ISSN: 1052-5378
![]() Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of HorsesProvided by the Animal Welfare
Information Center
January 1988 - January 1994
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305 citations from AGRICOLA
Cynthia Petrie Smith
Animal Welfare Information Center
April 1994
National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:
Smith, Cynthia Petrie
Housing, husbandry, and welfare of horses.
(Quick bibliography series ; 94-22)
1. Horses--Bibliography. 2. Horses--Housing--Bibliography.
3. Horses--Handling--Bibliography. I. Title.
aZ5071.N3 no.94-22
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Citations in this bibliography were entered in the AGRICOLA database between January 1979 and the present.
Citations in this bibliography are from the National Agricultural Library's AGRICOLA database. An explanation of sample journal article, book, and audiovisual citations appears below.
Citation # NAL Call No.
Article title.
Author. Place of publication: Publisher. Journal Title.
Date. Volume (Issue). Pages. (NAL Call Number).
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL 389.8.SCH6
Morrison, S.B. Denver, Colo.: American School Food Service
Association. School foodservice journal. Sept 1987. v. 41
(8). p.48-50. ill.
Citation # NAL Call Number
Author. Place of publication: Publisher, date. Information
on pagination, indices, or bibliographies.
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL RM218.K36 1987
Exploring careers in dietetics and nutrition.
Kane, June Kozak. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1987.
Includes index. xii, 133 p.: ill.; 22 cm. Bibliography:
p. 126.
Citation # NAL Call Number
Author. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
Supplemental information such as funding. Media format
(i.e., videocassette): Description (sound, color, size).
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL FNCTX364.A425 F&N AV
All aboard the nutri-train.
Mayo, Cynthia. Richmond, Va.: Richmond Public Schools,
1981. NET funded. Activity packet prepared by Cynthia
Mayo. 1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. +
activity packet.
Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Horses
January 1988 - January 1994
Set Items Description
S5 1024 S1 AND (S2 OR S3 OR S4)
S7 1365 S1 AND (S6 OR S3 OR S4)
S8 1359 S7 NOT SH=L001
S9 409 S8 AND PY=(1988 OR 1989 OR 1990 OR 1991 OR 1992 OR 1993 OR
Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Horses
1 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
The 24-hour time budget of Przewalski horses.
Boyd, L.E.; Carbonaro, D.A.; Houpt, K.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 5-17; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Animal behavior; Summer; Pastures; Time and
motion studies; Measurement; Methodology
2 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Acute exercise stress modulates immune function in unfit horses.
Keadle, T.L.; Pourciau, S.S.; Melrose, P.A.; Kammerling, S.G.; Horohov, D.W.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 Apr.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (4): p. 226-231; 1993 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Exercise; Immunology
3 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Aerial ammonia levels in horse stalls.
Lawrence, L.M.; Bump, K.D.; McLaren, D.G.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1988 Nov.
Equine practice v. 10 (10): p. 20-23. ill; 1988 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Stalls; Animal housing; Ammonia; Colorimetry; Air
4 NAL Call. No.: SF285.5.A55
L'alimentation des chevaux ouvrage collectif [Nutrition for horses].
Martin-Rosset, William
Paris : Institut national de la recherche agronomique,; 1990.
232 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 25 cm. + 2 feeding charts in back pocket.
(Techniques et pratiques). Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language: French
Descriptors: Horses; Feeding and feeds; Horses; Diseases
5 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Animal behavior and animal welfare.
Houpt, K.A.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1991 Apr15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 198 (8): p.
1355-1360. ill; 1991 Apr15. Paper presented at the "AVMA Animal Welfare
Forum: Enhancing Wellness in Animals and People," Nov. 9, 1990. Chicago,
Illinois. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Animal behavior; Determination; Behavior
patterns; Tests; Conditioning; Cats; Horses
6 NAL Call. No.: HV4711.A56 1989
Animal pain., 2nd ed.
Rollin, B.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall; 1989.
Animal rights and human obligations / edited by Tom Regan, Peter Singer. p.
60-65; 1989. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Animal welfare; Animal research;
Laboratory animals; Pain; Castration; Suxamethonium
7 NAL Call. No.: 412.9 N814
Animal welfare and wildlife management.
Schmidt, R.H.
Washington, D.C. : Wildlife Management Institute; 1989.
Transactions of the ... North American Wildlife and Natural Resources
Conference (54th): p. 468-475; 1989. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Animal welfare; Hunting; Interactions; Puma; Traps; Wild
horses and burros; Wildlife management
8 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Applied horse psychology.
Huff, A.N.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1988 Mar.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 8 (2): p. 182-185; 1988 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Feeding behavior; Social behavior;
Agonistic behavior; Maternal behavior
9 NAL Call. No.: SF170.D66 1991
Appropriate extension methods for equine users.
Fielding, D.
Edinburgh : Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine; 1991.
Donkeys, mules & horses in tropical agricultural development : proc of a
Colloquium organ by the Edinburgh School of Agric & the Cent for Trop Vet Med
of the Univ of Edinburgh & held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3rd-6th Sept 1990. p.
300-305; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Equidae; Working animals; Extension; Communication; Animal
10 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
An association between complete and incomplete stress fractures of the humerus
in racehorses.
Stover, S.M.; Johnson, B.J.; Daft, B.M.; Read, D.H.; Anderson, M.; Barr, B.C.;
Kinde, H.; Moore, J.; Stoltz, J.; Ardans, A.A.; Pool, R.R.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1992 Jul.
Equine veterinary journal v. 24 (4): p. 260-263; 1992 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Racehorses; Bone fractures; Humerus; Stress
11 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A53
Australian issues.
London : The Society; 1991.
Animal international - World Society for the Protection of Animals v. 11 (37):
p. 9-10; 1991.
Language: English
Descriptors: Australia; Kangaroos; Sheep; Animal welfare; Horses
12 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Basis for regulation of selenium supplements in animal diets.
Ullrey, D.E.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1992 Dec.
Journal of animal science v. 70 (12): p. 3922-3927; 1992 Dec. Presented in
part at a symposium entitled "Importance and Consequences of Selenium
Supplementation in Livestock Production," Laramie, WY. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal feeding; Selenium; Feed supplements; Nutritional muscular
dystrophy; Toxicity; Regulations; Nutrient requirements; Environmental impact;
Abstract: Selenium was discovered 174 yr ago but, until 1957, was given
little notice by biologists or was vilified as an agent that caused toxicity in
grazing ruminants and horses in the northern Great Plains. After its status as
an essential nutrient was established, Se received intense scrutiny, and
hundreds of papers have been published dealing with its metabolic functions and
the consequences of a Se deficiency. Because regions of Se deficiency are so
extensive in the United States, great efforts have been made to gain Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approval for Se supplementation of animal diets.
Initially, these efforts were thwarted by concern that Se might be
carcinogenic. After this concern was resolved, researchers established
supplemental Se levels that were efficacious, safe for animals, safe for
humans that eat animal products, and protective of the environment. First
approval of Se supplements was given in 1974 for supplementation of swine or
growing chicken diets at .1 ppm. Supplements for turkey diets were approved at
.2 ppm. Ultimately, in 1987, levels of supplemental Se in diets for chickens,
turkeys, ducks, swine, sheep, and cattle were approved at .3 ppm. However, FDA
regulations do not mention horses or zoo animals, and those who would ensure
the welfare of these species by supplementing Se-deficient diets may be in
violation of FDA interpretation of the law. In addition, the association of Se
with death and deformities in aquatic birds at the Kesterson Reservoir in
California has led to pressure on the FDA to reverse the 1987 amendments to the
feed additive regulation. However, there is no established connection between
Se supplementation of animal diets and the problems at the Kesterson Reservoir.
If all of the animals that can be legally supplemented with Se in the United
States were fed .3 ppm in their diets, the annual Se contribution to the
environment would be < .5% of that originating from other anthropogenic and
natural sources.
13 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Bedding material preferences of ponies.
Hunter, L.; Houpt, K.A.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1989 Aug.
Journal of animal science v. 67 (8): p. 1986-1991; 1989 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal housing; Floor coverings; Straw; Wood shavings;
Animal behavior
14 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
The behavior of horses in relation to management and training--towards
ethologically sound environments.
Kiley-Worthington, M.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1990 Jan.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 10 (1): p. 62-71; 1990 Jan.
Language: English
Descriptors: Behavior problems; Horses; Animal behavior; Vices; Feeding
behavior; Mating behavior; Group interaction; Tractability; Animal welfare;
Time allocation
15 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
The behavior of Przewalski's horses and its importance to their management.
Boyd, L.E.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Feb.
Applied animal behaviour science. p. 301-318; 1991 Feb. Paper presented at the
"Conference on Ungulate Behavior and Management," May 23-27, 1988, College
Station, Texas. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Animal behavior; Zoological gardens;
16 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Behavioral responses of mares to short-term confinement and social isolation.
Mal, M.E.; Friend, T.H.; Lay, D.C.; Vogelsang, S.G.; Jenkins, O.C.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Jul.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 31 (1/2): p. 13-24; 1991 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Animal behavior; Isolation; Pastures; Social behavior
17 NAL Call. No.: SF170.D66 1991
Behaviour, handling and training of equines for appropriate work.
Kiley-Worthington, M.
Edinburgh : Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine; 1991.
Donkeys, mules & horses in tropical agricultural development : proc of a
Colloquium organ by the Edinburgh School of Agric & the Cent for Trop Vet Med
of the Univ of Edinburgh & held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3rd-6th Sept 1990. p.
203-210; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Draft animals; Animal behavior; Training of animals
18 NAL Call. No.: SF281.F72 1992
The behaviour of the horse.
Fraser, Andrew Ferguson
Wallingford, Oxon, Ox, UK : CAB International,; 1992.
xvi, 288 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 264-278)
and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
19 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 Am3
Bilateral stress fractures of the tibia in a racing American Quarter Horse.
Peloso, J.G.; Watkins, J.P.; Keele, S.R.; Morris, E.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1993 Sep15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 203 (6): p. 801-805;
1993 Sep15. Includes commentaries by Gary M. Baxter and Gordon J. Baker.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Bone fractures; Tibia; Stresses; Case reports
20 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Body temperature and behaviour of mares during the last two weeks of
Shaw, E.B.; Houpt, K.A.; Holmes, D.F.
London : British Equine Veterinary Association; 1988 May.
Equine veterinary journal v. 20 (3): p. 199-202; 1988 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Body temperature; Behavior patterns; Gestation period;
Parturition; Prediction
21 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Body temperature fluctuations in the periparturient horse mare.
Cross, D.T.; Threlfall, W.R.; Kline, R.C.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1992 May.
Theriogenology v. 37 (5): p. 1041-1048; 1992 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Body temperature; Parturition; Telemetry; Postpartum
Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine the pattern of mare
deep body temperature fluctuations associated with parturition using
biotelemetry. A radio transmitter was implanted in one flank in each of six
mares. Telemetered data were received by a pair of antennae placed at right
angles in a 3.3 X 6.6-m stall and stored on a computer hard disk. Hourly
temperature data were recorded for the period of -168 through 168 hours post
partum. A decrease of 0.76 degrees C in body temperature began at 4 hours prior
to parturition (P < 0.1) then decreased rapidly between the 3 hours prior to
and the time of parturition (Time 0) . The lowest mean body
temperature recorded was at the time of parturition (36.58 +/- 0.16 degrees C;
P < 0.001). A supranormal increase in mean body temperature began one hour post
partum, peaked at 38.02 +/- 0.08 degrees C and remained elevated for 48 hours
post partum until gradually decreasing to the level of the prepartum mean by
106 hours.
22 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Buddies and bullies: social structure of a bachelor group of Przewalski
Tilson, R.L.; Sweeny, K.A.; Binczik, G.A.; Reindl, N.J.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 169-185; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Social structure; Stallions; Group behavior;
23 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N3C66
Care of the older horse.
Cirelli, A.A. Jr
Reno, Nev. : The College; 1988.
Fact sheet - College of Agriculture, University of Nevada-Reno, Nevada
Cooperative Extension (88-43): 3 p.; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Aging; Animal husbandry; Teeth
24 NAL Call. No.: Videocassette no.1318
Careers in the horse industry unbridled opportunities.. Unbridled
opportunities, careers in the horse industry Educational opportunities in the
horse industry
American Horse Council, American Youth Horse Council, Colorado State
University, Extension Horse Program
Washington, D.C. : Distributed by American Horse Council, [c1990?]; 1990. 1
videocassette (24 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. + 1 video lesson plan + 1
pamphlet. Title on container: Unbridled opportunities, careers in the horse
industry. Title on pamphlet: Educational opportunities in the horse industry.
"An American Horse Council/American Youth Horse Council joint project"--Video
lesson plan.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horse industry
Abstract: Designed for youth interested in horses who seek an awareness of the
careers and opportunities in the horse industry. Features interviews with
people in all aspects of the industry including trainers, veterinarians, sales
agents, advertisers, photographers, computer specialists, lawyers, and
25 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
A case of male infanticide in Equus przewalskii.
Ryder, O.A.; Massena, R.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 187-190; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Equus caballus przewalskii; Stallions; Aggressive behavior;
Newborn animals
26 NAL Call. No.: QL751.B4
Changes in herd stallions among feral horse bands and the absence of forced
copulation and induced abortion.
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Turner, J.W. Jr
Berlin, W. Ger. : Springer International; 1991.
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology v. 29 (3): p. 217-219; 1991. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Maryland; Virginia; Horses; Mating behavior; Stallions;
Copulation; Induced abortion; Feral herds; Islands
27 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Changes in the social behaviour of drafthorse (Equus caballus) mares
coincident with foaling.
Estep, D.Q.; Crowell-Davis, S.L.; Earl-Costello, S.A.; Beatey, S.A.
Amsterdam ; New York : Elsevier, 1984-; 1993 Jan.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 35 (3): p. 199-213; 1993 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Draft animals; Social dominance; Agonistic behavior;
Foaling; Postpartum period
28 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Characteristics of stallions in novel and in routine semen collection sites,
with or without restraint.
Ionata, L.M.; Pickett, B.W.; Heird, J.C.; Lehner, P.N.; Squires, E.L.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991 Dec.
Theriogenology v. 36 (6): p. 913-921; 1991 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Semen; Collection; Restraint of animals; Pens; Sheds
Abstract: To evaluate effects of semen collection in a routine collection shed
and in an outside pen, with or without a restraint, on stallion semen
characteristics, twenty-six 3 to 21 year-old stallions were randomly assigned
to one of four treatments over two experimental periods (May 17 to 24 and June
13 to 20), 20 days apart. Semen was collected from Group I stallions in a
collection shed and with the use of a restraint, from Group II stallions in an
outside pen along with a restraint, from Group III in a collection shed and
without a restraint, and from Group IV in an outside pen and without a
restraint. Stallions were on a once, every-other-day semen collection schedule
prior to and during the experiment. Gel semen volume was higher (P<0.05; 18 vs
14 ml) while the number of spermatozoa per ejaculate was lower (P<0.05; 8.1 vs
9.3 X 10(9)) for Groups I and III vs Groups II and IV semen collections,
respectively. Spermatozoa/ejaculate was higher (P<0.05; 9.1 vs 8.2 X 10(9))
while pH was lower (P<0.05; 7.46 vs 7.57) for restrained vs unrestrained
stallion semen collections, respectively. Gel semen volume was higher (P<0.05;
19 vs 14 ml) while pH was lower (P<0.05; 7.41 vs 7.58) for Period 2 vs Period 1
semen collections, respectively. There were significant (P<0.05) first-order
period X restraint interactions for gel-free and total semen volumes and for
spermatozoa per ejaculate.
29 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Chemical restraint and analgesia in the horse.
Geiser, D.R.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Dec.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (3): p.
495-512; 1990 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Draft animals; Anesthetics; Anesthesia; Neuroleptics;
Restraint of animals; Chloral hydrate; Opioids; Analgesics; Promazine;
Xylazine; Diazepam; Morphine; Pethidine
30 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Chemical restraint and general anesthesia in the draft horse.
Geiser, D.R.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (35th): p. 461-472; 1989. Meeting held December 3-6 1989,
Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Draft animals; Anesthesia; Anesthetics; Restraint of
31 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Chemical restraint for surgery in the standing horse.
LeBlanc, P.H.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1991 Dec.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 7 (3): p.
521-533; 1991 Dec. In the series analytic: Standing surgery / edited by
Alicia L. Bertone. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Restraint of animals; Neuroleptics; Drugs; Opium; Drug
32 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47 v.6 no.2
Clinical nutrition.
Hintz, Harold Franklin,
Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Co.,; 1990.
viii, 281-483 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. (The Veterinary clinics of North America.
Equine practice, v. 6, no. 2). August 1990. Includes index. Includes
bibliographical references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
33 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Clinical nutrition of adult horses.
Ralston, S.L.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Aug.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (2): p.
339-354; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrition; Clinical nutrition; Therapeutic diets; Trauma;
Gastrointestinal diseases; Liver diseases; Renal failure; Geriatrics;
Cardiovascular diseases
34 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
A clinical perspective on lameness originating in the carpus.
Bramlage, L.R.; Schneider, R.K.; Gabel, A.A.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1992.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (37): p. 771-778; 1992. Meeting held December 1-4, 1991, San
Francisco, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Lameness; Carpus; Stresses
35 NAL Call. No.: HV4708.C6
Code of practice for the guidance of operators of horse, pony and donkey
markets, sales and fairs.. Code of practice
Great Britain, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Great Britain,
Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, Great Britain, Welsh Office,
Agriculture Dept
Hook Rise, Surbiton, Surrey : Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ;
Edingburgh : Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland ; Aberystwyth,
Dyfed : Welsh Office Agriculture Dept., [1989?]; 1989.
1 v. (unpaged) ; 21 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Livestock; Marketing
36 NAL Call. No.: HV4733.C6
Code of practice on the care of farm animals and horses during their transport
on roll-on/roll-0ff ferries.. Code of practice
Great Britain, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Great Britain,
Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, Great Britain, Welsh Office,
Agriculture Dept
Tolworth, Surbiton, Surrey : Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food ;
Edinburgh : Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland ; Cardiff : Welsh
Office Agriculture Dept., [1989?]; 1989.
1 v. (unpaged) ; 21 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Domestic animals; Transportation; Animal welfare
37 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Cold housing effects on growth and nutrient demand of young horses.
Cymbaluk, N.F.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1990 Oct.
Journal of animal science v. 68 (10): p. 3152-3162; 1990 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Colts; Horses; Growth; Cold; Digestion; Digestibility; Liveweight
gain; Energy requirements; Phosphorus; Hair; Transit time; Environmental
38 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Common behavior problems in horses.
Marcella, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Pub. Co; 1988 Jun.
Equine practice v. 10 (6): p. 22-26; 1988 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Behavior problems; Aggression; Walking
39 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Common complications associated with equine chemical restraint and anesthesia.
Muir, W.W. III
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1990.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners. p. 259-266; 1990. Meeting held December 2-5, 1990, Lexington,
KY. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Restraint of animals; Anesthesia; Postoperative
40 NAL Call. No.: QL750.O3
Comparative nutrient extraction from forages by grazing bovids and equids: a
test of the nutritional model of equid/bovid competition and coexistence.
Duncan, P.; Foose, T.J.; Gordon, I.J.; Gakahu, C.G.; Lloyd, M.
Berlin, W. Ger. : Springer International; 1990.
Oecologia v. 84 (3): p. 411-418; 1990. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Cattle; Horses; Grazing; Forage; Nutrient content; Digestion;
Nutrition; Models
41 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Comparison of surgical and nonsurgical treatment of humeral fractures in
horses: 22 cases (1980-1989).
Zamos, D.T.; Parks, A.H.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 Jul01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 201 (1): p. 114-116;
1992 Jul01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Bone fractures; Humerus; Fracture fixation; Treatment;
42 NAL Call. No.: NA8340.A4
Complete plans for building horse barns big and small.. Horse barns big and
Ambrosiano, Nancy W.; Harcourt, Mary F.
Ossining, NY : Breakthrough Publications,; 1989.
161 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Includes index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stables; Horses
43 NAL Call. No.: TX511.F62
Composition and nutritional quality of mare's milk.
Solaroli, G.; Pagliarini, E.; Peri, C.
Pinerolo, Italy : Chiriotti Editori; 1993.
Italian journal of food science v. 5 (1): p. 3-10; 1993. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mare milk; Composition; Nutritive value
44 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Computer-assisted recording live and videotaped horse behavior: reliability
McDonnell, S.M.; Diehl, N.K.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1990 Aug.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 27 (1/2): p. 1-7; 1990 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Video recordings; Computer techniques;
Recording; Reliability
45 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
A conceptual approach to optimal nutrition of brood mares.
Donoghue, S.; Meacham, T.N.; Kronfeld, D.S.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Aug.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (2): p.
373-391; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Mares; Nutrition; Reproduction; Protein; Vitamins;
Minerals; Retinol; Beta-carotene; Vitamin e; Selenium; Vitamin d; Calcium;
Vitamin k; Water-soluble vitamins; Biotin; Folic acid; Ascorbic acid
46 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A35
Congress funds the removal of 10,000 wild horses in 1988.
Gaspar, R.J.
Denver, Colo. : American Humane Association, Animal Protection Division; 1988.
Advocate v. 6: p. 10-11. ill; 1988.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Horses; Wild animals; Wildlife conservation; Animal
welfare; Legislation
47 NAL Call. No.: HV4761.A5
Contraception: the humane choice for control of overpopulated species.
Kirkpatrick, J.
Washington, D.C. : The Institute; 1991.
The Animal Welfare Institute quarterly v. 40 (3): p. 18-19; 1991.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Feral herds; Population control
48 NAL Call. No.: 286.81 F322
Correct mixture of energy sources key in horse diet.
Pagan, J.D.
Minnetonka, Minn. : Miller Publishing Co; 1992 Jun08.
Feedstuffs v. 64 (23): p. 11-12, 22; 1992 Jun08.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horse feeding; Energy intake; Energy metabolism
49 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Daytime foaling management of the mare. 2. Induction of parturition.
