ISSN: 1052-5378
![]() The DogProvided by the Animal Welfare
Information Center
January 1985 - January 1994
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478 citations from AGRICOLA
Cynthia Petrie Smith
Animal Welfare Information Center
April 1994 National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:
Smith, Cynthia Petrie
The dog.
(Quick bibliography series ; 94-24)
1. Dogs--Bibliography. I. Title.
aZ5071.N3 no.94-24
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Citations in this bibliography were entered in the AGRICOLA database between January 1979 and the present.
Citations in this bibliography are from the National Agricultural Library's AGRICOLA database. An explanation of sample journal article, book, and audiovisual citations appears below.
Citation # NAL Call No.
Article title.
Author. Place of publication: Publisher. Journal Title.
Date. Volume (Issue). Pages. (NAL Call Number).
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL 389.8.SCH6
Morrison, S.B. Denver, Colo.: American School Food Service
Association. School foodservice journal. Sept 1987. v. 41
(8). p.48-50. ill.
Citation # NAL Call Number
Author. Place of publication: Publisher, date. Information
on pagination, indices, or bibliographies.
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL RM218.K36 1987
Exploring careers in dietetics and nutrition.
Kane, June Kozak. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1987.
Includes index. xii, 133 p.: ill.; 22 cm. Bibliography:
p. 126.
Citation # NAL Call Number
Author. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
Supplemental information such as funding. Media format
(i.e., videocassette): Description (sound, color, size).
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL FNCTX364.A425 F&N AV
All aboard the nutri-train.
Mayo, Cynthia. Richmond, Va.: Richmond Public Schools,
1981. NET funded. Activity packet prepared by Cynthia
Mayo. 1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. +
activity packet.
The Dog
January 1985 - January 1994
Set Items Description
S4 64402 S2 OR STRESS?
S5 620 S1 AND (S3 OR S4)
S7 991 S1 AND (S3 OR S6)
S9 977 S1 AND (S8 OR S3)
S10 540 S9 AND PY=(1985 OR 1986 OR 1987 OR 1988 OR 1989 OR 1990 OR 1991
OR 1992 OR 1993 OR 1994)
The Dog
1 NAL Call. No.: 410 B77
Acoustic structure and receiver response in domestic dogs, Canis familiaris.
McConnell, P.B.
London : Academic Press; 1990 May.
Animal behaviour v. 39 (pt.5): p. 897-904; 1990 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Sounds; Acoustic properties; Physical
Abstract: The hypothesis that short, rapidly repeated rising notes increase
motor activity levels in canids, and that longer, continuous descending notes
decrease activity was tested. Young laboratory-raised domestic dogs were
trained in a repeated measures study to (1) come to the trainer and to (2) sit
and stay for 2 s to two different acoustic stimuli: four short notes with a
rising fundamental frequency and one long note with a descending fundamental
frequency. While one long note was not more effective at eliciting a sit/stay
response, four short notes were more effective at eliciting a come response and
increasing motor activity levels than one longer continuous note. Thus,
acoustic stimuli are not equipotent in eliciting responses that require
changes in motor activity levels and could be used by signal senders to
influence the behaviour of the signal receiver. The acoustic structures in the
study are compared with vocalizations of mammals and birds that elicit
approach, and/or increase motor activity levels.
2 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Activity patterns and behavior of sled dogs.
Delude, L.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 15 (2): p. 161-168; 1986 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Diurnal variation; Activity; Temperatures
3 NAL Call. No.: SF601.P76
Acupuncture-produced surgical analgesia--physiology, indications, techniques,
and limitations.
Klide, A.M.
Hagerstown, Md. : J.B. Lippincott Co; 1992 Mar.
Problems in veterinary medicine v. 4 (1): p. 200-206; 1992 Mar. In the series
analytic: Veterinary acupuncture / edited by A. M. Schoen. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Domestic animals; Anesthesia; Surgery; Mode of action;
Acupuncture; Restraint of animals
4 NAL Call. No.: SB950.A1V4
ADC guarding dog program update: a focus on managing dogs.
Green, J.S.; Woodruff, R.A.
Davis, Calif. : University of California; 1990 Jul.
Proceedings ... Vertebrate Pest Conference (14th): p. 233-236; 1990 Jul.
Meeting held March 6-8, 1990, Sacramento, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Idaho; Oregon; Washington; Wyoming; Sheep; Guard dogs; Sheep dogs;
Protection; Coyotes; Predation; Pest management; Animal behavior;
Predator control
5 NAL Call. No.: QL55.A1L3
Adrenal cortical response in clinically normal dogs before and after
adaptation to a housing environment.
Garnier, F.; Benoit, E.; Virat, M.; Ochoa, R.; Delatour, P.
London : Royal Society of Medicine Services; 1990 Jan.
Laboratory animals v. 24 (1): p. 40-43; 1990 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Sex differences; Hydrocortisone; Blood serum; Stress;
Adaptation; Environmental factors; Susceptibility
Abstract: 58 dogs (29 males and 29 females) selected as healthy on clinical
and biochemical evaluations were subjected to an ACTH adrenal function test 2
days after their admission to a veterinary hospital (t + 0). Basal female serum
cortisol concentrations were significantly higher than concentrations in males
(77 nmol/l versus 43 nmol/ l; P < 0.01). Concentrations post stimulation were
not statistically different (P > 0.05) between males and females: 306 (+/- 69)
nmol/l versus 291 (+/- 73) nmol/l, respectively. Twelve dogs (6 males and 6
females), randomly selected from the 58, were subjected to the same test 5
weeks later (t + 5) and 12 weeks later (t + 12). Basal cortisol
concentrations were lower at t + 5 or at t + 12 than at t + 0. Post
stimulation mean cortisol concentrations were lower in males than in females at
t + 5 (162 versus 232 nmol/l; P < 0.05) but not at t + 0 (262 versus 320
nmol/l; P > 0.05) and t + 12 (188 versus 233 nmol/l; P > 0.05). These findings
are indicating an increased susceptibility of bitches to environmental stress.
6 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523 v.21 no.2
Advances in companion animal behavior.
Marder, Amy R.; Voith, Victoria L.
Philadelphia : Saunders,; 1991.
xi, p. 203-420 : ill. ; 24 cm. (Veterinary clinics of North America. Small
animal practice, v. 21, no. 2). March 1991. Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats
7 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Advances in the study of the relationship between children and their pet dogs.
Filiatre, J.C.; Millot, J.L.; Montagner, H.; Eckerlin, A.; Gagnon, A.C.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1988.
Anthrozoos v. 2 (1): p. 22-32. ill; 1988. Literature review. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pets; Children; Attachment behavior; Relationships; Animal
8 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Aerobic training effects on maximum oxygen consumption, lactate threshold and
lactate disappearance during exercise recovery of dogs.
Proscurshim, P.; Russo, A.K.; Silva, A.C.; Picarro, I.C.; Freire, E.;
Tarasantchi, J.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1989.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 94 (4):
p. 743-747; 1989. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aerobic treatment; Oxygen consumption; Lactates; Exercise
9 NAL Call. No.: SF981.C55
Aggressive behavior.
Young, M.S.
New York : Churchill Livingstone; 1988.
Clinical signs and diagnosis in small animal practice / [edited by] Richard B.
Ford. p. 135-150; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Aggressive behavior; Diagnosis
10 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Aggressive behavior in dogs and cats.
Borchelt, P.L.; Voith, V.L.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1985 Nov.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 7
(11): p. 945-958. ill; 1985 Nov. Includes 25 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Aggressive behavior; Bites
11 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Aggressive puppies.
Campbell, W.E.
Goleta, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1987 Jun.
Modern veterinary practice v. 68 (6): p. 396; 1987 Jun.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pups; Aggressive behavior; Behavior modification
12 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.1351
AKC and the sport of dogs American Kennel Club ; produced, directed, and
scripted by Dan Wise.. American Kennel Club and the sport of dogs
American Kennel Club
New York, N.Y. : The Club, [1986?]; 1986.
1 videocassette (ca. 34 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Language: English
Descriptors: Guide dogs; Police dogs; Hunting dogs; Dogs
Abstract: Demonstrates man's use of dogs in general throughout history, and
specifically the current use of guide, police and sporting/hunting dogs and the
role of the AKC in that usage.
13 NAL Call. No.: SF426.A43
The AKC's world of the pure-bred dog.
Barnes, Duncan
American Kennel Club
New York : Gramercy Pub. Co., 1987; 1987.
344 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Dog breeds; Dog shows; Dogs; United States; Dogs; Fiction;
Dogs in art
14 NAL Call. No.: SF421.A44
The American Kennel Club, 1884-1984 a source book.
O'Neill, Charles A. T.
American Kennel Club
New York, N.Y. : Howell Book House,; 1985.
xvii, 299 p., [4] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Includes index.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Dog shows; United States; History
15 NAL Call. No.: SF427.A655 1991
American Kennel Club dog care and training.
American Kennel Club
New York : Howell Book House ; Toronto : Collier Macmillan Canada ; New York :
Maxwell Macmillan International,; 1991.
ix, 214 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Dogs
16 NAL Call. No.: 48.8 OU7
America's great pet shape-up.
Abend, P.
Boston, Mass. : Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
:.; 1987 Mar.
Animals v. 120 (2): p. 22-27. ill; 1987 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cat; Exercise; Training (animal); Obesity
17 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Analgesia and behavioral responses of dogs given oxymorphone-acepromazine and
meperidine-acepromazine after methoxyflurane and halothane anesthesia.
Sawyer, D.C.; Rech, R.H.; Adams, T.; Durham, R.A.; Richter, M.A.; Striler, E.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (8): p. 1361-1368; 1992 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pethidine; Analgesics; Anesthesia; Halothane;
Methoxyflurane; Pain; Drug effects; Blood pressure; Pulse rate
Abstract: This study was designed to test analgesia, duration, and
cardiovascular changes induced by meperidine (MEP) and oxymorphone (OXY)
following methoxyflurane (MOF) and halothane (HAL) anesthesia. Eight healthy
dogs were given atropine and acepromazine, and anesthesia was induced with
thiamylal and maintained with 1.5 minimal alveolar concentration of MOF or HAL
for 1 hour during controlled ventilation. Eight treatments were given with each
anesthetic: 3 with MEP (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg/kg, IV), 3 with oxymorphone (OXY;
0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg, IV), and 2 placebos with sterile water. Test drugs
were given at the end of anesthesia when early signs of recovery were evident.
Minimal threshold stimulus/response nociception was assessed by use of an
inflatable soft plastic colonic balloon. Blood pressures and pulse rate were
measured with a noninvasive monitor. Meperidine and OXY were found to be
effective analgesics and could be reversed with naloxone. Intravenous
administration of 2.0 mg of MEP/kg provided analgesia for 36 +/- 6 minutes and
39 +/- 15 minutes after MOF and HAL, respectively. In contrast, OXY was
effective at all 3 doses with effects of IV administration of 0.2 mg of OXY/kg
lasting 154 +/- 13 minutes and 152 +/- 12 minutes, after MOF and HAL,
respectively. Analgesia could not be demonstrated after anesthesia for
acepromazine, MOF, or HAL. Blood pressure was not changed by either anesthetic
nor was it influenced by MEP or OXY. Pulse rate was significantly depressed by
the higher doses of OXY following HAL, but was not changed by MEP following
either anesthetic. This study demonstrated the longer duration of analgesia of
OXY. In addition, we could not find that analgesia was provided by either MOF
or HAL following recovery from anesthesia.
18 NAL Call. No.: SF911.S45
Animal bites: behavior modification of the offending animal.
Marder, A.R.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Co; 1991 Aug.
Seminars in veterinary medicine and surgery (small animal) v. 6 (3): p.
192-198; 1991 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Small animal practice; Dogs; Cats; Animal behavior; Bites;
Zoonoses; Behavior; Modification; Diagnosis; Treatment
19 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A35
Animal collectors, unlimited.
Mullen, S.
Denver, Colo. : American Humane Association, Animal Protection Division; 1991.
Advocate v. 9 (3): p. 18-21; 1991.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal welfare; Collectors (occupation)
20 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.C5
Animal companions--the promise kept; the promise broken.
Washington, D.C. : The Society; 1989 May.
Close-up report - the Humane Society of the United States. 4 p. ill; 1989 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Cat; Dogs; Animal welfare; Organizations; Programs;
Support measures
21 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Animal control, animal welfare, and the veterinarian.
Arkow, P.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1987 Oct15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 191 (8): p. 937-942;
1987 Oct15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Dog control; Veterinarians; Veterinary medicine
22 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Animal control, birth control, and community education: impacts on the
Colorado Springs pet population, 1970-1984.
Arkow, P.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 30-48; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Cat; Dog control; Birth control; Sterilization;
Pet animals
23 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Animal control in Fairfax County, Virginia.
Amity, R.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 82-84; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: Virginia; Animal welfare; Demography; Pet animals; Cat; Dog
control; Rabies
24 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Animal control in Fulton County.
Garrett, W.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 49-50; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: Georgia; Animal welfare; Cat; Dog control; Pet animals
25 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Animal control in Pima County and Tucson, Arizona.
Ruff, A.J.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 85-91; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: Arizona; Animal welfare; Demography; Pet animals; Cat; Dog
control; Sterilization
26 NAL Call. No.: SF981.C64
Animal owners and attachment.
Mitchener, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1988 Sep.
Companion animal practice. p. 21-22, 23; 1988 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Attachment behavior; Man; Bonds
27 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Animal psychodietetics.
Ballarini, G.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1990 Oct.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 31 (10): p. 523-532; 1990 Oct.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Diet; Animal behavior; Behavior disorders; Food
28 NAL Call. No.: QL55.N38 1984
Animal research for animal health: heartworm disease as an example.
Rawlings, C.A.
Bethesda, Md.? : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes
of Health; 1985.
National Symposium on Imperatives in Research Animal Use, Scientific Needs and
Animal Welfare : April 11-12, 1984 / National Institutes of Health, Office for
Protection from Research Risks. p. 71-73; 1985.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Dirofilaria immitis; Animal experiments; Animal welfare
29 NAL Call. No.: aSF413.U5 1986
The Animal Welfare Act how it protects your dog and cat., Slightly rev. Mar.
United States, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services
Washington, D.C.? : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, Veterinary Services,; 1986.
1 folded sheet (8 p.) : ill. ; 23 x 10 cm.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Dogs; Law and legislation; United States; Cats; Law and
legislation; United States
30 NAL Call. No.: K3621.U5
Animal welfare program federal regulation relating to the transportation of
dogs : report to the Honorable Manual Lujan, Jr., House of Representatives..
Federal regulation relating to the transportation of dogs
United States. General Accounting Office
Washington, D.C. : The Office,; 1988; GA 1.13:RCED-88-100.
26 p. ; 28 cm. Cover title. March 1988. GAO/RCED-88-100. "B-217624"--p.1.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Dogs; Transportation; Law and legislation; United States; Pets;
Transportation; Law and legislation; United States; Animal welfare
31 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V6425
Animals serving the handicapped.
Hagebock, J.M.; Beran, G.W.
Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University; 1986.
Iowa State University veterinarian v. 48 (1): p. 20-26; 1986. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Monkeys; Legislation; Working animals; Animal insurance;
Handicapped persons; Guides
32 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Anosmia associated with canine distemper.
Myers, L.J.; Hanrahan, L.A.; Swango, L.J.; Nusbaum, K.E.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (8): p. 1295-1297. ill; 1988 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Distemper virus; Histopathology; Smell; Olfactory organs
Abstract: The sense of smell in dogs infected with canine distemper virus
(CDV) was examined by use of EEG olfactometry, behavioral olfactometry, and
electro-olfactography. Infection with CDV was confirmed by a direct
immunofluorescence technique in 8 active cases and was suggested by clinical
history compatible with canine distemper 10 to 26 weeks earlier in 6 cases.
Pathologic alterations of the olfactory mucosa in 3 clinically affected dogs
was examined by light microscopy. Infection with CDV was found to be
associated with anosmia and lack of recorded responses on electro-olfactogram
in 8 of 8 dogs with clinical signs of acute distemper from naturally acquired
infections. Anosmia was found in 5 of 6 dogs that had recovered from acute
distemper 10 to 26 weeks earlier. The sixth dog had hyposmia, with
abnormalities on the electro-olfactogram. Histologic examination was not
performed on the 6 dogs that had recovered. Histologic lesions observed at
necropsy in 3 dogs that had had clinical signs of acute distemper were those of
subacute purulent rhinitis and atrophy of the olfactory epithelium. Altered
olfactory function could be explained by mucopurulent exudate blocking odors
from olfactory receptors in the acutely affected dogs, but alteration of
olfactory function in the dogs that had recovered without clinical evidence of
rhinitis could not be explained.
33 NAL Call. No.: QP1.P4
Antibacterial properties of saliva: role in maternal periparturient grooming
and in licking wounds.
Hart, B.L.; Powell, K.L.
Elmsford, N.Y. : Pergamon Press; 1990 Sep.
Physiology & behavior v. 48 (3): p. 383-386; 1990 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Escherichia coli; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Streptococcus;
Pathogens; Saliva; Antibacterial properties; Maternal behavior; Grooming;
Abstract: Canine saliva was tested for its bactericidal effects against
pathogens relevant to the presumed hygienic functions of maternal grooming of
the mammary and anogenital areas and licking of wounds. Both female and male
saliva were bactericidal against Escherichia coli and Streptococcus canis but
only slightly, and nonsignificantly, bactericidal against coagulase positive
staphylococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. E. coli is the cause of highly fatal
coliform enteritis of neonatal mammals and E. coli and S. canis are the main
pathogens implicated in neonatal septicemia of dogs. The bactericidal effects
of saliva would facilitate the hygienic function of maternal licking of the
mammary and anogenital areas in protecting newborns from these
diseases. E. coli and S. canis along with coagulase positive staphylococcus and
P. aeruginosa are among the common wound contaminants of dogs. Wound
licking, and the application of saliva, would thus reduce wound contamination
by E. coli and S. canis. The resistance of staphylococcus to bactericidal
effects of saliva may be a factor in the high frequency (46 percent) with which
coagulase positive staphylococcus was isolated from wounds compared with much
lower frequency (9-17 percent) with which E. coli and S. canis were
34 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
Are pit bulls different? I.
Segrest, M.; Clifford, D.H.
Tucson, Az. : KBR Publications; 1986 Jul.
Community animal control v. 5 (4): p. 14-17, 26-27. ill; 1986 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: New Mexico; Dogs; Law; Identification; Animal welfare
35 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
Are pit bulls different? II.
Clifford, D.H.; Segrest, M.
Tucson, Az. : KBR Publications; 1986 Sep.
Community animal control v. 5 (5): p. 16-17, 20-27. ill; 1986 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Animal husbandry; Aggressive behavior;
36 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Are "pit bulls" different? An analysis of the pit bull terrier controversy.
Lockwood, R.; Rindy, K.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1987.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (1): p. 2-8; 1987. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Breeds; Aggressive behavior; Genetic factors; Pet care;
Public relations; Safety
37 NAL Call. No.: HV4708.A87 1990
ASPCA update puppy mills.. Puppy mills
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
New York, N.Y. : American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
[1990?]; 1990.
1 sheet : ill. ; 28 cm. Caption title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Puppies
38 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Attachment of people to companion animals.
Voith, V.L.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1985 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 15 (2): p.
289-295; 1985 Mar. In the series analytic: The human-companion animal bond /
edited by J. Quackenbush and V.L. Voith.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Pet animals; Attachment behavior; Bonds; Public
relations; Veterinary practice
39 NAL Call. No.: SF428.6.C38
Australian sheep dogs training & handling : including a complete guide to
Cavanagh, Rod
Whittlesea, Vic., Australia : R. Cavanagh,; 1990.
111 p., [32] p. of plates : ill. (some col.), maps ; 23 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Sheep dogs
40 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Aversive responses of dogs to ultrasonic, sonic and flashing light units.
Blackshaw, J.K.; Cook, G.E.; Harding, P.; Day, C.; Bates, W.; Rose, J.;
Bramham, D.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1990 Jan.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 25 (1/2): p. 1-8; 1990 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Ultrasonic devices; Repellents; Light; Alarms; Behavior
change; Repellency
41 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Avoidance reactions of domestic dogs to unfamiliar male and female humans in a
kennel setting.
Lore, R.K.; Eisenberg, F.B.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 Jun.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 15 (3): p. 261-266; 1986 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Males; Females; Man; Inhibition;
42 NAL Call. No.: SF910.5.V4
Backsplinting for treatment of thoracic and lumbar fracture/luxation in the
dog: principles of application and case series.
Patterson, R.H.; Smith, G.K.
Stuttgart : F.K. Schattauer Publishers; 1992 Nov.
Veterinary and comparative orthopaedics and traumatology : V.C.O.T. v. 4 (5):
p. 179-187; 1992 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pennsylvania; Dogs; Spine; Fracture fixation; Bending stress;
Mechanical properties
43 NAL Call. No.: SF600.C82
A basic approach of space-behaviour relationships in mammals.
Thinus-Blanc, C.; Buhot-Averseng, M.C.
The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff; 1985.
Current topics in veterinary medicine and animal science v. 35: p. 239-261.
ill; 1985. Paper presented at the "Seminar on the Social Space for Domestic
Animals," January 10-11, 1985, Brussels. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mice; Hamsters; Nesting; Laboratory tests; Spacing; Cat; Dogs
44 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.335
Basic biomethodology of the dog executive producers and writers, Richard
Hitzelberg, Edward Lundgren, Jere Phillips.. Biomethodology of the dog
Hitzelberg, Richard; Lundgren, Edward; Phillips, Jere
MTM Associates
Manassas, Va. : MTM Associates, Inc.,; 1987.
1 videocassette (14 min., 16 sec.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. VHS format.
Cassette title: Biomethodology of the dog. Additional information can be found
in Laboratory manual for basic biomethodology of laboratory animals (call no.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Animal models in research; Laboratory
manuals; Animal experimentation; Methodology; Animals, Treatment of; Dogs;
Animal welfare
45 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
The behavior of epidermotropic lymphoma in twenty-five dogs.
Wilcock, B.P.; Yager, J.A.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Sep.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 30 (9): p. 754-756; 1989 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Canada; Dogs; Lymphoma; Skin diseases; Euthanasia; Symptoms;
46 NAL Call. No.: SF433.C35 1992
Behavior problems in dogs., 2nd ed..
Campbell, William E.; Pratt, Paul W.
Goleta, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications,; 1992.
iv, 328 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs
47 NAL Call. No.: SF895.P76
Behavioral changes of organic neurologic origin.
Parker, A.J.
Washington, D.C. : Fidia Information Network for Veterinary Science and
Medicine; 1990.
Progress in veterinary neurology v. 1 (2): p. 123-131; 1990. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Cats; Dogs; Behavior change; Organic diseases; Nervous system
diseases; Symptoms; Differential diagnosis; Behavior problems; Behavior
48 NAL Call. No.: QP1.P4
Behavioral determination of critical flicker fusion in dogs.
Coile, D.C.; Pollitz, C.H.; Smith, J.C.
Elmsford, N.Y. : Pergamon Press; 1989 Jun.
Physiology & behavior v. 45 (6): p. 1087-1092; 1989 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Eyes (animal); Electroretinogram; Light
intensity; Cones
49 NAL Call. No.: SF991.H23
Behavioral disorders.
Voith, V.L.
New York : Churchill Livingstone; 1985.
Handbook of small animal therapeutics / edited by Lloyd E. Davis. p. 519-548;
1985. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Abnormal behavior; Aggressive behavior; Behavior
modification; Drug therapy; Diagnosis
50 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Behavioral indications for phenothiazine and benzodiazepine traquilizers in
Hart, B.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1985 Jun01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 186 (11): p.
1192-1194. ill; 1985 Jun01. Includes 12 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dog; Pharmacokinetics; Benzodiazepine; Phenothiazine; Animal
51 NAL Call. No.: SF601.P76
Behavioral problems.
Borchelt, P.L.
Hagerstown, Md. : J.B. Lippincott Co; 1991 Mar.
Problems in veterinary medicine v. 3 (1): p. 83-94; 1991 Mar. In the series
analytic: Animal Illness and Human Emotion / edited by S.P. Cohen and C.E.
Fudin. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Animal behavior; Communication; Veterinary practice
52 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Behavioral problems in old dogs: 26 cases (1984-1987).
Chapman, B.L.; Voith, V.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1990 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 196 (6): p. 944-946;
1990 Mar15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Old age; Behavior problems; Behavior modification
53 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Behavioral profiles of dog breeds.
Hart, B.L.; Miller, M.F.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1985 Jun01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 186 (11): p.
1175-1180. ill; 1985 Jun01. Includes 8 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Breeds; Animal behavior
54 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V6456
Behaviour problems in the dog: aggression towards people.
O'Farrell, V.
London : Wright; 1990.
The Veterinary annual (30): p. 196-199; 1990. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggression; Aggressive behavior; Treatment; Dominance
55 NAL Call. No.: SF601.I4
Behavioural problems in dogs and cats.
O'Farrell, V.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1986 May.
In practice v. 8 (3): p. 91-92, 94, 96, 98, 100. ill; 1986 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Behavior problems; Surgery; Stress; Treatment;
Etiology; Hormones; Genetics
56 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
The behavioural sequences in the communication system between the child and his
pet dog.
Millot, J.L.; Filiatre, J.C.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 Dec.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 16 (4): p. 383-390; 1986 Dec. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Children; Dogs; Pets; Behavior; Communication
57 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
A behavioural study of a beagle bitch and her litter during the first three
weeks of lactation.
Grant, T.R.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 992-1003. ill; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Bitches; Litters; Pups; Animal behavior; Lactation; Maternal
behavior; Feeding behavior
58 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Behavioural testing of dogs in animal shelters to predit problem behaviour.
Borg, J.A.M. van der; Netto, W.J.; Planta, D.J.U.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Nov.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 32 (2/3): p. 237-251; 1991 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior problems; Testing; Prediction
59 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Behavioural variability of olfactory exploration of the pet dog in relation to
human adults.
Filiatre, J.C.; Millot, J.L.; Eckerlin, A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 30 (3/4): p. 341-350; 1991 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pets; Smell; Interactions; Man; Body regions; Animal
behavior; Behavior patterns; Exploration
60 NAL Call. No.: SF431.B37 1986
Beyond basic dog training., 1st ed..
Bauman, Diane L.
New York, N.Y. : Howell Book House,; 1986.
256 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Training; Animal welfare
61 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Billboard advertisements: educate the public without spending a fortune!. Reed,
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1986 Oct.
Shelter sense v. 9 (8): p. 3-5. ill; 1986 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Advertising; Animal welfare; Shelter; Societies; Public
relations; Board; Displays
62 NAL Call. No.: 470 SCI2
Billion dollar price tag for new animal rules.
Holden, C.
Washington, D.C. : American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1988
Science v. 242 (4879): p. 662-663; 1988 Nov04.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Primates; Facilities; Costs; Regulations; Law;
Animal welfare; Exercise; Cages; Medical research
63 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Biologic behavior of canine uroliths.
Osborne, C.A.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W. B. Saunders Co; 1986 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 16 (2): p.
251-260. ill; 1986 Mar. Paper presented at the "Symposium on Canine
Urolithiasis II," March 1986. Includes 15 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Urinary calculi; Physiopathology
64 NAL Call. No.: QL55.I55 1983
Birth of a hemophilic dog colony.
Tinlin, S.J.; Brosseau, L.D.; Giles, A.R.; Greenwood, R.; Greenwood, P.;
Hoogendoorn, H.
Stuttgart, [W. Ger.] : G. Fisher Verlag; 1985.
The Contribution of laboratory animal science to the welfare of man and
animals--past, present and future : 8th Symposium of ICLAS/CALAS, Vancouver,
1983 / editors: J. Archibald, J. Pitchfield, H.C. Rowsell. p. 127-131. ill;
1985. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Management; Breeding programs; Facilities; Hemophilia
65 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Blood transfusions. I. The blood donor colony.
O'Neill, S.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1987 Mar.
Veterinary technician v. 8 (2): p. 87-89; 1987 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Blood donors; Blood groups
66 NAL Call. No.: SF433.M55 1986
The body language and emotion of dogs a practical guide to the physical and
behavioral displays owners and dogs exchange and how to use them to create a
lasting bond., 1st ed..
Milani, Myrna M.
New York : Morrow,; 1986.
283 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Includes index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior; Dog owners; Psychology; Human-animal
relationships; Emotions; Animal welfare
67 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Breeding dogs for desirable traits.
Willis, M.B.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 965-983; 1987 Nov. Paper
presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal breeding; Reproductive performance; Conformation;
Animal behavior; Genetic defects
68 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
"But he never really did anything".
Case, D.B.
Kansas City, Mo. : KBR Publications; 1986 Jan.
Community animal control v. 5 (1): p. 10-11, 26-27. ill; 1986 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Bites
69 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Caging systems for dogs under the new standards of the animal welfare act.
Britz, W.E. Jr
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
48-52; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 51-52.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cages; Animal welfare; Legislation
70 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Campylobacter infection in a closed dog breeding colony.
Newton, C.M.; Newell, D.G.; Wood, M.; Baskerville, M.
London : The Association; 1988 Aug06.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 123
(6): p. 152-154; 1988 Aug06. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Campylobacter; Antibodies; Immune response; Serology
71 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Cancellous bone grafting at plate removal to counteract stress protection.
Lesser, A.S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1986 Sep15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 189 (6): p. 696-699.
ill; 1986 Sep15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bone fractures; Bone healing; Grafting; Radius; Ulna;
Atrophy; Surgical operations; Stresses; Bone strength
72 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Canine aggression.
Overall, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1993 May.
Canine practice v. 18 (3): p. 29-31; 1993 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior
73 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Canine aggression, 1.
Overall, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1993 Mar.
Canine practice v. 18 (2): p. 40-41; 1993 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior
74 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Canine aggression in a boarding situation.
Mathews, S.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1985 Nov.
Canine practice v. 12 (6): p. 32-34; 1985 Nov.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Treatment; Behavior modification
75 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Canine aggression toward people: bite scenarios and prevention.
Wright, J.C.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
299-314; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Bites; Man; Characteristics;
76 NAL Call. No.: SF433.H36
Canine and feline behavioral therapy.
Hart, Benjamin L.; Hart, Lynette A.
Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger,; 1985.
x, 275 p. : ill ; 25 cm. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 265-269.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior; Cats; Behavior; Animal behavior therapy
77 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Canine behavior.
Fox, M.W.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
21-28. ill; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 29-31.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Laboratory animals; Environment
78 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Canine behavioral genetics--a review.
Mackenzie, S.A.; Oltenacu, E.A.B.; Houpt, K.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 Jul.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 15 (4): p. 365-393; 1986 Jul. Literature
review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Genetics; Inheritance; Heritability;
Genotype environment interaction; Genetic correlation; Traits
79 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Canine competitive aggression--a clinical case of "sibling rivalry".
McKeown, D.; Luescher, A.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Apr.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 29 (4): p. 395-396; 1988 Apr. French text,
p. 396. Includes references.
Language: English; French
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggression; Competition; Animal behavior
80 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Canine corrections--the human animal bond behind bars.
Cooper, A.G.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Aug.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 33 (8): p. 515-517; 1992 Aug. Includes
Language: English; French
Descriptors: British Columbia; Dogs; Training of animals; Correctional
institutions; Programs; Program development; Objectives
81 NAL Call. No.: SF867.F76 1985
Canine dentistry a compendium., 2nd ed..
Frost, Patricia
Mt. Kisco, N.Y. : Day Communications,; 1985.
64 p. : col. ill. ; 21 cm. Cover title. Bibliography: p. 58-59.
Language: English
Descriptors: Veterinary dentistry; Dogs; Diseases; Animal welfare
82 NAL Call. No.: 448.8 V81
Canine distemper virus increases procoagulant activity of macrophages.
Brugger, M.; Jungi, T.W.; Zurbriggen, A.; Vandevelde, M.
Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press; 1992 Oct.
Virology v. 190 (2): p. 616-623; 1992 Oct. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Distemper virus; Demyelination; Macrophages; Infection;
Phagocytosis; Immune response; In vitro
Abstract: Inflammatory demyelination in canine distemper has been proposed to
be due to a "bystander" mechanism, in which macrophages play an important role.
