* Animal Health in Australia
* Authorware Teaching Tool in Veterinary Epidemiology
* Center for Computational Epidemiology (Tuskegee University)
* Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (Oxford University)
* APHIN - Animal Productivity and Health Information Network (University of Prince Edward Island)
* EMPRES - Emergency Prevention System (UN-FAO)
* EpiVetNet
* EuroSurveillance
* Evidence Based Medicine (McMaster University)
* InterStat
* John M. Gay, DVM (Washington State University)
* Just Another Medical Geography Page
* Middle East Regional Veterinary Information System Project
* Mitretek Systems BioEvent Maps
* Netting the Evidence
* NIEHS Laboratory of Computational Biology & Risk Assessment
* Statistical Tools on the World Wide Web
* StatLib
* SurfStat
* VP 350 - Veterinary Epidemiology (University of Illinois CVM)
* WWW Epidemiology & EBM Sources for Veterinarians (WSU-CVM)
* WWW Virtual Library - Epidemiology
* WWW Virtual Library - Biostatistics
* Centre for the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease (Oxford University)
* EARSS - European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (email info.earss@rivm.nl)
* EIINET - Emerging Infections Information Network (Yale University)
* EPIZOO Veterinary Public Health and Animal Disease Control Computer Software
* Information epidemics, economics, and immunity on the internet
* Introductory Statistics Concepts, Models, and Applications by David Stockburger
* University of Strathclyde & University of Glasgow Veterinary Informatics and Epidemiology Unit
* WHO Collaborating Center for Remote Sensing & Geographic Information Systems for Public Health