Japan) [ International ]
University of Tokyo Department of Animal Resource Sciences (Japan) [ International ]
University of Tokyo Department of Veterinary Anatomy (Japan) [ Anatomy ]
University of Tokyo Department of Veterinary Medicine (Japan) [ International ]
University of Tokyo Department of Veterinary Pathology (Japan) [ International ]
University of Tokyo Ocean Research Institute [ Marine ]
University of Toledo Animal Care Program [ United States ]
University of Toronto Pain Research Group [ Biomedical Research ]
University of Toronto Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals [ Animal Rights ]
University of Toronto Zoology Department (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Tsukuba Department of Biological Sciences (Japan) [ Academic ]
University of Utah Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Utah Department of Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Vermont Department of Animal & Food Sciences [ Animal Science ]
University of Vermont Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Vermont Office of Animal Care Management [ United States ]
University of Vermont Office of Sponsored Programs [ IACUC ]
University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences - Brno [ Czech Republic ]
University of Veterinary Medicine in Kosice [ Slovak Republic ]
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna Institute of Medical Physics and Biostatistics (Austria) [ International ]
University of Veterinary Science [ Hungary ]
University of Veterinary Science Central Library (Hungary) [ Libraries ]
University of Veterinary Science Department of Anatomy & Histology (Hungary) [ International ]
University of Veterinary Science Department of Physiology and Biochemistry (Hungary) [ International ]
University of Victoria Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Victoria School of Health Information Science [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Vienna Department of Medical Cybernetics & Artificial Intelligence [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Virginia Clinical Informatics [ Publications ]
University of Virginia Office of Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
University of Virginia Transgenic Mouse Core Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Wales-Cardiff School of Pure & Applied Biology (UK) [ Academic ]
University of Washington Columbia Basin Research [ Science ]
University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering [ Computer Science ]
University of Washington Division of Biomedical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
University of Washington Fish Collection [ Icthyology ]
University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine [ United States ]
University of Washington Wetland Ecosystem Team [ Science ]
University of Washington Zoology Department [ Academic ]
University of Waterloo Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Western Australia Transgenic Animal Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Western Ontario Zoology Department (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Windsor Department of Biological Sciences (Canada) [ Academic ]
University of Wisconsin Babcock Institute International Dairy Research & Development [ Dairy Cattle ]
University of Wisconsin Biotechnology Center Transgenic Animal Facility [ Genetics ]
University of Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research [ Dairy Cattle ]
University of Wisconsin Pain & Policy Studies Group [ Biomedical Research ]
University of Wisconsin Poultry Science Department [ Poultry ]
University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin Steenbock Library [ Libraries ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Administration [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Admissions [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Animal Cancer Treatment Program [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Blastomyces dermatitidis [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Companion Animal Fund [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Comparative Ophthalmic Research Laboratories [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Continuing Education [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Department of Comparative Biosciences [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Department of Medical Sciences [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Department of Pathobiological Sciences [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Department of Surgical Sciences [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Equine Research Fund [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Food Animal Production Medicine [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Network Computing Support [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Pet Loss Support Group [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Radioimmunoassay Laboratory [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM SCAVMA [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Steenbock Memorial Library [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin SVM Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital [ Wisconsin ]
University of Wisconsin-Madison Pre-Veterinary Association [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Biology [ Academic ]
University of Wisconsin-Platteville [ United States ]
University of Wisconsin-River Falls PreVet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
University of Wyoming Department of Veterinary Sciences [ United States ]
University of York Department of Biology (UK) [ Academic ]
University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Croatia ]
University of Zambia School of Veterinary Medicine [ Zambia ]
University of Zarazoga Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology (Spain) [ International ]
University of Zurich Institute of Laboratory Animal Science (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Zurich Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology (Switzerland) [ International ]
University of Zurich Zoology Department (Switzerland) [ Academic ]
University Veterinary Hospital (Berkeley, CA) [ California ]
University Veterinary Hospital (Tempe, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Università di Bologna Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Bologna Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria Biblioteca (Italy) [ Libraries ]
Università di Messina Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Milano Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Napoli Federico II Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Parma Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Perugia Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Pisa Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Sassari Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Università di Torino Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria [ Italy ]
Universität Bern Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät [ Switzerland ]
Universität Göttingen Institut für Tierphysiologie und Tierernährung (Germany) [ International ]
Universität Leipzig Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät [ Germany ]
Universität München Institut für Tierpathologie (Germany) [ International ]
Universität München Tierärztliche Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians [ Germany ]
Universität Wien Universitätsbibliothek der Veterinärmedizinischen (Austria) [ Libraries ]
Universität Zürich Veterinärmedizinische Fakultät [ Switzerland ]
Université de Liège Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire [ Belgium ]
Unofficial Jack Russell Terrier Site [ Jack Russell Terrier ]
Unraveling Mysteries Associated with Cat-Scratch Disease, Bacillary Angiomatosis & Related Syndromes (CDC) [ Zoonoses ]
Unraveling Mysteries Associated with Cat-Scratch Disease, Bacillary Angiomatosis & Related Syndromes (CDC) [ Health ]
Unusual Animal Careers (ARK Animal Tracks) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
UOFAA - Unione Operati di Fecondazione Artificiale Animale (Italy) [ Theriogenology ]
UPCO Pet Products [ Commercial ]
UPEI Atlantic Veterinary College Lobster Health Research Centre (Canada) [ International ]
Uphaus Angelfish Corner [ Hobby ]
Upper Valley Humane Society (NH) [ Humane Societies ]
Uppsala Universitet Department of Comparative Medicine (Sweden) [ International ]
Upstream Flyfishing Clothing & Supplies [ Commercial ]
UpTown Veterinary Hospital (Dallas, TX) [ Texas ]
Urban Angler [ Commercial ]
Urban's Ferret Page [ Pets ]
Urbana Atlas of Pathology (University of Illinois) [ Human ]
Urchin Web [ Echinodermata ]
Uromastyx Lizard [ Lizards ]
Ursus Photography [ Commercial ]
US & Canadian Veterinary Colleges - Expanded Edition [ North America ]
US Abalone [ Commercial ]
US Air Force [ Divisions ]
US Army Animal Medicine Distance Learning [ Continuing Education ]
US Army Entomological Sciences Program [ Pest Management ]
US Army Food, Safety & Hygiene Airway to Learning [ Food Safety ]
US Army Kadena Veterinary Service (Okinawa, Japan) [ Japan ]
US Army Pest Management Bulletins [ Newsletters ]
US Army Veterinary Command [ Divisions ]
US Army Veterinary Corps [ Divisions ]
US Army Veterinary Service News [ Newsletters ]
US Army Veterinary Services [ Divisions ]
US Biological [ Biotechnology ]
US Biomedical Space Research Timeline [ Comparative Medicine ]
US Census Bureau [ Divisions ]
US Census of Agriculture [ Databases ]
US Code [ US Code ]
US Code of Federal Regulations Searchable Database [ US Code ]
US Congress (Gopher) [ Other ]
US Congressional Documents and Debates (1774-1873) [ United States ]
US Congressional Fax Service [ Politics ]
US Constitution [ United States ]
US Copyright Office [ Divisions ]
US Customs Service [ Divisions ]
US Customs Service - Pets & Wildlife [ Divisions ]
US Department of Commerce [ USDC ]
US Department of Defense Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
US Department of Justice [ USDJ ]
US Department of Labor [ USDL ]
US Department of the Interior [ USDI ]
US Department of Transportation [ USDT ]
US Department of Veterans Affairs [ USDVA ]
US DOD LabLink [ Divisions ]
US Federal Government List of Sites [ Metasites ]
US Federal Judiciary [ Other ]
US Fish and Game Departments [ Fish & Game ]
US Food and Drug Law [ United States ]
US Food Code (FDA-CFSAN) [ United States ]
US Food Regulations [ United States ]
US Government Blue Pages Online Directory [ Metasites ]
US Government Documents - Ready Reference Sources [ United States ]
US Government Electronic Commerce Policy [ United States ]
US Government Manual [ United States ]
US Government Printing Office [ Other ]
US Government Printing Office [ Literature Search ]
US House of Representatives [ Other ]
US National Dairy Database (University of Maryland) [ Dairy Cattle ]
US National Parasite Collection [ Parasitology ]
US News and World Report Veterinary Medical School Rankings [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
US News Colleges & Careers Center [ General Career Resources ]
US Pig Gene Mapping (Iowa State University - NAGRP) [ Genetics ]
US Pig Gene Mapping Coordination Program [ Genome ]
US Poultry Gene Mapping (Michigan State University) [ Genome ]
