EXERCISE FOR DOGS January 1979 - October 1991 Janice C. Swanson, Ph.D. EXERCISE FOR DOGS CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i Regulatory Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Exercise Physiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Cardiovascular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Musculoskeletal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Biochemical/Metabolic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Respiration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Environmental Physiology and Behavior. . . . . . . . . . 12 Husbandry and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Biological Reference Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 INTRODUCTION The well-being of dogs used in research is contingent upon the development and implementation of appropriate programs that promote: disease prevention, adequate veterinary care, proper nutrition, sound husbandry, socialization and appropriate facilities (92). There are two factors affecting well-being: physiological and psychological. Physiological well-being may be defined as a state of clinical health or absence of of disease or injury. Psychological well-being, however, is problematic in definition because of the complexity of assessing the "mental state" of an animal. One working definition refers to psychological well-being as a state in which an animal is free of distress for the most part, is in good health, exhibits a substantial range of behaviors typical of the species and can deal effectively with its environment (64). Psychological well-being of dogs has been of recent concern to biological scientists, animal protection groups, the general public and regulatory agencies. The 1985 amendments to the Animal Welfare Act (Public Law 99-189) directed the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to promulgate regulations that would require registered dealers, exhibitors and research institutions to provide dogs with the opportunity to exercise. All registrants must develop an institutional plan that would satisfy regulatory requirements (1). APHIS has suggested that opportunities for exercise may be provided in a number of different ways. For example: Dogs may be group housed in cages, pens or runs that provide at least 100 per cent of the regulated space requirement for each dog. Individually housed dogs can be housed in cages, pens or runs that provide at least double the minimum regulated space required. Dogs can be given access to a run or open space. Dogs can be given positive physical contact with a human which encourages exercise (e.g. play). Treadmills, carousels, swimming or other forms of forced exercise cannot be utilized to meet regulatory criteria since the intent of Congress was to provide the dog with the "opportunity" for exercise (1). Controversy has surrounded the development of standards to satisfy Congressional intent (2,5). Although research has been conducted using dogs as a model for exercise physiology, little scientific work has been conducted to determine a dog's exercise "needs" in a physiologic and psychological sense (63,64,66,92). However, comparative studies may be beneficial in establishing physiological reference values of physical fitness that can be used to further investigate physiological "need". Many factors are thought to influence the physiological and psychological well-being of the confined dog. Genotype, housing, behavior, sex, breed, age and socialization have been cited as variables (69,87,90). Of these factors housing and socialization (animal or human) have been studied to a limited degree. To date, studies have not been able to significantly demonstrate that cage size affects exercise and/or physical fitness when submaximal heart rate , muscle enzymes (O2 utilization) and plasma cortisol (stress) are measured (63,66,70,71). There is, however, evidence that well-socialized dogs are more likely to be active than those that are socially deprived (67,69,76). Socialization can be provided through conspecifics, human contact or both. Ethological studies of wild animals have revealed that when all physiological criteria are met through food abundance, shelter and there is absence of predation animals will not "exercise". The conservation of energy is of utmost importance in wild animals and unnecessary expenditure is not a viable strategy. Therefore exercise happens as a result of animals satisfying other behavioral and physiological activities (e.g. foraging for food, socializing or seeking shelter (69). Socialization in packs for the purpose of maintaining heirarchy, resource access and breeding priviledge may be considered one of the activities. How this extrapolates to the confined domestic dog has not been determined. More research into physiological and psychological factors is needed to fully determine their importance in maintaining a dog's psychological well-being in a variety of environments and how to measure those factors to determine whether needs are met (63,64,66,67). This Special Reference Brief (SRB) is designed to provide bibliographic information on exercise for dogs. The SRB has been divided into categories that are related to the subject area: Regulatory Issues, Exercise Physiology, Environmental Physiology and Behavior, Husbandry and Management and, Biological Reference Values. The information in this document was derived from a variety of information resources. All citations available from the collection of the National Agricultural Library (NAL) will provide the NAL call number. Special thanks goes to Dr. J. Derrell Clark, D.V.M., University of Georgia, School of Veterinary Medicine and to Dr. Bruce Ewald, D.V.M. of CIBA-GIEGY for their thoughtful reviews, constructive comments and additions to this document. REGULATORY ISSUES 001 9 CFR Part 3 Animal Welfare; Standards; Final Rule: Subpart A -- Dogs and Cats. Federal Register 56(32):6432-6460 (February 15, 1991). NAL call number: JK6.F4 Descriptors: regulations, housing, handling, transport, treatment, care. 002 "Doghouse or dogtrot -- How much exercise does a dog need?" Upfront 9(1) Winter 1991, The Veterinary Medical Experiment Station, College of Veterinary Medicine, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 (Newsletter). Descriptors: caging, indoor and outdoor housing, exercise, physical fitness. 