ISSN: 1052-5378
Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Selected Birds (Quail, Pheasant, Finches, |
January 1980 - December 1993
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154 citations from AGRICOLA
Michael D. Kreger
Animal Welfare Information Center
April 1994
National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:
Kreger, Michael D.
Housing, husbandry, and welfare of selected birds : quail, pheasant, finches,
ostrich, dove, parrot.
(Quick bibliography series ; 94-26)
1. Birds--Bibliography. 2. Birds--Housing--Bibliography. 3. Birds--Handling--
Bibliography. I. Title.
aZ5071.N3 no.94-26
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Citations in this bibliography were entered in the AGRICOLA database between January 1979 and the present.
Citations in this bibliography are from the National Agricultural Library's AGRICOLA database. An explanation of sample journal article, book, and audiovisual citations appears below.
Citation # NAL Call No.
Article title.
Author. Place of publication: Publisher. Journal Title.
Date. Volume (Issue). Pages. (NAL Call Number).
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL 389.8.SCH6
Morrison, S.B. Denver, Colo.: American School Food Service
Association. School foodservice journal. Sept 1987. v. 41
(8). p.48-50. ill.
Citation # NAL Call Number
Author. Place of publication: Publisher, date. Information
on pagination, indices, or bibliographies.
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL RM218.K36 1987
Exploring careers in dietetics and nutrition.
Kane, June Kozak. New York: Rosen Pub. Group, 1987.
Includes index. xii, 133 p.: ill.; 22 cm. Bibliography:
p. 126.
Citation # NAL Call Number
Author. Place of publication: Publisher, date.
Supplemental information such as funding. Media format
(i.e., videocassette): Description (sound, color, size).
1 NAL Call No.: DNAL FNCTX364.A425 F&N AV
All aboard the nutri-train.
Mayo, Cynthia. Richmond, Va.: Richmond Public Schools,
1981. NET funded. Activity packet prepared by Cynthia
Mayo. 1 videocassette (30 min.): sd., col.; 3/4 in. +
activity packet.
Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Selected Birds
(Quail, Pheasant, Finches, Ostrich, Dove, Parrot)
January 1980 - December 1993
Line Command
4. S2 OR S3
5. S1 AND S4
Housing, Husbandry, and Welfare of Selected Birds
(Quail, Pheasant, Finches, Ostrich, Dove, Parrot)
1 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Adrenal responses to chronic and acute water stress in Japanese quail Coturnix
Tome, M.E.; McNabb, F.M.A.; Gwazdauskas, F.C.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1985.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A: Comparative physiology v. 81 (1):
p. 171-179. ill; 1985. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Coturnix; Water stress; Adrenals; Osmotic pressure; Body weight
2 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 T646 1978 No.80
Alimentation des psittacides de cage et de voliere [Nutrition of Psittacidae
of the cage and aviary].
Jouglar, Jean Yves,; 1954-
Toulouse Ecole nationale v et erinaire; 1978.
243 p. : ill.. (Toulouse. Ecole nationale v et erinaire. Th ese ; 1978, no.
80). Bibliography: p. 233-243.
Language: FRENCH
3 NAL Call. No.: SF509.Q3
American pheasant breeding and shooting.
Quarles, Emmet Augustus,; 1876-
Wilmington, Del. Hercules Powder Company; 1916.
132 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. Pages 131-132, advertising matter.
Language: ENGLISH
Descriptors: Pheasant culture; United States; Pheasant shooting
4 NAL Call. No.: 20.5 R59 SER. B
Analiza rodowodowa stada zachowawczego przepiorek japonskich rasy Faraon,
kojarzonych wedlug wlasnego modelu [Analysis of pedigree of Pharaon quail
flock bred for conservation of gene pool and mated accordingly].
Kraszewska-Domanska, B.; Wichrowski, B.
Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe; 1984.
Roczniki nauk rolniczych. Seria B. Zootechniczna v. 102 (3): p. 129-135; 1984.
Includes references.
Language: Polish
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Flocks; Genes; Breeding; Assortative mating;
5 NAL Call. No.: 444.8 G28
Annual changes in levels of plasma LH and size of cloacal protrusion in
Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) housed in outdoor cages under
natural conditions.
Wada, M.; Akimoto, R.; Tsuyoshi, H.
Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press; 1992 Mar.
General and comparative endocrinology v. 85 (3): p. 415-423; 1992 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Lh; Hormone secretion; Blood plasma; Cloaca;
Breeding season; Photoperiod; Natural light; Light intensity; Environmental
temperature; Spring; Summer; Autumn; Seasonal fluctuations
Abstract: Japanese quail of the strain used in our laboratory do not show a
complete decrease in levels of circulating luteinizing hormone (LH)
concentrations and show no collapse of the testes following their transfer from
long to short days under laboratory conditions. Thus, merely manipulating
photoperiods in the laboratory does not simulate an annual breeding cycle. To
see whether an annual breeding cycle does exist in "our" quail under natural
conditions, mature male birds were housed in individual cages and placed on the
roof of a building at 35 degrees 45'N, 139 degrees 53'E; day length and ambient
temperature were not controlled at all though food and water were continuously
supplied. For 16 months blood was collected every week and the area of the
cloacal protrusion measured at the time of each blood collection. The results
showed that levels of plasma LH and the area of the cloacal
protrusion had a clear annual cycle under the natural conditions. To detect
more precisely the changes in circulating LH concentrations during spring and
autumn, samples were collected every other day. The first significant increase
in levels of plasma LH was found when the day length exceeded 12-12.5 hr,
though the increase was sporadic and not synchronized among individuals. The
results also showed that circulating levels of LH declined significantly in
early September starting when the day length was still about 14 hr; this
downward trend continued rather steadily to nonbreeding levels. The record of
ambient temperatures indicated that in early spring there was a fairly
constant range of low temperatures despite some fluctuations, and in late
summer to early autumn temperatures began to decrease although the daytime
levels remained high. These results indicate that (1) under natural conditions
our Japanese quail showed clear annual breeding cycles, (2) the increase in
plasma LH in early spring was sporadic and not necessarily proportional to the
increase in day length, and (3) the de
6 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 G29B
Attracting doves to your land.
Jackson, J.
Athens, Ga. : The Service; 1991 May.
Bulletin - Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia, College of
Agriculture (1056): 12 p. ill., maps; 1991 May.
Language: English
Descriptors: Southeastern states of U.S.A.; Game birds; Habitats; Food
preferences; Game farming; Hunting
7 NAL Call. No.: QL696.P2I38 1982
Australian finches in bush and aviary., Fully rev. ed.
Immelmann, Klaus; Cayley, Neville W.; (Neville William),; 1887-1950
London Angus & Robertson; 1982.
vii, 224 p., 12 leaves of plates : ill. (some col.), maps ; 25 cm.
Bibliography: p. (217)-219.
Language: English
Descriptors: Grass finches; Brids; Australia
8 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AM3
Avian pox in pen-raised Bobwhite quail.
Poonacha, K.B.
Schaumburg, Ill., The Association; Dec 1, 1981.
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v. 179 (11): p.
1264-1265. ill; Dec 1, 1981. 10 ref.
Language: English
9 NAL Call. No.: SB950.A1V4
Avitrol-treated bait for protection of grapes from house finch damage
(Carpodacus mexicanus, California).
Martin, L.R.; Jarvis, W.T.
Davis, Calif., University of California; 1980.
Proceedings ... Vertebrate Pest Conference (9th): p. 17-20. maps; 1980. 11
Descriptors: California
10 NAL Call. No.: SF994.4.A1H3
A basic guide to the health and common diseases of game birds : including
quail, pheasants, grouse, partridge, etc.
Hayes, Leland B.
S.l. s.n.; 1982.
60 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. Cover title. Bibliography: p. 59.
Language: English
Descriptors: Game and game-birds; Diseases; Birds; Diseases; Game bird
culture; Upland game bird culture
11 NAL Call. No.: S544.3.N6N62
Bobwhite quail management (Breeding, feeding, disease prevention).
West, J.R.
Raleigh, N.C., The Service; Nov 1980.
AG - North Carolina State University, Agricultural Extension Service (237): 16
p. ill; Nov 1980.
12 NAL Call. No.: 100 M69MI
Bobwhite quail--a new poultry venture.
Broadway, R.
Mississippi State, Miss. : The Station; 1988 Jul.
MAFES research highlights - Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment
Station v. 51 (7): p. 1-2. ill; 1988 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mississippi; Colinus Virginianus; Cage rearing; Poultry diseases
13 NAL Call. No.: SF5.W6 1983
Breed and strain differences in the fractional rates of musle protein
synthesis and degradation in chicken and Japanese quail.
Maeda, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Hashiguchi, T.
Tokyo, Japan : Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science; 1983.
New strategies for improving animal production for human welfare : proceedings
/ the Fifth World Conference on Animal Production, August 14-19, 1983. v. 2 p.
127-128; 1983. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japan; Chickens; Japanese quails; Strains; Breed differences;
Muscles; Protein synthesis; Protein degradation
14 NAL Call. No.: SF481.P622
Breed characteristics of chicken, ducks, geese and quail specially suited for
egg production.
Singh, B.P.; Ahlawat, S.P.S.; Srivastava, H.P.
Bangalore : T.A. Gaffar; June 1982.
Poultry adviser v. 16 (6): p. 57-62; June 1982. 5 ref.
Language: English
15 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 P95
Breeding canaries for finch-like singing qualities.
Zemlianskii, E.
Moskva, Ministerstvo sel'skogo khoziatstva SSSR; Feb 1979.
Ptitsevodstvo (2): p. 55-56; Feb 1979.
16 NAL Call. No.: SF83.U6U6 No.39
Breeding experiments with Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica).
Wilhelmson, Martin
Uppsala Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet; 1979.
74 p. in various paginations : ill.. (Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet.
Institutionen for husdjursforadling och sjukdomsgenetik. Rapport ; 39).
Includes bibliographies.
Language: ENGLISH
17 NAL Call. No.: 11 AC82
Breeding experiments with Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). II.
Comparison between index selection and specialized selection followed by
Wilhelmson, M.
Stockholm, Scandinavian Association of Agricultural Scientists; 1980.
Acta agriculturae scandinavica v. 30 (4): p. 373-387. ill; 1980. Bibliography
p. 386-387.
Language: ENGLISH
18 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 P95
Cages for weaver finches.
Tregubov, A.
Moskva, Ministerstvo sel'skogo khoziatstva SSSR; May 1979.
Ptitsevodstvo (5): p. 55. ill; May 1979.
19 NAL Call. No.: S41.E93
Canary, bengalese and zebra finch.
Ellis, M.
London : Longman; 1984.
Evolution of domesticated animals / edited by Ian L. Mason. p. 357-360; 1984.
Includes 10 references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Aviary birds; Canaries; Domesticated birds; Varieties
20 NAL Call. No.: SF1.K33
A case of trichomoniasis in the spotted dove (Streptopelia chinensis).
Amin-Babjee, S.M.; Sheikh-Omar, A.R.; Lee, C.C.; Bohari, Y.
Selangor : Persatuan Doktor Veterinar Malaysia; 1986 Nov.
Kajian veterinar Malaysia v. 18 (2): p. 203-204; 1986 Nov. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: South east asia; Pigeons; Trichomonas gallinae; Aviary birds;
21 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AV5
Characterization of the toxicity of the mycotoxins aflatoxin, ochratoxin, and
T-2 toxin in game birds. II. Ringneck pheasant.
Huff, W.E.; Ruff, M.D.; Chute, M.B.