US Senate [ Other ]
US Standards for Grades of Fishery Products [ United States ]
US State & Local Gateway [ Metasites ]
US State and Local Government Indexes [ Metasites ]
US State and Territory Animal Import Regulations [ United States ]
US State Health Departments [ Health Departments ]
US State Veterinarians [ Animal Health ]
US Supreme Court Opinions (LII Project Hermes) [ United States ]
US Treasury Department [ USTD ]
USA DOG (Defenders of Greyhounds) [ Rescue Groups ]
USAHA - United States Animal Health Association [ Epidemiology ]
USAID - US Agency for International Development [ Other ]
USAIN-L - United States Agriculture Information Network Mailing List [ Veterinary ]
USAMRMC - US Army Medical Reserach & Materiel Command [ Divisions ]
USDA - ARS Quarterly Reports of Selected Research Projects [ Newsletters ]
USDA - AWIC Animal Welfare Act Workshops [ Meetings ]
USDA - US Department of Agriculture [ USDA ]
USDA Agricultural Fact Book 1998 [ Agricultural ]
USDA Agricultural Statistics 1995-96 [ News ]
USDA Agricultural Telecommunications Funding [ Funding ]
USDA Animal Damage Control Program [ Management ]
USDA APHIS Press Releases [ Veterinary ]
USDA APHIS Veterinary Biologics [ Pharmacology ]
USDA ARS Poultry Research Unit [ Poultry ]
USDA Economic Research Service Publications [ Agricultural ]
USDA Economics and Statistics [ Agricultural ]
USDA Economics and Statistics System (Cornell Mann Library) - Sheep [ Sheep ]
USDA Economics and Statistics System - Hogs [ Production & Industry ]
USDA Economics and Statistics System - Poultry and Eggs [ Poultry ]
USDA Extension Food Safety Education Database [ Food Safety ]
USDA FSIS Digital Library [ Food Safety ]
USDA History of American Agriculture [ News ]
USDA International Agricultural Projections [ News ]
USDA ISIS Online Public Access Catalog (telnet login=isis) [ Literature Search ]
USDA Market News Reporter [ Agricultural ]
USDA Missing Pet Network [ Health ]
USDA National Agricultural Library [ Libraries ]
USDA National Agricultural Statistics [ Agricultural ]
USDA National Dairy Database [ Literature Search ]
USDA National Sheep Industry Improvement Center [ Sheep ]
USDA Natural Disaster Assistance [ Disaster ]
USDA Nematology Lab [ Divisions ]
USDA Nematology Laboratory [ Nematoda ]
USDA News [ News ]
USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference [ Nutrition ]
USDA Online Directory of Professional Workers in Agriculture [ US ]
USDA Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases [ Toxicology ]
USDA Sheep Production Statistics [ Sheep ]
USDA Small Farm Digest [ Agricultural ]
USDA Statistical Data (telnet login=usda) [ Literature Search ]
USDA Swine Futures Project [ Production & Industry ]
USDA Swine Genome Map [ Genome ]
USDA Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory [ Mycology ]
USDA WASDE - World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates [ News ]
USDA-APHIS DxMonitor Animal Health Report [ Newsletters ]
USDA-APHIS Leader's Letter [ Newsletters ]
USDA-ARS Culture Collection [ General ]
USDA-ARS National Veterinary Services Laboratory (Ames, IA) [ Government ]
USDA-ARS-NCAUR Mycotoxin Research Unit [ Toxicology ]
USDA-FDA Foodborne Illness Educational Materials Database [ Food Safety ]
USDA-FDA Foodborne Illness Educational Materials Database [ Literature Search ]
USDA-FDA HACCP Training Programs & Resources Database [ Food Safety ]
USDA-FSIS Digital Library Project [ Food Safety ]
USDA-NAL Animal Welfare Information Center [ Animal Welfare ]
USDF - United States Dressage Federation [ Horses ]
USDOD - US Department of Defense [ USDOD ]
USDOD Biomedical Research Database [ Divisions ]
USDOE - Department of Energy [ USDOE ]
USDoT Legislation and Regulations [ United States ]
USDS - US Department of State [ USDS ]
Use of Animals in Toxicology and Biomedical Research (Society of Toxicology - Allegheny-Erie Regional Chapter) [ Toxicology ]
Use of Drugs in Food Animals - Benefits and Risks (NAP) [ Books ]
Use of Drugs in Food Animals Benefits and Risks (NAS) [ Food Safety ]
Use of Forage-Animal Models in Resource Management (University of Kentucky) [ Nutrition ]
Use of Laboratory Animals in Biomedical and Behavioral Research (NRC) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Useful Links from Darst Lab [ Science ]
Useless Information [ Science ]
Users Guide to the Medical Literature (McMaster University) [ Literature Search ]
Users Guide to the Scientific & Clinical Literature on Dog & Cat Behavior [ Books ]
USFW - US Fish and Wildlife Service [ USFW ]
USGS - US Geologic Survey [ USGS ]
USGS Amphibian Information Database [ Science ]
USGS Center for Biological Informatics [ Biological ]
USGS NBII Metadata Clearinghouse [ Literature Search ]
USGS North American Amphibian Monitoring Program [ Science ]
USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center [ Conservation ]
USHHS - US Department of Health & Human Services [ USHHS ]
USHSLA - United States Hide, Skin & Leather Association [ Cows ]
USIA - United States Information Agency [ Foundations ]
USIHC - United States Icelandic Horse Congress [ Horses ]
Using CA-Clipper as a CGI-DOS Back-end (Phil Tillman,DVM) [ Computer Programming ]
Using Statistics in Poultry Hypothesis Testing (Texas A&M University) [ Poultry ]
Using the Internet for Medical Record Management [ Medical Records ]
USP - U.S. Pharmacopeia [ Pharmacology ]
USP Veterinary Practitioners' Reporting (VPR) Program [ Pharmacology ]
USPCA - United States Police Canine Association [ Dogs ]
USPEA - US Poultry & Egg Association [ Birds ]
USPS - US Postal Service [ Other ]
USTA - United States Trotting Association [ Horses ]
USTSA - U.S. Targhee Sheep Association [ Small Ruminants ]
UT Science Bytes [ Science ]
Utah Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Utah State University Animal, Dairy, Veterinary Science [ United States ]
Utah State University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Utah State University Institute for Antiviral Research [ United States ]
UTK_CVM (University of Tennessee Veterinary List) [ Veterinary ]
Utrecht University Immunology Department (Netherlands) [ International ]
UVA-OEHS Laboratory Survival Manual [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
V. Kirkwood Dressage Home Page [ Sport ]
VA Telemedicine Initiatives [ Telemedicine ]
VAAJ - Veterinary Association for Arbitration and Jurisprudence [ Ethics ]
VACAS-L (Asociación Nacional Especialistas en Medicina Bovina de España) [ Veterinary ]
Vaccine-Associated Feline Sarcomas [ Oncology ]
VAFSTF - Vaccine Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force [ Oncology ]
Valencia Veterinary Group (Saugus - Newhall, CA) [ California ]
Valerie Haecky's Turtle Information Pages [ Turtles ]
Vallee Pet-Dog Training [ Training ]
Valley Compounding [ Compounding ]
Valley Oak SPCA (Visalia, CA) [ Humane Societies ]
Valley Vet Supply [ Pet Products ]
Valley Veterinary Hospital (Murrieta, CA) [ California ]
VAM - Veterinary Association of Malaysia [ National & International ]
Van Beek Scientific, Ltd. [ Alternative Medicine ]
Van Essen Laboratory (Washington University) [ Science ]
Vana Pharmazeutische Produkt (Austria) [ Alternative Medicine ]
VanCam Wildlife Detection System [ Commercial ]
Vancouver Island Marmot Diary [ Marmot ]
Vancouver Island Marmot Pages [ Marmot ]
Vanecek Bunny Farm [ Breeders ]
Vanrinkl Cornish Rex Cats [ Commercial ]
Vantastix CFA's Turkish Van Breed Club [ Turkish Van ]
VAPH 910 - Veteirnary Gross Anatomy (Texas A&M University CVM) [ Anatomy ]
VAPH 910 - Veterinary Gross Anatomy (Texas A&M University) [ Anatomy ]
VAPH 911 - Veterinary Histology (Texas A&M University) [ Histology ]
Vapor Trail Graphics Animated Cartoon [ General ]
Vaportek, Inc. Air Treatment Products [ Disinfectants ]
VAPP 5315 - Veterinary Pathology I (Oklahoma State University) [ Pathology ]
VAPP 5425 - Dermatology (Oklahoma State University) [ Dermatology ]
VAR 518 - Histology (University of Georgia CVM) [ Histology ]
VBOSS - Veterinary Business Office Software System (CRT Systems, Inc.) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VC 10 - Veterinary Circle for 10 (Central Luzon State University) [ Veterinary Student ]
VCA - Veterinary Centers of America [ Clinical Pathology ]
VCA - Veterinary Centers of America [ Corporate Practice ]
VCA Medical Update [ Newsletters ]
VCAI Family Pet Magazine [ Newsletters ]
VCAT (Veterinary College Aptitude Test Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
VCAT - Veterinary College Admissions Test [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
VCS - Veterinary Cancer Society [ Oncology ]
VDK - Vlaamse Diergeneeskundige Kring (University of Ghent, Belgium Veterinary Student Association) [ Veterinary Student ]
VDSC Labs [ Other ]
VECCS - Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Society [ Emergency ]
VECCS-L (Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Discussion Group) [ Veterinary ]
Vector Laboratories [ Molecular Biology ]
Vedco Veterinary Products [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Vee Gee Scientific, Inc. Laboratory Equipment & Supplies [ Clinical Pathology ]
Vegan Action [ Veggies ]
Vegetable Rights Association [ Veggies ]
Vegetarian and Animal Rights Pages [ Veggies ]
Vegetarian Central [ Veggies ]
Vegetarian Pages [ Veggies ]
Vegetarian Resource Center [ Veggies ]
Vegetarian Resource Group [ Veggies ]
Vegetarian Ring [ Veggies ]
Vegetarianism and Animal Rights [ Veggies ]
VegSource [ Veggies ]
Velcro Companies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Velefarm [ Distributors ]
Velopex International X-Ray Film Processing [ Imaging ]
Venator Kennels Old English Sheepdogs [ Breeders ]
Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis (USDA) [ Health ]
Venom Supplies Pty Ltd [ Commercial ]
VENOM-L (Venom Research Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Venomous Snakes of the World (Atheris Labs) [ Commercial ]
Ventilation Design Handbook on Animal Research Facilities Using Static Microisolators Volumes I and II [ Comparative Medicine ]
Venture's Story - Life & Times of a Guide Dog [ Other ]
Verein für Deutsche Spitze [ Spitz ]
Vereniging Proefdiervrij [ Animal Rights ]
Verlag M. & H. Schaper GmbH & Co. KG [ Publishers ]
Vermont Alpaca Company [ Breeders ]
Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife [ Fish & Game ]
Vermont SIRI Safety Information [ Occupational Health and Safety ]
Vermont Veterinary Board [ Veterinary Boards ]
Vertebrate Paleontology (University of Nebraska State Museum) [ Other ]
Vertebrate Pest Conference - Wildlife and Animal Damage [ Management ]
Vertical Solutions Agricultural Software [ Agricultural ]
Vervain Asians & Burmese [ Commercial ]
Very Very Veterinary Professional Veterinary Products [ Dermatology ]
Vesalius [ Human ]
Vesalius Interactive Anatomy [ Human ]
Vesna Kennels English Springer Spaniels [ Breeders ]
VESO VetResearch (Norway) [ Laboratories ]
VESO Vikan AkvaVet [ Science ]
VESO Vikan AkvaVet Fish Disease Research [ Laboratories ]
VET - Veterinary Educational Team Sled Dog Racing [ Dogs ]
Vet Advantage Program [ Commercial ]
Vet Advisor (Gatto McFerson) [ Construction ]
Vet Brands International [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
VET CABWeb [ Journals ]
VET CABWeb Forthcoming Events Calendar [ Meetings ]
