Web Guide Magazine (March-April, 1998) |
Kodak PhotoChat (February, 1998) |
DVM Newsmagazine (January, 1998) |
PC World (October, 1997) |
Clínica Veterinária-Brazil (July, 1997) |
Esquire Magazine (July, 1997) |
Internic Scout Report (June, 1997) |
Tampa Tribune (May 7, 1997) |
I-Way Magazine Top 500 Web Sites |
.net Magazine's 100 Best Web Sites |
NetGuide Magazine (April, 1997) |
Clínica Veterinária-Brazil (March-April, 1997) |
Dairy Today (March, 1997) |
Boston Globe (February 3, 1997) |
Charlotte Observer Online |
NetGuide Magazine (March, 1997) |
WebNow Magazine (Winter, 1997) |
HomePC (December, 1996) |
Lab Animal Magazine (November, 1996) |
Successful Farming Magazine (November, 1996) |
KidsWorld Magazine (Fall, 1996) |
WashingtonPost.com (August, 1996) |
Virtual City Magazine (Summer, 1996) |
HomePC (August, 1996) |
Stern Online (June, 1996) |
Online Access Magazine (May, 1996) |
NetSurfer 12 Sites of Christmas, 1996 |
Yahoo Internet Life |
Trincoll Journal (Oct. 26, 1995) |
Beef Today (October, 1995) |
Net Guide Magazine (October, 1995) |
.net Magazine Site of the Month (Sept., 1995) |
Internet World Magazine (May, 1995) |
HomePC (January, 1995) |
NetSurfer Digest (June, 1994) |
CompuServe Magazine 21 Web Faves (Nov 95) |
Yahoo Japan Internet Guide Online |
PC-Novice Guide to the Web |
Internic Scout Report (June, 1994) |
The Internet TourBus |
Mosby's NetVet Veterinary Guide to the Internet |
BBC Really Useful Show (March, 1998) |
Wild Discovery Wired (Discovery Channel Jan 1998) |
WebTV Feature Site |
WebPassport Feature Site |
PBS Television Show Internet! |
Grandmaw's on the Net Video |
National Public Radio's Science Friday |
Jeff and Kitty's CyberSweep Radio Program |
KFBK CyberSplash |
KTSA CyberCity |
Walking the World Wide Web Premiere
Site |
Neal-Schuman's Internet Compendium |
O'Reilly's Whole Internet User's Guide & Catalog |
Ventana Nifty Site of the Week |
A2Z - The Most Popular Web Sites (Editor's Choice) |
What's on the Web |
Farmer's Guide to the Internet |
Rough Guide to the Internet & WWW |
Ziff-Davis's Atlas to the World Wide Web |
MIS Press Dogs on the Web |
No Starch Press Internet for Cats |
maranGraphics Internet and WWW Simplified |
Complete Idiot's Guide to the Internet |
Macmillan Press World Wide Web Top 1000 |
QUE's Using the World Wide Web |
Macmillan's Sams.net Publisher's Pick Award |
SetOff Site of the Day |
Riddler's 10K Choice |
Software Publisher's Association CyberSurfari 95 Site |
General Media's Lost Dog on the Internet |
1997 Internet Easter Egg Hunt |