Kennett Square, Pa. : American Association of Avian Pathologists; 1992 Jan.
Avian diseases v. 36 (1): p. 30-33; 1992 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Phasianus colchicus; Toxicity; Aflatoxins; Ochratoxins; T-2
toxin; Mortality; Body weight; Feed conversion; Liver; Kidneys; Lesions
Abstract: Ringneck pheasants were fed diets containing 1.25, 2.5, or 5 ppm
aflatoxin; 1, 2, or 4 ppm ochratoxin A (OA); or 4, 8, or 16 ppm T-2 toxin.
Severe toxin-induced mortality was seen during the first to third weeks with
2.50 and 5.00 ppm aflatoxin (92.5% and 97.5% respectively), compared with the
mortality in control pheasants fed no toxin (O%). Slight mortality (less than
or equal to 5%) was seen with OA and T-2 toxin. Body weights were
significantly decreased by the lowest level (1.25 ppm) of aflatoxin by 2 weeks
of age, by the two highest levels of aflatoxin by 1 week of age, and by 16 ppm
T-2 toxin by 1 week of age. The feed-conversion ratio was increased by 2.50 and
5.00 ppm aflatoxin compared with the feed-conversion ratio in controls,
although high mortality may have influenced the results. Aflatoxin had no
effect on liver weight, but OA increased kidney weight in 3-week-old
pheasants. Mouth lesions were seen in some of the pheasants fed T-2 toxin.
22 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AV5
Characterization of the toxicity of the mycotoxins aflatoxin, ochratoxin, and
T-2 toxin in game birds. III. Bobwhite and Japanese quail.
Ruff, M.D.; Huff, W.E.; Wilkins, G.C.
Kennett Square, Pa. : American Association of Avian Pathologists; 1992 Jan.
Avian diseases v. 36 (1): p. 34-39; 1992 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Colinus Virginianus; Toxicity; Aflatoxins;
Ochratoxins; T-2 toxin; Mortality; Body weight; Feed conversion; Liver;
Kidneys; Lesions; Phasianus colchicus; Partridges
Abstract: Bobwhite and Japanese quail were fed diets containing 1.25, 2.50,or
5.00 ppm aflatoxin; 1, 2, or 4 ppm ochratoxin A (OA); or 4, 8, or 16 ppm T-2
toxin. Aflatoxin induced mortality in bobwhites during the second and third
week with 1.25 ppm (10%), 2.50 ppm (30%), and 5.00 ppm (40%), and during the
same period with T-2 toxin at 8 ppm (20%) and 16 ppm (22.5%). Body weights of
bobwhite quail were significantly decreased by the two higher levels of
aflatoxin by 2 weeks of age, and by the two higher levels of T-2 toxin by 1
week of age. In Japanese quail, only the highest level of aflatoxin and T-2
toxin reduced body weight (by 3 weeks and by 1 week of age, respectively), and
even then to a much lesser extent than in bobwhites (< 0%). Aflatoxin did not
affect feed-conversion ratio (FCR) in bobwhite quail, but the two higher
levels of T-2 toxin increased FCR. None of the toxins induced mortality or
increased the FCR in Japanese quail. Aflatoxin increased liver weight in both
bobwhite and Japanese quail. OA increased kidney weight in 3-week-old Japanese
quail but had no effect on the kidney weight of bobwhite quail. Mouth lesions
were progressively more severe in bobwhite quail fed increasing levels of T-2
toxin, but lesions were far less severe in Japanese quail.
23 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V6468
Cloacal inflammation in pheasants (Hypovitaminosis E, stress)
Mutafov, L.
Sofiia, Ministerstvo na zemedelieto i khranitelnata promishlenost; 1978.
Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki. Veterinary science v. 15 (10): p. 117-121. ill;
1978. 5 ref.
24 NAL Call. No.: TD172.A7
Cold stress and acute organophosphorus exposure: interaction effects on
juvenile northern bobwhite.
Maguire, C.C.; Williams, B.A.
New York, N.Y. : Springer-Verlag; 1987 Jul.
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology v. 16 (4): p. 477-481;
1987 Jul. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Organophosphorus compounds; Pesticides; Cold stress; Colinus
25 NAL Call. No.: QH301.B52
Colonial breeding of the eared dove (Zenaida auriculata) in northeastern
Bucher, E.H.; BTROA
Fairfax : Association for Tropical Biology; Dec 1982.
Biotropica v. 14 (4): p. 255-261. map; Dec 1982. 23 ref.
Language: English; Spanish
Descriptors: Brazil
26 NAL Call. No.: SF481.I5
Comparative performance of Japanese quail on cage and deep litter. 2. Egg
production and reproduction traits.
Chidananda, B.L.; Prathapkumar, K.S.; Sreenivasaiah, P.V.; Ramappa, B.S.;
Lokanath, G.R.
Izatnagar : Indian Poultry Science Association; 1986 Jun.
Indian journal of poultry science v. 21 (2): p. 91-96; 1986 Jun. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Egg production; Reproductive traits; Cages; Deep
litter poultry housing; Egg hatchability; Least squares
27 NAL Call. No.: SF481.I5
Comparative performance of Japanese quail reared in cages and on deep litter.
1. Body weight, feed efficiency and mortality.
Chidananda, B.L.; Prathapkumar, K.S.; Sreenwasaiah, P.V.; Lokanath, G.R.;
Ramappa, B.S.
Izatnagar : Indian Poultry Science Association; 1985 Sep.
Indian journal of poultry science v. 20 (3): p. 162-164; 1985 Sep. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Body weight; Mortality; Feed conversion
efficiency; Cage rearing; Deep litter housing
28 NAL Call. No.: SF473.C65V75 1992
Conures everything about purchase, housing, care, nutrition, breeding, and
diseases, with a special chapter on understanding conures.
Vriends, Matthew M.,
New York : Barron's,; 1992.
80 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 20 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 78)
and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Conures
29 NAL Call. No.: QL696.P246A
O criador de bicudos e curios [The breeding of finches].
Andrade, Fernando F. M.
Sao Paulo Nobel; 1976.
98 p. : ill.
Language: ENGLISH
Descriptors: Finches; Breeding
30 NAL Call. No.: QP801.H7H65
Developmental changes induced by glucocorticoids treatment in breeder quail
(Coturnix coturnix Japonica).
De la Cruz, L.F.; Illera, M.; Mataix, F.J.
Stuttgart, W. Ger. : Georg Thieme; 1987 Mar.
Hormone and metabolic research v. 19 (3): p. 101-104; 1987 Mar. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Coturnix coturnix; Corticosterone; Metabolism; Animal breeding;
31 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AV5
Doxycycline plasma concentrations in macaws fed a medicated corn diet.
Prus, S.E.; Clubb, S.L.; Flammer, K.
Kennett Square, Pa. : American Association of Avian Pathologists; 1992 Apr.
Avian diseases v. 36 (2): p. 480-483; 1992 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Aviary birds; Diet; Feeding; Psittacosis; Psittaciformes;
Doxycycline; Chlamydia psittaci; Drug therapy; Experiments; Animal experiments
Abstract: A trial was conducted to determine the doxycycline plasma
concentrations attained by feeding a medicated corn diet to large psittacine
birds. Doxycycline is the preferred drug for the treatment of chlamydiosis in
psittacine birds. Healthy macaws were fed a 0.1% doxycycline-medicated corn
diet for 45 days, and plasma doxycycline concentrations were determined by
microbiological assay on treatment days 3, 15, 30, and 45. Plasma doxycycline
concentrations exceeded 1 microgram/ml in 87% of the samples assayed. As blood
concentrations of 1 microgram/ml are considered therapeutic, a
doxycycline-medicated corn diet may be efficacious in the treatment of
chlamydiosis in large psittacine birds.
32 NAL Call. No.: TD172.A7
Ecological significance of behavioral and hormonal abnormalities in breeding
ring doves fed an organochlorine chemical mixture (Pollutants).
McArthur, M.L.B.; AECTCV; Fox, G.A.; Peakall, D.B.; Philogene, B.J.R.
New York : Springer-Verlag; May 1983.
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology v. 12 (3): p. 343-353.
ill; May 1983. Includes references.
Language: English
33 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 B77
Effect of acute stress on catecholamine content in the hypothalamic nuclei of
Japanese quail.
Jurani, M.; Kiss, A.; Kvaltinova, Z.; Somogyiova, E.; Kvetnansky, R.
Harlow, Essex : Longman; 1984 Jan.
British poultry science v. 25 (1): p. 91-98; 1984 Jan. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Stress; Catecholamines; Hypothalamic regulation; Nuclei;
Hypothalamus; Japanese quails
34 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
The effect of dehydration on brain temperature regulation in Japanese quail
(Coturnix coturnix japonica).
Itsaki-Glucklich, S.; Arad, Z.
Elmsford, N.Y.: Pergamon Press; 1992 Mar.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 101
(3): p. 583-588; 1992 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Dehydration; Water deprivation; Heat stress;
Environmental temperature; Body temperature; Brain; Temperature; Respiration
Abstract: 1. The effect of dehydration and heat exposure on body and brain
temperature was studied in quail exposed to increasing ambient temperatures
within the range of 25-40 degrees C. 2. The body-to-brain temperature
difference was not affected by increasing ambient temperature or hydration
state. A mean body-to-brain temperature difference of 0.96 +/- 0.64 degrees C
and 0.85 +/- 0.65 degrees C was found in normally hydrated and dehydrated
quail, respectively. 3. The slope of the relation between brain temperature to
body temperature (0.77) was significantly lower than 1.0 (P < 0.001), when the
results of the two hydration states were pooled. This indicates increased brain
cooling with increased body temperature. 4. Body and brain temperatures of
water-deprived quail were significantly higher (P < 0.05) than those of
hydrated birds during exposure to ambient temperatures of 35 and 40 degrees C.
5. Respiration frequency increased during exposure to 35 (four birds) and 40
degrees C (six birds) in the normally hydrated quail, while in the dehydrated
quail, respiration frequency increased only in three birds during exposure to
35 degrees C, and four birds during exposure to 40 degrees C, the frequencies
were lower during dehydration. 6. Plasma osmolality and chloride concentration
were significantly higher in the dehydrated quail (P < 0.05). 7. The present
findings show that dehydration and heat exposure resulted in a relative
hyperthermy, and thus implying a reduced evaporative cooling. The quail
appears to be well adapted to dehydrating conditions.
35 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Effect of dietary calcium stress on plasma vitamin D3 metabolites in the
egg-laying Japanese quail.
Kaetzel, D.M. Jr; Soares, J.H. Jr
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1985 Jun.
Poultry science v. 64 (6): p. 1121-1127. ill; 1985 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Calcium; Ovulatory surge; Cholecalciferol; Metabolites; Japanese
36 NAL Call. No.: QL55.I5
Effect of light regime on welfare and growth of pheasants.
Slaugh, B.T.; Johnston, N.P.; Flinders, J.T.; Bramwell, R.K.
Sussex : The Institute; 1990 Aug.
Animal technology : journal of the Institute of Animal Technology v. 41 (2): p.
103-114; 1990 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pheasants; Photoperiod; Animal welfare; Intermittent light;
Growth rate; Feed conversion; Feathering rate
Abstract: Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of
photoperiod and intermittent lighting on pheasant growth and feathering.