Ley, W.B.; Hoffman, J.L.; Crisman, M.V.; Meacham, T.N.; Kiracofe, R.L.;
Sullivan, T.L.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1989 Mar.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 9 (2): p. 95-99; 1989 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Foaling; Animal husbandry; Parturition
50 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Daytime management of the mare. 1. Pre-foaling mammary secretions testing. Ley,
W.B.; Hoffman, J.L.; Meacham, T.N.; Sullivan, T.L.; Kiracofe, R.L.;
Wilson, M.L.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1989 Mar.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 9 (2): p. 88-94; 1989 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Foaling interval; Milk secretion; Tests; Animal husbandry
51 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
The decision process: standing surgery versus general anesthesia and
Bertone, A.L.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1991 Dec.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 7 (3): p.
485-488; 1991 Dec. In the series analytic: Standing surgery / edited by
Alicia L. Bertone.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Surgery; Anesthesia; Decision making; Restraint of
animals; Risk; Safety; Time; Costs
52 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Defective bone and cartilage in foals fed a low-copper diet.
Hurtig, M.B.; Green, S.L.; Dobson, H.; Burton, J.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1990.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners. p. 637-643; 1990. Meeting held December 2-5, 1990, Lexington,
KY. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Copper; Mineral deficiencies; Bone formation
53 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Degenerative disease of the proximal interphalangeal (pastern) joint in
performance horses.
Swanson, T.D.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (34th): p. 389-397; 1989. Meeting held December 4-7, 1988, San
Diego, CA. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Joint diseases; Stresses; Phalanges; Lameness; Treatment;
Degeneration; Trauma
54 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Development of an equine nuclear medicine facility for gamma camera imaging.
Attenburrow, D.P.; Portergill, M.J.; Vennart, W.
London : British Equine Veterinary Association; 1989 Mar.
Equine veterinary journal v. 21 (2): p. 86-90. ill; 1989 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Veterinary practice; Nuclear magnetic resonance spectros;
Gamma radiation; Imagery; Bones; Lungs; Respiration
55 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Diagnosis and treatment of acquired pathologic conditions of the equine penis
and prepuce.
Gatewood, D.M.; Cox, J.H.; DeBowes, R.M.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1989 Dec.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 11
(12): p. 1498-1504. ill; 1989 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Horses; Penis; Prepuce; Male genital diseases;
Differential diagnosis; Treatment; Neoplasms; Parasitoses; Venereal diseases;
56 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of nutritional secondary
hyperparathyroidism in Thoroughbred race horses in Hong Kong.
Mason, D.K.; Watkins, K.L.; McNie, J.T.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Pub. Co; 1988 Mar.
Equine practice v. 10 (3): p. 10-11, 14-15, 17; 1988 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Hong kong; Racehorses; Thoroughbred; Hyperparathyroidism;
Diagnosis; Treatment; Disease prevention; Calcium; Feed rations; Bone
57 NAL Call. No.: 448.3 AR23
Difference in growth behavior of human, swine, equine, and avian influenza
viruses at a high temperature.
Murakami, Y.; Nerome, K.; Yoshioka, Y.; Mizuno, S.; Oya, A.
Wien : Springer-Verlag; 1988.
Archives of virology v. 100 (3/4): p. 231-244; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Man; Pigs; Horses; Poultry; Influenzavirus; Temperature
relations; Growth rate
58 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Digestible energy requirements for work and maintenance of horses fed
conventional and fat-supplemented diets.
Potter, G.D.; Webb, S.P.; Evans, J.W.; Webb, G.W.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1990 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 10 (3): p. 214-218; 1990 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Digestible energy; Energy requirements; Source fat;
Supplementary feeding; Heat stress; Body condition; Exercise
59 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Dose related effects of the kappa agonist U-50, 488H on behaviour, nociception
and autonomic response in the horse.
Kamerling, S.; Weckman, T.; Donahoe, J.; Tobin, T.
London : British Equine Veterinary Association; 1988 Mar.
Equine veterinary journal v. 20 (2): p. 114-118; 1988 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Analgesics; Dosage effect; Animal behavior; Autonomic
nervous system; Neurotropic drugs
60 NAL Call. No.: S1.M57
Draft horse nutrition.
Booker, N.
Columbia, Mo. : Missouri Farm Publishing Inc; 1992 Oct.
Small Farm Today v. 9 (5): p. 36-37; 1992 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Draft animals; Animal nutrition
61 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Drilling of dorsal metacarpal stress fractures: technique in the standing
Sullins, K.E.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (35th): p. 333-339. ill; 1989. Meeting held December 3-6 1989,
Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Bone fractures; Metacarpus; Stresses; Surgical
operations; Drills; Position
62 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Early diagnosis of cervical vertebral malformation in young Thoroughbred
horses and successful treatment with restricted, paced diet and confinement.
Donawick, W.J.; Mayhew, I.G.; Galligan, D.T.; Osborne, J.; Green, S.; Stanley,
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (35th): p. 525-528; 1989. Meeting held December 3-6 1989,
Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Spinal diseases; Diagnosis; Treatment; Heredity; Animal
63 NAL Call. No.: SF1.S68
Ecological aspects of the behavior of Yakutsk horses in extreme conditions of
the Arctic.
Tikhonov, V.G.; Sleptsov, M.K.
New York, N.Y. : Allerton Press; 1989.
Soviet agricultural biology : Part 2 : Animal biology (2): p. 17-24; 1989.
Translated from: Sel'skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya, (2), 1989, p. 89-94.
Includes references.
Language: English; Russian
Descriptors: Horses; Yakut; Arctic regions; Environmental factors; Animal
64 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
The effect of a potent GnRH agonist on gonadal and sexual activity in the
Montovan, S.M.; Daels, P.P.; Rivier, J.; Hughes, J.P.; Stabenfeldt, G.H.;
Lasley, B.L.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth Publishers; 1990 Jun.
Theriogenology v. 33 (6): p. 1305-1321; 1990 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Stallions; Gonadotropin releasing hormone; Sexual
behavior; Hormone secretion; Testosterone; Estrus; Ovulation
65 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
The effect of body condition of horses on discrimination learning abilities.
McCall, C.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1989 Apr.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 22 (3/4): p. 327-334; 1989 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Body condition; Learning ability; Discrimination;
Nutritional state; Animal behavior
66 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of diet on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicosis in horses.
Schumacher, J.; Wilson, R.C.; Spano, J.S.; Hammond, L.S.; McGuire, J.; Duran,
S.H.; Kemppainen, R.J.; Hughes, F.E.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (8): p. 1274-1278; 1991 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Gentamicin; Toxicity; Kidneys; Oats; Alfalfa;
Susceptibility; Diet; Nutritional adequacy
Abstract: Gentamicin sulfate-induced nephrotoxicosis was compared in 2 groups
of horses fed different rations. Four horses were fed only alfalfa hay, and 4
other horses were fed only whole oats. Seven days after initiation of the diet,
all horses were given gentamicin IV (5 mg/kg of body weight) every 12 hours for
22 days. Urinary gamma-glutamyltransferase to urinary creatinine (UGGT:UCr)
ratio was calculated daily, and serum concentration of gentamicin was measured
at 1 and 12 hours after drug administration. Results indicated that horses fed
oats had greater renal tubular damage than did horses fed alfalfa. Mean
UGGT:UCr for horses fed alfalfa was 47.1 +/- 18.8 and was 100.0 +/- 19.0 for
horses fed oats (P = 0.007). The UGGT:UCr in horses fed oats was > 100 for a
total of 54 days; horses fed alfalfa had UGGT:UCr > 100 for only 7 days. Two
horses not given gentamicin were fed only oats and 2 were fed only alfalfa.
These horses had mean UGGT:UCr of 17.6 +/- 2.2 and 30.5 +/- 3.0, respectively.
Mean peak and trough concentrations of gentamicin were
statistically different for horses fed oats and those fed alfalfa (peak 23.16
+/- 1.87 and 14.07 +/- 1.79 microgram/ml, respectively [P = 0.0001], and
trough, 1.81 +/- 0.69 and 0.71 +/- 0.70 microgram/ml, respectively [P =
0.02701)]. Mean half-lives of gentamicin (estimated from peak and trough
concentrations) for horses fed alfalfa (2.58 +/- 0.26 hours) and horses fed
oats (2.88 +/- 0.27 hours) were not significantly different. Horses fed only
oats had greater degree of gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicosis than did those
fed only alfalfa.
67 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Effect of different separation protocols between mares and foals on plasma
cortisol and cell-mediated immune response.
Malinowski, K.; Hallquist, N.A.; Helyar, L.; Sherman, A.R.; Scanes, C.G.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1990 Sep.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 10 (5): p. 363-368; 1990 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Mares; Weaning; Stress; Hydrocortisone; Concentration; Cell
mediated immunity; Animal behavior; Blood plasma; Separation
68 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
The effect of enclosure size on social interactions and daily activity
patterns of the captive asiatic wild horse (Equus przewalskii).
Hogan, E.S.; Houpt, K.A.; Sweeney, K.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 147-168. ill; 1988 Sep. In
the series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and
A.F. Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Equus caballus przewalskii; Wild animals; Animal housing; Size;
Social interaction; Behavior patterns
69 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Effect of exercise on equine behavior.
Caanitz, H.; O'Leary, L.; Houpt, K.; Petersson, K.; Hintz, H.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Jul.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 31 (1/2): p. 1-12; 1991 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Exercise
70 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
The effect of intense exercise on the cell-mediated immune response of horses.
Kurcz, E.V.; Lawrence, L.M.; Kelley, K.W.; Miller, P.A.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1988 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 8 (3): p. 237-239; 1988 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Exercise; Cell mediated immunity; Stress; Lymphocyte
71 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Effect of strenuous exercise stress on chemiluminescence response of equine
alveolar macrophages.
Wong, C.W.; Thompson, H.L.; Thong, Y.H.; Thornton, J.R.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1990 Jan.
Equine veterinary journal v. 22 (1): p. 33-35; 1990 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Macrophages; Exercise; Stress; Chemiluminescence; Defense
72 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of subchondral drilling on repair of partial-thickness cartilage
defects of third carpal bones in horses.
Shamis, L.D.; Bramlage, L.R.; Gabel, A.A.; Weisbrode, S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1989 Feb.
American journal of veterinary research v. 50 (2): p. 290-295. ill; 1989 Feb.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Carpus; Injuries; Cartilage; Surgical operations;
Drilling; Treatment; Healing
Abstract: Arthrotomies of middle carpal joints were done on 13 horses, and a
1-cm partial thickness, round defect was made on the radial facet of both third
carpal bones. In one joint, 1-mm diameter 1-cm deep holes were drilled within
the defect, and one joint was used as a control. Horses were assigned to 2
groups--group 1 (n = 6 horses), 5 drill holes; group 2 (n = 7 horses), 11 drill
holes. At 1 and 3 weeks after surgery, differences between joints in synovial
fluid total protein values, WBC counts, or results of mucin
precipitate tests were not significant (P = 0.005). Physically and
radiographically, horses were the same during the 12 initial weeks they were
housed in stalls and the 9 weeks they were kept in paddocks. Twenty-one weeks
after surgery, horses were euthanatized. Joints with drill holes had a
significantly greater area (P less than 0.05) of healthy fibrocartilage new
tissue: group 1--33 to 68% new tissue, compared with 0 to 23% new tissue in
controls; and group 2--22 to 64% new tissue, compared with 0 to 37% new tissue
in controls. Differences between healing of defects with drill holes in groups
1 and 2 were not significant. Thickness of new tissue over drill holes was 33
to 61% of thickness of cartilage adjacent to the defect, and thickness of
tissue between drill holes was 11 to 43% (group 1) and 8 to 79% (group 2) of
the thickness of cartilage adjacent to the defect. In all defects with drill
holes, new tissue in the form of fibrocartilage was detected deep in drill
holes, whereas fibrous tissue was observed superficially and adjacent to drill
73 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Effect of transportation on the estrous cycle and concentrations of hormones in
Baucus, K.L.; Squires, E.L.; Ralston, S.L.; McKinnon, A.O.; Nett, T.M.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1990 Feb.
Journal of animal science v. 68 (2): p. 419-426; 1990 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Transport of animals; Stress; Estrous cycle; Estrous
behavior; Ovulation; Conception rate; Cortisol; Ascorbic acid; Estradiol;
Progesterone; Blood
74 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effect of transportation stress on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis in
female horses.
Traub-Dargatz, J.L.; McKinnon, A.O.; Bruyninckx, W.J.; Thrall, M.A.; Jones,
R.L.; Blancquaert, A-M.B.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Jul.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (7): p. 1026-1029; 1988 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Transport of animals; Stress; Bronchi; Lungs; Macrophages;
Body fluids; Cytology; Susceptibility; Bacterial diseases
Abstract: Four bronchoalveolar lavages were performed sequentially on 9
control and 8 transport-stressed female horses. Alterations in results of fluid
cytologic analyses, microbial content, and phagocyte function of
recovered pulmonary macrophages in all horses were determined. Seemingly
absolute and relative increase in the number of inflammatory cells detected in
the second bronchoal-veolar lavage fluid of control horses was the result of
irritation of the first lavage. This increased response was not observed in
transport-stressed horses until 5 days after transport (third lavage; 10 days
after initial lavage). Seemingly, delayed inflammatory response was the result
of the transport stress. Microbial content and macrophage function were not
significantly different between the 2 groups (P greater than 0.05).
75 NAL Call. No.: 448.3 AP5
Effects of an abrupt diet change from hay to concentrate on microbial numbers
and physical environment in the cecum of the pony.
Goodson, J.; Tyznik, W.J.; Cline, J.H.; Dehority, B.A.
Washington, D.C. : American Society for Microbiology; 1988 Aug.
Applied and environmental microbiology v. 54 (8): p. 1946-1950; 1988 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Cecum; Concentrates; Hay; Ph; Fluids; Intestinal
microorganisms; Protozoa
Abstract: Microbial numbers, pH, fluid volume, and turnover rate in the pony
cecum were measured during an abrupt change from an all-forage to an
all-concentrate diet, both fed at maintenance energy levels. Concentrate
feeding resulted in increased (P less than 0.01) numbers of total viable
anaerobic bacteria. The numbers of organisms growing on selective starch
medium increased (P less than 0.01) when concentrate was fed, while numbers on
xylan and pectin media decreased (P less than 0.025). Seven days after the diet
change to concentrate, the number of bacteria growing on lactate medium
increased (P less than 0.01), followed by a gradual decline. Cellulolytic
bacteria occurred in low numbers, ranging from 1.1 X 10(4) to 4.4 X 10(4) per g
of cecal contents. Feeding all concentrate decreased both the number of genera
(P less than 0.01) and total protozoan numbers (P less than 0.01) in the cecum.
Minimum cecal pH values of 6.4 and 5.8 were obtained when forage and
concentrate, respectively, were fed, with the minimum pH occurring 6 h
postfeeding. Dry-matter percentage of cecal contents followed a diurnal
pattern which was the inverse of the pH curve. During forage feeding, the cecum
contained an average of 2.2 liters (1.6 to 3.4 liters), which turned over 3.9
times per day. When concentrate was fed, cecal volume averaged 3.9 liters (0.6
to 8.6 liters), with a mean liquid turnover of 4.2 times per day. Microbial
numbers and pH changes in the pony cecum associated with an abrupt change in
diet from hay to concentrate resembled those which occur in the rumen under
similar feeding conditions.
76 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effects of clustered drill holes on the breaking strength of the equine third
metacarpal bone.
Specht, T.E.; Miller, G.J.; Colahan, P.T.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1990 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 51 (8): p. 1242-1246. ill; 1990 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Metacarpus; Bone strength; Breaking strength; Drills;
Size; Surgical operations
Abstract: The breaking strength (stress at failure) of equine third
metacarpal bones, with and without clustered drill holes, was determined in
vitro. Paired ossa metacarpalia II-IV of 39 horses (n = 39) between 2 and 7
years old were tested in palmarodorsal 3-point bending. Four treatments were
compared. Clustered 2.7- or 3.5-mm drill holes, in a 4- or 7-hole pattern, were
made in the dorsal cortex of the distal diaphysis of the left third
metacarpal bone. Undrilled right third metacarpi were used as controls. Bones
with clustered drill holes failed by an oblique fracture through 1 or more
drill holes, whereas undrilled bones failed with a middiaphyseal transverse
fracture. Clustered drill holes acted as a stress concentrator and
significantly (P < 0.05) decreased the stress required for failure. However,
differences in breaking strength between treatment groups were not significant
(P > 0.05).
77 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Effects of diet and climate on growing horses.
Cymbaluk, N.F.; Christison, G.I.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1989 Jan.
Journal of animal science v. 67 (1): p. 48-59; 1989 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Diets; Climate; Growth; Feed conversion; Winter; Energy
content; Phosphorus; Digestible energy
78 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effects of exercise stress on various immune functions in horses.
Wong, C.W.; Smith, S.E.; Thong, Y.H.; Opdebeeck, J.P.; Thornton, J.R.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Aug.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (8): p. 1414-1417; 1992 Aug.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Exercise; Stress; Defense mechanisms; Immunity;
Chemotaxis; Chemiluminescence; Neutrophils; Leukocyte count; Hydrocortisone;
Blood serum
Abstract: Chemotactic locomotion and luminol-dependent chemiluminescence of
neutrophils, mitogen-induced lymphocyte blastogenesis, serum cortisol
concentration, immunoglobulin quantification, and leukocyte counts were
determined to evaluate the effect of a single strenuous exercise in horses.
Increased serum cortisol concentration (P < 0.01) and an increased
neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio P < 0.05) indicated that horses had been
stressed. The chemotactic index and peak chemiluminescence production
decreased significantly (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively) 1 day after
exercise. Mitogen-induced blastogenesis of lymphocytes and serum
immunoglobulin values remained unchanged in response to exercise. Results of
this study indicated that a single bout of exercise may transiently impair
neutrophil antimicrobial functions and nonspecific defense mechanisms, but not
specific immunity in horses.
79 NAL Call. No.: FULD1780 1990.F363
Effects of L-Tryptophan on the stress response of thoroughbred yearlings.
Fernandez-Diaz, Maria Del Pilar,
1990; 1990.
xiii, 152 leaves : ill. ; 28 cm. Vita. Includes bibliographical references
(leaves 138-151).
Language: English
Descriptors: Thoroughbred horse; Tranquilizing drugs
80 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Effects of short-term stress, xylazine tranquilization and anesthetization with
xylazine plus ketamine on plasma concentrations of cortisol, luteinizing
hormone, follicle stimulating hormone and prolactin in ovariectomized pony
Thompson, D.L.; Garza, F. Jr; Mitchell, P.S.; St George, R.L.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth Publishers; 1988 Nov.
Theriogenology v. 30 (5): p. 937-946; 1988 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Ovariectomized females; Prolactin; Lh; Fsh; Cortisol;
Hormone secretion; Anesthesia; Xylazine; Neuroleptics; Stress; Ketamine
81 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Effects of show-jumping performance stress on plasma cortisol and lactate
concentrations and heart rate and behavior in horses.
Covalesky, M.E.; Russoniello, C.R.; Malinowski, K.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 Jul.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (4): p. 244-251; 1992 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Show jumping; Stress; Blood plasma; Hydrocortisone;
Lactic acid; Heart rate; Performance
82 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Effects of sodium hyaluronate on tendon healing and adhesion formation in
Gaughan, E.M.; Nixon, A.J.; Krook, L.P.; Yeager, A.E.; Mann, K.A.; Mohammed,
H.; Bartel, D.L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 May.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (5): p. 764-773; 1991 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Hyaluronic acid; Tendons; Healing; Adhesions; Synovial
sheaths; Medicinal properties
Abstract: Sodium hyaluronate reduces adhesions after tendon repair in rodents
and dogs, and has been used in limited clinical trials in people. To evaluate
its effect on tendon healing and adhesion formation in horses and to compare
these effects with those of a compound of similar viscoelastic properties, a
study was performed in horses, using a model of collagenase injection in the
flexor tendons within the digital sheath. Eight clinically normal horses were
randomly allotted to 2 groups. Adhesion formation between the deep digital
flexor tendon and the tendon sheath at the pastern region was induced in the
forelimbs of all horses. Using tenoscopic control, a 20-gauge needle was
inserted into the deep digital flexor tendon of horses under general
anesthesia and 0.2 ml of collagenase (2.5 mg/ml) was injected. The procedure
was repeated proximally at 2 other sites, spaced 1.5 cm apart. A biopsy
forceps was introduced, and a 5-mm tendon defect was created at each injection
site. Group-A horses had 120 mg of sodium hyaluronate (NaHA) gel injected into
the tendon sheath of one limb. Group-B horses had methylcellulose gel injected
at the same sites. The contralateral limbs of horses in both groups served as
surgical, but noninjected, controls. Horses were euthanatized after 8 weeks of
stall rest. Ultrasonographic evaluation revealed improved tendon healing after
NaHA injection, but no difference in peritendinous adhesion formation. Tendon
sheath fluid volume and hyaluronic acid (HA) content were greater in
NaHA-treated limbs. Gross pathologic examination revealed considerably fewer
and smaller adhesions when limbs were treated with NaHA. However, significant
difference in pull-out strengths was not evident between NaHA-treated and
control limbs. Histologically, the deep digital flexor tendon from the
NaHA-treated limbs had reduced inflammatory cell infiltration, improved tendon
structure, and less intratendinous hemorrhage. Treatment with methylcellulose
had no significant effe
83 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
The effects of stress on alveolar macrophage function in the horse: an
Laegreid, W.W.; Huston, L.J.; Basaraba, R.J.; Crisman, M.V.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1988 Oct.
Equine practice v. 10 (9): p. 9-16. ill; 1988 Oct. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Stress; Macrophages; Respiration; Neurophysiology;
Exercise; Training (animal); Transport of animals
84 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
The effects of stress on gastric ulceration, T3, T4, reverse T3 and cortisol in
neonatal foals.
Furr, M.O.; Murray, M.J.; Ferguson, D.C.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1992 Jan.