In the present work we studied whether infection of macrophages by
canine distemper virus (CDV) results in changes of macrophage functions,
including Fc receptor-dependent and -independent phagocytosis, release of
reactive oxygen species (ROS), and procoagulant activity (PCA). As a source of
macrophages, dog bone marrow cells were seeded in teflon bags and grown for 1-2
weeks, at which time a marked enrichment of macrophages was noted. These cells
were infected with the A75/17 strain of CDV. We could not detect any
significant difference between uninfected and CDV-infected macrophages with
respect to Fc receptor-dependent or -independent phagocytosis or with respect
to the release of ROS. However, from Day 4 p.i. to the end of our observation
period (10 days p.i.), PCA was up to 10-fold higher in CDV-infected
unstimulated macrophage cultures than in uninfected unstimulated cultures of
the same age. Increase in PCA was not due to the inoculation procedure by
itself nor to components of the inoculum other than CDV; in particular, PCA was
not due to contaminating endotoxin. Thus, several important macrophage
functions do not appear to be impaired by CDV infection. The marked increase of
macrophage PCA expression suggests that certain macrophage functions may even
be enhanced as a result of infection. Such macrophage activation might
contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease.
83 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V6425
Canine dominance aggression towards people.
Taphorn, C.; Draper, D.D.
Ames, Iowa : Iowa State University; 1991.
Iowa State University veterinarian v. 53 (2): p. 89-93; 1991. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Training of animals
84 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Canine gastric dilatation-volvulus.
Burrows, C.F.; Ignaszewski, L.A.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1990 Oct.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 31 (10): p. 495-501; 1990 Oct.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stomach diseases; Torsion; Pathogenesis; Etiology; Stomach
motility; Stomach emptying; Stress
85 NAL Call. No.: SF780.4.V58
Canine infectious tracheobronchitis short review: kennel cough.
Appel, M.; Binn, L.N.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science; 1987.
Virus infections of carnivores / edited by Max J. Appel. p. 201-211. ill; 1987.
(Virus infections of vertebrates ; 1). Literature review. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Trachea; Bronchitis; Etiology; Bordetella; Mycoplasma;
Distemper virus; Canine adenovirus; Canine herpesvirus; Influenzavirus
86 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A5
Canine malignant mammary neoplasia: biological behavior, diagnosis, and
treatment alternatives.
Hahn, K.A.; Richardson, R.C.; Knapp, D.W.
Lakewood, Colo. : The Association; 1992 May.
The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association v. 28 (3): p. 251-256;
1992 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Neoplasms; Metastasis; Doxorubicin
87 NAL Call. No.: SF791.W595 1990
Canine orthopedics., 2nd ed..
Whittick, William G.
Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger,; 1990.
xvi, 936 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographies and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Diseases; Dogs; Surgery; Veterinary orthopedics; Animal
88 NAL Call. No.: SF991.C34 1985
Canine pediatrics proceedings from a symposium at the Eastern States
Veterinary Conference, January 1985.. Viewpoints in veterinary medicine,
canine pediatrics, 1st ed..
ALPO Pet Center
Allentown, Pa. (P.O. Box 2187, Allentown 18001) : ALPO Pet Center, ALPO
Petfoods, Inc.,; 1985.
47 p. : ill., ports. ; 23 cm. (Viewpoints in veterinary medicine). Cover
title. Includes bibliographies.
Language: English
Descriptors: Puppies; Diseases; Congresses; Animal welfare
89 NAL Call. No.: 48.8 OU7
Canine psychology.
Grice, J.
Boston, Mass. : Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
:.; 1985 Oct.
Animals v. 118 (5): p. 24-28. ill; 1985 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Psychological factors; Behavior change
90 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Canine research environment.
Mench, Joy A.; Krulisch, Lee
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (Washington, D.C.)
Bethesda, MD (4805 St. Elmo Ave., Bethesda, MD 20814) : Scientists Center for
Animal Welfare,; 1990.
vi, 82 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. From a conference held by the Scientists Center for
Animal Welfare in Bethesda, Maryland, on June 22, 1989. January 1990.
Includes bibliographical references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs as laboratory animals; Congresses; Animal welfare;
Congresses; Laboratory animals; Congresses
91 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Canine Rocky Mountain spotted fever: a kennel epizootic.
Breitschwerdt, E.B.; Meuten, D.J.; Walker, D.H.; Levy, M.; Kenndey, K.; King,
M.; Curtis, B.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1985 Oct.
American journal of veterinary research v. 46 (10): p. 2124-2128. ill; 1985
Oct. Includes 14 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: North Carolina; Dogs; Rickettsial disease; Rickettsias;
Epizootiology; Dermacentor variabilis
92 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R312
Canine stress syndrome/malignant hyperthermia susceptibility:
calcium-homeostasis defect in muscle and lymphocytes.
O'Brien, P.J.; Pook, H.A.; Klip, A.; Britt, B.A.; Kalow, B.I.; McLaughlin,
R.N.; Elliott, M.E.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1990 Jan.
Research in veterinary science v. 48 (1): p. 124-128; 1990 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stress; Hyperthermia; Disease resistance; Calcium; Muscles;
Lymphocytes; Laboratory tests; Pathology
93 NAL Call. No.: QP121.A1R4
Cardiac output and muscle blood flow in exercising dogs.
Pendergast, D.R.; Krasney, J.A.; Ellis, A.; McDonald, B.; Marconi, C.;
Cerretelli, P.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1985 Sep.
Respiration physiology v. 61 (3): p. 317-326. ill; 1985 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Heart output; Muscles; Blood flow; Exercise; Oxygen
94 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Cardiopulmonary and behavioral effects of combinations of
acepromazine/butorphanol and acepromazine/oxymorphone in dogs.
Cornick, J.L.; Hartsfield, S.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 Jun15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 200 (12): p.
1952-1956; 1992 Jun15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Opioids; Neuroleptics; Intravenous injection; Intramuscular
injection; Drug combinations; Anesthesia; Heart rate; Respiration rate; Blood
pressure; Body temperature; Blood; Ph; Bicarbonates; Oxygen; Carbon dioxide
95 NAL Call. No.: QL55.I55 1983
Care and management of dogs with colostomies.
Rogers, D.W.; Tenney, J.B.; Perry, F.W.; Caldwell, F.L.
Stuttgart, [W. Ger.] : G. Fisher Verlag; 1985.
The Contribution of laboratory animal science to the welfare of man and
animals--past, present and future : 8th Symposium of ICLAS/CALAS, Vancouver,
1983 / editors: J. Archibald, J. Pitchfield, H.C. Rowsell. p. 421-433. ill;
1985. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Colostomy; Management; Animal welfare; Treatment
96 NAL Call. No.: QL55.I5
Care and welfare of pre-weaning beagle puppies in a commercial breeding
Goodfellow, K.G.
Sussex : The Institute; 1992 Apr.
Animal technology : journal of the Institute of Animal Technology v. 43 (1): p.
49-55; 1992 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Puppies; Laboratory rearing; Animal welfare
Abstract: Developments leading to improved puppy care and welfare are
constantly being sought in the breeding colony. New ideas about environmental
control, pen design, feeding regimes, husbandry and staff training have been
introduced and evaluated. The success of each change cannot easily be proved as
improvements in puppy health depend upon so many factors. However as a result
of a complete care and welfare programme there have been fewer health problems
and lower pre-weaning loss, in our colony.
97 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.971
Carnivores basic needs, handling and care.
Morgan, Ronald L.
American College of Toxicology, Meeting_1990 :_Orlando, Fla.),Production Plus,
Symposium: Animal Welfare Compliance for Study Directors 1990 : Orlando, Fla.
Closter, N.J. : Production Plus, Inc., [1990?]; 1990.
1 videocassette (31 min., 37 sec.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. VHS. Videotape of a
presentation at Symposium: Animal Welfare Compliance for Study Directors ;
presented at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American College of
Toxicology, Orlando, Fla., Oct. 1990.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Animal welfare; Dogs as laboratory animals;
Cats as laboratory animals; Ferrets as laboratory animals; Minks as laboratory
Abstract: The basic needs of dogs and cats including air, food, water,
environmental controls and social interaction are presented. Available
guidelines, regulations, resource information and training manuals are
presented. Methods of disease prevention, identification, housing and exercise
are discussed. The basic care and handling of farrets and mink is also
98 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
A case for companion animal behavior in the veterinary practice.
McKeown, D.; Luescher, A.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Jan.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 29 (1): p. 74-75; 1988 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Animal behavior; Veterinary practice
99 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A45
The case for neutering cats and dogs.
Brant, K.
Westport, Conn. : Animal Rights Network; 1987 Mar.
The Animals' agenda v. 7 (2): p. 34-35. ill; 1987 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: Bitches; Cat; Female animals; Spaying; Population control; Animal
welfare; Shelter
100 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
The causes, treatment, and prevention of canine destructive chewing.
Hunthausen, W.L.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 Oct.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (10): p. 1007-1010; 1991 Oct. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior problems; Etiology; Treatment; Behavior
101 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Changes in haematology and plasma biochemistry during maximal exercise in
Snow, D.H.; Harris, R.C.; Stuttard, E.
London : The Association; 1988 Nov05.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 123
(19): p. 487-489; 1988 Nov05. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Hematology; Blood chemistry; Blood analysis; Blood
102 NAL Call. No.: 447.8 AM3
Changes in jejunal myoelectrical activity during exercise in fed untrained
Kenney, M.J.; Flatt, A.; Summers, R.W.; Brown, C.K.; Gisolfi, C.V.
Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society; 1988 May14.
American journal of physiology v. 254 (5,pt.1): p. G741-G747; 1988 May14.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Feeding; Exercise; Heart; Electrical properties; Jejunum
103 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Characterisation of Yersinia species isolated from a kennel and from cattle and
pig farms.
Fantasia, M.; Mingrone, M.G.; Martini, A.; Boscato, U.; Crotti, D.
London : The Association; 1993 May22.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 132
(21): p. 532-534; 1993 May22. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cattle; Pigs; Yersinia
104 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 P27
Characteristics of canine melanomas and comparison of histology and DNA ploidy
to their biologic behavior.
Bolon, B.; Calderwood Mays, M.B.; Hall, B.J.
Lawrence, Kan. : American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 1990 Mar.
Veterinary pathology v. 27 (2): p. 96-102; 1990 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Melanoma; Benign course; Malignant course; Metastasis;
Diagnosis; Histology; Histopathology; Flow cytometry; Dna; Ploidy
105 NAL Call. No.: 511 P444AEB
Characteristics of tension in neurohumoral regulation during physical stress in
Khoreva, S.A.; Vasil'ev, N.V.
New York, N.Y. : Consultants Bureau; 1991 Nov.
Doklady : biological sciences - Akademiia nauk SSSR v. 318 (1/6): p. 392-394;
1991 Nov. Translated from: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, v. 318 (3), 1991, p.
757-759. (511 P444.A). Includes references.
Language: English; Russian
Descriptors: Dogs; Humoral immunity; Neurohormones; Neurophysiology; Stress;
106 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Charlotte-Mecklenburg animal control program.
Quisenberry, D.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 13-29; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: North Carolina; Animal welfare; Cat; Dog control; Pet animals;
107 NAL Call. No.: 442.8 Z33F
Chemotactic attraction of infective hookworm larvae of Ancylostoma caninum by a
dog serum factor.
Vetter, J.C.M.; Vingerhoed, J.; Schoeman, E.; Wauters, H.W.
Berlin, W. Ger. : Springer International; 1985.
Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde; Parasitology research v. 71 (4): p. 539-543;
1985. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Ancylostoma caninum; Nematode larvae; Chemotaxis; Behavior; Dogs;
Blood serum; Host parasite relationships
108 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
City of Los Angeles animal care and control.
Rush, R.I.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 55-58; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Animal welfare; Pet animals; Cat; Dog control;
109 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J82
Classification and behaviour after surgery of canine 'epulides'.
Bostock, D.E.; White, R.A.S.
London : Academic Press; 1987 Mar.
Journal of comparative pathology v. 97 (2): p. 197-206. ill; 1987 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Surgery; Gingiva; Neoplasms; Classification; Histopathology
110 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 P27
Clinical and histological features of primary progressive, familial
thyroiditis in a colony of Borzoi dogs.
Conaway, D.H.; Padgett, G.A.; Bunton, T.E.; Nachreiner, R.; Hauptman, J.
Washington, D.C. : American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 1985 Sep.
Veterinary pathology v. 22 (5): p. 439-446. ill; 1985 Sep. Includes 26
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Thyroid gland; Histopathology; Hypothyroidism;
Pathogenesis; Thyroid diseases; Hereditary diseases
111 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Clinical, clinicopathologic, and parasitologic observations of trypanosomiasis
in dogs infected with North American Trypanosoma cruzi isolates.
Barr, S.C.; Gossett, K.A.; Klei, T.R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Jun.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (6): p. 954-960; 1991 Jun.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Louisiana; Dogs; Trypanosoma cruzi; Trypanosomiasis; Strain
differences; Age; Infectivity; Acute course; Chronic course; Symptoms;
Pathology; Didelphidae; Dasypodidae
Abstract: Nineteen purebred Beagles of various ages (4, 5, 13,and 47 weeks)
were inoculated with North American Trypanosoma cruzi isolates obtained from an
opossum (Tc-O), armadillo (Tc-A), or a dog (Tc-D). Dogs were grouped on the
basis of clinical outcome of infection. During the acute stage of disease, dogs
of group 1 (n = 7 inoculated with Tc-O or Tc-A) died or were euthanatized
because of the severity of disease. Dogs of group 2 (n = 5 inoculated with Tc-O
or Tc-A) developed acute disease, but survived to develop chronic
disease. Dogs of group 3 (n = 7Tc-D-inoculated dogs) developed neither acute
nor chronic disease. Dogs of group 4 (n = 4-2 dogs 13 weeks old and 2 dogs 47
weeks old) served as noninoculated controls. Clinical signs associated with
severe acute myocarditis developed in dogs of groups 1 and 2 between
postinoculation day (PID) 15 and 28. Generalized lymphadenopathy and
lymphocytosis were observed in all dogs of groups 1, 2, and 3 between PID 14
and 17. Serum alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase activities and
urea nitrogen concentration were high, and glucose concentration was low prior
to death of dogs in group 1. Serum activities of isoenzymes of creatine kinase
were significantly (P < 0.05) high in only 1 dog (group 1), whereas serum
lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme activities were not significantly high in any
dog. Parasitemia was detected by examination of thick blood smears as early as
PID 3, peaked by PID 17 in most dogs, and was not detected by PID 33 in dogs of
groups 1 and 2. Parasitemia was documented by blood culture results in dogs of
groups 2 and 3 at various times throughout the study. Dogs infected at an older
age generally had lesser degree of parasitemia and higher survival rate than
did dogs infected at a younger age. Dogs of group 2 did not manifest clinical
signs of disease for 27 to 120 days prior to onset of chronic
disease. Ventricular-based arrhythmias and exercise intolerance developed in
all dogs of group 2 at various
112 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A5
Clinical, pathological, and epidemiological aspects of canine parvoviral
enteritis in an unvaccinated closed Beagle colony: 1978-1985.
Mason, M.J.; Gillet, N.A.; Muggenburg, B.A.
Golden, Colo. : The Association; 1987 Mar.
The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association v. 23 (2): p. 183-192.
ill; 1987 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Canine parvovirus; Enteritis; Epidemiology; Hematology;
Serological diagnosis; Symptoms; Histopathology
113 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Clinical signs and diagnosis of Brucella canis infection.
Johnson, C.A.; Walker, R.D.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1992 Jun.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 14
(6): p. 763-767, 770-773; 1992 Jun. Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Brucella canis; Disease transmission; Symptoms; Diagnosis;
Immunodiagnosis; Antibodies; Isolation; Antibiotics; Drug therapy; Disease
control; Kennels; Disease prevention; Literature reviews
114 NAL Call. No.: 381 J824
Cloning and characterization of cDNA encoding canine alpha-L-iduronidase: mRNA
deficiency in mucopolysaccharidosis I dog.
Stoltzfus, L.J.; Sosa-Pineda, B.; Moskowitz, S.M.; Menon, K.; Dlott, B.;
Hooper, L.; Teplow, D.B.; Shull, R.M.; Neufeld, E.F.
Baltimore, Md. : American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 1992
The Journal of biological chemistry v. 267 (10): p. 6570-6575; 1992 Apr05.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Glycosidases; Mucopolysaccharidosis; Structural genes;
Cloning; Nucleotide sequences; Amino acid sequences
Abstract: alpha-L-Iduronidase is a lysosomal enzyme, the deficiency of which
causes mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I); a canine MPS I colony has been bred to
test therapeutic intervention. The enzyme was purified to apparent homogeneity
from canine testis and found to consist of two electrophoretically separable
proteins that had common internal peptides but differed at their amino
termini. A 57-base oligonucleotide, corresponding to the most probable codons
of the longest peptide, was used to screen a canine testis cDNA library. Three
cDNAs were isolated, two of which lacked the 5' -end whereas the third was
full-length except for a small internal deletion. The composite sequence
encodes an open reading frame of 655 amino acids that includes all sequenced
peptides. The amino terminus of the larger protein, glutamic acid 26, is at the
predicted signal peptide cleavage site, whereas the amino terminus of the
smaller protein is leucine 106. There are six potential N-glycosylation sites
and a non-canonical polyadenylation signal, CTTAAA. A search of Gen-Bank
showed that the amino acid sequence of alpha-L-iduronidase has similarity to
that of a bacterial beta-xylosidase. A full-length cDNA corresponding to the
composite sequence was constructed (pcIdu) and inserted into the pSVL
expression vector (pSVcIdu). Two days after Cos-1 cells were transfected with
pSVcIdu, their intracellular and secreted level of alpha-L-iduronidase
activity had increased 8- and 22-fold, respectively, over the endogenous
activity. Fibroblasts of MPS I dogs, which have no alpha-L-iduronidase
activity, lacked the normal alpha-L-iduronidase mRNA of 2.2 kilobases and
contained instead a trace amount of a 2.8-kilobase species. Isolation and
characterization of an expressible alpha-L-iduronidase cDNA represents the
first step toward mutation analysis and replacement therapy.
115 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 C81
Companion animal behavior: a review of dog and cat behavior in the field, the
laboratory and the clinic.
Houpt, K.A.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Veterinarian, Inc; 1985 Jan.
Cornell veterinarian v. 75 (1): p. 248-261; 1985 Jan. Literature review.
Includes 63 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal behavior; Aggressive behavior; Dog; Cat; Veterinary
116 NAL Call. No.: SF981.C64
Companion animal behavior from the viewpoint of an ethologist.
Polsky, R.H.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1989 Jul.
Companion animal practice v. 19 (6/7): p. 3-4; 1989 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Animal behavior; Behavior problems; Behavior patterns
117 NAL Call. No.: SF981.C64
Companion animal practice.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co., 1987-; 1987-9999.
Companion animal practice. v. : ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm; 1987-9999. Title
from cover.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Veterinary medicine; Periodicals; Pets; Diseases; Periodicals;
Cats; Diseases; Periodicals; Dogs; Diseases; Periodicals; Cage-birds;
Diseases; Periodicals
118 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R312
Comparison of cortisol concentrations in saliva and plasma of dogs.
Vincent, I.C.; Michell, A.R.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1992 Nov.
Research in veterinary science v. 53 (3): p. 342-345; 1992 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stress
Abstract: It is increasingly important to have simple, noninvasive indicators
of stress in animals. Studies in various species have shown that
concentrations of cortisol in saliva relate closely to plasma levels of the
free hormone; the aim of the present procedure was to show a similar
correlation in the dog. Baseline blood and saliva samples were collected
concurrently from six male beagles. Synthetic adrenocorticotrophic hormone was
given and further samples were collected at 0.25, 0.5, one, two and 2.5 hours
later. The results indicated a statistically significant correlation between
the levels of cortisol in blood and saliva. Concentrations in saliva were
between 5 and 10 per cent of those in plasma at each collection time. To
demonstrate a response to a more natural stimulus, saliva samples were taken
from a dog during exposure to a known stressor for that individual. The
results showed a marked, delayed increase from baseline which was maintained
for at least 0.5 hours after stressing.
119 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Comparison of histamine release induced by morphine and oxymorphone
administration in dogs.
Robinson, E.P.; Faggella, A.M.; Henry, D.P.; Russell, W.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Oct.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (10): p. 1699-1701; 1988 Oct.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Histamine; Morphine; Analgesics; Intravenous feeding;
Animal behavior
Abstract: Cardiovascular effects (vasodilatation, hypotension) of morphine
administration have been attributed to central actions and peripheral
histamine release. In the study reported here, we compared plasma histamine
(Hm) concentrations after morphine sulfate and oxymorphone HCl administration
in conscious dogs. Five healthy adult dogs (mean body weight, 10.1 kg) were
randomly administered morphine (2 mg/kg of body weight, IV or oxymorphone (0.2
mg/kg, IV) by a 5-second bolus injection at weekly intervals. Venous blood
samples (5 ml) were collected from jugular veins before and at 1, 2, 5, 15, 30,
and 60 minutes after drug administration. Behavioral changes were
recorded. Plasma was analyzed by a radioenzymatic technique, using purified
histamine N-methyltransferase as an enzyme catalyst (sensitivity of assay, 40
pg Hm/ml). Mean base-line Hm value for all dogs was 0.55 ng/ml. The mean Hm
value was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the base-line value at 1, 2, 5,
15, and 60 minutes after morphine administration (531.4, 251.0, 113.0, 31.5 and
1.0 ng of Hm/ml, respectively), but there were no significant increases in
histamine values from base-line values at any time after oxymorphone
administration. All dogs given morphine and 1 dog given oxymorphone showed
excitatory behavior; 2 dogs given morphine and 3 dogs given oxymorphone
salivated profusely.
120 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C24
Comparison of medetomidine and fentanyl-droperidol in dogs: sedation,
analgesia, arterial blood gases and lactate levels.
Pettifer, G.R.; Dyson, D.H.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1993 Apr.
Canadian journal of veterinary research; Revue canadienne de recherche
veterinaire v. 57 (2): p. 99-105; 1993 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Medetomidine; Fentanyl; Droperidol; Analgesics; Restraint of
animals; Nontarget effects; Body temperature; Respiration rate; Heart rate;
Blood chemistry; Respiratory gases; Lactic acid
121 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Comparison of serum cortisol concentration before and after intradermal
testing in sedated and nonsedated dogs.
Frank, L.A.; Kunkle, G.A.; Beale, K.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 May15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 200 (4): p. 507-510;
1992 May15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stress; Skin tests; Accuracy; Blood serum; Hydrocortisone;
122 NAL Call. No.: SF427.C69 1992
The Complete dog book the photograph, history and official standard of every
breed admitted to AKC registration, and the selection, training, breeding, care
and feeding of pure-bred dogs., 18th ed..
American Kennel Club
New York : Howell Book House ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York :
Maxwell Macmillan International,; 1992.
xii, 724 p., lxiv p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. Official
publication of the American Kennel Club. Includes index.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Dogs
123 NAL Call. No.: SF427.B32 1986
The complete herbal handbook for the dog and cat., Rev. ed..
Bairacli-Levy, Juliette de; Bairacli-Levy, Juliette de
New York : Arco Pub.,; 1986.
287 p. ; 20 cm. Rev. ed. of: The complete herbal book for the dog. 1975.
Includes indexes. Bibliography: p. 271.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Dogs; Diseases; Cats; Diseases; Herbs; Therapeutic
use; Herbals; Animal welfare
124 NAL Call. No.: SF601.P76
Complex partial seizures: Behavioral epilepsy.
Colter, S.B.
Hagerstown, Md. : J.B. Lippincott Co; 1989 Oct.
Problems in veterinary medicine v. 1 (4): p. 619-627; 1989 Oct. In the series
analytic: Epilepsy / edited by R.J. Indrieri. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Epilepsy; Damage; Classification; Pathology;
Treatment; Behavior disorders
125 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Compound-action potentials of myelinated fibers in the saphenous nerve of the
dog: in situ electrophysiologic and behavioral studies.
Whalen, L.R.; Spurgeon, T.L.; Boggie, L.C.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1987 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 48 (8): p. 1216-1220. ill; 1987 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Neurons; Electric potential; Myelin; Electrodes; Recording
126 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Comprehensive animal control.
Homes, J.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 51-54; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: British Columbia; Animal welfare; Pet animals; Cat; Dog control;
127 NAL Call. No.: 470 SCI2
Compromise in sight on animal regulations.
Holden, C.
Washington, D.C. : American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1989
Science v. 245 (4914): p. 124-125. ill; 1989 Jul14. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Monkeys; Animal welfare; Social interaction
128 NAL Call. No.: QL758.5.K54
Control and capture of "vicious" animals.
Klinghammer, Erich,
North American Wildlife Park Fo undation
Battle Ground, IN : N.A.W.P.F.,; 1985.
iv, 15 p. ; 22 cm. (Ethology series ; no. 1). Cover title. Includes
bibliographical references (p. 15).
Language: English
Descriptors: Aggressive behavior in animals; Dangerous animals; Dogs; Animal
129 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Coping with blindness: a survey of 50 blind dogs.
Chester, Z.; Clark, W.T.
London : The Association; 1988 Dec24.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 123
(26/27): p. 668-671; 1988 Dec24. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Blindness (animal); Eye diseases; Animal behavior; Surveys;
130 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Coping with euthanasia: A case study of shelter culture.
Arluke, A.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (7): p.
1176-1180; 1991 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Shelter; Euthanasia; Personnel; Stress
131 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Coprophagia: food for thought.
McKeown, D.; Luescher, A.; Machum, M.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Oct.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 29 (9,i.e.10): p. 849-850; 1988 Oct.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Coprophagy; Behavior problems; Behavior modification
132 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Correlates of pen size and housing conditions on the behaviour of kennelled
Hubrecht, R.C.; Serpell, J.A.; Poole, T.B.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1992 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 34 (4): p. 365-383; 1992 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Kennels; Cage size; Animal behavior; Shelters;
Laboratories; Social behavior; Animal housing; Animal welfare
133 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A45
The customized companion dog.
Dunayer, J.; Dunayer, E.
Monroe, Conn. : Animal Rights Network; 1990 Nov.
The Animals' agenda v. 10 (9): p. 12-14. ill; 1990 Nov.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal welfare; Inbred lines; Breeds; Conformation; Animal
134 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Cystine calculi in the dog: an epidemiological retrospective study.
Wallerstrom, B.I.; Wagberg, T.I.; Lagergren, C.H.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1992 Feb.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 33 (2): p. 78-84; 1992 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Sweden; Dogs; Urinary calculi; Cystine; Disease prevalence; Breed
differences; Sex differences; Age differences; Seasonal variation; Longevity;
Predisposition; Exercise; Feeding habits; Body weight
135 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Dangerous dogs.
Bower, J.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1992 Jun.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 33 (6): p. 255-256; 1992 Jun.
Language: English
Descriptors: Uk; Dogs; Legislation; Aggressive behavior
136 NAL Call. No.: SB950.A1V4
A decade of use of livestock guarding dogs.
Coppinger, R.; Coppinger, L.; Langeloh, G.; Gettler, L.; Lorenz, J.
Davis, Calif. : University of California; 1988.
Proceedings ... Vertebrate Pest Conference (13th): p. 209-214; 1988.
Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Guard dogs; Breeds; Livestock; Predator control; Behavior
137 NAL Call. No.: QL750.E74
Degree of behavioral neoteny differentiates canid polymorphs.
Coppinger, R.; Glendinning, J.; Torop, E.; Matthay, C.; Sutherland, M.; Smith,
Berlin, W. Ger. : Paul Parey; 1987 Jun.
Ethology v. 75 (2): p. 89-108; 1987 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Polymorphism; Breeds; Differentiation
138 NAL Call. No.: HV4761.A5
Desperate plight of pedigree dogs in Japan.
Ferguson, I.
Washington, D.C. : The Institute; 1987.
The Animal Welfare Institute quarterly v. 35 (1): p. 9. ill; 1987.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japan; Dogs; Animal welfare; Pedigree; Pet care; Abuse
139 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
The development of a harmonic owner-dog relationship.
Althaus, T.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 1056-1064; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Man; Relationships; Animal behavior
140 NAL Call. No.: QP351.D4
Development of auditory localization in dogs: single source and precedence
effect sounds.
Ashmead, D.H.; Clifton, R.K.; Reese, E.P.
New York, N.Y. : John Wiley & Sons; 1986 Mar.
Developmental psychobiology v. 19 (2): p. 91-103; 1986 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Vocalization; Sounds; Neural transmission; Animal behavior
141 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Diagnosing dominance aggression.
Landsberg, G.M.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1990 Jan.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 31 (1): p. 45-46; 1990 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Dominance; Behavior problems
142 NAL Call. No.: QR46.J6
Diagnosis of ear canker in dogs by bacterial-colony displacement.
Goldsmid, J.M.; Thomson, K.; Gandy, D.
Washington, D.C. : American Society for Microbiology; 1987 Jun.
Journal of clinical microbiology v. 25 (6): p. 1129-1130. ill; 1987 Jun.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Ears (animal); Cankers; Diagnostic techniques;
Strongyloides stercoralis
143 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Diagnostic criteria for separation anxiety in the dog.
McCrave, E.A.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
247-255; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Separation; Anxiety; Attachment behavior; Differential
diagnosis; Behavior problems; Behavior modification; Veterinary history
144 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Diagnostic exercise: multiple white masses in the mouth of Beagles.
Sundberg, J.P.
Joliet, Ill. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1987 Jun.
Laboratory animal science v. 37 (3): p. 339-340. ill; 1987 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Mouth; Papillomavirus; Papillomas; Diagnosis
145 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Diagnostic exercise: penumonia and CNS disturbances in young Greyhound dogs.
Buergelt, C.D.; Harrison, L.R.; Bauer, R.W.
Cordova, Tenn. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1991 Jan.
Laboratory animal science v. 41 (1): p. 76-77; 1991 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Florida; Georgia; Dogs; Pneumonia; Nervous system diseases;
Acanthamoeba; Central nervous system
146 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Diagnostic exercise: pulmonary parasites in a dog.
Shalev, M.; Goldschmidt, M.H.
Joliet, Ill. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1985 Apr.
Laboratory animal science v. 35 (2): p. 159-161. ill; 1985 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Paragonimus kellicotti; Lungs; Diagnosis
147 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Diet and exercise as potential risk factors for osteochondritis dissecans in
Slater, M.R.; Scarlett, J.M.; Donoghue, S.; Kaderly, R.E.; Bonnett, B.N.;
Cockshutt, J.; Erb, H.N.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Nov.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (11): p. 2119-2124; 1992 Nov.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Osteochondritis; Dietary surveys; Caloric intake;
Nutrients; Exercise; Sex; Age; Calcium; Protein intake; Dog foods; Dog breeds;
Abstract: A matched case-control study was conducted to evaluate dietary
components and exercise patterns as potential risk factors for osteochondritis
dissecans in dogs. A telephone interview, with a standard questionnaire and
protocol, was used to collect data on dietary intake of calories and nutrients
and on the usual amounts and types of exercise of each dog. Thirty-one dogs
with osteochondritis dissecans and 60 controls were matched on the basis of
breed, sex, and age. Using a conditional logistic regression model, high
dietary calcium, playing with other dogs, and drinking well water (rather than
city water) were associated with increased risk of osteochondritis dissecans.
Feeding of specialty dry dog foods was associated with decreased risk.
148 NAL Call. No.: 436.9 H36
Differentiation between mixed infections of Ancylostoma caninum and
Ancylostoma duodenale in dogs using an in vitro assay for the resumption of
feeding by third-stage infective larvae.
Hawdon, J.M.; Schad, G.A.
Lawrence, Kan. : The Society; 1991 Jan.
Proceedings of the Helminthological Society of Washington v. 58 (1): p.
125-127; 1991 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Ancylostoma caninum; Ancylostoma duodenale; Feeding
behavior; Hookworms; Identification; Mixed infections; Nematode larvae
149 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AU72
Digging behaviour in domestic dogs.
Adams, G.J.; Grandage, J.
Brunswick, Victoria : Australian Veterinary Association; 1989 Apr.
Australian veterinary journal v. 66 (4): p. 126; 1989 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Digging; Animal behavior; Domestic animals
150 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Digging dogs and other disasters: canine cases from the crisis line.
Kay, D.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1986 Feb.