Vet Calls Mobile Clinic (Austin, TX) [ Texas ]
Vet Chat (World Veterinary Association) [ Chat Groups ]
Vet Clinic East (Columbia, OH) [ Ohio ]
Vet Club (Ireland) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Vet Direct Specialist Veterinary Supplies & Business Services (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Vet Espana (Spain) [ International ]
VET JOBS (Veterinary Job List) [ Veterinary ]
Vet n' Pet [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Vet on the Net (Netherlands) [ International ]
Vet On-Line International Journal of Veterinary Medicine [ Journals ]
Vet Rap (Terry C. Gerros, DVM) [ Horses ]
Vet Ring Home Page [ US ]
Vet Specialist Centre (North Ryde, Australia) [ Australia ]
Vet Student Humor [ Humor ]
Vet Talk (Mark Silverio, DVM) [ Newsletters ]
Vet Tech Menagerie [ Veterinary Technology ]
Vet Vu Veterinary Endoscopes [ Surgery ]
Vet Web (Belgium & Netherlands) [ International ]
Vet Web (UK) [ International ]
Vet's Corner (Parrot Society of Australia) [ Birds ]
Vet's Pet Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vet's Poems [ Poetry ]
Vet-2-Vet Marketing (UK) [ Distributors ]
Vet-Dek Postcard Advertising Decks [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Vet-Komplett [ Alternative Medicine ]
Vet-Zone [ General Veterinary Directories ]
Vet.Net [ US ]
VET_CORPS (Military Veterinary Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
VET_TECHS (Veterinary Technician Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Vetafarm Australia Pty. Ltd. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
VetAid Book of Veterinary Anecdotes [ Books ]
VETAIR Foundation [ Foundations ]
VetArk Professional (UK) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Vetbase Drug Formulary Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
Vetbase Drug Formulary Software [ Formulary ]
VetBooks (Tower Software, Inc.) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VETcalc Practice Excel Program [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VetCare (Finland) [ International ]
Vetcare (Jonesboro, AR) [ Arkansas ]
VetCare Imports (Finland) [ Distributors ]
VetCare Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VetCD [ Literature Search ]
VetConnect (Canada) [ International ]
VETCPD Project on Computer Assisted Distance Learning (UK) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
VetDirect Veterinary Supply Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
VETEC - Meß- und Veterinärtechnik [ Animal Behavior ]
Vetech Laboratories Inc. [ Biologics ]
VETECH Software Services, Inc. [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VetEquip Inhalation Anesthesia Equipment [ Anesthesiology ]
Veteran's Administration Telemedicine Initiative [ Telemedicine ] Mail Club [ Veterinary ]
Veterinarian Innovations Business Consulting [ Jobs ]
Veterinarian Innovations Business Consulting [ Construction ]
Veterinarian Network [ US ]
Veterinarian Supplies [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Veterinarian's Oath [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Veterinarians - Occupational Outlook Handbook (US-BLS) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Veterinarians and the Internet - Surfing or Drowning [ Articles ]
Veterinarians In Research Labs Address Conflicting Agendas (The Scientist) [ Articles ]
Veterinarmedizinishe Universitat Wien Institut fur Anatomie (Austria) [ International ]
Veterinarska Stanica (Croatia) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Veterinarske Novice (Slovenia) [ Journals ]
Veterinarski Fakultet - Beograd [ Yugoslavia ]
Veterinary Abbreviations and Acronyms [ Literature Search ]
Veterinary Acupuncture Bibliography (University of Montreal) [ Alternative Medicine ]
Veterinary Acupuncture Books [ Alternative Medicine ]
Veterinary Acupuncture Page [ Alternative Medicine ]
Veterinary Anatomy [ Anatomy ]
Veterinary Anatomy Forum (Japan) [ Anatomy ]
Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Center - Tervuren (Belgium) [ International ]
Veterinary and Agrochemical Research Laboratory - Uccle (Belgium) [ International ]
Veterinary Anesthesia (University of Saskatchewan) [ Anesthesiology ]
Veterinary Anesthesia (Virtual Anesthesia Textbook) [ Books ]
Veterinary Apparel Company [ Apparel ]
Veterinary Associates Stonefield (Louisville, KY) [ Kentucky ]
Veterinary Biologicals Home Page [ Biologics ]
Veterinary Biologics - Animal Health (Canada) [ Biologics ]
Veterinary Book Exchange (Exotic Animal Network) [ Books ]
Veterinary Book List [ Books ]
Veterinary Bulletin [ Journals ]
Veterinary Business Development (UK) [ Consultants ]
Veterinary Business Journal [ Journals ]
Veterinary Business Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Veterinary Cardiology Online (Ontario Veterinary College) [ Cardiology ]
Veterinary Careers [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Veterinary Clinic (Urbana, OH) [ Ohio ]
Veterinary Clinic Oost Drenthe (Klijndijk, Netherlands) [ Netherlands ]
Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology - A Problem-Oriented Approach [ Epidemiology ]
Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology - A Problem-Oriented Approach [ Books ]
Veterinary Clinics - Equine Practice [ Journals ]
Veterinary Clinics - Exotic Animal Practice [ Journals ]
Veterinary Clinics - Food Animal Practice [ Journals ]
Veterinary Clinics - Small Animal Practice [ Journals ]
Veterinary Clinique Rhoon (Netherlands) [ Netherlands ]
Veterinary Conference Proceedings (University of Montreal) [ Literature Search ]
Veterinary Dental Institute (Aptos, CA) [ California ]
Veterinary Dentistry [ Dentistry ]
Veterinary Dentistry Articles (Jan Bellows, DVM) [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Dermatology [ Journals ]
Veterinary Dermatology (University of Glasgow) [ Dermatology ]
Veterinary Dermatology Consultants (UK) [ UK ]
Veterinary Design Services [ Construction ]
Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging & Veterinary Cytopathology [ Imaging ]
Veterinary Dialogue BBS [ Veterinary ]
Veterinary Disaster Area [ Disaster ]
Veterinary Drugs & Chemicals [ Compounding ]
Veterinary Dynamics Inc. Hyperimmune Plasma [ Immunology ]
Veterinary Economics [ Journals ]
Veterinary Economics - Classifieds [ Classifieds ]
Veterinary Economics - Job List [ Jobs ]
Veterinary Education in the Information Age (University of Melbourne) [ Articles ]
Veterinary Emergency Drug Calculator [ Pharmacology ]
Veterinary Endoscopy (Spain) [ Surgery ]
Veterinary Endoscopy Services [ Surgery ]
Veterinary Entomology Expert Systems [ Expert Systems ]
Veterinary Genetics Laboratory (University of California-Davis) [ Genetics ]
Veterinary HealthCare Associates (Gastonia, NC) [ North Carolina ]
Veterinary Healthcare Consultants, LLC [ Consultants ]
Veterinary Heart Institute [ Cardiology ]
Veterinary Heart Institute (Gainesville, FL) [ Florida ]
Veterinary Hepathology [ Gastroenterology ]
Veterinary Herbal Medicine [ Alternative Medicine ]
Veterinary Histology - Dr. Thomas Caceci (Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine) [ Histology ]
Veterinary History Journals (WAHVM) [ Journals ]
Veterinary Hotlines [ US ]
Veterinary Imaging Associates [ Imaging ]
Veterinary Immunohistochemistry_Histochemistry Photo Gallery (NCI) [ Histology ]
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology [ Journals ]
Veterinary Infectious Disease Organization (Canada) [ International ]
Veterinary Informatics - An Emerging Field [ Articles ]
Veterinary Informatics and Epidemiology Unit (U. of Strathclyde & U. of Glasgow) [ International ]
Veterinary Informatics Program (Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine) [ Educational Opportunities ]
Veterinary Information Relating to Llamas [ Llamas & Alpacas ]
Veterinary Information Services [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Veterinary Job Bank (TW Medical) [ Jobs ]
Veterinary Jobs On The Net [ Jobs ]
Veterinary Journal and Proceedings Database Search Engine (University of Montreal) [ Literature Search ]
Veterinary Journal and Proceedings Database Search Engine (University of Montreal) [ Journals ]
Veterinary Journals_ Tables of Contents (University of Montreal) [ Journals ]
Veterinary Laboratory Association Quality Assurance Program [ Clinical Pathology ]
Veterinary Learning Systems [ Publishers ]
Veterinary Mall [ Www ]
Veterinary Medical & Technical Colleges, Departments, and Programs [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Veterinary Medical Articles (Germany) [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Medical Center (Atlanta, GA) [ Georgia ]
Veterinary Medical Info - Dogs & Cats (Suite 101) [ Chats ]
Veterinary Medical News (Mississippi State University) [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Medical Publishing Calendar of Veterinary Meetings and Events [ Meetings ]
Veterinary Medical Publishing Illustrated Buyers Guide [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Veterinary Medical Record Notes (Duane Steward, DVM, PhD) [ Medical Records ]
Veterinary Medical Research Institute (Hungary) [ International ]
Veterinary Medical Visualization Project (Michigan State University) [ Imaging ]
Veterinary Medicine [ Journals ]
Veterinary Medicine (Russia) [ International ]
Veterinary Medicine - An Illustrated History [ Books ]
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health Related Conferences [ Meetings ]
Veterinary Medicine as a Career [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Veterinary Medicine Equine Books (LWW) [ Books ]
Veterinary Medicine Extension (University of California-Davis) [ Extension ]
Veterinary Medicine for Backcountry Horsemen [ Health ]
Veterinary Medicine Historical Collection (Michigan State University) [ Literature Search ]
Veterinary Medicine Libraries [ Libraries ]
Veterinary Medicine News (University of California-Davis) [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Medicine Publishing Group [ Journals ]
Veterinary Medicine Publishing Idea Exchange [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Medicine Publishing Student Advisor [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Veterinary Medicine Small Animal Books (LWW) [ Books ]
Veterinary Medicine VRML Server (University of Georgia) [ Anatomy ]
Veterinary Medicine VRML Server (University of Georgia) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
Veterinary Microbiology [ Journals ]
Veterinary NAET [ Alternative Medicine ]
Veterinary Necropsy Notes (Dr. EM Cabana) [ Pathology ]
Veterinary Neurological Center, Ltd. (Phoenix, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Veterinary Notes for Horsemen [ Books ]
Veterinary Nursing - Technician Pages [ Veterinary Technology ]
Veterinary Oncology Program (Louisiana State University) [ Oncology ]
Veterinary Ophthalmology InfoCentre [ Ophthalmology ]
Veterinary Ophthalmology Services, Inc. (Warwick, RI) [ Rhode Island ]
Veterinary Ophthalmology Services, Inc. (Warwick, RI) [ Ophthalmology ]
Veterinary Outreach (Southern California) [ California ]
Veterinary Parasitology [ Journals ]
Veterinary Parasitology Images (Oklahoma State University) [ Parasitology ]
Veterinary Parasitology Images (Oklahoma State University) [ Invertebrates ]
Veterinary Parasitology Images Gallery (University of Sao Paulo) [ Parasitology ]
Veterinary Pathology [ Journals ]