Inexperiment I, 70 straight-run 4-week-old ring-necked pheasants were randomly
assigned to 1 of 7 identical environmentally controlled rooms and raised until
8 weeks of ageunder the following light schedules: Room (1) 24L, (2) 16L: 8D,
(3) (15 min L: 45 minD) X 16: 8D Purina Bio-mittent, (4) 1L: 11D: 4L: 8D, (5)
1L: 13D: 2L: 8D, (6)1L: 14D: 1L: 8D, (7) 1L: 14.5D: .5L: 8D. Daily patterns of
feed consumptionindicated synchronization of activity such that the subjective
daylengthsprovided were 24, 16, 16, 13, 11, 10, and 9.5 hours, respectively.
The birds werehoused 10-per-cage at a density of .06 m2 per bird. Since all of
the birds were fed ata common feeder, there was no statistical treatment
comparison of feed consumptionand conversion. A numerical improvement in feed
conversion (4.9, 4.5, 3.4, 3.3,3.2, 3.4, 3.3 g feed/g gain) and bodyweight
(715.8, 762.9, 801.0, 797.4, 833.4, 830.7,841.5 g) and a statistically
significant (P<.05) improvement in dorsalfeathering (38, 47, 99, 84, 91, 94,
96% area covered) and tail length (1.6, 1.6, 9.1, 4.4, 11.3,11.2, 10.9 cm)
resulted from the use of intermittent, compared to continuous, photoperiods. In
experiment II, 72 4-week-old straight-run jumbo whitepheasants were
randomly assigned to 6 identical environmentally controlled rooms andraised
until 14 weeks of age under the following light schedules: Room (1) 14L:
10D,(2) 1L: 5.5D: 1L: 5.5D: 1L: 10D, (3) 12L: 12D, (4) 1L: 4.5D: 1L: 4.5D: 1L:
12D, (5)10L: 14D, (6) 1L: 3.5D: 1L: 3.5D: 1L: 14D. Daily patterns of feed
consumptionindicated synchronization of activity such that the subjective
daylengthsprovided were 14, 14, 12, 12, 10, and 10 hours, respectively. The
birds were housed4-per-cage at a density of .15 m2 per bird. There were no
significant (P<.05) differencesin bodyweight (1164.2, 1189.4, 1181.4, 1195.5,
1212.1, 1229.7 g). Feedconversion (5.9
37 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Effect of male to female ratios on reproduction of caged coturnix D1 breeders
(Coturnix quail).
Hughes, B.L.; Jones, J.E.; Resseguie, W.D.
Champaign, Ill., Poultry Science Association; June 1980.
Poultry science v. 59 (6): p. 1339-1341; June 1980. 4 ref.
Language: ENGLISH
38 NAL Call. No.: 500 P383
Effect of temperature on energy intake in three strains of bobwhite quail
(Colinus virginianus).
Brenner, F.J.; Reeder, M.
Allentown, Pa. : The Academy; 1985.
Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science v. 59 (2): p. 119-120; 1985.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pennsylvania; Quails; Geographical races; Adaptability;
Population decrease; Cold stress; Energy intake; Wildlife management
39 NAL Call. No.: TD172.A7
Effects of DDE and food stress on reproduction and body condition of ringed
turtle doves.
Keith, J.O.; Mitchell, C.A.
New York, N.Y. : Springer-Verlag; 1993 Aug.
Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology v. 25 (2): p. 192-203;
1993 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Ddt; Metabolites; Toxicity; Streptopelia
40 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 B77
The effects of dietary calcium concentration on pheasant breeder performance.
Wise, D.R.; Ewins, A.
Harlow, Essex, Eng., Longman; May 1980.
British poultry science v. 21 (3): p. 229-232; May 1980. 2 ref.
Language: ENGLISH
41 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Effects of dietary protein level and environmental temperature stress on
growth of young ring-necked pheasants.
Warner, R.E.; Darda, D.M.; Baker, D.H.
Champaign, Ill., Poultry Science Association; Apr 1982.
Poultry science v. 61 (4): p. 673-676; Apr 1982. Includes 15 ref.
Language: English
42 NAL Call. No.: QP251.A1T5
Effects of handling and pair management on reproduction in Japanese quail
(Coturnix coturnix).
Sullivan, J.P.; Grasman, K.A.; Scanlon, P.F.
Stoneham, Mass. : Butterworth-Heinemann; 1992 Apr.
Theriogenology v. 37 (4): p. 877-883; 1992 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Mating systems; Mating frequency; Reproductive
performance; Laying performance; Egg hatchability
43 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
The effects of switching males among caged females on egg production and
hatchability in Japanese quail.
Gebhardt-Henrich, S.G.; Marks, H.L.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1991 Aug.
Poultry science v. 70 (8): p. 1845-1847; 1991 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Laying performance; Egg hatchability; Males;
Mating systems; Male fertility
Abstract: For a half-sib mating design each male was switched among four
females that were kept in separate cages once a day, so that each female was
paired with a male every 4th day. Control males were permanently paired with
one female each. There was some evidence that the mating system involving
switching of males among females decreased egg production and hatchability by
about 9 and 16%, respectively. The present study argues, however, that the
slight decrease in hatchability, which was only present in some males, does not
prevent the application of this method for half-sib breeding designs to
estimate heritabilities.
44 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Egg production in four generations of paired Japanese quail.
Gildersleeve, R.P.; Sugg, D.; Parkhurst, C.R.; McRee, D.I.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1987 Feb.
Poultry science v. 66 (2): p. 227-230; 1987 Feb. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Egg production; Mortality; Fertility; Egg
hatchability; Generations; Breeding methods; Cage rearing
45 NAL Call. No.: SF488.F8F6
L'elevage des gallinaces et du faisan [Raising Galliformes and pheasants.].
Fort, Michel
Paris De Vecchi; 1980.
263 p. : ill. ; 20 cm. Bibliography: p. 257-258.
Descriptors: Galliformes; France; Chickens; Hatcheries; France; Poultry;
France; Breeding; Pheasants
46 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 T646 1980 no.119
L'elevage du faisan : techniques actuelles de production [The breeding of
Vitte-Bouzin, Marie-Francois,; 1952-
Toulouse, France Ecole nationale veterinaire; 1980.
50, (7) p. : ill. ; 24 cm.. (Toulouse. Ecole nationale veterinaire. These ;
1980, no. 119). Bibliography: p. (55-57).
47 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V6468
Encephalomalacia in partridges, rock partridges, and pheasants raised in
confinement (Vitamin E and selenium deficiency).
Mutafov, L.
Sofiia, Ministerstvo na zemedelieto i khranitelnata promishlenost; 1979.
Veterinarno-meditsinski nauki. Veterinary science v. 16 (2): p. 88-92. ill;
1979. 7 ref.
48 NAL Call. No.: 41.2 T646 1979, no.6
L'enterite transmissible du faisandeau dans le cadre de la pathologie d'un
elevage intensif [Transmissible enteritis of the pheasant in frame of the
pathology of intensive breeding.].
Legeard, Francis Robert,; 1950-
Toulouse Ecole nationale veterinaire; 1979.
iii, 89 p. : ill.. (Toulouse. Ecole nationale veterinaire. These ; 1979, no.
6). Bibliography: p. 79-89.
Language: FRENCH
49 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 AV5
Environmental fungus flora in quail-breeding farms.
Sanchez Franco, A.; Lacasa millan, M.I.; Gutierrez Galindo, J.F.; Muzquiz
Moracho, J.L.; Alonso Martinez, J.L.
College Station, Tex., American Association of Avian Pathologists; Apr/June
Avian diseases v. 25 (2): p. 254-259; Apr/June 1981. 18 ref.
Descriptors: Spain
50 NAL Call. No.: RA1270.P35A1
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) small pen tests. I. Effects of pen and
group sizes, sex combinations, and feeding levels on bobwhite activity
(Pesticide feeding, residues).
Morrow, M.E.; Robel, R.J.+ Dayton, A.D.; Harakal, D.S.; Middendorf, S.M.;
Snodgrass, T.J.
New York, Springer Verlag; June 1980.
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology v. 24 (6): p. 840-846;
June 1980. 6 ref.
Language: ENGLISH
51 NAL Call. No.: 100 AL1S (1)
Evaluating mourning dove crop gland activity associated with crop milk
production (Zenaida macroura, game birds, nesting cycle determination,
wildlife management implications).
Mirarchi, R.E.; AAEBA; Scanlon, P.F.
Auburn : The Station; Dec 1982.
Bulletin - Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station (545): 11 p. ill; Dec 1982.
Includes references.
Language: English
52 NAL Call. No.: S1.T49
Evaluation of an electronic device for counting the calls of white-wingled
Waechtler, D.G.; DeYoung, C.A.
Canyon, Tex. : The Consortium; 1990.
Texas journal of agriculture and natural resources : a publication of the
Agricultural Consortium of Texas v. 4: p. 57-59; 1990. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Texas; Mexico; Game birds; Electronics; Counters; Wildlife
management; Population forecasts; Birds' nests; Population density; Sampling;
Sounds; Songs
53 NAL Call. No.: SF995.W4
An evaluation of the Clemson University strain of Pasteurella multocida
vaccine in pen-raised pheasants.
Kelleher, C.J. Jr
Davis : University of California; 1979.
Proceedings - Western Poultry Disease Conference (28th): p. 20-21; 1979.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pheasants; Pasteurella multocida; Vaccines
54 NAL Call. No.: SF481.A85
Evolution de la pathologie parasitaire du gibier a plumes: faisan et perdrix
[Development of parasitic pathology of game birds: pheasants and partridges].
Schricke, E.
World Veterinary Poultry Association
Rennes, Editions de Boisbaudry; May 1979.
L'Aviculteur (390): p. 77, 79-81. ill; May 1979.
Language: FRENCH
55 NAL Call. No.: 49 IN3
Fabbiosogni proteici dei fagiani riproduttori [Protein requirements of
pheasant breeders.].
Monetti, P.G.
Bologna, Edagricole; Mar 15, 1981.
Informatore zootecnico v. 28 (5): p. 95-96. ill; Mar 15, 1981.
56 NAL Call. No.: 49 IN3
Fabbisogni energetici dei fagiani riproduttori [Nutritional requirements for
breeders pheasants (Fertility, Italy).].
Monetti, P.; INZTA
Bologna : Edagricole; June 30, 1982.
Informatore zootecnico v. 29 (12): p. 39-40. ill; June 30, 1982.
Language: Italian
Descriptors: Italy
57 NAL Call. No.: 470 T31
Foods of scaled quail (Callipepla squamata) in southeastern New Mexico.
Best, T.L.; Smartt, R.A.
Lubbock, Tex. : Texas Academy of Science; 1985 Sep.
The Texas journal of science v. 37 (2/3): p. 155-162; 1985 Sep. Includes list
of plant species. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: New Mexico; Quails; Feeding habits; Ecology; Wildlife; Game birds
58 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Forced resting bobwhite quail breeders and their subsequent reproductive
Wilson, H.R.; Nesbeth, W.G.
Champaign, Ill., Poultry Science Association; May 1979.
Poultry science v. 58 (3): p. 731-737. ill; May 1979. 17 ref.
Language: ENGLISH
59 NAL Call. No.: 100 M693 (1) no.435
Game bird investigations : quail and chukar partridges.
Funk, E. M.; Hamilton, James C.; Kempster, Harry Laverne,
Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Agricultural
Experiment Station,; 1941.
16 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (Bulletin (University of Missouri. Agricultural
Experiment Station) ; 435.). Cover title.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Chukar partridges; Quails
60 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3S6
A guide to Asiatic parrots in Australia [their mutations, care & breeding]..