Veterinary technician v. 7 (2): p. 60-61. ill; 1986 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Abnormal behavior; Dominance; Behavior problems
151 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.D57
Disappearing dogs & cats the dealer-laboratory connection.. Disappearing dogs
and cats Dealer-laboratory connection
Action 81 Inc
Berryville, Va. : Action 81 Inc., [1987-1990]; 1987-1990.
2 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes bibliographical references and
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; United States; Larceny; United States; Dogs; Laws
and legislation; United States; Cats; Law and ligislation; United States; Dogs
as laboratory animals; Cats as laboratory animals
152 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Diskospondylitis in a kennel of dogs: clinicopathologic findings.
Turnwald, G.H.; Shires, P.K.; Turk, M.A.M.; Cox, H.U.; Pechman, R.D.; Kearney,
M.T.; Hugh-Jones, M.E.; Balsamo, G.A.; Helouin, C.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1986 Jan15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 188 (2): p. 178-183;
1986 Jan15. Literature review. Includes 45 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Spondylitis; Pathogenesis
153 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
The distribution of canine behavior cases at three behavior referral
Landsberg, G.M.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 Oct.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (10): p. 1011-1018; 1991 Oct. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Ontario; Kansas; New York; Dogs; Behavior problems; Incidence;
Breed differences; Age differences; Sex differences
154 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Does thyroid dysfunction cause behavioral problems?.
Polsky, R.H.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1993 Jul.
Canine practice v. 18 (4): p. 6-8; 1993 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Thyroid diseases; Behavior problems
155 NAL Call. No.: QL55.U5 1987
The dog., 6th ed.
MacArthur, J.A.
London : Longman; 1987.
The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / edited by
Trevor B. Poole; editorial assistant, Ruth Robinson. p. 456-475; 1987.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Dogs; Biology; Animal husbandry; Laboratory
methods; Disease control
156 NAL Call. No.: QL55.H42
The dog as a research subject.
Gay, W.I.
Washington, D.C. : Foundation for Biomedical Research, [1985?]; 1985.
Health benefits of animal research / edited by William I. Gay for the
Foundation for Biomedical Research. p. 55-64; 1985. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Anesthesia; Animal behavior; Animal research; Medical
research; Disease models; History
157 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AU72
Dog attacks on postal delivery officers in Queensland.
Podberscek, A.L.; Blackshaw, J.K.
Brunswick, Victoria : Australian Veterinary Association; 1991 Jun.
Australian veterinary journal v. 68 (6): p. 215-216; 1991 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Queensland; Dogs; Bites; Man; Aggressive behavior; Incidence
158 NAL Call. No.: SF433.D6544 1991
Dog bites and aggression [proceedings], Saturday, April 6, 1991.
Tufts University, Center for Animals and Public Policy
N. Grafton, MA : Tufts Center for Animals & Public Policy, 1991?; 1991.
[37] . ; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes bibliographical references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior in animals; Bites and stings;
Aggression; Behavior, Animal
159 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AU72
Dog bites and bull terriers.
Blackshaw, J.K.
Brunswick, Victoria : Australian Veterinary Association; 1991 Mar.
Australian veterinary journal v. 68 (3): p. 117-118; 1991 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bites; Aggressive behavior; Breeds; Inbred lines
160 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Dog bites: how protected is your community?.
Reed, D.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1987 Apr.
Shelter sense v. 10 (3): p. 1-2, 13-15. ill; 1987 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bites; Neighborhoods; Protection; Agonistic behavior;
161 NAL Call. No.: SF991.R58
The dog his varied biological makeup and its relationship to orthopaedic
Riser, Wayne H.
American Animal Hospital Association, ALPO Pet Center
Mishawaka, Ind. : American Animal Hospital Association ; Allentown, Pa. : Alpo
Pet Center,; 1985.
24 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Bibliography: p. 24.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Diseases; Animal welfare; Veterinary orthopedics
162 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.555
Dog lab an unnecessary exercise.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Washington, D.C. : PETA, [1987?]; 1987.
1 videocassette (16 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. VHS format. "A PETA
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs as laboratory animals; Animals, Treatment of; Medicine; Study
and teaching
163 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A53
Dog population control in Latin America.
London : The Society; 1989.
Animal international - World Society for the Protection of Animals v. 9 30: p.
8-9. ill; 1989.
Language: English
Descriptors: Latin America; Dogs; Population control; Animal welfare
164 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
The dog that cannot be left alone.
Voith, V.; Borchelt, P.L.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1985 Feb.
Veterinary technician v. 6 (2): p. 95-97; 1985 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Separation; Anxiety; Abnormal behavior; Treatment
165 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
Dog weight pulls: team work or exploitation?.
Jessup, D.
Kansas City, Mo. : KBR Publications; 1987 May.
Community animal control v. 6 (3): p. 19-21. ill; 1987 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal welfare; Pulling; Loads; Performing animals
166 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A53
Dog-eating in the Republic of Korea.
London : The Society; 1988.
Animal international - World Society for the Protection of Animals v. 8 (25):
p. 4-5. ill; 1988.
Language: English
Descriptors: Korea republic; Dogs; Animal welfare; Meat production;
Consumption; Food habits
167 NAL Call. No.: HV4725.U5L4 1990
Dogs., 4th ed.
Stevens, C.
Washington, D.C. : Animal Welfare Institute; 1990.
Animals and their legal rights : a survey of American laws from 1641 to 1990 /
with chapters by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United
States Department of Agriculture ... [et al.].. p. 112-120; 1990.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Animal welfare; Law
168 NAL Call. No.: SF991.B644
The dog's health from A to Z a canine veterinary dictionary.. Canine
veterinary dictionary
Bleby, John; Bishop, Gerald,
New York : Prentice Hall,; 1986.
331, [2] p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Bibliography: p. [333].
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Diseases; Dictionaries; Dogs; Dictionaries; Animal welfare
169 NAL Call. No.: SF427.M33
Dogs in London report of a survey of records kept in five veterinary surgeries
in the London area.
McEwen, Peter
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Potters Bar, Herts., England : UFAW,; 1985.
20 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. (UFAW publication). Cover title. December 1985.
Bibliography: p. 20.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; England; Veterinary medicine; England; Animals, Treatment
of; England; Animal welfare
170 NAL Call. No.: SF427.4.D6
A Dog's life: feeding for breeding.. Feeding for breeding
ALPO Pet Center
Allentown, Pa. : ALPO Pet Center,; 1986.
8 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Food; Animal welfare
171 NAL Call. No.: SF433.F63
The dog's mind.
Fogle, Bruce
London, England : Pelham Books/Stephen Greene Press ; New York, N.Y. ; Viking
Penguin,; 1990.
xviii, 201 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior
172 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A53
The dogs of war.
London : The Society; 1989.
Animal international - World Society for the Protection of Animals v. 9 30: p.
7. ill; 1989.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; War; Animal welfare
173 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
Dogsnot--are owners really prepared?.
Case, D.B.
Tucson, Az. : KBR Publications; 1986 Sep.
Community animal control v. 5 (5): p. 10-11. ill; 1986 Sep.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Pet animals; Abnormal behavior
174 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.1353
Dogsteps a study of canine structure and movement.
Elliott, Rachel Page
River Farm, N.Y.? : R.P. Elliott,; 1988.
1 videocassette (67 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. Funded by American Kennel Club
and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Gait in animals
Abstract: Illustrates some of the features that lend quality to a dog's
overall conformation and to its performance and examines some of the physical
virtues and faults that can help or hinder groundcovering ability and
serviceability. Looks for the traits which help the dog meet its species' job
requirements if necessary.
175 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Dominance aggression in dogs.
Borchelt, P.L.; Voith, V.L.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1986 Jan.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 8
(1): p. 36-44; 1986 Jan. Includes 30 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Dominance
176 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Dominance aggression of dogs towards people: behavior profile and response to
Line, S.; Voith, V.L.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 Aug.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 16 (1): p. 77-83; 1986 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Man; Treatment
177 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Dominance behavior in dogs: an owner's guide.
Voith, V.L.; Borchelt, P.L.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1986 Feb.
Veterinary technician v. 7 (2): p. 73-74; 1986 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Guides; Communication between animals
178 NAL Call. No.: 434.8 AC1
Dynamique spatio-temporelle des populations de Rhipicephalus sanguineus
(Latreille, 1806) (Acariens: Ixodoidea) dans une cite HLM de Marseille
[Temporal and spatial dynamics of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806)
populations (Acari: Ixodoidea) at a HLM housing estate in Marseille].
Gilot, B.; Diop, S.; Laforge, M.L.
Paris : Yves Coineau; 1992 Jun.
Acarologia v. 33 (2): p. 127-140; 1992 Jun. Includes references.
Language: French
Descriptors: France; Dogs; Rhipicephalus sanguineus; Tickborne diseases;
Disease vectors; Human diseases; Housing; Spatial distribution; Temporal
179 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Early behavioral development of dogs.
Markwell, P.J.; Thorne, C.J.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 984-991. ill; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Developmental stages; Behavior patterns;
Social behavior
180 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Early prediction of adult behaviour in potential guide dogs.
Goddard, M.E.; Beilharz, R.G.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 Jun.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 15 (3): p. 247-260; 1986 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Guides; Adults; Animal behavior; Prediction; Genetic
correlation; Heritability; Selection
181 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Early-age neutering of dogs and cats.
Theran, P.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 914-917;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Age; Young animals; Sterilization; Overpopulation;
Preoperative care; Surgery
182 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Effect of anaesthesia and stress on the radiographic evaluation of the
coxofemoral joint.
Madsen, J.S.; Svalastoga, E.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1991 Feb.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 32 (2): p. 64-68; 1991 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Radiography; Anesthesia; Stress; Hips; Dislocations; Hip
183 NAL Call. No.: QP801.H7H65
Effect of beta-adrenergic blockade on lipid mobilization induced by fasting in
Kozlowski, S.; Kowalik-Borowka, E.; Nazar, K.; Falecka-Wieczorek, I.;
Stephens, D.; Kaciuba-Usciko, H.
Stuttgart, W. Ger. : Georg Thieme; 1985 Jan.
Hormone and metabolic research v. 17 (1): p. 8-11; 1985 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Lipid metabolism; Fasting; Dog; Cholinergic mechanisms; Blockage;
Catecholamines; Exercise
184 NAL Call. No.: 410 Z36
Effect of cage size on growth, feed intake, fur quality and activity pattern of
farmed raccoon dogs.
Korhonen, H.; Harri, M.
Jena, E. Ger. : Gustav Fischer; 1988.
Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde : Journal of experimental animal science v.
31 (2): p. 49-54; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Breeds; Cage size; Cage rearing; Growth rate; Food intake;
Fur quality; Animal behavior
185 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of canine parvovirus on erythroid progenitors in
phenylhydrazine-induced regenerative hemolytic anemia in dogs.
Brock, K.V.; Jones, J.B.; Shull, R.M.; Potgieter, L.N.D.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Jun.
American journal of veterinary research v. 50 (6): p. 965-969; 1989 Jun.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Canine parvovirus; Erythrocytes; Hemolytic anemia;
Hydrazines; Human diseases; Aplastic anemia; Parvoviridae
Abstract: The effects of canine parvovirus (CPV) infection in dogs with
hemolytic anemia was compared with the clinical effects of human
parvovirus-induced aplastic anemia in human beings with chronic regenerative
anemias. Phenylhydrazine was used to induce a transient, severe, hemolytic
anemia in dogs to evaluate the effects of CPV infection on rapidly dividing
bone marrow precursors. Erythrocyte colony-forming unit bone marrow cultures
and cytologic examination of bone marrow were used to determine the effects of
CPV infection on erythroid bone marrow precursors. The induced hemolytic
anemia regenerated rapidly and although the bone marrow was infected, it was
determined that CPV infection did not induce a detectable decrease in
erythroid progenitors in dogs with severe hemolytic anemia.
186 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of collection time and exercise restriction on the prediction of urine
protein excretion, using urine protein/creatinine ration in dogs.
McCaw, D.L.; Knapp, D.W.; Hewett, J.E.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1985 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 46 (8): p. 1665-1669; 1985 Aug.
Includes 12 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Creatinine; Urination; Urine; Proteins
187 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of flurbiprofen on facility of aqueous outflow in the eyes of dogs.
Millichamp, N.J.; Dziezyc, J.; Olsen, J.W.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Sep.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (9): p. 1448-1451; 1991 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Eyes; Antiinflammatory agents; Topical application; Body
fluids; Inflammation
Abstract: Aqueous outflow from cannulated canine eyes was determined, using a
constant-pressure perfusion technique. The effect of topically applied
flurbiprofen, a cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, on outflow in eyes with or without
neodymium:yttrium aluminum garnet laser-induced inflammation was measured.
Flurbiprofen caused decrease in aqueous outflow that was more marked in the
inflamed eyes.
188 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of incorporation of serum from dogs with renal impairment on canine
erythroid bone marrow cultures.
Petrites-Murphy, M.B.; Pierce, K.R.; Fisher, J.W.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Sep.
American journal of veterinary research v. 50 (9): p. 1537-1543; 1989 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Renal failure; Bone marrow; Cell culture; Blood serum;
Abstract: Serum from dogs with surgically induced renal impairment was
incorporated into the medium for erythroid bone marrow cultures. A significant
correlation was found between serum activities of erythropoietin and numbers of
erythroid colony-forming units grown in culture. Serum creatinine
concentrations had no correlation, and serum parathyroid hormone activities had
a negative correlation with numbers of erythroid colony-forming units that was
below the level of significance. Purified 1-84 parathyroid hormone added to
bone marrow cultures was found to be stimulatory to erythroid
colony-forming unit growth in higher concentrations, but decreased the number
of burst-forming units. Unmeasured substances in the canine serum appeared to
have a greater effect on the canine erythroid bone marrow cultures than did
creatinine or parathyroid hormone values.
189 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A5
The effect of tiletamine-zolazepam anesthesia on the response to intradermally
injected histamine.
Codner, E.C.; McGrath, C.J.
Golden, Colo. : The Association; 1991 Mar.
The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association v. 27 (2): p. 189-191;
1991 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Histamine; Skin tests; Injectable anesthetics; Allergic
reactions; Atopy; Stress
190 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
The effects of cage size and pair housing on exercise of beagle dogs.
Hughes, H.C.; Campbell, S.; Kenney, C.
Cordova, Tenn. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1989 Jul.
Laboratory animal science v. 39 (4): p. 302-305; 1989 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Animal housing; Cage size; Cage density; Exercise;
Animal welfare; Regulations
Abstract: One of the requirements of the 1985 amendments to the Animal
Welfare Act is the establishment of an exercise program for dogs. Assumptions
have been made by some that larger cages or the presence of a companion animal
will motivate exercise. To examine how cage size, pair housing and human
contact affect exercise, a study was conducted using a computerized video-data
acquisition system that measured distance traveled and time spent moving in 1 X
1 m, (single only) and 1 X 2 m (single and paired) and 1 X 1.5 m cage
(paired only) cages. Male beagle dogs (n = 6) housed singly in the 1 m2 cage
traveled an average of 55m/hr spending only 8% (57 min) of the 12 h photo
period in motion. When the cage size was doubled, the average distance
traveled decreased to 13m/hr and the time spent moving increased to 11% (77
min/day). When dogs were pair housed in a regulation size cage, the average
distance traveled decreased to 8.6 m/hr and they spent less than 6% of the day
in exercising (42 min/12hrs.). The greatest amount of exercise was seen when
dogs were housed as a pair in a cage less than recommended size (an average of
109 m/hr and 8.8 min/hr). Therefore, these data indicate that larger cages or
pair housing in regulation size cages have little or no effect on the activity
of purpose bred male beagle dogs. There was, however, a direct correlation
between activity, time and distance, and the presence of humans in the animal
room. When people were in the room, dog activity increased. When people were
absent, dogs were less active.
191 NAL Call. No.: SF724.T72
Effects of castration on certain behavioural problems in dogs.
Idowu, A.L.
Basel : Karger; 1985 May.
Tropical veterinarian v. 2 (2): p. 80-82; 1985 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Castration; Aggressive behavior
192 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
The effects of companion animals during conjugal bereavement.
Bolin, S.E.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1987.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (1): p. 26-35; 1987. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pet animals; Attachment behavior; Death
193 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
The effects of dog obedience training and behavioural counselling upon the
human-canine relationship.
Clark, G.I.; Boyer, W.N.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1993 Jul.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 37 (2): p. 147-159; 1993 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Relationships; Man; Training of animals
194 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Effects of exercise programs on serum biochemical stress indicators in
purpose-bred beagle dogs.
Campbell, S.A.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
77-82; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 81-82.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Laboratory animals; Exercise; Stress; Animal welfare
195 NAL Call. No.: QP121.A1R4
Effects of hypoxia on catecholamine and cardiorespiratory responese in
exercising dogs.
Favier, R.J.; Desplanches, D.; Pequignot, J.M.; Peyrin, L.; Flandrois
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1985 Aug.
Respiration physiology v. 61 (2): p. 167-177. ill; 1985 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Hypoxia; Catecholamines; Exercise; Respiration; Heart
196 NAL Call. No.: 410 Z36
Effects of indoor and outdoor maintenance of dogs upon food intake, body
weight, and different blood parameters.
Kuhn, G.; Hardegg, W.
Jena, E. Ger. : Gustav Fischer; 1988.
Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde : Journal of experimental animal science v.
31 (5): p. 205-214; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal housing; Food intake; Body weight; Blood picture
197 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Effects of neutering and spaying on the behavior of dogs and cats: questions
and answers about practical concerns.
Hart, B.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (7): p.
1204-1205; 1991 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Castration; Ovariectomy; Animal behavior; Behavior
change; Behavior patterns
198 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Effects of primary enclosure size and human contact.
Hughes, H.C.; Campbell, S.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
66-75; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 74-75. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Laboratory animals; Animal housing; Socialization; Animal
199 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Effects of racing on hematologic and serum biochemical values in Greyhounds.
Lassen, E.D.; Craig, A.M.; Blythe, L.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1986 Jun01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 188 (11): p.
1299-1303; 1986 Jun01. Includes 19 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Racing performance; Hematology; Biochemical techniques;
Stress; Calcium; Blood serum
200 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Effects of recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on white
blood cell production in clinically normal and neutropenic dogs.
Mishu, L.; Callahan, G.; Allebban, Z.; Maddux, J.M.; Boone, T.C.; Souza, L.M.;
Lothrop, C.D.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 Jun15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 200 (12): p.
1957-1964; 1992 Jun15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Granulocytes; Growth factors; Neutrophils; Leukopenia;
Leukocyte count; Dosage; Bone marrow transplant; Hematopoiesis; Hereditary
201 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effects of sample handling on adrenocorticotropin concentration measured in
canine plasma, using a commercially available radioimmunoassay kit.
Hegstad, R.L.; Johnston, S.D.; Pasternak, D.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1990 Dec.
American journal of veterinary research v. 51 (12): p. 1941-1947; 1990 Dec.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Corticotropin; Blood plasma; Radioimmunoassay; Sample
processing; Frozen storage; Duration; Temperature; Edta; Heparin; Trypsin
inhibitors; Tubes
Abstract: A commercially available radioimmunoassay (RIA) kit for measurement
of human adrenocorticotropin (hACTH) was validated for use in dogs. Assay
sensitivity was 3 pg/ml. Intra-assay coefficient of variation (X 100; CV) for 3
canine plasma pools was 3.0 (mean +/- SD, 33 +/- 0.99 pg/ml), 4.2 (71 +/-2.4
pg/ml) and 3.7 (145 +/- 3.7 pg/ml) %. Interassay CV for 2 plasma pools measured
in 6 assays was 9.8 (37 +/- 3.6 pg/ml) and 4.4 (76 +/- 3.4 pg/ml) %,
respectively. Dilutional parallelism was documented by assaying 2 pools of
canine plasma at 3 dilutions and correcting the measured result for dilution.
Corrected mean concentrations for the first pool were 33 (+/- 0.99), 36 (+/-
4.3), and 33 (+/- 6.8) pg/ml; corrected mean concentrations for the second pool
were 145 (+/- 5.4), 141 (+/- 10.8) and 125 (+/- 3.4) pg/ml. Recovery of
1-39hACTH added to canine plasma (6.25, 12.5, 25.0, 50.0, and 100.0 pg/ml) was
linear and quantitative (slope = 0.890, R2 = 0.961). To test whether
anticoagulant or the protease inhibitor, aprotinin, influences ACTH
concentration in canine plasma, ACTH was measured in canine blood collected in
4 tubes containing anticoagulant: heparin (H), heparin + 500 kallikrein
inhibitor units (KIU) of aprotinin/ml (HA), EDTA (E), and EDTA + aprotinin
(EA). Plasma ACTH concentration was the same when samples containing H and HA,
or HA and E were compared, and was significantly (P < 0.01) lower in samples
containing EA. Plasma storage at -20 C for 1 week or 1 month was not
associated with significant change in ACTH concentration in canine plasma,
using any of the 4 anticoagulant treatments. Plasma ACTH concentration
measured after 6 months' storage at -20 C was significantly (P < 0.01) lower
for all anticoagulants used. Synthetic 1-39hACTH added to canine blood was
accurately recovered (88 to 109%, n = 3) from plasma containing EDTA, with or
without aprotinin, whereas percentage recovery was overestimated by 18 to 91%
in heparinized plasma. Plasma ACTH concentrati
202 NAL Call. No.: 442.8 G91
Effects of social competition for feed on growth of farmed raccoon dogs.
Korhonen, H.; Harri, M.; Nurminen, L.
Lakeland, Fla. : Growth Publishing; 1986.
Growth v. 50 (3): p. 340-350; 1986. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Nyctereutes procyonoides; Food consumption; Social consciousness;
Growth rate; Body weight; Cages; Fur bearing animals; Competition
203 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
The effects of social environment on canine behavior.
Campbell, W.E.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1986 Feb.
Modern veterinary practice v. 67 (2): p. 113-115; 1986 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Animal behavior; Behavior problems; Social
interaction; Environment; Surveys
204 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Effects of training, feeding regimens, isolation and physical environment on
canine behavior.
Campbell, W.E.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1986 Mar.
Modern veterinary practice v. 67 (3): p. 239-241; 1986 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Surveys; Animal behavior; Environment; Training (animal);
Dog feeding
205 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effects of various sedatives on air cystometry in dogs.
Johnson, C.A.; Beemsterboer, J.M.; Gray, P.R.; Slusser, P.G.; Goullaud, E.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Sep.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (9): p. 1525-1528. ill; 1988 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Drug combinations; Anesthetics; Diagnostic techniques;
Muscles; Adverse effects; Restraint of animals
Abstract: The effects of various sedatives on air cystometry in dogs were
investigated. Oxymorphone plus acepromazine, xylazine alone, atropine plus
xylazine, and diazepam plus ketamine were compared for interference with the
detrusor reflex, adequacy of patient restraint, and development of adverse side
effects. Atropine plus xylazine was the best of the 4 drug combinations tested,
because it had the least interference with the detrusor reflex,
bradycardia did not develop, and excellent restraint was obtained. Pain and
hematuria were common whenever intravesicular pressure exceeded 40 cm of H2O,
yet pressures that high were rarely necessary to stimulate the detrusor
206 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Efficacy of ivermectin chewable tablets and two new ivermectin tablet
formulations against Dirofilaria immitis larvae in dogs.
Paul, A.J.; Todd, K.S. Jr; Acre, K.E. Sr; Plue, R.E.; Wallace, D.H.; French,
R.A.; Wallig, M.A.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Nov.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (11): p. 1922-1923; 1991 Nov.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Dirofilaria immitis; Ivermectin; Drug formulations;
Nematode control; Adverse effects; Dosage; Drug effects
Abstract: One hundred four heartworm-free Beagles < 1 year old were studied to
determine the efficacy of ivermectin chewable tablets and of 2 other
ivermectin tablet formulations against heartworm larvae. At 30 days after SC
inoculation of dogs with infective Dirofilaria immitis larvae, all ivermectin
formulations were given orally at dosage of 6 microgram/kg of body weight. The
ivermectin chewable tablets also were given orally at dosage of 2 and 6
microgram/kg at 30 and 45 days, respectively, after injection of larvae.
Replicates of 6 or 8 dogs in each study were formed on the basis of gender and
body weight and, within replicates, were randomly allocated to treatment
groups. At 30 days after injection of larvae, the additional dogs (in
replicates of 8) were assigned to the control group and to the group given
ivermectin chewable tablets at dosage of 6 microgram/kg. All dogs were housed
individually. Necropsy was performed approximately 5 or 6 months after larvae
were administered. In both trials, all control dogs had heartworms at necropsy
(University of Illinois-geometric mean, 35.0; Florida-geometric mean, 26.1). In
both trials, the ivermectin chewable tablet (6 microgram/kg) and both
tablet formulations (6 microgram/kg) given at 30 days after larval injection,
and the chewable formulation (6 microgram/kg) given at 45 days after larval
injection were 100% effective (P < 0.01) in preventing development of induced
infection with D immitis. Of 8 dogs at the University of Illinois that were
given ivermectin chewable tablets (2 microgram/kg) at 30 days after larval
injection, 6 had heartworms (geometric mean, 2.25; efficacy, 93.6%; P < 0.01)
and 5 of 7 dogs treated similarly in Florida had heartworms (geometric mean,
4.4; efficacy, 83.3%; P < 0.05). Drug-related adverse reactions were not
observed in either trial.
207 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Elective gonadectomy in dogs: A review.
Salmeri, K.R.; Olson, P.N.; Bloomberg, M.S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (7): p.
1183-1192; 1991 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bitches; Castration; Ovariectomy; Age; Sex hormones;
Biological development; Skeleton; Obesity; Animal behavior; Secondary sexual
traits; Urinary tract; Anesthesia; Disease resistance
208 NAL Call. No.: 500 N484
Electrophysiological and innate behavioral responses of the dog to intravenous
application of sweet compounds.
Myers, L.J.; Boddie, R.; May, K.
New York, N.Y. : The Academy; 1987.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences v. 510: p. 519-520; 1987. In the
series analytic: Olfaction and taste IX / edited by S.D. Roper and J. Atema.
Based on the Ninth International Symposium, July 20-24, 1986, Snowmass
Village, Colorado. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Feeding behavior; Physiology; Responses; Sweets
209 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Elimination behavior and related problems in dogs.
Voith, V.L.; Borchelt, P.L.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1985 Jul.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 7
(7): p. 537-544, 546, 549. ill; 1985 Jul. Literature review. Includes 40
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior; Abnormal behavior; Aggressive behavior; Sexual
behavior; Behavior problems; Behavior change
210 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Encounters between domestic dogs and free-ranging non-human primates.
Anderson, J.R.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1986 Apr.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 15 (1): p. 71-86; 1986 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Primates; Animal behavior; Predation
211 NAL Call. No.: 448.8 V81
Enhanced production of morbillivirus gene-specific RNAs following induction of
the cellular stress response in stable persistent infection.
Oglesbee, M.J.; Kenney, H.; Kenney, T.; Krakowka, S.
Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press; 1993 Feb.
Virology v. 192 (2): p. 556-567; 1993 Feb. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Canidae; Distemper virus; Cell lines; Rna; Infection; Heat shock
proteins; Stress response; Cytopathogenicity; Transcription; Protein
synthesis; Phenotypes
Abstract: Previous in vitro work demonstrated the incorporation of the major
inducible 70k heat shock protein (i.e., 72k HSP) into the biologically active
light nucleocapsid (L-NC) variant of canine distemper virus (CDV). Here, in
vitro induction of the cellular stress response, characterized by elevated
cytoplasmic and intranuclear 72k HSP, enhanced L-NC expression in mink lung
cells supporting stable persistent infection by raccoon-origin CDV. Increases
in L-NC were correlated to increased viral RNA production in cell-free
transcriptional assays. The enhanced production of viral transcripts within
infected cells following stress response induction was confirmed by slot blot
and Northern blot analysis of total cellular RNA and was reflected in
increased total viral protein production. Post-shock increases in viral fusion
(F) gene transcripts and F protein were associated with dramatic increases in
viral cytopathic effect. Modest induction of cell-free infectious viral
progeny was also documented. A similar effect of the cellular stress response
upon viral protein expression, cytopathic effect, and cell-free infectious
progeny release was demonstrated in murine neuroblastoma cells persistently
infected with a canine CDV isolate. Alterations of the persistent viral
phenotype were independent of the specific mechanism of stress-response
induction (i.e., heat or sodium arsenite), supporting the role of the stress
response and not a particular stressor in mediating these changes. These
results document the ability of the cellular environment to alter persistent
viral RNA metabolism, thereby altering the infection phenotype.
212 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
The enigmatic biter.
Campbell, W.E.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1985 Mar.
Modern veterinary practice v. 66 (3): p. 198-200; 1985 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dog; Bites; Aggressive behavior
213 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Environmental variables and animal care.
Besch, E.L.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
53-57; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 51-52. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal housing; Environment; Laboratory animals
214 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
An epidemiologic study of animal control in Minnesota.
Forbes, W.D.; Van Etten, J.; Anderson, R.K.
Kansas City, Mo. : KBR Publications; 1987 May.
Community animal control v. 6 (3): p. 12-15, 25-27. ill; 1987 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Minnesota; Dogs; Cat; Control methods; Facilities; Handling;
Surveys; Animal welfare
215 NAL Call. No.: SF911.S45
The epidemiology and prevention of animal bites.
Beck, A.M.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Co; 1991 Aug.
Seminars in veterinary medicine and surgery (small animal) v. 6 (3): p.
186-191; 1991 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Small animal practice; Dogs; Bites; Epidemiology; Prevention;
Animal behavior; Zoonoses
216 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Episodic scrotal mutilation with concurrent bilateral sperm granuloma in a dog.
Althouse, G.C.; Evans, L.E.; Hopkins, S.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (5): p. 776-778;
1993 Mar01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Granuloma; Spermatozoa; Male infertility; Abnormal
behavior; Epididymis; Congenital abnormalities; Case reports
217 NAL Call. No.: QL55.I55 1983
Establishment and control of a parvovirus-free dog colony.
Chapman, L.L.; Quimby, F.W.; Gilmartin, J.E.; Chapman, M.J.; Allen, L.M.
Stuttgart, [W. Ger.] : G. Fisher Verlag; 1985.
The Contribution of laboratory animal science to the welfare of man and
animals--past, present and future : 8th Symposium of ICLAS/CALAS, Vancouver,
1983 / editors: J. Archibald, J. Pitchfield, H.C. Rowsell. p. 19-21; 1985.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pathogen free animals; Animal breeding; Canine parvovirus;
Disease control
218 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Estrus induction in the bitch using a combination diethylstilbestrol and
Bouchard, G.; Youngquist, R.S.; Clark, B.; Concannon, P.W.; Braun, W.F.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991 Jul.
Theriogenology v. 36 (1): p. 51-65; 1991 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bitches; Diethylstilbestrol; Fsh; Oral administration; Pigs;
Induction; Estrus; Ovulation; Blood serum; Lh; Progesterone; Pregnancy rate;
Breeds; Litter size; Proestrus; Duration
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to induce estrus and ovulation in
normal bitches using a combination of diethylstilbestrol (DES) and follicle
stimulating hormone of porcine pituitary origin (FSH-P). Thirteen mature
mongrel female dogs were divided into two groups, the first group was treated
for estrus induction during late anestrus and the second group during
mid-anestrus. The dogs were monitored by teasing, vaginal cytology, and
hormonal assay during the induced (n = 13) and the previous spontaneous
estrous cycle (n = 9). Six of eight and three of five bitches came into
standing estrus in the first and second group, respectively. Of the bitches
that came into estrus, three conceived in the first group and one in the
second. The average induced litter size was 7.0 versus 7.5 for the colony.
Based on vaginal cytology the induced proestrus and estrus lasted 1.7 (0 to 3)
and 12.9 (4 to 24) d, respectively, while the spontaneous proestrus and estrus
lasted 5.8 (0-17) and 12.8 (9-15) d, respectively. Progesterone profiles were
similar between the induced and spontaneous estrous cycles, although the
progesterone peak was higher during the spontaneous cycle. The preovulatory
luteinizing hormone (LH) surge was observed in only one induced estrous cycle.
Modest results were obtained with this therapy. However, the litter sizes were
normal and the induced cycles were very similar to the physiologic ones. No
side effects were seen with the oral form of DES.
219 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Ethics and human-companion animal interaction: a plea for a veterinay ethics of
the human-companion animal bond.
Tannenbaum, J.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1985 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 15 (2): p.