Veterinary Pathology Diagnostic Exercises (Oklahoma State University) [ Pathology ]
Veterinary Perinatal Specialties [ Theriogenology ]
Veterinary Pet Insurance [ Pet Insurance ]
Veterinary Pet Insurance Enrollment Center [ Pet Insurance ]
Veterinary Pharmacology Lectures (Purdue University) [ Pharmacology ]
Veterinary Practice Consultants [ Consultants ]
Veterinary Practice Sales Group [ Consultants ]
Veterinary Practice Services (VPS-VIM) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Veterinary Product News [ News ]
Veterinary Product News Calendar [ Meetings ]
Veterinary Radiation Therapy [ Oncology ]
Veterinary Record [ Journals ]
Veterinary Record - Job Ads (UK) [ Jobs ]
Veterinary Referral Center (Denver, CO) [ Colorado ]
Veterinary Referral Clinic (Cleveland, OH) [ Ohio ]
Veterinary Relief Services (Aliso Viejo, CA) [ California ]
Veterinary Research [ Journals ]
Veterinary Research Communications [ Journals ]
Veterinary Research Institute (Brno, Czech Republic) [ International ]
Veterinary Resource Center (Ralston-Purina) [ Consultants ]
Veterinary Resource Corporation [ Consultants ]
Veterinary RoundTable [ Chat Groups ]
Veterinary Safety & Health Digest Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Services Area Offices [ Divisions ]
Veterinary Services in the World (FAO) [ International ]
Veterinary Services, Ltd. (Breese, IL) [ Illinois ]
Veterinary Software Publishing, Inc. ClienTrax Veterinary Practice Manager [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Veterinary Software Solutions [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Veterinary Specialty Hospital (Rancho Santa Fe, CA) [ California ]
Veterinary Students of Illinois, Ltd. [ Distributors ]
Veterinary Surgeon NER Bussell (Devon) [ UK ]
Veterinary Surgery [ Journals ]
Veterinary Surgery Referral Center (Tulsa, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Veterinary Systematic Histology Modules (University of Georgia) [ Histology ]
Veterinary Technician [ Journals ]
Veterinary Technician Career (Human Resources Development Canada) [ Veterinary Technology ]
Veterinary Technician Community (Texas A&M University) [ Veterinary Technology ]
Veterinary Technician Land [ Veterinary Technology ]
Veterinary Technology Distance Education (St. Petersburg Junior College) [ Continuing Education ]
Veterinary Technology Homepage [ Veterinary Technology ]
Veterinary Times [ Journals ]
Veterinary Transplant Services, Inc. [ Orthopedics ]
Veterinary Ultrasound Society Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
Veterinary Values - Approximate Equivalents [ Formulary ]
Veterinary Values - Conversion Aids [ Formulary ]
Veterinary Values Hotlines [ US ]
Veterinary Vision Ophthalmology Specialty Practice (San Mateo, CA) [ California ]
Veterinary Zoological Information Resource Project (VetScape & GUVZS [ Wildlife ]
VETERINARYDREAMS (Future Veterinarians Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
VETERINARYTECHFORUM (Veterinary Technician Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
Veterindustria (Asociación Empresarial de la Industria Zoosanitaria) [ Pharmacology ]
VeteriNet (Canada) [ International ]
Veterinus Derma Gel [ Dermatology ]
Veterinársky spravodajca [ Journals ]
Veterinär Gunnar Alvsten - VikingVet (Sweden) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Veterinärmedizin OnLine in Deutschland, in Europa, in der Welt [ International ]
Veterinärmedizinische Forschungsstätten in Deutschland (Germany) [ International ]
Veterinärmedizinische Universität Wien [ Austria ]
Veternet, Inc. [ General Veterinary Directories ]
Veterpro [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VeterWin Veterinary Practice Management Software (Spain) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vetevents [ Meetings ]
Vetfile (UK) [ International ]
VetFinder [ General Veterinary Directories ]
VetGen Veterinary Genetics Services [ Genetics ]
VetGenix Equine Dermatology [ Dermatology ] Web Page Design for Veterinarians [ Www ]
VetHelp - Snyder Management Advisory [ Consultants ]
VETHIS-L (Veterinary Hospital Information Systems) [ Veterinary ]
Veticare Animal Hospital (St. Charles, MO) [ Missouri ]
Vetimagem Centro de Diagnóstico Veterinário (Brazil) [ Brazil ]
VetIndex Online (UK) [ International ]
VetInfo [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
VetInfo (Denmark) [ International ]
VETINFO (Veterinary Informatics Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Vetinfo Digest [ Newsletters ]
Vetinfo Dog Disease Index [ Health ]
Vetlab Services (UK) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Vetlab Supplies (UK) [ Clinical Pathology ]
VETLATINOS (Latin American Veterinary Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Vetlex European Veterinary Laws and Regulations CD-Rom [ International ]
VETLIB-L (Veterinary Librarian Mailing List) [ Veterinary ] (Germany) [ International ]
VETLINK (SCIVAC Veterinary Professional Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Vetlink Employment Service [ Jobs ]
VetLink Veterinary Hospital Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VetLinks [ Www ]
VetLinks [ General Veterinary Directories ]
VETMED (Veterinary Medicine Discussion List Archives) [ Veterinary ]
VETMED - Die Serviceseiten für VeterinärmedizinerInnen [ International ]
VetMed Impex [ Distributors ]
VetMed.AT (Austria) [ International ]
VetNat International [ Alternative Medicine ]
VetNet (UK) [ International ]
VetNetwork Websites, Pet Care Articles, and Newsletters [ Www ]
VETNURSING (Veterinary Nursing Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Veto Sante (France) [ Distributors ]
Vetocom Software (France) [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
VETOLISTE (Vétérinaires Francophones) [ Veterinary ]
Vetoquinol International [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Vetoquinol NA [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Vetoquinol UK [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
VetPak Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VetPartners National Veterinary Network [ Corporate Practice ]
Vetphi Veterinary Practice Management Software (France) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VETPLUS-L (Veterinary Professionals List) [ US ]
VETPLUS-L (Veterinary Professionals List) [ Veterinary ]
VETPLUS-L Client Information Pages [ Newsletters ]
VetPractMgt (Veterinary Practice Management List) [ Veterinary ]
VETPRCTMGT (Veterinary Practice Management Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
VetQuest Classified Advertisements [ Classifieds ]
VetQuest Veterinary Search and Referral Service [ US ]
Vetricare Veterinary Pharmacy Services [ Compounding ]
Vetronics ECG Monitor [ Cardiology ]
Vets Biggest Pet Peeve (Detroit News) [ Articles ]
Vets Direct [ Online Services ]
Vets on Line (South Africa) [ International ]
VetSc@pe (UK) [ International ]
Vetscape [ International ]
VetSearch [ General Veterinary Directories ]
VetSelect Animal Hospitals (MI) [ Michigan ]
Vetserv USA Supplies and Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
VetServe (UK) [ International ]
VetSet [ General Veterinary Directories ]
VetShopping (Brazil) [ International ] [ General Veterinary Directories ]
VetSoft Diagnostic and Clinical Veterinary Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vetsone Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vetsonline (UK) [ International ]
Vetsonline Diary of Events (UK) [ Meetings ]
VETSTAR-L (VADDS & Vetstar Discussions Unplugged) [ Veterinary ]
Vetstream [ Continuing Education ]
VetStream Information and Teaching Software [ Veterinary - Other Software ]
VETSTU-L (Veterinary Student Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
VetStuff [ Orthopedics ]
VetSys (Denmark) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vettec Hoof Repair [ Products ]
Vetwest Animal Hospitals (Perth, Australia) [ Australia ]
VetWindows Practice Management and Marketing Software System [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VETWORK (Health & Welfare of Animals, People & the Environment) [ Veterinary ]
VetWorld [ US ]
VFD - Directorate of Veterinary and Food Sciences (Denmark) [ International ]
VGL Animal Pages [ Metasites ]
VHMA - Veterinary Hospital Managers Association [ Practice Management ]
Vic-Cas Fundas de Plastico (Spain) [ Commercial Products ]
Vicar Productos Veterinarios (Colombia) [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
Vicki Cleaver's Ultimate WWW Cat Homepage [ Pets ]
Vicki Martin Design [ Www ]
Vicki Martin, BVSc (Vicki Martin Design) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Victor Valley Animal Hospital (Hesperia, CA) [ California ]
Victoria's Open Range Zoo (Australia) [ International ]
Victorian Dairy Genetics [ Genetics ]
Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (Australia) [ Government ]
Video Catnip [ Products ]
Vienna Zoo (Austria) [ International ]
Village Animal Hospital (Larchmont, NY) [ New York ]
Village Veterinary Clinic (Auburn, AL) [ Alabama ]
VIN - Veterinary Information Network [ Online Services ]
VIN Oncology Gateway [ Oncology ]
VIN Vet Test Quest Board Preparation [ Continuing Education ]
Vincent Belin, DVM (Paris, France) [ France ]
Vine Street Financial [ Financial ] [ Sport ]
VIP for Animals [ Metasites ]
VIP Pointers [ Breeders ]
VIP Vaccine Service (CA) [ California ]
Vipera Zoo [ Arachnids ]
Viperidae Homepage [ Snakes ]
Viral Antigens, Inc. [ Microbiology ]
Viral Haemorrhagic Disease of Rabbits [ Health ]
Viral Zoonoses [ Zoonoses ]
Virbac Austria [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Virbac France [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine [ Veterinary Boards ]
Virginia Community College System Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Virginia Cooperative Extension Poultry Resources [ Poultry ]
Virginia Department of Agriculture [ Agriculture ]
Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries [ Fish & Game ]
Virginia Neurological Institute Informatics Program [ Medical Informatics ]
Virginia Tech Animal Care Committee [ IACUC ]
Virginia Tech Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences [ Poultry ]
Virginia Tech Pre-Vet Club [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
Virginia Tech University Department of Animal & Poultry Sciences [ Animal Science ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medical Library [ Libraries ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Admissions [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Avian Medicine Service [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Clinical Nutrition Service [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM College Newsletters [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Continuing Education Resources [ Meetings ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Drug Information Lab [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Drug Information Lab [ Pharmacology ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Faculty Rosters [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Faculty Rosters [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM History [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Kineticlass [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Large Animal In-Hospital Clinical Services [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Outreach Service [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Production Management Medicine Service [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Research [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Small Animal Medicine [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Veterinary Medical Informatics Program [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Veterinary Medical Library [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital [ Virginia-Maryland ]
