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The Laboratory Animal Unit, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, has compiled an English-language database of audiovisuals and other alternatives for use in the biological sciences. The compilers are Karina and Adrian Smith. The primary purpose of the database is to offer an overview of possible alternatives or supplements to the use of animals in student teaching, at all levels from schools to university. The database consists of approximately 3700 entries, (February, 1999) including computer programs, CD-ROMs, interactive videos, films and more traditional teaching aids such as slide series, 3-D models and classroom charts. There is also a section for Contact Persons who are developing and/or using audiovisuals at their institution, and for suppliers of audiovisuals. We invite users, developers and suppliers of audiovisuals to send in details for future upgrades of the database.
NORINA is available free of charge at the following web site:
For more information, contact:
Karina Smith, Consultant
Each record in the NORINA database contains the following fields:
Record number:
Type of record:
Computer Program
Behaviour & Psychology
Program name:
Sniffy the Virtual Rat
Computer type:
IBM, Macintosh
4.5, 1995 (Macintosh version); 1996 (Windows version)
IBM/Macintosh single user copy: US$47.25; Departmental Site License: US$200.00 plus
US$20.00 per CPU
Program source:
Marketing Department, Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, 511 Forest Lodge Road, Pacific
Grove, CA 93950-5098, USA Street, Cambridge, CB2 1LR, England
USA: Int-1-408-375-6414
Students can explore the principles of shaping and partial reinforcement in operant
conditioning using the virtual rat Sniffy. Starting with Sniffy pacing around its barren
virtual box, the student gradually trains the rat to press a bar above the food dispenser.
By conditioning their own rat, students receive many of the benefits of true animal
experimentation with none of the drawbacks associated with using real animals. They can
train Sniffy to perform any of the 30 behaviours including bar pressing by delivering food
when the target behaviour occurs. All actions are automatically recorded on a cumulative
record. Students learn about Magazine training: orient Sniffy to the sound of food being
delivered; Shaping: condition Sniffy to press the bar for food through successive
approximation; Reinforcement schedules: explore the consequences of the partial
reinforcement schedules; Conditioning: observe the changes in Sniffy's behaviour as
conditioning occurs; Extinction: measure the time course of extinction as reinforcement
ceases. New features: Spontaneous recovery; Animation quality of Sniffy; Error checking;
Simulation techniques; On-line help; Preference file. A Student Lab Manual accompanies the
software and walks students through the steps they must follow as they condition Sniffy.
Also comes with Instructor's Notes.
Comments and references:
IBM Windows, single user: ISBN 0-534-26702-5, departmental site license: ISBN
0-534-26703-3. Macintosh, single user: ISBN 0-534-25836-0, departmental site license: ISBN
0-534-25839-5. Call Int-1-800-354-9706 for telephone orders. Suitable for higher education
institutions in Psychology. Running time for an average student: 40 minutes. Call
Int-1-800-487-3575 for information on site licensing Sniffy (ISBN 0-534-25836-5). System
requirements for Macintosh version: Runs on all Macintosh machines or Power Mac's running
System 7 or later. Requires 1.5 MB of free RAM. System requirements for IBM version:
Requires Windows 3.1 in 386 enhanced mode; 1.5 MB free memory with Windows loaded.
Microsoft mouse. Colour Monitor VGA, hard drive with 4MB free disc space, 486 machine. A
demo of Sniffy is available for the Macintosh version (ISBN 0-534-34128-4). Order from fax
number Int-1-408-375-6414. It can also be downloaded via ftp at Special
10 % discount to educators off the single-user list price. Discounted volume prices are
available when single-user copies are shrink-wrapped with Brooks/Cole's learning,
cognition, or introductory texts. Call Int-1-800-354-0092 for more information. Email
address to Jeff Graham (co-author):
Program author:
Lester Krames (Professor in Psychology), University of Toronto, Greg Wilson (Freelance
programmer), Jeff Graham (senior tutor), University of Toronto, and Tom Alloway (Professor
in Psychology), University of Toronto
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Ken Boschert, DVM
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