Equine veterinary journal v. 24 (1): p. 37-40; 1992 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Newborn animals; Gastric ulcer; Stomach mucosa; Stress;
Thyroxine; Triiodothyronine; Hydrocortisone; Blood serum; Physiopathology
85 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Effects of transport and racing on ionic changes in thoroughbred race horses.
White, A.; Reyes, A.; Godoy, A.; Martinez, R.
Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press; 1991.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 99 (3):
p. 343-346; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Transport of animals; Racing performance; Stress;
Ions; Metabolism; Blood chemistry; Aldosterone; Hydrocortisone; Sympathetic
nervous system
Abstract: Packed cell volume (PCV), blood glucose, total plasma proteins (TPP)
and plasma electrolytes, osmolality, cortisol and aldosterone
alterations produced by transport and racing, were investigated in race
horses. 2. Plasma cortisol, sodium and blood glucose, found after transport,
were higher, while aldosterone was lower than control levels. 3. After racing,
PCV, blood glucose, TPP and plasma cortisol, sodium and osmolality were higher
than control, while chloride diminished and aldosterone returned to control
values. 4. These results demonstrate that transport and racing are different
kinds of stressors, suggesting that the sympathetic system and
hypophysis-suprarenal cortex axis have a dissimilar contribution to the
physiological response.
86 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Effects of transportation on early embryonic death in mares.
Baucus, K.L.; Ralston, S.L.; Nockels, C.F.; McKinnon, A.O.; Squires, E.L.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1990 Feb.
Journal of animal science v. 68 (2): p. 345-351; 1990 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Transport of animals; Stress; Pregnancy; Embryo mortality;
Cortisol; Progesterone; Ascorbic acid; Blood serum
87 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Efficacy of a fat-supplemented diet on muscle glycogen concentrations in
exercising Thoroughbred horses maintained in varying body conditions.
Scott, B.D.; Potter, G.D.; Greene, L.W.; Hargis, P.S.; Anderson, J.G.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 Mar.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (2): p. 107-113; 1992 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Thoroughbred; Exercise; Diets; Fats; Muscles; Glycogen
88 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 H198 1991 [no.16]
Einfluss von Futterart und Hohe der Ca-Aufnahme auf Ca-Blutspiegel und renale
Ca-Exkretion beim Pferd [The influence of the type of diet and the level of Ca
supply on the plasma concentration and the renal excretion of calcium in
Schnurpel, Birgit
Hannover : [s.n.],; 1991.
143 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Summary in English. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 102-116).
Language: German
89 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Elements of nutrition: a primer for practitioners.
Kapper, D.R.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1993.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners. p. 669-679; 1993. Meeting helding on November 29-December 2,
1992, Orlando, Florida. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horse feeding; Animal nutrition
90 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Endocrine and testicular changes associated with season, artificial
photoperiod, and the peri-pubertal period in stallions.
Clay, C.M.; Clay, J.N.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1992 Apr.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 8 (1): p. 31-56;
1992 Apr. In the series analytic: Stallion management / edited by T.L.
Blanchard and D.D. Varner. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Testes; Sex hormones; Hormone secretion; Seasonal
variation; Photoperiod; Puberty; Semen characters; Sexual behavior
91 NAL Call. No.: SF296.E5H85
The endurance horse a world survey from ancient civilizations to modern
Hyland, Ann
London : J.A. Allen,; 1988.
xvi, 286 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Endurance horses; Endurance riding (Horsemanship)
92 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Environmental effects on thermoregulation and nutrition of horses.
Cymbaluk, N.F.; Christison, G.I.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Aug.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (2): p.
355-372; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrition; Environmental impact; Thermoregulation; Heat
stress; Cold; Adaptation; Shelter; Environmental temperature; Microclimate
93 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Environmental, hematological and blood biochemical changes in equine transit
Leadon, D.P.; Daykin, J.; Backhouse, W.; Frank, C.; Atock, M.A.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1990.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners. p. 485-490; 1990. Meeting held December 2-5, 1990, Lexington,
KY. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Transport of animals; Stress
94 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Equine clinical nutrition: specific problems and solutions.
Ralston, S.L.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1988 Mar.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 10
(3): p. 356-360, 362-363; 1988 Mar. Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Diarrhea; Malabsorption syndrome; Liver diseases; Heart
diseases; Kidney diseases; Geriatrics; Clinical nutrition; Therapeutic diets
95 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J82
Equine cutaneous mastocytoma: morphology, biological behaviour and evolution of
the lesion.
McEntee, M.F.
London : Academic Press; 1991 Feb.
Journal of comparative pathology v. 104 (2): p. 171-178; 1991 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Neoplasms; Mast cells; Histopathology; Lesions;
Prognosis; Excision
96 NAL Call. No.: aZ5071.N3
Equine housing and facilities January 1979 - August 1990.
Clingerman, K.J.
Beltsville, Md. : The Library; 1990 Oct.
Quick bibliography series - U.S. Department of Agriculture, National
Agricultural Library (U.S.). (91-05): 7 p.; 1990 Oct. Bibliography.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal housing; Horses; Stables
97 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E57
Equine influenza proceedings of a roundtable, New Orleans, Louisiana, Decembr
7, 1987.
Coopers Animal Health Inc
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Co.,; 1988.
31 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. "87-10-2961"--p.[4] of cover.
Language: English
Descriptors: Equine influenza; Horses; Diseases; Animal welfare
98 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Equine nutrition: a practitioner's guide.
Jackson, S.G.; Pagan, J.D.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1992.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (37): p. 409-432; 1992. Meeting held December 1-4, 1991, San
Francisco, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Feeds; Nutrient requirements
99 NAL Call. No.: SF604.R37 no.181
Equine nutrition proceedings of a seminar held in Canberra, 8 December 1991.
Nutrition Society of Australia, University of Sydney, Post-Graduate Committee
in Veterinary Science
Sydney South, NSW, Australia : Post Graduate Committee in Veterinary Science,
University of Sydney,; 1991.
xii, 209 p. : ill. ; 26 cm. (Refresher course for veterinarians ; proceedings
181.). Published for the Nutrition Society of Australia (Incorporated).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Horses
100 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Equine nutritional research: some food for thought?.
Cuddeford, D.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1991 Sep.
Equine veterinary journal v. 23 (5): p. 323-325; 1991 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrition; Research
101 NAL Call. No.: SF951.M48
Equine radiographic procedures.
Mendenhall, Anne L.; Cantwell, H. Dan
Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger,; 1988.
xii, 175 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 39.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Diseases; Diagnosis; Veterinary radiography; Animal
102 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
The equine stress response to anaesthesia.
Muir, W.W.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1990 Sep.
Equine veterinary journal v. 22 (5): p. 302-303; 1990 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia; Stress response; Drug therapy
103 NAL Call. No.: HE199.5.L5L58
Equine transit stress: environmental changes experienced by horses during a
long distance flight.
Leadon, D.P.
Fort Washington, Md. : Silesia Companies; 1991 Mar.
Live animal trade & transport magazine v. 3 (1): p. 30-32. ill; 1991 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Transport of animals; Stress; Air transport; Air
temperature; Relative humidity; Aircraft; Air microbiology
104 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Equisport: a clinical equine sports medicine program.
Seehermann, H.J.; Morris, E.A.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1989 Jul.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 9 (4): p. 193-197; 1989 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Exercise; Training (animal); Stress; Testing;
Fitness; Gait; Lameness; Rehabilitation; Racing performance; Respiratory
system; Veterinary equipment
105 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Evaluating equine dominance in draft mares.
Ellard, M.E.; Crowell-Davis, S.L.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1989 Aug.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 24 (1): p. 55-75. ill; 1989 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Draft animals; Dominance; Aggressive behavior
106 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Evaluating microcomputer software for equine nutrition.
Lane, T.J.; Van Saun, R.J.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (35th): p. 551-556; 1989. Meeting held December 3-6 1989,
Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal nutrition; Computer software; Microcomputers
107 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Evaluation of a new sling support device for horses.
Madigan, J.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 260-261; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Horses; Supports; Veterinary products; Veterinary
equipment; Restraint of animals
108 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Evaluation of clinical signs of disease, bronchoalveolar and tracheal wash
analysis, and arterial blood gas tensions in 13 horses with chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease treated with prednisone, methyl sulfonmethane,
and clenbuterol hydrochloride.
Traub-Dargatz, J.L.; McKinnon, A.O.; Thrall, M.A.; Jones, R.L.; Bruyninckx, W.;
Blancquaert, A.M.B.; Dargatz, D.A.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Oct.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (10): p. 1908-1916; 1992 Oct.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Respiratory diseases; Symptoms; Bronchoalveolar lavage;
Trachea; Blood; Gases; Drug therapy; Prednisone; Clenbuterol; Antiinflammatory
Abstract: We evaluated the efficacy of 3 treatments for chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in horses: prednisone (400 mg/horse, PO, daily; n = 7),
methyl sulfonmethane (10 g/horse, PO, q 12 h; n = 6), and clenbuterol
hydrochloride (0.4 mg/horse, PO, q 12 h; n = 7). A fourth group acted as
controls (n = 6) and was not treated. The treatment period lasted 10 days. Each
horse was a member of 2 different groups for 10 days, separated by an 18-day
interval of no treatment. All horses were housed together in an outdoor pen
without bedding. Horses were fed alfalfa/grass hay mix ad libitum from a large
feeder. The same batch of hay was fed throughout the study. Multiple physical
and laboratory variables were monitored prior to, during, and at the end of
each 10-day trial period. Changes in lung sounds, respiratory effort, degree of
anal movement, nasal discharge, temperature, respiratory rate, or heart rate
were not significant. Changes in arterial blood gas tensions,
tracheal wash or bronchoalveolar lavage cytologic findings, or phagocyte
function were not significant. All horses were tachypneic and most were
tachycardic. The median value for Pao2 was below normal for all horses. All
tracheal wash and most bronchoalveolar lavage cytologic findings represented a
suppurative response. Negative linear correlation was observed between Pao2 and
degree of respiratory effort in these horses (eg, as Pao2 decreased, the degree
of respiratory effort increased).
109 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Evaluation of exclusive use of ivermectin vs alternation of antiparasitic
compounds for control on internal parasites of horses.
Lyons, E.T.; Drudge, J.H.; Tolliver, S.C.; Granstrom, D.E.; Stamper, S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Jan.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (1): p. 97-104; 1992 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Ivermectin; Drug therapy; Drug combinations; Oxfendazole;
Pyrantel; Oxibendazole; Nematoda; Cyathostominae; Gasterophilus intestinalis;
Pest control
Abstract: A study for about a 30-month period was done to compare strongyle
control programs, using per os treatments of ivermectin (IVE) paste
exclusively or alternation of 4 antiparasitic paste compounds: IVE,
oxfendazole (OFZ), oxibendazole (OBZ), or pyrantel pamoate (PRT). Every 8
weeks, 1 group of horses (barn C; n = 14 to 16) was given IVE paste
exclusively, and a second group (barn E; n = 16) was given the 4 antiparasitic
pastes on an alternating schedule. Worm eggs and larvae per gram of feces (epg
and lpg, respectively) values were determined every 2 weeks during the
investigation. This study in grazing horses (mares and fillies), naturally
infected with internal parasites, was conducted during the period between Oct
22, 1987 and Feb 8, 1990, with an additional observation on Mar 28, 1990. For
barn-C horses, treated exclusively with IVE (200 micrograms/kg of body weight)
14 times, 2-week posttreatment mean strongyle epg and lpg (small strongyle)
values were reduced 99 to 100%. Mean strongyle epg and lpg (small strongyle)
values for each 2-week sample period remained low (< 20) throughout the study
period, except for 1 moderate transient increase in July 1988. For the entire
study period, the aggregate mean strongyle epg value was 12 and the lpg value
was 6. Two-week posttreatment mean strongyle epg and lpg (small strongyle)
values for barn-E horses, treated alternately with therapeutic (approx) dosage
of IVE (200 micrograms/kg, 4 times), OFZ (10 mg/kg; 5 times), OBZ (10 mg/kg; 4
times), or PRT (6.6 mg base/kg; 2 times), varied within and between compounds.
Posttreatment (2-week) mean epg values were reduced 100% by IVE, 0 to 100% by
OFZ, 74 to 100% by OBZ, and 92 to 100% by PRT. Mean small strongyle lpg values
at 2 weeks after treatment indicated reduction of: 100% for IVE, 0 to 76% for
OFZ, 43 to 100% for OBZ, and 97 to 100% for PRT. For the entire study period,
the aggregate mean strongyle epg value was 54 and the lpg value was 64. The epg
and lpg reduction value
110 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Evaluation of the effects of a regular training program in two Thoroughbred
yearlings using an exercise stress test.
Harris, M.R.; Morris, E.A.; Seeherman, H.J.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1990 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 10 (3): p. 236-241, 243, 245; 1990 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Thoroughbred; Training (animal); Programs; Exercise; Tests
111 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 M58B
Evaluation of the horse operation.
Kuhn, B.; Leech, J.; Person, H.; Dunn, R.
East Lansing, Mich. : The Service; 1990 Oct.
Extension bulletin E - Cooperative Extension Service, Michigan State
University (2175): p. 6-11; 1990 Oct. In series analytic: Horse Management
Workbook / edited by L. Johnson, prepared by C.C. Bay.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal husbandry
112 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C24
Evaluation of the interaction of mu and kappa opioid agonists on locomotor
behavior in the horse.
Mama, K.R.; Pascoe, P.J.; Steffey, E.P.
Ottawa : Canadian Veterinary Medical Association; 1993 Apr.
Canadian journal of veterinary research; Revue canadienne de recherche
veterinaire v. 57 (2): p. 106-109; 1993 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Opioids; Agonists; Movement; Counting; Drug combinations;
Drug synergy; Ataxia; Drug effects; Adverse effects
113 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Feeding and digestive problems in horses: physiologic responses to a
concentrated meal.
Clarke, L.L.; Roberts, M.C.; Argenzio, R.A.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Aug.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (2): p.
433-450; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Digestive system diseases; Feeding behavior;
Gastrointestinal diseases; Nutrition
114 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Feeding and nutrition of brood mares.
Pugh, D.G.; Schumacher, J.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1993 Jan.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 15
(1): p. 106-115; 1993 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Pregnancy; Mare feeding; Nutrient requirements
115 NAL Call. No.: SF285.5.K66 1991
Feeding & nutrition of horses.. Feeding and nutrition of horses, 2nd ed. /
rev. and updated by John Kohnke..
Kohnke, John
North Parramatta, NSW, Australia : Vetsearch International,; 1991.
160 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Cover title. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
116 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Feeding and socializing orphaned foals.
Massey, R.E.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 May.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (5): p. 518-520, 522-526; 1991 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Artificial rearing; Horse feeding; Immunoglobulins;
Feeding habits; Mares; Milk substitutes; Socialization
117 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Field evaluation of a commercial M-protein vaccine against Streptococcus equi
infection in foals.
Hoffman, A.M.; Staempfli, H.R.; Prescott, J.F.; Viel, L.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1991 Apr.
American journal of veterinary research v. 52 (4): p. 589-592; 1991 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Streptococcus equi; Vaccines; Vaccination; Bacterial
diseases; Disease prevention
Abstract: A double-blind randomized clinical trial was undertaken to
determine the value of parenterally administered Streptococcus equi M-protein
vaccine in foals during an epizootic of strangles. Weaned mixed-breed foals (n
= 664) housed on 2 adjacent feed-lots (A and B) arrived over a 5-day period, 2
weeks before primary vaccination. Foals in lot B (n = 114) were randomly
administered vaccine (n = 59) or saline solution (placebo; n = 55) on 3
occasions at biweekly intervals. Foals in lot A (n = 450) were given 1 dose of
vaccine (n = 225) or placebo. The following clinical observations were scored
blindly by a single observer for all foals in lot B and for 120 (randomly
sampled) foals in lot A on a single day, 2 (lot B) and 6 (lot A) weeks after
final vaccination: cervical lymphadenopathy, type of bilateral nasal
discharge, and palpable swelling at injection site(s). Bacteriologic culture of
nasal swab specimens or lymph node aspirates from selected foals with
clinical disease yielded S equi. Cervical lymphadenopathy was observed in 17 of
59 (29%) vaccinates and 39 of 55 (71%) nonvaccinated controls in lot B and in
32 of 60 (53%) vaccinates and 29 of 60 (48%) controls in lot A. Contingency X2
analysis confirmed significantly lower cervical lymphadenopathy rate (X2 =
18.5; P < 0.001) and prevalence of mucopurulent nasal discharge (X2 = 11.4; P <
0.01) for vaccinates in lot B only. Swelling(s) at the vaccine injection site
were palpated in 44% of lot B and 29% of lot A vaccinates vs < 2% of placebo
controls. In the face of intense natural exposure, foals inoculated 3 times
with M-protein vaccine were less than half as likely to have clinical signs of
strangles as were nonvaccinated horses.
118 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Flehmen behaviour in the domestic horse: Discrimination of conspecific odours.
Marinier, S.L.; Alexander, A.J.; Waring, G.H.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1988 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 19 (3/4): p. 227-237; 1988 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Odors; Olfactory stimulation; Urine;
Estrus; Responses; Feces; Vaginas; Secretions
119 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 R312
Functional significance of the morphology and micromechanics of collagen
fibres in relation to partial rupture of the superficial digital flexor tendon
in racehorses.
Wilmink, J.; Wilson, A.M.; Goodship, A.E.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1992 Nov.
Research in veterinary science v. 53 (3): p. 354-359; 1992 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Tendons; Polarized light
Abstract: The high incidence of partial rupture of the superficial digital
flexor tendor in the equine athlete represents a major cause for concern in the
racing industry. Frequently, the lesion is localised to the central core of the
tendon. This study tested the hypothesis that the site specific
structural failure results from differences in the collagen fibre morphology
and associated micromechanics between central and peripheral regions of the
tendon. Bundles of collagen fibres were dissected from central and peripheral
sites in the mid-metacarpal region of the tendon. Crimp morphology was
quantified by polarised light microscopy and mechanical characteristics
determined using a fibre tensometer. In older horses, centrally located fibres
showed significantly lower values for crimp angle, crimp length and toe limit
strain than seen peripherally. There were no significant differences in these
features between corresponding sites in the younger horses. No significant
difference between sites was found in elastic modulus in either group. These
data indicate a non-uniform functional stress distribution which may result
from ageing or be related to the exercise history as a feature of accumulated
damage. These observations may explain the location of central core lesions
seen on clinical examination.
120 NAL Call. No.: SF277.3.G4
Gebrauchsreitpferdehaltung in landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben Verbesserung von
Nachfrage und Wirtschaftlichkeit durch Nutzung weiterentwickelter Formen in
Haltung und Futterung : Bericht uber eine Veranstaltung der Agrarsozialen
Gesellschaft e.V. in der Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft
Braunschweig-Volkenrode, mit Forderung des Bundesministeriums fur Ernahrung,
Landwirtschaft und Forsten [Commercial on farm husbandry of riding horses].
Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft
Gottingen : Die Gesellschaft,; 1990.
85 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. (ASG-Kleine Reihe, Nr. 41). Papers presented at a
meeting held at the Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft
Braunschweig-Volkenrode, April 25-26, 1989. Oktober 1990. Includes
bibliographical references.
Language: German
Descriptors: Horses; Horse industry
121 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
General care of Miniature horses.
Marcella, K.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1992 May.
Equine practice v. 14 (5): p. 25-28; 1992 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal husbandry; Breeds; Animal health
122 NAL Call. No.: aSF285.35.G66 1990
Good neighbor guide for horse-keeping manure management.
Barney, Sally
United States, Soil Conservation Service, University of New Hampshire,
Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire, Dept. of Agriculture, New Hamphsire,
Dept. of Environmental Services
Washington, D.C.? : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service ;
[Durham, N.H.?] : University of New Hampshire, Cooperative Extension, [1990?];
1 folded sheet (4 p.) : 1 ill. ; 28 cm. Caption title. New Hampshire
Department of Environmental Services; New Hampshire Department of Agriculture.
"4/90"--P. [4].
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
123 NAL Call. No.: SF285.M36
Handbuch der modernen Pferdehaltung Stallbau, Haltung, Futterung, Pflege
[Handbook of modern horse keeping].
Marten, Jens; Salewski, Armin,
Stuttgart : Franckh,; 1989.
176 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. (Hippologische Handbibliothek). Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 171-172.
Language: German
Descriptors: Horses; Horses; Housing; Horses; Feeding and feeds
124 NAL Call. No.: SF285.35.B46 1992
Handbuch Offenstallhaltung Planung, Stallbau, Weidennutzung [Handbook on open
stall rearing].
Bender, Ingolf
Stuttgart : Franckh-Kosmos,; 1992.
151 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 148-149)
and index.
Language: German
Descriptors: Horses; Horses; Stables
125 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A47
Hazards in confinement housing--gases and dusts in confined animal houses for
swine, poultry, horses and humans.
Pickrell, J.
Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University; 1991 Feb.
Veterinary and human toxicology v. 33 (1): p. 32-39; 1991 Feb. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal housing; Air pollutants
126 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Headshaking in horses: an afterword.
Cook, W.R.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company, Inc; 1992 Oct.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 14
(10): p. 1369-1371, 1376; 1992 Oct. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Head; Disorders; Abnormal behavior
127 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Hordenine: pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and behavioural effects in the
Frank, M.; Weckman, T.J.; Wood, T.; Woods, W.E.; Tai, C.L.; Chang, S.L.;
Ewing, A.; Blake, J.W.; Tobin, T.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1990 Nov.
Equine veterinary journal v. 22 (6): p. 437-441; 1990 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Hordenine; Horse feeding; Animal behavior
128 NAL Call. No.: SF285.3.H66 1991
Horse barns & equipment.
Harmon, Jay D.
Clemson University, Cooperative Extension Service
Clemson, S.C. : Cooperative Extension Service, Clemson University,; 1991;
C5935Ex 3.A36-3 no.554.
23 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. (AEnL (Clemson University. Cooperative Extension
Service) ; 554). Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Barns; Stables
129 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.C2C3
Horse behavior.
Albaugh, R.
Berkeley, Calif. : The Service; 1991.