003 "Caging systems for dogs under the new standards of the Animal Welfare Act." W.E.Britz. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 48-52. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: pens, runs, kennels, facility design, floor space. 004 "Regulations for canine wellbeing in Canada." H.C. Rowsell. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 11-18. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: legislation, housing, Canadian Council on Animal Care, recommendations. 005 "Regulatory requirements for exercise of dogs." D.F. Schwindaman. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 3-7. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: Animal Welfare Act, proposed regulations, housing, exercise requirements. 006 "Billion dollar price tag for new animals rules." C. Holden. Science 242 (4879):662-663 (November 4, 1988). NAL call number: 470 Sci2 Descriptors: dogs, nonhuman primates, facilities, costs, regulations, Animal Welfare Act, exercise, cages, biomedical research. EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Cardiovascular 007 "Augmentation of coronary flow improves myocardial function in exercise." [Abstract] P.A. Gwirtz, J.M. Dodd et.al. Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology 15(5):752-758 (May 1990). Descriptors: dogs, coronary blood flow (CBF), ventricular pressure, atrial pressure, prazosin, adenosine, submaximal exercise. 008 "Endurance training alters arterial baroreflex function in dogs." P.A. Gwirtz, M.A. Brandt, H.J. Mass et.al. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 22(2):200-206 (April 1990). Descriptors: arterial pressure, baroreceptor pressure, electrocardiogram, heart rate,R-R interval, nitroprusside, carotid occlusion. 009 "Does exercise training alter myocardial creatine kinase MB isoenzyme content?" T.D. Miller et.al. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 21(4):437-440 (August 1989). Descriptors: dogs, myocardial degeneration-regeneration. 010 "Daily exercise enhances coronary resistance vessel sensitivity to pharmacological activation." S.E. DiCarlo, R.W. Blair, V.S. Bishop et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 66(1):421-428 (January 1989). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: dogs, intracoronary infusion, alpha-adrenergic agonists, beta 2-adrenergic agonists, vasodilator, nonspecific potentiation, stellate ganglionectomy. 011 "Endurance training in dogs increases vascular responsiveness to analpha 1-agonist." J.M. Evans, J.N. Funk, J.B. Charles, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 65(2):625-632 (August 1988). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: baroreflex modulation, heart rate, vascular resistance, phenylephrine, treadmill, ganglionic blockade. 012 "Effects of chronic beta-adrenergic blockade on exercise training in dogs." E.E. Wolfel, J. Lindenfeld, J. Smoal, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 64(5):1960-1967 (May 1988). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: propranolol, treadmill, heart rate, blood volume, arterial lactates. 013 "Hemodynamics and left ventricular function: A comparison between adult racing greyhounds and greyhounds completely untrained from birth." L.A. Pape, J.M. Price, S. Alpert, et.al. Basic Research in Cardiology 81(4)417-424 (July-August 1986). Descriptors: left ventricular function, cardiomegaly, systemic vascular resistance, cardiac index, stroke volume. 014 "Dynamic exercise training in foxhounds. I. Oxygen consumption and hemodynamic responses." T.I. Musch, G.C. Haidet, G.A. Ordway, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 59(1):183-189 (July 1985). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: maximal exercise, submaximal exercise, treadmill, cardiac output, lactate, VO2max. 015 "Cardiac output and muscle blood flow in exercising dogs." R. Pendergast, J.A. Krasney, A. Ellis, et.al. Respiratory Physiology 61(3):317-326 (September 1985). NAL call number: QP121.A1R4 Descriptors: average blood flow, treadmill, oxygen uptake, cardiac output, muscle blood flow. 016 "Proximal coronary vasomotor reactivity after exercise training in dogs." A.A. Bove and J.D. Dewey. Circulation 71(3):620-625 (March 1985). Descriptors: treadmill, submaximal exercise, endurance, alpha-adrenergic stimulation, serotonin. 017 "Effects of exercise training on coronary transport capacity." M.H. Laughlin. Journal of Applied Physiology 58(2):468-476 (February 1985). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: dogs, sedentary, exercise-trained, coronary blood flow, permeability surface area, labelling, muscles, vasodilation. 018 "Maximum coronary blood flow and minimum coronary resistance in exercise-trained dogs." I.Y. Liang, M. Hamra and H.L. Stone. Journal of Applied Physiology 56(3):641-647 (March 1984). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: microspheres, adenosine, myocardial flow. 019 "Coronary vascular response to adrenergic stimulation in exercise-conditioned dogs." P.A. Gwirtz and H.L. Stone. Journal of Applied Physiology 57(2):315-320 (August 1984). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: treadmill, resting, submaximal exercise, alpha-receptor stimulation, neural control, potentiation. 020 "Blood volume, heart rate, and left ventricular ejection fraction changes in dogs before and after exercise during endurance training." I.C. Mackintosh, I.C. Dormel, A.L. Van Gelder et.al. American Journal of Veterinary Research 44(10):1960-1962 (October 1983). NAL call number: 41.8 AM3A Descriptors: radionuclide angiography, interrelationships, cardiovascular system. 021 "Exercise in electrocardiographic interpretation." D.G. Allen and R.S. Downey. The Canadian Veterinary Journal 24(6):199 (June 1983). NAL call number: 41.8 R3224 Descriptors: tracing analysis, diagnostics, interpretation, clinical studies. 022 "Effect of exercise conditioning on coronary resistance." I.Y. Liang and H.L. Stone. Journal of Applied Physiology 53(3):631-636 (September 1982). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: treadmill, diastolic coronary resistance, aortic pressure, left coronary circumflex flow, adrenergic blockade. 023 "Heart rate adaptation to exercise training in cardiac denervated dog." G.A. Ordway, J.B. Charles, D.C. Randall, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 52:1586-1590 (1982). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: intrapericardial denervation, chronoic exercise, bradycardia, treadmill. 024 "Effects of intensive exercise training on myocardial performance and coronary blood flow." R.J. Barnard, H.W. Duncan, K.M. Baldwin, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 49(3):444-449 (September 1980). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: treadmill, gastrocnemius malate dehydrogenase, cardiac output, stroke volume, tension-time index, pressure time-index. 025 "Changes in diastolic coronary resistance during submaximal exercise in conditioned dogs." I.Y. Liang and H.L. Stone. Journal of Applied Physiology 54(4):1057-1062 (April 1983). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: left circumflex coronary flow, aortic pressure, heart rate, adrenergic blockade, myocardial oxygen consumption. 026 "Coronary flow, myocardial oxygen consumption, and exercise training in dogs." H.L. Stone. Journal of Applied Physiology 49:759-768 (1980). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: coronary blood flow, atrial pacing, occlusion, reactive hyperemia. 027 "Cardiovascular responses to local hindlimb hypoxemia: Relation to the exercise reflex." J. Longhurst and R. Zelis. American Journal of Physiology 237(3):359-H365 (September 1979). NAL call number: 447.8 AM3 Descriptors: chemoreceptors, hypercapnia, acidosis, pressure reflex, tachycardia reflex. 028 "Myocardial blood flow and hemodynamic responses to exercise training in dogs." A.A. Bove, P.B. Hultgren, T.F. Ritzer, et. al. Journal of Applied Physiology 46:571-578 (1979). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: hypertrophy, hemodynamics, bloodflow, treadmill. 029 "Effects of exercise training on coronary reactive hyperemia and blood flow in the dog." M.H. Laughlin, J.N. Diana and C.M. Tipton. Journal of Applied Physiology 45:604-610 (1978). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: coronary occlusion, blood flow, vascular resistance, weight ratios, hypertrophy. 030 Venous Pressure Changes: Their Measurement and Significance in Exercising Dogs [Doctoral dissertation] by Andrew Algis Schoenberg, University of Utah, 1972. University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI; 1972. NAL call number: DISS 72-7, 724 Descriptors: vascular reactivity, physiology. 031 "A submaximal test for dogs: Evaluation of effects of training, detraining, and cage confinement." C.M. Tipton, R.A. Carey, W.C. Eastin, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 37:271-275 (1974). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: coronary blood flow, blood pressure, atropine. Musculoskeletal 032 "Effects of exercise on blood flow to canine articular tissues." P.A. Simkin, A. Huang and R.S. Benedict. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 8(2):297-303 (March 1990). Descriptors: articular blood flow, microsphere technique, treadmill, justa-articular bone. 033 "Moderate running exercise augments glycosaminoglycans and thickness of articular cartilage in the knee joint of young Beagle dogs." I. Kiviranta, M. Tammi, J. Jurvelin, et.al. Journal of Orthopedic Research 6(2):188-195 (1988). Descriptors: histology, microspectrophotometry, stifle joint, GAGs, chondroitin sulfates, calcification. 034 "Training effects on regional blood flow response to maximal exercise in foxhounds." T.I. Musch, G.C. Haidet, G.A. Ordway, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 62(4):1724-1732 (April 1987). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: treadmill, blood flow, muscles, dynamic exercise training. 035 "Dynamic exercise training in foxhounds: II. Analysis of skeletal muscle." D. Parson, T.I. Musch, R.L. Moore, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 59(1):190-197 (July 1985). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: gastrocnemius, triceps, semitendinosus, treadmill, biochemical analysis, histochemical analysis. 