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Root : NetVet Veterinary Resources : Organizations : Associations : Ethics
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 * Animals Unlimited, Inc.
 * APLB - Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
 * ARENA - Applied Research Ethics National Association
 * AVAR - Association of Veterinarians for Animal Rights
 * Delta Society Australia
 * HABAC - Human-Animal Bond Association of Canada
 * IFER - International Foundation for Ethical Research
 * ISAZ - International Society for Anthrozoology
 * NABC - National Agricultural Biotechnology Council
 * NAIA - National Animal Interest Alliance
 * NLEC - National Livestock Ethics Council
 * SVME - Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics
 * VOICE - Veterinarians Opposed to Inhumane Circus Environments
 * CAAT - Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing
 * FRAME - Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
 * VAAJ - Veterinary Association for Arbitration and Jurisprudence

© Ken Boschert, DVM 1994-2000.
All rights reserved.
Last edition published on Wed Jul 5 18:08:50 2000.