Leaflet - University of California, Cooperative Extension Service (21002): 6
p.; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Training
130 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N3C66
Horse behavior: handling the new foal.
Cirelli, A. Jr
Reno, Nev. : The College; 1991.
Fact sheet - College of Agriculture, University of Nevada-Reno, Nevada
Cooperative Extension (91-07): 2 p.; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Imprinting; Training of animals
131 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 M58B
Horse farm management workbook.
Bay, C.C.
East Lansing, Mich. : The Service; 1990 Oct.
Extension bulletin E - Cooperative Extension Service, Michigan State
University (2175): 41 p.; 1990 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal husbandry
132 NAL Call. No.: SF285.5.C86 1991
Horse feeding and nutrition., 2nd ed..
Cunha, T. J.
San Diego : Academic Press,; 1991.
xviii, 445 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
133 NAL Call. No.: SF311.3.G7B7
The horse in husbandry.
Brown, Jonathan,
Ipswich, U.K. : Farming Press ; Alexandria Bay, N.Y. : Distributed in North
America by Diamond Farm Enterprises,; 1991.
ix, 112 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 26 cm. Illustrations on
lining papers. Includes index. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Draft horses; Agriculture
134 NAL Call. No.: SF285.5.P55 1992
Horse nutrition and feeding.
Pilliner, Sarah
Oxford [England] ; Boston : Blackwell Scientific Publications,; 1992.
x, 180 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Includes index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
135 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.V8V52
Horse nutrition: feeds and feeding.
Huff, A.N.; Meacham, T.N.; Wahlberg, M.L.
Blacksburg, Va. : Extension Division, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University; 1990.
Publication - Virginia Cooperative Extension Service (406-472): 18 p.; 1990.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Virginia; Horses; Horse feeding; Nutrient requirements; Nutrient
sources; Feed rations; Horse diseases; Disease prevention
136 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N9C46
Horse nutrition I: feeds.
Boyles, S.; Johnson, L.; Wohlgemuth, K.; Ringwall, K.; Johnson, R.
Fargo, N.D. : The University; 1988 May.
NDSU Extension Service [publication] - North Dakota State University (AS-952):
7 p.; 1988 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Water; Vitamins; Minerals; Grain; Hay;
Protein sources; Grazing; Nutrition
137 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N9C46
Horse nutrition II: feeding and management.
Boyles, S.; Johnson, L.; Wohlgemuth, K.; Ringwall, K.; Johnson, R.
Fargo, N.D. : The University; 1988 May.
NDSU Extension Service [publication] - North Dakota State University (AS-953):
4 p.; 1988 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Frequency; Hay; Grain; Grazing; Water;
Poisonous plants
138 NAL Call. No.: SF285.H86 1992
Horse sense the Australian guide to horse husbandry.
Huntington, Peter; Cleland, Fran
East Melbourne, Vic. : Agmedia,; 1992.
310 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm. Rhone-Poulenc, Australian Horse Council,
Department of Food and Agriculture, Agmedia. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 297) and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
139 NAL Call. No.: SF285.H55 1990
Horsekeeping on a small acreage facilities design and management., 1st ed..
Hill, Cherry,
Pownal, Vt. : Storey Communications,; 1990.
xi, 179 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. A Garden Way Publishing book. Includes
bibliographical references (p. 169-170) and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horses; Farms, Small
140 NAL Call. No.: HV4725.U5L4 1990
Horses., 4th ed.
Twyne, P.; Stanley, V.
Washington, D.C. : Animal Welfare Institute; 1990.
Animals and their legal rights : a survey of American laws from 1641 to 1990 /
with chapters by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United
States Department of Agriculture ... [et al.].. p. 126-150; 1990.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Horses; Animal welfare; Law
141 NAL Call. No.: QH540.E288 v.87
Horses and grasses the nutritional ecology of equids and their impact on the
Duncan, P. B.
New York : Springer-Verlag,; 1992.
xiv, 287 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. (Ecological studies ; v. 87). Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Camargue horse; Wild horses; Grassland ecology; Camargue horse;
142 NAL Call. No.: SF411.A57
Horses in society.
Lawrence, E.A.
Hanover, N.H. : University Press of New England for Delta Society; 1988.
Anthrozoos v. 1 (4): p. 223-231; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Ownership; History; Social interaction
143 NAL Call. No.: HV4702.H85
Horses suffer, too.
Smalley, A.
Washington, D.C. : The Humane Society of the United States; 1988.
The Humane Society of the United States News v. 33 (2): p. 13-15. ill; 1988.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Horses; Animal welfare; Societies; Protection
144 NAL Call. No.: HV4702.H85
Horses suffer, too.
Smalley, A.
Washington, D.C. : The Humane Society of the United States; 1988.
The Humane Society of the United States News v. 33 (2): p. 13-15. ill; 1988.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal welfare; Abuse; Starvation; Animal health; Animal
145 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.P4E8
Housing for horses.
Gallagher, J.P.; Meyer, J.
University Park, Pa. : The Service; 1988 Feb.
Extension circular - Pennsylvania State University, Agricultural Extension
Service (347): 6 p. ill; 1988 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pennsylvania; Stables; Layout and planning; Loose housing
146 NAL Call. No.: aZ5071.N3
Housing, husbandry, and welfare of horses--January 1984-September 1992.
Smith, C.P.
Beltsville, Md. : The Library; 1992 Dec.
Quick bibliography series - U.S. Department of Agriculture, National
Agricultural Library (U.S.). (93-09): 65 p.; 1992 Dec. Updates QB 91-04, QB
91-05, and QB 91-06. Bibliography.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal husbandry; Animal housing; Animal welfare;
147 NAL Call. No.: aHV4749.H35 1989
Humane treatment for horses how the Horse Protection Act works., Rev. Dec.
United States, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Regulatory
Enforcement Animal Care
Hyattsville, Md.? : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service, Regulatory Enforcement Animal Care,; 1989.
7 p. : ill. ; 14 x 22 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal welfare
148 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A53
Improvements in horse transportation--Argentina to Italy.
London : The Society; 1988.
Animal international - World Society for the Protection of Animals v. 8 (26):
p. 9. ill; 1988.
Language: English
Descriptors: Italy; Argentina; Horses; Transport of animals; Boats and ships;
Animal welfare; Mortality
149 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Industry changes for the show Tennessee Walking Horse.
DeBoard, J.S.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1989 Jul.
Equine practice v. 15 (4): p. 44-51. ill; 1989 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Training (animal); Animal welfare; Usda; Regulations;
150 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Influence of confinement, plane of nutrition and low heel on the occurrence of
acquired, forelimb contracture in weanling horses.
Szczurek, E.M.; Jackson, S.G.; Rooney, J.R.; Baker, J.P.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1988 Sep.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 8 (5): p. 386-391; 1988 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Animal housing; Horse feeding; Hay; Concentrates; Nutrient
intake; Limbs; Deformities; Hooves; Weight gain
151 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Influence of diet on growth and development of yearling horses.
Gibbs, P.G.; Sigler, S.H.; Goehring, T.B.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1989 Jul.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 9 (4): p. 215-218; 1989 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Growth; Concentrates; Oats; Alfalfa hay;
Fat thickness
152 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Influence of endophyte-infected tall fescue on serum prolactin and
progesterone in gravid mares.
McCann, J.S.; Caudle, A.B.; Thompson, F.N.; Stuedemann, J.A.; Heusner, G.L.;
Thompson, D.L. Jr
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1992 Jan.
Journal of animal science v. 70 (1): p. 217-223; 1992 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Pregnancy; Festuca arundinacea; Acremonium coenophialum;
Prolactin; Progesterone; Blood plasma; Grazing; Foaling season
Abstract: Thirty mares in late gestation were used in a 3-yr study to assess
effects of the tall fescue endophyte Acremonium coenophialum on serum
prolactin (PRL) and progesterone. Two paddocks of each treatment, 0 or 100%
infected 'Kentucky 31' tall fescue, were grazed by the mares for 21 d. Blood
was collected three times per week until parturition. At 7-d intervals, mares
were challenged with thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) while grazing and
blood was collected postinjection. Mares grazing 100% infected tall fescue (E+)
had decreased serum PRL compared with mares grazing the 0% infected tall fescue
(E-) in 2 of 3 yr. Within 8 d postgrazing, serum PRL for E+ mares
equaled or surpassed values of the E- mares. Serum PRL was not different
during the 3rd yr. In response to TRH, serum PRL rate of increase was similar
between treatments but remained elevated (P < .01) in the E+ mares at the 180-,
240-, and 300-min sample times. Serum progesterone was lowered (P < .05) by E+
but increased to control values within 10 d postgrazing. It is concluded that
serum PRL and progesterone in the gravid mare were decreased by the
presence of A. coenophialum in 'Kentucky 31' tall fescue grass but normal
levels were reestablished within 2 to 3 wk.
153 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
The influence of high planes of nutrition on skeletal growth and development of
weanling horses.
Thompson, K.N.; Jackson, S.G.; Baker, J.P.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1988 Oct.
Journal of animal science v. 66 (10): p. 2459-2467; 1988 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Foals; Plane of nutrition; Skeleton development; Energy
intake; Protein intake; Calcium
154 NAL Call. No.: 389.9 AM31
Influence of housing on racing performance of horses.
Slade, L.M.
S.l. : The Society; 1988.
Proceedings, annual meeting - Western Section, American Society of Animal
Science v. 39: p. 76-77; 1988. Meeting held on June 15th-17th, 1988, Pomona,
California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Stables; Housing area; Performance
155 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
The influence of type of diet (roughage or concentrate) on the plasma level,
renal excretion, and apparent digestibility of calcium and magnesium in
resting and exercising horses.
Meyer, H.; Stadermann, B.; Schnurpel, B.; Nehring, T.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 Jul.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (4): p. 233-238; 1992 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Diets; Roughage; Exercise; Calcium; Magnesium;
156 NAL Call. No.: SF287.M44 1988
Influencing horse behavior a natural approach to training., 1st ed..
McCall, Jim,; Mackenzie, Laurie,_ill; McCall, Lynda,
Loveland, Colo. : Alpine,; 1988.
xiii, 77 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
Abstract: Discusses the use of behavioral principles and psycholo gy in the
training of horses.
157 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Ingestive behavior.
Houpt, K.A.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Aug.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (2): p.
319-337; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Foals; Feeding behavior; Ingestion; Suckling
158 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Injectable regimens for standing restraint and anesthesia.
Tranquilli, W.J.
Lawrenceville, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1989 Oct.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 11
(10): p. 1283-1285; 1989 Oct. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia; Anesthetics; Injections; Restraint
159 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Intensive care for the horse: seven years of experience with 24-hour nursing.
Homes, H.V.; Meagher, D.M
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (34th): p. 519-527; 1989. Meeting held December 4-7, 1988, San
Diego, CA. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Hospitals; Monitoring; Records; Veterinary equipment;
Patient care; Facilities; Veterinary medicine
160 NAL Call. No.: 275.9 N213
Interactive television instruction in horse management.
Lawrence, L.A.; Hillers, J.K.; Peters, D.
Urbana, Ill. : National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture;
1990 Dec.
NACTA journal v. 34 (4): p. 28-30; 1990 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Management; Management education; Television;
Instruction; Distance teaching; Program evaluation
161 NAL Call. No.: 410 B77
Inter-group transfer in Assateague pony mares.
Rutberg, A.T.
London : Academic Press; 1990 Nov.
Animal behaviour v. 40 (pt.5): p. 945-952; 1990 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Maryland; Mares; Group behavior; Transfer; Stallions; Age
differences; Membership; Aggressive behavior
Abstract: Between-group transfer of adult female ponies, Equus caballus, was
investigated for three consecutive summers on Assateague Island, Maryland,
U.S.A. Both the inter-band movements of individual mares and the mare turnover
rates of one-male 'harem' bands were examined. Long-term transfers occurred at
rates ranging from 0.06 to 0.18 per mare per month. Mares with foals
transferred more frequently than mares without foals, but neither female age,
pregnancy, nearest-neighbour distances nor dominance rank affected the
likelihood of transferring. Band turnover rates were uncorrelated with the
average frequency of mare-mare aggression within the band, but new mares
entering a band suffered a transient rise in aggression received. Thus, female
aggression did not encourage, and may have discouraged. inter-band transfers.
Older stallions and stallions who had held bands for 2 years or more had
significantly larger and more stable bands. Fewer mare turnovers were seen in
bands whose stallions tended to face their mares, showed a relatively high
proportion of time feeding, and showed a relatively low proportion of time
involved in aggression with other stallions, although at marginal levels of
significance for all three variables. Thus, variability in stallion
attributes, and possibly behaviour, probably plays the strongest role in
determining mare transfer patterns at Assateague.
162 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E67
Intravenous fluid therapy and nutritional support in the sick neonate.
Koterba, A.M.
Newmarket, Suffolk : R & W Publications; 1991 Mar.
Equine veterinary education v. 3 (1): p. 33-39; 1991 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Newborn animals; Animal disorders; Animal diseases;
Nutritional support; Parenteral feeding; Fluid therapy; Intravenous injection;
Feed formulation
163 NAL Call. No.: HD7285.H66
Land use and zoning issues affecting the horse industry.
Deuel, N.R.
Ames, Iowa : American Association of Housing Educators; 1989 Jan.
Housing and society v. 15 (3): p. 51-55; 1989 Jan. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Horses; Land use; Zoning; Pets; Livestock enterprises;
Runoff; Groundwater pollution; Public health; Animal welfare
164 NAL Call. No.: SF745.S59
Large animal internal medicine.. Diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, and goats
Smith, Bradford P.
St. Louis : Mosby,; 1990.
l, 1787 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. Diseases of horses, cattle, sheep, and goats.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Veterinary internal medicine; Animal welfare
165 NAL Call. No.: 442.8 J8222
Long-term effects of porcine zonae pellucidae immunocontraception on ovarian
function in feral horses (Equus caballus).
Kirkpatrick, J.F.; Liu, I.M.K.; Turner, J.W. Jr; Naugle, R.; Keiper, R.
Colchester : The Journal; 1992 Mar.
Journal of reproduction and fertility v. 94 (2): p. 437-444; 1992 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Wild animals; Ovaries; Zona pellucida; Glycoproteins;
Contraceptives; Ovulation; Conception; Pregnancy; Estrone; Progesterone;
Metabolites; Hormone secretion; Female fertility; Sexual behavior
166 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Maintenance of an equine assistance and evacuation team.
Mansmann, R.A.; Collins, T.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 284-286; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Horses; Emergencies; Transport; Organizations; Animal
167 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Management of stallions on large breeding farms.
McCarthy, P.F.; Umphenour, N.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1992 Apr.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 8 (1): p.
219-235; 1992 Apr. In the series analytic: Stallion management / edited by
T.L. Blanchard and D.D. Varner.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Animal husbandry; Horse breeding
168 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 G29B
Management of the broodmare.
Heusner, G.
Athens, Ga. : The Service; 1990 May.
Bulletin - Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia, College of
Agriculture (1035): 10 p. ill; 1990 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Foaling; Lactation; Weaning; Animal husbandry
169 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E67
Management of the critically ill foal: initial respiratory, fluid and
nutritional support.
Settle, C.S.; Vaala, W.E.
Newmarket, Suffolk : R & W Publications; 1991 Mar.
Equine veterinary education v. 3 (1): p. 49-54; 1991 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Newborn animals; Foal diseases; Artificial respiration;
Fluid therapy; Nutritional support; Parenteral feeding; Enteral feeding;
Complications; Veterinary equipment
170 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Manual stimulation collection of semen from stallions: training time, sexual
behavior and semen.
McDonnell, S.M.; Love, C.C.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth Publishers; 1990 Jun.
Theriogenology v. 33 (6): p. 1201-1210. ill; 1990 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Semen; Collection; Ejaculation; Artificial vagina;
Stimulation; Sexual behavior
171 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Maternal behavior of draft mares (Equus caballus) with mule foals (Equus
asinus X Equus caballus).
Smith-Funk, E.D.; Crowell-Davis, S.L.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1992 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 33 (2/3): p. 93-119; 1992 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Mules; Foals; Maternal behavior; Draft animals; Sucking;
Aggressive behavior; Duration; Spatial distribution
172 NAL Call. No.: QL1.J68
Mechanics of locomotion and jumping in the horse (Equus): in vivo stress in the
tibia and metatarsus.
Biewener, A.A.; Thomason, J.J.; Lanyon, L.E.
London : The Zoological Society of London; 1988 Mar.
Journal of zoology v. 214 (pt.3): p. 547-565. ill; 1988 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Locomotion; Jumping; Tibia; Metatarsus; Stress factors; In
vivo; Anatomy
173 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Meeting nutritional needs.
Mundy, G.D.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1993.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners. p. 681-691; 1993. Meeting helding on November 29-December 2,
1992, Orlando, Florida. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrient requirements
174 NAL Call. No.: SF910.P34A55 1992
Metabolic and hormonal changes associated with general anesthesia and surgery
in horses.
Robertson, S.A.
New York : Churchill Livingstone; 1992.
Animal pain / edited by Charles E. Short, Alan Van Poznak. p. 326-330, 359;
1992. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia; Surgical operations; Metabolism; Hormones;
Stress; Postoperative care
175 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Metabolic response of horses to a high soluble carbohydrate diet: effects of
low-intensity submaximal exercise and sodium bicarbonate supplementation.
Ferrante, P.L.; Menninger, J.H.; Spencer, P.A.; Kronfeld, D.S.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1992 Mar.
American journal of veterinary research v. 53 (3): p. 321-325; 1992 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Carbohydrates; Exercise; Sodium
bicarbonate; Feed supplements; Metabolism
Abstract: Four mares fed a low fiber, high soluble carbohydrate diet were used
in a crossover design to evaluate the effects of dietary sodium
bicarbonate (NaHCO3) supplementation during daily low-intensity submaximal
working conditions. Mares were fed the diet at 1.7 times the maintenance
energy requirement for mature horses at work. The horses tolerated the diet
well and had no clinical abnormalities. Resting venous blood bicarbonate
(HCO3), standard HCO3, and base excess (BE) concentrations significantly (P <
0.05) increased with NaHCO3 supplementation, but no significant changes in
resting venous blood pH or carbon dioxide tension (P(CO2)) were recorded.
Venous blood HCO3, standard HCO3, BE, hemoglobin, and heart rate were
significantly (P < 0.05) increased and plasma lactate concentration was
significantly (P < 0.05) decreased in the control horses and in the horses
given the NaHCO3 supplement during low-intensity submaximal exercise. There
were no significant changes in venous blood pH, P(CO2), or plasma protein
concentration with exercise. Venous blood HCO3, standard HCO3, and BE
concentrations were significantly (P < 0.05) greater during submaximal
exercise in horses given the NaHCO3 supplement. There were no significant
differences in plasma lactate or total protein concentrations, blood pH,
P(CO3), or hemoglobin concentration between the 2 groups during exercise.
176 NAL Call. No.: HE199.5.L5L58
Minimizing transport stress in horses.
Smith, B.L.
Fort Washington, Md. : Silesia Companies, Inc; 1992 Mar.
Live animal trade & transport magazine v. 4 (1): p. 64-67; 1992 Mar.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Transport of animals; Stress factors; Stress response;
Recording instruments; Air quality; Road transport; Animal welfare
177 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Modification of ingestive behavior due to exercise in yearling horses grazing
Duren, S.E.; Dougherty, C.T.; Jackson, S.G.; Baker, J.P.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1989 Apr.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 22 (3/4): p. 335-345; 1989 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Feeding behavior; Behavior modification; Grazing;
Dactylis glomerata; Forage; Feed intake
178 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Monitoring cardiac development: a window to foetal wellbeing.
Pipers, F.
London : British Equine Veterinary Association; 1988 Jul.
Equine veterinary journal v. 20 (4): p. 234-235; 1988 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Parturition; Fetal growth; Heart; Fetal circulation;
179 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Muscle glycogen in exercised miniature horses at various body conditions and
fed a control or fat-supplemented diet.
Jones, D.L.; Potter, G.D.; Greene, L.W.; Odom, T.W.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 Sep.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (5): p. 287-291; 1992 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Glycogen; Body composition; Dietary fat
180 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Neonatal foal behavior.
McCall, C.A.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1991 Mar.
Equine practice v. 13 (3): p. 19-22; 1991 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Newborn animals; Animal behavior; Behavior patterns;
Postnatal development
181 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Neuroendocrine changes produced by competition stress on the thoroughbred race
Martinez, R.; Godoy, A.; Naretto, E.; White, A.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1988.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 91 (3):
p. 599-602; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Thoroughbred; Competition; Stress factors;
Catecholamines; Cortisol; Glucose
182 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
The new ethic for animals and the equine industry.
Rollin, B.E.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1992.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (37): p. 853-860; 1992. Meeting held December 1-4, 1991, San
Francisco, California.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal welfare
183 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
A new method for continuous recording of motor activity in horses.
Gill, J.
Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press; 1991.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 99 (3):
p. 333-341; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Mares; Foals; Animal behavior; Circadian rhythm;
Recording; Recording instruments
Abstract: 1. The use of an electronic recorder for the horse motor activity
was described. 2. Examples of different types of motor activities are given in
Figs 1-8. 3. The ultradian pattern of activity in all records was stressed. 4.
The possibility of receiving of more physiological informations by this type of
apparatus is discussed.
184 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Nonpharmacologic management of sterotypic self-multilative behavior in a
McClure, S.R.; Chaffin, M.K.; Beaver, B.V.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 Jun15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 200 (12): p.
1975-1977; 1992 Jun15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Behavior problems; Abnormal behavior; Behavior
modification; Environmental factors; Therapeutic diets; Case reports
185 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Normal and abnormal sexual behavior.
McDonnell, S.M.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1992 Apr.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 8 (1): p. 71-89;
1992 Apr. In the series analytic: Stallion management / edited by T.L.
Blanchard and D.D. Varner. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Sexual behavior; Abnormal behavior; Reproductive
186 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Normal and more highly reactive horses. I. Heart rate, respiration rate and
behavioral observations.