Virgnia Tech Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Virology Journal [ Research ]
VirSci Corporation [ Training ]
Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook [ Anesthesiology ]
Virtual Anatomy Project (Colorado State University) [ Human ]
Virtual Badger Sett [ Badger ]
Virtual Center on Toxinoloy (Brazil) [ Toxicology ]
Virtual Center on Toxinoloy (Brazil) [ Health ]
Virtual Courses on the Web (University of Minnesota) [ Continuing Education ]
Virtual Creatures [ Frogs & Toads ]
Virtual Creatures (Stanford University) [ Fictional ]
Virtual Dissections (Mining Co.) [ Anatomy ]
Virtual Dolphin Project [ Dolphins ]
Virtual Electronic Medical Record (VEMR) [ Medical Records ]
Virtual Embryo [ Theriogenology ]
Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection [ Anatomy ]
Virtual FlyLab [ Genetics ]
Virtual Flyshop [ Commercial ]
Virtual Horse City [ Services ]
Virtual Horse City Goats [ Breeders ]
Virtual Horse Software [ Products ]
Virtual Hospital (University of Iowa) [ Medical Informatics ]
Virtual Insectary [ Invertebrates ]
Virtual Kitty [ Fictional ]
Virtual Lecture Hall Online CME [ Continuing Education ]
Virtual Lectures in Microbiology and Immunology (University of Rochester) [ General ]
Virtual Medical Worlds [ Telemedicine ]
Virtual Medical Worlds Magazine [ Publications ]
Virtual Memorial Garden [ Pet Loss ]
Virtual Mouse Necropsy (NCI) [ Pathology ]
Virtual North Fishing & Wildlife Adventures (Canada) [ Services ]
Virtual Pet Cemetary [ Pet Loss ]
Virtual Pet Home Page [ Fictional ]
Virtual Pets ( [ Fictional ]
Virtual Pig Dissection [ Science ]
Virtual Pig Dissection [ Images ]
Virtual Pig Dissection [ Anatomy ]
Virtual Puppy [ Fictional ]
Virtual Safari ( [ Fun ]
Virtual Vet Animal Products [ Pet Products ]
Virtual Veterinarians - Vets to the Stars (Beverly Hills, CA) [ California ]
Virtual Veterinary Center - Martindale's Health Science Guide [ US ]
Virtual Veterinary Clinic [ Pet Information by Veterinarians ]
Virtual Whales [ Whales ]
Virtual Zoo [ Fun ]
Virus Databases Online (Australian National University) [ Infectious Diseases ]
Virus-Serum-Toxin Act [ United States ]
Viruses, Serums, Toxins, Antitoxins, and Analogous Products (Title 21, Chapter 4) [ US Code ]
Visible Genetics, Inc. [ Genetics ]
Visible Human Cross Sections [ Human ]
Visible Human Project (NLM) [ Human ]
Visible Productions Biomedical Visualization Materials & Products [ Anatomy ]
Vision Computing Vet Manager (NZ) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vision Ostrich International [ Ratites ]
Vision Science - Research in Human & Animal Vision [ Ophthalmology ]
Vision Veterinaria Mascotas (Colombia) [ International ]
Visionarian Veterinary Practice Management Software Corporation [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Visionary Bird Cages [ Products ]
Visual Cavet Veterinary Practice Management Software (Brazil) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Visual VetAid Business Administration System [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Vita Treat Pet Products [ Commercial ]
Vita-Tech Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories (Canada) [ Clinical Pathology ]
Vitalaire, Inc. [ Anesthesiology ]
Vitamed Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Viva Vegetarians International Voice for Animals [ Veggies ]
Vivaria Projects [ Commercial ]
Vivisection [ Animal Rights ]
Vizsla Newzsletter Pages of New Zealand [ Vizsla ]
VLA - Veterinary Laboratories Agency (UK) [ UK ]
Vladimir's VetEmporium [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
VM 499 - Problems in Small Animal Medicine (Washington State University CVM) [ Training ]
VM 8644 - Veterinary Urology [ Urinary ]
VM 8674 - Hemolymphatic System (Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM) [ Immunology ]
VM 8744 - Respiratory System (Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM) [ Respiratory ]
VM 9114 - Clinical Problem Solving (Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
VMCAS - Veterinary Medical College Application Service [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
VMCAS - Veterinary Medical College Application Service [ Pre-Veterinary Student ]
VMD Veterinary Products and Supplies [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
VMD98 (University of Pennsylvania Class of 98 Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
VMDB - Veterinary Medical Database (Purdue University) [ Databases ]
VMF - Swedish Veterinary Students' Union [ Veterinary Student ]
VMF - Veterinærmedicinsk Forening (Danish Veterinary Student Association) [ Veterinary Student ]
VMIMS Electronic Medical Record (University of Guelph) [ Medical Records ]
VMLS - MLA Veterinary Medical Libraries Section [ Library ]
VMRD, Inc. [ Clinical Pathology ]
VMS5422 - Veterinary Surgery - Anesthesiology (Oklahoma State University) [ Anesthesiology ]
Vo-Toys Grooming Tools [ Pet Products ]
Vocational Services, Inc. [ Pet Products ]
VOHC - Veterinary Oral Health Council [ Dentistry ]
VOICE - Veterinarians Opposed to Inhumane Circus Environments [ Ethics ]
Volunteers for Animal Welfare, Inc. (Oklahoma City, OK) [ Animal Welfare ]
Volusia County Herp Society [ Reptiles ]
Von Der Höllenburg German Shepherds [ Breeders ]
Von Diamandt Punkt Kennels [ Breeders ]
Von Falkenfeld's Dobermans [ Breeders ]
VonUberhund Kennels White German Shepards [ Breeders ]
Voronezh Zoo (Russia) [ International ]
Vosco Technologies - Vetsoft Veterinary Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VP 350 - Veterinary Epidemiology (University of Illinois CVM) [ Epidemiology ]
VP 370 - Computer Based Information Competency for Veterinarians (University of Illinois CVM) [ Computer Aided Learning ]
VP 5333 - Arthropods and Protozoan Parasites of Veterinary Medical Importance [ Parasitology ]
VPB - Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals [ Formulary ]
VPB - Veterinary Pharmaceuticals and Biologicals [ Books ]
VPBIO 556-557 - Veterinary Parasitology (University of Missouri) [ Parasitology ]
VPI - Veterinary Post-Graduate Institute [ Continuing Education ]
VPMA - Veterinary Practice Management Association (UK) [ Practice Management ]
VRP - Veterinary Resource Program [ Divisions ]
VS - Veterinary Services [ Divisions ]
VSAS - Veterinary Student Achiever's Society (Phillipines) [ Veterinary Student ]
VSF - Veterinaires Sans Frontieres [ Foundations ]
VSF - Veterinarios Sin Fronteras [ Foundations ]
VSI - Veterinary Service, Inc. [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
VSI Pet Care Products First Aid For Pets [ Pet Products ]
VSN - Veterinary Specialist Network [ General Veterinary Directories ]
VSNS BioComputing Course [ Computer Aided Learning ]
VSP - Veterinary Specialty Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
VSSI Veterinary Products [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
VT On Line (Belgium) [ Veterinary ]
VTAS - Veterinary Technician Anesthetist Society [ Veterinary Technology ]
VTEL Digital Visual Communications [ Telemedicine ]
Vulcon Technologies Laboratory Equipment [ Clinical Pathology ]
Vulpes.Org [ Fox ] Wildlife Ring [ Metasites ]
VVMA - Virginia Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
VWin - VMac [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
VWR [ General Supplies ]
VÖK - Vereinigung Österreichischer Kleintiermediziner (Austria) [ Small Animal ]
Vétonet (France) [ International ]
W-Brand Veterinary Products & Horseshoeing Tools [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
W. Jean Dodds, DVM (Hemopet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
W.B. Saunders Company [ Publishers ]
W.B. Saunders Company Journals [ Journals ]
W.M. Keck Center for Advanced Training in Computational Biology (University of Pittsburgh) [ Medical Informatics ]
WAB - World Association for Buiatrics [ Cows ]
WABR - Washington Association for Biomedical Research [ Comparative Medicine ]
Wadsworth Biology Resource Center BioUpdates [ Newsletters ]
Wadsworth Biology Resource Center Genetic Updates [ Newsletters ]
Wageningen Agricultural University Animal Health & Management Economics Unit (Netherlands) [ Departments ]
Wageningen Agricultural University Animal Health & Management Economics Unit (NL) [ International ]
Wageningen Agricultural University Chicken Genome Mapping [ Genome ]
Wageningen Agricultural University Department of Animal Sciences (Netherlands) [ Animal Science ]
Wagon Wheel Ranch Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
Wahl Clipper Corporation [ Pet Products ]
WAHVM - World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine [ History ]
WAICENT - World Agricultural Information Centre [ Divisions ]
Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Waikiki Aquarium [ Aquaria ]
Wakan Tanka Behavior Seminars & Publishers [ Training ]
Wake Forrest University Department of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
Walkabout Harnesses [ Commercial ]
Walker's West [ Commercial ]
Walnut Creek Veterinary Clinic (Mansfield, TX) [ Texas ]
Walrus Information (Busch Gardens) [ Pinnipeds ]
Walrus Master [ Pinnipeds ]
Walter M. Woolf, VMD (Air Animal) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Walter Reed Army Medical Center [ United States ]
WAME - World Association of Medical Editors [ Library ]
Wandtafeln of Rudolph Leuckart [ Taxonomy ]
Wandtafeln of Rudolph Leuckart [ Invertebrates ]
War Eagle Info Page (Auburn University) [ Raptors ]
WARF - Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation [ Foundations ]
Warmblood Horse Discussion Forum [ Animal ]
Warner Lambert [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Warren House Group of Veterinary Surgeries (North Kent) [ UK ]
Warsaw Agricultural University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [ Poland ]
Warwick University Department of Biological Sciences (UK) [ Academic ]
Warwick Valley Humane Society (Warwick, NY) [ Humane Societies ]
Warwickshire College Veterinary Nursing (UK) [ International ]
WAS - Worcester Aquarium Society [ Fish ]
WAS - World Aquaculture Society [ Fish ]
Washington Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ Government ]
Washington D.C. Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Washington Forest Protection Association [ Conservation ]
Washington Gap Analysis Home Page [ Conservation ]
Washington Post Federal Internet Guide [ Metasites ]
Washington Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Washington State Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Washington State House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Admissions [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Animal Resource Unit [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Aquatic Animal Medicine [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Biomedical Communications Unit [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Center for the Study of Animal Well-being [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Class Notes and Course Materials [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Class of 2000 [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Continuing Education [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Continuing Education Programs [ Meetings ]