036 "Muscle cell electrical hyperpolarization and reduced hyperkalemia in physically conditioned dogs." J.P. Knochel, J.D. Blachley, J.H. Johnson, et.al. Journal of Clinical Investigation 75(2):740-745 (February 1985). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: treadmill, potassium, skeletal muscle, biochemical analysis, somatostatin. 037 "Hypothalamic rectal and muscle temperatures in exercising dogs effect of cooling." B. Kruk, H. Kaciuba-Uscilko, K. Nazar, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 58(5):1444-1448 (1985). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: endurance, body temperature, hyperthermia, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood lactic acid, plasma osmolality. 038 "Morphometric analyses on the muscles of exercise trained and untrained dogs." C.M. Cabri and N.T. James. American Journal of Anatomy 166(3):359-368 (March 1983). NAL call number: 447.8 AM32 Descriptors: endurance, treadmill, muscle biopsy, stereology, heterochromatin, euchromatin. 039 "Effects of exercise on the histochemical changes of articular chondrocytes in adult dogs." S.A. Kincaid and D.C. Van Sickle. American Journal of Veterinary Research 43(7):1218-1226 (1982). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: enzymes, humeral head, lactic acid dehydrogenase, succinic acid, nicotinamide dinucleotide dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphatases, lipid synthesis. 040 "Influence of physical activity on ligament insertions in the knees of dogs." G.S. Laros, C.M. Tipton and R.R. Cooper. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 53A:275-286 (1971). Descriptors: articulation, joint. 041 "Physical fitness in the confined dog: Criteria and monitoring of muscular performance." J.T. Yoder, B.W. Kingrey and L.R. Dragestedt. American Journal of Veterinary Research 25:727-738 (1964). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: laboratory, treadmill, blood lactate, pulse rate, alkaline reserve, hemoglobin, muscle fibers. Biochemical/Metabolic 042 "Effects of exercise programs on serum biochemical stress indicators in purpose-bred Beagle dogs." S. Campbell. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 77-82. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: cage housing, serum chemistry, cortisol, lymphocyte transformation. 043 "Effect of exercise conditioning on red blood cell volume and erythropoietin concentration in the beagle dog." H.U. Magerlein, S.A. Heffner and M.R. Fedde. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 30(3):231-234 (1990). Descriptors: hematology, treadmill, endurance training, blood cell index. 044 "Physiological and blood biochemical responses to submaximal treadmill exercise in Canaan dogs before, during and after training." J.C. Sneddon, P.P. Minnaar, J.F. W. Grosskopf, et.al. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association 60(2):87-91 (June 1989). NAL call number: 41.8S08 Descriptors: indices of fitness, heart rate, rectal temperature, plasma creatine kinase, plasma lactate, hemoglobin. 045 "Hematologic, biochemical, blood-gas, and acid-base values in Greyhounds before and after exercise." J.E. Ilkiw, P.E. Davis and D.B. Church. American Journal of Veterinary Research 50(4):583-586 (April 1989). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: heart rate, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, blood cell counts, sodium, chloride, aspartate transaminase, creatine kinase, urea. 046 "Changes in hematology and plasma biochemistry during maximal exercise in Greyhounds." D.H. Snow, R.C. Harris and E. Stuttard. Veterinary Record 123(19):487-489 (1988). NAL call number: 41.8 V641 Descriptors: red blood cell counts, hemoglobin, hematocrit, plasma protein, creatinine, blood lactate, plasma glucose, ammonia, glycerol, uric acid. 047 "Factor VIII complex in canine plasma after submaximal treadmill exercise." M.A. Turrentine, A.W. Hahn and G.S. Johnson. American Journal of Veterinary Research 47(1):39-42 (January 1986). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: coagulation Factor VIII, von Willibrand factor, coagglutinin cofactor activity, plasma concentrations. 048 "Intermuscular variation in enzyme response to training in dogs." R.B. Armstrong and M.H. Laughlin. Federation Proceedings 44:1371 (1985). NAL call number: 442.9 F31P Descriptors: succinate dehydrogenase, gastrocnemius, triceps brachii, gluteal, gracilis, flexor digitorum superficialis. 049 "Hemodynamic effects of minus 6 degrees tilt on exercise-trained vs cage-confined dogs." W.G. Squires, T.D. Branddon, D. Rotto, et.al. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 17(2):282 (1985). Descriptors: hematology, confinement. 050 "Important role of glucagon during exercise in diabetic dogs." D.H. Wasserman, H.L. A. Lickley and M. Vranic. Journal of Applied Physiology 59(4):1272-1281 (1985). NAL call number 447.8 J825 Descriptors: glucose kinetics, insulin, counter-regulatory hormones, epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, lactate, immunoreactive glucagon (IRG). 051 "Strenuous exercise may cause health hazards for racing Greyhounds." G. Bjotvedt, C.W. Weems and K. Foley. Veterinary Medicine and Small Animal Clinician 79(12):1481-1487 (December 1984). NAL call number: 41.8 M69 Descriptors: temperature, ear canal, rectal, blood samples, morphology, lactic acid, blood cell count, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, biochemical changes. 052 "Chylomicron triglyceride metabolism in resting and exercising fed dogs." R.L. Terjung, L. Budoltoski, K. Nazar, et.al. Journal of Applied Physiology 52(4):815-820 (April 1982). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: fatty acids, working muscle, triglyceride uptake. 053 "Effects of heatstroke, dehydration and exercise on blood enzyme levels in the dog." A. Magazanik, Y. Epstein, Y. Shapiro and E. Sohar. In: Contributions to Thermal Physiology: A Satellite Symposium of the 28th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Peces, Hungary, 1980 Z. Szelenyi and M. Szekely (eds.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981, pp. 549-552. NAL call number: QP1.I522 1980 Descriptors: treadmill, creatine phosphokinase, 1,6 diphosphate-aldolase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase. 054 "The physiological response of Siberian Husky dogs to exercise: Effect of interval training." A.E. Ready and G. Morgan. Canadian Veterinary Journal 25(2):86-91 (1984). NAL call number: 41.8 R3224 Descriptors: hematology, hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood cell counts, lactate, creatine, phosphokinase, glutamic pyruvic transaminase, heart rate. 055 "Metabolic and temperature responses to physical exercise in thyroidectomized dogs." H. Kaciuba-Uscilko, Z. Brzezinska and A. Kobryn. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology 40(4):219-226 (1979). Descriptors: exertion, fatty acids, norepinephrine, thyroid hormones. 056 "The effect of prolonged restriction of physical activity on exercise performance in dogs." E. Pohoska. Acta Physiologica Polonica 30(3):337-350 (1979). NAL call number: 444.8 AC8 Descriptors: temperature, rectal, blood samples, glucose, lactate, free fatty acid, adrenaline, noradrenaline, muscle glycogen, muscle biopsy. 057 "The effect of restriction of physical activity on adaptation to prolonged exercise in dogs." E. Pohoska. Acta Physiologica Polonica 27(2):199-202 (1976). NAL call number: 444.8 AC8 Descriptors: temperature, blood enzymes, muscle biology. 058 "Lactate metabolism in resting and exercising dogs." B. Issekutz, Jr., W.A.S. Shaw and A.C. Issekutz. Journal of Applied Physiology 40(3):312-319 (1976). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: turnover, oxidation, gluconeogenesis, utilization. Respiration 059 "Ventilatory responses during electrically induced muscular work in anesthetized dogs after both deafferentation and cross circulation of hindlimbs." A.C. Da Silva, et.al. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 15(2-3):153-159 (July 1982). Descriptors: neural afferent component, hyperpnea, humoral effects, respiratory minute volume, frequency, tidal volume, oxygen consumption, tachypneic response. 060 "Control of ventilation during graded exercise in the dog." P.C. Szylyk, B.W. McDonald, R. Pendergast, et.al. Respiratory Physiology 46(3):345-365 (December 1981). NAL call number: QP121.A1R4 Descriptors: VE response, treadmill, VT response, frequency. 061 "Respiratory and circulating adjustments in evaporative heat loss of dogs at rest and exercise." K. Pleschka, K. Rockenfeller, C. Schaefer, et.al. In: Contributions to Thermal Physiology: A Satellite Symposium of the 28th International Congress of Physiological Sciences, Peces, Hungary, 1980. Z. Szelenyi and M. Szekely (eds.), Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981, pp. 545-547. NAL call number: QP1.I522 1980 Descriptors: lingual blood flow, respiratory rate, thermoregulation, treadmill, blood pressure, interplueral pressure, electromagnetic flowmetry. 062 "Oxygen consumption and ventilation of dogs during passive and active exercise." A.K. Russo, J. Tarasantchi and M.A. Griggio. Journal of Applied Physiology 42(6):923-927 (1977). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: energy metabolism, ventilation, respiratory parameters. ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR 063 "Influence of type of enclosure on exercise fitness of dogs." J.D. Clark, J.P. Calpin and R.B. Armstrong. American Journal of Veterinary Research 52(7):1024-1028 (July 1991). NAL call number: 41.3 AmA3 Descriptors: environment, treadmill, heart rate, enzyme activities. 064 "Pyschologic Well-Being: Conceptual issues, behavioral measures, and implications for dogs." Suzanne Hetts. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice 21(2):369-387 (March 1991). Descriptors: Animal Welfare Act, regulations, history, physical and psychic well-being, measures, indicators, abnormal behavior, normal behavior, preference testing, caging, socialization. 065 "Environmental variables and animal care." E.L. Besch. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 53-57. NAL call number: Ql7337.C22C36 Descriptors: temperature, humidity, ventilation, contaminants. 066 "Research studies in exercise and behavior of dogs." J.D. Clark. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 61-65. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: confinement systems, housing, experimental design, EKG, muscle enzyme, behavior. 067 "Effects of primary enclosure size and human contact." H.C. Hughes and S. Campbell. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp.66-75. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: housing, movement, distance, time, handling. 068 "Socialization and management of purpose-bred dogs." T. Carroll, D.A. Valerio and G. Pucak. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 33-37. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: whelping, neonatal care, social behavior program. 069 "Canine behavior." M.W. Fox. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp. 21-31. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: ethology, socialization, exercise, housing, environment, psychological well-being. 