Asiatic parrots in Australia
Smith, Sid; Smith, Jack
Tweed Heads South, NSW, Australia : Australian Birdkeeper,; 1990.
80 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots
61 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3W5
A guide to Australian long and broad-tailed parrots and New Zealand Kakarikis
[their management, care & breeding].. Australian long and broad-tailed
parrots and New Zealand Kakarikis
Wilson, Kevin
Tweed Heads South, NSW, Australia : Australian Birdkeeper,; 1990.
88 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 88).
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots
62 NAL Call. No.: SF473.G68S25 1991
A guide to-- gouldian finches their management, care & breeding.. Gouldian
Sammut, John; Marshall, Rob
South Tweed Heads, NSW : Published and edited by Australian Birdkeeper,; 1991.
88 p. : col. ill. ; 24 cm. Authors: John Sammut, Rob Marshall. Includes
bibliographical references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Gouldian finch
63 NAL Call. No.: QL698.3.L68 1991
Hand-rearing parrots and other birds., Rev. ed..
Low, Rosemary
London : Blandford ; New York, NY : Distributed in the U.S. by Sterling Pub.
Co.,; 1991.
140 p., [8] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 137-138) and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots; Aviculture; Parental behavior in animals; Birds
64 NAL Call. No.: SF509.B4 1985
Hege, Aufzucht und Aussetzen von Fasanen und Rebhuhnern [Breeding pheasants
and partridges]., 6., revidierte Aufl.
Behnke, Hans
Hamburg : Parey,; 1985.
102 p., [2] leaves of col. plates : ill. ; 22 cm.
Language: German
Descriptors: Pheasants; Partridges
65 NAL Call. No.: SF509.B4 1980
Hege, Aufzucht und Aussetzen von Fasanen und Rebhuhnern [Care and breeding of
pheasants and partridges.]., 5. neubearb. und erw. Aufl.
Behnke, Hans
Hamburg Parey; 1980.
102 p., (2) leaves of col. plates : ill. ; 22 cm.
Language: German
Descriptors: Pheasants; Partridges
66 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Hematological response of Japanese quail to acute hemorrhagic stress.
Gildersleeve, R.P.; Galvin, M.J.; Thaxton, J.P.; McRee, D.I.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1985.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A: Comparative physiology v. 81 (2):
p. 403-409. ill; 1985. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Coturnix coturnix; Hematology; Hemorrhage; Stress response
67 NAL Call. No.: SF5.W6 1983
Heritability estimates and selection effects on survival time of Japanese quail
under high and low temperature stress.
Kawamoto, Y.; Ino, T.; Sato, K.
Tokyo, Japan : Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science; 1983.
New strategies for improving animal production for human welfare : proceedings
/ the Fifth World Conference on Animal Production, August 14-19, 1983. v. 2 p.
135-136; 1983. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japan; Japanese quails; Heritability; Selection; Survival;
Genetic variation; Temperatures
68 NAL Call. No.: SF994.J45 1992
Husbandry and medical management of ostriches, emus and rheas.
Jensen, James M.; Johnson, James Harvey; Weiner, Stanley T.
College Station, TX (P.O. Box 10541, College Station, TX 77842) : Wildlife and
Exotic Animal Teleconsultants,; 1992.
129 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. 128).
Language: English
Descriptors: Ostriches; Rheidae; Emus
69 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 R523
Imprinting acustico e visivo in tacchinotti e fagianotti in allevamento
intensivo [Acoustic and visual imprinting in young turkeys and pheasants in
intensive breeding.].
Verga, M.; RIAVB; Cavalchini, G.L.
Bologna : Edagricole; Sept 1982.
Rivista di avicoltura v. 51 (9): p. 61-68. ill; Sept 1982. Includes
Language: Italian
70 NAL Call. No.: TRANSL 34892
Incidence of newcastle disease in captive rheas (rhea americana) in the
zoological garden of Brasilia = Ocorrencia da doenca de Newcastle em emas (Rhea
americana) mantidas em cativeiro no jardim zoologico de Brasilia..
Ocorrencia da doenca de Newcastle em emas (Rhead americana) mantidas em
cativeiro no jardim zoologico de Brasilia
Nunes, V. A.
Karachi, Pakistan : Saad Publications (Translations Division),; 1984.
16 p. (1 folded) ; 27 cm. Translated from Portuguese for the OICD, APHIS, USDA
and the National Science Foundation by Saad Publications, TT 84-4-0333.
Translated from: Pesqui Agropecu Bras Ser Vet, vol. 10, no.8:35-39, 1975.
Bibliography: p. 14-16.
Language: English
71 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 B77
Influence of stocking density and layer age on production traits and egg
quality in Japanese quail.
Nagarajan, S.; Narahari, D.; Jayaprasad, I.A.; Thyagarajan, D.
Oxfordshire : Carfax Publishing Company; 1991 May.
British poultry science v. 32 (2): p. 243-248; 1991 May. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Stocking density; Age at first egg; Egg
production; Egg weight; Egg quality; Body weight; Age differences; Egg shell
thickness; Poultry housing
72 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
The influence of stress treatment on femur cortical bone porosity and
medullary bone status in Japanese quail selected for high and low blood
corticosterone response to stress.
Satterlee, D.G.; Roberts, E.D.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1990.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 95 (3):
p. 401-405; 1990. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Stress management; Femur; Bones; Porosity;
Blood; Corticosterone; Stress response
73 NAL Call. No.: 100 C76S no.469 1984
International registry of poultry genetic stocks a directory of specialized
lines and strains, mutations, breeds and varieties of chickens, Japanese quail
and turkeys., Rev. ed.
Somes, Ralph G.
Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station
Storrs : Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Connecticut,;
iv, 96 p. ; 28 cm.. (Bulletin / Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, no.
469). Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Poultry breeds; Directories
74 NAL Call. No.: 41.9 W64B
Isolation of a poxvirus from a house finch, Carpodacus mexicanus (Muller).
Docherty, D.E.; Long, R.I.R.
Ames, Iowa : Wildlife Disease Association; 1986 Jul.
Journal of wildlife diseases v. 22 (3): p. 420-422. ill; 1986 Jul.
Language: English
Descriptors: Idaho; Finches; Avipoxvirus; Isolation
75 NAL Call. No.: S322.S55S55
IV. Protein requirement of breeding Japanese quail in the tropics.
Lee, T.K.; Shim, K.F.; Tan, E.L.
Singapore, Primary Production Department; July 1981.
Singapore journal of primary industries v. 9 (2): p. 101-110. ill; July 1981.
Includes 11 ref.
Language: English
Descriptors: Tropics
76 NAL Call. No.: QL55.U5 1987
The Japanese quail., 6th ed.
Cooper, D.M.
London : Longman; 1987.
The UFAW handbook on the care and management of laboratory animals / edited by
Trevor B. Poole; editorial assistant, Ruth Robinson. p. 678-686; 1987.
Language: English
Descriptors: Laboratory animals; Japanese quails; Biology; Animal husbandry;
Laboratory methods; Disease control
77 NAL Call. No.: 100 T31S (1) no.1123
Japanese quail (coturnix) care, management, propagation.
Cain, J. R.; Wormeli, B. C.
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas Agricultural Extension Service
College Station : Texas Agricultural Experiment Station : Texas Agricultural
Extension Service,; 1972.
14 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. (Bulletin / Texas Agricultural Experiment Station ;
1123). Tx Doc no.: Z, TA245.7, B873, no.1123.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quail
78 NAL Call. No.: QL55.A1L33
The Japanese quail as a laboratory animal.
Porter, W.; Terrill, J.
New York : Media Horizons; 1986 Jan.
Lab animal v. 15 (1): p. 27-28, 32-33, 35. ill; 1986 Jan. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese; Quails; Laboratory animals; Animal husbandry
79 NAL Call. No.: SF473.Z42B58
Keeping and breeding zebra finches the complete type standard guide.
Blackwell, Chris,
London ; New York : Blandford Press ; New York, NY : Distributed in the U.S. by
Sterling Pub. Co.,; 1988.
192 p., [16] p. of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 23 cm. Includes index.
Bibliography: p. 190.
Language: English
Descriptors: Zebra finch
80 NAL Call. No.: 105.8 B644 1990 [no.44]
Kreuzungseffekte bei Leistungs- und Verhaltensmerkmalen von japanischen
Wachteln (Coturnix coturnix japonica) [Cross-breeding effects on performance
and behavior characteristics of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)].
Zimmer, Saskia,
Bonn : [s.n.],; 1990.
139 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p.
Language: German
81 NAL Call. No.: 100 AL1H
Lead shot ingestion affects captive mourning dove survival and reproduction.
Buerger, T.T.; Mirarchi, R.E.; Lisano, M.E.
Auburn, Ala. : The Station; 1985.
Highlights of agricultural research - Alabama, Agricultural Experiment Station
v. 32 (3): p. 17. ill; 1985.
Language: English
Descriptors: Birds; Lead; Ingestion
82 NAL Call. No.: 410 Z36
Lebensdauer Japanischer Wachteln bei Kafigeinzelhaltung [Longevity of
Japanese quail reared individually in cages.].
Kohler, D.
Jena, Gustav Fischer; 1981.
Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde; Journal of Experimental Animal Science v. 23
(4): p. 239-241; 1981. 3 ref.
83 NAL Call. No.: QL696.G27B39
Life history and ecology of the ring-necked pheasant in Nebraska.
Baxter, William L.; Wolfe, Carl W.
Lincoln, Neb. : Nebraska Game and Parks Commission,; 1973.
58 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. G1000B008-73. Bibliography: p. 42-43.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Ring-necked pheasants; Birds; Nebraska; Upland game bird
management; Nebraska
84 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Lighting and sex ratio for breeding ringnecked pheasants in confined housing.
Bates, D.P.; Hanson, L.E.; Cook, M.E.; Wentworth, B.C.; Sunde, M.L.; Bitgood,
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1987 Apr.
Poultry science v. 66 (4): p. 605-612; 1987 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pheasants; Reproduction; Lighting; Sex ratio; Reproductive
85 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Long-term selection for four-week body weight in Japanese quail following
modification of the selection environment.
Marks, H.L.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1989 Apr.
Poultry science v. 68 (4): p. 455-459; 1989 Apr. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Body weight; Environment; Stress; Selection
responses; Genetic gain; Selection differential; Heritability
86 NAL Call. No.: SF995.A1A9
Lymphoreticular tumour in pen-raised pheasants associated with a
reticuloendotheliosis like virus infection.
Dren, C.N.; AVPAD; Saghy, E.; Glavits, R.; Ratz, F.; Ping, J.
Cambridge : World Veterinary Poultry Association; 1983.
Avian pathology v. 12 (1): p. 55-71. ill; 1983. Includes references.
Language: English; French; German
87 NAL Call. No.: SF473.M33S94 1992
Macaws everything about purchase, management, housing, feeding, health care,
and breeding.
Sweeney, Roger G.
Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's,; 1992.
79 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm. With a special chapter on understanding
macaws and profiles of the species. Includes bibliographical references and
Language: English
Descriptors: Macaws
88 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Manifestations of social stress in grouped Japanese quail.
Edens, F.W.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1987.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A: Comparative physiology v. 86 (3):
p. 469-472; 1987. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Coturnix coturnix; Maladjustment; Stress
89 NAL Call. No.: SF461.M36 1988
Manual of parrots, budgerigers, and other psittacine birds.
Price, C. J.
British Small Animal Veterinary Association
Cheltenham : British Small Animal Veterinary Association,; 1988.