Washington State University CVM Department of Veterinary & Comparative Anatomy, Pharmacology & Physiology [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Department of Veterinary Microbiology & Pathology [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Field Disease Investigative Unit [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM History [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Information for Animal Owners [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM International Veterinary Education [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Monoclonal Antibody Center [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Office of Veterinary Public Relations & Development [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM People-Pet Partnership Program [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Personnel Directory [ Veterinary College Directories ]
Washington State University CVM Personnel Directory [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Raptor Rehabilitation Program [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Research [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Research Track [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM SCAVMA [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Veterinary Information Systems [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Veterinary Medical-Pharmacy Library [ Washington State ]
Washington State University CVM Veterinary Teaching Hospital [ Washington State ]
Washington State University Department of Animal Sciences [ Animal Science ]
Washington State University Veterinary Medical-Pharmacy Library [ Libraries ]
Washington Univeristy Neuroscience Transgenic Facility [ Genetics ]
Washington University Animal Studies Committee [ IACUC ]
Washington University Cancer Center Embryonic Stem Cell Core [ Genetics ]
Washington University Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology [ Biomedical Research ]
Washington University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Washington University Department of Computer Science [ Medical Informatics ]
Washington University Institute for Biomedical Computing [ Medical Informatics ]
Washington University Medical Informatics Laboratory [ Medical Informatics ]
Watanabe Animal Hospital (Japan) [ Japan ]
Water Buffalo [ Buffalo ]
Water Dragon Photo Gallery [ Reptiles ]
Water Requirements for Beef Cattle (NebGuide) [ Beef Cattle ]
WATERDRAGS (Water Dragon Mailing List) [ Animal ]
Waterfowl of Chenoa [ Waterfowl ]
Waterfowl Resource [ Waterfowl ]
Waters Bullmastiffs [ Breeders ]
Watkins & Son Pet Supplies [ Pet Products ]
Wattkatz Persians [ Commercial ]
WAVA - World Association of Veterinary Anatomists [ Anatomy ]
WAVE - World Association of Veterinary Educators [ Academic ]
WAWV - World Association of Wildlife Veterinarians [ Wildlife ]
Wayne County Veterinary Clinic (Monticello, KY) [ Kentucky ]
Wayne State University Department of Biological Sciences [ Academic ]
Wayne State University Division of Laboratory Animal Resources [ United States ]
WCA - Wool Council of Australia [ Small Ruminants ]
WCS - Wildlife Conservation Society [ Wildlife ]
WCVSA - Western Canadian Veterinary Students' Association [ Veterinary Student ]
WDA - Wildlife Disease Association [ Wildlife ]
WDCS - Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society [ Marine Mammals ]
WE International Livestock & Poultry Products [ Products ]
WE International, Inc. Livestock and Poultry Products [ Poultry ]
Weakly Electric Fish [ Marine ]
Weare Animal Hospital (Weare, NH) [ New Hampshire ]
Weasel Web News [ News ]
Web 2002 Web Site Design [ Www ]
Web Directory of Electronic Medical Record Vendors [ Medical Records ]
Web MGI Mating Analysis Software [ Cow ]
Web Resources for Model Organisms (HMS Beagle) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Web Voyeur Virtual Zoo [ Fun ]
Web Wolf's Home Page [ Wolf ]
WebCats - Library Catalogues on the WWW [ Literature Search ]
Webcutter [ Molecular Biology ]
WebEd Virtual University - Veterinary Medicine [ United States ]
WebElements Periodic Table [ Imaging ]
WebMedLit [ Literature Search ]
WebPath Pathology Images (University of Utah) [ Human ]
WebSeek Animal Pictures [ General ]
WEHN - World Equine Health Network [ Online Services ]
WEHN - World Equine Health Network [ Health ]
Weidwerk (Austria) [ Wildlife ]
Weimaraner Club of America [ Weimeraner ]
Weimaraner Home Page [ Weimeraner ]
Weimer Pharma GmbH [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Weipers Centre for Equine Welfare (UK) [ Rescue ]
Wellcome Trust [ Foundations ]
Wellington Animal Action [ Animal Rights ]
Wellington Riding (UK) [ Services ]
WELLPET (Holistic Pet Care List) [ Veterinary ]
Wellsboro Veterinary Hospital & Reptile & Bird Clinic (Wellsboro, PA) [ Pennsylvania ]
Welsh Association of Licensed Kennels [ Directories ]
Welsh Black Cattle Society [ Beef Cattle ]
Welsh Terrier Glaucoma Research & Information [ Welsh Terrier ]
Wendell Belfield, DVM (Your Animal's Health) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
Wererat's Lair [ Pets ]
Werewolf Page [ Fictional ]
Wesleyan University Department of Biology [ Academic ]
West Coast Zoological [ Commercial ]
West Coast Zoological [ Commercial ]
West Deptford Animal Hospital (Thorofare, NJ) [ New Jersey ]
West Esplanade Veterinary Clinic & Bird Hospital (Metarie, LA) [ Louisiana ]
West Highland White Terrier Club of America [ West Highland White Terrier ]
West Indian Manatee (USFW) [ Sirenia ]
West Suburban Humane Society (Chicago, IL) [ Humane Societies ]
West Virginia Canine College [ Training ]
West Virginia Raptor Rehabilitation Center [ Conservation ]
West Virginia University [ United States ]
West Virginia University College of Agriculture & Forestry [ Colleges ]
Westdale Veterinary Clinic (Urbandale, IA) [ Iowa ]
Western Abyssinian Cat Club [ Abyssinians ]
Western Bigfoot Society [ Fictional ]
Western Canada Wilderness Committee [ Conservation ]
Western Carolina University [ United States ]
Western Colorado Peruvian Horse Club [ Peruvian Pasos ]
Western Dog Shows Ltd [ Shows ]
Western Illinois University [ United States ]
Western Livestock Journal [ Agricultural ]
Western Mall [ Products ]
Western Medical Supply, Inc. [ Distributors ]
Western Producer On-line [ Agricultural ]
Western Reserve Poodle Club (Cleveland, OH) [ Poodle ]
Western Square Industries, Inc. [ Containment ]
Western University Health Sciences Library [ Western ]
Western University Health Sciences Library (Canada) [ Libraries ]
Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine [ USA ]
Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine [ Western ]
Western Veterinary Conference [ Meetings ]
Westfield State College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Westie Homepages [ West Highland White Terrier ]
Westie-Gram [ West Highland White Terrier ]
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show [ Shows ]
WEVA - World Equine Veterinary Association [ Horses ]
WFCC World Data Center for Microorganisms [ General ]
WFOA - Western Fishboat Owners Association [ Fish ]
WFP - World Federation of Parasitologists [ Parasitology ]
WFU - World Ferret Union [ Ferrets ]
WH Miner Agricultural Research Institute (NY) [ United States ]
WHA - Western Haflinger Association [ Horses ]
Whale Adoption Project [ Whales ]
Whale Communication (Christine Erbe) [ Whales ]
Whale Conservation Institute [ Whales ]
Whale Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Whale Songs [ Marine Mammals ]
Whale Sounds [ Marine Mammals ]
Whale Watcher Expert System (Acquired Intelligence) [ Whales ]
Whale Watching [ Whales ]
Whale Watching, Killer Whales and Grey Whales around Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada [ Whales ]
WhaleClub Homepage [ Whales ]
WhaleNet [ Whales ]
Whales - Students List of Activities [ Whales ]
Whales on the Net [ Whales ]
WhaleTimes SeaBed [ Whales ]
What are Ferrets [ Other ]
What Color is Your Parachute [ General Career Resources ]
What Does a Veterinarian Do [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
What is There - Interactive Metabolic Reconstruction on the Web [ Molecular Biology ]
What to do for a Poisoned Animal (ASPCA-NAPCC) [ Toxicology ]
What's on the Information Superhighway for Veterinarians (University of Illinois) [ Articles ]
Whatman [ Biotechnology ]
Wheatcrest Ragdolls [ Commercial ]
Wheaton Science Products [ Clinical Pathology ]
Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics [ Medical ]
Wheldon & Wesley Natural History Books [ Distributors ]
Where to Fish on the Net [ Sport ]
Whidbey Animals' Improvement Foundation (Whidbey Is., WA) [ Humane Societies ]
WHIP - Wildlife Health Information Partnership [ Wildlife ]
Whippets - Born to Run [ Whippet ]
Whirly-Bird Cat Exercise Toy [ Products ]
Whiskers Animal Benevolent League (Albany, NY) [ Humane Societies ]
Whispering Pines Arabian Ranch [ Commercial ]
Whispering Spirit Miniature Pony Stud [ Commercial ]
Whistler's Morgan Horse Farm [ Commercial ]
Whistlin' Wind Appaloosas [ Commercial ]
Whitaker Foundation Biomedical Engineering [ Foundations ]
White Cross Veterinary Group (West Yorkshire) [ UK ]
White House [ White House ]
White House (Gopher) [ White House ]
White House Dog Trivia [ Fun ]
White River Arkansas [ Sport ]
White Tails on the Web [ Deer ]
White Throat Monitor Lizards [ Lizards ]
Whitehall-Robins Healthcare [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Whiteshadow Kennels Samoyeds [ Breeders ]
Whittemore Enterprises Refurbished Medical Equipment [ General Veterinary Supplies & Equipment ]
WHO - World Health Organization [ Divisions ]
WHO Collaborating Center for Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems for Public Health [ Epidemiology ]
WHO Disease Outbreak News [ News ]
WHO Division of Control of Tropical Diseases [ Infectious Diseases ]
WHO Guidelines for the Safe Transport of Infectious Substances & Diagnostic Specimens [ United States ]
WHO Veterinary Public Health Programme [ Public Health ]
WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record [ Newsletters ]
Whoa Horses Crossing [ Metasites ]
Whole Brain Atlas [ Biomedical Research ]
Whole E. Cow [ Fun ]
Whole Frog Project (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) [ Frogs & Toads ]
Whole Frog Project (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory) [ Anatomy ]
Whole Horse Network [ Other ]
WHOSIS - World Health Organization Statistical Information System [ Public Health ]
WhoWhere People in U.S. Government [ Metasites ]
Why Bogus Therapies Seem to Work (CSICOP) [ Pharmacology ]
Why Cats Paint [ Cats ]
Why Files [ Science ]
Why Therapies May Seem to Work (Even When They Don't) [ Pharmacology ]
Wiarton Willie [ Groundhog ]
Wichita Audubon Society [ Conservation ]
Wiener Dog Art [ Commercial ]
Wiener Dogs Web Ring [ Dachshund ]
Wiener Wonderland [ Dachshund ]