McCann, J.S.; Heird, J.C.; Bell, R.W.; Lutherer, L.O.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1988 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 19 (3/4): p. 201-214; 1988 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Heart rate; Respiration rate; Animal behavior
187 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Normal and more highly reactive horses. II. The effect of handling and
reserpine on the cardiac response to stimuli.
McCann, J.S.; Heird, J.C.; Bell, R.W.; Lutherer, L.O.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.; 1988 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 19 (3/4): p. 215-226; 1988 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Heart rate; Reserpine; Animal behavior; Stimulation;
188 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.O5O5
Nursing foal management.
Freeman, D.W.; Rains, J.
Stillwater, Okla. : The Service; 1989 Apr.
OSU extension facts - Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University
(3985): 4 p.; 1989 Apr.
Language: English
Descriptors: Oklahoma; Foals; Animal husbandry
189 NAL Call. No.: SF285.5.N37 1989
Nutrient requirements of horses., 5th rev. ed..
National Research Council (U.S.). Subcommittee on Horse Nutrition
Washington, D.C. : National Academy Press,; 1989.
vii, 100 p. ; 28 cm. + 1 computer disk (5 1/4 in.) + directions sheet.
(Nutrient requirements of domestic animals). System requirements for computer
disk: IBM PC; MS or PC DOS; Turbo Pascal version 4.0. Bibliography: p. 80-91.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrition; Requirements; Horses; Feeding and feeds
190 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Nutrition and fuel utilization in the athletic horse.
Lawrence, L.M.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1990 Aug.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 6 (2): p.
393-418; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrition; Exercise; Feed supplements; Protein; Vitamins;
Fat; Carbohydrates
191 NAL Call. No.: 389.9 N953
Nutrition and the growth and recing performance of thoroughbred horses.
Frape, D.L.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press; 1989 Jan.
The Proceedings of the Nutrition Society v. 48 (1): p. 141-152; 1989 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutrient requirements; Physical activity; Growth
192 NAL Call. No.: SF285.5.N87 1989
Nutrition for the equine athlete.
Jones, William Elvin
Wildomar, CA : Equine Sportsmedicine News,; 1989.
vi, 97 p. ; 22 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
193 NAL Call. No.: SF95.R47
Nutrition of the leisure horse.
Frape, D.L.
London : Butterworths; 1988.
Recent advances in animal nutrition. p. 205-219; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horse feeding; Feed intake; Energy requirements; Diets;
Digestibility; Feed formulation; Body weight; Exercise
194 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Nutrition related problems of the performance horse.
Pagan, J.; Jackson, S.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 Feb.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (2): p. 63-64; 1993 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Nutritional disorders; Metabolic disorders; Horse feeding
195 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Nutritional aspects of developmental orthopedic disease in growing horses.
Thatcher, C.D.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 Jul.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (7): p. 743-747; 1991 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Bone diseases; Nutrient deficiencies; Nutrient excesses;
Horse feeding; Nutrient requirements; Disease prevention
196 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.O5O5
Nutritional concerns for exercising horses.
Freeman, D.W.
Stillwater, Okla. : The Service; 1992 Jul.
OSU extension facts - Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University
(3970): 4 p.; 1992 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Exercise; Nutrient requirements; Energy requirements;
Nutritive value; Energy value; Oat hay; Feed requirements; Protein
requirement; Vitamins; Minerals; Feeding frequency; Overfeeding; Water; Weight
197 NAL Call. No.: 49.9 IN23
Nutritional management for horses.
Russell, M.A.; Bauer, P.M.
West Lafayette, Ind. : The Service; 1992 May.
AS - Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University v.): 8 p.; 1992 May. In
subseries: Horses. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Digestive tract; Nutrient requirements; Feed rations;
Forage; Horse feeding; Feed formulation
198 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Nutritional muscular dystrophy in foals.
Moore, R.M.; Kohn, C.W.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1991 Mar.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 13
(3): p. 476-490; 1991 Mar. Literature review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Nutritional muscular dystrophy; Selenium; Vitamin e;
Symptoms; Pathogenesis; Diagnosis; Enzyme activity; Creatine kinase; Aspartate
aminotransferase; Histology; Treatment; Mortality; Prognosis; Literature
199 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
The nutritional status of pregnant and non-pregnant mares grazing South East
Queensland pastures.
Gallagher, J.R.; McMeniman, N.P.
London : British Equine Veterinary Association; 1988 Nov.
Equine veterinary journal v. 20 (6): p. 414-416; 1988 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Queensland; Mares; Pregnancy; Pastures; Grazing; Nutritional state
200 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Nutritional supplementation of the anorectic horse.
Bertone, A.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1992 May.
Equine practice v. 14 (5): p. 21-23; 1992 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Food deprivation; Illness; Nutritional support; Enteral
feeding; Parenteral feeding; Therapeutic diets
201 NAL Call. No.: SF285.3.S7
Ohne Eisen gesunde Hufe ohne Beschlag durch artgerechte Pferdehaltung
[Without iron. healthy hoofs without shoeing through correct horse
healthy hoofs without shoeing through correct horse husbandry
Strasser, Hiltrud
Friedberg : L.B. Ahnert,; 1988.
111 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 110).
Language: German
Descriptors: Horses; Hoofs
202 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Ontogeny of behavior in Przewalski horses.
Boyd, L.E.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 41-69. ill; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Ontogeny; Animal behavior; Foals; Social
203 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
Ontogeny of gastric function vs the 'stress syndrome'.
Lloyd, K.C.K.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1993 May.
Equine veterinary journal v. 25 (3): p. 179; 1993 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Horses; Digestive system; Stress; Ontogeny
204 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Parenteral nutrition in equine patients: principles and theory.
Spurlock, S.L.; Ward, M.V.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1991 Mar.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 13
(3): p. 461-469, 490; 1991 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Parenteral feeding; Fluids; Electrolytes; Blood serum;
Protein; Energy requirements; Foals; Carbohydrates; Lipids; Hypokalemia; Trace
elements; Vitamins
205 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Pathology of tendons and ligaments.
Pool, R.R.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (3): p. 145-148; 1992 May.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Tendons; Ligaments; Pathology; Training of animals;
Stress; Pathogenesis
206 NAL Call. No.: SF318.P5 1991
Pferdehaltung Verhalten, Arbeitswirtschaft, Stalle, Futterung und Krankheiten
[Horse keeping]., 2., neubearbeitete und erw. Aufl..
Pirkelmann, Heinrich; Ahlswede, Lutz; Pirelmann, Heinrich
Stuttgart (Hohenheim) : E. Ulmer,; 1991.
446 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. (Tierzuchtbucherei). Earlier ed. published under the
title: Pferdestalle und Pferdehaltung. Includes bibliographical references (p.
[429]-438) and index.
Language: German
Descriptors: Horses; Horses; Stables
207 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.O5O5
Physical conditioning of the equine. II. Specific event training programs.
Topliff, D.R.; Freeman, D.W.
Stillwater, Okla. : The Service; 1989 Feb.
OSU extension facts - Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University
(3984): 4 p.; 1989 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Oklahoma; Horses; Physical development; Conditioning; Physical
activity; Animal husbandry
208 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Physiological responses of mares to short term confinement and social
Mal, M.E.; Friend, T.H.; Lay, D.C.; Vogelsang, S.G.; Jenkins, O.C.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1991 Mar.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 11 (2): p. 96-102; 1991 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Animal housing; Isolation; Stress; Blood; Hydrocortisone;
Thyroid hormones; Immune response; Age differences; Blood picture
209 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AU72
Plasma beta-endorphin and adrenocorticotropin in young horses in training.
McCarthy, R.N.; Jeffcott, L.B.; Funder, J.W.; Fullerton, M.; Clarke, I.J.
Brunswick, Victoria : Australian Veterinary Association; 1991 Nov.
Australian veterinary journal v. 68 (11): p. 359-361; 1991 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Exercise; Stress; Training of animals; Endorphins;
Corticotropin; Physical fitness
210 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 G29B
Pleasure horse care and feeding.
Heusner, G.
Athens, Ga. : The Service; 1989 May.
Bulletin - Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia, College of
Agriculture v.): 26 p. ill; 1989 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Animal husbandry
211 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 G29B
Pleasure horse care and feeding.
Athens, Ga. : The Service; 1993 Jan.
Bulletin - Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia, College of
Agriculture v.): 25 p. ill; 1993 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Animal husbandry; Horse riding
212 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N3C66
Pre performance care of the horse.
Cirelli, A.A. Jr
Reno, Nev. : The College; 1989.
Fact sheet - College of Agriculture, University of Nevada-Reno, Nevada
Cooperative Extension (89-40): 2 p.; 1989. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Shows; Animal welfare
213 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N3C66
Prebreeding management of the mare.
Cirelli, A.A. Jr
Reno, Nev. : The College; 1988.
Fact sheet - College of Agriculture, University of Nevada-Reno, Nevada
Cooperative Extension (88-41): 3 p.; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Reproductive performance; Animal husbandry; Estrous cycle
214 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N3C66
Prebreeding management of the stallion.
Cirelli, A.A. Jr
Reno, Nev. : The College; 1988.
Fact sheet - College of Agriculture, University of Nevada-Reno, Nevada
Cooperative Extension (88-42): 3 p.; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Reproductive performance; Animal husbandry
215 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
A preliminary report on studies on equine transit stress.
Leadon, D.; Frank, C.; Backhouse, W.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1989 Jul.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 9 (4): p. 200-202; 1989 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Transport of animals; Stress; Environmental factors; Air
quality; Road transport; Sea transport; Air transport
216 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Preliminary studies on the use of plasma beta-endorphin in horses as an
indicator of stress and pain.
McCarthy, R.N.; Jeffcott, L.B.; Clarke, I.J.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 Apr.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (4): p. 216-219; 1993 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Endorphins
217 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Prevalence of ocular microorganisms in hospitalized and stabled horses.
Moore, C.P.; Heller, N.; Majors, L.J.; Whitley, R.D.; Burgess, E.C.; Weber, J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Jun.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (6): p. 773-777; 1988 Jun.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Eyes (animal); Microbial flora; Bacteria; Fungi; Animal
husbandry; Culture techniques
Abstract: Microorganisms from normal eyes of hospitalized and stabled horses
were identified, and the frequency of isolation was compared between the 2
groups. Using standard techniques, swab specimens from both eyes of 22
hospitalized horses and both eyes of 18 stabled horses were cultured for
aerobic bacteria and fungi. Ninety-six aerobic bacteria and 57 fungi were
isolated. The predominant bacterial isolates were gram-positive organisms, most
of which belonged to the genera Corynebacterium, Bacillus,
Staphylococcus, and Streptomyces. Gram-negative organisms comprised less than
one-fourth of the bacterial isolates, with the genera Neisseria, Moraxella, and
Acinetobacter being the most commonly isolated. Environmental fungi
Cladosporium and Alternaria accounted for half of all fungal isolates. In only
5 horses were fungi isolated without accompanying isolation of bacteria. The
frequency of isolation of fungi was higher (P less than 0.01) in stabled
horses. For bacteria, the frequency of isolation was higher (P less than 0.08)
in male horses. Results of susceptibility testing were recorded as the
percentage of all isolates were highly susceptible to a given antimicrobic
drug. Bacterial isolates were highly susceptible (greater than or equal to 90%)
to neomycin, polymixin B, gentamicin, and chloramphenicol. Overall,
filamentous fungi had highest susceptibility to natamycin (97%). Miconazole was
highly efficacious (100% susceptibility) against Fusarium and Aspergillus.
218 NAL Call. No.: SF604.P82 no.135
Proceedings of a course on nutrition and lameness in horses Christchurch, July
1991.. Nutrition and lameness in horses
Petersen, Gunner V.
New Zealand Veterinary Association, Foundation for Continuing Education,Massey
Palmerston North, [N.Z.] : Veterinary Continuing Education, Massey University,
[1991?]; 1991.
96 p. : ill. ; 29 cm. (Publication (Massey University. Veterinary Continuing
Education) ; no. 135.). On cover: Proceedings from the Animal Seminar of the
Equine Branch NZVA. "Foundation for Continuing Education of the N.Z.
Veterinary Association"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references and
Language: English
Descriptors: Lameness in horses; Horses
219 NAL Call. No.: 412.9 N814
Pronghorn/livestock relationships.
Yoakum, J.D.; O'Gara, B.W.
Washington, D.C. : Wildlife Management Institute; 1990.
Transactions of the ... North American Wildlife and Natural Resources
Conference (55th): p. 475-487. ill; 1990. Literature review. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Antilocapra Americana; Cattle; Horses; Sheep; Animal husbandry;
Biological competition; Commensals; Disease vectors; Range management;
Literature reviews; Wildlife conservation
220 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Providing parenteral nutritional support for equine patients.
Spurlock, S.L.; Ward, M.V.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Company; 1990 Aug.
Veterinary medicine v. 85 (8): p. 883, 886-890; 1990 Aug. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Parenteral feeding; Therapeutic diets; Nutrient
requirements; Energy sources
221 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Przewalski horses.
Houpt, K.A.; Fraser, A.F.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 1-3; 1988 Sep. In the series
analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Wild animals; Equus caballus przewalskii;
Breeding programs; Animal behavior; Research projects
222 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AU72
Purple pigeon grass (Setaria incrassata): a potential cause of nutritional
secondary hyperpharathyroidism of grazing horses.
McKenzie, R.A.
Brunswick, Victoria : Australian Veterinary Association; 1988 Oct.
Australian veterinary journal v. 65 (10): p. 329-330; 1988 Oct. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Queensland; Horses; Setaria (gramineae); Grazing; Oxalates;
Hyperparathyroidism; Nutritional disorders
223 NAL Call. No.: 382 SO12
Recent advances in the nutrition of the performance horse.
Harris, P.
Essex : Elsevier Applied Science; 1990.
Journal of the science of food and agriculture v. 53 (1): p. 129-130; 1990.
Summary of paper presented at the Agriculture Group Symposium "Alternative
Livestock: Nutrition and Management," Society of Chemical Industry; February
20, 1990, London.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Animal nutrition
224 NAL Call. No.: 49.9 IN23
Recognizing and maintaining the healthy horse.
Russell, M.; Sojka, J.
West Lafayette, Ind. : The Service; 1992 Mar.
AS - Cooperative Extension Service, Purdue University (460): 4 p.; 1992 Mar. In
subseries: Horses.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Body fat; Conformation; Horse feeding; Animal husbandry
225 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Regulation of estrus and ovulation in mares with progesterone or progesterone
and estradiol biodegradable microspheres with or without PGF2 alpha.
Blanchard, T.L.; Varner, D.D.; Burns, P.J.; Everett, K.A.; Brinsko, S.P.;
Boehnke, L.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1992 Dec.
Theriogenology v. 38 (6): p. 1091-1106; 1992 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Estrus; Synchronization; Progesterone; Estradiol;
Ovulation; Controlled release; Prostaglandins
Abstract: A single injection of a microsphere preparation, designed to
deliver 1.25 gm progesterone and 100 mg estradiol-17 beta at a controlled rate,
for a duration of 12 to 14 days, produces accurate control of estrus and
fertile ovulations in mares. Treatment is followed by PGF2 alpha injection 14
days after steroid injection. The objectives of the present study were to
determine whether estradiol added to the progesterone treatment or PGF2 alpha
administered at the end of the steroid treatment regimen, would improve
synchronization of estrus and ovulation. A total of 45 cyclic horse mares was
randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatment groups as follows: Group 1 (control, n =
9) sterile microsphere vehicle + sterile PGF2 alpha vehicle 14 days after
treatment with microsphere vehicle; Group 2 (n = 9) progesterone and estradiol
microspheres + PGF2 alpha 14 days after treatment with microspheres; Group 3 (n
= 9) progesterone and estradiol microspheres + PGF2 alpha vehicle 14 days after
treatment with microspheres; Group 4 (n = 9) progesterone + PGF2 alpha 14 days
after treatment with microspheres; and Group 5 (n = 9) progesterone + PGF2
alpha vehicle 14 days after treatment with microspheres. Addition of estradiol
(P < 0.05) or PGF2 alpha (P < 0.05) to the treatment regimen
increased synchronization efficacy by reducing variation in days to ovulation.
All treatments significantly reduced variation in days to estrus compared with
that of the controls; however, mares in the progesterone groups had an
increased incidence of silent or shortened estrous behavior (less than or equal
to 2 days) following treatment. Estradiol added to the treatment regimen
increased (P < 0.05) the number of mares with post treatment estrus > 2 days in
duration compared with mares treated with progesterone (78 vs 33%,
respectively). Therefore, estradiol and PGF2 alpha each appear to reduce
variation in days to ovulation while estradiol seems to promote better
expression of post-treatment estrous behavior
226 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Relationship between estrous behavior in pregnant mares and the presence of a
female conceptus.
Hayes, K.E.N.; Ginther, O.J.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1989 Nov.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 9 (6): p. 316-318; 1989 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Pregnancy; Sexual behavior; Conceptus; Sex; Foals
227 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
The relationship between recumbent rest and masturbation in stallions.
Wilcox, S.; Dusza, K.; Houpt, K.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1991 Jan.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 11 (1): p. 23-26; 1991 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Animal behavior; Rest; Dark; Sleep
228 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Reports on equine nutrition from the American Society of Animal Science.
Hintz, H.F.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1988 Oct.
Equine practice v. 10 (9): p. 6-7. ill; 1988 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Horse feeding; Wheat; Oats; Festuca; Wood; Feeding
behavior; Sodium bicarbonate; Almonds; Hulls; Cynodon dactylon
229 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.O5O5
Reproductive management of the mare.
Rains, J.R.; Freeman, D.W.
Stillwater, Okla. : The Service; 1989 Jan.
OSU extension facts - Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University
(3974): 4 p.; 1989 Jan.
Language: English
Descriptors: Oklahoma; Mares; Estrus; Pregnancy; Reproductive physiology;
Animal husbandry; Record keeping
230 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Respiratory stress and the performance horse.
Jackson, S.G.; Pagan, J.D.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 Sep.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (5): p. 272-273; 1992 Sep.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Respiratory disorders; Air pollutants
231 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Responses of cortisol and prolactin to sexual excitement and stress in
stallions and geldings.
Colborn, D.R.; Thompson, D.L. Jr; Roth, T.L.; Capehart, J.S.; White, K.L.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1991 Jun.
Journal of animal science v. 69 (6): p. 2556-2562; 1991 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Stallions; Sexual behavior; Stimulation; Prolactin;
Hydrocortisone; Stress; Secretion
Abstract: Sexual stimulation induces rapid secretion of cortisol and
prolactin (PRL) in stallions. Experiment 1 was designed to determine whether
stallions associated location and(or) procedure with previous sexual
stimulation in that location. After a control period on d 1, four stallions
were exposed to an estrous mare for 5 min on d 2. On d 3, 4, 5, and 6, the same
procedure was followed with no mare present. Concentrations of PRL and cortisol
increased (P < .05) after mare exposure on d 2 but did not vary (P > .05) on d
1, 3, 4, 5, or 6. In Exp. 2, six stallions were used to determine the short-
term effects of 1) sexual stimulation, 2) acute physical exercise, 3) restraint
via a twitch (twitching), 4) epinephrine administration, and 5) no stimulation
on plasma concentrations of PRL and cortisol. Stallions
received one treatment per day separated by 2 d of no treatment.
Concentrations of cortisol increased (P < .05) within 10 min after sexual
stimulation, exercise, twitching, and epinephrine administration but not
during control bleedings. Concentrations of PRL increased (P < .05)
immediately after sexual stimulation, exercise, and twitching but not after
epinephrine administration or during control bleeding. In Exp. 3, the same five
treatments were administered to six geldings. Concentrations of cortisol
increased (P < .05) after epinephrine administration, exercise, and twitching
but not after sexual stimulation or during control bleedings. Concentrations of
PRL increased (P < .05) after exercise and sexual stimulation. It is
concluded that 1) a single episode of sexual excitement in stallions does not
lead to a memory-mediated rise in either cortisol or PRL, 2) in stallions,
cortisol and PRL are secreted in response to sexual stimulation, exercise, and
twitching, whereas only cortisol is secreted in response to epinephrine
administration, and 3) in geldings, PRL is secreted in response to exercise,
and cortisol is released in response to epinephrine administration, ex
232 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
A review of chemical restraint for standing procedures in the horse.
Moll, H.D.; Pablo, L.S.; Purohit, R.C.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1989 Jun.
Equine practice v. 11 (6): p. 25-30; 1989 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Restraint of animals; Anesthetics; Neuroleptics
233 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
A review of learning behavior in horses and its application in horse training.
McCall, C.A.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1990 Jan.
Journal of animal science v. 68 (19): p. 75-81. ill; 1990 Jan. Literature
review. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Learning; Learning ability; Training (animal)
234 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
A review of learning behavior in horses and its application in horse training.
McCall, C.A.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1990 Jan.
Journal of animal science v. 68 (1): p. 75-81. ill; 1990 Jan. This record
corrects ID No. 90013329 which was incorrectly entered as issue 19. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Learning; Learning ability; Training
235 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
Reviewing the causes of obsessive-compulsive disorders in horses.
Luescher, U.A.; McKeown, D.B.; Halip, J.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Co; 1991 May.
Veterinary medicine v. 86 (5): p. 527-530; 1991 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Behavior problems; Compulsions; Etiology; Behavior
modification; Prevention; Treatment
236 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Role of the American Humane Association in disaster.
Ransom, C.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 281-282; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.A.; Animal welfare; Organizations; Horses; Wildlife; History
237 NAL Call. No.: QP1.P4
The role of the Flehmen response in the behavioral repertoire of the stallion.
Stahlbaum, C.C.; Houpt, K.A.
Elmsford, N.Y. : Pergamon Press; 1989 Jun.
Physiology & behavior v. 45 (6): p. 1207-1214. ill; 1989 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Animal behavior; Mares; Estrous cycle; Reproduction;
Feces; Sex determination
238 NAL Call. No.: SF907.A5
Rulemaking process on sored horses enlightening for this farrier.
Luikart, R.
Maynard, Mass. : Laux Company; 1988 Sep.