208 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Cage birds
90 NAL Call. No.: SF771.A53A
Marble spleen disease in pen-raised pheasants in California (Virus).
Mayeda, B.; PAMDD; West, G.B.; Bickford, A.A.; Cho, B.R.
Madison : The Association; 1982.
Proceedings of ... annual meeting - American Association of Veterinary
Laboratory Diagnosticians (25th): p. 261-270. ill; 1982. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: California
91 NAL Call. No.: SH11.A37 no.13
Migration, harvest, and population characteristics of mourning doves banded in
the Western Management Unit, 1964-1977.
Tomlinson, Roy E.
Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service,;
iv, 101 p. : ill. ; 27 cm. (Fish and wildlife technical report ; 13).
Bibliography: p. 32-33.
Language: English
Descriptors: Mourning dove; West (U.S.); Mourning dove shooting; West (U.S.);
Birds; West (U.S.); Upland game bird management; West (U.S.); Bird banding;
West (U.S.)
92 NAL Call. No.: QL165.A2C6 no.3
Mortality, survival, and effects of hunting on grouse, partridge, pheasants,
and quail an annotated bibliography.
Braun, Clait E.
Denver? : Colorado Division of Wildlife? :; 1975.
39 p. ; 28 cm. (Division report / Colorado. Division of Wildlife ; no. 3). DOW-
M-D-3-75. February 1975.
Language: English
Descriptors: Upland game bird shooting; Bibliography; Upland game birds;
93 NAL Call. No.: SB950.A2S95 1980
Nonspill cage feeder for quail (in breeding cages, Equipment, bird control).
Brunton, R.B.; Schafer, E.W. Jr
Philadelphia : American Society for Testing and Materials, 1981; 1981.
Vertebrate pest control and management materials : proceedings of the Third
Symposium on Test Methods for Vertebrate Pest Control and Management
Materials, Fresno, Calif., 7 March 1980 : a symposium. p. 29-31. ill; 1981.
Language: English
94 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 IN22
Note on causes of mortality in captive pheasants in India.
Rathore, B.S.; Khera, S.S.
New Delhi, Indian Council of Agricultural Research; Jan 1981.
The Indian journal of animal sciences v. 51 (1): p. 121-123; Jan 1981. 5 ref.
Descriptors: India
95 NAL Call. No.: 49.9 C33
Optimalizace davky vitaminu A pri volierovem chovu bazanta obecneho
[Optimization of the vitamin A dose in the food of pheasants kept in
Laitova, L.
Praha, Ustav; Apr 1981.
Zivocisna vyroba - Ceskoslovenska akademie zemedelska, Ustav
vedeckotechnickych informaci pro zemedelstvi v. 26 (4): p. 303-312. ill; Apr
1981. 8 ref.
96 NAL Call. No.: SF5.W6 1983
The ostrich farming system in South Africa.
Osterhoff, D.R.
Tokyo, Japan : Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science; 1983.
New strategies for improving animal production for human welfare : proceedings
/ the Fifth World Conference on Animal Production, August 14-19, 1983. v. 2 p.
863-864; 1983. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: South Africa; Ostriches; Aviculture; Feather production; Farm
management; Improvement; Feathers
97 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 G29B
Ostrich management guide.
Bastien, R.W.
Athens, Ga. : The Service; 1991 Feb.
Bulletin - Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia, College of
Agriculture (1048): 8 p. ill; 1991 Feb. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Ostriches; Animal breeding; Incubation; Animal feeding
98 NAL Call. No.: 275.29 K13LE
Ostrich production.
Adams, A.W.
Manhattan, Kan. : The Service; 1989 Oct.
L - Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University (799): 2 p. ill;
1989 Oct.
Language: English
Descriptors: Struthio camelus; Animal breeding; Incubation; Animal feeding;
Disease prevention
99 NAL Call. No.: QL696.G27N3 1982
An overview of disease and parasitism in southeastern bobwhite quail (Colinus
virginianus, pen-raised and wild bobwhites, USA).
Davidson, W.R.; Kellogg, F.E.; Doster, G.L.
Stillwater, Okla. : Oklahoma State University, 1982; 1982.
Proceedings, Second National Bobwhite Quail Symposium / editors, F.
Schitoskey, Jr., E.C. Schitoskey, L.G. Talent. p. 57-63; 1982. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: USA
100 NAL Call. No.: 100 AL1H
Parental care of fledgling mourning doves.
Hitchcock, R.R.; Mirarchi, R.E.
Auburn, Ala. : The Station; Fall 1983.
Highlights of agricultural research - Alabama, Agricultural Experiment Station
v. 30 (3): p. 17. ill; Fall 1983.
Language: English
101 NAL Call. No.: QL696.P244E92
Parrot finches the aviculturist's guide.
Evans, S. M.; Fidler, Mike
London : Blandford ; New York, NY : Distributed in the United States by
Sterling Pub. Co,; 1990.
112, [8] p. of plates : ill. (some col.), maps ; 23 cm. Pages 108-112 blank
for "Breeding notes.". Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-103) and
Language: English
Descriptors: Estrildidae; Waxbills; Grass finches
102 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3J67
Parrot incubation procedures a methodical guide to incubation, hatching and
problem hatches for the aviculturist.
Jordan, Rick,
Pickering, Ont. : S. Mattacchione,; 1989.
xiii, 142 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm. Includes bibliographical references
(p. 136).
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots; Eggs; Incubation; Parrots; Eggs; Parrots; Breeding
103 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3L69 1992
Parrots their care and breeding., 3rd (rev.) ed..
Low, Rosemary
London : Blandford ; New York, NY : Distributed in the Unitesd States by
Sterling Pub. Co.,; 1992.
416 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 29 cm. Includes bibliographical references (p.
[399]-404) and indexes.
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots
104 NAL Call. No.: 1 Ag84M no.127
Peafowl and their care.
McAtee, W. L.
Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Agriculture,; 1931.
4 p. ; 23 cm. (Miscellaneous publication / United States Department of
Agriculture ; no. 127). Cover title. Contribution from Biological Survey.
Includes bibliographical references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Peafowl
105 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 V641
Pheasant rearing: associated husbandry and disease problems.
Swarbrick, O.
London : British Veterinary Association; 1985 Jun08.
The Veterinary record v. 116 (23): p. 610-617; 1985 Jun08. Literature review.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pheasants; Pheasant egg production; Poultry rearing; Poultry
106 NAL Call. No.: SF481.P64
Pheasant-model for breeding disease resistant galliformes.
Pani, P.K.
New Delhi, C. P. Narang; Jan 1981.
Poultry guide v. 18 (1): p. 85-86; Jan 1981. 11 ref.
107 NAL Call. No.: SF509.H68
Pheasants : their breeding and management.
Howman, K. C. R.
Edlington. Eng. K & R Books; 1979.
117 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm.. (The Bird keeper's library). Includes
indexes. Bibliography: p. (112).
Descriptors: Pheasant culture; Pheasants
108 NAL Call. No.: 444.8 G28
Plasma luteinizing hormone in male ring doves during the breeding cycle.
Silver, R.; Goldsmith, A.R.; Follett, B.K.
New York, Academic Press; Sept 1980.
General and comparative endocrinology v. 42 (1): p. 19-24. ill; Sept 1980.
Bibliography p. 23-24.
Language: ENGLISH
109 NAL Call. No.: 284.28 W15
Poultry in motion: breeders sell shares in ostrich market.
Benefield, K.J.
New York, N.Y. : Dow Jones; 1991 Jan03.
The Wall Street journal. p. A1, A2; 1991 Jan03.
Language: English
Descriptors: Ostriches; Poultry products; Investment promotion
110 NAL Call. No.: 41.9 W64B
Pox infection among captive peacocks (Zoonoses, turkey and chicken
susceptibility, Iraq).
Al Falluji, M.M.; Tantawi, H.H.; Al-Bana, A.; Al Sheikhly, S.
Ames, Iowa, Wildlife Disease Association; Oct 1979.
Journal of wildlife diseases v. 15 (4): p. 597-600. ill; Oct 1979. 7 ref.
Language: ENGLISH
Descriptors: Iraq
111 NAL Call. No.: 41.8AM3
Language: ENGLISH
112 NAL Call. No.: 41.8 J93
Problemi vestackog gajenja fazana u SAP Vojvodini. I. Problemi tehnologije
gajenja [Problems in the artificial rearing of pheasants in SAP Vojvodina. I.
Problems of breeding technology.].
Tarasenko, B.; Jovanovic, V.
Beograd, Savez veterinara i veterinarskih tehnicara SFRJ; 1981.
Veterinarski glasnik v. 35 (5): p. 471-480. ill; 1981. 8 ref.
Language: Serbo-Croatian (Roman); English; Russian
Descriptors: Yugoslavia
113 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 B77
Production, hatchability and fertility of eggs from breeding Japanese quail
(Coturnix coturnix japonica) fed diets containing furazolidone.
Dixon, R.J.; Arzey, G.G.; Nicholls, P.J.
Oxfordshire : Carfax Publishing Company; 1992 Sep.
British poultry science v. 33 (4): p. 835-845; 1992 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Furazolidone; Adverse effects; Dosage effects;
Egghatchability; Laying performance
114 NAL Call. No.: 41.9 T5762
Productivity of bobwhite quail (Colinus virginiaus) (Breeding, feeding,
Sasaki, M.; NIPDA; Sato, S.; Kondo, M.; Kawashima, M. Shioya, M.
Tokyo : Nihon Daigaku No Jui Gakkai; Mar 1982.
Nihon Daigaku No Juigakubu gakujutsu kenkyu hokoku; Bulletin of the College of
Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (39): p. 126-131; Mar 1982. 4 ref.
Language: Japanese; English
Descriptors: Japan
115 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 R523
Progetto di ricovero per allevare razionalmente i fagiani [Housing designs for
raising pheasants.].
Cardillo, F.; RIAVB
Bologna : Edagricole; Sept 1982.
Rivista di avicoltura v. 51 (9): p. 19-22. ill; Sept 1982.
Language: Italian
116 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Propagation of a laboratory ringed turtle dove colony (Breeding).
Kendall, R.J.; Scanlon, P.F.
Champaign, Ill., Poultry Science Association; Dec 1981.
Poultry science v. 60 (12): p. 2728-2730. ill; Dec 1981. Includes 4 ref.
Language: English
117 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3S55 1992
The proper care of parrots.
Skinner, Martin
Neptune City, NJ : T.F.H. Publications,; 1992.
253 p. : col. ill. ; 19 cm. "TW-101"--Prelim. p. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 249) and index.
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots
118 NAL Call. No.: 41.9 R24
A propos d'un trouble de la fertilite chez des faisans reproducteurs. Le role
probable d'une mycotoxine [Problems of fertility in breeding pheasants, and
the probable role of a mycotoxin.].
Willemart, J.P.; Schricke, E.
Paris, L'Academie; 1979.
Bulletin de l'Academie veterinaire de France.Academie veterinaire de France v.
52 (3): p. 409-415. ill; 1979. 5 ref.
119 NAL Call. No.: QL696.A2P7
The protection of pheasants in release pens from birds of prey.
Lloyd, David E. B.
British Field Sports Society.
London The Society; 1976.
12 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Research carried out by David E. B. Lloyd.
Descriptors: Birds of prey; Birds, Protection of
120 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3S56 1991
Psittaculture breeding, rearing and management of parrots.