431-447; 1985 Mar. In the series analytic: The human-companion animal bond /
edited by J. Quackenbush and V.L. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Attachment behavior; Bonds; Ethics; Veterinary
medicine; Animal welfare
220 NAL Call. No.: SF981.C64
The euthanasia decision.
Mitchener, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1988 Dec.
Companion animal practice v. 2 (12): p. 3-6; 1988 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Pet animals; Euthanasia; Veterinary practice; Public
relations; Attachment behavior
221 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Euthanasia of small animals with nitrogen; comparison with intravenous
Quine, J.P.; Buckingham, W.; Strunin, L.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Sep.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 29 (9): p. 724-726; 1988 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Rabbits; Euthanasia; Pentobarbital; Nitrogen; Animal
222 NAL Call. No.: SF601.J65
Evaluation of recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor as an
inducer of granulopoiesis: a pilot study.
Obradovich, J.E.; Ogilvie, G.K.; Powers, B.E.; Boone, T.
Hagerstown, Md. : American College of Veterinary Medicine; 1991 Mar.
Journal of veterinary internal medicine v. 5 (2): p. 75-79; 1991 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Neutrophils; Monocytes; Bone marrow cells; Hematopoiesis;
Growth factors; Blood picture
223 NAL Call. No.: RS160.J6
Evaluation of xanthotoxol for central nerous system activity.
Sethi, O.P.; Anand, K.K.; Gulati, O.D.
Limerick : Elsevier Scientific Publishers; 1992 Jun.
Journal of ethno-pharmacology v. 36 (3): p. 239-247; 1992 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Angelica archangelica; Roots; Neuroleptics; Dogs; Cats; Hamsters;
Rats; Screening; Central nervous system; Effects
Abstract: Xanthotoxol (XT), 8-hydroxypsoralen, exhibited dose-graded sedative
activity in dogs, cats, rats, mice and hamsters. At doses of 5-20 mg/kg
intraperitoneally (i.p.) in cats and 3-100 mg/kg orally (p.o.) in dogs, XT
blocked predatory mouse/rat killing behavior. In mice, XT (10-300 mg/kg i.p.)
exhibited a dose-dependent reduction in locomotor activity but was less potent
in this regard than reference diazepam (10-100 mg/kg i.p.). XT in mice
(0.1-10.0 mg/kg i.p.) and in hamsters (0.1-10.0 mg/kg p.o.) antagonized
amphetamine-induced hypermobility but was less potent than diazepam. XT
elevated the electrical threshold in foot-shock-induced fighting behavior in
rats. XT (0.1-30.0 mg/kg p.o.) potentiated pentobarbital-induced narcosis in
hamsters at otherwise subeffective doses of pentobarbital. Conditioned
avoidance responses in rats were not significantly altered with 1-3 mg/kg i.p.
and 30-100 mg/kg p.o. doses of XT but 300 mg/kg p.o. blocked both conditioned
and unconditioned response. Doses of 100-1000 mg/kg i.p. of XT in mice were
used to study 48-h acute toxicity of XT and its LD50 was estimated to be 468
mg/kg. Doses of 10, 40 and 80 mg/kg p.o. were used to study the chronic
toxicity of XT in rats for 6 months and no side effects or abnormalities in
reproductive activity or endocrine integrity were noted. The F1 generation of
rats from 6-month XT-treated parents were free of teratogenic effects.
224 NAL Call. No.: SF431.E93 1985
The Evans guide for counseling dog owners., 1st ed..
Evans, Job Michael
New York, N.Y. : Howell Book House,; 1985.
160 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. "A Howell dog book of distinction"--Cover. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Training; Pet owners; Psychology; Animal welfare
225 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A35
Exercise areas give dogs room to romp.
Denver, Colo. : American Humane Association, Animal Protection Division; 1986.
Advocate v. 4 (3): p. 14-15. ill; 1986.
Language: English
Descriptors: Nigeria; California; Dogs; Animal welfare; Exercise; Areas;
226 NAL Call. No.: Not Available
Exercise for Dogs.
Janice C. Swanson, Ph.D, Animal Welfare Information Center
National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland; October 1991; SBR 92-02. .
Language: English
Descriptors: Regulatory issues; Exercise physiology; Environmental physiology;
Husbandry; Management; Behavior
227 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Exercise-induced malignant hyperthermia in an English Springer Spaniel.
Rand, J.S.; O'Brien, P.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1987 Apr15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 190 (8): p.
1013-1014; 1987 Apr15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Hyperthermia; Exercise; Differential diagnosis; Erythrocyte
fragility; Creatine kinase
228 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
The expression of emotions in man and canid.
Abrantes, R.A.B.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 1030-1036. ill; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Man; Emotions; Models; Animal behavior; Abnormal behavior
229 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Factor VIII complex in canine plasma after submaximal treadmill exercise.
Turrentine, M.A.; Hahn, A.W.; Johnson, G.S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1986 Jan.
American journal of veterinary research v. 47 (1): p. 39-42; 1986 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Blood plasma; Blood coagulation
230 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Factors influencing fecal shedding of Campylobacter jejuni in dogs without
Torre, E.; Tello, M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1993 Feb.
American journal of veterinary research v. 54 (2): p. 260-262; 1993 Feb.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Campylobacter jejuni; Feces; Sex differences; Breed
differences; Age differences; Seasonal variation; Frequency; Kennels
Abstract: Rectal swab specimens were collected from 362 apparently healthy
dogs of different origin, age, breed, and sex. Specimens were obtained in
summer, autumn, and winter. Ninety-five thermophilic Campylobacter spp were
isolated: C jejuni biotype I, n = 57, C jejuni biotype II, n = 1, C coli, n =
36, and C laridis, n = 1. Biotypes of C jejuni recovered were the same as those
associated with Campylobacter-induced enteritis in human beings.
Prevalence of C jejuni was significantly (P < 0.05) greater: in dogs < 6
months old than in adult dogs; in dogs living under high density and
cohabitation housing conditions for long periods; and in autumn.
231 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Fear of thunder and other loud noises.
Voith, V.L.; Borchelt, P.L.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1985 Apr.
Veterinary technician v. 6 (4): p. 189-191, 202; 1985 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Abnormal behavior; Noise; Treatment
232 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
The fearful dog.
Voith, V.L.; Borchelt, P.L.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1985 Oct.
Veterinary technician v. 6 (9): p. 435-436, 438; 1985 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stress; Treatment; Conditioned reflexes; Abnormal behavior
233 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Fears and phobias in companion animals.
Voith, V.L.; Borchelt, P.L.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1985 Mar.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 7
(3): p. 209-216, 218, 220-221; 1985 Mar. Includes 28 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Treatment
234 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Feeding and drinking behavior problems.
Houpt, K.A.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
281-298; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Behavior problems; Feeding behavior; Drinking
behavior; Feed intake; Water intake
235 NAL Call. No.: SF427.4.F44
Feeding and training dogs for hard work.
Alpo Pet Center
Allentown, Pa. : Alpo Pet Center,; 1988.
20 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Food; Dogs; Training; Animal welfare
236 NAL Call. No.: 421 J828
Feeding patterns of Phlebotomus papatasi and Phlebotomus langeroni (Diptera:
Psychodidae) in El Agamy, Egypt.
El Sawaf, B.M.; Mansour, N.S.; El Said, S.M.; Daba, S.; Youssef, F.G.; Kenawy,
M.A.; Beier, J.C.
Lanham, Md. : The Entomological Society of America; 1989 Sep.
Journal of medical entomology v. 26 (5): p. 497-498; 1989 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Egypt; Phlebotomus; Phlebotomus papatasi; Blood meal; Feeding
behavior; Disease vectors; Leishmania; Epidemiology; Infection; Chickens; Dogs;
Goats; Man; Rats
237 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
A field investigation of kennel cough: efficacy of different treatments.
Thrusfield, M.V.; Aitken, C.G.G.; Muirhead, R.H.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1991 Sep.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 32 (9): p. 455-459; 1991 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Uk; Dogs; Cough; Drug therapy; Antibiotics; Corticoids;
Antitussive agents; Drug effects; Bordetella bronchiseptica; Canine
parainfluenza virus
238 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
A field investigation of kennel cough: efficacy of vaccination.
Thrusfield, M.V.; Aitken, C.G.G.; Muirhead, R.H.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1989 Oct.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 30 (10): p. 550-556; 1989 Oct.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Uk; Dogs; Cough; Kennels; Bordetella bronchiseptica; Canine
parainfluenza virus; Vaccination; Vaccines; Interactions; Risk; Disease
prevention; Canine adenovirus; Infectious diseases; Linear models; Mixed
239 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
A field investigation of kennel cough: incubation period and clinical signs.
Thrusfield, M.V.; Aitken, C.G.G.; Muirhead, R.H.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1991 May.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 32 (5): p. 215-220; 1991 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Uk; Dogs; Canine parainfluenza virus; Bordetella bronchiseptica;
Vaccination; Cough; Symptoms; Pathogenesis; Disease surveys; Tracheitis;
240 NAL Call. No.: HV4725.U5L4 1990
Fighting and baiting., 4th ed.
Stevens, C.; Halverson, D.
Washington, D.C. : Animal Welfare Institute; 1990.
Animals and their legal rights : a survey of American laws from 1641 to 1990 /
with chapters by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United
States Department of Agriculture ... [et al.].. p. 151-156; 1990.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cocks; Bull fighting; Spectator events; Fighting;
Animal welfare; Law
241 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
The first steps in handling the acute abdomen patient.
Crowe, D.T. Jr
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1988 Jul.
Veterinary medicine v. 83 (7): p. 654-658, 667-670, 672-674. ill; 1988 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Abdomen; Disorders; Symptoms; Etiology; Diagnosis;
Surgery; Radiography; Trauma
242 NAL Call. No.: HV4702.H85
Florida's felony greyhound raid.
Washington, D.C. : The Humane Society of the United States; 1989.
The Humane Society of the United States News v. 34 (2): p. 26-30. ill; 1989.
Language: English
Descriptors: Florida; U.S.A.; Dogs; Animal welfare; Hunting; Rabbits
243 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Fluid and electrolyte metabolism during heat stress.
Fettman, M.J.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1986 Jun.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 8
(6): p. 391-394, 396-398. ill; 1986 Jun. Includes 36 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Heat stress; Electrolytes retention; Body fluids;
Metabolism; Therapy; Physiopathology
244 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Frequency of back-tracking in the tracking dog.
Mackenzie, S.A.; Schultz, J.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1987 Jun.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 17 (3/4): p. 353-359; 1987 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Tracking; Animal behavior
245 NAL Call. No.: SF426.H36 1986
Friendship you and your dog., 1st ed..
Hancock, Judith M.
New York : Dutton,; 1986.
xiii, 210 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 201-202.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Dogs; Training; Dogs; Behavior
246 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Further diagnosis and treatment of canine dominance aggression.
Grognet, J.; Parker, T.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Jun.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 33 (6): p. 409-410; 1992 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Social dominance; Aggressive behavior; Behavior
247 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.1352
Gait ... observing dogs in motion American Kennel Club ; produced and directed
by Dan Wise ; script, John Mandeville.
American Kennel Club
New York, N.Y. : The Club, [1986?]; 1986.
1 videocassette (37 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
Language: English
Descriptors: Gait in animals; Dogs
Abstract: Analyzes the way in which dogs move so as to better understand this
key element in breeding for the ideal dog of that species. All dogs don't move
alike but their movement is linked to the job for which the dog's species was
bred. Designed as a learning tool for dog trial and show judges.
248 NAL Call. No.: SF992.P3M44 1992
Gefahren fur Hund und Halter Massnahmen zur Abwehr von Schadlingen [Dangers
for dogs and handlers].
Mehlhorn, Birgit,; Mehlhorn, Heinz
Berlin ; New York : Springer-Verlag,; 1992.
x, 143 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
135-137) and index.
Language: German
Descriptors: Dogs; Dogs as carriers of disease
249 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Genetic aspects of temperament and behaviour in dogs.
Stur, I.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 957-964; 1987 Nov. Paper
presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Temperament; Genetic factors; Behavior
patterns; Inbreeding
250 NAL Call. No.: 500 N21P
Genetic linkage of autosomal recessive canine narcolepsy with a micro
immunoglobulin heavy-chain switch-like segment.
Mignot, E.; Wang, C.; Rattazzi, C.; Gaiser, C.; Lovett, M.; Guilleminault, C.;
Dement, W.C.; Grumet, F.C.
Washington, D.C. : The Academy; 1991 Apr15.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America v. 88 (8): p. 3475-3478; 1991 Apr15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Genetic defects; Genetic markers; Immunopathology; Major
histocompatibility complex; Sleep
Abstract: Identification of genes determining narcolepsy susceptibility is
important not only for understanding that disorder but also for possible clues
to general sleep-control mechanisms. Studies in humans reveal at least one such
gene related to the major histocompatibility complex and in dog an
as-yet-unmapped single, autosomal recessive gene canarc-1. Gene markers for
canarc-1 were therefore sought by DNA restriction fragment length
polymorphisms in our colony of narcoleptic dogs. A human micro-switch
immunoglobulin probe and the enzyme Hae III identified a gene cosegregating
with canarc-1 in backcrossed animals (logarithm of odds scores: m = 24, Z max =
7.2 at theta = 0%). canarc-1 was also shown not to be tightly linked with the
dog major histocompatibility complex (m = 40, Z < -2 at theta < 4.8%). These
results represent the mapping of a non-major histocompatibility complex
narcolepsy gene and strongly suggest involvement of the immune system in the
pathophysiology of that disease.
251 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Getting back to basics: investigating cruelty.
Williams, J.L.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1988 Aug.
Shelter sense v. 11 (7): p. 1-4. ill; 1988 Aug.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cat; Animal welfare; Law; Protection
252 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Gonadectomy in immature dogs: effects on skeletal, physical, and behavioral
Salmeri, K.R.; Bloomberg, M.S.; Scruggs, S.L.; Shille, V.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (7): p.
1193-1203. ill; 1991 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pups; Dogs; Bitches; Castration; Ovariectomy; Skeletal
development; Feed intake; Liveweight gain; Animal behavior; Body fat;
Secondary sexual traits
253 NAL Call. No.: HV4711.I6 1986
Good dogs and other animals., 1st Perennial Library ed.
Clark, S.R.L.
New York : Perennial Library, 1986; 1986.
In defense of animals / edited by Peter Singer. p. 41-51; 1986.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Ethics; Animal behavior
254 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Gum-chewer syndrome: self-inflicted sublingual and self-inflicted buccal
Hawkins, B.J.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1992 Feb.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 14
(2): p. 219-222, 224-225; 1992 Feb. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Gingiva; Tongue; Mouth; Trauma; Lesions; Animal behavior;
Case reports; Diagnosis; Symptoms; Surgery
255 NAL Call. No.: 447.8 AM3
H+ homeostasis, osmolality, and body temperature during controlled NaCl and H2O
Anderson, J.W.; Jennings, D.B.
Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society; 1988 Jul.
American journal of physiology v. 255 (1,pt.2): p. R97-R104; 1988 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Drinking behavior; Sodium chloride; Homeostasis; Osmotic
pressure; Body temperature; Water intake
256 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.1317
Handling and restraints of the canine patient by Marvin Samuelson ; produced by
Audio Visual Resource Center, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State
University.. Handling and restraint of the canine patient
Samuelson, Marvin L.
Kansas State University, Audio Visual Resource Center, Kansas State
University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, College of Veterinary Medicine,;
1 videocassette (42 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. Title on container: Handling
and restraint of the canine patient. Videocassette no. 86-26.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal immobilization; Dogs
Abstract: Demonstrates approach, capture, and restraint techniques, including
leashes, neck chains, and special restraint for examination and treatment of
the ears and oral cavity and for venepuncture.
257 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A35
Helping pet owners help their pets.
Dunbar, I.
Denver, Colo. : American Humane Association, Animal Protection Division; 1988.
Advocate v. 6: p. 18-19. ill; 1988.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Shelter; Pet care; Adoption; Animal behavior
258 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Hematologic, biochemcial, blood-gas, and acid-base values in Greyhounds before
and after exercise.
Ilkiw, J.E.; Davis, P.E.; Church, D.B.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Apr.
American journal of veterinary research v. 50 (4): p. 583-586; 1989 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Hematology; Biochemistry; Blood; Gases; Acid base
Abstract: After racing 722 m, 16 Greyhounds were evaluated to determine
changes in hematologic, biochemical, blood-gas, and acid-base values following
exercise. Values were determined before racing (T(0)), immediately after
racing (T(1)), and 3 hours after racing (T(2)). Significant changes detected
immediately after racing included heart rate, respiratory rate, and rectal
temperature. Significant changes in hematologic values included increases in
PCV, total plasma protein, hemoglobin, RBC, WBC, neutrophils, and lymphocytes.
Change was not detected in values for monocytes, eosinophils, and
neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio. Other increases included those for plasma
concentrations of sodium, chloride, calcium, lactic acid, aspartate
transaminase, alanine transaminase, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase,
lactate dehydrogenase, and glucose. Concentrations of potassium and urea did
not change. Measurement of blood-gas and acid-base status revealed significant
increases in Pao2 and base deficit, whereas Paco2, pH, and bicarbonate
decreased. Three hours after exercise, all vital signs and blood-gas and
acid-base values, except for Paco2, which was still slightly, low, had
returned to baseline (T(0)) values. Most biochemical values had also returned
to baseline, although sodium, chloride, asparatate transaminase, and creatine
kinase were still high, and urea was low. Many hematologic values were still
different from baseline values, with high values for WBC, neutrophils and
neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, and low values for PCV, total plasma protein,
hemoglobin, RBC, and lymphocytes.
259 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Hematology, chemistry profile, and urinalysis for pediatric patients.
Dial, S.M.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1992 Mar.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 14
(3): p. 305-309; 1992 Mar. Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Puppies; Kittens; Normal values; Hematology; Blood specimen
collection; Blood sampling; Blood picture; Blood chemistry; Instrumentation;
Erythrocytes; Leukocytes; Urine analysis; Age differences; Literature reviews
260 NAL Call. No.: 500 N484
Hemodynamics of heartworm infection.
Mass, H.; Ali, I.; Velez, W.; Santiago, O.
New York, N.Y. : The Academy; 1992.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences v. 653: p. 206-210; 1992. In the
series analytic: Tropical veterinary medicine: current issues and perspectives
/ edited by J.C. Williams, K.M. Kocan, and E.P.J. Gibbs. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Puerto Rico; Dogs; Dirofilaria immitis; Heart; Hemodynamics;
261 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Hereditary nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia in Beagles.
Maggio-Price, L.; Emerson, C.L.; Hinds, T.R.; Vincenzi, F.F.; Hammond, W.R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Jul.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (7): p. 1020-1025. ill; 1988 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Hemolytic anemia; Hereditary diseases; Histopathology;
Reticulocytes; Reticulocytosis
Abstract: Three Beagles with chronic anemia and reticulocytosis were studied.
The dogs originated from a large breeding colony and appeared clinically
normal with the exception of splenomegaly. The PCV ranged from 30 to 39%
(normal, 46 to 56%), with reticulocyte indices of 2.3 to 9.9. Red blood cells
were morphologically normal, and examination of marrow aspirates revealed
erythroid hyperplasia. Shortened chromium-51 RBC life-spans (7.2 to 15.4 days
in anemic dogs; 22.2 to 25.2 days in control dogs) documented a hemolytic
anemia. Acquired causes of hemolytic anemia were ruled out. Red blood cells had
normal glycolytic enzyme activities, no evidence of unstable or abnormal
hemoglobin, and had altered osmotic fragility curves. The breeding of 2 anemic
dogs resulted in off-spring with anemia and reticulocytosis. Polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis revealed no abnormalities in RBC membrane cytoskeletal proteins
in all anemic adult dogs and in 3 offspring.
262 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Host response to vaccination.
Dhein, C.R.; Gorham, J.R.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1986 Nov.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 16 (6): p.
1227-1245; 1986 Nov. In the series analytic: Viral diseases / edited by R.B.
Ford. Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Viral diseases; Vaccination; Maternal immunity;
Antibodies; Immune response; Stress; Immunosuppression; Vaccines; Adverse
263 NAL Call. No.: 421 J828
Host-dependent differences in feeding and reproduction of Ixodes dammini
(Acari: Ixodidae).
Wilson, M.L.; Litwin, T.S.; Gavin, T.A.; Capkanis, M.C.; Maclean, D.C.;
Spielman, A.
Lanham, Md. : The Entomological Society of America; 1990 Nov.
Journal of medical entomology v. 27 (6): p. 945-954; 1990 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: New York; Cats; Dogs; Host parasite relationships; Ixodes
dammini; Disease vectors; Feeding behavior; Lyme disease; Reproductive
behavior; Zoonoses; Borrelia burgdorferi; Odocoileus Virginianus
264 NAL Call. No.: QL55.A1L33
How to briefly examine common laboratory animals.
Silverman, J.
New York : Media Horizons; 1988 May.
Lab animal v. 17 (4): p. 38-39; 1988 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Rabbits; Rats; Mice; Primates; Facilities; Animal
health; Veterinary services
265 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Human demographics, animal demographics, human-animal interaction and the
animal control program of Baltimore City.
Ross, L.H.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 75-81; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Maryland; Animal welfare; Demography; Pet animals; Cat; Dog
control; Sterilization
266 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Human-companion animal relationships and animal behavior problems.
Marder, A.R.; Marder, L.R.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1985 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 15 (2): p.
411-421; 1985 Mar. In the series analytic: The human-companion animal bond /
edited by J. Quackenbush and V.L. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Animal behavior; Behavior problems; Relationships;
Bonds; Aggression; Anxiety
267 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.338
Humane care and use of laboratory animals Laboratory Animal Training
Association.. Mouse, rat and hamster Guinea pig and rabbit Dog and cat
Nonhuman primates
Laboratory Animal Training Association
Raleigh, N.C. : The Association,; 1988.
5 videocassette (200 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. + manual + answer key. Title
from examination sheet. Includes examinations to complete training module.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Animals, Treatment of; Study and teaching;
Animal experimentation; Animal welfare
268 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
Humane societies and dog training clubs--is there a connection?.
Morris, J.L.
Tucson, Az. : KBR Publications; 1985 May.
Community animal control v. 4 (3): p. 15-16. ill; 1985 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Societies; Clubs; Training (animal); Animal welfare;
Interest groups
269 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Human-parathormone assay for use in dogs: validation, sample handling studies,
and parathyroid function testing.
Torrance, A.G.; Nachreiner, R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Jul.
American journal of veterinary research v. 50 (7): p. 1123-1127; 1989 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Calcinosis; Hypercalcemia; Parathyroid disorders;
Parathyroid hormone; Radioimmunoassay; Sampling techniques; Serological
Abstract: Ten commercially available parathormone (PTH) assays were
competitively validated, using dilutional parallelism, intra-assay and
interassay coefficients of variation, and sensitivity and measured responses of
2 dogs to calcium and EDTA infusions. A 2-site immunoradiometric assay for
intact human-PTH was superior to the others for estimating canine-PTH, met the
criteria for validity, and was further investigated. A series of
sample-handling studies was performed. Serum and plasma samples stored at 24 C
lost 15% (n = 5; P less than 0.05) of PTH between 2 and 24 hours. This did not
occur at 6 C. The mean PTH concentration of sera from blood samples clotted at
24 C was 6% (P less than 0.05) higher than equivalent EDTA samples. Serum
samples stored at 6 and 37 C deteriorated 35% and 100% (n = 5; P less than
0.05), respectively, after 1 week, whereas samples stored at -20 and -70 C for
4 weeks did not deteriorate. There was no significant deterioration of PTH in
samples frozen (-40 C) and thawed up to 7 times (n = 5). Parathyroid function
testing was investigated by use of 2-hour infusions of disodium EDTA (25
mg/kg/h), 10-minute infusions of calcium gluconate (3 mg of elemental
calcium/kg/10 min), and physiologic saline controls (n = 8). Renal function was
monitored before and after EDTA infusion by exogenous creatinine
clearance. Infusion of disodium EDTA increased mean PTH concentration from 67
(time 0) to 317 and 235 pg/ml at 90 and 180 minutes, respectively (P less than
0.001). Infusion of calcium gluconate decreased mean PTH concentration from 84
(time 0) to 14 and 12 pg/ml at 15 and 60 minutes, respectively (P less than
0.005). There were no observable side effects of the infusions in normal
conscious dogs and no differences in exogenous creatinine clearance after EDTA
270 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 G3642 1988 [no.97]
Hygienische Situation und prophylaktische Massnahmen bei der Hundehaltung in
Freilandzwingern mit Kiesboden [Hygienic situations and prophylactic
preventive measures by dog owners in Freiland kennels with gravel soil].
Salmuth, Kai-W.v.
Giessen : [s.n.],; 1988.
103 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-103).
Language: German
271 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Hypermetabolism in illness and injury.
Chandler, M.L.; Greco, D.S.; Fettman, M.J.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1992 Oct.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 14
(10): p. 1284-1290; 1992 Oct. Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Energy metabolism; Stress response
272 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Hypoprothrombinemia secondary to administration of sulfaquinoxaline to dogs in
a kennel setting.
Neer, T.M.; Savant, R.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 May01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 200 (9): p.
1344-1345; 1992 May01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Sulfaquinoxaline; Drinking water; Hypoprothrombinemia;
Adverse effects; Case reports
273 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Identifying and correcting human-directed dominance aggression of dogs.
Crowell-Davis, S.L.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 Oct.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (10): p. 990, 994, 996-998; 1991 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Dominance; Behavior problems; Behavior
274 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A54
Idiopathic aplastic anemia in a dog.
Weiss, D.J.; Christopher, M.M.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1985.
Veterinary clinical pathology v. 14 (2): p. 23-25. ill; 1985. Includes 21
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aplastic anemia; Pathogenesis; Bone marrow
275 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Immunogenetic aspects of a canine breeding colony.
Ladiges, W.C.; Deeg, H.J.; Raff, R.F.; Storb, R.
Joliet, Ill. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1985 Feb.
Laboratory animal science v. 35 (1): p. 58-62. ill; 1985 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal breeding; Immunogenetics; Phenotypes
276 NAL Call. No.: 410 B77
Individual variation in agonistic behaviour in dogs.
Goddard, M.E.; Beilharz, R.G.
London : Bailliere Tindall; 1985 Nov.
Animal behaviour v. 33 (pt.4): p. 1338-1342; 1985 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Agonistic behavior; Stimuli; Animal behavior; Social
behavior; Aggressive behavior
277 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C64 v.3
Infectious diseases.
Scott, Fredric Winthrop,
New York : Churchill Livingstone,; 1986.
x, 259 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. (Contemporary issues in small animal practice ; v.
3). Includes bibliographies and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Communicable diseases in animals; Dogs; Diseases; Cats; Diseases;
Cage-birds; Diseases
278 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Influence of housing conditions on beagle behaviour.
Hetts, S.; Clark, J.D.; Calpin, J.P.; Arnold, C.E.; Mateo, J.M.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1992 Jul.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 34 (1/2): p. 137-155; 1992 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pens; Cages; Animal housing; Animal behavior; Social
interaction; Isolation; Space requirements; Animal welfare
279 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
The influence of inheritance and environment on canine behaviour: myth and
Serpell, J.A.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 949-956; 1987 Nov. Paper
presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Inheritance; Genes; Environment; Genotype
environment interaction
280 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
The influence of nutrition on canine behaviour.
Mugford, R.A.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 1046-1055; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Animal nutrition; Diets; Behavior problems
281 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Influence of type of enclosure on exercise fitness of dogs.
Clark, J.D.; Calpin, J.P.; Armstrong, R.B.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Jul.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (7): p. 1024-1028; 1991 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Physical fitness; Cage size; Kennels; Succinate
dehydrogenase; Heart rate
Abstract: The effect of various confinement conditions on physical fitness in
dogs was evaluated. Eighteen 9.5- to 10-month-old female purpose-bred Beagles
were maintained individually for 3 months at a time in 1 of 6 confinement
conditions: Condition A--an outdoor housing area with a conventional dog house
and free access to a 6.1 X 9.1-m pen; condition B--outdoor kennel with a
conventional dog house and free access to a 1.8 X 6.1-m run; condition
C--indoor environmentally controlled 1.2 X 3.66-m run; condition D--0.9 X 1.2 X
0.84-m conventional laboratory cage in an indoor environmentally controlled
room; condition E--0.9 X 1.2 X 0.84-m conventional laboratory cage in an
indoor environmentally controlled room with treadmill exercise (7 km/h at a 10%
grade) for 30 min/d, 5 d/wk; condition F--0.71 X 0.86 X 0.69-m
conventional laboratory cage in an indoor environmentally controlled room.
During the final week of each 3-month interval, muscle succinate dehydrogenase
enzyme activities and submaximal exercise heart rates (during treadmill
exercise) were determined to estimate physical fitness. Also, 5 days after
being moved into a different housing condition, blood samples were collected
for plasma cortisol determination. The type of confinement condition for dogs
had little effect on muscle succinate dehydrogenase activity, but had a modest
effect on submaximal exercise heart rates of dogs. At the fifth and tenth
minutes of the treadmill exercise period, heart rates of dogs maintained in the
smallest cages (condition F) were higher than those of dogs maintained in
outside pens and runs (conditions A and B), indicating decreased fitness in the
dogs maintained in the smallest cages. Differences in heart rates were not
detected among dogs in other conditions. The confinement conditions used in
this study had no detectable effect on plasma cortisol concentrations. We
concluded that neither cage or pen size nor a regular mandatory exercise
program substantially impacted on physical
282 NAL Call. No.: 447.8 AM3
Interaction of CCK-8 and somatostatin-14 in control of food intake in dogs.
Kalogeris, T.J.; Reidelberger, R.D.; Mendel, V.E.; Solomon, T.E.
Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society; 1989 Jul.
American journal of physiology v. 257 (1,pt.2): p. R15-R20; 1989 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Food intake; Feeding behavior; Cholecystokinin; Satiety;
Appetite control; Peptides; Somatostatin
283 NAL Call. No.: 447.8 AM3
Interaction of cholecystokinin-8 and pancreatic glucagon in control of food
intake in dogs.
Kalogeris, T.J.; Reidelberger, R.D.; Mendel, V.E.; Solomon, T.E.
Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society; 1991 Apr.
American journal of physiology v. 260 (4,pt.2): p. R688-R692; 1991 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Food intake; Appetite control; Feeding behavior; Satiety;
Pancreozymin; Glucagon; Dogs
Abstract: Feeding responses to continuous intravenous administration of
graded doses of the COOH-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (CCK-8) and
pancreatic glucagon, alone and in combination, were determined in dogs fasted 4
h. Low doses of glucagon (50, 500, 5,000, 6,000 had no effect on
food intake, whereas higher doses (12 and 24 depressed
intake by 50-60%. Of the CCK-8 doses administered (50 and 400,
food intake was depressed only at the higher dose (53%). This effect was
blocked by glucagon (50-5,000 pmol. kg-1.h-1). Simultaneous administration of
50 or 500 of glucagon and 50 of CCK-8, doses
currently thought to produce plasma peptide levels similar to those occurring
postprandially in dogs, had no effect on food intake. These results suggest
that plasma levels of CCK and glucagon after a meal are not sufficient alone or
in combination to produce satiety.
284 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Intergenerational continuity of attitudes and values about dogs.
Gage, M.G.; Magnuson-Martinson, S.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1988.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (4): p. 232-239; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Attitudes; Values; Social integration; Family life
285 NAL Call. No.: 410 Z35
Interspecific communication in cooperative herding: acoustic and visual
signals from human shepards and herding dogs.
McConnell, P.B.; Baylis, J.R.
Berlin, W. Ger. : Paul Parey; 1985 Jan.
Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie v. 67 (114): p. 302-328. ill; 1985 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Sheep dogs; Animal behavior; Communication between animals;
286 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Intravenous chloralose is a safe anesthetic for longitudinal use in beagle
Grad, R.; Witten, M.L.; Quan, S.F.; McKelvie, D.H.; Lemen, R.J.
Cordova, Tenn. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1988 Aug.
Laboratory animal science v. 38 (4): p. 422-425; 1988 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pups; Anesthesia; Veins; Injections; Chloralose
Abstract: Chloralose is an intravenous anesthetic which preserves vagal and
central baroreceptor reflexes, thus rendering it useful for physiologic
research. However, chloralose is recommended for terminal experiments only, due
to concerns relating to long-term toxicity. We investigated the safety of
chloralose in longitudinal pulmonary function studies in beagle puppies.
