* African Bird Club
* Alaska Bird Observatory
* Atualidades Ornitológicas (Brazil)
* Backyard Birding
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* Birdage Nature of Enlightenment
* Bird Collection - Museum of Vertebrate Zoology (UC Berkeley)
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* Birds North America
* Birds of Ft. Collins & Larimer County, CO
* Birds of a Feather (Southern California)
* Birds of North America
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* Bird Studies in the Australian National Botanic Gardens
* Birdwatching in Bonnyville (Alberta, Canada)
* Birdwatching in Northern Ireland
* Bird Web
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* Bluebird Information and Study Page
* British Birds (Linnean Society of London)
* Caller-Times Interactive Birdwatching
* Chickadee Home Pages
* Common Birds of the Australian National Botanic Gardens
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* Delaware Birding Locations
* EuroBirdNet (Switzerland)
* For the Love of Crows
* Fugleskue Birdwatch
* Greater Manchester Bird Page
* Great Gull Island
* Great Outdoor Recreation Pages (GORP) - Birding
* Greg's Bay Area Bird Page
* Göteborgs Ornitologiska Förening (Sweden)
* Hoopoe Page
* Hummingbirds!
* Illinois and Chicago Net-Birding
* InterBirdNet Magazine (UK)
* Irish Birdwatching Page
* Joe Morlan's California Birding Pages
* Kent Ornithological Society (UK)
* Kentucky Breeding Bird Atlas Database
* Knutsford Ornithological Society (UK)
* Lories & Lorikeets FAQs
* Louisiana Birds
* Maine Birding Home Page
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* Minnesota Ornithologists' Union
* Noel's Very Birdy Web Site
* North American Breeding Bird Survey
* Northern Prairie Science Center (USGS)
* Northwest Birds Birding Breaks (UK)
* Office of Migratory Bird Management Bird Monitoring (USFWS)
* Ontario Birding
* Optics for Birding Home Page
* Oregon Birders On Line
* Oriental Bird Club
* Parus World
* Patuxent Environmental Science Center Migratory Bird Research
* Peterson Online Birds
* Physiology of Bird Migration
* Project FeederWatch
* Purple Martin Site
* rec.birds Optics for Birding FAQ
* rec.birds Frequently Asked Questions
* Roadrunner Information (Ephesus Elementary School)
* Rouge River Bird Observatory
* Satellite Tracking Wood Storks
* S.E. Michigan Birding
* Softbills.com
* South Florida Birding Connection
* Steller's Eider (USFW)
* SVS Birdlife (Switzerland)
* Takern Fieldstation (Sweden)
* Texas Bird Records Committee
* Texas Gulf Coast Birding & Naturalist Web
* Texas Ornithological Society
* Wild Bird Society of Japan
* York Ornithological Club (UK)
* Yukon Bird Club
* Bird Banding Laboratory (USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center)
* Bonnyville Wetland Society's Annual Birdhouse Building Bonanza
* GOB Ornithology and Nature Conservation in the Balearic Islands
* Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Bibliography (North Carolina State University)