Silva, Tony
Pickering, Ont. : S. Mattacchione : Distributed in U.S.A. P.O. Box 3125,
Ellicott Station, Buffalo, NY,; 1991.
xii, 330 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm. Includes bibliographical references: p.
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots
121 NAL Call. No.: S533.F66D6
Southern Regional 4-H Wildlife Literature Committee.
1979; 1979.
6 p. : ill. Document available from: Educational Aids, National 4-H Council,
7100 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20015. Publication intended for
Member, Junior and Senior High Level. Learning Experience: Knowledge, skills,
practices; Decision making.
Language: ENGLISH
Descriptors: History; Habitats; Game birds; Foods; Wildlife; Conservation
Abstract: This wildlife activity guide covers information and activities on
studying and managing the bob white quail.
122 NAL Call. No.: S67.P82
Raising pheasants in confinement.
McKnight, W.F.
Baton Rouge, La.? : The Service; 1984 Sep.
Publication - Louisiana Cooperative Extension Service (1468): 8 p.; 1984 Sep.
Language: English
Descriptors: Louisiana; Pheasants; Pens; Animal production; Incubation; Eggs
123 NAL Call. No.: aZ5071.N3
Raising quail, partridge, pheasant, bobwhites, and ostriches January 1979-May
Larson, J.A.
Beltsville, Md. : The Library; 1989 Jul.
Quick bibliography series - U.S. Department of Agriculure, National
Agricultural Library (U.S.). (89-95): 10 p.; 1989 Jul. Bibliography.
Language: English
Descriptors: Quails; Pheasants; Partridges; Ostriches; Colinus Virginianus;
Aviculture; Game management; Bibliographies
124 NAL Call. No.: aZ5071.N3
Raising quail, partridge, pheasant, bobwhites, and ostriches: January 1987 -
January 1992.
Larson, J.A.
Beltsville, Md. : The Library; 1992 Jan.
Quick bibliography series - U.S. Department of Agriculture, National
Agricultural Library (U.S.). (92-20): 65 p.; 1992 Jan. Updates QB 91-72.
Language: English
Descriptors: Quails; Partridges; Pheasants; Ostriches; Colinus Virginianus;
Animal husbandry; Bibliographies
125 NAL Call. No.: SF105.A74
Rare breeds of poultry "Old English Pheasant Fowl".
Sheppy, A.J.
Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth : Rare Breeds Survival Trust; Aug 15, 1977.
The Ark v. 4 (8): p. 258; Aug 15, 1977.
Language: English
126 NAL Call. No.: QL696.G27R6 1990
Rare pheasants of the world a study of birds in captivity., 2nd ed..
Roles, D. Grenville
Alton, Hants, England : Nimrod Press,; 1990.
106 p., [2] leaves of plates : ill. (some col.) ; 31 cm. Revised edition.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pheasants
127 NAL Call. No.: 100 C76S no.446
Registry of poultry genetic stocks a directory of specialized lines and
strains, mutations, breeds and varieties of chickens, Japanese quail and
turkeys in North America, England, France, Spain and the Netherlands., [New
ed., enl.].
Somes, Ralph G.
Storrs : Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Connecticut,;
iii, 76 p. ; 28 cm. (Bulletin / Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station ; 446).
Cover title.
Language: English; English
Descriptors: Poultry breeds; North America; Directories; Poultry breeds;
Europe; Directories; Poultry; North America; Breeding; Directories; Poultry;
Europe; Breeding; Directories
128 NAL Call. No.: 296.8 B85
Reprodukcyjna ferma bazantow [Breeding farm for pheasants (Layouts)].
Swiderski, A.; Dutkiewicz, W.
Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne; June 1978.
Budownictwo rolnicze v. 30 (6): p. 18-20. ill; June 1978.
Language: FRENCH
129 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Research note: effect of breeder quail age and egg weight on chick weight.
Yannakopoulos, A.L.; Tserveni-Gousi, A.S.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1987 Sep.
Poultry science v. 66 (9): p. 1558-1560; 1987 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Age differences; Egg weight; Chicks; Hatching
130 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Research note: open-field behavior of Japanese quail chicks genetically
selected for low or high plasma corticosterone response to immobilization
Jones, R.B.; Satterlee, D.G.; Ryder, F.H.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1992 Aug.
Poultry science v. 71 (8): p. 1403-1407; 1992 Aug. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Selection criteria; Strain differences; Blood
plasma; Corticosterone; Stress; Immobilization; Fearfulness
Abstract: Open-field behavior was examined in Japanese quail chicks
genetically selected for either reduced (LS, low stress) or exaggerated (HS,
high stress) plasma corticosterone response to immobilization stress. Chicks of
the LS line showed less freezing and ambulated sooner than did their HS
counterparts. These findings suggest that exposure to an open-field or novel
environment elicited less fear in LS than in HS chicks. They also support the
suggestion that fearfulness and adrenocortical activation are positively
associated and indicate that selection for differential adrenocortical
responsiveness exerted concomitant effects on fear-related behavior.
131 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Responses to cold stress in two species of Australian quail, Coturnix
pectoralis and Coturnix chinensis.
Roberts, J.T.R.; Baudinette, R.V.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1988.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology : A : Comparative physiology v. 91 (3):
p. 543-548; 1988. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Coturnix; Cold stress; Body temperature; Oxygen consumption;
Electromyography; Heat production
132 NAL Call. No.: SF461.T76 1992
Seed-eating birds their care and breeding : finches and allied species-doves,
quail, and hemipodes.
Trollope, Jeffrey; Trollope, Jeffrey
London : Blandford ; New York, NY ; Distributed in the U.S. by Sterling Pub.
Co.,; 1992.
336 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm. Rev. ed. of: The care and breeding of seedeating
birds. 1983. Includes bibliographical references (p. 329-333) and indexes.
Language: English
Descriptors: Cage birds; Cage birds
133 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Selection of Japanese quail for contrasting blood corticosterone response to
Satterlee, D.G.; Johnson, W.A.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1988 Jan.
Poultry science v. 67 (1): p. 25-32; 1988 Jan. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Selection; Corticosterone; Stress;
Immobilization; Blood serum
134 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 Am33P
Short-latency stressor effects on tonic immobility fear reactions of Japanese
quail divergently selected for adrenocortical responsiveness to
Satterlee, D.G.; Jones, R.B.; Ryder, F.H.
Champaign, IL : Poultry Science Association, 1921-; 1993 Jun.
Poultry science v. 72 (6): p. 1132-1136; 1993 Jun. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Fearfulness; Blood plasma; Corticosterone;
Stress response; Line differences; Selection criteria
Abstract: Despite evidence for a positive association between adrenocortical
activation and fearfulness, the effects of chronic (12 to 20 h) exposure to
stressful stimulation on the fear reactions of Japanese quail genetically
selected for high (HS) or low (LS) plasma corticosterone response to
immobilization stress are not straightforward. The present study examined tonic
immobility fear responses in quail of both lines that, immediately prior to
testing, either had been allowed to remain undisturbed or had been exposed to
an acute stressor similar to that used in the selection program (i.e., a short-
latency stressor; 5 min of immobilization). Tonic immobility responses were
generally more pronounced in quail of the HS line than the LS line, and they
were exaggerated in both lines after exposure to stress treatment. The findings
provide further support for the suggestion that selection for
exaggerated or reduced adrenocortical responsiveness may have been accompanied
by a concomitant and unconscious effect on underlying fearfulness.
135 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 P95
Singing parrots (Care, feeding).
Chernushin, P.
Moskva, Ministerstvo sel'skogo khoziatstva SSSR; Sept 1979.
Ptitsevodstvo (9): p. 55. ill; Sept 1979.
136 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Social dominance and (egg) productivity in caged female Japanese quail.
Benoff, F.H.; Rice, D.H.
Champaign, Ill., Poultry Science Association; Feb 1980.
Poultry science v. 59 (2): p. 424-427. ill; Feb 1980. 19 ref.
Language: ENGLISH
137 NAL Call. No.: 107.6 K114B
Some associations of liver esterase (Es-2) phenotype with economical traits in
the Japanese quail (Breeding)
Maeda, Y.; Hashigughi, T.
Kagoshima, Kagoshima Daigaku, Nogaku-bu; Mar 1978.
Gakujutsu hokoku BulletinKagoshima Daigaku. Nogaku-bu (28): p. 59-65. ill; Mar
1978. 21 ref.
138 NAL Call. No.: 410 J827
Species differences in hematological values of captive cranes, geese, raptors,
and quail.
Gee, G.F.; Carpenter, J.W.; Hensler, G.L.
Washington, D.C., Wildlife Society; Apr 1981.
The Journal of wildlife management v. 45 (2): p. 463-483; Apr 1981.
Bibliography p. 481-483.
139 NAL Call. No.: SF995.W4
Spirochetosis on a California pheasant ranch: a case report.
Small, P.J.
Davis : University of California; 1984.
Proceedings - Western Poultry Disease Conference (33rd): p. 31-32; 1984.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: California; Pheasants; Spirochaetaceae
140 NAL Call. No.: 41.9 B753
Stanzdrowotny bazanta Lownego /Phasianus colchicus L./ lowieckiego osrodka
hodowlanego "L" w woj. Bydgoskim [Health state of game pheasant /Phasianus
colchicus L/ at the game breeding centre "L" in Bydgoszcz voivodeship.].
Jethon, W.; Mazurkiewicz, M.
Wroclaw, Wydawn. Akademii; 1981.
Zeszyty naukowe. Weterynaria - Akademia Rolnicza we Wroclawiu (127): p. 71-76;
1981. 23 ref.
Descriptors: Poland
141 NAL Call. No.: QL868.D6
Steroidogenic properties of isolated adrenocortical cells from Japanese quail
selected for high serum corticosterone response to immobilization.
Carisa, R.V.; Weber, H.; Satterlee, D.G.
Auburn, Ala. : Dept. of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Veterinary
Medicine, Auburn Univ; 1988 Jul.
Domestic animal endocrinology v. 5 (3): p. 231-240; 1988 Jul. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Corticosterone; Corticotrophin;
Radioimmunoassay; Cells; Stress response
142 NAL Call. No.: QP1.C6
Temperature regulation in adult quail (Colinus virginianus) during acute
thermal stress.
Spiers, D.E.; CBPAB; Adams, T.; Ringer, R.K.
Oxford : Pergamon Press; 1983.
Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A: Comparative physiology v. 74 (2):
p. 369-373. ill; 1983. 1 p. ref.
Language: English
143 NAL Call. No.: 20.5 R59 SER. B
Teoretyczny model prowadzenia stada zachowawczego przepiorek japonskich
[Theoretical model for breeding of Japanese quail flock for conservation of
gene pool].
Kraszewski-Domanska, B.
Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawn. Naukowe; 1984.
Roczniki nauk rolniczych. Seria B. Zootechniczna v. 102 (3): p. 121-127; 1984.
Includes 10 references.
Language: Polish
Descriptors: Breeding; Japanese quails; Flocks; Genes
144 NAL Call. No.: 444.8 G28
Termination of LH secretion in Japanese quail due to high- and low-temperature
cycles and short daily photoperiods.
Tsuyoshi, H.; Wada, M.
Orlando, Fla. : Academic Press; 1992 Mar.
General and comparative endocrinology v. 85 (3): p. 424-429; 1992 Mar.
Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Lh; Hormone secretion; Blood plasma; Cloaca;
Breeding season; Molting; Photoperiod; Light; Dark; Environmental temperature
Abstract: Mature male Japanese quail were transferred from 16L:8D (19
degrees) to one of the following combinations of daily light-dark and
temperature cycles, 8L:16D (12 hr, 19 degrees:12 hr, 9 degrees), 12L:12D (12
hr, 19 degrees: 12 hr, 9 degrees) and 12L: 12D (16 hr, 19 degrees:8 hr, 9
degrees). The low temperature is for the middle of the dark period in each
treatment. In the control groups, birds wore transferred to the same
photoperiodic conditions as the experimental groups, but without changes in
ambient temperature. Blood samples were collected every other day for 30 days
and circulating levels of plasma LH were estimated by radioimmunoassay. Both
the change in conditions from 16L:8D to 8L: 16D with the temperature lowered
for 12 hr and that from 16L:8D to 12L: 12D with temperatures lowered in one
case for 12 hr and in the other for 8 hr caused a lowering in plasma LH levels
in all the birds to reproductively quiescent levels. The cloacal protrusion of
all these birds regressed completely. In control groups, however, most if not
all the birds remained in active breeding states although the levels of
circulating LH decreased to basal breeding levels of 1-2 ng/ml. The results
indicated that in addition to a change from long to short days an alternation
of high and low temperatures was sufficient supplementary information in
causing termination of LH secretion and inducing regression of the gonads and
the accessory sex organs in this species.
145 NAL Call. No.: SF5.W6 1983
Thermal acclimation of egg productivity and liver fuction of domestic fowls and
Japanese quail.
Yamada, M.; Ueno, T.
Tokyo, Japan : Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science; 1983.
New strategies for improving animal production for human welfare : proceedings
/ the Fifth World Conference on Animal Production, August 14-19, 1983. v. 2 p.
799-800; 1983. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japan; Chickens; Japanese quails; Heat stress; Acclimatization;
Egg production; Liver function
146 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
Thyroid and adrenal response to heat stress in chickens and quail differing in
heat tolerance.
Bowen, S.J.; Washburn, K.W.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1985 Jan.
Poultry science v. 64 (1): p. 149-154; 1985 Jan. Literature review. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Chickens; Quails; Heat stress; Heat tolerance; Thyroid function;
Adrenal cortex
147 NAL Call. No.: QL750.A6
Time-activity budget of ostriches (Struthio camelus) offered concentrate feed
and maintained in outdoor pens.
Degen, A.A.; Kam, M.; Rosenstrauch, A.
Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers, B.V.; 1989 Apr.
Applied animal behaviour science v. 22 (3/4): p. 347-358; 1989 Apr. Includes
Language: English
Descriptors: Ostriches; Struthio camelus; Pens; Time and motion studies;
Animal behavior; Concentrates; Feed intake; Water intake
148 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 B77
Traits influencing the hatching performace of Japanese quail eggs.
Narahari, D.; Abdul Mujeer, K.; Thangavel, A.; Ramamurthy, N.; Viswanathan, S.;
Mohan, B.; Muruganandan, B.; Sundararasu, V.
Oxfordshire : Carfax Publishing Company; 1988 Mar.
British poultry science v. 29 (1): p. 101-112; 1988 Mar. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Japanese quails; Egg hatchability; Hatching; Poultry housing; Body
weight; Age; Sex ratio; Egg weight; Egg shells; Incubation; Storage; Lighting
149 NAL Call. No.: 49.9 C33
Ucinky aplikace bakterii Streptococcus faecium M-74 do krmnych pri umelem
odchovu bazantu [Effects of application of Streptococcus faecium M-74
bacteria to feed mixtures in the artificial rearing of pheasants].
Par, O.; Kumprecht, I.; Parova, J.; Forejtek, P.
Praha : Ustav; 1985 Apr.
Zivocisna vyroba - Ceskoslovenska akademie zemedelska, Ustav
vedeckotechnickych informaci pro zemedelstvi v. 30 (4): p. 367-375; 1985 Apr.
Includes references.
Language: Czech
Descriptors: Streptococcus faecium; Feed formulation; Feed supplements;
Pheasants; Animal husbandry
150 NAL Call. No.: 47.8 AM33P
The utilization of brewers' dried grains in the diets of Chinese Ringneck
pheasant-breeder hens.
Pfaff, W.K.; Moreng, R.E.; Kienholz, E.W.
Champaign, Ill. : Poultry Science Association; 1990 Sep.
Poultry science v. 69 (9): p. 1491-1495; 1990 Sep. Includes references.
Language: English
Descriptors: Pheasants; Hen feeding; Brewers' grains; Feed intake; Egg
production; Egg fertility; Egg hatchability; Reproductive performance
151 NAL Call. No.: DISS F1992180
Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Kondition von menschenaufgezogenen und
wildlebenden Fasanen (Phasianus colchicus, L.) [Comparative investigation on
the condition of pen-reared and wild pheasants (Phasianus colchicus, L.)].
Schulze, Johann Erik
Hannover : [s.n.],; 1992.
91 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. Summary in English. Includes bibliographical
references (p. 84-91).
Language: German
152 NAL Call. No.: SF473.P3R63
The welfare of pet parrots.
Roe, Dilys
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Potters Bar, Herts [England] : Universities Federation for Animal Welfare,;
32 p. : ill., map 21 cm. Cover title.
Language: English
Descriptors: Parrots; Birds, Ornamental
153 NAL Call. No.: 49.9 C33
Zjisteni vhodne urovne davkovani vitaminu A pri komorovem chovu bazanta
obecneho [Determination of a suitable level of vitamin A dosage in pheasant
rearing in pens].
Laitova, L.
Praha, Ceskoslovenska akademie zemedelska, Ustav vedeckotechnickych informaci;
Dec 1979.
Zivocisna vyroba v. 24 (12): p. 933-941. ill; Dec 1979. 19 ref.
154 NAL Call. No.: 64.8 H66
Zmiennosc wartosci zywieniowej materialow hodowlanych zyta na podstawie testow
biologicznych na piskletach przepiorki japonskiej [Variability in nutritional
value of rye breeding materials on the basis of biological tests on Japanese
quail chicks].
Rakowska, M.; Szkilladz, W.
Warszawa, Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesne; 1978.
Hodowla roslin aklimatyzacja i nasiennictwo. Plant breeding, acclimatization
and seed production v. 22 (2/3): p. 203-216. ill; 1978. Bibliography p.
(Neville William), 7
Abdul Mujeer, K. 148
Adams, A.W. 98
Adams, T. 142
Ahlawat, S.P.S. 14
Akimoto, R. 5
Al Falluji, M.M. 110
Al Sheikhly, S. 110
Al-Bana, A. 110
Alonso Martinez, J.L. 49
Amin-Babjee, S.M. 20
Andrade, Fernando F. M. 29
Arad, Z. 34
Arzey, G.G. 113
Baker, D.H. 41
Bastien, R.W. 97
Bates, D.P. 84
Baudinette, R.V. 131
Baxter, William L. 83
Behnke, Hans 64, 65
Benefield, K.J. 109
Benoff, F.H. 136
Best, T.L. 57
Bickford, A.A. 90
Bitgood, J.J. 84
Blackwell, Chris, 79
Bohari, Y. 20
Bowen, S.J. 146
Bramwell, R.K. 36
Braun, Clait E. 92
Brenner, F.J. 38
British Field Sports Society. 119
British Small Animal Veterinary Association 89
Broadway, R. 12
Brunton, R.B. 93
Bucher, E.H. 25
Buerger, T.T. 81
Cain, J. R. 78
Cardillo, F. 115
Carisa, R.V. 141
Carpenter, J.W. 138
Cavalchini, G.L. 69
Cayley, Neville W. 7
Chernushin, P. 135
Chidananda, B.L. 26, 27
Cho, B.R. 90
Chute, M.B. 21
Clubb, S.L. 31
Cook, M.E. 84
Cooper, D.M. 76
Darda, D.M. 41
Davidson, W.R. 99
De la Cruz, L.F. 30
Degen, A.A. 147
DeYoung, C.A. 52
Dixon, R.J. 113
Docherty, D.E. 74
Doster, G.L. 99
Dren, C.N. 86
Dutkiewicz, W. 128
Edens, F.W. 88
Ellis, M. 19
EMMEL, M W 111
Evans, S. M. 101
Ewins, A. 40
Fidler, Mike 101
Flammer, K. 31
Flinders, J.T. 36
Follett, B.K. 108
Forejtek, P. 149
Fort, Michel 45
Fox, G.A. 32
Funk, E. M. 59
Galvin, M.J. 66
Gebhardt-Henrich, S.G. 43
Gee, G.F. 138
Gildersleeve, R.P. 44, 66
Glavits, R. 86
Goldsmith, A.R. 108
Grasman, K.A. 42
Gutierrez Galindo, J.F. 49
Gwazdauskas, F.C. 1
Hamilton, James C. 59
Hanson, L.E. 84
Harakal, D.S. 50
Hashiguchi, T. 13
Hashigughi, T. 137
Hayashi, K. 13
Hayes, Leland B. 10
Hensler, G.L. 138
Hitchcock, R.R. 100
Howman, K. C. R. 107
Huff, W.E. 21, 22
Hughes, B.L. 37
Illera, M. 30
Immelmann, Klaus 7
Ino, T. 67
Itsaki-Glucklich, S. 34
Jackson, J. 6
Jarvis, W.T. 9
Jayaprasad, I.A. 71
Jensen, James M. 68
Jethon, W. 140
Johnson, James Harvey 68
Johnson, W.A. 133
Johnston, N.P. 36
Jones, J.E. 37
Jones, R.B. 130, 134
Jordan, Rick, 102
Jouglar, Jean Yves, 2
Jovanovic, V. 112
Jurani, M. 33
Kaetzel, D.M. Jr 35
Kam, M. 147
Kawamoto, Y. 67
Kawashima, M. Shioya, M. 114
Keith, J.O. 39
Kelleher, C.J. Jr 53
Kellogg, F.E. 99
Kempster, Harry Laverne, 59
Kendall, R.J. 116
Khera, S.S. 94
Kienholz, E.W. 150
Kiss, A. 33
Kohler, D. 82
Kondo, M. 114
Kraszewska-Domanska, B. 4
Kraszewski-Domanska, B. 143
Kumprecht, I. 149
Kvaltinova, Z. 33
Kvetnansky, R. 33
Lacasa millan, M.I. 49
Laitova, L. 95, 153
Larson, J.A. 123, 124
Lee, C.C. 20
Lee, T.K. 75
Legeard, Francis Robert, 48
Lisano, M.E. 81
Lloyd, David E. B. 119
Lokanath, G.R. 26, 27
Long, R.I.R. 74