Twelve puppies received chloralose anesthesia repeatedly (8-12 times per dog)
between the ages of 80 and 300 days. Constant anesthetic depth was maintained
reliably throughout the course of the experiments. Recovery lasted
approximately 4 hours in each experiment and occurred in four definable
stages. Following recovery, the puppies exhibited normal health and growth as
compared with other colony animals. There was no biochemical evidence of acute
renal, hepatic, pancreatic or cardiac toxicity prior to and immediately after
anesthesia, and no evidence of chronic toxicity following completion of the
study protocol, after a total cumulative dose of 1.18 g/kg chloralose. These
studies demonstrate that intravenous chloralose is a safe anesthetic for
longitudinal use.
287 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Introducing a dog to a new baby.
Voith, V.L.; Borchelt, P.L.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1985 Nov.
Veterinary technician v. 6 (10): p. 496-497; 1985 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Bonds; Infants
288 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Introducing new babies or new pets to resident dogs and cats.
Campbell, W.E.
Goleta, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1987 Apr.
Modern veterinary practice v. 68 (4): p. 254-255; 1987 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Pets; Infants; Animal behavior
289 NAL Call. No.: QL55.S5 1986
An introduction to handling laboratory animals., [Rev. 1986].
Bethesda, Md.? : Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences?, 1986?
:.; 1986.
The use of animals in research / compiled by Richard C. Simmonds. p. 21-26;
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Handling; Rodents; Rabbits; Dogs; Cat;
290 NAL Call. No.: QL55.S5 1986
An introduction to safety., [Rev. 1986].
Bethesda, Md.? : Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences?, 1986?
:.; 1986.
The use of animals in research / compiled by Richard C. Simmonds. p. 36-43;
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Handling; Cat; Dogs; Rabbits; Rodents;
Safety; Injuries; Zoonoses
291 NAL Call. No.: SF427.I57 1985
Inu to neko no tadashii kaikata dobutsu no hogo oyobi kanri ni kansuru horitsu
no aramashi [The proper way to care for your dogs and cats]., Kaiteiban..
Japan, Sorifu, Naikaku Sori Daijin Kambo, Kanrishitsu, Nihon Juishikai
Tokyo : Nihon Juishikai, Showa 60 [1985] (Showa 62 [1987] printing); 1985. 87,
15 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm.
Language: Japanese
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Animal welfare
292 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Is there a relationship between canine behavior problems and spoiling
activities, anthropomorphism, and obedience training?.
Voith, V.L.; Wright, J.C.; Danneman, P.J.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1992 Aug.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 34 (3): p. 263-272; 1992 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior problems; Training of animals
293 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Kentucky dogfight campaign continues: HSUS lends a hand.
Reed, D.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1985 Apr.
Shelter sense v. 8 (3): p. 1-2, 15. ill; 1985 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Kentucky; Dogs; Animal welfare; Animal sports; Fighting;
Societies; Legislation
294 NAL Call. No.: A00110
Kinder life sought for research animals: suit urges new rules for dogs,
San Francisco, Calif. : The Chronical Publishing Co; 1991 Jun10.
San Francisco chronicle. p. A5; 1991 Jun10.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Animal experiments; Animal welfare; Usda; Regulations
295 NAL Call. No.: SF406.H5
Laboratory manual for basic biomethodology of laboratory animals.
Hitzelberg, Richard; Lundgren, Edward; Phillips, Jere
Silver Spring, Md. : MTM Associates, c1985-1987; 1985-1987.
2 v. : chiefly ill. ; 30 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Animal models in research; Laboratory
manuals; Animal experimentation; Methodology; Animal welfare
296 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Leadership techniques for clients with dominant/aggressive puppies.
Campbell, W.E.
Goleta, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1987 Jul.
Modern veterinary practice v. 68 (7/8): p. 445; 1987 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pups; Leadership; Aggressive behavior
297 NAL Call. No.: QL751.P4
Lessons from animal trainers: the effect of acoustic structure on an animal's
McConnell, P.B.
New York, N.Y. : Plenum Press; 1991.
Perspectives in ethology v. 9: p. 165-187; 1991. In the series analytic: Human
understanding and animal awareness / edited by P.P.G. Bateson and P.H. Klopfer.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Training of animals; Acoustics; Animal behavior
Abstract: The central question posed by this chapter is whether some physical
properties of sound have consistent, species-independent effects on the
response of an animal receiver. Research on professional animal trainers
showed that trainers, of many linguistic and geographic backgrounds, used
short, rapidly repeated broadband notes to stimulate motor activity and
longer, continuous narrow-band notes to inhibit activity. Controlled tests on
laboratory-raised domestic pups supported the hypothesis that short, rapidly
repeated notes stimulate motor activity in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris).
These studies are discussed in relation to the use of the same acoustic
structures by nonhuman animals, and the hypothesis that some sounds are
particularly effective in influencing the internal state and subsequent
behavior of the mammals and birds who hear them.
298 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Long-term study of aerobic bacteria of the genital tract in stud dogs.
Bjurstrom, L.; Linde-Forsberg, C.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 May.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (5): p. 670-673; 1992 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Semen; Prepuce; Aerobes; Microbial flora; Bacteria; Breed
differences; Mating; Transmission
Abstract: The aerobic bacterial flora of the genital tract was characterized
in 15 stud dogs in an 18-month study. The dogs represented 4 breeds and were
from 3 kennels. Bacterial samples from the prepuce and semen were collected
every month, except in connection with matings, when they were collected
weekly (464 samples). The dogs that were included all mated at least once
during the study. The mean pregnancy rate, litter size, and pup mortality for
the bitches with which they had mated were all within normal limits. The most
frequent bacteria isolated from the prepuce and semen were Pasteurella
multocida, beta-hemolytic streptococci, and Escherichia coli. There was a
tendency for breeds to differ in frequency of the most common bacterial
species. Bacterial culture yielded no aerobic growth in 14.2% of the preputial
samples and 69.8% of the semen samples. Bacteria were transferred between dog
and bitch at mating. In this study of healthy breeding dogs, neither the
fertility of the dog nor that of the bitch was affected by the bacteria
299 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Malignant hyperthermia in a Greyhound: saving the patient from a fatal
Wright, R.P.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1987 Oct.
Veterinary medicine v. 82 (10): p. 1012, 1014-1015, 1020; 1987 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Hyperthermia; Stress; Anesthesia; Adverse effects;
300 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 P27
Mammary tumors in a colony of Beagle dogs.
Moulton, J.E.; Rosenblatt, L.S.; Goldman, M.
Lawrence, Kan. : American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 1986 Nov.
Veterinary pathology v. 23 (6): p. 741-749. ill; 1986 Nov. Includes 27
Language: English
Descriptors: Bitches; Mammary gland neoplasms; Hyperplasia; Radioactive
strontium; Radium; Long term experiments; Longevity; Irradiation
301 NAL Call. No.: SF422.7.B4713
Man and dog the psychology of a relationship.. Mensch und Hund
Bergler, Reinhold,
Oxford [England] ; Boston : Blackwell Scientific Publications,; 1988.
iv, 188 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Translation of: Mensch und Hund. "First published
1986 in Germany by Edition Agrippa"--T.p. verso. Bibliography: p. 180-188.
Language: English; German
Descriptors: Dog owners; Psychology; Dogs; Psychological aspects; Dogs;
Therapeutic use; Human-animal relationships
302 NAL Call. No.: SF774.5.J66 1985
Management and hygiene of kennels and catteries., 4th ed.
Briggs, H.
Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Pergamon Press; 1985.
Jones's animal nursing / edited by D.R. Lane for the British Small Animal
Veterinary Association, with contributions from twenty-six authors. p.
164-180; 1985.
Language: English
Descriptors: United Kingdom; Dogs; Cat; Animal housing; Cages; Heating;
Ventilation; Animal health; Quarantine; Regulators
303 NAL Call. No.: SF433.O35 1992
Manual of canine behaviour., 2nd ed..
O'Farrell, Valerie
British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Shurdington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary
Association,; 1992.
132 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 126-128) and
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs
304 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Matching dogs to owners--10 years of 'Selectadog'.
Edney, A.T.B.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 1004-1008; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: United Kingdom; Dogs; Pet animals; Selection program;
Questionnaires; Animal welfare
305 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Maturational development of drug-metabolizing enzymes in dogs.
Kawalek, J.C.; El Said, K.R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1990 Nov.
American journal of veterinary research v. 51 (11): p. 1742-1745; 1990 Nov.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cytochrome b; Cytochrome p-450; Oxidoreductases;
Glutathione transferase; Drug metabolism; Enzyme activity; Age differences;
Maturation; Sex differences
Abstract: A qualitative and quantitative assessment was made of the
development of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes (DME) in dogs as part of a
study of the ability of animal test species to metabolize drugs. The following
DME variables were measured in this study: amount of cytochromes P-450 and b5;
activity of the NADPH and NADH-dependent reductases associated with each of
these cytochromes; activity of cytochrome P-450-mediated enzymes, including
aniline and coumarin hydroxylases, aminopyrine N-demethylase, and
7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase; activity of a uridine diphosphoglucuronic acid
glucuronyl transferase with 4-methylumbelliferone as substrate; and
glutathione-S-transferase activities, with dinitrochlorobenzene and
dichloronitrobenzene as substrates. Most enzyme components had achieved
maximal amount or activity by the fifth to eighth week after birth; they
tended to decrease after weaning, although the activity of
dichloronitrobenzene-glutathione transferase in geriatric dogs (312 to 525
weeks old) was approximately twofold greater than that of 8-week-old pups.
There were no gender-related differences in any of the enzyme amounts or
activities determined. Individual variation was pronounced even in the
homogeneous colony from which these dogs were obtained.
306 NAL Call. No.: SF981.C64
Metabolic and physiologic effects of athletic competition in the greyhound.
Taylor, R.A.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1988 Aug.
Companion animal practice v. 2 (8): p. 7-11; 1988 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Metabolism; Physiology; Hematology; Muscle fibers
307 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 P27
Morphology and behavior of primary ocular melanomas in 91 dogs.
Wilcock, B.P.; Peiffer, R.L. Jr
Lawrence, Kan. : American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 1986 Jul.
Veterinary pathology v. 23 (4): p. 418-424. ill; 1986 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Eyes (animal); Melanoma; Histopathology; Classification
308 NAL Call. No.: SF895.P76
Motor potentials evoked by transcranial stimulation of the canine motor
Strain, G.M.; Prescott-Mathews, J.S.; Tedford, B.L.
Washington, D.C. : Fidia Information Network for Veterinary Science and
Medicine; 1990.
Progress in veterinary neurology v. 1 (3): p. 321-331; 1990. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bioelectric potential; Electrical stimulation; Cerebral
cortex; Electromyography; Restraint of animals; Neurotropic drugs; Recordings
309 NAL Call. No.: 410 Z36
Motorische Aktivitat von Bastardhunden in 3 verschiedenen Laborhaltungen
[Motor activity of mongrel dogs under three different housing conditions].
Sigg, H.; Tobler, I.
Jena, E. Ger. : Gustav Fischer; 1986.
Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde v. 28 (4): p. 157-165; 1986. Includes
Language: German
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal housing; Movements; Dark; Light; Kinetic energy
310 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Naloxone-responsive compulsive tail chasing in a dog.
Brown, S.A.; Crowell-Davis, S.; Malcolm, T.; Edwards, P.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1987 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 190 (7): p. 884-886;
1987 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Tails; Abnormal behavior; Drug antagonism; Drug therapy;
311 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Naltrexone for treatment of acral lick dermatitis in dogs.
White, S.D.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1990 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 196 (7): p.
1073-1076; 1990 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Dermatitis; Behavior disorders; Drug therapy; Detoxicants;
Drug effects; Adverse effects
312 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Naltrexone-induced pruritus in a dog with tail-chasing behavior.
Schwartz, S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Jan15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (2): p. 278-280;
1993 Jan15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Tail biting; Naltrexone; Adverse effects; Pruritus; Case
313 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
New concepts of coxofemoral joint stability and the development of a clinical
stress-radiographic method for quantitating hip joint laxity in the dog.
Smith, G.K.; Biery, D.N.; Gregor, T.P.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1990 Jan01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 196 (1): p. 59-70.
ill; 1990 Jan01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Joint diseases; Joints (animal); Quantitative techniques;
Stresses; Radiography; Position
314 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
New developments in small animal population control.
Olson, P.N.; Johnston, S.D.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 904-909;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Population control; Pregnancy; Prevention; Induced
315 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.904
A New leash on life produced by Walter J. Klein Company, Ltd. ; presented by
the Humane Society of the United States ; director, Pat Kay.
Kinetic, Inc, Walter J. Klein Company, Humane Society of the United States
Charlotte, N.C. : W.J. Klein Co. ; Toronto, Canada ; Buffalo, N.Y. : Kinetic
Inc. [distributor],; 1987.
1 videocassette (15 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. VHS. Print no. PS7134.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs as pets
Abstract: Presents the benefits of owning a dog and the procedures involved in
finding a stray dog, taking it to the pound, adopting it and taking care of it,
particularly for apartment dwellers.
316 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
New York City animal control: an overview.
Kullberg, J.F.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 59-67; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts.
Language: English
Descriptors: New York; Animal welfare; Pet animals; Cat; Dog control;
317 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.B8
No fantasy world for animals: news from Florida.
Feltz, P.
Chicago, Ill. : The Society; 1986.
Bulletin--the National Anti-Vivisection Society (2): p. 12-13. ill; 1986.
Language: English
Descriptors: Florida; Dogs; Animal welfare; Animal research; University
318 NAL Call. No.: SF601.I4
Non-manual restraint of small animals for X-ray.
Barr, F.; Latham, J.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1987 Sep.
In practice v. 9 (5): p. 186-188. ill; 1987 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Restraint of animals; X radiation
319 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Nonverbal behavior of the human animal.
Fudin, C.E.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1987 Jun.
Veterinary technician v. 8 (6): p. 319-321, 324; 1987 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Cat; Dogs; Animal behavior; Communication; Bonds; Human relations
320 NAL Call. No.: SF427.4.N87
Nutrition, anaerobic and aerobic exercise, and stress.
Kronfeld, D.S.; Adkins, T.O.; Downey, R.L.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press; 1989.
Nutrition of the dog and cat / edited by I.H. Burger and J.P.W. Rivers. p.
133-145; 1989. (Waltham symposium ; no. 7). Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal nutrition; Exercise; Stress; Glucose; Glycogen;
Lactic acid; Fatty acids; Metabolism
321 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Nutrition and management of the dog.
Bebiak, D.M.; Lawler, D.F.; Reutzel, L.F.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1987 May.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 17 (3): p.
505-533. ill; 1987 May. In the series analytic: Pediatrics / edited by D.F.
Lawler and E.D. Colby. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dog feeding; Animal housing; Disinfection; Male animals; Bitches;
Reproductive performance; Food consumption
322 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Nutrition of racing and working dogs. II. Determination of energy requirements
and the nutritional impact of stress.
Grandjean, D.; Paragon, B.M.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1993 Jan.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 15
(1): p. 45-57, 76; 1993 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Working animals; Energy requirements; Vitamins; Stress;
Protein requirement
323 NAL Call. No.: 60.18 J82
Observations on why mongrels may make effective livestock protecting dogs.
Coppinger, R.P.; Smith, C.K.; Miller, L.
Denver, Colo. : Society for Range Management; 1985 Nov.
Journal of range management v. 38 (6): p. 560-561; 1985 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Guard dogs; Livestock; Protection; Breeds; Animal behavior
324 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
One generation away from humanity.
Caras, R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 910-912;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Population control; Animal welfare; Ownership
325 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Operant technology applied to solving farm animal problems. An assessment.
Kilgour, R.; Foster, T.M.; Temple, W.; Matthews, L.R.; Bremner, K.J.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Apr.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 30 (1/2): p. 141-166; 1991 Apr.
Bibliography. Literature review.
Language: English
Descriptors: New Zealand; Animal behavior; Animal experiments; Conditioning;
Perception; Cattle; Dogs; Goats; Hens; Horses; Pigs; Sheep; Bibliographies;
Literature reviews; Responses; Stimuli; Feeding preferences
326 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A35
Opposition plots to halt humane advances.
Denver, Colo. : American Humane Association, Animal Protection Division; 1990.
Advocate v. 8 (2) AGL: p. 8-9, 13. ill; 1990.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Animal welfare; Law; Shelters; Animal experiments;
327 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Orphan rearing of puppies and kittens.
Monson, W.J.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1987 May.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 17 (3): p.
567-576. ill; 1987 May. In the series analytic: Pediatrics / edited by D.F.
Lawler and E.D. Colby. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Cat; Dogs; Pups; Animal husbandry; Animal feeding; Temperatures;
Cat foods; Dog foods; Supplementary feeding
328 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Osmotic stress in red blood cells from Beagles with hemolytic anemia.
Pekow, C.A.; Hinds, T.R.; Maggio-Price, L.; Hammond, W.P.; Vincenzi, F.F.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (8): p. 1457-1461; 1992 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Hemolytic anemia; Erythrocytes; Density; Erythrocyte
fragility; Osmosis; Swelling
Abstract: Red blood cell populations separated by density centrifugation were
compared in a dynamic assay of osmotic stress. Red blood cells from Beagles
genotypically normal and nonanemic (nonaffected), Beagles with inherited
hemolytic anemia (anemic), and Beagles presumed to be carriers of the anemia
trait (trait carriers) were examined for rate and extent of swelling after
exposure to the ionophore A23187 in a medium containing calcium and potassium
chloride. Comparisons were made between RBC populations separated on the basis
of density. Significant differences were observed in the rates of cell
swelling in Rbc populations separated by density between nonaffected and
anemic Beagles. The response of RBC from Beagles presumed to carry the anemia
trait was similar to that of RBC from nonaffected dogs. One phenotypic
expression of this inherited abnormality of Rbc in Beagles was an accelerated
rate of RBC swelling under osmotic stress, and this swelling response
diminished with increasing RBC density.
329 NAL Call. No.: HV4704.O9 1990
Overpopulation of cats and dogs causes, effects, and prevention., 1st ed..
Anchel, Marjorie
New York State Humane Association
Conference on "Overpopulation of Cats and Dogs" 1987 : New York, N.Y.
New York : Fordham University Press,; 1990.
xx, 260 p., [8] p. of plates : ports. ; 24 cm. "Proceedings of a conference,
New York City, September 11 & 12, 1987, sponsored by New York State Humane
Association." -- p. opposite t.p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal populations; Spaying; Pets; Dogs; Cats; Animal ecology
330 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
An overview of types of aggressive behaviour in dogs and methods of treatment.
Blackshaw, J.K.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 30 (3/4): p. 351-361; 1991 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Australia; Dogs; Breed differences; Aggressive behavior; Medical
treatment; Pets; Social dominance; Territoriality; Fearfulness; Sibling
rivalry; Behavior problems; Behavior modification
331 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Owner attitudes and dog behaviour problems.
O'Farrell, V.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 1037-1045; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior problems; Man; Attitudes; Animal behavior
332 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Oxymorphone: cardiovascular, pulmonary, and behavioral effects in dogs.
Copland, V.S.; Haskins, S.C.; Patz, J.D.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1987 Nov.
American journal of veterinary research v. 48 (11): p. 1626-1630; 1987 Nov.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Anesthetics; Anesthesia; Drug effects; Cardiovascular
system; Respiratory system; Behavior change
333 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Panel report: behavioral vices in dogs.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1985 Dec.
Modern veterinary practice v. 66 (12): p. 1010-1012; 1985 Dec.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Vices; Behavior modification
334 NAL Call. No.: SF756.4.V47
Patient death and dying.
Lagoni, L.S.; Arguello, S.; Withrow, S.J.; Pike, C.
Philadelphia : Lippincott; 1988.
Veterinary practice management / edited by Dennis M. McCurnin ; with 29
contributors. p. 308-319. ill; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Veterinary practice; Euthanasia; Attachment behavior;
Public relations
335 NAL Call. No.: SF426.H38
The perfect puppy how to choose your dog by its behavior.
Hart, Benjamin L.; Hart, Lynette A.
New York : W.H. Freeman,; 1988.
ix, 182 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 177.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dog breeds; Dogs; Behavior; Dogs
336 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J82
Periarteritis in a Beagle colony.
Spencer, A.; Greaves, P.
London : Academic Press; 1987 Mar.
Journal of comparative pathology v. 97 (2): p. 121-128. ill; 1987 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Arteries; Arteritis; Heart diseases; Histopathology
337 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Pet overpopulation and humane education in schools and communities.
Avanzino, R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (7): p.
1237-1240; 1991 Apr01.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; California; Dogs; Cats; Overpopulation; Population
control; Private organizations; Animal welfare; Community education; Primary
education; Law
338 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Pet overpopulation: spay/neuter efforts continue to reduce animal births. Reed,
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1986 Apr.
Shelter sense v. 9 (3): p. 1-2, 11-15. ill; 1986 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal welfare; Pet animals; Population control; Spaying
339 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
The pet owner and breeder's perspective on overpopulation.
Strand, P.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 921-928;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Overpopulation; Animal breeding; Ownership;
Population control
340 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Pet population dynamics and community planning for animal welfare and animal
Nassar, R.; Fluke, J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (7): p.
1160-1164. ill; 1991 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Population dynamics; Local planning; Animal welfare;
Population control; Shelter; Models
341 NAL Call. No.: SF915.J63
Pharmacokinetics and preliminary observations of behavioral changes following
administration of midazolam to dogs.
Court, M.H.; Greenblatt, D.J.
Oxford : Blackwell Scientific Publications; 1992 Dec.
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics v. 15 (4): p. 343-350; 1992
Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Benzodiazepines; Behavior change
342 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Physiologic and behavioral responses to companion animals.
Katcher, A.H.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1985 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 15 (2): p.
403-410; 1985 Mar. In the series analytic: The human-companion animal bond /
edited by J. Quackenbush and V.L. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Attachment behavior; Bonds; Man; Interactions;
Physiology; Behavior
343 NAL Call. No.: 447.8 AM3
Plasma CCK levels after food intake and infusion of CCK analogues that inhibit
feeding in dogs.
Reidelberger, R.D.; Kalogeris, T.J.; Solomon, T.E.
Bethesda, Md. : American Physiological Society; 1989 May.
American journal of physiology v. 256 (5,pt.2): p. R1148-R1154. ill; 1989 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Blood plasma; Cholecystokinin; Food intake; Satiety;
Feeding behavior; Radioimmunoassay; Appetite control
344 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Plasma lipid and lipoprotein profile of working and pet border collies.
Crispin, S.M.; Bolton, C.H.; Downs, L.G.
London : The Association; 1992 Feb29.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 130
(9): p. 185-186; 1992 Feb29. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Sheep dogs; Pets; Blood lipids; Cholesterol;
Triacylglycerols; Blood proteins; Lipoproteins; Normal values; Exercise; Diet
345 NAL Call. No.: 442.9 SO1
Plasma thyroxine and cortisol under basal conditions and during cold stress in
the aging dog.
Palazzolo, D.L.; Quadri, S.K.
Duluth, Minn. : Academic Press; 1987 Jul.
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine v. 185 (3): p.
305-311; 1987 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aging; Blood plasma; Cold stress; Thyroxine; Cortisol;
Female animals; Age
346 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Policy, program and people: the three P's to well-being.
Wolfe, T.L.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
41-47; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 37. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Laboratory animals; Animal welfare; Policy
347 NAL Call. No.: SF431.H24 1987
Positively obedient good manners for the family dog., 1st ed..
Handler, Barbara S.
Loveland, CO. : Alpine Publications,; 1987.
xi, 175 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 169-172.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Training
348 NAL Call. No.: SF780.9.S63
Potential applications for non-invasive measurements in small animal
epidemiology and in the detection of stress.
Vincent, I.C.; Michell, A.R.
Great Britain : The Society; 1992.
Proceedings of a meeting - Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive
Medicine (10th): p. 102-109; 1992. Meeting held on April 1-3, 1992,
Edinburgh. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stress; Measurement
349 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Preadolescent self-concept development and pet ownership.
Davis, J.H.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1987.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (2): p. 90-94; 1987. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Illinois; Pet animals; Ownership; Dogs; Attachment behavior;
Adolescent development; Family life education
350 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
The prevalence of behavioral problems in American dogs.
Campbell, W.E.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1986 Jan.
Modern veterinary practice v. 67 (1): p. 28-31; 1986 Jan. Includes 1
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Surveys; Behavior problems
351 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Preventing isolation-related destructive behavior in puppies.
Campbell, W.E.
Goleta, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1987 Sep.
Modern veterinary practice v. 68 (9/10): p. 519; 1987 Sep.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pups; Isolation; Animal behavior
352 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Prevention and amelioration of stress and consequences of interaction between
children and dogs.
Riegger, M.H.; Guntzelman, J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1990 Jun01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 196 (11): p.
1781-1785. ill; 1990 Jun01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Children; Interactions; Stress management; Bites
353 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Primary degenerative joint disease of the shoulder in a colony of Beagles.
Morgan, J.P.; Pool, R.R.; Miyabayashi, T.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1987 Mar01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 190 (5): p. 531-540.
ill; 1987 Mar01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Joint diseases; Degeneration; Joints (animal); Shoulders;
Radiography; Histopathology; Postmortem examinations
354 NAL Call. No.: SF433.O67 1989
Problem dog behaviour and misbehaviour.
O'Farrell, Valerie
Methuen,; 1989.
x, 230 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs
355 NAL Call. No.: HV4702.H85
The problem of pet theft.
Cassidy, B.A.
Washington, D.C. : The Humane Society of the United States; 1989.
The Humane Society of the United States News v. 34 (2): p. 20-23. ill; 1989.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Pets; Theft; Problem analysis; Regulations; Usda;
Animal research; Animal welfare
356 NAL Call. No.: HV4702.H85
Problems of enforcement.
Smalley, A.
Washington, D.C. : The Humane Society of the United States; 1989.
The Humane Society of the United States News v. 34 (2): p. 13-17. ill; 1989.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Animal welfare; Case studies; Legislation; Licensing;
Problem analysis; Usda; Dogs; Laboratory animals; Zoo animals
357 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.P76 1989
Problems of pound release and sales., [Rev. ed.]..
Action 81 Inc
Berryville, Va. : Action 81 Inc., [1989?]; 1989.
1 v. (unpaged) : ill., maps ; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; United States; Pounds; United States; Dogs; Law
and legislation; United States; Dogs as laboratory animals; Cats; Law and
legislation; United States; Cats as laboratory animals
358 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Prophylactic efficacy of four antibacterial shampoos against Staphylococcus
intermedius in dogs.
Kwochka, K.W.; Kowalski, J.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Jan.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (1): p. 115-118. ill; 1991 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Antibacterial agents; Shampoos; Staphylococcus;
Prophylaxis; Quantitative techniques
Abstract: Prophylactic efficacy of 4 antibacterial shampoos against
Staphylococcus intermedius in dogs was determined by use of a controlled
quantitative technique. Ten adult Beagles were used in the study. The
antibacterial agents in the shampoos were 3.0% benzoyl peroxide, 0.5%
chlorhexidine acetate, 1.0% available iodine as a polyalkyleneglycol-iodine
complex, and a combination of 0.5% triclosan 2.0% sulfur, and 2.0% salicylic
acid. Treated and control sites were challenge exposed with 5.30 +/- 0.10
(log10) S intermedius colony-forming units (CFU)/cm2 of skin and occluded for 5
hours, At the end of the test period, remaining bacteria were removed with a
detergent cup-scrub technique and the total number of S intermedius CFU/cm2
skin was calculated for each treated and control site. Nontreated
bacteria-challenged control sites yielded 5.62 +/- 0.65 S intermedius CFU/cm2
of skin. Staphylococcus intermedius recovery (CFU/cm2) from the treated sites
was 0.94 +/- 0.76 for benzoyl peroxide, 1.96 +/- 1.33 for chlorhexidine
acetate, 3.11 +/- 0.48 for organic iodine, and 4.69 +/- 0.23 for
triclosan-sulfur-salicylic acid. Each S intermedius recovery value from the 4
treated sites was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than that from the nontreated
S intermedius challenge-exposed control site. Bacteria recovery values were
also significantly (P < 0.05) different among the 4 shampoo-treated sites. We
concluded that all shampoos had significant (P < 0.05) prophylactic activity
against S intermedius over 5 hours. The shampoo containing benzoyl peroxide was
determined to have the greatest efficacy among the products tested.
359 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 H198 1986 [no.123]
Prufung tierhaltungsrelevanter Kriterien in Hundezwingeranlagen unter
besonderer Berucksichtigung des Warmeflusses durch die Fussboden [Testing
criteria relevant to animal behavior in dog kennels under special
consideration of warmth flowing through the floors].
Cipra, Mathias
Hannover : [s.n.],; 1986.
173 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. (Inaugural-Dissertation / Tierarztliche Hochschule
Hannover ; 1986 [no. 123]). English summary. Bibliography: p. 169-173.
Language: German
360 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Psychologic well-being: conceptual issues, behavioral measures, and
implications for dogs.
Hetts, S.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
369-387; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal welfare; Psychological factors; Guidelines; Animal
361 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Psychotropic drugs and behavioral therapy.
Marder, A.R.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
329-342; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Psychotropic drugs; Behavior change; Behavior
problems; Drug therapy; Dosage; Anxiety; Fearfulness; Aggressive behavior;
Urination; Defecation
362 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Borchelt, P.L.; Voith, V.L.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1985 Sep.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 7
(9): p. 780-788, 791; 1985 Sep. Includes 10 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Abnormal behavior; Animal behavior; Behavior change
363 NAL Call. No.: SF406.A5
Puppy socialization.
Case, D.B.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co; 1985 Oct.
Veterinary technician v. 6 (9): p. 456-457; 1985 Oct. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pups; Social behavior; Deviant behavior; Behavior
modification; Animal housing
364 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Purebred dogs: an update.
Hutchison, J.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1987 Aug.
Shelter sense v. 10 (5): p. 1-2, 13. ill; 1987 Aug.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Pure lines; Breeds; Shelter; Animal welfare
365 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A45
Racing against death: adoption programs for Greyhounds.
Phillips, S.
Westport, Conn. : Animal Rights Network; 1987 Jul.
The Animals' agenda v. 7 (6): p. 12-13. ill; 1987 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Racing performance; Animal welfare; Adoption;
366 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Racing-induced cardiomyopathy in Greyhounds.
Bjotvedt, G.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1985 Dec.
Veterinary medicine v. 80 (12): p. 54, 56-57. ill; 1985 Dec. Includes 8
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cardiomyopathy; Stress; Heat; Stroke; Racing performance
367 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 OR32C
Raising and training a livestock-guarding dog.
Lorenz, J.R.; Coppinger, L.
Corvallis, Or. : The Service; 1989 Jan.
Extension circular - Oregon State University, Extension Service v.): 8 p. ill;
1989 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Oregon; Sheep dogs; Guard dogs; Sheep management; Training
(animal); Behavior problems; Information sources
368 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Recognition, diagnosis, and management of obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Overall, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1992 Jul.
Canine practice v. 17 (4): p. 39-43; 1992 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Abnormal behavior; Behavior problems; Behavior
modification; Drug therapy; Drugs; Dosage
369 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Recognition, diagnosis, and management of obsessive-compulsive disorders. 1.
Arational approach.
Overall, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1992 Mar.
Canine practice v. 17 (2): p. 40-44; 1992 Mar. First of a series. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Abnormal behavior; Behavior disorders; Behavior
modification; Etiology; Differential diagnosis
370 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R312
Red cell population distributions in healthy dogs.
Bell, G.M.; Fowler, J.S.L.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1985 Mar.
Research in veterinary science v. 38 (2): p. 220-225. ill; 1985 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Erythrocytes; Anemia; Stress; Erythropoiesis; Blood
371 NAL Call. No.: QL55.H8
Reducing fear-aggression in dogs through training their owners: a study in use
of behavior modification techniques.
Romig, D.W.
Washington Grove, MD : Psychologists for the Ethical Treatment of Animals;
Humane innovations and alternatives v. 6: p. 362-364; 1992. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior modification; Aggressive behavior
372 NAL Call. No.: SF371.2.W67 1989
Reducing predator losses with livestock guarding dogs.
Lorenz, J.R.
