15th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress 5th - 9th July, 1998, International Convention Centre, Birmingham, England
AASP - American Association of Swine Practitioners
Anti-Hog-Cholera Serum and Hog-Cholera Virus (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 30)
APHIN - Animal Productivity and Health Information Network (University of Prince Edward Island)
Atrophic Rhinitis (Purdue University)
Care of the Sow During Farrowing and Lactation (Purdue University)
Domestic Animal Health Programs (USDA APHIS)
External Parasite Control (Purdue University)
FARAD - Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank
Gene Catalog of Porcine Genes of Interest in Endocrinology and Reproduction
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point Symposium (75th Annual Meeting
of the Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases, November 12, 1995)
History of Leptospira tarassovi in New Zealand
Hog Cholera (USDA APHIS)
Housing, Husbandry, & Welfare of Swine 1/91-1/95 (AWIC QB 95-06)
Humane Methods of Livestock Slaughter (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 48)
Leptospirosis Eradication in Grower Pigs in New Zealand
Management and Nutrition of the Newly Weaned Pig (Purdue University)
Managing Sows and Gilts for Efficient Reproduction (Purdue University)
Mycobacteriosis (Tuberculosis) in Swine (Purdue University)
NOBL Laboratories, Inc.
Pigs - General (Notes)
Pigs - Models of Human Disease (Notes)
Porcine Somatotropin - pST (Iowa State University)
Pseudorabies (Aujeszky's Disease) (Purdue University)
Pseudorabies Virus (USDA APHIS)
Selection and Use of Disinfectants in Disease Prevention (Purdue University)
Streptococcus suis Disease in Pigs (Purdue University)
Swine Health Protection (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 69)
Swine Nutrition Guide (Kansas State University)
USDA APHIS NAHMS - National Animal Health Monitoring System
AgEBB - Agricultural Electronic Bulletin Board
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development Weekly Market Commentary
Animal Health & Management Economics Unit (Wageningen Agricultural University)
Animal Models in Biomedical Research: Swine 12/93 (AWIC)
Animals, Meats, and Meat and Dairy Products (US Code, Title 21, Chapter 4)
BIODIDAC - Bank of Digital Resources for Teaching Biology (University of Ottawa)
Boar's Pen
Boss Hog: North Carolina's Pork Revolution (The News & Observer)
Brandon Research Centre (Canada)
Bureau of Animal Industry (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 15)
Canadian Center for Swine Improvement
Canadian Swine Exporters Association
Controlling Rats and Mice in Swine Facilities
Dairy and Swine Research and Development Centre (University of Guelph)
Department of Animal Science (Iowa State University)
Department of Animal Science (North Carolina State University)
Dr. Temple Grandin (Livestock Behaviour, Facility Design and Humane Slaughter)
Edinburgh Lean Growth Experiment in Pigs
Feral Pigs (AGRICOLA citations)
Food Safety Consortium
Forage Information System
Hogs and Pigs (USDA-NASS)
Hogs Today
Journal of Animal Science
Kansas Swine Growers Association
Livestock Breeds in Australia
Livestock, Dairy & Poultry (Cornell University)
Meat Inspection (US Code, Title 21, Chapter 12)
Minnesota Pork Producers Association
National Pig Information Database (USDA-Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service)
North Carolina State University Extension Swine Husbandry
Ontario Agricultural Training Institute
Ontario Pork
Packers and Stockyards (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 9)
Pietrain ReHal
Pork Page (Purdue University)
Pork Producer
Pork Promotion, Research, and Consumer Information (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 79)
PorkLift (Illinois Cooperative Extension Service)
Producing and Marketing Hogs Under Contract (Purdue University)
Swine Futures Project (USDA-APHIS)
Swine Health and Production Journal
Swine (Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club)
Swine Information (Virginia Cooperative Extension)
Swine Management Program (Iowa Western Community College)
Swine Online
Swine Production Networks in Minnesota: Resources for Decision Making
Transportation, Sale, and Handling of Certain Animals (US Code, Title 7, Chapter 54)
USDA Economics and Statistics System (Cornell Mann Library) - General
USDA Economics and Statistics System (Cornell Mann Library) - Hogs
USDA Meat Animal Research Center
XPLOR - Missouri Extension Publications Library
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Ken Boschert, DVM
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