Wignall Animal Hospital (Dracut, MA) [ Massachusetts ]
WIL Research Laboratories, Inc. [ Laboratories ]
Wild About Cats [ Conservation ]
Wild Adventures Online [ Services ]
Wild Animal Orphanage (San Antonio, TX) [ Conservation ]
Wild Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand [ Conservation ]
Wild Bird Center Bird Feeding & Watching [ Products ]
Wild Bird Centers of America, Inc. [ Products ]
Wild Bird Emporium [ Products ]
Wild Bird Habitats [ Products ]
Wild Bird Society of Japan [ Birding ]
Wild Birds Unlimited [ Products ]
Wild Canid Survival and Research Center [ Wolf ]
Wild Discovery Wired [ Endangered Species ]
Wild Discovery Wired [ Multiple Species ]
Wild Dolphin Project [ Dolphins ]
Wild Inside Nature Programs [ Multiple Species ]
Wild Legacy Wildlife Information and Stock Photography [ Commercial ]
Wild Neighbors - Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife [ Commercial ]
Wild Perceptions Photography [ Commercial ]
Wild Sanctuary Natural Sound and Media Design [ Wildlife ]
Wild Talk [ Felidae ]
Wild Things TV [ Multiple Species ]
Wild Things TV Show [ Services ]
Wild World of Platypi [ Monotremata ]
Wilderness Pointer Club of Virginia, Inc. [ Pointer ]
Wilderness Society - Melbourne Branch [ Conservation ]
Wildgroup (Sydney, Australia Veterinary Students) [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife & Fisheries Programs [ Divisions ]
Wildlife (GIF) [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife and Zoological Medicine Services (University of Florida CVM) [ Health ]
Wildlife Anesthesia [ Anesthesiology ]
Wildlife Art by Laura Mark-Finberg [ Commercial ]
Wildlife Conservation Society (Bronx Zoo) [ Zoo Animal ]
Wildlife Conservation Society (Bronx Zoo) [ Conservation ]
Wildlife Control Technology [ Management ]
Wildlife Control Technology, Inc. [ Services ]
Wildlife Ecology & Conservation (University of Florida) [ University ]
Wildlife Ecology Software [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Images Homepage [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Laws [ United States ]
Wildlife Management (EINet Galaxy) [ Management ]
Wildlife Management (Nebraska Extension Publications) [ Management ]
Wildlife Management - Kenya and Zimbabwe [ Management ]
Wildlife Management Information (Texas A&M University) [ Management ]
Wildlife Medical Clinic (University of Illinois) [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Medicine (Italian Academy of Veterinary Informatics) [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Network (UK) [ Conservation ]
Wildlife on Easy Street (Tampa, FL) [ Services ]
Wildlife Paintings - Bruce Muir [ Commercial ]
Wildlife Pharmaceuticals [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Wildlife Photos from Tây Nguyên (Central Highlands of Vietnam) [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Preservation Trust International [ Conservation ]
Wildlife Rehabilitation Information Directory [ Health ]
Wildlife Rehabilitation Shelter (Prince Rupert, BC) [ Rescue ]
Wildlife Relocators, Inc. [ Services ]
Wildlife Rescue (CA) [ Rescue ]
Wildlife Research Journal [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Resources (University of Florida) [ Management ]
Wildlife Support Group (Mississippi State University CVM) [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Telemetry Clearinghouse [ Multiple Species ]
Wildlife Trusts (UK) [ Conservation ]
Wildlife Veterinary Resources [ Wildlife ]
Wildlife Waystation [ Conservation ]
Wildlife Web [ Metasites ]
Wildlife Works [ Conservation ]
Wildlife Worldwide on BiblioLine [ Literature Search ]
WILDLIFEHEALTH (WildlifeHealth Group Mailing List) [ Veterinary ]
Wildlifer.Com Website Design [ Www ]
WildNet Africa [ Conservation ]
Wildnet Africa - Virtual Rhino Park [ Rhinoceros ]
Wildscapes Safaris (Cairns, Australia) [ Services ]
Wildside Kennels [ Breeders ]
WildWest Veterinary Conference [ Meetings ]
Wildwood Veterinary Hospitals (San Jose - Portola Valley, CA) [ California ]
Wiley InterScience [ Journals ]
Will I See Fido in Heaven [ Pet Loss ]
Will's Skull Page [ Anatomy ]
Willem's Racing Pigeons [ Pigeons & Doves ]
William B. Ley, DVM, MS (Virginia-Maryland Regional CVM) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
William E. Lammers, DVM (Express-News Ask the Vet) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
William G. Winter, DVM (The Whole Critter) [ Vets on the Net - Personal Pages ]
William H. Calvin's Books and Articles [ Biomedical Research ]
Williams Paint & Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
Willow & Sunshine [ Pets ]
Willow Rock Pet Hospital (Rocklin, CA) [ California ]
Wilmington College Department of Biology [ Academic ]
Wilson College (PA) Veterinary Medical Technology Program [ United States ]
Wilson's Creek Newfoundlands [ Breeders ]
Wimsey Bulldogs [ Breeders ]
Windhover Veterinary Center (Walpole, MA) [ Massachusetts ]
Windsor Raceway [ Sport ]
WindStar Wildlife Institute [ Conservation ]
Windt im Wald Farm Pinto & Arabians [ Commercial ]
Windwood Pugs [ Breeders ]
Wing An A Prayer Exotics [ Commercial ]
Wing-n-Wave Labradors [ Breeders ]
Wingers Publishing, Inc. [ Publishers ]
Wings Birdwatching Tours [ Services ]
Winland Boxers [ Breeders ]
Winn Feline Foundation [ Cats ]
Winners' Circle Ranch [ Commercial ]
Winnipeg Assiniboine Park Zoo (Canada) [ International ]
Winnipeg Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Winsoft Agricultural Software [ Agricultural ]
Winston's Ultimate Dachshund Links [ Dachshund ]
WinVet Veterinary Practice Management Software [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
WinVT Logiciel de gestion de cabinet Vétérinaire (France) [ Veterinary Practice Management ]
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon [ Wirehaired Pointing Griffon ]
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Club of America [ Wirehaired Pointing Griffon ]
Wisconsin Chow Chow Rescue [ Rescue Groups ]
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources [ Fish & Game ]
Wisconsin House Rabbit Society [ Rabbits ]
Wisconsin Humane Society [ Humane Societies ]
Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center [ United States ]
Wisconsin School of Professional Pet Grooming [ Services ]
Wisconsin Warmbloods [ Horses ]
Wiscoy Labrador Retrievers [ Breeders ]
Wiseman Animal Hospital & Boarding Kennel (Tucson, AZ) [ Arizona ]
Wistar Institute [ United States ]
Witold Chodzko Institute of Agricultural Medicine (Poland) [ International ]
Witts' End Ranch Registered Quarter Horses [ Commercial ]
Wizard's Castle Collies [ Breeders ]
WKC - World Kennel Club [ Dogs ]
WLREHAB (Wildlife Rehabilitation List) [ Veterinary ]
Wnt Genes in Drosophila (Stanford Univesrity) [ Genetics ]
Wodent Wheel [ Commercial ]
Wolf Creek Pony Express [ Services ]
Wolf Dog Coalition [ Wolf ]
Wolf Dunn [ Wolf ]
Wolf Haven International [ Wolf ]
Wolf Heaven Under The Stars [ Wolf ]
Wolf Pack [ Wolf ]
Wolf Pack Web Ring [ Wolf ]
Wolf Park [ Wolf ]
Wolf Pictures [ Wildlife ]
Wolf Screen Saver [ Commercial ]
Wolf Screen Saver [ Wolf ]
Wolf Tracks Magazine [ Wolf ]
Wolf Tracks Magazine [ Wildlife ]
Wolf's Den [ Wolf ]
Wolfhounds on The Web [ Irish Wolfhound ]
Wolters Kluwer [ Publishers ]
Wolves in Alaska [ Wolf ]
Wolves on the Web [ Wolf ]
Wolves vs. Sheep Puzzle [ Fun ]
Wolves vs. Sheep Puzzle [ Wolf ]
Wombat Homepage (Japan) [ Wombat ]
Wombats, Marsupials, and Other Animals [ Wombat ]
Women's Fishing Page [ Sport ]
Women's Health Campaign (AMP) [ Comparative Medicine ]
Wonderful Canine World [ Metasites ]
Wonderful Skunk and Opossum Page [ Skunk ]
Wonderful Skunk and Opossum Page [ Opossum ]
Wonderful World of Bulldogs [ Bulldog ]
Wondrous Praying Mantis [ Mantodea ]
Woodham Halt Veterinary Clinic (Essex) [ UK ]
Woodhaven Labradors [ Breeders ]
Woodland Animal Medical Centers (Woodland - Tulsa, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Woodlands Thoroughbred Farm [ Commercial ]
Woodmoor Veterinary Hospital (Monument, CO) [ Colorado ]
Woods Great Dane Page [ Great Dane ]
Woods-N-Water Hunting & Fishing Adventures [ Services ]
Woods-N-Water Hunting & Fishing Adventures (GA) [ Commercial ]
Woodside Veterinary Hospital (Devola, OH) [ Ohio ]
Woof It's a Dog's Life (PBS) [ Other ]
Wool Program (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 44) [ Sheep ]
Woolover Calf Security Blanket [ Products ]
Woolwich PetGuard (UK) [ Pet Insurance ]
WORC - Western Organization of Resource Councils [ Cows ]
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA) [ United States ]
Working Canine K9 Veterinary Consultation Services (Guilford, VT) [ Vermont ]
Working Dogs & Canine Athletes [ Sport ]
Working Retriever Central [ Other ]
Working Trials [ Sport ] [ Other ]
WorkingDogWeb [ Other ]
World AgriWeb [ Metasites ]
World Animal Net [ Animal Rights ]
World Animal Registry [ Animal Identification ]
World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians - IX International Symposium, College Station, TX, June 2-5, 1999 [ Meetings ]
World Conservation Monitoring Centre [ Conservation ]
World Courier [ Animal Transport ]
World Dairy Expo [ Dairy Cattle ]
World Dairy Expo [ Meetings ]
World Directory of Primatologists (WDP) [ Science ]
World Equine FAQ Resource [ Husbandry ]
World Equine Veterinary Review [ Journals ]
World Ferret Information Centre [ News ]
World Goat Centre [ Goats ]
World Health Organization Veterinary Public Health [ Public Health ]
World Horse Net [ Metasites ]
World Horsenet [ Products ]
World Kids Network Critters [ Fun ]
World Lynx [ Felidae ]
World Occurence of Anthrax [ Infectious Diseases ]
World of Birds Wildlife Sanctuary (Cape Town, South Africa) [ Conservation ]
World of Chimpanzees [ Pongidae ]
World of Drug Information (University of Iowa) [ Research ]
World Of Horses [ Metasites ]
World of Richard Dawkins [ Science ]
World of Sport Fishing [ Sport ]
World Parrot Trust USA [ Exotic Birds ]
World Precision Instruments [ Clinical Pathology ]
World Protection Dog Association [ Other ]
World Rabbit Science - Journal of WRSA [ Rabbits ]
World Rabbit Service - Jounal of WRSA [ Rabbits ]
World Resources Institute [ Conservation ]
World Sidesaddle Federation [ Other ]
World Society for the Protection of Animals [ Humane Societies ]
World Species List [ Taxonomy ]
World Wide Classifieds - Animals [ Services ]
World Wide Equine, Inc. Horse Dentistry [ Dentistry ]
World Wide Information Outlet Free Pet Content [ Newsletters ]
World Wide Pet [ Commercial ]
World Wide Raccoon Web [ Procyonidae ]
World Wide Web Journal of Biology [ Research ]
World Wide Web Usability (IJHCS) [ Www ]
World Wide Wounds [ Surgery ]
World Wildlife Fund [ Conservation ]
World Wildlife Fund - Canada [ Conservation ]
World Wildlife Fund - Germany [ Conservation ]
World Wildlife Fund - Hong Kong [ Conservation ]
World Wildlife Fund - Switzerland [ Conservation ]
World Wildlife Fund - The Netherlands [ Conservation ]
World Wildlife Fund - UK [ Conservation ]
World-Wide Sires, Inc. [ Theriogenology ]
World-Wide Vet Newsletter [ Newsletters ]
WorldClassDogs [ Directories ]
WorldPharmaWeb [ Directories ]
WorldWide Congress on Pain [ Biomedical Research ]
Worldwide Horsemen's Directory [ Metasites ]
WorldWide Web of AI [ Artificial Intelligence ]
Worm Literature Index [ Invertebrates ]
Worm Page [ Annelida ]
Worm World [ Annelida ]
Wormland [ Nematoda ]