Ashland, Or. : Black Sheep Press; 1989.
Colored sheep and wool : exploring their beauty and function : the proceedings
of the World Congress on Coloured Sheep, U.S.A. / edited by Kent Erskine. p.
202-205. ill; 1989. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Sheep; Predation; Sheep dogs; Animal behavior
373 NAL Call. No.: QP121.A1R4
Regulation of respiratory airflow during panting and feeding in the dog.
Biewener, A.A.; Soghikian, G.W.; Crompton, A.W.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1985 Aug.
Respiration physiology v. 61 (2): p. 185-195. ill; 1985 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Breathing; Respiration rate; Feeding; Exercise
374 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Regulations for canine well-being in Canada.
Rowsell, H.C.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
11-18; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md.
Language: English
Descriptors: Canada; Dogs; Animal welfare; Laboratory animals; Legislation
375 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Regulatory requirements for exercise of dogs.
Schwindaman, D.F.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p. 3-10;
1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists Center for
Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer session p.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Animal welfare; Exercise; Regulations; Laboratory
376 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Relationship between kennel size and stress in greyhounds transported short
distances by air.
Leadon, D.P.; Mullins, E.
London : The Association; 1991 Jul27.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 129
(4): p. 70-73; 1991 Jul27. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Air; Transport; Cage size; Stress; Variation;
Corticotropin; Hydrocortisone; Lactic acid; Fatty acids; Blood plasma;
Transport of animals
377 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Relationship between seasonal energy economy and thyroid activity in
farm-raised raccoon dogs.
Korhonen, H.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1987.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A: Comparative physiology v. 87 (4):
p. 983-988; 1987. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Finland; Raccoon dogs; Thyroid function; Obesity; Overfeeding;
Seasonal behavior
378 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
Report of The Palm Beach County Animal Regulation Division.
Moore, D.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 68-74; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Florida; Animal welfare; Pet animals; Cat; Dog control;
379 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Report on the potentially dangerous dog program: Multnomah County, Oregon.
Oswald, M.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1991.
Anthrozoos v. 4 (4): p. 247-254; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Oregon; Dogs; Bites; Risk; Animal behavior; Man; Breed
380 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Research studies in exercise and behavior of dogs.
Clark, J.D.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
61-65; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 65. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Laboratory animals; Exercise; Animal behavior; Animal
381 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Response of bonded and non-bonded sheep to the approach of a trained border
Anderson, D.M.; Hulet, C.V.; Shupe, W.L.; Smith, J.N.; Murray, L.W.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Nov.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (3): p. 251-257; 1988 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Sheep; Cattle; Free range husbandry; Bonds; Protection;
Predators; Dogs; Animal behavior
382 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R312
Responses to sprint exercise in the greyhound: effects on haematology, serum
biochemistry and muscle metabolites.
Rose, R.J.; Bloomberg, M.S.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1989 Sep.
Research in veterinary science v. 47 (2): p. 212-218; 1989 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Exercise; Hematology; Muscles; Metabolites; Biochemistry;
Arteries; Blood sampling; Biopsy
383 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.736
The responsible care and use of the canine in research University of
Wisconsin, Research Animal Resources Center.. Responsible use and care of the
canine in research
Thorsen, Peter
University of Wisconsin--Madison, Research Animal Resources Center
Madison, Wis. : The Center,; 1989.
1 videocassette (30 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. VHS. A training and
instructional video by Peter Thorsen. Title on container: Responsible use and
care of the canine in research.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs as laboratory animals; Animal welfare; Laboratory animals;
Animal immobilization
384 NAL Call. No.: SF774.5.J66 1985
Restraint and handling of dogs and cats., 4th ed.
Sumner-Smith, G.
Oxford [Oxfordshire] : Pergamon Press; 1985.
Jones's animal nursing / edited by D.R. Lane for the British Small Animal
Veterinary Association, with contributions from twenty-six authors. p.
129-140. ill; 1985.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Restraint of animals; Handling; Animal health;
385 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Retro-orbital route for brain specimen collection for rabies diagnosis.
Montano Hirose, J.A.; Bourhy, H.; Sureau, P.
London : The Association; 1991 Sep28.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 129
(13): p. 291-292; 1991 Sep28. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Sheep; Dogs; Cats; Foxes; Rabies; Rabies virus; Diagnostic
techniques; Specimen handling; Brain
386 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Role of breeding regulation laws in solving the dog and cat overpopulation
Sturla, K.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 928-932;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cats; Population control; Overpopulation; Animal
breeding; Regulations
387 NAL Call. No.: SF429.R7K47
Rottweilers everything about purchase, care, nutrition, breeding, behavior, and
Kern, Kerry V.; Vriends, Matthew M.,
New York : Barron's,; 1991.
79 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77)
and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Rottweiler dog
388 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Seasonality and variability of the interetrous interval in the bitch.
Bouchard, G.; Youngquist, R.S.; Vaillancourt, D.; Krause, G.F.; Guay, P.;
Paradis, M.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991 Jul.
Theriogenology v. 36 (1): p. 41-50; 1991 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Bitches; Estrous cycle; Seasonal variation; Genotypes;
Heritability; Duration; Breed differences
Abstract: Records from two breeding colonies (A and B) located near each other
were analyzed for this experiment. Colony A consisted of 19 bitches (8 Maltese,
5 Yorkshire, 3 Lhasa Apso, and 3 Bouvier des Flandres), while Colony B
consisted of 48 Beagle bitches. A total of 126 interestrous intervals (141
estrous cycles) from Colony A were reviewed to quantitate the variability of
the interestrous interval. Analysis of variance showed that the degree of
variation of the estrous cycle length within bitches (65%) was about twice the
degree of variation of means of the estrous cycle length among bitches (35%).
It was found that the estrous cycle length is extremely variable, and it
cannot be used to predict the next estrus in a single bitch, although some
bitches were very consistent. The seasonal and monthly distribution of estrous
cycles throughout the year was also analyzed from bitches kept in Colonies A
and B for a total of 210 estrous cycles. The data were collected over a
four-year period. A seasonal pattern was observed when the cumulative
distributions over years were analyzed. A higher frequency of estrous cycles
was observed during winter and summer. This seasonality pattern was not
observed when individual years were analyzed separately. However, the overall
probability that an estrus would occur at any month of the year was the same
for each month (1/12) when cumulative distribution over years were analyzed.
389 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A45
See how they run: a look at the hidden side of greyhound racing.
Maggitti, P.
Monroe, Conn. : Animal Rights Network; 1992 Mar.
The Animals' agenda v. 12 (2): p. 12-18; 1992 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Greyhounds; Animal welfare; Spectator events
390 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Seeking a theory of the human companion animal bond.
Kidd, A.H.; Kidd, R.M.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1987.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (3): p. 140-144; 1987.
Language: English
Descriptors: Cat; Dogs; Attachment behavior; Psychology
391 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Selecting pet dogs on the basis of cluster analysis of breed behavior profiles
and gender.
Hart, B.L.; Hart, L.A.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1985 Jun01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 186 (11): p.
1181-1185. ill; 1985 Jun01. Includes 8 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Selection; Breeds; Cluster analysis; Animal behavior
392 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
Separation anxiety.
Machum, M.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Oct.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 32 (10): p. 618; 1991 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Anxiety; Behavior problems; Behavior modification
393 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Separation anxiety in dogs.
Voith, V.L.
Princeton Junction, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems; 1985 Jan.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 7
(1): p. 42-53; 1985 Jan. Includes 18 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dog; Anxiety; Animal behavior; Treatment
394 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Serologic and blood culture survey of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in four
canine populations of southern Louisiana.
Barr, S.C.; Dennis, V.A.; Klei, T.R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Apr.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (4): p. 570-573; 1991 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Louisiana; Dogs; Trypanosoma cruzi; Trypanosomiasis; Serological
surveys; Blood analysis; Disease prevalence; Rural environment; Urban
environment; Exposure
Abstract: Blood culture and serologic testing were used to study the
prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a group of 85 dogs from southern
Louisiana rural environment. These dogs were known to have been in contact with
wild mammalian hosts of the hemoflagellate. Results were compared with blood
culture and serologic test results in 103 dogs from a rural environment and
with limited known wild mammalian T cruzi host contact. Serologic test results
for the 188 dogs from the rural environment were compared with results for 176
dogs from an urban animal shelter and for 100 household pet dogs from an urban
southern Louisiana environment. Blood culture was not performed on urban dogs.
Culture results were negative in all dogs from rural environments. Serologic
evidence of infection was obtained for 4 of the 85 (4.7%) dogs of rural
environment with known host contact. Of 176 dogs from the animal
shelter, 4 (2.3%) had high antibody titer to T cruzi, and 11 others had low
titer (< 2 adjusted ELISA units [aEU]). Two and 4 dogs of the housed urban and
rural groups, respectively, had antibody titer to T cruzi that was < 2 aEU.
Results indicate that prevalence for exposure to T cruzi antigen is higher in
dogs with high potential contact with the vector and wild mammalian hosts of T
cruzi, whether they are from rural or urban environment. Furthermore, results
indicate that similar studies on high-risk human populations may be indicated.
395 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Serological, bacteriological and clinical observations on an outbreak of
canine infectious tracheobronchitis in Norway.
Ueland, K.
London : The Association; 1990 May12.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 126
(19): p. 481-483; 1990 May12. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Norway; Dogs; Infectious diseases; Bronchitis; Etiology;
Paramyxoviridae; Bordetella; Bacteriology; Serology
396 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Serum and tissue fluid norfloxacin concentrations after oral administration of
the drug to healthy dogs.
Walker, R.D.; Stein, G.E.; Budsberg, S.C.; Rosser, E.J.; MacDonald, K.H.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Jan.
American journal of veterinary research v. 50 (1): p. 154-157; 1989 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Antibiotics; Administration; Blood serum; Tissues;
Abstract: Norfloxacin, a 4-quinolone antibiotic, was administered orally to 4
healthy dogs at dosages of 11 and 22 mg/kg of body weight, every 12 hours for 4
days, with a 4-week interval between dosing regimens. Serum and tissue cage
fluid (TCF) norfloxacin concentrations were measured at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12 hours after the first and seventh dose of each dosing
regimen. When administered at a dosage of 11 mg/kg, the mean peak serum
concentration (Cmax) was 1.0 micrograms/ml at 1 hour, the time of mean peak
concentration (Tmax) after the first dose. After the seventh dose, the Cmax was
1.4 micrograms/ml at Tmax of 1.5 hours. The Tmax for the TCF concentration was
5 hours, with Cmax of 0.3 micrograms/ml and 0.7 micrograms/ml after the first
and seventh dose, respectively. When administered at a dosage of 22 mg/kg, the
serum Tmax was 2 hours after the first dose, with Cmax of 2.8
micrograms/ml. After the seventh dose, the serum Tmax was 1.5 hours, with Cmax
of 2.8 micrograms/ml. The Tmax for the TCF concentration was 5 hours after the
first and seventh doses, with Cmax of 1.2 micrograms/ml and 1.6 micrograms/ml,
respectively. After the seventh dose, the serum elimination half-life was 6.3
hours for a dosage of 11 mg/kg and was 6.7 hours for a dosage of 22 mg/kg. For
serum concentration, the area under the curve from 0 to 12 hours (AUC0 leads to
12) was 8.77 micrograms.h/ml and 18.27 micrograms.h/ml for dosages of 11 mg/kg
and 22 mg/kg, respectively. The corresponding AUC0 leads to 12 for the TCF
concentration was 6.20 micrograms.h/ml and 16.42 micrograms.h/ml. The
percentage of TCF penetration (AUC(TCF)/AUCserum) was 71% at a dosage of 11
mg/kg and 90% at a dosage of 22 mg/kg.
397 NAL Call. No.: 448.8 J824
Serum-stimulated feeding in vitro by third-stage infective larvae of the
canine hookworm, Ancylostoma caninum.
Hawdon, J.M.; Schad, G.A.
Lawrence, Kan. : American Society of Parasitologists; 1990 Jun.
The Journal of parasitology v. 76 (3): p. 395-398; 1990 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Ancylostoma caninum; Larvae; Nematode infections; Feeding;
Behavior; In vitro; Blood serum
398 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Severe sperm abnormalities with subsequent recovery following on scrotal
oedema and posthitis in a Bulldog.
Oettle, E.E.; Soley, J.T.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1986 Jul.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 27 (7): p. 477-484. ill; 1986 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Scrotum; Edema; Male genital diseases; Semen; Spermatozoa;
Abnormalities; Heat stress
399 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A33
Sex differences in social play: the socialization of sex roles.
Meaney, M.J.; Stewart, J.; Beatty, W.W.
Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press; 1985.
Advances in the study of behavior v. 15: p. 1-58; 1985. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Primates; Rats; Hamsters; Dogs; Cat; Sex differences; Animal
behavior; Play; Socialization; Fighting
400 NAL Call. No.: 410 B77
Sibling recognition in the domestic dog.
Hepper, P.G.
London : Bailliere Tindall; 1986 Feb.
Animal behaviour v. 34 (pt.1): p. 288-289; 1986 Feb. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Young animals; Recognition
401 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Sleep-wake cycles and other night-time behaviours of the domestic dog Canis
Adams, G.J.; Johnson, K.G.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1993 Apr.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 36 (2/3): p. 233-248; 1993 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Sleep; Animal behavior
402 NAL Call. No.: SF95.L48 1987
Small animal clinical nutrition III.. Small animal clinical nutrition 3 Small
animal clinical nutrition three, 3rd ed..
Lewis, Lon D.; Morris, Mark L._1934-; Hand, Michael S.
Topeka, Kan. : Mark Morris Associates,; 1987.
474 p. in various pagings : ill., ports. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographies and
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal nutrition; Diet in veterinary medicine; Dogs; Diseases;
Cats; Diseases; Dogs; Feeding and feeds; Cats; Feeding and feeds; Animal
403 NAL Call. No.: RJ1.C3
Social acknowledgments for children with disabilities: effects of service dogs.
Mader, B.; Hart, L.A.; Bergin, B.
Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press; 1989 Dec.
Child development v. 60 (6): p. 1529-1534; 1989 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Handicapped children; Social interaction; Dogs; Peer
Abstract: While service dogs are known to perform important tasks for people
using wheelchairs, such as retrieving dropped items or pulling a wheelchair,
they may also serve as an antidote for social ostracism. Adults in wheelchairs
have been found to receive many more social acknowledgments when a service dog
is present than when not. This study examined whether disabled children in
wheelchairs with service dogs receive more frequent social acknowledgment than
when no dog is present. Behaviors of passersby in response to children in
wheelchairs were recorded in shopping malls and on school playgrounds. In both
settings, social acknowledgments (e.g., friendly glances, smiles, and
conversations) were substantially more frequent when a service dogs may assist
in normalizing the social interactions for children with disabilities
producing social isolation.
404 NAL Call. No.: QL737.C22C36
Socialization and management of purpose-bred dogs.
Carroll, T.; Valerio, D.A.; Pucak, G.
Bethesda, MD : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare; 1990 Jan.
Canine research environment / edited by Joy A. Mench and Lee Krulisch. p.
33-37; 1990 Jan. Paper presented at a conference held by the Scientists
Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989, Bethesda, Md. Question and answer
session p. 37. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal husbandry; Animal housing; Animal breeding; Animal
welfare; Socialization
405 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Socializing effects of service dogs for people with disabilities.
Hart, L.A.; Hart, B.L.; Bergin, B.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1987.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (1): p. 41-44; 1987. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Attachment behavior; Social interaction; Handicapped
406 NAL Call. No.: QL55.A1L33
A socializing program for laboratory-raised canines.
Vanderlip, S.L.; Vanderlip, J.E.; Myles, S.
New York : Media Horizons; 1985 Jan.
Lab animal v. 14 (1): p. 33-36; 1985 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Socialization; Laboratory rearing
407 NAL Call. No.: QL55.A1L33
A socializing program for laboratory-raised canines. 2. The puppy
socialization schedule.
Vanderlip, S.L.; Vanderlip, J.E.; Myles, S.
New York : Media Horizons; 1985 Mar.
Lab animal v. 14 (2): p. 27-28, 30-36. ill; 1985 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Socialization; Laboratory rearing; Pups
408 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AU72
Some aspects of stray dog behaviour in an urban fringe area.
Coman, B.J.; Robinson, J.L.
Brunswick, Victoria : Australian Veterinary Association; 1989 Jan.
Australian veterinary journal v. 66 (1): p. 30-32; 1989 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Urban areas
409 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Some effects of limited exercise on purpose-bred Beagles.
Campbell, S.A.; Hughes, H.C.; Griffin, H.E.; Landi, M.S.; Mallon, F.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (8): p. 1298-1301; 1988 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Exercise; Stress; Lymphocyte transformation;
Cortisol; Animal welfare
Abstract: Amendments to the Animal Welfare Act (PL 99-198) require that an
exercise program for dogs be established by the attending veterinarian. A 6-
week study was conducted to determine the effects of a moderate exercise
program in purpose-bred Beagles. Sixteen male Beagles (4/group) were
maintained as follows: (1) standard cage without exercise; (2) standard cage
with individual exercise periods (35 minutes, 3 times/week); (3) large cage
without exercise; and (4) standard cage with group-release exercise periods.
Blood samples were collected for CBC, serum biochemical analysis including
determination of serum cortisol concentration, and immune function (lymphocyte
transformation assay). Group-released dogs interacted with each other during
most of the exercise time. Fighting in these dogs occurred only during the
third week. Dogs had little inclination to exercise when released along into
the exercise area. Regardless of the size of the cage, dogs did not exercise
unless human beings were present in the room. There were no significant
differences in laboratory findings among dogs in the 4 groups. This moderate
exercise program had no demonstrable effects. Similarly, continuous cage
housing, without a formal exercise program, could not be determined to be
detrimental to the physiologic or health status of dogs.
410 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
Some observers' notes.
Morgan, K.B.; Rains, E.E.
Tucson, Az. : KBR Publications; 1985 Jan.
Community animal control v. 4 (1): p. 8, 24-25. ill; 1985 Jan.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Shelter; Euthanasia; Animal welfare; Injections; Drugs;
411 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Spacing and social organization: urban stray dogs revisited.
Font, E.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1987 Jun.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 17 (3/4): p. 319-328; 1987 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Spain; Dogs; Animal behavior; Ecology; Population density;
Spacing; Social behavior
412 NAL Call. No.: QL750.E74
Spatial and temporal resource use by feral and abandoned dogs.
Daniels, T.J.; Bekoff, M.
Berlin, W. Ger. : Paul Parey; 1989 Apr.
Ethology v. 81 (4): p. 300-312; 1989 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Arizona; New Mexico; Dogs; Wild animals; Animal behavior;
Aggressive behavior; Territory
413 NAL Call. No.: HV4704.A54 1987b
The special welfare requirements of sick companion animals.
Turner, J.
London : The Foundation, [1987?]; 1987.
The proceedings of the BVA Animal Welfare Foundations' [sic] fifth symposium :
entitled Animal disease--a welfare problem? : held on 18 November 1987 /
edited by T.E. Gibson ; assistant editor, D.A. Paterson. p. 50-55; 1987.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Dogs; Cat; Animal diseases; Veterinary practice
414 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Spontaneous bronchopneumonia in laboratory dogs infected with untyped
Mycoplasma, spp.
Kirchner, B.K.; Port, C.D.; Magoc, T.J.; Sidor, M.A.; Ruben, Z.
Cordova, Tenn. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1990 Nov.
Laboratory animal science v. 40 (6): p. 625-628; 1990 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Mycoplasma; Lungs; Pneumonia; Pathology; Histopathology
Abstract: Three Mycoplasma spp. were isolated from five colony bred
laboratory dogs (Canis familiaris) obtained from a single vendor. Four of these
animals were Beagles and one was a mongrel. Three displayed clinical signs of
respiratory disease including dyspnea, chronic coughing and moist rales, while
the other two dogs were observed during thoracic surgery to have macroscopic
lesions suggestive of pneumonia. All five dogs were submitted for diagnostic
necropsy during which they were cultured for bacteria and
mycoplasma. Mycoplasma spp. having three distinct colonial forms were isolated
from the lungs of each of the animals. These three isolates were sent to the
National Cancer Institute Diagnostic Microbiology Laboratory and to the
National Institutes of Health, NIAID, Mycoplasmology Laboratory. Neither
laboratory could serotype these isolates against antisera to 73 Mycoplasma
spp., including the common canine mycoplasmas, and nine Acholeplasma spp.
Histologically, the bronchopneumonia was characterized by bronchiectasis,
purulent bronchiolitis, bronchial and bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia,
chronic non-suppurative peribronchiolitis and perivasculitis, bronchiolitis
obliterans, and acute to subacute purulent pneumonia. The similarity between
the pathologic findings in these animals and those observed in respiratory
mycoplasmosis of other species, e.g. the rat, suggests a causal relationship
between the isolated mycoplasmas and the pulmonary disease observed in these
415 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J82
Spontaneous familial systemic lupus erythematosus in a canine breeding colony.
Hubert, B.; Teichner, M.; Fournel, C.; Monier, J.C.
London : Academic Press; 1988 Jan.
Journal of comparative pathology v. 98 (1): p. 81-89. ill; 1988 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Systemic diseases; T lymphocytes; Antibodies; Hematology;
Disease transmission; Hereditary diseases
416 NAL Call. No.: 275.8 AG8
Staying current through hobbies.
Crank, S.
Henry, Ill. : Agricultural Education Magazine, Inc; 1986 Oct.
The Agricultural education magazine v. 59 (4): p. 5-8. ill; 1986 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: Teachers; Agricultural education; Animal husbandry; Dogs;
Professional competence
417 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Stereotypic or obsessive-compulsive disorders in dogs and cats.
Luescher, U.A.; McKeown, D.B.; Halip, J.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
401-413; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Behavior disorders; Symptoms; Etiology; Behavior
modification; Drug therapy
418 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A5
Stimulus-responsive psychomotor epilepsy in a Doberman pinscher.
Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Lappin, M.; Oliver, J.E.
Golden, Colo. : The Association; 1989 Jan.
The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association v. 25 (1): p. 57-60.
ill; 1989 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Epilepsy; Psychomotor development; Stimuli; Environment;
Abnormal behavior
419 NAL Call. No.: QL756.5.F44
Strategies for studying ingestive behavior in large domestic and feral
Houpt, K.A.; Houpt, T.R.
Amsterdan : Elsevier; 1987.
Feeding and drinking / editors, F.M. Toates and N.E. Rowland. p. 367-392. ill;
1987. (Techniques in the behavioral and neural sciences, 0921-0709). Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Horses; Pigs; Rabbits; Feeding behavior; Ingestion; Animal
420 NAL Call. No.: SF991.A1C3
Stress radiography: an aid for early detection of canine hip dysplasia.
Keller, G.G.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Co; 1991 Mar.
Canine practice v. 16 (2): p. 5-9, 12-14; 1991 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Hip dysplasia; Radiography; Stresses; Diagnostic value
421 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A5
Stress radiography of the canine humeral joint.
Puglisi, T.A.; Tangner, C.H.; Green, R.W.; Mann, F.A.; Mathey, W.S.; Shively,
Golden, Colo. : The Association; 1988 Mar.
The Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association v. 24 (2): p. 235-240.
ill; 1988 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Humerus; Joints (animal); Stresses; Radiography
422 NAL Call. No.: QL785.N38 1987
Study of cognitive processes used by dogs in spatial tasks.
Fabrigoule, C.
Dordrecht : Nijhoff; 1987.
Cognitive processes and spatial orientation in animal and man / editors, Paul
Ellen, Catherine Thinus-Blanc. v. 1 p. 114-123; 1987. (NATO ASI series. Series
D. Behavioural and social sciences ; no. 36-37). Proceedings of a Symposium,
June 27 - July 7, 1985, La-Beame-les-Aix (Aux-en-Provence), France. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cognitive development; Learning ability; Environment;
Movements; Animal behavior
423 NAL Call. No.: 151.65 P96
A study of dog bites on the Navajo Reservation.
Daniels, T.J.
Washington, D.C. : Public Health Service; 1986 Jan.
Public health reports v. 101 (1): p. 50-59. maps; 1986 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Arizona; Utah; New Mexico; American indians; Statistical data;
Bites; Dog control; Public health
Abstract: Reservation-wide dog-bite statistics indicate a bite rate on the
Navajo Reservation that is comparable to that of a large city. Detailed
analysis of 772 bite reports was made to determine the characteristics of
biters and their victims. This included an assessment of the behavioral
antecedents leading up to the bite incident; 98.4 percent of all cases for
which a possible cause could be ascertained were provoked in some way. Both dog
control and public education measures need to be taken to reduce the
frequency of dog bites.
424 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Subcutaneous abscess due to Salmonella adelaide in a grey collie with cyclic
Moazed, T.C.; Deeb, B.J.; DiGiacomo, R.F.
Cordova, Tenn. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1990 Nov.
Laboratory animal science v. 40 (6): p. 639-641; 1990 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Salmonella; Abscesses; Hematopoiesis; Animal models; Case
reports; Salmonellosis; Stress
425 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
The success of companion animal management programs: a review.
Rowan, A.N.; Williams, J.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1987.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (2): p. 110-122; 1987. Literature review. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cat; Shelter; Population control; Spaying; Animal
husbandry; Programs; Surveys
426 NAL Call. No.: QL752.W62 1984
The success of companion animal management programs--a historical and
statistical review.
Rowan, A.N.; Wilson, A.K.
Boston : Center for Animals, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine;
1985 Aug.
Animal management and population control : what progress have we made? /
editors: Alexandra K. Wilson, Andrew N. Rowan. p. 1-12; 1985 Aug. Paper
presented at the "Proceedings of a workshop on animal control," May 1984, Tufts
University of Veterinary Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Pet animals; Cat; Dog control; Sterilization
427 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Successful spay and neuter programs across the U.S.
Williams, J.L.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1988 May.
Shelter sense v. 11 (5): p. 7-9; 1988 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Cat; Animal welfare; Population control; Spaying;
428 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Successful treatment of two cases of metaphyseal osteomyelitis in the dog.
Dunn, J.K.; Dennis, R.; Houlton, J.E.F.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1992 Feb.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 33 (2): p. 85-89; 1992 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Osteomyelitis; Drug therapy; Medical treatment;
Amoxicillin; Antibacterial agents; Metronidazole; Case reports; Prognosis;
429 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Survey of serum IgA, IgG, and IgM concentrations in a large Beagle population
in which IgA deficiency had been identified.
Glickman, L.T.; Shofer, F.S.; Payton, A.J.; Laster, L.L.; Felsburg, P.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (8): p. 1240-1245; 1988 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Blood serum; Immunoglobulins; Deficiency; Immunological
diseases; Identification
Abstract: Concentrations of serum IgA, IgG, and IgM were determined for 829
adult Beagles from a commercial kennel in which several IgA-deficient dogs had
been identified previously (index kennel). These values were compared with
measurements of 100 adult dogs from another Beagle kennel (control kennel).
After adjustment for differences in the ages and gender of the dogs, dogs from
the index kennel had significantly (P less than 0.0001) lower IgA
concentrations (mean, 46 mg/dl). Regardless of kennel, males had significantly
(P less than 0.01) higher IgA concentrations than did females. Dogs in the
control kennel had significantly (P less than 0.04) higher IgG concentrations
(mean, 2,649 mg/dl) than did dogs in the index kennel (mean 2,478 mg/dl), and
female dogs in the control kennel had significantly (P less than 0.05) higher
IgM concentrations (mean, 189 mg/dl) than dogs of either sex in the index
kennel (mean, 162 mg/dl) or male dogs in the control kennel (mean, 163 mg/dl).
For both sexes, concentrations of IgA, IgG, and IgM increased with age.
430 NAL Call. No.: SF601.J62
Survival vs. terminal animal laboratories to teach small animal surgery.
Bauer, M.S.; Glickman, N.; Salisbury, S.K.; Toombs, J.P.; Prostredny, J.M.
Blacksburg, Va. : The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges;
Journal of veterinary medical education v. 19 (2): p. 54-58; 1992. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Surgery; Teaching methods; Animal experiments;
Cadavers; Euthanasia; Survival; Veterinary education; College students;
Attitudes; Beliefs; Learning experiences; Academic achievement; Animal welfare
431 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Systemic lupus erythematosus in a colony of dogs.
Monier, J.C.; Fournel, C.; Lapras, M.; Dardenne, M.; Randle, T.; Fontaine, C.M.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Jan.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (1): p. 46-51. ill; 1988 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Immunological diseases; Systemic diseases; Genetic factors;
Correlation; Symptoms
432 NAL Call. No.: SF911.V43
Systems behavior of commonly used cranial cruciate ligament reconstruction
Johnson, S.G.; Hulse, D.A.; Hogan, H.A.; Nelson, J.K.; Boothe, H.W.
Hagerstown, Md. : J.B. Lippincott Company; 1989 Nov.
Veterinary surgery v. 18 (6): p. 459-465. ill; 1989 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Ligaments; Grafts; Grafting; Surgical operations; Stifle;
Mechanical properties
433 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Tail chasing in a Bull Terrier.
Dodman, N.H.; Bronson, R.; Gliatto, J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (5): p. 758-760;
1993 Mar01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Tail; Abnormal behavior; Brain disorders; Drug therapy;
Diazepam; Phenobarbital; Case reports
434 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Tension-relieving techniques.
Johnston, D.E.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1990 Jan.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 20 (1): p.
67-80; 1990 Jan. In the series analytic: Plastic and reconstructive surgery /
edited by Michael M. Pavletic. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Wounds; Suture techniques; Tension; Tensile stress;
Skin; Sutures; Ulcers; Cutting
435 NAL Call. No.: 410 B77
Testing the individual odour theory of canine olfaction.
Brisbin, I.L. Jr; Austad, S.N.
London : Academic Press; 1991 Jul.
Animal behaviour v. 42 (pt.1): p. 63-69; 1991 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Smell; Odors; Body parts
Abstract: Experiments were performed with three dogs, Canis familiaris,
trained in human scent discrimination (American Kennel Club utility obedience
test), to evaluate whether the dogs could distinguish the scent of their
handler from the scent of other humans, irrespective of the body part from
which the scent had been collected. The dogs were successful at distinguishing
scent obtained from the hand of their handler from that from the hands of
strangers, but could not similarly distinguish their handler's scent when it
was obtained from the crook of his arm. These results suggest either that there
is no such thing as an individual human odour or that dogs trained with
standard methods do not spontaneously identify individual odour components of
scents taken from different parts of the body. The results also call into
question the practice of using dogs to identify individuals from scented
objects in law enforcement, unless the dogs used can be shown to be capable of
performing discriminations of the type unsuccessfully attempted by the animals
in the present study.
436 NAL Call. No.: SF991.E88 1989
Textbook of veterinary internal medicine., 3rd ed..
Ettinger, Stephen J.
Philadelphia : Saunders,; 1989.
2 v. (2399 p.) : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographies and indexes.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Diseases; Cats; Diseases; Veterinary internal medicine;
Animal welfare
437 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.T477 1991
Theft of dogs and cats in the United States, 1974-1991 Action 81 Inc.
Action 81 Inc._publisher
Berryville, Va. : Action 81 Inc., [1991?]; 1991.
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Larceny; Dogs; Cats; Dogs as laboratory animals;
Cats as laboratory animals
438 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.T53
Theft of dogs and cats report, 1976-1990.
Action 81 Inc
Berryville, Va. : Action 81 Inc., [1990?]; 1990.
1 v. (unpaged) : ill. ; 28 cm. Cover title. Includes bibliographical
references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; United States; Larceny; United States; Dogs; Law
and legislation; United States; Cats; Law and legislation; United States; Dogs
as laboratory animals; Cats as laboratory animals
439 NAL Call. No.: HV4704.D48 1991
Thema, Tierschutzrecht bei der Haltung und Ausbildung von Hunden Tagung der
Fachgruppe "Tierschutzrecht ung gerichtliche Veterinarmedizin, "Stuttgart, 14.
u. 15 Marz 1991, Univ. Hohenheim [Theme, Animal protection in the rearing and
training of dogs].
Loeffler, Klause,
Deutsche Veterinarmedizinische Gesellschaft. Fachgruppe "Tierschutzrecht und
Gerichtliche Veterinarmedizin." Tagung (1991 : Univ. Hohenheim)
Giessen : Deutsche Veterinamedizinische Gesellschaft,; 1991.
162 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Includes bibliographical references.