070 "The effects of cage size and pair housing on exercise of Beagle dogs." H.C. Hughes, S. Campbell and C. Kenney. Laboratory Animal Science 39(4):302-305 (1989). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: distance , activity patterns, movement, socialization. 071 "Some effects of limited exercise on purpose-bred Beagles." S.A. Campbell, H.C. Hughes, H.E. Griffin, et.al. American Journal of Veterinary Research 49 (8):1298-1301 (August 1988). NAL call number 41.8 Am3A. Descriptors: dogs, exercise, stress, lymphocyte transformation, cortisol, animal welfare. 072 "Activity and behavior of farmed raccoon dogs." H. Korhonen. Scientifur 12 (1):27-37 (1988). NAL call number: SF402 S3 Descriptors: circadian activity, behavioral patterns, rhythms, eating, elimination, aggression, environmental conditions. 073 "Effects of cage size on growth, feed intake, fur quality and activity pattern of farmed raccoon dogs." H. Korhonen and M. Harri. Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde 31 (2):49-54 (1988). NAL call number: 410 Z36 Descriptors: breeds, cage size, cage rearing, growth rate, food intake, fur quality, animal behavior. 074 "Effects of indoor and outdoor maintenance of dogs upon food intake, body weight, and different blood parameters." G. Kuhn and W. Hardegg. Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde 31(5):205-214 (1988). NAL call number: 410 Z36 Descriptors: environment, red blood cell counts, packed cell volume, hemoglobin, plasma enzymes, substrates, minerals. 075 "Physiologic basis and consequences of distress in animals." J.E. Breazile. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 191:1212-1215 (1987). NAL call number: 41.8 AM3 Descriptors: stress, eustress, feeding behavior, reproduction, ACTH, glucocorticoids, sympathetic nervous system, reponses. 076 Laboratory Animal Husbandry: Ethology, Welfare and Experimental Variables M.W. Fox. State University of New York Press, Albany, NY; 1986, pp. 11-15. NAL call number: SF406 F69 Descriptors: confinement effects, physical activity, stereotypies, cage size. 077 "Motor activity of mongrel dogs under three different housing conditions." H. Sigg and I. Tobler. Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde 28(4):157-165 (1986). NAL call number: 410 Z36 Descriptors: dogs, animal housing, movements, dark, light, kinetic energy. 078 "A socializing program for laboratory-raised canines." S.L. Vanderlip, J.E. Vanderlip and S. Myles. Lab Animal 14:33-36 (1985). NAL call number: QL55.A1L33 Descriptors: behavior, temperament testing, selection and breeding. 079 "The effects of differential rearing on exploratory behavior in puppies." J.C. Wright. Applied Animal Ethology 10(1-2):27-34 (1983). NAL call number: QL750.A6 Descriptors: hand-rearing, litter-rearing, stimulus, exploratory behavior, locomotor activity, novel objects, reactivity. 080 "Ecological behavior of free-ranging urban pet dogs." H.D. Rubin and A.M. Beck. Applied Animal Ethology 8(1-2):161-168 (1982). NAL call number: QL750.A6 Descriptors: activity patterns, range, social interaction, roaming. 081 "Influence of living area space on agonistic interaction in Telomian dogs." T.F. Pettijohn, K.L. Davis and J.P. Scott. Behavorial Neurological Biology 28(3):343-349 (1980). Descriptors: aggression, crowding, dominance, eating, spatial behavior. 082 "Concurrent exercise of dogs using carousel type treadmill." R.K. Martin and J.P. Albright. Journal of Applied Physiology 46(4):1205-1206 (1979). NAL call number: 447.8 J825 Descriptors: treadmill development, banked track, construction, design, speed, maintenance, diagram. 083 "Effect of cage size on patterns of activity and health of Beagle dogs." M. Hite, H.M. Hanson, N.R. Bohidar, et.al. Laboratory Animal Science 27:60-64 (1977). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: weight gain, activity patterns, standing, lying, sitting, sleeping, electrocardiograph, examinations, ophthalmic, hematologic, biochemical measurements. 084 "Cage activity in the laboratory Beagle: A preliminary study to evaluate a method of comparing cage size to physical activity." J. Neamand, W.T. Sweeney, A.A. Creamer, et.al. Laboratory Animal Science 25:180-183 (1975). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: physical activity, specific activity measurements, body weight, blood chemical and urine values. 085 "An evaluation of the effects of various degrees of long term confinement on adult Beagle dogs." W.M. Newton. Laboratory Animal Science 22:860-64 (1972). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: calcium-47 kinetic analysis, myofibrillar enzymes. 086 "Effect of person and environment on heart rates in two strains of pointer dogs." K.J. Thomas, O.D. Murphee and J.E. Newton. Conditional Reflex 7(2):74-81 (April/June 1972). Descriptors: petting, human presence, bradycardia, genetics. 087 "Effects of rearing conditions on the behavior of laboratory animals." M.W. Fox. In: Defining the Laboratory Animal National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC; 1971, pp. 294-312. NAL call number: SF406 I52 Descriptors: selective breeding, genotype, handling, socialization, temperament, isolation, exercise. 088 "Behavioral effects of rearing dogs with cats during the critical period of socialization." M.W. Fox. Behaviour 35(3-4):273-280 (1969). NAL call number: 410 B393 Descriptors: intra-species socialization, intra-species identification, avoidance, recognition, bonding. 