
Past Picks

Past Picks of the Litter - 1995

December 25-31

US Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine

The US Food and Drug Administration Center for Veterinary Medicine has produced a model website for government distribution of information on its role in the veterinary profession. Current press releases, FAQ's, phonebooks, organizational charts, links to other government and veterinary sites, and drug databases. Very informative and worth your visit.

December 18-24

Richard Ford, DVM - TV's PetVet

Perhaps not so well known for an Internet website, but very popular with NBC television news affiliate stations, North Carolina State University's Dr. Richard Ford aka the PetVet, provides information and tips for pet owners every week.

December 11-17

Department of Veterinary Pathology (AFIP)

The Department of Veterinary Pathology at AFIP, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, has done a remarkable job of amassing megabytes of veterinary pathology information and images. This site also serves as the home page to the C.L. Davis Foundation, Pathology of Laboratory Animals (POLA) Course, the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps, and webmaster Dr. Bruce Williams' Pathology of the Domestic Ferret pages. Set aside a few hours to surf it all!

December 4-10


The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Home Page, otherwise known as the AgriGator, has it all. Agricultural links galore, colorful graphics, and overall excellent design. Definitely worth repeated visits!

November 27-December 3

Entomology at Iowa State University and Entomology at Colorado State University

These two servers, Entomology at Iowa State University and Entomology at Colorado State University, have been the twin towers of their field on the Web for as far back as I can remember. Both webmasters John VanDyk and Lou Bjostad do such an excellent job of organizing the insect world that I have to recommend both.

November 20-26


The, is an exhaustive list of horse-related sites on the Internet, and that's an understatement! If you're looking for horse-related information on the Internet, webmaster Karen Pautz has done a superb job of organizing it for your easy perusal. She also maintains the United States Dressage Federation home page.

November 13-19

The House Rabbit Society

The House Rabbit Society, is an excellent site for finding information on all aspects of rabbits, including care and rescue information, as well as presenting articles from the House Rabbit Journal and numerous rabbit links. Paige Parsons is the webmaster who makes it all happen.

November 6-12

Erin Miller's Pet Page

Erin Miller's Pet Page, recently chosen as one of the best Chicago sites by Chicago Magazine, provides great information on what you need to know about getting a pet. Erin has worked tirelessly to get a number of animal rescue and humane organizations online. Her site should be on any pet owner's bookmark list.

October 30-November 5

The Jackson Laboratory

At the The Jackson Laboratory website, in Bar Harbor, Maine, the mouse researcher will find a little bit of everything, from the searchable mouse genome database to nomenclature rules and all the Jax services. The Informatics Group has been producing information services on the Internet for a long time and their entire package is as good as you'll find anywhere on the Net.

October 23-29

AAVMC - American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges

Brand new, but a very well constructed site for the veterinary profession is found at the American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges. AAVMC represents more than 4,000 faculty, 5,000 staff, 10,000 veterinary students, and 3,000 graduate students and is the primary coordinator of the affairs of North American Veterinary Medical Colleges, Departments of Veterinary Science, Departments of Comparative Medicine, and animal medical educational centers. If you're thinking about becoming a veterinarian, you should definitely visit here.

October 16-22

World Equine Resource List (Aberdeen University Riding Club)

There are a lot of horse sites on the World Wide Web, but few are as comprehensive as the World Equine Resource List maintained by the Aberdeen University Riding Club. Constantly updated, the list is a must stop for all equine enthusiasts. Peter Asprey, an undergraduate student in agriculture, at the University Of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK is the webmaster that makes it all happen....good show! (Site recently updated as Equiworld.Net)

October 9-15

Ferret Central

Every animal species should be covered so well as ferrets are on Ferret Central. Webmaster Pamela Greene has assembled a comprehensive set of FAQ's, photographs, organizations, and personal home pages, along with links to everything associated with these friendly critters.

October 2-8

FINS: Fish Information Service

If you're into aquariums and fish, then you will eventually wind up at the FINS Fish Information Server run by Webmaster, Mark Rosenstein, of Active Window Productions. Mark has put together links of fish images, databases, FAQ's, clubs, software, suppliers, and much more. Swim on over and check it out!

September 25-30

La bibliotheque de medecine veterinaire (Universite de Montreal)

Week in, week out, perhaps no one works harder than Jean-Paul Jette, librarian at the Veterinary Medical Library at the University of Montreal. Using both the Web and Gopher, Jean-Paul has entered the Table of Contents for a large number of veterinary journals and conference proceedings. Both English and French titles are available and the database is searchable. Worth your visit and highly recommended!

September 18-24 Primate Info-Net (Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center)

If you are looking for information on primates or the field of primatology, the Primate Info-Net site at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center (WRPRC) is the place to go. Run by WRPRC Library staff, Ray Hamel and Larry Jacobsen, Primate Info-Net has a long history of providing outreach and audiovisual services, the International Directory of Primatology, and the world's premier primate discussion list, Primate-Talk.

September 11-17

Department of Animal Science - Oklahoma State University

This week's "Pick of the Litter" honors the multiple efforts of webmaster Larry Burditt and the Department of Animal Science at Oklahoma State University. Larry has organized the web world of large animals and livestock like no other. In addition to the exemplary departmental site, he's responsible for the WWW Virtual Library on Livestock. If you're looking for information on cattle, horses, small ruminants, or pigs, you'll likely find it there.

September 4-10

rec.pets.dogs FAQ Homepage and rec.pets.cats FAQ Homepage

The first "Pick of the Litter" award goes to Cindy Tittle Moore's rec.pets.dogs FAQ Homepage and rec.pets.cats FAQ Homepage sites. Cindy has dedicated countless hours to organizing and maintaining these files on all facets of dogs, cats, and other pet-related topics for both Usenet and the WWW. Efforts like these are inspirational and truly represent the heart and soul of the Internet.

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