Language: German
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal welfare
440 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
A three step program to control dogs.
Clifford, D.H.; Watterson, R.M.; Green, K.A.
Kansas City, Mo. : KBR Publications; 1987 Mar.
Community animal control v. 6 (2): p. 11-14, 24-29. ill; 1987 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Handling; Identification; Animal behavior; Animal welfare;
Control methods; Vaccination; Legislation
441 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Thresholds of the dog for detection of inhaled eugenol and benzaldehyde
determined by electroencephalographic and behavioral olfactometry.
Myers, L.J.; Pugh, R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1985 Nov.
American journal of veterinary research v. 46 (11): p. 2409-2412. ill; 1985
Nov. Includes 18 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Olfaction; Eugenol; Benzaldehyde; Electroencephalography;
Zinc sulfate; Olfactometers; Diagnostic techniques; Sensory disorders
442 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A45
Throwaway animals.
King, M.
Monroe, Conn. : Animal Rights Network; 1991 May.
The Animals' agenda v. 11 (4): p. 12-20. ill; 1991 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Animal welfare; Stray animals; Adoption;
Overpopulation; Population control
443 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 P27
Thyroid neoplasms in a colony of beagle dogs.
Haley, P.J.; Hahn, F.F.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Griffith, W.C.
Lawrence, Kan. : American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 1989 Sep.
Veterinary pathology v. 26 (5): p. 438-441; 1989 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Thyroid gland; Thyroid diseases; Adenoma; Age differences;
Carcinoma; Breeds; Incidence; Sex differences; History; Pathology;
444 NAL Call. No.: SF427.2.T6
Today's breeder.
Cincinnati, OH : Today's Breeder, 1990-; 1990-9999.
v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Title from cover.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Dogs
445 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Trainers and chokers: how dog trainers affect behavior problems in dogs.
Myles, S.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
239-246; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Behavior problems; Training of animals; Training officers;
446 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Training dogs based on behavioural methods.
Owren, T.
Gloucestershire : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1987 Nov.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 28 (11): p. 1009-1029; 1987 Nov.
Paper presented at the "Waltham Symposium No. 8: Canine Development Throughout
Life," July 14-15, 1986, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Training (animal); Animal behavior; Behavior patterns
447 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 P27
Transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary tract in a colony of Beagle dogs.
Nikula, K.J.; Benjamin, S.A.; Angleton, G.M.; Lee, A.C.
Lawrence, Kan. : American College of Veterinary Pathologists; 1989 Nov.
Veterinary pathology v. 26 (6): p. 455-461. ill; 1989 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Carcinoma; Urinary tract diseases; Bladder; Urethra;
Histopathology; Sex differences; Breed differences; Gamma radiation
448 NAL Call. No.: HV4704.A54 1986
The transport of greyhounds and showdogs.
Crittall, J.L.W.
London : BVA Animal Welfare Foundation, [1986?]; 1986.
The proceedings of the Animal Welfare Foundation's Third Symposium : entitled
The welfare of animals in transit, held on 19 November 1986 / edited by T.E.
Gibson ; assist editor, D.A. Paterson ; secretary, Gill McConville. p. 98-103;
1986. (Symposia series ; 1). Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal sports; Transport of animals; Vehicles; Air
transport; Animal welfare; Stress; Environment
449 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Understanding dogs through kinesthetic empathy, social construction, and
Shapiro, K.J.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1990.
Anthrozoos v. 111 (3): p. 184-195; 1990. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Emotions
450 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 H198 1989 [no.171]
Untersuchungen uber das Verhalten der Mammatumoren der Hundin mit Hilfe
impulszytophotometrischer DNS-Bestimmungen [Studies about the behaviour of
canine mammary tumors by means of flow cytometric analysis of DNA].
Senn, Ursula
Hannover : [s.n.],; 1989.
123 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. English summary. Includes bibliographical references
(p. 110-123).
Language: German
451 NAL Call. No.: QL55.A1L3
The use lignocaine-prilocaine local anaesthetic cream for pain-free
venepuncture in laboratory animals.
Flecknell, P.A.; Liles, J.H.; Williamson, H.A.
London : Royal Society of Medicine Services; 1990 Apr.
Laboratory animals v. 24 (2): p. 142-146; 1990 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Local anesthetics; Local anesthesia;
Lidocaine; Intravenous injection; Ointments
Abstract: An assessment was made of the effects of topical application of a
eutectic mixture of local anaesthetics (EMLA cream) in a number of species of
laboratory animals. Application of EMLA cream enabled percutaneous insertion of
catheters into the cephalic vein in dogs and cats and the marginal ear vein in
rabbits without causing any detectable pain or discomfort. Application to the
tail in rats prior to percutaneous cannulation of the lateral tail vein did not
produce a significant reduction in the behavioural responses to
venepuncture. EMLA cream represents a useful refinement of current techniques
for intravenous injection in some species, and is especially valuable when the
procedure is to be undertaken by an inexperienced operator.
452 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Use of 99mTc diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid for accessment of renal
function in dogs with suspected renal disease.
Krawiec, D.R.; Twardock, A.R.; Badertscher, R.R. II; Daniel, G.B.; Dugan, S.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1988 Apr15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 192 (8): p.
1077-1080; 1988 Apr15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Kidney diseases; Renal function; Technetium; Diagnostic
techniques; Stress
453 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J8292
Use of a programmable, activity-sensing, rate-regulating pacemaker in a dog.
Cobb, M.A.; Nolan, J.; Brownlie, S.E.; Abercromby, R.H.; Fussell, A.L.
London : British Small Animal Veterinary Association; 1990 Aug.
The Journal of small animal practice v. 31 (8): p. 398-400. ill; 1990 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Arrhythmia; Veterinary equipment; Heart rate; Exercise; Case
454 NAL Call. No.: 410.9 P94
Use of captive bolt as a method of euthanasia in larger laboratory animal
Dennis, M.B. Jr; Dong, W.K.; Weisbrod, K.A.; Elchlepp, C.A.
Cordova, Tenn. : American Association for Laboratory Animal Science; 1988 Aug.
Laboratory animal science v. 38 (4): p. 459-462. ill; 1988 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Rabbits; Dogs; Euthanasia; Equipment; Methodology; Animal welfare
Abstract: The penetrative captive bolt pistol was tested on dogs (Canis
familiaris) and rabbits (Oryctolagus cunniculi) to assess if it is a humane
method of euthanasia to use when a physical method is required. The bolt was
placed directly on the skull at the intersection of lines drawn from the
lateral canthus of each eye to the opposite ear, and fired. In all cases,
consciousness appeared to be lost immediately as evidenced by motoric collapse
of the animal and loss of the corneal reflex. The only movement noted appeared
to be reflex in nature. In order to determine the time of onset of brain
death, the auditory evoked potential (AEP) and electroencephalogram (EEG) were
measured in dogs. Within 15 seconds after firing the pistol, organized AEP
activity could not be detected above the medulla and EEG activity became
isoelectric. These findings suggest that cerebral death occurred almost
immediately and, therefore, the captive bolt pistol is a humane method of
455 NAL Call. No.: SF601.V523
Use of innate behaviors to evaluate sensory function in the dog.
Myers, L.J.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders Company; 1991 Mar.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : Small animal practice v. 21 (2): p.
389-399; 1991 Mar. In the series analytic: Advances in companion animal
behavior / edited by A.R. Marder and V. Voith. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Animal behavior; Senses; Testing; Techniques
456 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Use of narcotic antagonists to modify stereotypic self-licking, self-chewing,
and scratching behavior in dogs.
Dodman, N.H.; Shuster, L.; White, S.D.; Court, M.H.; Parker, D.; Dixon, R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1988 Oct01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 193 (7): p. 815-819;
1988 Oct01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Abnormal behavior; Bites; Dermatitis; Allergies; Drug
therapy; Detoxicants
457 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 N812
Use of stress radiography in evaluating a distal tibial fracture in a dog.
Farrow, C.S.
Goleta, Calif. : American Veterinary Publications; 1987 Mar.
Modern veterinary practice v. 68 (3): p. 160-163. ill; 1987 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Tibia; Bone fractures; Radiography; Stresses
458 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Use of thioridazine in the treatment of aberrant motor behavior in a dog.
Jones, R.D.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1987 Jul01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 191 (1): p. 89-90;
1987 Jul01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Abnormal behavior; Phenothiazines; Treatment
459 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Using drugs to control behavior problems in pets.
Burghardt, W.F. Jr
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 Nov.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (11): p. 1066, 1068-1071, 1074-1075; 1991 Nov.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Behavior problems; Drug therapy; Drugs
460 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Verbal commands as discriminative stimuli in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris).
Young, C.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Oct.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 32 (1): p. 75-89; 1991 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Stimuli; Sounds; Communication; Learning ability; Behavior
461 NAL Call. No.: DISS F1991157
Vergleichende tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung von stress
protection Phanomenen am Femurschaft nach Implantation von
Hufttotalendoprothesenschaften unterschiedlichen E-Moduls [Experimental
evaluation in the canine of stress protection phenomena occuring in the femur
after implantation of total hip replacement stems only differing in their
modulus of elasticity].
Stenmans, Georg,
Hannover : [s.n.],; 1991.
73 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Summary in English. Vita. Includes bibliographical
references (p. [74-87]).
Language: German
462 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
The veterinarian's responsibility: assessing and managing acute pain in dogs
and cats. I.
Johnson, J.M.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1991 May.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 13
(5): p. 804-807; 1991 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Pain; Treatment; Animal welfare; Postoperative care
463 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
The veterinarian's responsibility: assessing and managing acute pain in dogs
and cats. II.
Johnson, J.M.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1991 Jun.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 13
(6): p. 911-916, 921; 1991 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Pain; Analgesics; Animal welfare; Opioids; Drug
combinations; Postoperative care
464 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R3224
A veterinarians's guide to the correction of dominance aggression.
Landsberg, G.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1990 Feb.
The Canadian veterinary journal v. 31 (2): p. 121-124. ill; 1990 Feb.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Aggressive behavior; Social dominance; Behavior
modification; Guidelines; Behavior problems
465 NAL Call. No.: SF427.2.C37 1991
Veterinary notes for dog breeders.
Carricato, Annette M.
New York : Howell Book House ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York :
Maxwell Macmillan International,; 1992.
viii, 230 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Kennel management
466 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Veterinary practitioners' role in pet overpopulation.
MacKay, C.A.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 918-921;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats; Overpopulation; Population control; Veterinarians
467 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
Vicious dog legislation affecting the animals and you.
Church, A.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1988 Mar.
Shelter sense v. 11 (3): p. 1-2, 14-15. ill; 1988 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Bites; Legislation; Animal welfare; Fighting;
Behavior change
468 NAL Call. No.: SF981.V4
Virology sample collection and handling.
Scherba, G.
Urbana, Ill. : Cooperative Extension Service, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign; 1987.
Veterinary professional topics : pets v. 12 (3): p. 2-5; 1987.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Virology; Viruses; Viral diseases; Diagnostic
techniques; Samples; Collection; Handling
469 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Visceral leishmaniasis in an English Foxhound from an Ohio research colony.
Swenson, C.L.; Silverman, J.; Stromberg, P.C.; Johnson, S.E.; Wilkie, D.A.;
Eaton, K.A.; Kociba, G.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1988 Nov01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 193 (9): p.
1089-1092. ill; 1988 Nov01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Ohio; Dogs; Leishmania; Protozoal infections; Symptoms;
Phlebotomus; Lutzomyia; Diagnosis
470 NAL Call. No.: SF433.W36 1992
The Waltham book of dog and cat behaviour., 1st ed..
Thorne, C.
Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press,; 1992.
ix, 159 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. (Pergamon veterinary handbook series). Includes
bibliographical references (p. 143-152) and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cats
471 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Welfare implication of ultrasonic flea collars.
Roe, D.J.; Sales, G.D.
London : The Association; 1992 Feb15.
The Veterinary record : journal of the British Veterinary Association v. 130
(7): p. 142-143; 1992 Feb15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Flea collars; Ultrasonic devices; Animal welfare; Acoustic
472 NAL Call. No.: SF991.W5 1985
What you should know about canine parvovirus infection.. Canine parvovirus
infection, Rev..
American Veterinary Medical Association
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association,; 1985.
1 folded sheet (6 p.) : ill. ; 23 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Diseases; Animal welfare
473 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
When companion animals die: Caring for clients in their time of sorrow.
Carmack, B.J.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1986 Apr.
Veterinary medicine v. 81 (4): p. 311-314; 1986 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Death; Euthanasia; Pets; Animal welfare; Pet care;
Veterinary practice
474 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.S43
When 'good intentions' lead to tragedy.
Williams, J.L.
Washington, D.C. : National Humane Education Center; 1988 Jun.
Shelter sense v. 11: p. 1-4. ill; 1988 Jun.
Language: English
Descriptors: Cat; Dogs; Animal welfare; Pain; Pet care; Euthanasia; Disease
prevention; Starvation
475 NAL Call. No.: 48.8 OU7
When the final race is over.
Eder-Mulhane, A.
Boston, Mass. : Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
:.; 1986 Mar.
Animals v. 119 (2): p. 16-21. ill; 1986 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Dogs; Animal sports; Pets; Euthanasia; Laboratory tests;
Animal welfare
476 NAL Call. No.: SF427.4.N87
Why dogs and cats?.
Anderson, R.S.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press; 1989.
Nutrition of the dog and cat / edited by I.H. Burger and J.P.W. Rivers. p. 1-6;
1989. (Waltham symposium ; no. 7). Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Size; Pet animals; Animal behavior; Diet; Lifespan; Pet
477 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Working with breeders on solutions to pet overpopulation.
Cloud, D.F.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Mar15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 202 (6): p. 912-914;
1993 Mar15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare Forum: Overpopulation
of unwanted dogs and cats," Nov 6, 1992, Chicago, Illinois.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Overpopulation; Population control; Inbred lines;
Marketing; Animal breeding
478 NAL Call. No.: HV4764.C62
You are what they read: making the most of community newspapers.
Donovan, C.S.
Tucson, Az. : KBR Publications; 1985 May.
Community animal control v. 4 (3): p. 20, 28-29. ill; 1985 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Dogs; Cat; Protection; Community involvement; Public relations;
Shelter; Control; Animal welfare
Abend, P. 16
Abercromby, R.H. 453
Abrantes, R.A.B. 228
Acre, K.E. Sr 206
Action 81 Inc 151, 357, 438
Action 81 Inc._publisher 437
Adams, G.J. 149, 401
Adams, T. 17
Adkins, T.O. 320
Aitken, C.G.G. 237, 238, 239
Ali, I. 260
Allebban, Z. 200
Allen, L.M. 217
ALPO Pet Center 88, 170
Alpo Pet Center 235
Althaus, T. 139
Althouse, G.C. 216
American Animal Hospital Association, ALPO Pet Center 161
American College of Toxicology, Meeting_1990 :_Orlando, Fla.),Production Plus,
Inc 97
American Kennel Club 12, 13, 14, 15, 122, 247
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 37
American Veterinary Medical Association 472
Amity, R. 23
Anand, K.K. 223
Anchel, Marjorie 329
Anderson, D.M. 381
Anderson, J.R. 210
Anderson, J.W. 255
Anderson, R.K. 214
Anderson, R.S. 476
Angleton, G.M. 447
Appel, M. 85
Arguello, S. 334
Arkow, P. 21, 22
Arluke, A. 130
Armstrong, R.B. 281
Arnold, C.E. 278
Ashmead, D.H. 140
Austad, S.N. 435
Avanzino, R. 337
Badertscher, R.R. II 452
Bairacli-Levy, Juliette de 123, 123
Ballarini, G. 27
Balsamo, G.A. 152
Barnes, Duncan 13
Barr, F. 318
Barr, S.C. 111, 394
Baskerville, M. 70
Bates, W. 40
Bauer, M.S. 430
Bauer, R.W. 145
Bauman, Diane L. 60
Baylis, J.R. 285
Beale, K.M. 121
Beatty, W.W. 399
Bebiak, D.M. 321
Beck, A.M. 215
Beemsterboer, J.M. 205
Beier, J.C. 236
Beilharz, R.G. 180, 276
Bekoff, M. 412
Bell, G.M. 370
Benjamin, S.A. 447
Benoit, E. 5
Beran, G.W. 31
Bergin, B. 403, 405
Bergler, Reinhold, 301
Besch, E.L. 213
Biery, D.N. 313
Biewener, A.A. 373
Binn, L.N. 85
Bishop, Gerald, 168
Bjotvedt, G. 366
Bjurstrom, L. 298
Blackshaw, J.K. 40, 157, 159, 330
Bleby, John 168
Bloomberg, M.S. 207, 252, 382
Blythe, L.L. 199
Boddie, R. 208
Boggie, L.C. 125
Bolin, S.E. 192
Bolon, B. 104
Bolton, C.H. 344
Bonnett, B.N. 147
Boone, T. 222
Boone, T.C. 200
Boothe, H.W. 432
Borchelt, P.L. 10, 51, 164, 175, 177, 209, 231, 232, 233, 287, 362
Borg, J.A.M. van der 58
Boscato, U. 103
Bostock, D.E. 109
Bouchard, G. 218, 388
Bourhy, H. 385
Bower, J. 135
Boyer, W.N. 193
Bramham, D. 40
Brant, K. 99
Braun, W.F. 218
Breitschwerdt, E.B. 91
Bremner, K.J. 325
Briggs, H. 302
Brisbin, I.L. Jr 435
British Small Animal Veterinary Association 303
Britt, B.A. 92
Britz, W.E. Jr 69
Brock, K.V. 185
Bronson, R. 433
Brosseau, L.D. 64
Brown, C.K. 102
Brown, S.A. 310
Brownlie, S.E. 453
Brugger, M. 82
Buckingham, W. 221
Budsberg, S.C. 396
Buergelt, C.D. 145
Buhot-Averseng, M.C. 43
Bunton, T.E. 110
Burghardt, W.F. Jr 459
Burrows, C.F. 84
Calderwood Mays, M.B. 104
Caldwell, F.L. 95
Callahan, G. 200
Calpin, J.P. 278, 281
Campbell, S. 190, 198
Campbell, S.A. 194, 409
Campbell, W.E. 11, 203, 204, 212, 288, 296, 350, 351
Campbell, William E. 46
Capkanis, M.C. 263
Caras, R. 324
Carmack, B.J. 473
Carricato, Annette M. 465
Carroll, T. 404
Case, D.B. 68, 173, 363
Cassidy, B.A. 355
Cavanagh, Rod 39
Cerretelli, P. 93
Chandler, M.L. 271
Chapman, B.L. 52
Chapman, L.L. 217
Chapman, M.J. 217
Chester, Z. 129
Christopher, M.M. 274
Church, A. 467
Church, D.B. 258
Cipra, Mathias 359
Clark, B. 218
Clark, G.I. 193
Clark, J.D. 278, 281, 380
Clark, S.R.L. 253
Clark, W.T. 129
Clifford, D.H. 34, 35, 440
Clifton, R.K. 140
Cloud, D.F. 477
Cobb, M.A. 453
Cockshutt, J. 147
Codner, E.C. 189
Coile, D.C. 48
Colter, S.B. 124
Coman, B.J. 408
Conaway, D.H. 110
Concannon, P.W. 218
Cook, G.E. 40
Cooper, A.G. 80
Copland, V.S. 332
Coppinger, L. 136, 367
Coppinger, R. 136, 137
Coppinger, R.P. 323
Cornick, J.L. 94
Court, M.H. 341, 456
Cox, H.U. 152
Craig, A.M. 199
Crank, S. 416
Crispin, S.M. 344
Crittall, J.L.W. 448
Crompton, A.W. 373
Crotti, D. 103
Crowe, D.T. Jr 241
Crowell-Davis, S. 310
Crowell-Davis, S.L. 273, 418
Curtis, B. 91
Daba, S. 236
Daniel, G.B. 452
Daniels, T.J. 412, 423
Danneman, P.J. 292
Dardenne, M. 431
Davis, J.H. 349
Davis, P.E. 258
Day, C. 40
Deeb, B.J. 424
Deeg, H.J. 275
Delatour, P. 5
Delude, L.A. 2
Dement, W.C. 250
Dennis, M.B. Jr 454
Dennis, R. 428
Dennis, V.A. 394
Desplanches, D. 195
Deutsche Veterinarmedizinische Gesellschaft. Fachgruppe "Tierschutzrecht und
Gerichtliche Veterinarmedizin." Tagung (1991 : Univ. Hohenheim) 439
Dhein, C.R. 262
Dial, S.M. 259
DiGiacomo, R.F. 424
Diop, S. 178
Dixon, R. 456
Dlott, B. 114
Dodman, N.H. 433, 456
Dong, W.K. 454
Donoghue, S. 147
Donovan, C.S. 478
Downey, R.L. 320
Downs, L.G. 344
Draper, D.D. 83
Dugan, S.J. 452
Dunayer, E. 133
Dunayer, J. 133
Dunbar, I. 257
Dunn, J.K. 428
Durham, R.A. 17
Dyson, D.H. 120
Dziezyc, J. 187
Eaton, K.A. 469
Eckerlin, A. 7, 59
Eder-Mulhane, A. 475
Edney, A.T.B. 304
Edwards, P. 310
Eisenberg, F.B. 41
El Said, K.R. 305
El Said, S.M. 236
El Sawaf, B.M. 236
Elchlepp, C.A. 454
Elliott, M.E. 92
Elliott, Rachel Page 174
Ellis, A. 93
Emerson, C.L. 261
Erb, H.N. 147
Ettinger, Stephen J. 436
Evans, Job Michael 224
Evans, L.E. 216
Fabrigoule, C. 422
Faggella, A.M. 119
Falecka-Wieczorek, I. 183
Fantasia, M. 103
Farrow, C.S. 457
Favier, R.J. 195
Felsburg, P.J. 429
Feltz, P. 317
Ferguson, I. 138
Fettman, M.J. 243, 271
Filiatre, J.C. 7, 56, 59
Fisher, J.W. 188
Flandrois 195
Flatt, A. 102
Flecknell, P.A. 451
Fluke, J. 340
Fogle, Bruce 171
Font, E. 411
Fontaine, C.M. 431
Forbes, W.D. 214
Foster, T.M. 325
Fournel, C. 415, 431
Fowler, J.S.L. 370
Fox, M.W. 77
Frank, L.A. 121
Freire, E. 8
French, R.A. 206
Frost, Patricia 81
Fudin, C.E. 319
Fussell, A.L. 453
Gage, M.G. 284
Gagnon, A.C. 7
Gaiser, C. 250
Gandy, D. 142
Garnier, F. 5
Garrett, W. 24
Gavin, T.A. 263
Gay, W.I. 156
Gettler, L. 136
Giles, A.R. 64
Gillet, N.A. 112
Gilmartin, J.E. 217
Gilot, B. 178
Gisolfi, C.V. 102
Glendinning, J. 137
Gliatto, J. 433
Glickman, L.T. 429
Glickman, N. 430
Goddard, M.E. 180, 276
Goldman, M. 300
Goldschmidt, M.H. 146
Goldsmid, J.M. 142
Goodfellow, K.G. 96
Gorham, J.R. 262
Gossett, K.A. 111
Goullaud, E.J. 205
Grad, R. 286
Grandage, J. 149
Grandjean, D. 322
Grant, T.R. 57
Gray, P.R. 205
Greaves, P. 336
Greco, D.S. 271
Green, J.S. 4
Green, K.A. 440
Green, R.W. 421
Greenblatt, D.J. 341
Greenwood, P. 64
Greenwood, R. 64
Gregor, T.P. 313
Grice, J. 89
Griffin, H.E. 409
Griffith, W.C. 443
Grognet, J. 246
Grumet, F.C. 250
Guay, P. 388
Guilleminault, C. 250
Gulati, O.D. 223
Guntzelman, J. 352
Hagebock, J.M. 31
Hahn, A.W. 229
Hahn, F.F. 443
Hahn, K.A. 86
Haley, P.J. 443
Halip, J. 417
Hall, B.J. 104
Halverson, D. 240
Hammond, W.P. 328
Hammond, W.R. 261
Hancock, Judith M. 245
Hand, Michael S. 402
Handler, Barbara S. 347
Hanrahan, L.A. 32
Hardegg, W. 196
Harding, P. 40
Harri, M. 184, 202
Harris, R.C. 101
Harrison, L.R. 145
Hart, B.L. 33, 50, 53, 197, 391, 405
Hart, Benjamin L. 76, 335
Hart, L.A. 391, 403, 405
Hart, Lynette A. 76, 335
Hartsfield, S.M. 94
Haskins, S.C. 332
Hauptman, J. 110
Hawdon, J.M. 148, 397
Hawkins, B.J. 254
Hegstad, R.L. 201
Helouin, C.M. 152
Henry, D.P. 119
Hepper, P.G. 400
Hetts, S. 278, 360
Hewett, J.E. 186
Hinds, T.R. 261, 328
Hitzelberg, Richard 44, 295
Hogan, H.A. 432
Holden, C. 62, 127
Homes, J. 126
Hoogendoorn, H. 64
Hooper, L. 114
Hopkins, S.M. 216
Houlton, J.E.F. 428
Houpt, K.A. 78, 115, 234, 419
Houpt, T.R. 419
Hubert, B. 415
Hubrecht, R.C. 132
Hugh-Jones, M.E. 152
Hughes, H.C. 190, 198, 409
Hulet, C.V. 381
Hulse, D.A. 432
Hunthausen, W.L. 100
Hutchison, J. 364
Idowu, A.L. 191