WormWorld (UC - San Francisco) [ Nematoda ]
Worthington Biochemical Corporation [ Biotechnology ]
Worthington Tissue Dissociation Guide [ Molecular Biology ]
WOS - Washington Ornithological Society [ Birds ]
WPI Veterinary School Search Engine [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
WPI Veterinary School Search Engine [ North America ]
WPRA - Women's Professional Rodeo Association [ Horses ]
WPVMS - West Point Veterinary Medical Society [ Alumni ]
Wright Roost Quality Baby Parrots [ Exotic Birds ]
Wright's Anesthesia and Critical Care Resources [ Anesthesiology ]
Wrinky Dinks Gift Shop [ Commercial ]
WRSA - World Rabbit Science Association [ Rabbits ]
WRV - Wildlife Rescue Veterinarian Association of Japan [ Wildlife ]
WS - Wildlife Services [ Divisions ]
WSAVA - World Small Animal Veterinary Association [ Small Animal ]
WSVMA - Washington State Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
WVA - World Veterinary Association [ National & International ]
WVVMA - West Virginia Veterinary Medical Association [ US State & Local VMAs ]
WWF Living Planet [ Conservation ]
WWF Living Planet Campaign [ Conservation ]
WWPSA - World Wide Pet Supply Association, Inc. [ Pet Industry ]
WWVet (Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins) [ Publishers ]
WWW Cat Map [ Pets ]
WWW Employment Office - Veterinary Technicians [ Jobs ]
WWW Epidemiology & EBM Sources for Veterinarians (WSU-CVM) [ Epidemiology ]
WWW Library Directory [ Libraries ]
WWW Resources for Pain Researchers and Clinicians [ Biomedical Research ]
WWW Virtual Library - Agriculture [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Anesthesiology [ Anesthesiology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Animal Health, Well-being, & Rights [ Animal Rights ]
WWW Virtual Library - Anthropology [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Audio [ Other ]
WWW Virtual Library - Biodiversity, Ecology, and the Environment [ Wildlife ]
WWW Virtual Library - Biology Departments and Institutes [ Departments & Institutes ]
WWW Virtual Library - Biology Departments and Institutes [ Academic ]
WWW Virtual Library - Biology Societies and Organizations [ Biology ]
WWW Virtual Library - BioSciences [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Biostatistics [ Epidemiology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Biotechnology [ Biotechnology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Computing [ Computer Science ]
WWW Virtual Library - Dairy Production [ Dairy Cattle ]
WWW Virtual Library - Developmental Biology [ Genome ]
WWW Virtual Library - Drosophila [ Genetics ]
WWW Virtual Library - E. coli [ Bacteriology ]
WWW Virtual Library - E. coli Index [ Bacteriology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Ecology, Biodiversity & the Environment [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Electronic Journals [ Journals ]
WWW Virtual Library - Environment [ Conservation ]
WWW Virtual Library - Epidemiology [ Epidemiology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Evolution [ Evolution ]
WWW Virtual Library - Fish [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Herpetology [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Herpetology [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - History of Science, Technology and Medicine [ History ]
WWW Virtual Library - Immunology [ Immunology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Journals, Conferences, & Current Awareness Services [ Journals ]
WWW Virtual Library - Law [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Livestock [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Microbiology and Virology [ Infectious Diseases ]
WWW Virtual Library - Microscopy [ Histology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Mycology [ Mycology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Oceanography [ Marine ]
WWW Virtual Library - Pharmacy [ Pharmacology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Physiology & Biophysics [ Physiology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Poultry Science [ Poultry ]
WWW Virtual Library - Publishers [ Publishers ]
WWW Virtual Library - Roadkill [ Multiple Species ]
WWW Virtual Library - Sportfishing [ Sport ]
WWW Virtual Library - Standards & Standardization Bodies [ Standards & Terminology ]
WWW Virtual Library - US Federal Government Agencies [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library - Veterinary Medicine [ US ]
WWW Virtual Library - Vision Science [ Ophthalmology ]
WWW Virtual Library - Whale Watching Web [ Whales ]
WWW Virtual Library - Wool [ Sheep ]
WWW Virtual Library - Xenopus Molecular Marker Resource [ Frogs & Toads ]
WWW Virtual Library - Zoos [ Metasites ]
WWW Virtual Library Neuroscience [ Biomedical Research ] [ Coonhound ] [ Great Dane ] [ Dogs ] Pet Rats [ Pets ] [ Hunting ] [ Directories ] [ Paso Fino ] [ Conservation ] [ Animal Rights ] [ Vizsla ]
www.woofs [ Metasites ]
Wyeth-Ayerst [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Wynne Veterinary Clinic (Newberg, OR) [ Oregon ]
Wyoming DnaVaccine, LLC [ Biologics ]
Wyoming Game and Fish Department [ Fish & Game ]
Wyoming State Veterinary Laboratory [ Government ]
Wyoming Wildlife [ Multiple Species ]
X-O Odor Control [ Disinfectants ]
X-Ograph Imaging Systems Limited [ Imaging ]
Xenopus as a Model System in Developmental Biology [ Frogs & Toads ]
Xenopus Care Sheet [ Frogs & Toads ]
Xenopus Express [ Commercial ]
Xenopus Molecular Marker Resource White Pages [ Frogs & Toads ]
Xenos Laboratories, Inc. [ Toxicology ]
Xenotransplantation Science, Ethics & Public Policy (NAS) [ General ]
Xi Tec, Inc. X-ray Fluoroscopy Systems [ Imaging ]
Xibalba's Xoloitzcuintle [ Xoloitzcuintle ]
Xoloitzcuintli Home Page [ Xoloitzcuintle ]
Xoom - Pets [ Metasites ]
XPLOR - Extension Publications [ Literature Search ]
XREFdb - Cross-referencing Genetics of Model Organisms with Mammalian Phenotypes [ Genome ]
XTEC Portable X-Ray Equipment [ Imaging ]
Y-Tex Livestock Identification [ Animal Identification ]
Y-Tex Quality Livestock Identification & Pest Control Systems [ Products ]
Y.O. Ranch (Mountain Home, TX) [ Services ]
Yacanto Great Danes [ Breeders ]
Yahoo - Agriculture [ Metasites ]
Yahoo - Animal Science [ Metasites ]
Yahoo Animal Supply Companies [ Commercial ]
Yahoo Beef Cattle Club [ Chat Groups ]
Yahoo Biotechnology News [ News ]
Yahoo Health Conferences [ Meetings ]
Yahoo Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Yahoo Medical-Pharmaceutical News [ News ]
Yahoo Neuroscience Links [ Biomedical Research ]
Yahoo Pet Clubs [ Chats ]
Yahoo Science & Biology Conferences [ Meetings ]
Yahoo Telemedicine [ Telemedicine ]
Yak's Corner - Amazing Animals [ Fun ]
Yakima River Flyfishing [ Sport ]
Yale Center for Medical Informatics [ Medical Informatics ]
Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine [ Research ]
Yale Peabody Museum Herpetology Collections [ Herpetology ]
Yale Peabody Museum Herpetology Collections [ Herpetology ]
Yale University Cancer Center Transgenic Mouse Facility [ Genetics ]
Yale University Department of Neurosurgery [ Biomedical Research ]
Yale University Peabody Museum of Natural History [ Museums ]
Yale University School of Public Health [ United States ]
Yale University Section of Comparative Medicine [ United States ]
Yamagata University School of Medicine Laboratory Animal Center (Japan) [ International ]
Yamaguchi University Department of Veterinary Medicine (Japan) [ International ]
Yamaguchi University United School of Veterinary Sciences (Japan) [ International ]
Yankee Golden Retriever Club [ Golden Retriever ]
Yellow Dog Designs [ Products ]
Yellow Wood Llamas [ Breeders ]
Yellowstone Journal [ Wildlife ]
Yellowstone Llamas [ Breeders ]
Yellowstone National Park [ Conservation ]
Yes We Can Rare Breed Dog Shows [ Shows ]
Yesterday's News Cat Litter [ Cat Litter ]
Yocom-McColl Wool Testing Laboratories, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Yolano Veterinary Service (Georgetown, CA) [ California ]
York Ornithological Club (UK) [ Birding ]
York University Department of Biology (Canada) [ Academic ]
Yorkshire Terrier Magazine [ Yorkshire Terrier ]
Yorkshire Terriers of Rhapsody [ Breeders ]
Young Equestrian On-Line Magazine [ Fun ]
Youngstown FreeNet Animal Hospital (Cleveland, OH) [ Ohio ]
YOUNGVETS (Veterinary Career Discussion List) [ Veterinary ]
YOUNGVETS (Veterinary Career Seekers List) [ Veterinary ]
Your Animal's Health [ Newsletters ]
Your Career in the Sciences [ General Career Resources ]
Your Equine Nutrition Resource [ Nutrition ]
Yuba College Veterinary Technology Program [ United States ]
Yuckiest Site on the Internet [ Fun ]
Yukon Bird Club [ Birding ]
Yukon Pet Care Clinic (Yukon, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Yukon Veterinary Hospital (Yukon, OK) [ Oklahoma ]
Yuppy Puppy Dog Day Care [ Services ]
Zac's Vet-Net Page [ US ]
Zachary the African Grey Parrot [ Exotic Birds ]
ZADI - Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und Information (Germany) [ Germany ]
ZB Industries Contessa Farm Raised Shrimp [ Commercial ]
Zebra Finches [ Exotic Birds ]
Zebra Mussel Information Resources (USGS) [ Bivalves ]
Zebrafish Information Server (University of South Carolina) [ Science ]
Zebrafish Web Server (Massachusetts General Hospital) [ Science ]
Zen and the Art of Ferrets [ Breeders ]
Zeneca [ Pharmaceutical Companies ]
Zeste Health Pet Products [ Dentistry ]
Zevelekakis Medical Book Store [ Distributors ]
Zhejiang Agricultural University (China) [ Colleges ]
Zhejiang Agricultural University College of Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine [ China ]
Zimbob Rhodesian Ridgebacks [ Breeders ]
Zimmermann Autoapotheken (Germany) [ Vehicles ]
Zirconium German Shepherds [ Breeders ]
Zivic-Miller Laboratories [ Comparative Medicine ]
Zoo Alphabet Book [ Fun ]
Zoo and Aquarium Careers (AZA) [ Veterinary Career Resources ]
Zoo Biology (Canisius College) [ Health ]
Zoo in the Wild [ Fun ]
Zoo Med Laboratories, Inc. [ Commercial ]
Zoo Pictures [ Zoo Animal ]
ZooCheck New Zealand [ Conservation ]
Zoodent International [ Dentistry ]
ZooDoo Organic Premium Fertilizer [ Commercial ]
ZooKeepers Folkadelic Party Rock [ Fun ]
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society [ Research ]
Zoological Record [ Literature Search ]
Zoologischen Garten Köln (Germany) [ International ]
Zoology Mailing Lists (Onelist) [ Animal ]
Zoom Dinosaurs [ Dinosaurs ]
Zoomorphology Journal [ Research ]
ZooNet [ Metasites ]
Zoonet Image Gallery [ Zoo Animal ]
Zoonomen - Zoological Nomenclature Resource [ Taxonomy ]
Zoonoses & Infections Web Site for the General Public [ Zoonoses ]
Zoonosis Control (Texas Department of Health) [ Zoonoses ]
Zoonotic Diseases (University of California - Santa Barbara) [ Zoonoses ]
Zoos [ Metasites ]
Zoos of Russia [ International ]
Zootecnica International [ Birds ]
ZooVet (Spain) [ International ]
ZooWeb [ Metasites ]
ZSJ - Zoological Society of Japan [ Biology ]
Zygote [ Theriogenology ]
Zymed Laboratories, Inc. [ Immunology ]
Zürich Zoo (Switzerland) [ International ]
ÖGT- Österreichische Gesellschaft der Tierartze (Austria) [ National & International ]
Österreichs Tierärzte im Internet (Austria) [ International ]

© Ken Boschert, DVM 1994-2000.
All rights reserved.
Last edition published on Wed Jul 5 18:10:03 2000.