Low, Rosemary 63, 103
Maeda, Y. 137, 13
Maguire, C.C. 24
Marks, H.L. 43, 85
Marshall, Rob 62
Martin, L.R. 9
Mataix, F.J. 30
Mayeda, B. 90
Mazurkiewicz, M. 140
McArthur, M.L.B. 32
McAtee, W. L. 104
McKnight, W.F. 122
McNabb, F.M.A. 1
McRee, D.I. 44, 66
Middendorf, S.M. 50
Mirarchi, R.E. 51, 81, 100
Mitchell, C.A. 39
Mohan, B. 148
Monetti, P. 56
Monetti, P.G. 55
Moreng, R.E. 150
Morrow, M.E. 50
Muruganandan, B. 148
Mutafov, L. 47, 23
Muzquiz Moracho, J.L. 49
Nagarajan, S. 71
Narahari, D. 71, 148
Nesbeth, W.G. 58
Nicholls, P.J. 113
Nunes, V. A. 70
Osterhoff, D.R. 96
Pani, P.K. 106
Par, O. 149
Parkhurst, C.R. 44
Parova, J. 149
Peakall, D.B. 32
Pfaff, W.K. 150
Philogene, B.J.R. 32
Ping, J. 86
Poonacha, K.B. 8
Porter, W. 77
Prathapkumar, K.S. 26, 27
Price, C. J. 89
Prus, S.E. 31
Quarles, Emmet Augustus, 3
Rakowska, M. 154
Ramamurthy, N. 148
Ramappa, B.S. 26, 27
Rathore, B.S. 94
Ratz, F. 86
Reeder, M. 38
Resseguie, W.D. 37
RIAVB 69, 115
Rice, D.H. 136
Ringer, R.K. 142
Robel, R.J.+ Dayton, A.D. 50
Roberts, E.D. 72
Roberts, J.T.R. 131
Roe, Dilys 152
Roles, D. Grenville 126
Rosenstrauch, A. 147
Ruff, M.D. 21, 22
Ryder, F.H. 130, 134
Saghy, E. 86
Sammut, John 62
Sanchez Franco, A. 49
Sasaki, M. 114
Sato, K. 67
Sato, S. 114
Satterlee, D.G. 72, 130, 133, 134, 141
Scanlon, P.F. 42, 51, 116
Schafer, E.W. Jr 93
Schricke, E. 54, 118
Schulze, Johann Erik 151
Sheikh-Omar, A.R. 20
Sheppy, A.J. 125
Shim, K.F. 75
Silva, Tony 120
Silver, R. 108
Singh, B.P. 14
Skinner, Martin 117
Slaugh, B.T. 36
Small, P.J. 139
Smartt, R.A. 57
Smith, Jack 60
Smith, Sid 60
Snodgrass, T.J. 50
Soares, J.H. Jr 35
Somes, Ralph G. 73, 127
Somogyiova, E. 33
Southern Regional 4-H Wildlife Literature Committee. 121
Spiers, D.E. 142
Sreenivasaiah, P.V. 26
Sreenwasaiah, P.V. 27
Srivastava, H.P. 14
Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station 73
Sugg, D. 44
Sullivan, J.P. 42
Sundararasu, V. 148
Sunde, M.L. 84
Swarbrick, O. 105
Sweeney, Roger G. 87
Swiderski, A. 128
Szkilladz, W. 154
Tan, E.L. 75
Tantawi, H.H. 110
Tarasenko, B. 112
Terrill, J. 77
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Texas Agricultural Extension Service 78
Thangavel, A. 148
Thaxton, J.P. 66
Thyagarajan, D. 71
Tome, M.E. 1
Tomlinson, Roy E. 91
Tregubov, A. 18
Trollope, Jeffrey 132, 132
Tserveni-Gousi, A.S. 129
Tsuyoshi, H. 5, 144
Ueno, T. 145
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare 152
Verga, M. 69
Viswanathan, S. 148
Vitte-Bouzin, Marie-Francois, 46
Vriends, Matthew M., 28
Wada, M. 5, 144
Waechtler, D.G. 52
Warner, R.E. 41
Washburn, K.W. 146
Weber, H. 141
Weiner, Stanley T. 68
Wentworth, B.C. 84
West, G.B. 90
West, J.R. 11
Wichrowski, B. 4
Wilhelmson, M. 17
Wilhelmson, Martin 16
Wilkins, G.C. 22
Willemart, J.P. 118
Williams, B.A. 24
Wilson, H.R. 58
Wilson, Kevin 61
Wise, D.R. 40
Wolfe, Carl W. 83
World Veterinary Poultry Association 54
Wormeli, B. C. 78
Yamada, M. 145
Yannakopoulos, A.L. 129
Zemlianskii, E. 15
Zimmer, Saskia, 80
Acclimatization 145
Adaptability 38
Adrenal cortex 146
Adrenals 1
Adverse effects 113
Aflatoxins 21, 22
Age 148
Age at first egg 71
Age differences 71, 129
Animal behavior 147
Animal breeding 30, 97, 98
Animal experiments 31
Animal feeding 97, 98
Animal husbandry 76, 77, 124, 149
Animal production 122
Animal welfare 36
Assortative mating 4
Australia 7
Autumn 5
Aviary birds 19, 20, 31
Aviculture 63, 96, 123
Avipoxvirus 74
Bibliographies 123, 124
Bibliography 92, 92
Biology 76
Bird banding 91
Birds 10, 63, 81, 83, 91
Birds of prey 119
Birds' nests 52
Birds, Ornamental 152
Birds, Protection of 119
Blood 72
Blood plasma 5, 130, 134, 144
Blood serum 133
Body temperature 34, 131
Body weight 1, 21, 22, 27, 71, 85, 148
Bones 72
Brain 34
Brazil 25
Breed differences 13
Breeding 4, 29, 45, 102, 127, 127, 143
Breeding methods 44
Breeding season 5, 144
Brewers' grains 150
Brids 7
Cage birds 89, 132, 132
Cage rearing 12, 27, 44
Cages 26
Calcium 35
California 9, 90, 139
Canaries 19
Catecholamines 33
Cells 141
Chickens 13, 45, 145, 146
Chicks 129
Chlamydia psittaci 31
Cholecalciferol 35
Chukar partridges 59
Cloaca 5, 144
Cold stress 24, 38, 131
Colinus Virginianus 12, 22, 24, 123, 124
Concentrates 147
Conservation 121
Conures 28
Corticosterone 30, 72, 130, 133, 134, 141
Corticotrophin 141
Coturnix 1, 131
Coturnix coturnix 30, 66, 88
Counters 52
Dark 144
Ddt 39
Deep litter housing 27
Deep litter poultry housing 26
Dehydration 34
Development 30
Diet 31
Directories 73, 127, 127, 127, 127
Disease control 76
Disease prevention 98
Diseases 10, 10
Domesticated birds 19
Dosage effects 113
Doxycycline 31
Drug therapy 31
Ecology 57
Egg fertility 150
Egg hatchability 26, 42, 43, 44, 148, 150
Egg production 26, 44, 71, 145, 150
Egg quality 71
Egg shell thickness 71
Egg shells 148
Egg weight 71, 129, 148
Egghatchability 113
Eggs 102, 102, 122
Electromyography 131
Electronics 52
Emus 68
Energy intake 38
Environment 85
Environmental temperature 5, 34, 144
Epidemiology 20
Estrildidae 101
Europe 127, 127
Experiments 31
Farm management 96
Fearfulness 130, 134
Feather production 96
Feathering rate 36
Feathers 96
Feed conversion 21, 22, 36
Feed conversion efficiency 27
Feed formulation 149
Feed intake 147, 150
Feed supplements 149
Feeding 31
Feeding habits 57
Femur 72
Fertility 44
Finches 29, 74
Flocks 4, 143
Food preferences 6
Foods 121
France 45, 45, 45
Furazolidone 113
Galliformes 45
Game and game-birds 10
Game bird culture 10
Game birds 6, 52, 57
Game birds 121
Game farming 6
Game management 123
Generations 44
Genes 4, 143
Genetic gain 85
Genetic variation 67
Geographical races 38
Gouldian finch 62
Grass finches 7, 101
Growth rate 36
Habitats 6, 121
Hatcheries 45
Hatching 148
Hatching weight 129
Heat production 131
Heat stress 34, 145, 146
Heat tolerance 146
Hematology 66
Hemorrhage 66
Hen feeding 150
Heritability 67, 85
History 121
Hormone secretion 5, 144
Hunting 6
Hypothalamic regulation 33
Hypothalamus 33
Idaho 74
Immobilization 130, 133
Improvement 96
Incubation 97, 98, 102, 122, 148
India 94
Ingestion 81
Intermittent light 36
Investment promotion 109
Iraq 110
Isolation 74
Italy 56
Japan 13, 67, 114, 145
Japanese 77
Japanese quail 78
Japanese quails 4, 5, 13, 22, 26, 27, 33, 34, 35, 42, 43, 44, 67, 71, 72, 76,
85, 113, 129, 130, 133, 134, 141, 143, 144, 145, 148
Kidneys 21, 22
Laboratory animals 76, 77
Laboratory methods 76
Laying performance 42, 43, 113
Lead 81
Least squares 26
Lesions 21, 22
Lh 5, 144
Light 144
Light intensity 5
Lighting 84, 148
Line differences 134
Liver 21, 22
Liver function 145
Louisiana 122
Macaws 87
Maladjustment 88
Male fertility 43
Males 43
Mating frequency 42
Mating systems 42, 43
Metabolism 30
Metabolites 35, 39
Mexico 52
Mississippi 12
Molting 144
Mortality 21, 22, 27, 44
Mourning dove 91
Mourning dove shooting 91
Muscles 13
Natural light 5
Nebraska 83, 83
New Mexico 57
North America 127, 127
Nuclei 33
Ochratoxins 21, 22
ORAL 111
Organophosphorus compounds 24
Osmotic pressure 1
Ostriches 68, 96, 97, 109, 123, 124, 147
Ovulatory surge 35
Oxygen consumption 131
Parental behavior in animals 63
Parrots 60, 61, 63, 102, 102, 102, 103, 117, 120, 152
Partridges 22, 64, 65, 123, 124
Pasteurella multocida 53
Peafowl 104
Pedigree 4
Pennsylvania 38
Pens 122, 147
Pesticides 24
Phasianus colchicus 21, 22
Pheasant culture 3, 107
Pheasant egg production 105
Pheasant shooting 3
Pheasants 36, 45, 53, 64, 65, 84, 105, 107, 122, 123, 124, 126, 139, 149, 150
Photoperiod 5, 36, 144
Pigeons 20
Poland 140
Population decrease 38
Population density 52
Population forecasts 52
Porosity 72
Poultry 45, 127, 127
Poultry breeds 73, 127, 127
Poultry diseases 12, 105
Poultry housing 71, 148
Poultry products 109
Poultry rearing 105
Protein degradation 13
Protein synthesis 13
Psittaciformes 31
Psittacosis 31
Quails 38, 57, 59, 77, 123, 124, 146
Radioimmunoassay 141
Reproduction 84
Reproductive performance 42, 84, 150
Reproductive traits 26
Respiration rate 34
Rheidae 68
Ring-necked pheasants 83
Sampling 52
Seasonal fluctuations 5
Selection 67, 133
Selection criteria 130, 134
Selection differential 85
Selection responses 85
Sex ratio 84, 148
Songs 52
Sounds 52
South Africa 96
South east asia 20
Southeastern states of U.S.A. 6
Spain 49
Spirochaetaceae 139
Spring 5
Stocking density 71
Storage 148
Strain differences 130
Strains 13
Streptococcus faecium 149
Streptopelia 39
Stress 33, 85, 88, 130, 133
Stress management 72
Stress response 66, 72, 134, 141
Struthio camelus 98, 147
Summer 5
Survival 67
T-2 toxin 21, 22
Temperature 34
Temperatures 67
Texas 52
Thyroid function 146
Time and motion studies 147
Toxicity 21, 22, 39
Trichomonas gallinae 20
Tropics 75
United States 3
Upland game bird culture 10
Upland game bird management 83, 91
Upland game bird shooting 92
Upland game birds 92
USA 99
Vaccines 53
Varieties 19
Water deprivation 34
Water intake 147
Water stress 1
Waxbills 101
West (U.S.) 91, 91, 91, 91, 91
Wildlife 57, 121
Wildlife management 38, 52
Yugoslavia 112
Zebra finch 79
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