Ignaszewski, L.A. 84
Ilkiw, J.E. 258
Janice C. Swanson, Ph.D, Animal Welfare Information Center 226
Japan, Sorifu, Naikaku Sori Daijin Kambo, Kanrishitsu, Nihon Juishikai 291
Jennings, D.B. 255
Jessup, D. 165
Johnson, C.A. 113, 205
Johnson, G.S. 229
Johnson, J.M. 462, 463
Johnson, K.G. 401
Johnson, S.E. 469
Johnson, S.G. 432
Johnston, D.E. 434
Johnston, S.D. 201, 314
Jones, J.B. 185
Jones, R.D. 458
Jungi, T.W. 82
Kaciuba-Usciko, H. 183
Kaderly, R.E. 147
Kalogeris, T.J. 282, 283, 343
Kalow, B.I. 92
Kansas State University, Audio Visual Resource Center, Kansas State University,
College of Veterinary Medicine 256
Katcher, A.H. 342
Kawalek, J.C. 305
Kay, D. 150
Kearney, M.T. 152
Keller, G.G. 420
Kenawy, M.A. 236
Kenndey, K. 91
Kenney, C. 190
Kenney, H. 211
Kenney, M.J. 102
Kenney, T. 211
Kern, Kerry V. 387
Khoreva, S.A. 105
Kidd, A.H. 390
Kidd, R.M. 390
Kilgour, R. 325
Kinetic, Inc, Walter J. Klein Company, Humane Society of the United States 315
King, M. 91, 442
Kirchner, B.K. 414
Klei, T.R. 111, 394
Klide, A.M. 3
Klinghammer, Erich, 128
Klip, A. 92
Knapp, D.W. 86, 186
Kociba, G.J. 469
Korhonen, H. 184, 202, 377
Kowalik-Borowka, E. 183
Kowalski, J.J. 358
Kozlowski, S. 183
Krakowka, S. 211
Krasney, J.A. 93
Krause, G.F. 388
Krawiec, D.R. 452
Kronfeld, D.S. 320
Krulisch, Lee 90
Kuhn, G. 196
Kullberg, J.F. 316
Kunkle, G.A. 121
Kwochka, K.W. 358
Laboratory Animal Training Association 267
Ladiges, W.C. 275
Laforge, M.L. 178
Lagergren, C.H. 134
Lagoni, L.S. 334
Landi, M.S. 409
Landsberg, G. 464
Landsberg, G.M. 141, 153
Langeloh, G. 136
Lappin, M. 418
Lapras, M. 431
Lassen, E.D. 199
Laster, L.L. 429
Latham, J. 318
Lawler, D.F. 321
Leadon, D.P. 376
Lee, A.C. 447
Lemen, R.J. 286
Lesser, A.S. 71
Levy, M. 91
Lewis, Lon D. 402
Liles, J.H. 451
Linde-Forsberg, C. 298
Line, S. 176
Litwin, T.S. 263
Lockwood, R. 36
Loeffler, Klause, 439
Lore, R.K. 41
Lorenz, J. 136
Lorenz, J.R. 367, 372
Lothrop, C.D. 200
Lovett, M. 250
Luescher, A. 79, 98, 131
Luescher, U.A. 417
Lundgren, Edward 44, 295
MacArthur, J.A. 155
MacDonald, K.H. 396
Machum, M. 131, 392
MacKay, C.A. 466
Mackenzie, S.A. 78, 244
Maclean, D.C. 263
Maddux, J.M. 200
Mader, B. 403
Madsen, J.S. 182
Maggio-Price, L. 261, 328
Maggitti, P. 389
Magnuson-Martinson, S. 284
Magoc, T.J. 414
Malcolm, T. 310
Mallon, F.M. 409
Mann, F.A. 421
Mansour, N.S. 236
Marconi, C. 93
Marder, A.R. 18, 266, 361
Marder, Amy R. 6
Marder, L.R. 266
Markwell, P.J. 179
Martini, A. 103
Mason, M.J. 112
Mass, H. 260
Mateo, J.M. 278
Mathews, S.L. 74
Mathey, W.S. 421
Matthay, C. 137
Matthews, L.R. 325
May, K. 208
McCaw, D.L. 186
McConnell, P.B. 1, 285, 297
McCrave, E.A. 143
McDonald, B. 93
McEwen, Peter 169
McGrath, C.J. 189
McKelvie, D.H. 286
McKeown, D. 79, 98, 131
McKeown, D.B. 417
McLaughlin, R.N. 92
Meaney, M.J. 399
Mehlhorn, Birgit, 248
Mehlhorn, Heinz 248
Mench, Joy A. 90
Mendel, V.E. 282, 283
Menon, K. 114
Meuten, D.J. 91
Michell, A.R. 118, 348
Mignot, E. 250
Milani, Myrna M. 66
Miller, L. 323
Miller, M.F. 53
Millichamp, N.J. 187
Millot, J.L. 7, 56, 59
Mingrone, M.G. 103
Mishu, L. 200
Mitchener, K.L. 26, 220
Miyabayashi, T. 353
Moazed, T.C. 424
Monier, J.C. 415, 431
Monson, W.J. 327
Montagner, H. 7
Montano Hirose, J.A. 385
Moore, D. 378
Morgan, J.P. 353
Morgan, K.B. 410
Morgan, Ronald L. 97
Morris, J.L. 268
Morris, Mark L._1934- 402
Moskowitz, S.M. 114
Moulton, J.E. 300
MTM Associates 44
Mugford, R.A. 280
Muggenburg, B.A. 112, 443
Muirhead, R.H. 237, 238, 239
Mullen, S. 19
Mullins, E. 376
Murray, L.W. 381
Myers, L.J. 32, 208, 441, 455
Myles, S. 406, 407, 445
Nachreiner, R. 110, 269
Nassar, R. 340
Nazar, K. 183
Neer, T.M. 272
Nelson, J.K. 432
Netto, W.J. 58
Neufeld, E.F. 114
New York State Humane Association 329
Newell, D.G. 70
Newton, C.M. 70
Nikula, K.J. 447
Nolan, J. 453
North American Wildlife Park Fo undation 128
Nurminen, L. 202
Nusbaum, K.E. 32
O'Brien, P.J. 92, 227
O'Farrell, V. 54, 55, 331
O'Farrell, Valerie 303, 354
O'Neill, Charles A. T. 14
O'Neill, S. 65
Obradovich, J.E. 222
Ochoa, R. 5
Oettle, E.E. 398
Ogilvie, G.K. 222
Oglesbee, M.J. 211
Oliver, J.E. 418
Olsen, J.W. 187
Olson, P.N. 207, 314
Oltenacu, E.A.B. 78
Osborne, C.A. 63
Oswald, M. 379
Overall, K.L. 72, 73, 368, 369
Owren, T. 446
Padgett, G.A. 110
Palazzolo, D.L. 345
Paradis, M. 388
Paragon, B.M. 322
Parker, A.J. 47
Parker, D. 456
Parker, T. 246
Pasternak, D.M. 201
Patterson, R.H. 42
Patz, J.D. 332
Paul, A.J. 206
Payton, A.J. 429
Pechman, R.D. 152
Peiffer, R.L. Jr 307
Pekow, C.A. 328
Pendergast, D.R. 93
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 162
Pequignot, J.M. 195
Perry, F.W. 95
Petrites-Murphy, M.B. 188
Pettifer, G.R. 120
Peyrin, L. 195
Phillips, Jere 44, 295
Phillips, S. 365
Picarro, I.C. 8
Pierce, K.R. 188
Pike, C. 334
Planta, D.J.U. 58
Plue, R.E. 206
Podberscek, A.L. 157
Pollitz, C.H. 48
Polsky, R.H. 116, 154
Pook, H.A. 92
Pool, R.R. 353
Poole, T.B. 132
Port, C.D. 414
Potgieter, L.N.D. 185
Powell, K.L. 33
Powers, B.E. 222
Pratt, Paul W. 46
Prescott-Mathews, J.S. 308
Proscurshim, P. 8
Prostredny, J.M. 430
Pucak, G. 404
Pugh, R. 441
Puglisi, T.A. 421
Quadri, S.K. 345
Quan, S.F. 286
Quimby, F.W. 217
Quine, J.P. 221
Quisenberry, D. 106
Raff, R.F. 275
Rains, E.E. 410
Rand, J.S. 227
Randle, T. 431
Rattazzi, C. 250
Rawlings, C.A. 28
Rech, R.H. 17
Reed, D. 61, 160, 293, 338
Reese, E.P. 140
Reidelberger, R.D. 282, 283, 343
Reutzel, L.F. 321
Richardson, R.C. 86
Richter, M.A. 17
Riegger, M.H. 352
Rindy, K. 36
Riser, Wayne H. 161
Robinson, E.P. 119
Robinson, J.L. 408
Roe, D.J. 471
Rogers, D.W. 95
Romig, D.W. 371
Rose, J. 40
Rose, R.J. 382
Rosenblatt, L.S. 300
Ross, L.H. 265
Rosser, E.J. 396
Rowan, A.N. 425, 426
Rowsell, H.C. 374
Ruben, Z. 414
Ruff, A.J. 25
Rush, R.I. 108
Russell, W.L. 119
Russo, A.K. 8
Sales, G.D. 471
Salisbury, S.K. 430
Salmeri, K.R. 207, 252
Salmuth, Kai-W.v. 270
Samuelson, Marvin L. 256
Santiago, O. 260
Savant, R.L. 272
Sawyer, D.C. 17
Scarlett, J.M. 147
Schad, G.A. 148, 397
Scherba, G. 468
Schoeman, E. 107
Schultz, J.A. 244
Schwartz, S. 312
Schwindaman, D.F. 375
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (Washington, D.C.) 90
Scott, Fredric Winthrop, 277
Scruggs, S.L. 252
Segrest, M. 34, 35
Senn, Ursula 450
Serpell, J.A. 132, 279
Sethi, O.P. 223
Shalev, M. 146
Shapiro, K.J. 449
Shille, V. 252
Shires, P.K. 152
Shively, M.J. 421
Shofer, F.S. 429
Shull, R.M. 114, 185
Shupe, W.L. 381
Shuster, L. 456
Sidor, M.A. 414
Sigg, H. 309
Silva, A.C. 8
Silverman, J. 264, 469
Slater, M.R. 147
Slusser, P.G. 205
Smalley, A. 356
Smith, C. 137
Smith, C.K. 323
Smith, G.K. 42, 313
Smith, J.C. 48
Smith, J.N. 381
Snow, D.H. 101
Soghikian, G.W. 373
Soley, J.T. 398
Solomon, T.E. 282, 283, 343
Sosa-Pineda, B. 114
Souza, L.M. 200
Spencer, A. 336
Spielman, A. 263
Spurgeon, T.L. 125
Stein, G.E. 396
Stenmans, Georg, 461
Stephens, D. 183
Stevens, C. 167, 240
Stewart, J. 399
Stoltzfus, L.J. 114
Storb, R. 275
Strain, G.M. 308
Strand, P.L. 339
Striler, E.L. 17
Stromberg, P.C. 469
Strunin, L. 221
Stur, I. 249
Sturla, K. 386
Stuttard, E. 101
Summers, R.W. 102
Sumner-Smith, G. 384
Sundberg, J.P. 144
Sureau, P. 385
Sutherland, M. 137
Svalastoga, E. 182
Swango, L.J. 32
Swenson, C.L. 469
Tangner, C.H. 421
Tannenbaum, J. 219
Taphorn, C. 83
Tarasantchi, J. 8
Taylor, R.A. 306
Tedford, B.L. 308
Teichner, M. 415
Tello, M. 230
Temple, W. 325
Tenney, J.B. 95
Teplow, D.B. 114
Theran, P. 181
Thinus-Blanc, C. 43
Thomson, K. 142
Thorne, C. 470
Thorne, C.J. 179
Thorsen, Peter 383
Thrusfield, M.V. 237, 238, 239
Tinlin, S.J. 64
Tobler, I. 309
Todd, K.S. Jr 206
Toombs, J.P. 430
Torop, E. 137
Torrance, A.G. 269
Torre, E. 230
Tufts University, Center for Animals and Public Policy 158
Turk, M.A.M. 152
Turner, J. 413
Turnwald, G.H. 152
Turrentine, M.A. 229
Twardock, A.R. 452
Ueland, K. 395
United States, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services
United States. General Accounting Office 30
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare 169
University of Wisconsin--Madison, Research Animal Resources Center 383
Vaillancourt, D. 388
Valerio, D.A. 404
Van Etten, J. 214
Vanderlip, J.E. 406, 407
Vanderlip, S.L. 406, 407
Vandevelde, M. 82
Vasil'ev, N.V. 105
Velez, W. 260
Vetter, J.C.M. 107
Vincent, I.C. 118, 348
Vincenzi, F.F. 261, 328
Vingerhoed, J. 107
Virat, M. 5
Voith, V. 164
Voith, V.L. 10, 38, 49, 52, 175, 176, 177, 209, 231, 232, 233, 287, 292, 362,
Voith, Victoria L. 6
Vriends, Matthew M., 387
Wagberg, T.I. 134
Walker, D.H. 91
Walker, R.D. 113, 396
Wallace, D.H. 206
Wallerstrom, B.I. 134
Wallig, M.A. 206
Wang, C. 250
Watterson, R.M. 440
Wauters, H.W. 107
Weisbrod, K.A. 454
Weiss, D.J. 274
Whalen, L.R. 125
White, R.A.S. 109
White, S.D. 311, 456
Whittick, William G. 87
Wilcock, B.P. 45, 307
Wilkie, D.A. 469
Williams, J. 425
Williams, J.L. 251, 427, 474
Williamson, H.A. 451
Willis, M.B. 67
Wilson, A.K. 426
Wilson, M.L. 263
Withrow, S.J. 334
Witten, M.L. 286
Wolfe, T.L. 346
Wood, M. 70
Woodruff, R.A. 4
Wright, J.C. 75, 292
Wright, R.P. 299
Yager, J.A. 45
Young, C.A. 460
Young, M.S. 9
Youngquist, R.S. 218, 388
Youssef, F.G. 236
Zurbriggen, A. 82
Abend, P. 16
Abercromby, R.H. 453
Abrantes, R.A.B. 228
Acre, K.E. Sr 206
Action 81 Inc 151, 357, 438
Action 81 Inc._publisher 437
Adams, G.J. 149, 401
Adams, T. 17
Adkins, T.O. 320
Aitken, C.G.G. 237, 238, 239
Ali, I. 260
Allebban, Z. 200
Allen, L.M. 217
ALPO Pet Center 88, 170
Alpo Pet Center 235
Althaus, T. 139
Althouse, G.C. 216
American Animal Hospital Association, ALPO Pet Center 161
American College of Toxicology, Meeting_1990 :_Orlando, Fla.),Production Plus,
Inc 97
American Kennel Club 12, 13, 14, 15, 122, 247
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 37
American Veterinary Medical Association 472
Amity, R. 23
Anand, K.K. 223
Anchel, Marjorie 329
Anderson, D.M. 381
Anderson, J.R. 210
Anderson, J.W. 255
Anderson, R.K. 214
Anderson, R.S. 476
Angleton, G.M. 447
Appel, M. 85
Arguello, S. 334
Arkow, P. 21, 22
Arluke, A. 130
Armstrong, R.B. 281
Arnold, C.E. 278
Ashmead, D.H. 140
Austad, S.N. 435
Avanzino, R. 337
Badertscher, R.R. II 452
Bairacli-Levy, Juliette de 123, 123
Ballarini, G. 27
Balsamo, G.A. 152
Barnes, Duncan 13
Barr, F. 318
Barr, S.C. 111, 394
Baskerville, M. 70
Bates, W. 40
Bauer, M.S. 430
Bauer, R.W. 145
Bauman, Diane L. 60
Baylis, J.R. 285
Beale, K.M. 121
Beatty, W.W. 399
Bebiak, D.M. 321
Beck, A.M. 215
Beemsterboer, J.M. 205
Beier, J.C. 236
Beilharz, R.G. 180, 276
Bekoff, M. 412
Bell, G.M. 370
Benjamin, S.A. 447
Benoit, E. 5
Beran, G.W. 31
Bergin, B. 403, 405
Bergler, Reinhold, 301
Besch, E.L. 213
Biery, D.N. 313
Biewener, A.A. 373
Binn, L.N. 85
Bishop, Gerald, 168
Bjotvedt, G. 366
Bjurstrom, L. 298
Blackshaw, J.K. 40, 157, 159, 330
Bleby, John 168
Bloomberg, M.S. 207, 252, 382
Blythe, L.L. 199
Boddie, R. 208
Boggie, L.C. 125
Bolin, S.E. 192
Bolon, B. 104
Bolton, C.H. 344
Bonnett, B.N. 147
Boone, T. 222
Boone, T.C. 200
Boothe, H.W. 432
Borchelt, P.L. 10, 51, 164, 175, 177, 209, 231, 232, 233, 287, 362
Borg, J.A.M. van der 58
Boscato, U. 103
Bostock, D.E. 109
Bouchard, G. 218, 388
Bourhy, H. 385
Bower, J. 135
Boyer, W.N. 193
Bramham, D. 40
Brant, K. 99
Braun, W.F. 218
Breitschwerdt, E.B. 91
Bremner, K.J. 325
Briggs, H. 302
Brisbin, I.L. Jr 435
British Small Animal Veterinary Association 303
Britt, B.A. 92
Britz, W.E. Jr 69
Brock, K.V. 185
Bronson, R. 433
Brosseau, L.D. 64
Brown, C.K. 102
Brown, S.A. 310
Brownlie, S.E. 453
Brugger, M. 82
Buckingham, W. 221
Budsberg, S.C. 396
Buergelt, C.D. 145
Buhot-Averseng, M.C. 43
Bunton, T.E. 110
Burghardt, W.F. Jr 459
Burrows, C.F. 84
Calderwood Mays, M.B. 104
Caldwell, F.L. 95
Callahan, G. 200
Calpin, J.P. 278, 281
Campbell, S. 190, 198
Campbell, S.A. 194, 409
Campbell, W.E. 11, 203, 204, 212, 288, 296, 350, 351
Campbell, William E. 46
Capkanis, M.C. 263
Caras, R. 324
Carmack, B.J. 473
Carricato, Annette M. 465
Carroll, T. 404
Case, D.B. 68, 173, 363
Cassidy, B.A. 355
Cavanagh, Rod 39
Cerretelli, P. 93
Chandler, M.L. 271
Chapman, B.L. 52
Chapman, L.L. 217
Chapman, M.J. 217
Chester, Z. 129
Christopher, M.M. 274
Church, A. 467
Church, D.B. 258
Cipra, Mathias 359
Clark, B. 218
Clark, G.I. 193
Clark, J.D. 278, 281, 380
Clark, S.R.L. 253
Clark, W.T. 129
Clifford, D.H. 34, 35, 440
Clifton, R.K. 140
Cloud, D.F. 477
Cobb, M.A. 453
Cockshutt, J. 147
Codner, E.C. 189
Coile, D.C. 48
Colter, S.B. 124
Coman, B.J. 408
Conaway, D.H. 110
Concannon, P.W. 218
Cook, G.E. 40
Cooper, A.G. 80
Copland, V.S. 332
Coppinger, L. 136, 367
Coppinger, R. 136, 137
Coppinger, R.P. 323
Cornick, J.L. 94
Court, M.H. 341, 456
Cox, H.U. 152
Craig, A.M. 199
Crank, S. 416
Crispin, S.M. 344
Crittall, J.L.W. 448
Crompton, A.W. 373
Crotti, D. 103
Crowe, D.T. Jr 241
Crowell-Davis, S. 310
Crowell-Davis, S.L. 273, 418
Curtis, B. 91
Daba, S. 236
Daniel, G.B. 452
Daniels, T.J. 412, 423
Danneman, P.J. 292
Dardenne, M. 431
Davis, J.H. 349
Davis, P.E. 258
Day, C. 40
Deeb, B.J. 424
Deeg, H.J. 275
Delatour, P. 5
Delude, L.A. 2
Dement, W.C. 250
Dennis, M.B. Jr 454
Dennis, R. 428
Dennis, V.A. 394
Desplanches, D. 195
Deutsche Veterinarmedizinische Gesellschaft. Fachgruppe
"Tierschutzrecht und
Gerichtliche Veterinarmedizin." Tagung (1991 : Univ. Hohenheim) 439
Dhein, C.R. 262
Dial, S.M. 259
DiGiacomo, R.F. 424
Diop, S. 178
Dixon, R. 456
Dlott, B. 114
Dodman, N.H. 433, 456
Dong, W.K. 454
Donoghue, S. 147
Donovan, C.S. 478
Downey, R.L. 320
Downs, L.G. 344
Draper, D.D. 83
Dugan, S.J. 452
Dunayer, E. 133
Dunayer, J. 133
Dunbar, I. 257
Dunn, J.K. 428
Durham, R.A. 17
Dyson, D.H. 120
Dziezyc, J. 187
Eaton, K.A. 469
Eckerlin, A. 7, 59
Eder-Mulhane, A. 475
Edney, A.T.B. 304
Edwards, P. 310
Eisenberg, F.B. 41
El Said, K.R. 305
El Said, S.M. 236
El Sawaf, B.M. 236
Elchlepp, C.A. 454
Elliott, M.E. 92
Elliott, Rachel Page 174
Ellis, A. 93
Emerson, C.L. 261
Erb, H.N. 147
Ettinger, Stephen J. 436
Evans, Job Michael 224
Evans, L.E. 216
Fabrigoule, C. 422
Faggella, A.M. 119
Falecka-Wieczorek, I. 183
Fantasia, M. 103
Farrow, C.S. 457
Favier, R.J. 195
Felsburg, P.J. 429
Feltz, P. 317
Ferguson, I. 138
Fettman, M.J. 243, 271
Filiatre, J.C. 7, 56, 59
Fisher, J.W. 188
Flandrois 195
Flatt, A. 102
Flecknell, P.A. 451
Fluke, J. 340
Fogle, Bruce 171
Font, E. 411
Fontaine, C.M. 431
Forbes, W.D. 214
Foster, T.M. 325
Fournel, C. 415, 431
Fowler, J.S.L. 370
Fox, M.W. 77
Frank, L.A. 121
Freire, E. 8
French, R.A. 206
Frost, Patricia 81
Fudin, C.E. 319
Fussell, A.L. 453
Gage, M.G. 284
Gagnon, A.C. 7
Gaiser, C. 250
Gandy, D. 142
Garnier, F. 5
Garrett, W. 24
Gavin, T.A. 263
Gay, W.I. 156
Gettler, L. 136
Giles, A.R. 64
Gillet, N.A. 112
Gilmartin, J.E. 217
Gilot, B. 178
Gisolfi, C.V. 102
Glendinning, J. 137
Gliatto, J. 433
Glickman, L.T. 429
Glickman, N. 430
Goddard, M.E. 180, 276
Goldman, M. 300
Goldschmidt, M.H. 146
Goldsmid, J.M. 142
Goodfellow, K.G. 96
Gorham, J.R. 262
Gossett, K.A. 111
Goullaud, E.J. 205
Grad, R. 286
Grandage, J. 149
Grandjean, D. 322
Grant, T.R. 57
Gray, P.R. 205
Greaves, P. 336
Greco, D.S. 271
Green, J.S. 4
Green, K.A. 440
Green, R.W. 421
Greenblatt, D.J. 341
Greenwood, P. 64
Greenwood, R. 64
Gregor, T.P. 313
Grice, J. 89
Griffin, H.E. 409
Griffith, W.C. 443
Grognet, J. 246
Grumet, F.C. 250
Guay, P. 388
Guilleminault, C. 250
Gulati, O.D. 223
Guntzelman, J. 352
Hagebock, J.M. 31
Hahn, A.W. 229
Hahn, F.F. 443
Hahn, K.A. 86
Haley, P.J. 443
Halip, J. 417
Hall, B.J. 104
Halverson, D. 240
Hammond, W.P. 328
Hammond, W.R. 261
Hancock, Judith M. 245
Hand, Michael S. 402
Handler, Barbara S. 347
Hanrahan, L.A. 32
Hardegg, W. 196
Harding, P. 40
Harri, M. 184, 202
Harris, R.C. 101
Harrison, L.R. 145
Hart, B.L. 33, 50, 53, 197, 391, 405
Hart, Benjamin L. 76, 335
Hart, L.A. 391, 403, 405
Hart, Lynette A. 76, 335
Hartsfield, S.M. 94
Haskins, S.C. 332
Hauptman, J. 110
Hawdon, J.M. 148, 397
Hawkins, B.J. 254
Hegstad, R.L. 201
Helouin, C.M. 152
Henry, D.P. 119
Hepper, P.G. 400
Hetts, S. 278, 360
Hewett, J.E. 186
Hinds, T.R. 261, 328
Hitzelberg, Richard 44, 295
Hogan, H.A. 432
Holden, C. 62, 127
Homes, J. 126
Hoogendoorn, H. 64
Hooper, L. 114
Hopkins, S.M. 216
Houlton, J.E.F. 428
Houpt, K.A. 78, 115, 234, 419
Houpt, T.R. 419
Hubert, B. 415
Hubrecht, R.C. 132
Hugh-Jones, M.E. 152
Hughes, H.C. 190, 198, 409
Hulet, C.V. 381
Hulse, D.A. 432
Hunthausen, W.L. 100
Hutchison, J. 364
Idowu, A.L. 191
Ignaszewski, L.A. 84
Ilkiw, J.E. 258
Janice C. Swanson, Ph.D, Animal Welfare Information Center 226
Japan, Sorifu, Naikaku Sori Daijin Kambo, Kanrishitsu, Nihon
Juishikai 291
Jennings, D.B. 255
Jessup, D. 165
Johnson, C.A. 113, 205
Johnson, G.S. 229
Johnson, J.M. 462, 463
Johnson, K.G. 401
Johnson, S.E. 469
Johnson, S.G. 432
Johnston, D.E. 434
Johnston, S.D. 201, 314
Jones, J.B. 185
Jones, R.D. 458
Jungi, T.W. 82
Kaciuba-Usciko, H. 183
Kaderly, R.E. 147
Kalogeris, T.J. 282, 283, 343
Kalow, B.I. 92
Kansas State University, Audio Visual Resource Center, Kansas State
University, College of Veterinary Medicine 256
Katcher, A.H. 342
Kawalek, J.C. 305
Kay, D. 150
Kearney, M.T. 152
Keller, G.G. 420
Kenawy, M.A. 236
Kenndey, K. 91
Kenney, C. 190
Kenney, H. 211
Kenney, M.J. 102
Kenney, T. 211
Kern, Kerry V. 387
Khoreva, S.A. 105
Kidd, A.H. 390
Kidd, R.M. 390
Kilgour, R. 325
Kinetic, Inc, Walter J. Klein Company, Humane Society of the United
States 315
King, M. 91, 442
Kirchner, B.K. 414
Klei, T.R. 111, 394
Klide, A.M. 3
Klinghammer, Erich, 128
Klip, A. 92
Knapp, D.W. 86, 186
Kociba, G.J. 469
Korhonen, H. 184, 202, 377
Kowalik-Borowka, E. 183
Kowalski, J.J. 358
Kozlowski, S. 183
Krakowka, S. 211
Krasney, J.A. 93
Krause, G.F. 388
Krawiec, D.R. 452
Kronfeld, D.S. 320
Krulisch, Lee 90
Kuhn, G. 196
Kullberg, J.F. 316
Kunkle, G.A. 121
Kwochka, K.W. 358
Laboratory Animal Training Association 267
Ladiges, W.C. 275
Laforge, M.L. 178
Lagergren, C.H. 134
Lagoni, L.S. 334
Landi, M.S. 409
Landsberg, G. 464
Landsberg, G.M. 141, 153
Langeloh, G. 136
Lappin, M. 418
Lapras, M. 431
Lassen, E.D. 199
Laster, L.L. 429
Latham, J. 318
Lawler, D.F. 321
Leadon, D.P. 376
Lee, A.C. 447
Lemen, R.J. 286
Lesser, A.S. 71
Levy, M. 91
Lewis, Lon D. 402
Liles, J.H. 451
Linde-Forsberg, C. 298
Line, S. 176
Litwin, T.S. 263
Lockwood, R. 36
Loeffler, Klause, 439
Lore, R.K. 41
Lorenz, J. 136
Lorenz, J.R. 367, 372
Lothrop, C.D. 200
Lovett, M. 250
Luescher, A. 79, 98, 131
Luescher, U.A. 417
Lundgren, Edward 44, 295
MacArthur, J.A. 155
MacDonald, K.H. 396
Machum, M. 131, 392
MacKay, C.A. 466
Mackenzie, S.A. 78, 244
Maclean, D.C. 263
Maddux, J.M. 200
Mader, B. 403
Madsen, J.S. 182
Maggio-Price, L. 261, 328
Maggitti, P. 389
Magnuson-Martinson, S. 284
Magoc, T.J. 414
Malcolm, T. 310
Mallon, F.M. 409
Mann, F.A. 421
Mansour, N.S. 236
Marconi, C. 93
Marder, A.R. 18, 266, 361
Marder, Amy R. 6
Marder, L.R. 266
Markwell, P.J. 179
Martini, A. 103
Mason, M.J. 112
Mass, H. 260
Mateo, J.M. 278
Mathews, S.L. 74
Mathey, W.S. 421
Matthay, C. 137
Matthews, L.R. 325
May, K. 208
McCaw, D.L. 186
McConnell, P.B. 1, 285, 297
McCrave, E.A. 143
McDonald, B. 93
McEwen, Peter 169
McGrath, C.J. 189
McKelvie, D.H. 286
McKeown, D. 79, 98, 131
McKeown, D.B. 417
McLaughlin, R.N. 92
Meaney, M.J. 399
Mehlhorn, Birgit, 248
Mehlhorn, Heinz 248
Mench, Joy A. 90
Mendel, V.E. 282, 283
Menon, K. 114
Meuten, D.J. 91
Michell, A.R. 118, 348
Mignot, E. 250
Milani, Myrna M. 66
Miller, L. 323
Miller, M.F. 53
Millichamp, N.J. 187
Millot, J.L. 7, 56, 59
Mingrone, M.G. 103
Mishu, L. 200
Mitchener, K.L. 26, 220
Miyabayashi, T. 353
Moazed, T.C. 424
Monier, J.C. 415, 431
Monson, W.J. 327
Montagner, H. 7
Montano Hirose, J.A. 385
Moore, D. 378
Morgan, J.P. 353
Morgan, K.B. 410
Morgan, Ronald L. 97
Morris, J.L. 268
Morris, Mark L._1934- 402
Moskowitz, S.M. 114
Moulton, J.E. 300
MTM Associates 44
Mugford, R.A. 280
Muggenburg, B.A. 112, 443
Muirhead, R.H. 237, 238, 239
Mullen, S. 19
Mullins, E. 376
Murray, L.W. 381
Myers, L.J. 32, 208, 441, 455
Myles, S. 406, 407, 445
Nachreiner, R. 110, 269
Nassar, R. 340
Nazar, K. 183
Neer, T.M. 272
Nelson, J.K. 432
Netto, W.J. 58
Neufeld, E.F. 114
New York State Humane Association 329
Newell, D.G. 70
Newton, C.M. 70
Nikula, K.J. 447
Nolan, J. 453
North American Wildlife Park Fo undation 128
Nurminen, L. 202
Nusbaum, K.E. 32
O'Brien, P.J. 92, 227
O'Farrell, V. 54, 55, 331
O'Farrell, Valerie 303, 354
O'Neill, Charles A. T. 14
O'Neill, S. 65
Obradovich, J.E. 222
Ochoa, R. 5
Oettle, E.E. 398
Ogilvie, G.K. 222
Oglesbee, M.J. 211
Oliver, J.E. 418
Olsen, J.W. 187
Olson, P.N. 207, 314
Oltenacu, E.A.B. 78
Osborne, C.A. 63
Oswald, M. 379
Overall, K.L. 72, 73, 368, 369
Owren, T. 446
Padgett, G.A. 110
Palazzolo, D.L. 345
Paradis, M. 388
Paragon, B.M. 322
Parker, A.J. 47
Parker, D. 456
Parker, T. 246
Pasternak, D.M. 201
Patterson, R.H. 42
Patz, J.D. 332
Paul, A.J. 206
Payton, A.J. 429
Pechman, R.D. 152
Peiffer, R.L. Jr 307
Pekow, C.A. 328
Pendergast, D.R. 93
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals 162
Pequignot, J.M. 195
Perry, F.W. 95
Petrites-Murphy, M.B. 188
Pettifer, G.R. 120
Peyrin, L. 195
Phillips, Jere 44, 295
Phillips, S. 365
Picarro, I.C. 8
Pierce, K.R. 188
Pike, C. 334
Planta, D.J.U. 58
Plue, R.E. 206
Podberscek, A.L. 157
Pollitz, C.H. 48
Polsky, R.H. 116, 154
Pook, H.A. 92
Pool, R.R. 353
Poole, T.B. 132
Port, C.D. 414
Potgieter, L.N.D. 185
Powell, K.L. 33
Powers, B.E. 222
Pratt, Paul W. 46
Prescott-Mathews, J.S. 308
Proscurshim, P. 8
Prostredny, J.M. 430
Pucak, G. 404
Pugh, R. 441
Puglisi, T.A. 421
Quadri, S.K. 345
Quan, S.F. 286
Quimby, F.W. 217
Quine, J.P. 221
Quisenberry, D. 106
Raff, R.F. 275
Rains, E.E. 410
Rand, J.S. 227
Randle, T. 431
Rattazzi, C. 250
Rawlings, C.A. 28
Rech, R.H. 17
Reed, D. 61, 160, 293, 338
Reese, E.P. 140
Reidelberger, R.D. 282, 283, 343
Reutzel, L.F. 321
Richardson, R.C. 86
Richter, M.A. 17
Riegger, M.H. 352
Rindy, K. 36
Riser, Wayne H. 161
Robinson, E.P. 119
Robinson, J.L. 408
Roe, D.J. 471
Rogers, D.W. 95
Romig, D.W. 371
Rose, J. 40
Rose, R.J. 382
Rosenblatt, L.S. 300
Ross, L.H. 265
Rosser, E.J. 396
Rowan, A.N. 425, 426
Rowsell, H.C. 374
Ruben, Z. 414
Ruff, A.J. 25
Rush, R.I. 108
Russell, W.L. 119
Russo, A.K. 8
Sales, G.D. 471
Salisbury, S.K. 430
Salmeri, K.R. 207, 252
Salmuth, Kai-W.v. 270
Samuelson, Marvin L. 256
Santiago, O. 260
Savant, R.L. 272
Sawyer, D.C. 17
Scarlett, J.M. 147
Schad, G.A. 148, 397
Scherba, G. 468
Schoeman, E. 107
Schultz, J.A. 244
Schwartz, S. 312
Schwindaman, D.F. 375
Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (Washington, D.C.) 90
Scott, Fredric Winthrop, 277
Scruggs, S.L. 252
Segrest, M. 34, 35
Senn, Ursula 450
Serpell, J.A. 132, 279
Sethi, O.P. 223
Shalev, M. 146
Shapiro, K.J. 449
Shille, V. 252
Shires, P.K. 152
Shively, M.J. 421
Shofer, F.S. 429
Shull, R.M. 114, 185
Shupe, W.L. 381
Shuster, L. 456
Sidor, M.A. 414
Sigg, H. 309
Silva, A.C. 8
Silverman, J. 264, 469
Slater, M.R. 147
Slusser, P.G. 205
Smalley, A. 356
Smith, C. 137
Smith, C.K. 323
Smith, G.K. 42, 313
Smith, J.C. 48
Smith, J.N. 381
Snow, D.H. 101
Soghikian, G.W. 373
Soley, J.T. 398
Solomon, T.E. 282, 283, 343
Sosa-Pineda, B. 114
Souza, L.M. 200
Spencer, A. 336
Spielman, A. 263
Spurgeon, T.L. 125
Stein, G.E. 396
Stenmans, Georg, 461
Stephens, D. 183
Stevens, C. 167, 240
Stewart, J. 399
Stoltzfus, L.J. 114
Storb, R. 275
Strain, G.M. 308
Strand, P.L. 339
Striler, E.L. 17
Stromberg, P.C. 469
Strunin, L. 221
Stur, I. 249
Sturla, K. 386
Stuttard, E. 101
Summers, R.W. 102
Sumner-Smith, G. 384
Sundberg, J.P. 144
Sureau, P. 385
Sutherland, M. 137
Svalastoga, E. 182
Swango, L.J. 32
Swenson, C.L. 469
Tangner, C.H. 421
Tannenbaum, J. 219
Taphorn, C. 83
Tarasantchi, J. 8
Taylor, R.A. 306
Tedford, B.L. 308
Teichner, M. 415
Tello, M. 230
Temple, W. 325
Tenney, J.B. 95
Teplow, D.B. 114
Theran, P. 181
Thinus-Blanc, C. 43
Thomson, K. 142
Thorne, C. 470
Thorne, C.J. 179
Thorsen, Peter 383
Thrusfield, M.V. 237, 238, 239
Tinlin, S.J. 64
Tobler, I. 309
Todd, K.S. Jr 206
Toombs, J.P. 430
Torop, E. 137
Torrance, A.G. 269
Torre, E. 230
Tufts University, Center for Animals and Public Policy 158
Turk, M.A.M. 152
Turner, J. 413
Turnwald, G.H. 152
Turrentine, M.A. 229
Twardock, A.R. 452
Ueland, K. 395
United States, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary
Services 29
United States. General Accounting Office 30
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare 169
University of Wisconsin--Madison, Research Animal Resources Center
Vaillancourt, D. 388
Valerio, D.A. 404
Van Etten, J. 214
Vanderlip, J.E. 406, 407
Vanderlip, S.L. 406, 407
Vandevelde, M. 82
Vasil'ev, N.V. 105
Velez, W. 260
Vetter, J.C.M. 107
Vincent, I.C. 118, 348
Vincenzi, F.F. 261, 328
Vingerhoed, J. 107
Virat, M. 5
Voith, V. 164
Voith, V.L. 10, 38, 49, 52, 175, 176, 177, 209, 231, 232, 233, 287, 292, 362,
Voith, Victoria L. 6
Vriends, Matthew M., 387
Wagberg, T.I. 134
Walker, D.H. 91
Walker, R.D. 113, 396
Wallace, D.H. 206
Wallerstrom, B.I. 134
Wallig, M.A. 206
Wang, C. 250
Watterson, R.M. 440
Wauters, H.W. 107
Weisbrod, K.A. 454
Weiss, D.J. 274
Whalen, L.R. 125
White, R.A.S. 109
White, S.D. 311, 456
Whittick, William G. 87
Wilcock, B.P. 45, 307
Wilkie, D.A. 469
Williams, J. 425
Williams, J.L. 251, 427, 474
Williamson, H.A. 451
Willis, M.B. 67
Wilson, A.K. 426
Wilson, M.L. 263
Withrow, S.J. 334
Witten, M.L. 286
Wolfe, T.L. 346
Wood, M. 70
Woodruff, R.A. 4
Wright, J.C. 75, 292
Wright, R.P. 299
Yager, J.A. 45
Young, C.A. 460
Young, M.S. 9
Youngquist, R.S. 218, 388
Youssef, F.G. 236
Zurbriggen, A. 82
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