089 "Neurochemical and behavioral effects of isolation rearing in dogs." H.C. Agrawal, M.W. Fox and W.A. Himwich. Life Sciences 6:71-78 (1967). NAL call number: 442.8 262 Descriptors: social interaction, environment, electrophysiology, electroencephalography, chemical analysis. 090 "Environmental factors influencing stereotyped and allelomimetic behavior in animals." M.W. Fox. Laboratory Animal Care 15:363-370 (1965). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: review, normal behavior, abnormal behavior, social stimulation, crowding. 091 "An evaluation of an outdoor kennel for dogs." A.C. Anderson and M. Goldman. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 137:129-135 (1960). NAL call number: 41.8 AM3 Descriptors: housing, economics, design, welfare. HUSBANDRY AND MANAGEMENT 092 "Policy, program and people: The three P's to wellbeing." T.L. Wolfle. In: Canine Research Environment J.A. Mench and L. Krulisch (eds.), Proceedings from a conference held by the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare, June 22, 1989. SCAW, Bethesda, MD; January 1990, pp.41-47. NAL call number: QL737.C22C36 Descriptors: psychological well-being, exercise, socialization, management, performance vs. engineering standards. 093 Laboratory Animal Husbandry: Ethology, Welfare and Experimental Variables M.W. Fox, State University of New York Press, Albany, NY; 1986. NAL call number: SF406 F69 Descriptors: behavior, care, management, wellbeing. 094 Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD; NIH Publication No. 86-23, 1985, pp. 11-31. NAL call number: SF406 N32 1985 Descriptors: guidelines, policy, husbandry, facilities, laboratory management. 095 Comfortable Quarters for Laboratory Animals Animal Welfare Institute: Washington, DC; 1979, pp. 52-57. NAL call number: SF91.A5 Descriptors: housing, facilities, site visits, requirements, indoor, outdoor. 096 Dogs: Standards and Guidelines for the Breeding Care and Management of Laboratory Animals ILAR (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources) Subcommittee on Dog and Cat Standards, Committee on Standards, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC; 1973, 48 pp. NAL call number: SF407 D6N38 Descriptors: selection, conditioning, procurement, facilities, husbandry, restraint, euthanasia, disposal. 097 The Beagle as an Experimental Dog Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA; 1970, pp. 10-15. NAL call number: QL737 C22A5 Descriptors: caging, housing, indoors, outdoors, husbandry. 098 "Housing for research dogs." N.R. Brewer. Federation Proceedings 20:917-918 (1961). NAL call number: 442.9 F31P Descriptors: pens, cages, space, confinement, survey. 099 The Dog in Medical Research K.S. Grimson. Public Health Service, Washington, DC. PHS Publication No. 312. 1961. Descriptors: husbandry, management, health. BIOLOGICAL REFERENCE VALUES 100 "Age dependency of haematological values and concentrations of serum biochemical constituents in normal Beagles from 1 to 14 years of age." S. Fukuda, N. Kawashima, H. Lida, et.al. Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science 51(3):636-641 (1989). NAL call number: 41.8 J27 Descriptors: red blood cell count, hemoglobins, hematocrits, corpuscular volume, proteins, glucose, urea, enzymes. 101 "Gastric emptying of a radionuclide-labeled test meal in healthy dogs: A new mathematical analysis and reference values." W.E. van den Brom and R.P. Happe. American Journal of Veterinary Research 47(10):2170-2174 (1986). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: mathematical analysis, 99mTC-sulur colloid, 99mTC-diethyenetriaminepentaacetic acid. 102 "Electroneurographic examination of the ulnar and radial nerves in the dog: Reference values, biological variation and reproducibility." J.J. van Nes and W.E. van den Brom. Research in Veterinary Science 40(2):189-196 (1986). NAL call number: 41.8 R312 Descriptors: electrophysiology, velocity, amplitude, peaks, nerve action potentials. 103 "Baroreceptor reflex cardiovascular control in mongrel dogs and racing Greyhounds." R.H. Cox, R.J. Bagshaw, D.K. Detweiler, et.al. American Journal of Physiology 249(3):H655-662 (1985). NAL call number: 447.8 AM3 Descriptors: hemodynamic variables, vagal afferents, hypertension, regional blood flow. 104 "Variance estimates and individuality ratios of 25 serum constituents in Beagles." N. Liessing, R. Rizzo, H. Sargent, et.al. Clinical Chemistry 31(1):83-86 (1985). NAL call number: 396.8 C61 Descriptors: pretreatment values, reference intervals, experimental design, analytical methods, variance. 105 "Normal values of coagulation of canine blood." A.C. Zondag, A.M. Kolb, et.al. Hemostasis 15:318 (1985). NAL call number: SF601 V523 Descriptors: thrombokinetics, screening techniques, plasma, clotting factors. 106 "Normal values of canine M-mode echocardiogram." C.W. Lombard. American Journal of Veterinary Research 45:2015 (1984). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: measurements, correlations, body weight. 107 "Echocardiographic indices in the normal dog." J. Boon, W.E. Wingfield and C.W. Miller. Veterinary Radiology 24(5):214-221 (1983). NAL call number: 41.9 AM37 Descriptors: m-mode echocardiography, amplitude, dimensions, aortic and atrial measurements. 108 "Basal levels of plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine in the dog." P.A. Bridle, K.B. Brosnihan et.al. Hypertension 5:V128 (1983). Descriptors: conscious and unconscious dogs, catecholamine, hemodynamic variables. 109 "Sensory nerve conduction velocity of cutaneous afferents of the radial, ulnar, neroneal, and tibial nerves of the dog: Reference values." R.W. Redding, J.T. Ingram and S.B. Colter. American Journal of Veterinary Research 43(3):517-521 (1982). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: mean conduction velocities, sensory action potentials, average evoked response technique. 110 "Normal biochemical values of canine blood." P. Schoning and A.C. Strafuss. Canine Practice 9(6):16-18 (1982). NAL call number: SF991.A1C3 Descriptors: hematology, biochemical profiles, normal reference values. 111 "Hematology reference values for dogs of Beagle stock." J. Berger. Zeitschrift fur Versuchstierkunde 23(5):278-283 (1981). NAL call number: 410 Z36 Descriptors: hematology, red blood cell counts, leukocyte counts, blood profiles. 112 "Hematology of the normal dog and cat." H.W. Tvedten. Veterinary Clinics of North America 11(2):209-217 (1981). NAL call number: SF601.V523 Descriptors: hematology, blood profiles, review. 113 "The normal electrocardiogram of the conscious Beagle dog." A. Eckenfels and G. Trieb. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 47(3):567-584 (1979). NAL call number: RA1190.S627 Descriptors: methods, aging, sex, heart rate, body weight. 114 "Canine hematology and biochemistry reference values." J.H. Lumsden, K. Mullen, et.al. Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine 43:125 (1979). Descriptors: hemodynamics, calcium, magnesium, standards. 115 "Normal laboratory values in Beagle dogs of twelve to eighteen months of age." J.E. Jordan. American Journal of Veterinary Research 38:509 (1977). NAL call number: 41.8 Am3A Descriptors: spinal fluid variables, urinalysis, creatine phosphokinase, urine 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, urine vanillymandelic. 116 "Serum chemistry values of normal dogs (Beagles): Association with age, sex and family line." L.V. Kaspar and W.P. Norris. Laboratory Animal Science 27:980 (1977). NAL call number: 410.9 P94 Descriptors: serum component analysis, age, sex and familial effects. 117 The Beagle as an Experimental Dog A.C. Anderson and L.S. Good (eds.), Bailliere, Tindall & Cassell, London, (1970). NAL call number: QL737 C22A5 Descriptors: husbandry, management, experimental variables, reference values. AUTHOR INDEX Agrawal, H.C. 89 Albright, J.P. 82 Allen, D.G. 21 Alpert, S. 13 Anderson, A.C. 91,117 Animal Welfare Institute 95 Baldwin, K.M. 24 Bagshaw, R.J. 103 Barnard, R.J. 24 Beck, A.M 80 Benedict, R.S. 32 Berger, J. 111 Besch, E.L. 65 Bishop, V.S. 10 Bjotvedt, G. 51 Blachley, J.D. 36 Blair, R.W. 10 Bohidar, N.R. 83 Boon, J. 107 Bove, A.A. 16,28 Branddon, T.D. 49 Brandt, M.A. 8 Breazile, J.E. 75 Brewer, N.R. 98 Bridle, P.A. 108 Britz, W.E. 3 Brosnihan, K.B. 108 Brzezinskq, Z. 55 Budoltoski, L. 52 Cabri, C.M. 38 Calpin, J.P. 63 Campbell, S. 42,67,70 Campbell, S.A. 71 Carey, R.A. 31 Carroll, T. 68 Charles, J.B. 11,23 Church, D.B. 45 Clark, J.D. 63,66 Colter, S.B. 109 Cooper, R.R. 40 Cox, R.H. 103 Creamer, A.A. 84 Da Silva, A.C. 59 Davis, K.L. 81 Davis, P.E. 45 Detweiler, D.K. 103 Dewey, J.D. 16 Diana, J.N. 29 DiCarlo, S.E. 10 Dodd, J.M. 7 Dormel, I.C. 20 Downey, R.S. 21 Dragestedt, L.R. 41 Duncan, H.W. 24 Eastin, W.C. 31 Eckenfels, A. 113 Ellis, A. 15 Epstein, Y. 53 Evan, Y.M. 11 Fedde, M.R. 43 Foley, K 51 Fox, M.W. 69,76,87,88,89,90,93 Fukuda, S. 100 Funk, J.N. 11 Goldman, M. 91 Good, L.S. 117 Griffin, H.E. 71 Griggio, M.A. 62 Grimson, K.S. 99 Grosskopf, J.F.W. 44 Gwirtz, P.A. 7,8,19 Hahn, A.W. 47 Haidet, G.C. 14,34 Hamra, M. 18 Hanson, H.M. 83 Happe, R.P. 101 Hardegg, W. 74 Harri, M. 73 Harris, R.C. 46 Heffner, S.A. 43 Hetts, S. 64 Himwich, W.A. 89 Hire, M. 83 Holden, C. 6 Huang, A. 32 Hughes, H.C. 67,70,71 Hultgren, P.B. 28 Ilkiw, J.E.45 Ingram, J.T. 109 Iowa State Univ. 97 Issekutz, A.C. 58 Issekutz Jr., B. 58 James, N.T. 38 Johnson, G.S. 47 Johnson, J.H. 36 Jordan, J.E. 115 Jurvelin, J. 33 Kaciuba-Uscilko, H. 37,55 Kasper, L.V. 116 Kawashima, N. 100 Kenney, C. 70 Kingrey, B.W. 41 Kincaid, S.A. 39 Kiviranta, I. 33 Knochel, J.P. 36 Kobryn, A. 55 Kolb, A.M. 105 Korhonen, H. 72,73 Krasney, J.A. 15 Kruk, B. 37 Kuhn, G. 74 Laros, G.S. 40 Laughlin, M.H. 17,29,48 Liang, I.Y. 18,22,25 Lickley, H.L.A. 50 Lida, H. 100 Liessing, N. 104 Lindenfeld, J. 12 Longhurst, J. 27 Lumsden, J.H. 114 Mackintosh, I.C. 20 Magazanik, A. 53 Magerlein, H.U. 43 Martin, R.K, 82 Mass, H.J. 8 McDonald, B.W. 60 Miller, C.W. 107 Miller, T.D. 9 Minnaar, P.P. 44 Moore, R.L. 35 Morgan, G. 54 Mullen, K. 114 Murphee, O.D. 86 Musch, T.I. 14,34,35 Myles, S. 78 National Academy of Science 96 Nazar, K. 37,52 Neamand, J. 84 Newton, J.E. 86 Newton, W.M. 85 Norris, W.P. 116 Ordway, G.A. 14,23,34 Pape, L.A. 13 Parson, D. 34 Pendergast, R. 16,60 Pettijohn, T.F. 81 Pleschkq, K. 61 Pohoska, E. 56,57 Price, J.M. 13 Pucak, G. 68 Randall, D.C. 23 Ready, A.E. 54 Redding, R.W. 109 Ritzer, R.F. 28 Rizzo, R. 104 Rockenfeller, K. 61 Rotto, D. 49 Rowsell, H.C. 4 Rubin, H. D. 80 Russo, A.K. 62 Sargent, H. 104 Schaefer, C. 61 Schoenberg, A.A. 30 Schoning, P. 110 Schwindaman, D.F. 5 Scott, J.P. 81 Shapiro, Y. 53 Shaw, W.A.S. 58 Sigg, H. 77 Simkin, P.A. 32 Sneddon, J.C. 44 Snow, D.H. 46 Sohar, E. 53 Squires, W.G. 49 Stone, H.L. 18,19,22,25,26 Strafuss, A.C. 110 Stuttard, E. 46 Sweeney, W.T. 84 Szylyk, P.C. 60 Tammi, M. 33 Tarasantchi, J. 62 Terjung, R.L. 52 Thomas, K.J. 86 Tipton, C.M. 29,31,40 Tobler, I. 77 Trieb, G. 113 Turrentine, M.A. 47 Tvedten, H.W. 112 U.S. Dept. Health and Human Service, Public Health 94 Valerio, D.A. 68 Vanderlip, J.E. 78 Vanderlip, S.L. 78 Van Gelder, A.L. 20 Van Sickle, D.C. 39 Van den Brom, W.E. 101,102 Vranic, M. 50 Wasserman, D. 50 Weems, C.W. 51 Wingfield, W.E. 107 Wolfel, E.E. 12 Wolfle, T.L. 92 Wright, J.C. 79 Yoder, J.T. 41 Zelis, R. 27 Zondeg, A.C. 105