American farriers' journal v. 14 (5): p. 8-9; 1988 Sep.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Usda; Regulations; Pain; Protection; Animal welfare;
239 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 M69
A safe, simple way of bringing foals and "nurse mares" together.
O'Grady, S.E.; Roberts, L.
Lenexa, Kan. : Veterinary Medicine Publishing Company; 1989 Jul.
Veterinary medicine v. 84 (7): p. 719-720. ill; 1989 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Foals; Nurses; Mares; Animal behavior
240 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
San Diego Humane Society Animal Rescue Reserve.
Conant, M.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 283-284; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Animal welfare; Organizations; Emergencies; Planning;
241 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Scintigraphic appearance of stress-induced trauma of the dorsal cortex of the
third metacarpal bone in racing Thoroughbred horses: 121 cases (1978-1986).
Koblik, P.D.; Hornof, W.J.; Seeherman, H.J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1988 Feb01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 192 (3): p. 390-395.
ill; 1988 Feb01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Thoroughbred; Trauma; Metacarpus; Stresses;
Radiography; Bone fractures; Bone healing
242 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Seasonal variation in the estrous cycle of mares in the subtropics.
Dowsett, K.F.; Knott, L.M.; Woodward, R.A.; Bodero, D.A.V.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1993 Mar.
Theriogenology v. 39 (3): p. 631-653; 1993 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Queensland; Mares; Estrous cycle; Subtropics
Abstract: Data on the estrous cycles and sexual receptivity scores of 7
maiden Australian Stock Horse mares were used to study seasonal variation from
December until the following November. Mares were grazed in paddocks
containing both native and improved tropical pasture species. The study was
conducted in South-East Queensland (27 degrees 27' South latitude). There were
no differences between either the sexual receptivity or the lengths of natural
(Mean = 7.5 days, SEM = 0.4) and PGF-induced estruses (Mean = 7.6 days, SEM =
0.4). Plasma estrogens were not related to differences in sexual receptivity
scores between mares. The lowest incidence of estrus occurred at the time of
the winter solstice (June 22) in the Southern Hemisphere. Winter estruses (Mean
= 9.3 days, SEM = 0.8) were longer than those of summer (Mean = 6.6 days, SEM =
0.5) and autumn (Mean = 6.6 days, SEM = 0.9). Approximately 30% of estruses
were anovulatory. Most of these occurred in autumn and winter (P < 0.05). There
was considerable variation in the occurrence of anovulatory
estrus between mares. There were no differences between the lengths of
ovulatory and anovulatory estruses. Ovulatory estruses were significantly
longer in spring than in summer (P < 0.05). There were no seasonal differences
between the lengths of anovulatory estruses. The length of diestrus (Mean =
16.6 days, SEM = 0.3) was not affected by mare or season. Only 3 of the 7 mares
did not cycle during winter (anestrus), as confirmed by progesterone
concentrations of less than 1 ng/ml. Finally, there was no evidence of mares
having 2 breeding seasons per year in this study.
243 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Selective grazing behaviour in horses: development of methodology and
preliminary use of tests to measure individual grazing ability.
Marinier, S.L.; Alexander, A.J.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 May.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 30 (3/4): p. 203-221; 1991 May. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Grazing behavior; Food preferences; Senecio; Bitterness;
Methodology; Taste
244 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Shocking docking: mutilation before education?.
Cregier, S.E.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1990 Jul.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 10 (4): p. 252-255; 1990 Jul.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Tail; Docking; Animal welfare; Law
245 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Sleep patterns in the horse.
Belling, T.H. Jr
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1990 Sep.
Equine practice v. 12 (8): p. 22-27; 1990 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Sleep; Patterns; Animal behavior; Environmental factors;
246 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Social and illumination preferences of mares.
Houpt, K.A.; Houpt, T.R.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1988 Sep.
Journal of animal science v. 66 (9): p. 2159-2164. ill; 1988 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Animal behavior; Light regime; Social interaction;
247 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Social and illumination preferences of mares.
Houpt, K.A.; Houpt, T.R.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1992 Jun.
Equine practice v. 14 (6): p. 11-16; 1992 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Social environment; Illumination; Conditioning; Animal
248 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Social behaviour and relationships of Przewalski horses in Dutch
Feh, C.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 71-87; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Netherlands; Przewalski's horse; Social behavior; Relationships;
Social interaction; Dominance; Aggression; Reserves
249 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Social behaviour of Przewalski horses (Equus p. przewalskii) in the Cologne Zoo
and its consequences for management and housing.
Kolter, L.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 117-145. ill; 1988 Sep. In
the series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and
A.F. Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Equus caballus przewalskii; Social behavior;
Animal housing; Animal husbandry; Facilities; Zoological gardens
250 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Social facilitation in the horse (Equus caballus).
Rifa, H.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1990 Jan.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 25 (1/2): p. 167-176. ill., maps; 1990 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Maternal behavior; Social behavior
251 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Social interactions of the Przewalski horse (Equus przewalskii Poliakov, 1881)
herd at the Munich Zoo.
Keiper, R.R.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 89-97; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: German federal republic; Przewalski's horse; Equus caballus
przewalskii; Social interaction; Herd structure; Zoological gardens
252 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Solving behavior problems in horses.
McCall, C.A.
Santa Barbara, Calif., : Veterinary Practice Pub. Co. : 1979-; 1993 Sep.
Equine practice v. 15 (8): p. 30-31; 1993 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Behavior problems
253 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Some myths about equine nutrition.
Hintz, H.F.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1990 Jan.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 12
(1): p. 78, 80-81, 89; 1990 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Horse feeding; Alfalfa; Protein supplements; Minerals;
Nutrient requirements; Oats; Mineral supplements
254 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Spatial-ethological organization of the herd of Przewalski horses (Equus
przewalskii) in Askania-Nova.
Klimov, V.V.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 99-115. ill; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: U.S.S.R.; Przewalski's horse; Equus caballus przewalskii; Herd
structure; Caste; Groups; Steppes; Space requirements
255 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Spontaneous erection and masturbation in equids.
McDonnell, S.M.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Association; 1989.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (35th): p. 567-580. ill; 1989. Meeting held December 3-6 1989,
Boston, Massachusetts. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Sexual behavior; Incidence; Duration
256 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Stallion ejaculation induced by manual stimulation of the penis.
Crump, J. Jr; Crump, J.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth Publishers; 1989 Feb.
Theriogenology v. 31 (2): p. 341-346. ill; 1989 Feb. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Penis; Stimulation; Ejaculation; Semen; Collection;
Artificial insemination
257 NAL Call. No.: SF601.I4
Standing chemical restraint in the horse.
Munroe, G.; Young, L.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1991 Jul.
In practice v. 13 (4): p. 163-166; 1991 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia
258 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Standing laser surgery of the head and neck.
Palmer, S.E.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1991 Dec.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 7 (3): p.
549-569; 1991 Dec. In the series analytic: Standing surgery / edited by
Alicia L. Bertone. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Surgery; Lasers; Head; Neck; Anesthesia; Restraint of
259 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Standing surgery and procedures of the head.
Ford, T.S.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1991 Dec.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 7 (3): p.
583-602; 1991 Dec. In the series analytic: Standing surgery / edited by
Alicia L. Bertone. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Surgery; Head; Restraint of animals; Anesthesia; Local
anesthesia; Wounds; Bone fractures
260 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Starvation and malnutrition of horses: recognition and treatment.
Kronfeld, D.S.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 298-304; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Virginia; Horses; Starvation; Veterinary medicine; Animal welfare
261 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Storage and mobilization of muscle glycogen in exercising horses fed a
fat-supplemented diet.
Oldham, S.L.; Potter, G.D.; Evans, J.W.; Smith, S.B.; Taylor, T.S.; Barnes,
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1990 Sep.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 10 (5): p. 353-355, 358-359; 1990 Sep.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Racehorses; Glycogen; Muscle physiology; Anaerobic conditions;
Dietary fat; Feed supplements; Racing performance; Performance testing;
262 NAL Call. No.: aZ5071.N3
Stress in horses -- January 1979 - August 1990.
Clingerman, K.J.
Beltsville, Md. : The Library; 1990 Oct.
Quick bibliography series - U.S. Department of Agriculture, National
Agricultural Library (U.S.). (91-06): 5 p.; 1990 Oct. Bibliography.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Stress analysis
263 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Stress relaxation of the equine forelimb in vitro.
Rooney, J.R.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1991 Mar.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 11 (2): p. 75-76; 1991 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Limbs; In vitro; Stresses; Tendons; Ligaments
264 NAL Call. No.: SF955.E6
The stress response to anaesthesia in ponies: barbiturate anaesthesia.
Taylor, P.M.
Newmarket : R & W Publications; 1990 Sep.
Equine veterinary journal v. 22 (5): p. 307-312; 1990 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia; Stress response; Respiratory system;
Barbiturates; Thiopental; Pentobarbital
265 NAL Call. No.: SF910.P34A55 1992
Stress responses to anesthesia in horses.
Taylor, P.M.
New York : Churchill Livingstone; 1992.
Animal pain / edited by Charles E. Short, Alan Van Poznak. p. 322-325,
358-359; 1992. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia; Drug effects; Stress
266 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Stress, shock, chemical restraint and problems of immobilization and restraint
of the equine rescue patient.
Madigan, J.E.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 262-263; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Horses; Emergencies; Veterinary equipment;
Neuroleptics; Restraint of animals; Helicopters
267 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Studies on equine nutrition in France.
Hintz, H.F.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1989 Jul.
Equine practice v. 11 (7): p. 4-5; 1989 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: France; Horse feeding; Nutrition research; Energy value
268 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Submissive behavior associated with flight deprivation in the horse.
Miller, R.M.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1992.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners (37): p. 405-407; 1992. Meeting held December 1-4, 1991, San
Francisco, California.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Restraint of animals
269 NAL Call. No.: SF951.V47
Surgery of the penis and prepuce.
Schumacher, J.; Vaughan, J.T.
Philadelphia, Pa. : W.B. Saunders; 1988 Dec.
The Veterinary clinics of North America : equine practice v. 4 (3): p.
473-491. ill; 1988 Dec. In the series analytic: Urogenital surgery / edited by
G.W. Trotter. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Penis; Prepuce; Surgery; Injuries; Neoplasms;
Congenital abnormalities
270 NAL Call. No.: SF601.C66
Surgical techniques for treatment of pathologic conditions of the equine
Welch, R.D.; DeBowes, R.M.
Trenton, N.J. : Veterinary Learning Systems Company; 1989 Dec.
The Compendium on continuing education for the practicing veterinarian v. 11
(12): p. 1505-1509, 1527. ill; 1989 Dec. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Stallions; Penis; Surgical operations; Male genital
diseases; Treatment
271 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 C81
A survey of whole blood selenium concentrations of horses in Maryland.
Carmel, D.K.; Crisman, M.V.; Ley, W.B.; Irby, M.H.; Edwards, G.H.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell Veterinarian, Inc; 1990 Jul.
Cornell veterinarian v. 80: p. 251-258; 1990 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Maryland; Horses; Selenium; Blood; Trace element deficiencies;
Nutritional state; Nutrition surveys; Animal husbandry; Grazing time;
272 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Synthesis of heat stress proteins in lymphocytes from livestock.
Guerriero, V. Jr; Raynes, D.A.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1990 Sep.
Journal of animal science v. 68 (9): p. 2779-2783. ill; 1990 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Cattle; Horses; Sheep; Fowls; Lymphocytes; Heat stress; Protein
synthesis; Animal proteins; Species differences
273 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Tail blocking in a Quarter Horse.
Lowder, M.Q.; Bridges, E.R.; Gutierrez, A.; Padmore, C.L.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1991 Jun.
Equine practice v. 13 (6): p. 17-19; 1991 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Tail; Ethanol; Injection; Case reports; Complications;
Animal welfare
274 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Telemetric monitoring of body temperature in the horse mare.
Cross, D.T.; Threlfall, W.R.; Kline, R.C.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991 Nov.
Theriogenology v. 36 (5): p. 855-861; 1991 Nov. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Body temperature; Monitoring; Telemetry
Abstract: The objective of this study was to develop a radiotelemetric system
capable of frequent monitoring of mare body temperature. A radio transmitter
was implanted in the flank of each of four mares. Telemetered data were
received by a pair of antennae placed at right angles in a 3.3 X 6.6-m stall
and stored on a computer hard disk. The data were recorded every 5 minutes
except when mares were out of the stall for a 1- to 2- hour exercise period. No
effect of environmental temperature, ranging from 5 degrees C to 30 degrees C,
on mare body temperature was apparent. The radiotelemetric system used in this
study was effective for frequent measurement of mare body temperature.
275 NAL Call. No.: 442.8 J8222
Testicular growth, hormone concentrations, seminal characteristics and sexual
behaviour in stallions.
Naden, J.; Amann, R.P.; Squires, E.L.
Colchester : The Journal; 1990 Jan.
Journal of reproduction and fertility v. 88 (1): p. 167-176; 1990 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Testes; Growth; Hormone content; Semen characters;
Sexual behavior
276 NAL Call. No.: SF601.A46
Therapeutic nutrition for specific syndromes.
Ralston, S.L.
Lexington, Ky. : The Association; 1993.
Proceedings of the annual convention of the American Association of Equine
Practitioners. p. 693-698; 1993. Meeting helding on November 29-December 2,
1992, Orlando, Florida. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horse feeding; Horse diseases
277 NAL Call. No.: HV4701.A45
They shoot up horses, don't they?.
Maggitti, P.
Monroe, Conn. : Animal Rights Network; 1990 Nov.
The Animals' agenda v. 10 (9): p. 18-24. ill; 1990 Nov.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Slaughter; Animal welfare
278 NAL Call. No.: SF284.G3K76 1991
Tierhaltung und Veterinarmedizin im Berlin des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts eine
Spurensicherung [Animal husbandry and veterinary medicine in Berlin during the
19th and 20th centuries].
Krokotsch, Brigitte
Berlin : Colloquium Verlag,; 1991.
xiv, 450 p. : ill., map ; 24 cm. (Wissenschaft und Stadt ; Bd. 17). 5 folded
plans inserted in pocket. Includes bibliographical references (p. [430]-446).
Language: German
Descriptors: Horses; Working animals; Cattle; Veterinary medicine
279 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Time budgets of adult Przewalski horses: effects of sex, reproductive status
and enclosure.
Boyd, L.E.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1988 Sep.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 21 (1/2): p. 19-39; 1988 Sep. In the
series analytic: Behavior of Przewalski horses / edited by K.A. Houpt and A.F.
Fraser. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Przewalski's horse; Animal housing; Animal behavior; Sex;
Reproductive stages; Time and motion studies
280 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Total parenteral nutrition: an adjunct to supportive therapy in a case of
equine proximal enteritis.
Ball, M.A.; Step, D.L.; Weldon, A.D.; Reynolds, A.J.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1991 Sep.
Equine practice v. 13 (8): p. 23-27; 1991 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Parenteral feeding; Enteritis; Case reports; Nutritional
281 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3A
Total parenteral nutrition in four healthy adult horses.
Hansen, T.O.; White, N.A. II; Kemp, D.T.
Schaumburg, Ill. : American Veterinary Medical Association; 1988 Jan.
American journal of veterinary research v. 49 (1): p. 122-124; 1988 Jan.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Parenteral feeding; Electrolytes; Safety; Animal health
282 NAL Call. No.: SF281.U52 1989
Understanding equine behavior know what's on your horse's mind.
Kinnish, Mary Kay
Gaithersburg, MD (656 Quince Orchard Rd., Gaithersburg 20878) : Fleet Street
Pub.,; 1989.
96 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. "Equus reference guide"--Cover.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses
283 NAL Call. No.: SF907.A5
Understanding horse behavior.
Hill, C.
Maynard, Mass. : Laux Company; 1989 Mar.
American farriers' journal v. 15 (2): p. 44-56. ill; 1989 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior; Senses
284 NAL Call. No.: S604.3.V47 Heft 14
Untersuchungen zum Stallklima in einem Pferdestall zur Optimierung einer
computergesteuerten Porenluftungsanlage [Studies on the controlled
environment in a horse barn for the optimisation of computer-operated pore
ventilating fans].
Ebner, Jakob
Gumpenstein, Irdning : Bundesanstalt fur alpenlandische Landwirtschaft,; 1990.
61 p. : ill. ; 30 cm. (Veroffentlichungen der Bundesanstalt fur alpenlandische
Landwirtschaft Gumpenstein ; Heft 14.). Includes bibliographical references.
Language: German
285 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Use of a human enteral feeding preparation for treatment of hyperlipemia and
nutritional support during healing of an esophageal laceration in a miniature
Golenz, M.R.; Knight, D.A.; Yvorchuk-St Jean, K.E.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1992 Apr01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 200 (7): p. 951-953;
1992 Apr01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Esophagus; Wounds; Healing; Enteral feeding; Nutritional
support; Hyperlipemia; Case reports
286 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Use of a liquid diet as the sole source of nutrition in six dysphagic horses
and as a dietary supplement in seven hypophagic horses.
Sweeney, R.W.; Hansen, T.O.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1990 Oct15.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 197 (8): p.
1030-1032; 1990 Oct15. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Deglutition; Appetite disorders; Liquid diets; Feed
supplements; Force feeding; Therapeutic diets
287 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Use of a narcotic antagonist (nalmefene) to suppress self-mutilative behavior
in a stallion.
Dodman, N.H.; Shuster, L.; Court, M.H.; Patel, J.
Schaumburg, Ill. : The Association; 1988 Jun01.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 192 (11): p.
1585-1586; 1988 Jun01. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stallions; Abnormal behavior; Suppression; Neurotropic drugs
288 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Use of field observations to measure individual grazing ability in horses.
Marinier, S.L.; Alexander, A.J.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1992 Mar.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 33 (1): p. 1-10; 1992 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Grazing behavior; Biting rates; Weeds; Senecio
289 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.O5O5
Use of forages for horses.
Freeman, D.W.; Rommann, L.
Stillwater, Okla. : The Service; 1989 Feb.
OSU extension facts - Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University
(3980): 6 p.; 1989 Feb.
Language: English
Descriptors: Oklahoma; Horse feeding; Forage; Nutrition physiology; Feed
formulation; Costing; Poisonous weeds; Animal husbandry
290 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
The use of tiletamine-zolazepam for "darting" feral horses.
Matthews, N.S.; Myers, M.M.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1993 May.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 13 (5): p. 264-267; 1993 May.
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Equine Rescue, February
6-7, 1993, Santa Barbara, California. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: North Carolina; Horses; Feral herds; Anesthesia; Restraint of
291 NAL Call. No.: SF951.E62
Using a twitch.
Thomas, H.S.
Santa Barbara, Calif. : Veterinary Practice Publishing Company; 1989 Jul.
Equine practice v. 15 (4): p. 28-30. ill; 1989 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Anesthesia; Endorphins; Tying devices; Twist; Restraint of
292 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Uterine electromyographic activity in horse mares as measured by
Cross, D.T.; Threlfall, W.R.; Rogers, R.C.; Kline, R.C.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991 Mar.
Theriogenology v. 35 (3): p. 591-601; 1991 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Mares; Myometrium; Electromyography; Telemetry
Abstract: The objective of this study was to determine if radiotelemetry could
be used to measure myometrial electromyographic (EMG) activity. A radio
transmitter with one pair of biopotential leads was implanted in the flank
ipsilateral to the pregnant uterine horn at least five weeks prior to the
expected date of parturition in two mares. The biopotential leads were
implanted in the base of the pregnant uterine born. Telemetered data were
received by a pair of antennae placed at right angles in a 3.3 by 6.6-m stall.
Data were recorded on VHS format videocassette tapes continuously for the 24h
prior to and following parturition. Simultaneous physiograph recordings were
made as a hard copy reference. In addition, 10 mg of prostaglandin F2 alpha was
administered to two mares in the luteal phase of the estrous cycle.
Myometrial EMG during parturition was increased similarly to that of
previously published reports that used myometrial electrodes wired directly to
a physiograph. Prostaglandin F2 alpha also caused an increase in myometrial EMG
activity within 8 min of administration. This study demonstrated that
radiotelemetry can be used for measuring myometrial EMG activity.
293 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Utilizing taped stallion vocalizations as a practical aid in estrus detection
in mares.
McCall, C.A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1991 Jan.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 28 (4): p. 305-310; 1991 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mares; Estrus; Detection; Vocalization; Stallions; Audiotapes;
Sexual behavior
294 NAL Call. No.: TRANSL 35561
Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis and other abroviral diseases. Guidelines for
surveillance in animal contingencies in the local services = Encefalitis
equina Venezolana y otras arbovirosis. Pautas para vigilancia en los casos
animales en los Servicios Locales.. Encefalitis equina venezolana y otras
Quiroz, C.; Avilan, C.
Karachi, Pakistan : Muhammad Ali Society,; 1989.
15 leaves ; 27 cm. Translated from Spanish for the OICD, APHIS, USDA by Mrs.
Geti Saad, Ag TT 88-4-0133. Translated from: Revista venezolana de sanidad y
asistencia social, vol. 31, suppl. 3:819, 821-828, Sept. 1966.
Language: English
295 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 H198 1989 [no.164]
Versuche zur in vivo-Bestimmung des Caecumvolumens beim Pferd in Abhangigkeit
von Futterart und Futterungszeitpunkt [Investigation on in-vivo determination
of the caecal volume in relation to diet and feeding time in the horse].
Jehner, Christoph
Hannover : [s.n.],; 1989.
68 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. English summary. Includes bibliographical references
(p. 65-68).
Language: German
296 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.V8V52
Virginia 4-H horse project--horseless horse project unit IV horse science.
Blacksburg, Va. : Extension Division, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
University; 1988 Jan.
Publication - Virginia Cooperative Extension Service (406-904): 20 p. ill; 1988
Language: English
Descriptors: Virginia; 4-h clubs; Activity books; Horses; Animal husbandry
297 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Vitamin A, E and D nutrition in mares and foals during the winter season:
effect of feeding two different vitamin-mineral concentrates.
Maenpaa, P.H.; Pirhonen, A.; Koskinen, E.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1988 Jun.
