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Root : NetVet Veterinary Resources : Specialties : Informatics : Computer Software : Simulations
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 * ANIMALS - Computer Simulations of Animal Behavior
 * Cine-Med
 * Digital Frog International Biology Software
 * EMBBS Pediatric ACLS Megacode Simulator
 * Engineering Animation, Inc. 3D Software
 * Genesis Neural Simulation
 * Genesis Neural Simulator
 * Interactive Patient Simulation (Marshall University)
 * Internet Virtual Reality Sites
 * JHU Computational Modeling
 * Medical Multimedia Systems Simulations
 * People for the Ethical Treatment of Software
 * Physiome Sciences, Inc.
 * Plume-Following Behavior in the Blue Crab
 * Simulation of Animal Learning Using an Inductive Memory
 * Sniffy the Virtual Rat
 * U Auckland Bioengineering
 * U Oxford Cardiology

© Ken Boschert, DVM 1994-2000.
All rights reserved.
Last edition published on Wed Jul 5 18:08:49 2000.