Journal of animal science v. 66 (6): p. 1424-1429; 1988 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Mare feeding; Foals; Supplementary feeding; Vitamin a; Vitamin e;
Vitamin d; Minerals; Concentrates; Winter
298 NAL Call. No.: 49.9 AU72
Vitamin and mineral nutrition of the horse.
Caple, I.W.
Sydney : Pergamon Press; 1990.
Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production v. 18: p. 117-120;
1990. Meeting held on July 8-12, 1990, Adelaide, South Australia.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Mineral nutrition; Vitamins
299 NAL Call. No.: SF951.J65
Water acceptance and intake in horses under shipping stress.
Mars, L.A.; Kiesling, H.E.; Ross, T.T.; Armstrong, J.B.; Murray, L.
Lake Elsinore, Calif. : William E. Jones, DVM; 1992 Jan.
Journal of equine veterinary science v. 12 (1): p. 17-20; 1992 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Transport; Stress; Water intake; Blood chemistry; Heart
300 NAL Call. No.: aZ5071.N3
Welfare of horses January 1979 - August 1990.
Clingerman, K.J.
Beltsville, Md. : The Library; 1990 Oct.
Quick bibliography series - U.S. Department of Agriculture, National
Agricultural Library (U.S.). (91-04): 16 p.; 1990 Oct. Bibliography.
Language: English
Descriptors: Animal welfare; Horses; Animal behavior
301 NAL Call. No.: 49 J82
Wood chewing by stabled horses: diurnal pattern and effects of exercise.
Krzak, W.E.; Gonyou, H.W.; Lawrence, L.M.
Champaign, Ill. : American Society of Animal Science; 1991 Mar.
Journal of animal science v. 69 (3): p. 1053-1058; 1991 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Vices; Exercise; Stables; Intake; Salt; Wood; Horse
feeding; Timing
Abstract: Nine yearling horses, stabled in individual stalls, were used in a
trial to determine the diurnal pattern of wood chewing and the effects of
exercise on this behavior. The trial was a Latin square design conducted over
three 2-wk periods during which each horse was exposed to each of the three
following treatments: 1) no exercise (NE), 2) exercise after the morning
feeding (AM), and 3) exercise in the afternoon (PM). Horses were fed a
complete pelleted feed in the morning and both pelleted feed and long-stemmed
hay in the afternoon. Exercise consisted of 45 min on a mechanical walker
followed by 45 min in a paddock with bare soil. Each stall was equipped with
two untreated spruce boards during each period for wood chewing. Wood chewing
was evaluated by videotaping each horse for 22 h during each period,
determining the weight and volume of the boards before and after each period,
and by visual appraisal of the boards. Intake of trace mineralized salt was
also measured. Wood chewing occurred primarily between 2200 and 1200. All
measures of wood chewing were correlated when totals for the entire 6 wk were
analyzed. When analysis was performed on 2-wk values, videotape results were
not correlated with volume or weight loss of boards. Horses chewed more when on
the NE treatment (511 s/d) than when on AM or PM (57 and 136 s/d,
respectively; P < .05). Salt intake tended to be greater for NE than for the
other treatments (P < .10). It is concluded that wood chewing occurs primarily
during the late night and morning and that exercise reduces the time that
stabled horses spend chewing wood.
302 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N3C66
Wood chewing horses.
Peterson, W.J.; Cirelli, A.A. Jr
Reno, Nev. : The College; 1989.
Fact sheet - College of Agriculture, University of Nevada-Reno, Nevada
Cooperative Extension (89-41): 2 p.; 1989. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Animal behavior
303 NAL Call. No.: SF170.D66 1991
The working equine--what we can learn from research with other animals used for
draught purposes.
Smith, A.J.
Edinburgh : Centre for Tropical Veterinary Medicine; 1991.
Donkeys, mules & horses in tropical agricultural development : proc of a
Colloquium organ by the Edinburgh School of Agric & the Cent for Trop Vet Med
of the Univ of Edinburgh & held in Edinburgh, Scotland, 3rd-6th Sept 1990. p.
211-219; 1991. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Draft animals; Animal husbandry; Research
304 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Xylazine-induced ex copula ejaculation in stallions.
McDonnell, S.M.; Love, C.C.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1991 Jul.
Theriogenology v. 36 (1): p. 73-76; 1991 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Horses; Stallions; Ejaculation; Stimulation; Xylazine;
Intravenous injection; Teasing
Abstract: This study is a part of ongoing work toward developing
pharmacological methods of enhancing and inducing ejaculation in stallions with
ejaculatory dysfunction. We evaluated ex copula ejaculatory response to
treatment with the alpha-adrenergic agonist xylazine hydrochloride, with and
without preliminary sexual stimulation. Twenty-eight mature stallions each
received, in random order, one xylazine trial (0.3 mg/lb, i.v.) without
preliminary sexual stimulation, one xylazine trial with 5 to 10 min of sexual
prestimulation, and one control trial (equivalent volume sterile water
injection). Trials were conducted in the animal stalls. Ejaculation occurred in
15 of 56 (27%) xylazine trials. No ejaculations occurred in the sterile water
control trials. In trials with sexual prestimulation, ejaculation
occurred in 39% compared with 14% in trials without prestimulation. This
difference was significant (P < 0.05). Xylazine-induced ejaculates were
collected into a plastic bag attached to a girth and were similar to those
obtained by artificial vagina. Nine of the 15 ejaculations occurred within 2
min of injection.
305 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 G3642 1988 [no.77]
Zur Geschichte der Zwangsmassnahmen beim Pferd [The history of surgical
restraint measures for horses].
Hoss, Monika,
Giessen : [s.n.],; 1988.
iii, 154 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. (Inaugural-Dissertation / Justus
Liebig-Universitat Giessen. Fachbereich Veterinarmedizin und Tierzucht ; 1988
[no. 77]). English summary. Includes vita. Bibliography: p. 133-154.
Language: German
Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft 120
Ahlswede, Lutz 206
Albaugh, R. 129
Alexander, A.J. 118, 243, 288
Amann, R.P. 275
Ambrosiano, Nancy W. 42
American Horse Council, American Youth Horse Council, Colorado State
University, Extension Horse Program 24
Anderson, J.G. 87
Anderson, M. 10
Ardans, A.A. 10
Argenzio, R.A. 113
Armstrong, J.B. 299
Atock, M.A. 93
Attenburrow, D.P. 54
Avilan, C. 294
Backhouse, W. 93, 215
Baker, J.P. 150, 153, 177
Ball, M.A. 280
Barnes, W.S. 261
Barney, Sally 122
Barr, B.C. 10
Bartel, D.L. 82
Basaraba, R.J. 83
Baucus, K.L. 73, 86
Bauer, P.M. 197
Bay, C.C. 131
Beatey, S.A. 27
Beaver, B.V. 184
Bell, R.W. 186, 187
Belling, T.H. Jr 245
Bender, Ingolf 124
Bertone, A.L. 51, 200
Biewener, A.A. 172
Binczik, G.A. 22
Blake, J.W. 127
Blanchard, T.L. 225
Blancquaert, A-M.B. 74
Blancquaert, A.M.B. 108
Bodero, D.A.V. 242
Boehnke, L. 225
Booker, N. 60
Boyd, L.E. 1, 15, 202, 279
Boyles, S. 136, 137
Bramlage, L.R. 34, 72
Bridges, E.R. 273
Brinsko, S.P. 225
Brown, Jonathan, 133
Bruyninckx, W. 108
Bruyninckx, W.J. 74
Bump, K.D. 3
Burgess, E.C. 217
Burns, P.J. 225
Burton, J. 52
Caanitz, H. 69
Cantwell, H. Dan 101
Capehart, J.S. 231
Caple, I.W. 298
Carbonaro, D.A. 1
Carmel, D.K. 271
Caudle, A.B. 152
Chaffin, M.K. 184
Chang, S.L. 127
Christison, G.I. 77, 92
Cirelli, A. Jr 130
Cirelli, A.A. Jr 23, 212, 213, 214, 302
Clarke, I.J. 209, 216
Clarke, L.L. 113
Clay, C.M. 90
Clay, J.N. 90
Cleland, Fran 138
Clemson University, Cooperative Extension Service 128
Cline, J.H. 75
Clingerman, K.J. 96, 262, 300
Colahan, P.T. 76
Colborn, D.R. 231
Collins, T. 166
Conant, M. 240
Cook, W.R. 126
Coopers Animal Health Inc 97
Court, M.H. 287
Covalesky, M.E. 81
Cox, J.H. 55
Cregier, S.E. 244
Crisman, M.V. 49, 83, 271
Cross, D.T. 21, 274, 292
Crowell-Davis, S.L. 27, 105, 171
Crump, J. 256
Crump, J. Jr 256
Cuddeford, D. 100
Cunha, T. J. 132
Cymbaluk, N.F. 37, 77, 92
Daels, P.P. 64
Daft, B.M. 10
Dargatz, D.A. 108
Daykin, J. 93
DeBoard, J.S. 149
DeBowes, R.M. 55, 270
Dehority, B.A. 75
Deuel, N.R. 163
Diehl, N.K. 44
Dobson, H. 52
Dodman, N.H. 287
Donahoe, J. 59
Donawick, W.J. 62
Donoghue, S. 45
Dougherty, C.T. 177
Dowsett, K.F. 242
Drudge, J.H. 109
Duncan, P. 40
Duncan, P. B. 141
Dunn, R. 111
Duran, S.H. 66
Duren, S.E. 177
Dusza, K. 227
Earl-Costello, S.A. 27
Ebner, Jakob 284
Edwards, G.H. 271
Ellard, M.E. 105
Estep, D.Q. 27
Evans, J.W. 58, 261
Everett, K.A. 225
Ewing, A. 127
Feh, C. 248
Ferguson, D.C. 84
Fernandez-Diaz, Maria Del Pilar, 79
Ferrante, P.L. 175
Fielding, D. 9
Foose, T.J. 40
Ford, T.S. 259
Frank, C. 93, 215
Frank, M. 127
Frape, D.L. 191, 193
Fraser, A.F. 221
Fraser, Andrew Ferguson 18
Freeman, D.W. 188, 196, 207, 229, 289
Friend, T.H. 16, 208
Fullerton, M. 209
Funder, J.W. 209
Furr, M.O. 84
Gabel, A.A. 34, 72
Gakahu, C.G. 40
Gallagher, J.P. 145
Gallagher, J.R. 199
Galligan, D.T. 62
Garza, F. Jr 80
Gaspar, R.J. 46
Gatewood, D.M. 55
Gaughan, E.M. 82
Geiser, D.R. 29, 30
Gibbs, P.G. 151
Gill, J. 183
Ginther, O.J. 226
Godoy, A. 85, 181
Goehring, T.B. 151
Golenz, M.R. 285
Gonyou, H.W. 301
Goodship, A.E. 119
Goodson, J. 75
Gordon, I.J. 40
Granstrom, D.E. 109
Great Britain, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Great Britain,
Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland, Great Britain, Welsh Office,
Agriculture Dept 35, 36
Green, S. 62
Green, S.L. 52
Greene, L.W. 87, 179
Guerriero, V. Jr 272
Gutierrez, A. 273
Halip, J. 235
Hallquist, N.A. 67
Hammond, L.S. 66
Hansen, T.O. 281, 286
Harcourt, Mary F. 42
Hargis, P.S. 87
Harmon, Jay D. 128
Harris, M.R. 110
Harris, P. 223
Hayes, K.E.N. 226
Heird, J.C. 28, 186, 187
Heller, N. 217
Helyar, L. 67
Heusner, G. 168, 210
Heusner, G.L. 152
Hill, C. 283
Hill, Cherry, 139
Hillers, J.K. 160
Hintz, H. 69
Hintz, H.F. 228, 253, 267
Hintz, Harold Franklin, 32
Hoffman, A.M. 117
Hoffman, J.L. 49, 50
Hogan, E.S. 68
Holmes, D.F. 20
Homes, H.V. 159
Hornof, W.J. 241
Horohov, D.W. 2
Hoss, Monika, 305
Houpt, K. 69, 227
Houpt, K.A. 1, 5, 13, 20, 68, 157, 221, 237, 246, 247
Houpt, T.R. 246, 247
Huff, A.N. 8, 135
Hughes, F.E. 66
Hughes, J.P. 64
Hunter, L. 13
Huntington, Peter 138
Hurtig, M.B. 52
Huston, L.J. 83
Hyland, Ann 91
Ionata, L.M. 28
Irby, M.H. 271
Jackson, S. 194
Jackson, S.G. 98, 150, 153, 177, 230
Jeffcott, L.B. 209, 216
Jehner, Christoph 295
Jenkins, O.C. 16, 208
Johnson, B.J. 10
Johnson, L. 136, 137
Johnson, R. 136, 137
Jones, D.L. 179
Jones, R.L. 74, 108
Jones, William Elvin 192
Kamerling, S. 59
Kammerling, S.G. 2
Kapper, D.R. 89
Keadle, T.L. 2
Keele, S.R. 19
Keiper, R. 165
Keiper, R.R. 251
Kelley, K.W. 70
Kemp, D.T. 281
Kemppainen, R.J. 66
Kiesling, H.E. 299
Kiley-Worthington, M. 14, 17
Kinde, H. 10
Kinnish, Mary Kay 282
Kiracofe, R.L. 49, 50
Kirkpatrick, J. 47
Kirkpatrick, J.F. 26, 165
Klimov, V.V. 254
Kline, R.C. 21, 274, 292
Knight, D.A. 285
Knott, L.M. 242
Koblik, P.D. 241
Kohn, C.W. 198
Kohnke, John 115
Kolter, L. 249
Koskinen, E. 297
Koterba, A.M. 162
Krokotsch, Brigitte 278
Kronfeld, D.S. 45, 175, 260
Krook, L.P. 82
Krzak, W.E. 301
Kuhn, B. 111
Kurcz, E.V. 70
Laegreid, W.W. 83
Lane, T.J. 106
Lanyon, L.E. 172
Lasley, B.L. 64
Lawrence, E.A. 142
Lawrence, L.A. 160
Lawrence, L.M. 3, 70, 190, 301
Lay, D.C. 16, 208
Leadon, D. 215
Leadon, D.P. 93, 103
LeBlanc, P.H. 31
Leech, J. 111
Lehner, P.N. 28
Ley, W.B. 49, 50, 271
Liu, I.M.K. 165
Lloyd, K.C.K. 203
Lloyd, M. 40
Love, C.C. 170, 304
Lowder, M.Q. 273
Luescher, U.A. 235
Luikart, R. 238
Lutherer, L.O. 186, 187
Lyons, E.T. 109
Mackenzie, Laurie, 156
Madigan, J. 107
Madigan, J.E. 266
Maenpaa, P.H. 297
Maggitti, P. 277
Majors, L.J. 217
Mal, M.E. 16, 208
Malinowski, K. 67, 81
Mama, K.R. 112
Mann, K.A. 82
Mansmann, R.A. 166
Marcella, K.L. 38, 121
Marinier, S.L. 118, 243, 288
Mars, L.A. 299
Marten, Jens 123
Martin-Rosset, William 4
Martinez, R. 85, 181
Mason, D.K. 56
Massena, R. 25
Massey, R.E. 116
Matthews, N.S. 290
Mayhew, I.G. 62
McCall, C.A. 65, 180, 233, 234, 252, 293
McCall, Jim, 156
McCall, Lynda, 156
McCann, J.S. 152, 186, 187
McCarthy, P.F. 167
McCarthy, R.N. 209, 216
McClure, S.R. 184
McDonnell, S.M. 44, 170, 185, 255, 304
McEntee, M.F. 95
McGuire, J. 66
McKenzie, R.A. 222
McKeown, D.B. 235
McKinnon, A.O. 73, 74, 86, 108
McLaren, D.G. 3
McMeniman, N.P. 199
McNie, J.T. 56
Meacham, T.N. 45, 49, 50, 135
Meagher, D.M 159
Melrose, P.A. 2
Mendenhall, Anne L. 101
Menninger, J.H. 175
Meyer, H. 155
Meyer, J. 145
Miller, G.J. 76
Miller, P.A. 70
Miller, R.M. 268
Mitchell, P.S. 80
Mizuno, S. 57
Mohammed, H. 82
Moll, H.D. 232
Montovan, S.M. 64
Moore, C.P. 217
Moore, J. 10
Moore, R.M. 198
Morris, E.A. 104, 110
Morris, E.L. 19
Muir, W.W. 102
Muir, W.W. III 39
Mundy, G.D. 173
Munroe, G. 257
Murakami, Y. 57
Murray, L. 299
Murray, M.J. 84
Myers, M.M. 290
Naden, J. 275
Naretto, E. 181
National Research Council (U.S.). Subcommittee on Horse Nutrition 189
Naugle, R. 165
Nehring, T. 155
Nerome, K. 57
Nett, T.M. 73
New Zealand Veterinary Association, Foundation for Continuing Education, Massey
University 218
Nixon, A.J. 82
Nockels, C.F. 86
Nutrition Society of Australia, University of Sydney, Post-Graduate Committee
in Veterinary Science 99
O'Gara, B.W. 219
O'Grady, S.E. 239
O'Leary, L. 69
Odom, T.W. 179
Oldham, S.L. 261
Opdebeeck, J.P. 78
Osborne, J. 62
Oya, A. 57
Pablo, L.S. 232
Padmore, C.L. 273
Pagan, J. 194
Pagan, J.D. 48, 98, 230
Pagliarini, E. 43
Palmer, S.E. 258
Parks, A.H. 41
Pascoe, P.J. 112
Patel, J. 287
Peloso, J.G. 19
Peri, C. 43
Person, H. 111
Peters, D. 160
Petersen, Gunner V. 218
Peterson, W.J. 302
Petersson, K. 69
Pickett, B.W. 28
Pickrell, J. 125
Pilliner, Sarah 134
Pipers, F. 178
Pirelmann, Heinrich 206
Pirhonen, A. 297
Pirkelmann, Heinrich 206
Pool, R.R. 10, 205
Portergill, M.J. 54
Potter, G.D. 58, 87, 179, 261
Pourciau, S.S. 2
Prescott, J.F. 117
Pugh, D.G. 114
Purohit, R.C. 232
Quiroz, C. 294
Rains, J. 188
Rains, J.R. 229
Ralston, S.L. 33, 73, 86, 94, 276
Ransom, C. 236
Raynes, D.A. 272
Read, D.H. 10
Reindl, N.J. 22
Reyes, A. 85
Reynolds, A.J. 280
Rhone-Poulenc 138
Rifa, H. 250
Ringwall, K. 136, 137
Rivier, J. 64
Roberts, L. 239
Roberts, M.C. 113
Robertson, S.A. 174
Rogers, R.C. 292
Rollin, B. 6
Rollin, B.E. 182
Rommann, L. 289
Rooney, J.R. 150, 263
Ross, T.T. 299
Roth, T.L. 231
Russell, M. 224
Russell, M.A. 197
Russoniello, C.R. 81
Rutberg, A.T. 161
Ryder, O.A. 25
Salewski, Armin, 123
Scanes, C.G. 67
Schmidt, R.H. 7
Schneider, R.K. 34
Schnurpel, B. 155
Schnurpel, Birgit 88
Schumacher, J. 66, 114, 269
Scott, B.D. 87
Seeherman, H.J. 110, 241
Seehermann, H.J. 104
Settle, C.S. 169
Shamis, L.D. 72
Shaw, E.B. 20
Sherman, A.R. 67
Shuster, L. 287
Sigler, S.H. 151
Slade, L.M. 154
Sleptsov, M.K. 63
Smalley, A. 143, 144
Smith, A.J. 303
Smith, B.L. 176
Smith, Bradford P. 164
Smith, C.P. 146
Smith, S.B. 261
Smith, S.E. 78
Smith-Funk, E.D. 171
Sojka, J. 224
Solaroli, G. 43
Spano, J.S. 66
Specht, T.E. 76
Spencer, P.A. 175
Spurlock, S.L. 204, 220
Squires, E.L. 28, 73, 86, 275
St George, R.L. 80
Stabenfeldt, G.H. 64
Stadermann, B. 155
Staempfli, H.R. 117
Stahlbaum, C.C. 237
Stamper, S. 109
Stanley, E.K. 62
Stanley, V. 140
Steffey, E.P. 112
Step, D.L. 280
Stoltz, J. 10
Stover, S.M. 10
Strasser, Hiltrud 201
Stuedemann, J.A. 152
Sullins, K.E. 61
Sullivan, T.L. 49, 50
Swanson, T.D. 53
Sweeney, K. 68
Sweeney, R.W. 286
Sweeny, K.A. 22
Szczurek, E.M. 150
Tai, C.L. 127
Taylor, P.M. 264, 265
Taylor, T.S. 261
Thatcher, C.D. 195
Thomas, H.S. 291
Thomason, J.J. 172
Thompson, D.L. 80
Thompson, D.L. Jr 152, 231
Thompson, F.N. 152
Thompson, H.L. 71
Thompson, K.N. 153
Thong, Y.H. 71, 78
Thornton, J.R. 71, 78
Thrall, M.A. 74, 108
Threlfall, W.R. 21, 274, 292
Tikhonov, V.G. 63
Tilson, R.L. 22
Tobin, T. 59, 127
Tolliver, S.C. 109
Topliff, D.R. 207
Tranquilli, W.J. 158
Traub-Dargatz, J.L. 74, 108
Turner, J.W. Jr 26, 165
Twyne, P. 140
Tyznik, W.J. 75
Ullrey, D.E. 12
Umphenour, N. 167
United States, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Regulatory
Enforcement Animal Care 147
United States, Soil Conservation Service, University of New Hampshire,
Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire, Dept. of Agriculture, New Hamphsire,
Dept. of Environmental Services 122
Vaala, W.E. 169
Van Saun, R.J. 106
Varner, D.D. 225
Vaughan, J.T. 269
Vennart, W. 54
Viel, L. 117
Vogelsang, S.G. 16, 208
Wahlberg, M.L. 135
Ward, M.V. 204, 220
Waring, G.H. 118
Watkins, J.P. 19
Watkins, K.L. 56
Webb, G.W. 58
Webb, S.P. 58
Weber, J. 217
Weckman, T. 59
Weckman, T.J. 127
Weisbrode, S. 72
Welch, R.D. 270
Weldon, A.D. 280
White, A. 85, 181
White, K.L. 231
White, N.A. II 281
Whitley, R.D. 217
Wilcox, S. 227
Wilmink, J. 119
Wilson, A.M. 119
Wilson, M.L. 50
Wilson, R.C. 66
Wohlgemuth, K. 136, 137
Wong, C.W. 71, 78
Wood, T. 127
Woods, W.E. 127
Woodward, R.A. 242
Yeager, A.E. 82
Yoakum, J.D. 219
Yoshioka, Y. 57
Young, L. 257
Yvorchuk-St Jean, K.E. 285
Zamos, D.T. 41
4-h clubs 296
Abnormal behavior 126, 184, 185, 287
Abuse 144
Acremonium coenophialum 152
Activity books 296
Adaptation 92
Adhesions 82
Adverse effects 112
Age differences 161, 208
Aggression 22, 38, 248
Aggressive behavior 25, 105, 161, 171
Aging 23
Agonistic behavior 8, 27
Agonists 112
Agriculture 133
Air microbiology 103
Air pollutants 125, 230
Air pollution 3
Air quality 176, 215
Air temperature 103
Air transport 103, 215
Aircraft 103
Aldosterone 85
Alfalfa 66, 253
Alfalfa hay 151
Almonds 228
Ammonia 3
Anaerobic conditions 261
Analgesics 29, 59
Anatomy 172
Anesthesia 29, 30, 39, 51, 80, 102, 158, 174, 257, 258, 259, 264, 265, 290, 291
Anesthetics 29, 30, 158, 232
Animal behavior 1, 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 38, 44, 59, 63, 65, 67, 69,
118, 127, 129, 180, 183, 186, 187, 202, 221, 227, 237, 239, 245, 246, 247, 250,
268, 279, 283, 300, 302
Animal diseases 162
Animal disorders 162
Animal feeding 12
Animal health 121, 144, 281
Animal housing 3, 13, 68, 96, 125, 144, 146, 150, 208, 249, 279
Animal husbandry 23, 49, 50, 111, 121, 131, 146, 167, 168, 188, 207, 210, 211,
213, 214, 217, 219, 224, 229, 249, 271, 289, 296, 303
Animal nutrition 60, 62, 89, 106, 223
Animal proteins 272
Animal research 6
Animal welfare 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 35, 36, 46, 97, 101, 140, 143, 144, 146,
147, 148, 149, 163, 164, 166, 176, 182, 212, 236, 238, 240, 244, 260, 273, 277,
Antiinflammatory agents 108
Antilocapra Americana 219
Appetite disorders 286
Arctic regions 63
Argentina 148
Artificial insemination 256
Artificial rearing 116
Artificial respiration 169
Artificial vagina 170
Ascorbic acid 45, 73, 86
Aspartate aminotransferase 198
Ataxia 112
Audiotapes 293
Australia 11
Autonomic nervous system 59
Bacteria 217
Bacterial diseases 74, 117
Barbiturates 264
Barns 128
Behavior modification 177, 184, 235
Behavior patterns 5, 20, 68, 180
Behavior problems 14, 38, 184, 235, 252
Beta-carotene 45
Bibliographies 146
Biological competition 219
Biotin 45
Biting rates 288
Bitterness 243
Blood 73, 108, 208, 271
Blood chemistry 85, 299
Blood picture 208
Blood plasma 67, 81, 152
Blood serum 78, 84, 86, 204
Boats and ships 148
Body composition 179
Body condition 58, 65
Body fat 224
Body fluids 74
Body temperature 20, 21, 274
Body weight 193
Bone diseases 195
Bone formation 52
Bone fractures 10, 19, 41, 56, 61, 241, 259
Bone healing 241
Bone strength 76
Bones 54
Breaking strength 76
Breeding programs 221
Breeds 121
Bronchi 74
Bronchoalveolar lavage 108
Calcium 45, 56, 153, 155
California 107, 166, 203, 240, 266
Camargue horse 141, 141
Carbohydrates 175, 190, 204
Cardiovascular diseases 33
Carpus 34, 72
Cartilage 72
Case reports 19, 184, 273, 280, 285
Caste 254
Castration 6
Catecholamines 181
Cats 5
Cattle 40, 219, 272, 278
Cecum 75
Cell mediated immunity 67, 70
Chemiluminescence 71, 78
Chemotaxis 78
Chloral hydrate 29
Circadian rhythm 183
Clenbuterol 108
Climate 77
Clinical nutrition 33, 94
Cold 37, 92
Collection 28, 170, 256
Colorimetry 3
Colts 37
Commensals 219
Communication 9
Competition 181
Complications 169, 273
Composition 43
Compulsions 235
Computer software 106
Computer techniques 44
Concentrates 75, 150, 151, 297
Concentration 67
Conception 165
Conception rate 73
Conceptus 226
Conditioning 5, 207, 246, 247
Conformation 224
Congenital abnormalities 269
Contraceptives 165
Controlled release 225
Copper 52
Copulation 26
Corticotropin 209
Cortisol 73, 80, 86, 181
Costing 289
Costs 51
Counting 112
Creatine kinase 198
Culture techniques 217
Cyathostominae 109
Cynodon dactylon 228
Cytology 74
Dactylis glomerata 177
Dark 227
Decision making 51
Defense mechanisms 71, 78
Deformities 150
Degeneration 53
Deglutition 286
Deprivation 245
Detection 293
Determination 5
Diagnosis 56, 62, 101, 198
Diarrhea 94
Diazepam 29
Diet 66
Dietary fat 179, 261
Diets 77, 87, 155, 193
Differential diagnosis 55
Digestibility 37, 155, 193
Digestible energy 58, 77
Digestion 37, 40
Digestive system 203
Digestive system diseases 113
Digestive tract 197
Discrimination 65
Disease prevention 56, 117, 135, 195
Disease vectors 219
Diseases 4, 97, 101
Disorders 126
Distance teaching 160
Docking 244
Domestic animals 36
Dominance 105, 248
Dosage effect 59
Draft animals 17, 27, 29, 30, 60, 105, 171, 303
Draft horses 133
Drilling 72
Drills 61, 76
Drug combinations 31, 109, 112
Drug effects 112, 265
Drug synergy 112
Drug therapy 102, 108, 109
Drugs 31
Duration 171, 255
Ejaculation 170, 256, 304
Electrolytes 204, 281
Electromyography 292
Embryo mortality 86
Emergencies 166, 240, 266
Endorphins 209, 216, 291
Endurance horses 91
Endurance riding (Horsemanship) 91
Energy content 77
Energy intake 48, 153
Energy metabolism 48
Energy requirements 37, 58, 193, 196, 204
Energy sources 220
Energy value 196, 267
Enteral feeding 169, 200, 285
Enteritis 280
Environmental factors 63, 184, 215, 245
Environmental impact 12, 92
Environmental temperature 37, 92
Enzyme activity 198
Equidae 9
Equine influenza 97
Equus caballus przewalskii 25, 68, 221, 249, 251, 254
Esophagus 285
Estradiol 73, 225
Estrone 165
Estrous behavior 73
Estrous cycle 73, 213, 237, 242
Estrus 64, 118, 225, 229, 293
Ethanol 273
Etiology 235
Excision 95
Exercise 2, 58, 69, 70, 71, 78, 83, 87, 104, 110, 155, 175, 190, 193, 196, 209,
261, 301
Extension 9
Eyes (animal) 217
Facilities 159, 249
Farms, Small 139
Fat 190
Fat thickness 151
Fats 87
Feces 118, 237
Feed conversion 77
Feed formulation 162, 193, 197, 289
Feed intake 177, 193
Feed rations 56, 135, 197
Feed requirements 196
Feed supplements 12, 175, 190, 261, 286
Feeding and feeds 4, 123, 189
Feeding behavior 8, 14, 113, 157, 177, 228
Feeding frequency 196
Feeding habits 116
Feeds 98
Female fertility 165
Feral herds 26, 47, 290
Festuca 228
Festuca arundinacea 152
Fetal circulation 178
Fetal growth 178
Fitness 104
Floor coverings 13
Fluid therapy 162, 169
Fluids 75, 204
Foal diseases 169
Foaling 27, 49, 168
Foaling interval 50
Foaling season 152
Foals 52, 67, 84, 116, 117, 130, 150, 153, 157, 162, 169, 171, 180, 183, 188,
198, 202, 204, 226, 239, 297
Folic acid 45
Food deprivation 200
Food preferences 243
Forage 40, 177, 197, 289
Force feeding 286
Fowls 272
Fracture fixation 41
France 267
Frequency 137
Fsh 80
Fungi 217
Gait 104
Gamma radiation 54
Gases 108
Gasterophilus intestinalis 109
Gastric ulcer 84
Gastrointestinal diseases 33, 113
Gentamicin 66
Geriatrics 33, 94
German federal republic 251
Gestation period 20
Glucose 181
Glycogen 87, 179, 261
Glycoproteins 165
Gonadotropin releasing hormone 64
Grain 136, 137
Grassland ecology 141
Grazing 40, 136, 137, 141, 152, 177, 199, 222
Grazing behavior 243, 288
Grazing time 271
Groundwater pollution 163
Group behavior 22, 161
Group interaction 14
Groups 254
Growth 37, 77, 151, 191, 275
Growth rate 57
Hair 37
Hay 75, 136, 137, 150
Head 126, 258, 259
Healing 41, 72, 82, 285
Heart 178
Heart diseases 94
Heart rate 81, 186, 187, 299
Heat stress 58, 92, 272
Helicopters 266
Herd structure 251, 254
Heredity 62
Histology 198
Histopathology 95
History 142, 236
Hong kong 56
Hoofs 201
Hooves 150
Hordenine 127
Hormone content 275
Hormone secretion 64, 80, 90, 165
Hormones 174
Horse breeding 167
Horse diseases 135, 276
Horse feeding 48, 89, 116, 127, 135, 136, 137, 150, 151, 175, 193, 194, 195,
197, 210, 211, 224, 228, 253, 267, 276, 289, 301
Horse industry 24, 120
Horse riding 211
Horses 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 18, 23, 26, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34,
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62,
63, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 87, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115,
118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 123, 123, 124, 124, 126, 127, 129, 131, 132, 134, 135,
136, 137, 138, 139, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 153, 155,
156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 163, 166, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 182,
183, 186, 187, 189, 189, 190, 191, 192, 194, 195, 196, 197, 200, 201, 203, 204,
205, 206, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 222, 224,
230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 243, 244, 245, 250, 252, 253, 257, 258,
259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 271, 272, 273, 277, 278, 280, 281,
282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 290, 291, 292, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 304
Hospitals 159
Housing 123
Housing area 154
Hulls 228
Humerus 10, 41
Hunting 7
Hyaluronic acid 82
Hydrocortisone 67, 78, 81, 84, 85, 208, 231
Hyperlipemia 285
Hyperparathyroidism 56, 222
Hypokalemia 204
Illness 200
Illumination 247
Imagery 54
Immune response 208
Immunity 78
Immunoglobulins 116
Immunology 2
Imprinting 130
In vitro 263
In vivo 172
Incidence 255
Induced abortion 26
Influenzavirus 57
Ingestion 157
Injection 273
Injections 158
Injuries 72, 269
Instruction 160
Intake 301
Interactions 7
Intestinal microorganisms 75
Intravenous injection 162, 304
Ions 85
Islands 26
Isolation 16, 208
Italy 148
Ivermectin 109
Joint diseases 53
Jumping 172
Kangaroos 11
Ketamine 80
Kidney diseases 94
Kidneys 66
Laboratory animals 6
Lactation 168
Lactic acid 81
Lameness 34, 53, 104
Lameness in horses 218
Land use 163
Lasers 258
Law 140, 244
Layout and planning 145
Learning 233, 234
Learning ability 65, 233, 234
Legislation 46
Lesions 95
Leukocyte count 78
Lh 80
Ligaments 205, 263
Light regime 246
Limbs 150, 263
Lipids 204
Liquid diets 286
Literature reviews 198, 219
Liver diseases 33, 94
Livestock 35
Livestock enterprises 163
Liveweight gain 37
Local anesthesia 259
Locomotion 172
Loose housing 145
Lungs 54, 74
Lymphocyte transformation 70
Lymphocytes 272
Macrophages 71, 74, 83
Magnesium 155
Malabsorption syndrome 94
Male genital diseases 55, 270
Man 57
Management 15, 160
Management education 160
Mare feeding 114, 297
Mare milk 43
Mares 16, 20, 21, 27, 45, 49, 50, 64, 67, 73, 74, 80, 86, 105, 114, 116, 152,
161, 165, 168, 171, 183, 199, 208, 213, 225, 226, 229, 237, 239, 242, 246, 247,
274, 292, 293
Marketing 35
Maryland 26, 161, 271
Mast cells 95
Maternal behavior 8, 171, 250
Mating behavior 14, 26
Measurement 1
Medicinal properties 82
Membership 161
Metabolic disorders 194
Metabolism 85, 174, 175
Metabolites 165
Metacarpus 61, 76, 241
Metatarsus 172
Methodology 1, 243
Microbial flora 217
Microclimate 92
Microcomputers 106
Milk secretion 50
Milk substitutes 116
Mineral deficiencies 52
Mineral nutrition 298
Mineral supplements 253
Minerals 45, 136, 196, 253, 297
Models 40
Monitoring 159, 178, 274
Morphine 29
Mortality 148, 198
Movement 112
Mules 171
Muscle physiology 261
Muscles 87
Myometrium 292
Neck 258
Nematoda 109
Neoplasms 55, 95, 269
Netherlands 248
Neuroleptics 29, 31, 80, 232, 266
Neurophysiology 83
Neurotropic drugs 59, 287
Neutrophils 78
Newborn animals 25, 84, 162, 169, 180
North Carolina 290
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectros 54
Nurses 239
Nutrient content 40
Nutrient deficiencies 195
Nutrient excesses 195
Nutrient intake 150
Nutrient requirements 12, 98, 114, 135, 173, 191, 195, 196, 197, 220, 253
Nutrient sources 135
Nutrition 33, 40, 45, 92, 100, 113, 136, 189, 190
Nutrition physiology 289
Nutrition research 267
Nutrition surveys 271
Nutritional adequacy 66
Nutritional disorders 194, 222
Nutritional muscular dystrophy 12, 198
Nutritional state 65, 199, 271
Nutritional support 162, 169, 200, 280, 285
Nutritive value 43, 196
Oat hay 196
Oats 66, 151, 228, 253
Odors 118
Oklahoma 188, 207, 229, 289
Olfactory stimulation 118
Ontogeny 202, 203
Opioids 29, 112
Opium 31
Organizations 166, 236, 240
Ovariectomized females 80
Ovaries 165
Overfeeding 196
Ovulation 64, 73, 165, 225
Ownership 142
Oxalates 222
Oxfendazole 109
Oxibendazole 109
Pain 6, 238
Parasitoses 55
Parenteral feeding 162, 169, 200, 204, 220, 280, 281
Parturition 20, 21, 49, 178
Pastures 1, 16, 199
Pathogenesis 198, 205
Pathology 205
Patient care 159
Patterns 245
Penis 55, 256, 269, 270
Pennsylvania 145
Pens 28
Pentobarbital 264
Performance 81, 154
Performance testing 261
Pest control 109
Pethidine 29
Pets 163
Ph 75
Phalanges 53
Phosphorus 37, 77
Photoperiod 90
Physical activity 191, 207
Physical development 207
Physical fitness 209
Physiopathology 84
Pigs 57
Plane of nutrition 153
Planning 240
Poisonous plants 137
Poisonous weeds 289
Polarized light 119
Pollution 12
Population control 47
Position 61
Postnatal development 180
Postoperative care 174
Postoperative complications 39
Postpartum period 21, 27
Poultry 57
Prediction 20
Prednisone 108
Pregnancy 86, 114, 152, 165, 199, 226, 229
Prepuce 55, 269
Prevention 235
Progesterone 73, 86, 152, 165, 225
Prognosis 95, 198
Program evaluation 160
Programs 110
Prolactin 80, 152, 231
Promazine 29
Prostaglandins 225
Protection 143, 238
Protein 45, 190, 204
Protein intake 153
Protein requirement 196
Protein sources 136
Protein supplements 253
Protein synthesis 272
Protozoa 75
Przewalski's horse 1, 15, 22, 202, 221, 248, 249, 251, 254, 279
Puberty 90
Public health 163
Puma 7
Pyrantel 109
Queensland 199, 222, 242
Racehorses 10, 19, 56, 85, 104, 119, 154, 181, 223, 241, 261
Racing performance 85, 104, 261
Radiography 241
Range management 219
Record keeping 229
Recording 44, 183
Recording instruments 176, 183
Records 159
Regulations 12, 149, 238
Rehabilitation 104
Relationships 248
Relative humidity 103
Reliability 44
Renal failure 33
Reproduction 45, 237
Reproductive behavior 185
Reproductive performance 213, 214
Reproductive physiology 229
Reproductive stages 279
Requirements 189
Research 100, 303
Research projects 221
Reserpine 187
Reserves 248
Respiration 54, 83
Respiration rate 186
Respiratory diseases 108
Respiratory disorders 230
Respiratory system 104, 264
Responses 118, 187
Rest 227
Restraint 158
Restraint of animals 28, 29, 30, 31, 39, 51, 107, 232, 258, 259, 266, 268, 290,
Retinol 45
Risk 51
Road transport 176, 215
Roughage 155
Runoff 163
Safety 51, 281
Salt 301
Sea transport 215
Seasonal variation 90
Secretion 231
Secretions 118
Selenium 12, 45, 198, 271
Semen 28, 170, 256
Semen characters 90, 275
Senecio 243, 288
Senses 283
Separation 67
Setaria (gramineae) 222
Sex 226, 279
Sex determination 237
Sex hormones 90
Sexual behavior 64, 90, 165, 170, 185, 226, 231, 255, 275, 293
Sheds 28
Sheep 11, 219, 272
Shelter 92
Shoeing 149, 238
Show jumping 81
Shows 212
Size 68, 76
Skeleton development 153
Slaughter 277
Sleep 227, 245
Social behavior 8, 16, 248, 249, 250
Social dominance 27
Social environment 247
Social interaction 68, 142, 202, 246, 248, 251
Social structure 22
Socialization 116
Societies 143
Sodium bicarbonate 175, 228
Source fat 58
Space requirements 254
Spatial distribution 171
Species differences 272
Spinal diseases 62
Stables 42, 96, 124, 128, 145, 154, 206, 301
Stallions 22, 25, 26, 28, 55, 64, 90, 161, 167, 170, 184, 185, 214, 227, 231,
237, 255, 256, 269, 270, 275, 287, 293, 304
Stalls 3
Starvation 144, 260
Steppes 254
Stimulation 170, 187, 231, 256, 304
Stomach mucosa 84
Straw 13
Streptococcus equi 117
Stress 10, 67, 70, 71, 73, 74, 78, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 93, 103, 104, 174,
203, 205, 208, 209, 215, 231, 265, 299
Stress analysis 262
Stress factors 172, 176, 181
Stress response 102, 176, 264
Stresses 19, 34, 53, 61, 241, 263
Subtropics 242
Sucking 171
Suckling 157
Summer 1
Supplementary feeding 58, 297
Supplements 271
Supports 107
Suppression 287
Surgery 51, 258, 259, 269
Surgical operations 61, 72, 76, 174, 270
Susceptibility 66, 74
Suxamethonium 6
Sympathetic nervous system 85
Symptoms 108, 198
Synchronization 225
Synovial sheaths 82
Tail 244, 273
Taste 243
Teasing 304
Teeth 23
Telemetry 21, 274, 292
Television 160
Temperature relations 57
Tendons 82, 119, 205, 263
Testes 90, 275
Testing 104
Testosterone 64
Tests 5, 50, 110
Therapeutic diets 33, 94, 184, 200, 220, 286
Thermoregulation 92
Thiopental 264
Thoroughbred 56, 87, 110, 181, 241
Thoroughbred horse 79
Thyroid hormones 208
Thyroxine 84
Tibia 19, 172
Time 51
Time allocation 14
Time and motion studies 1, 279
Timing 301
Toxicity 12, 66
Trace element deficiencies 271
Trace elements 204
Trachea 108
Tractability 14
Training 129, 234
Training (animal) 83, 104, 110, 149, 233
Training of animals 17, 130, 205, 209
Tranquilizing drugs 79
Transfer 161
Transit time 37
Transport 166, 240, 299
Transport of animals 73, 74, 83, 85, 86, 93, 103, 148, 176, 215
Transportation 36
Traps 7
Trauma 33, 53, 55, 241
Treatment 41, 53, 55, 56, 62, 72, 198, 235, 270
Triiodothyronine 84
Twist 291
Tying devices 291
U.S.A. 7, 46, 140, 143, 163, 228, 236
U.S.S.R. 254
Urine 118
Usda 149, 238
Vaccination 117
Vaccines 117
Vaginas 118
Venereal diseases 55
Veterinary equipment 104, 107, 159, 169, 266
Veterinary internal medicine 164
Veterinary medicine 159, 260, 278
Veterinary practice 54
Veterinary products 107
Veterinary radiography 101
Vices 14, 301
Video recordings 44
Virginia 26, 135, 260, 296
Vitamin a 297
Vitamin d 45, 297
Vitamin e 45, 198, 297
Vitamin k 45
Vitamins 45, 136, 190, 196, 204, 298
Vocalization 293
Walking 38
Water 136, 137, 196
Water intake 299
Water-soluble vitamins 45
Weaning 67, 168
Weeds 288
Weight control 196
Weight gain 150
Wheat 228
Wild animals 46, 68, 165, 221
Wild horses 141
Wild horses and burros 7
Wildlife 236
Wildlife conservation 46, 219
Wildlife management 7
Winter 77, 297
Wood 228, 301
Wood shavings 13
Working animals 9, 278
Wounds 259, 285
Xylazine 29, 80, 304
Yakut 63
Zona pellucida 165
Zoning 163
Zoological gardens 15, 249, 251
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